Silver goof is a plant known to landscape designers, summer residents, and also as a wild olive.

This deciduous tree is a real decoration for the garden, which refreshes the look of the estate.

Silver-colored leaves retain their color until leaf fall. The winter landscape is decorated with beautiful bouquets of shrubs, dense, branched, decorative.

The silver sucker tree is not afraid of severe frosts, and growing it on the site is not difficult.

This thorny shrub with a medium spreading crown resembles a tree in appearance. The height of an adult plant reaches 4-5 m.

Every year the tree grows by 15 cm.

Its grayish branches are decorated with an openwork pattern, the leaves turn reddish in autumn. They are characterized by silvery scales and an oval shape. The leaves of the shrub, very similar to eucalyptus, keep on it until November.

In June-July loh silver color et within 20 days. yellow flowers plants round shape, with a pleasant aroma. They are placed in rosettes of three flowers in the axils of the leaves.

The plant begins to bear fruit 6-8 years after planting. The oval-shaped fruits are covered with silver scales, inside them are sweet mealy pulp. Because of the fruits, the shrub was nicknamed "silver berries".

Subspecies and varieties of silver sucker

There are approximately 45 species of this woody plant. They can be found in Europe, North America, Asia. In Russia, only one species is cultivated - goof silver. Along with it, there are other varieties of shrubs.

narrow-leaved sucker also known as Jerusalem willow.

The height of the silver sucker, which sheds foliage from itself, can be 10 m. This shrub bears fruit and bears edible fruits, is invulnerable to drought and tolerates winter frosts.

Multiflorous sucker of Chinese and Japanese origin- This is a fruit and berry shrub that rises to a height of 2 m, blooms in May, bears fruit, ripens in early autumn and is vulnerable to frost, prolonged cold.

Disembarkation and care

Planting a sucker silver

The plant is very photophilous and needs a well-lit area that is reliably protected from the wind. Best of all, silver goof grows in elevated areas near buildings.

The tree can also be planted near roads: it is invulnerable to strong dust and smoke. The silver sucker shrub is afraid of strongly acidic soils, so acidic soil on the site must be diluted with lime.

The plant is good because it is not necessary to feed it: the sucker improves the soil on which it grows!

A feature of the shrub is a fibrous root system located on the surface of the earth.

  1. Before planting a silver sucker, the territory for it must be deeply dug up, cleared of litter, stones, weeds.
  2. After digging, the soil should be leveled with a rake.
  3. Holes under the plant are dug up to 1.5 m wide and deepened by 0.5 m.
  4. At the bottom of the pits, drainage is made of crushed stone and expanded clay so that water does not stagnate, which is a threat to the roots of the sucker.
  5. It is necessary to add compost or humus to the wells.

Under such a cover, which is visible in the photo, the silver sucker bush is reliably protected from severe frosts until spring, with the beginning of which it is necessary to remove the insulation from it in time. Otherwise, deprived of air and under the influence of condensate, the silver sucker will begin to rot. The best time to shoot the film is at the end of April.

For a more aesthetic appearance of the shrub, you need to control the growth of its root shoots. The silver goof tolerates a haircut perfectly, and it helps to form a bush. If the plant is correctly placed on the site, all the rules for caring for it are followed, then for 5-6 years it begins to bear fruit.

At first, the silver sucker has few fruits - up to 4 kg, but after a couple of years you can count on a harvest of up to 30 kg of berries annually. The fruits of the plant taste unusual, reminiscent of pineapple and cherry. They are valued for their healing properties and saturation with vitamins.

Berries are suitable for freezing, drying and eating fresh. They make jam, compotes, juices.

Reproduction of sucker silver

The plant is propagated:

  1. cuttings, dividing the bush into several,
  2. root suckers,
  3. seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method of reproduction of the silver sucker is risky: usually no more than a third of the cuttings take root. Material for planting is prepared in the summer.

For this purpose, the shoots are cut into pieces about 15 cm long each, leaving 4 or more leaves on them. Apply to cuttings of cuttings crushed coal, after which the cuttings are immersed in solutions " Kornevin" or " Appinยป.

Since planting material is stored indoors during winter days, it is best to plant the cuttings in containers filled with damp sand. The temperature in the room where the cuttings take root in winter must be maintained within 3-5C.

Reproduction by layering

This method allows you to propagate the plant in early spring. At the bottom of the bark, a healthy shoot is chosen, bending down to the ground, and pinched with wire. Layers are covered with earth and watered. It is easy to care for - just water it so that the earth is not too wet and does not dry out. The new plant is separated from the mother plant in late spring.

Shrub propagation by seeds

Using this method of plant propagation, freshly harvested seeds are sown in September-October. You can plant them in the spring, if you stratify before planting. Seed stratification continues for three months at a temperature of 10C. Autumn seedlings protect from the cold, covering with humus, foliage, sawdust.

Properties of the silver sucker

plant in landscape design

Landscape designers fell in love with the silver sucker for unusual color foliage and original shape.

It is used in single plantings or planted in company with other plants. This shrub is used to form color spots in the garden.

Its foliage looks very interesting in the company of golden or red leaves. The plant often serves as a background for perennials with white, colored or silver leaves. A special effect can be obtained using sucker and coniferous plants.

Often found hedge from a silver sucker. Groves made only from its bushes look impressive.

Beneficial features

The most valuable component of the plant is fruit rich in vitamins, which ripen at the end of September. They are known for their antiviral, antibacterial and astringent properties.

  • Used as a diuretic, facilitate the flow of malaria in a patient, enhance memory.
  • The berries of the bush are helpers for the cores, they are used as a tonic and immunostimulant.
  • With radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, infusions from the leaves of the silver goat are used for treatment.
  • With fever and colds - their decoctions.
  • From the flowers of the sucker, effective antihelminthic drugs and wound healing agents are obtained.
  • They are prescribed for hypertensive patients, patients with fever, colitis, bronchitis.

Means from the berries of the silvery goof, foliage and flowers have almost no contraindications. But lactating and pregnant women should use them only as directed by a doctor.

The silver goof in the design of the garden is like a diamond in a royal crown!

Buy a small silver sucker bush in Moscow or the Moscow region and plant it on your site to make the area even more beautiful. The plant will give the garden a charming look and will be successfully combined with a variety of buildings.

The birthplace of the silver sucker is Central China, where it has long been revered as a magical, mysterious plant that gives strength and rejuvenates the body. There are several types of suckers that grow in the wild in Central Asia, in the territory between the Volga and Ural rivers, as well as in the Transcaucasus.
Loch silvery is a tree-like bush, reaching four meters. The crown of the silver sucker is very decorative due to the oblong-ovate, shiny silver leaves up to 10 cm long. The leaves are usually bright green with a silver-metallic sheen inherent only in the sucker on the reverse side.
Shoots are reddish-brown from covering brown and rusty-brown scales. Fruiting begins at 7-10 years. Small bell-shaped flowers, silvery-white outside, yellow inside, arranged 1-3 in the axils of the leaves. They are very fragrant. The fruits are spherical silvery drupes, mealy and sweetish in taste, ripen in August - September. No matter how surprising it may seem, but the silver goof is the brother of sea buckthorn. The plants are really similar both in the structure of the fruits and in the shape of the bush itself, but still they are very different. The silver sucker belongs to the sucker family, which is quite interesting and rare in our area, and therefore more attractive.

The silver sucker has not yet earned much attention in our country, however, according to many pundits, this is a matter of time, since in the current critical environmental conditions, a person needs affordable and safe vitamin products that can be obtained using the fruits, leaves, stems and even roots of this rare plant. A positive property is the fact that the plant is able to set fruits as a result of self-pollination, that is, the crop can be obtained by having garden plot just one plant.
The silver goof is very decorative during flowering, its flowers are elongated, bell-shaped with a surprisingly pleasant and unique aroma that attracts bees, an excellent honey plant, and honey from it is unusually pleasant and healthy.

sucker fruits

The fruits are bright red, covered with silvery dots, in appearance resemble dogwood or dates. Ripe fruits are easy to collect, as they are attached to the shoots with thin long stalks. Usually the shape of the fruit is cylindrical, up to 2 cm long and about 1 cm in diameter. Inside each fruit there is a stone with a furrowed surface, surrounded by dark red flesh of a very pleasant sweet and sour taste, which is especially refreshing in conditions of lack of moisture. The taste of the fruit resembles a ripe persimmon or fig. Loja fruits can be eaten fresh (as a dessert), frozen and decorated with them in winter dishes, as well as dried and used in decoctions or infusions. Many delicious processed products can be prepared from the fruits of the multi-flowered sucker (the second name of gummi), this is luxurious jam, bright compotes, sweet jelly, rich juices and strong, pleasant-tasting wines.
The fruits of sucker contain many vitamins and are not inferior in their healing value to such a well-known culture as sea buckthorn. The meticulous Japanese, having examined all parts of this plant, found out that there is several times more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the leaves than in the well-known black currant and are currently developing the production of therapeutic herbal teas for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza.
According to the Academy of Sciences, the fruits of the silver sucker are unique in that they contain seven essential amino acids for humans.

In Japan, these fruits are highly valued and are used to improve the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and their main purpose is a vitamin and mineral food supplement, especially loved by little Japanese. The plant - Loch silvery completely fits into the seasonal cycle of our year, flowering usually falls on a calm frost-free time - the beginning - the middle of June, and the first ripened fruits can be obtained already in the middle - the end of July, sometimes at the end of August, if the summer is cool and rainy.

sucker breeding

Despite the relative unpretentiousness in cultivation, it is possible to propagate this plant vegetatively with great difficulty. Standard methods, such as layering (which has proven itself so well in most crops), will not help here, layering is difficult to root, and even then only in the second year. It is also impossible to obtain good standard seedlings in this way. It is known from the literature that sucker can be propagated by green cuttings in a greenhouse, but personal experience The author of the article says otherwise. Even in a greenhouse equipped with a fogging plant, rooted cuttings ended up with no more than 10-12%. The only reliable, and extremely effective way, tested more than once in practice is the sowing of seeds. Shoots appear friendly and already in the first year the plants reach one meter in height.

Planting a sucker silver

The issue of obtaining planting material has been resolved, and now we are holding the cherished seedlings in our hands. Here comes the most important and responsible event - their landing. Since there is quite a bit of information about this culture, it is necessary to talk in more detail about the site selection technique, the planting itself and further care. So, planting - first of all, it is necessary to prepare the soil - dig it deep, level it with a rake, remove stones and weeds, the gummi root system is superficial, fibrous, and soil preparation plays a significant role in ensuring the further full growth of the plant. It is best to plant a sucker on elevated slopes with a southerly direction near a residential or country house, thereby you will save the plant from cold winter winds that can harm it.
Although this plant is unpretentious, it still requires neutral soil and does not like an excess of acid, so it is important to know the acidity of the soil in your area, and if this level is high, then you need to take care of adding lime.
Planting itself is best done in early spring or late autumn, when there is plenty of moisture in the soil. Plants are usually planted at a distance of 2-3 m in planting holes up to half a meter deep and up to one and a half meters wide. It is desirable to add a mixture of fertile soil (top layer) with compost, humus or sand into the hole, and at the bottom of the hole it would be great to arrange drainage from pebbles and stones, this is especially important on heavy clay soils, where water often stagnates and can destroy the root system. If the gardener wants to get a fully developed plant and provide himself with stable yields, then it is advisable to add up to 30 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 200-250 g of double superphosphate and up to 700 g of wood ash to the soil mixture.
When planting, the root neck of the plant should be deepened by 5-8 cm, and after planting, it is imperative to water the plant and mulch the topsoil with humus.

Loch Care

Further care of the sucker plant consists in periodic feeding with compost, wood ash and double superphosphate, as well as in loosening the near-trunk strip. In winter, it is advisable to cover the bushes with snow or brushwood in order to avoid freezing of the shoots. The plant begins to bear fruit very early and already at the age of five it can produce up to 4 kg of fruit per bush, and this figure grows every year, reaching a maximum of 30 kg per plant. The bush is durable and can bear fruit in one place for up to 25 years.
Goof silver deserves the attention of gardeners due to the amazing taste of berries, their healing properties and high crop yields.
The silver goof is unpretentious, photophilous, but puts up with partial shade. It can successfully grow on soils of various moisture and fertility. Winter-hardy, but annual shoots sometimes freeze slightly. Grows slowly. It tolerates pruning well, gives a lot of root growth, spreading far from the mother bush, on light soils - up to 8 m.
In green building, goof is a valuable material for creating contrasting spots, effective for single and group plantings. Unsuitable for hedges, as it gives a lot of root shoots.

The sucker tree is a deciduous plant that can steal any landscape, becoming the dominant of the garden and adding zest to it. It has an interesting silver color of foliage, which retains color until autumn, and in winter, without losing its attractiveness, the silver sucker involuntarily attracts the eye with the beauty of the lines. This hardy crop is able to withstand the harshest winters, it does not cause much trouble and is quite easy to grow.

The plant is more like a shrub, but in terms of its height it can rather be attributed to trees, since it reaches 4-5 meters. The sucker grows very quickly, adding 15 cm annually.

  • The branches of gray-brown color have an elaborate openwork pattern, becoming slightly reddish by autumn, which makes the sucker even more attractive and decorative.
  • The ovoid leaves are more like silver scales and eucalyptus foliage. Their color does not change until the leaf fall, until November.
  • Flowering occurs in June and lasts almost 20 days. Flowers yellow color collected in bundles of three things and are in the leaf axils. The flowers are very fragrant, have a lot of nectar, so they perfectly attract bees to the site.
  • Fruits in the form of an oval or a ball are covered with silvery scales, sweetish and mealy in taste. Ripening occurs not earlier than the end of August - the beginning of September. Only for 6-7 years you can see the fruiting of this plant.

The natural conditions in which this plant grows allow the tree to quickly enter into force and form side shoots already in the fourth year of life. Its homeland is Ukraine, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan. The silver sucker is able to form impenetrable thickets, the so-called "tugai forests", it also grows in urban conditions, perfectly cleaning the air from gas contamination.

Landing features

The main feature of the growth of doha is its love of light, so you need to choose a place for it on the site based on these requests. There will be no problems with the proximity of buildings or the road, it easily copes with dust, gas and other emissions of a modern city. For this very reason landscape designers they like to plant a loja tree in parks, city squares, boulevards and courtyards.

In a garden, it is better to choose a bright separate place for the sucker, protected from the wind, so that there are no other trees nearby that create a shadow for it, then it will become a real decoration of the plantings.

The soil required for sucker should not be highly acidified, but if the land is just like that, it must be limed. In the future, the goof is able to serve itself for soil fertility and it will not even need to be fed. It releases nitrogen, thereby providing itself with favorable conditions for growth.

The root system of the shrub has a fibrous shape and is not located deep in the ground, so when planting a shrub, it is best to prepare it in advance:

  • It requires deep digging of the soil and cleaning it from foreign objects: stones, weeds, other garbage.
  • The surface after digging should be leveled with a rake.
  • Dig a landing hole at least one and a half meters wide, and half a meter deep.
  • Drainage is done in the pit with the help of small pebbles or expanded clay, this is necessary so that the water does not stagnate in the roots.
  • Compost and humus, 200 g of superphosphate, 500 g of ash, 30 nitrogen fertilizers are added to the bottom of the planting pit.
  • The root neck during planting should be buried in the ground no more than five centimeters.
  • After planting, water the ground well and cover it with sawdust, grass clippings, or other natural material. This will retain moisture for the roots longer and prevent weeds from appearing.

That's all that is required for this beautiful shrub for a long period. Planting it should be done in early spring or late autumn, this is due to the high moisture content in the soil, and this is what is needed for a good plant survival. If you are planting several plants, then you should observe the required distance, at least three meters from each other.

Care for the silver sucker

Loch is a rather unpretentious plant, so it needs little. It is enough to water it during dry periods, and in the rainy season it has enough natural moisture. He does not need top dressing, since he is able to feed himself, but for better development, an adult tree can be given wood ash and superphosphate under the roots at least once a summer.

In severe frosts, some branches may freeze, so insulate a young tree just in case. How to do it right: after the end of fruiting, it is necessary to drive stakes around the bushes, bend the branches to the ground and fix them, cover them with straw, fallen leaves, sawdust or wrap them with foil. The only condition, with the onset of spring, is to have time to remove the film, otherwise the branches will rot.

Fruiting begins a few years after planting, quite a lot of fruits grow, they have a specific taste, somewhat reminiscent of a mixture of cherry, pineapple and apple flavors. Loja fruits are extremely useful, they contain many vitamins. Many gardeners collect them and freeze them, but you can also dry them. They are used in the manufacture of jams, compotes, juices and other culinary delights.

The shrub is propagated by the method: dividing the roots, layering, cuttings and seeds.

Useful properties of sucker

Widely used at home and folk medicine the fruits of the silver sucker. They have a lot of unique healing qualities: diuretic, expectorant, they improve memory and are able to relieve the vivid symptoms of malaria. Loja berries are used as a folk medicine for heart disease. vascular diseases as a tonic.

Infusions prepared on the basis of sucker leaves are used for gout and sciatica, treat rheumatism and arthritis. In addition, the fruits have an antihelminthic and wound-healing effect.

Loch silver is not only magnificent landscape plant able to please all year round their appearance It is also a remedy for a number of serious ailments.

What does a silver goof look like? Shrub Description

Near reservoirs in parks and forest parks, you can often find such an attractive shrub, which is noticeable from afar with its silvery leaves. IN spring time beautiful bright yellow flowers appear on it, which smell pleasant and pronounced. By the end of summer, fruits similar to dates appear on the branches of this shrub, they have a sweet and mealy, slightly astringent taste. Probably each of us has seen this plant, but few people know what it is. This culture is called the silver sucker, and it has many useful qualities. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What kind of bush goof silver beneficial features? How is it useful to a person?

The fruits of the silver sucker contain many useful elements. They are rich in tannins, they have a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. Also, these berries are an excellent source of phosphorus and potassium, they contain organic acids, nitrogenous substances and coloring elements. Loja flowers contain a lot of ascorbic acid, essential oils and tocopherol.

Traditional medicine specialists most often use the silver goof as an astringent. Also, this plant has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect. Due to these properties, this plant is used to eliminate a variety of pathological conditions of the inflammatory type, in addition, it helps to cope with helminths.

How is silver goof used? Application in traditional medicine

The silver loch root is used to isolate the extract and prepare the tincture. Such medicine excellent for achieving a calming effect, in addition, it stimulates the activity of the heart. On the basis of sucker leaves, special infusions are prepared, as well as decoctions, they help people who are faced with fever and colds, lowering body temperature and speeding up recovery. The same products are excellent for applying lotions and poultices to areas affected by rheumatism, sciatica and gout.

Even if you just eat the fruits of the silver sucker, this will already have a positive effect on the activity of your body. They will give a general strengthening effect, tone up all organs and systems, and also add strength to you. Such a tasty remedy is simply necessary for all those people who suffer from problems with the activity of the cardiovascular system or the digestive tract.

Such berries do not allow the development of sclerosis, they also have a mild diuretic effect and can be used as an expectorant. Many traditional medicine experts advise eating them for pneumonia, different types bronchitis and tonsillitis, as well as with the common cold.

A decoction of dried fruits can help with various inflammatory lesions of the stomach, as well as cope with colitis, diarrhea, both in childhood and in adulthood. Freshly squeezed juice from the berries of the silver sucker remarkably reduces arterial pressure and alleviate the course of such an unpleasant disease as malaria.

Especially useful is the tincture on the fruits of this culture, which eliminates inflammatory processes, and also copes with viral particles and bacteria.

If you want to prepare a medicine for the treatment of hypertension, you will need the color of this plant. Take one hundred grams of vegetable raw materials and brew it with one liter of high-quality wheat vodka. Prepare the tincture in a glass container, the walls of which should be dark enough. Cork such a container with a cork and cover it tightly with a lid. Infuse the remedy for one month, then consume it in twenty to twenty-five drops, dissolving them with ordinary water.

The leaves of the silver sucker can be used to prepare a decoction, which then needs to gargle with a sore throat. Flowers can also be used to create oil, water and alcohol tinctures that effectively cure various cardiac ailments. In the event that you attach a small frayed leaf of a plant to the wound, this will speed up the healing process by an order of magnitude and prevent the development of complications.

The bark of the silvery sucker can also be used as an astringent. In view of high density of this material, it is often used to create various crafts. Some people harvest it as a good fuel. In addition, the bark of the silver sucker is an excellent source of dyes, which makes it suitable for dyeing. different materials and for tanning.

The fruits of this culture can be eaten fresh, but they are sometimes ground to a state of flour and the resulting material is mixed with wheat flour designed for home baking. Fresh fruits are a good option for making compotes, kvass, syrup. Also, some lovers add to wine and marshmallows.

It is worth considering that if you are going to use any medicinal compositions based on silver loch to combat various ailments, be sure to consult a doctor. Please note that such drugs can cause individual intolerance, expressed in allergic reactions.

4 minutes to read

The silver sucker with its unusual foliage, as if covered with hoarfrost, in the middle of a hot summer creates a feeling of winter freshness in the garden. This shrub has not only an unusual exquisite beauty that impresses even in the photo. It is also valued for its beneficial properties and the most delicate honey. It is unpretentious to the conditions of detention, so if you decide to ennoble your site with a shrub, silvery goof planting and care will not take much effort and time.

Plant features

Goof silver grows in the form of a shrub or a small tree with a spreading openwork crown. The plant rarely reaches a height of 4 m. Gray-brown branches are covered with oblong leaves 3-10 cm long, which are silver in color and retain their color until November.

Unusual color of the leaves of silver sucker

Loch blooms in May, which should be appreciated by lovers of such a product as honey and apiary owners. During this period, the shrub is covered with small fragrant flowers, which are replaced by oval fruits. The plant does not lose its decorative effect even after leaf fall, which is successfully used in landscape design.

Reference. Among the advantages of sucker is its ability to grow and develop well in a dusty environment with heavy smoke. Therefore, culture can be planted near houses that stand near the roadway.

Preparing for landing

The Silver Goof is native to North America and is one of the most frost-resistant members of its species. The plant is photophilous and does not tolerate drought well, so the choice of location and planting should take into account these features of the shrub. Loch prefers sandy soil, but grows well on soils with a different composition.

Silver sucker bloom

In order for the landing to be successful, the soil for the sucker must be prepared. For this:

  1. Check soil acidity. The reaction must be neutral. If the acidity is high, lime is added.
  2. Make a deep digging of the selected place and level with a rake.
  3. The roots of the plant are superficial, so it is recommended to remove stones and weeds from the site so that they do not interfere with full growth.

Important. It is better to choose hills and slopes with a southerly direction near the buildings for landing. This will protect the plant from gusty winter winds.


Silver goof is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, root offspring and layering. Sowing seeds is carried out before winter, vegetative propagation- planting cuttings and roots - it works better in the spring.

Fruits of a silver sucker

High germination of seeds lasts no more than 2 years. It is recommended to sow them in the year of collection. Seedling care is limited to regular watering. Young plants tolerate transplanting to a permanent place well.

More simple and convenient way propagation is the planting of root offspring. For this:

  1. At the bottom of the landing pit, a drainage layer of pebbles or other stones is arranged.
  2. A fertile mixture of compost, humus and sand is laid on top.
  3. The root neck of the offspring is buried in the soil by 5-7 cm.
  4. Water the freshly planted plant and mulch the planting site with humus.

If propagation is carried out by dividing the bush, a planting hole is prepared about 0.5 m deep. Nutrients are added to the soil mixture:

  • 30 g of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • 200 g of double superphosphate;
  • 500 g wood ash.

Further care

Shrub care is extremely simple. The plant does not like drought, therefore, in the absence of precipitation, it needs moderate watering. Formative pruning is recommended.

Goof silver as a hedge

The plant is famous for its frost resistance. However, young plantings need shelter for the winter. To do this, use non-woven material, spruce branches or brushwood.


Care includes feeding mineral fertilizers. This procedure is preferably carried out in the spring. It does not hurt to periodically add wood ash, compost, double superphosphate during the loosening of the near-stem circle.

Application in landscape design

In publications about landscape design, there are often photos of a silver sucker in garden compositions. Its silvery foliage provides the perfect backdrop for vibrant color combinations.

Reference. The specialist recommends using shrubs in contrasting combinations: with plants with a red or golden crown, conifers. It can be thuja, spruce, skumpii, red-leaved maple forms.

The properties to grow strongly and give abundant root shoots are used to form a hedge. To do this, the sucker is cut "on the stump."

Beneficial features

In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of the shrub are widely used. Infusions of Loja flowers are used for colds and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In the form of tea, it is an excellent tonic.

Loch silver in landscape design
