Goji berries are rich in chemical elements, antioxidants, vitamins that give healing properties fruits.

Goji contains the following trace elements:

  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • germanium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • cobalt.

Germanium prevents the degeneration of cells into cancer cells. Therefore, goji is taken as an anti-cancer agent. Medicine has not yet confirmed the hypothesis of the effect on DNA molecules. Magnesium and thiamine confer antidepressant properties to goji berries.

The increased content of vitamin C increases the protective properties of the body, beta-carotene improves vision. B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9 are important in improving metabolism and normalizing the nervous system.

Vitamin E, contained in excess in fruits, helps to rejuvenate the body. A large amount of iron helps to increase hemoglobin.

The unique properties of the fruits give:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated acids Omega-6, Omega-3;
  • monosaccharides;
  • polysaccharides.

Linoleic acid burns fat, which allows you to use the fruit for weight loss.

Beneficial features

It is believed that taking one tablespoon of goji berries a day provides the body with all the necessary elements, boosts immunity and protects against infection by viruses and infections.

The antioxidant properties of goji are known. Due to the binding of free radicals, cells are cleansed and rejuvenated.

Eating improves blood composition, promotes the production of red and white blood cells.

When taking berries, blood pressure returns to normal, blood vessels are strengthened.

Polysaccharides normalize blood glucose levels, which helps lower cholesterol levels and normalize sugar levels in the early stages of diabetes.

The use of goji fruits increases the number of lymphocytes, which increases the protective properties of the body. In terms of antioxidant content, goja surpasses many foods. Impact on the body:

  • Used to treat constipation
  • Supports the intestinal microflora
  • Cleanses the liver
  • Removes excess fluid from the body
  • Improves metabolism
  • Normalizes the hormonal background.

For women

Tibetan barberry perfectly solves health problems in women, relieving pain during menstruation. It is recommended to take during menopause. Reception of goji berries improves the condition of the skin, has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Increases sexual desire. This good helper to regulate the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

For men

The magical goji berry is able to return a man's potency, as eating increases the tone of the body, improves the production of sex hormones. Increases the quality of sperm. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of infertility. Men who use Tibetan barberry note an increase in sexual desire, an increase in erection time.

For weight loss

Goji berry is a low-calorie product. Thanks to the combination of vitamins, antioxidants, eating allows you to achieve good results in losing weight. Taking goji fruits promotes a feeling of satiety. Vitamin B2 improves metabolic processes in the body. Antioxidants help improve oxidative reactions in cells. Due to which the removal from the body of all harmful substances. Reception of the product must be combined with physical activity in order to achieve maximum effect.

Weight loss is achieved through:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improving the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removal of toxins and fluids from the body;
  • decrease in appetite.

How to take

Goji berries are eaten in dried form.

There are restrictions on admission: it is recommended to consume no more than 40-45 g per day. You should start taking it with small doses, a few berries a day will be enough to start. Gradually, the dosage is increased to 8-10 g. It is better to start using a larger amount after consulting a doctor.

It is better to take it in two doses: in the morning on an empty stomach, the first half of the serving is eaten, and in the afternoon - the rest.

For pregnant women and children, the dose should be one third of the total.

You should not take the product after 6 pm, as they have a tonic property, there is a high probability of not falling asleep at night.

There are many ways to consume goji berries. The fruits are used as dried fruits. Can be brewed. To do this, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the daily dose, leave for 30 minutes and consume one third of a glass three times a day.

Chinese barberry can be added to dishes to improve the taste in:

  • cereals;
  • ice cream;
  • salads;
  • baked.

An alcohol tincture is made from the berries: for this, pour a handful of fruits with one liter of alcohol and leave for 7 days in a darkened glass dish. Take 20 ml per day, diluted with water.

It is also possible to use goji berries in the form of juices.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the abundance useful qualities, goji berries can be harmful when:

  • excessive use;
  • reception for the night.

There are contraindications for use with:

  • pregnancy, as the berries have a stimulating property;
  • lactation, in order to avoid getting active substances to the child with mother's milk;
  • low pressure, since goja reduces pressure, hypotension may worsen;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • elevated temperature.

Do not use the product for children under 3 years old, as well as people suffering from allergies.

How to choose and store

When buying goji berries, you should ask: from which country they were imported. Fruits from Tibet are preferable, as they have more useful properties.

Good berries should be moderately firm to the touch. They should not be soft and sticky. If the berries have a bright red color, then this indicates a fake. They should have an orange tint. Similarity to the fruits of barberry can lead to an erroneous purchase. To prevent this from happening, you need to remember that the barberry has one elongated bone inside, and inside the goji there are many small yellow grains. If they are packaged in bags, then you can shake and take a closer look at the contents: if the berries crunch and scatter in different directions, then the quality is low, it is better to refuse to buy.

To find out if these are real fruits, you need to throw a handful into the water, if the berries are on the surface, then you have a genuine product.

It is preferable to store fruits in paper and canvas bags in a dry place protected from the sun. Perfectly preserved qualities in glassware. Can be kept in manufacturer's packaging.

China: Gansu, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang. Cultivated everywhere, including in Russia. Often runs wild. Culturally grows in the north of the central part of China in the Ningxia region, in Tibet and the Himalayas.

Since 2004, only the lazy have not talked about goji berries. There are many show business stars, writers, politicians and athletes among the fans and propagandists of the "miracle berry".

Goji berries are called:

"Natural Viagra and an antidepressant in one bottle"
"marriage wine"
"fruits of longevity"
"the first tonic for the brain", "berries of happiness."

The popularity of goji berries in the West is so great that it's time to talk about "gojimania".

Dr. Al Mindell, who studied these berries for a long time, published a book in which he named 33 reasons why you should eat goji every day.

According to the scientist, goji berries:

  • prolong life,
  • give energy,
  • rejuvenate the body
  • normalize blood pressure
  • reduce the risk of cancer,
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • normalize blood sugar levels,
  • improve sexual activity
  • help to reduce weight,
  • improve sleep,
  • strengthen the heart
  • normalize vision,
  • increase resistance to disease
  • improve blood composition and treat disorders of the bone marrow,
  • support the functioning of the liver and kidneys,
  • restore hormonal balance
  • help in the treatment of infertility,
  • strengthen muscles and bones,
  • improve memory and relieve stress ...

The list is impressive. Has humanity finally found a universal remedy for all diseases?

Tang dynasty legend

This, of course, is a legend, and by many it is perceived as a fairy tale. However, it should be understood that the ancient storytellers did not aim to mislead their descendants. They told stories in their own way, through subjective perception, but there is also some truth in their stories.

In oriental medicine, the use of goji is very wide. The berry is effective for normalizing blood pressure in hypertension. It is able to strengthen vision, help with arthritis. Polysaccharides in its composition promote the growth of stem cells, have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. Goji berries are prescribed for anemia, as well as for the treatment of psoriasis. Goji helps to restore the balance of sugar and insulin in the blood, so it is indicated for non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

The healing goji berry has a unique beneficial effect on almost the entire human body. Because it natural product, it is suitable for everyone, even pregnant women. Moreover, in oriental medicine, goji is used as a means of ensuring the normal course of pregnancy, for example, in case of a woman's inability to bear a child. Goji berry normalizes the functioning of the genital organs, makes them stronger. In this regard, in the East it is actively used for the complex treatment of infertility and impotence.

Recently, goji berries have been used as a component of cosmetic products for facial skin care. Goji makes the skin supple, the complexion becomes even, the depth of wrinkles is smoothed out. Due to the effect of normalizing digestion, berries are used in weight loss products. Note that the normalization of digestion and metabolism leads not so much to weight loss, but to its normalization. In other words, overweight people lose weight, and thin people gain weight.

Useful properties of goji berries

Blood nutrition

The greatest effect of the goji berry is associated with the blood, as it lowers the level of sugar and cholesterol. This product reduces blood oxidation by increasing its energy intensity.

vision improvement

By increasing the energy content of the blood, its flow into smaller capillaries is increased, which allows you to strengthen the protection of the retina and focus vision more clearly.


By strengthening molecular bonds, the berry strengthens various systems bodies, vessels and organs, which makes them stronger and more resilient.

Deepening the breath

Goji inhibits oxidative processes in the body, primarily associated with shallow breathing.

Antioxidant Functions

Antioxidant functions of goji are primarily associated with the nutrition of cells with energy, a decrease in the oxidation of blood cells and, accordingly, with a slowdown in the aging process of the body.

Anti-cancer effect

Dietetics and bimolecular medicine call goji a cancer prevention agent, attributing this possibility to the mineral germanium, which is contained in the berry. But in reality, goji is not so much a mineral as an energy complex that blocks the uncontrolled development and destruction of cells.


Due to its unique generating ability, the berry improves the functioning of the glands responsible for the primary germ cells, which leads to the restoration and strengthening of the health of the prostate gland in men.

Nutrition of the uterus

Goji - good energy drink to nourish the uterus and stabilize kidney activity (which draws extra energy from the uterus). The berry helps to improve lymph flow in the inguinal lymph nodes, which is also important for the uterus. That is, here we mean the creation in the uterus of the necessary energy balance, which is constantly distorted due to disruption of the rhythm of energy circulation, unbalanced external activity and stress.

Brain nutrition

Goji is an ideal food for the brain due to its increased frequency response and balanced energy structure.
Goji juice is good for this purpose.

Precautions when using goji berries

Indeed, there are several cases of severe side effects after eating goji berries. There are studies that point to a possible interaction between the anticoagulant warfarin and goji, as well as possible side effects when taking Sintrom, another anticoagulant.

Goji berries may interact with diabetes medications and blood pressure. If you are allergic to pollen, some allergic reaction may occur in close proximity to the flowers of these berries. But consuming goji berries in moderation may be safe and have no contraindications.

After reading the comments from people who have kindly shared their experiences with goji consumption, it is necessary to mention the two most common side effects and note that:

First, it is possible that some people may experience abdominal pain. In this case, it is logical to stop using dry berries and try to use only their juice or extract (of course, there may be certain difficulties in finding juice. But it is possible that there is already canned juice on the market).

Often the problem is not with the berries themselves, but with the preservatives that are used, because this is a very sensitive issue. If you are going to buy berries, care must be taken to buy quality product. You should check which preservative was used. So, E-220 is a preservative that can cause diarrhea, nausea and headaches, this can be avoided if another preservative is indicated on the package.

The second side effect that some people mention is berries can cause insomnia. Consuming them in the morning will solve this problem.

In addition, you need to be careful when purchasing them. You should always watch what you are buying. The same thing happens with goji berries as with all other products. If you want quality, you have to pay, and the price is higher. Goji berries are very trendy and many unscrupulous sellers often take advantage of the opportunity to get the most out of selling these berries. Not everything that is sold is of adequate quality and suitable for human consumption.

Growing berries

In Russia, another name for the Tibetan barberry has taken root - common dereza. By taste, it is compared with barberry, raisins and dried cherries in one set. By the way, you can grow Tibetan barberry in Siberia, in room conditions with good lighting. The plant is bred using seedlings, but this is not the only way.

You can grow berries from seeds. Such a plant begins to bloom in the second year of life. The crop is harvested after about 4-5 years. The plant is very resistant to the vagaries of changeable weather, as it comes from a mountainous region, where frosts and droughts often occur, as well as storm winds with prolonged downpours. Seeds are located directly in the berry in the amount of 8-15 pieces.

Before planting, the berry must be soaked for 5-10 minutes in warm water and then the seeds removed. They are quite small. For successful germination, the plant should be provided with moderately warm, approximately 20-25 degrees, and moist soil. Good lighting is required. Light is not needed for germination, but with the advent of the first sprouts, you need to transfer the container to partial shade or diffused sunlight. Ideal conditions can be achieved by using a small, fairly deep container, which is covered with a transparent plastic film to prevent the soil from drying out.

After the seeds are extracted from the berry, it is necessary to soak them in epin or zircon for a couple of hours. Prepared seeds should be sown in normally drained, medium loose soil, preferably neutral. You can use a mixture of peat and loam 1: 2.

Sow seeds should be on the surface, not deepening more than 2-3 mm. Thus, it will be easier for tender and thin sprouts to break through to the surface. It is important to ensure that the drying of the soil does not occur even for a relatively short time. The temperature at the time of germination should not fluctuate more than 7-10 degrees. At home, this is not so important. The temperature in the apartment rarely changes more than 3-4 degrees.

At home, it is necessary to ensure that the sown seeds do not fall into the stream of hot air from the radiator or, on the contrary, under the cold air from the open window. When the seeds germinate, it is better to remove the film from the container. It is also important to prevent the soil from drying out in the future. At this time, young sprouts need a lot of moisture, otherwise they will dry out. Use a spray bottle to avoid flooding the plants. After the plant releases the second or third pair of leaves, it is ready to be transplanted into a separate pot.

The depth of the transplant container should not be less than 7 cm. Please note that as soon as the plant begins to produce leaves, its root system quickly develops in depth. When grown indoors, you should take care of a cool, about +10 degrees, wintering of the plant. For feeding, humus or mineral fertilizers are used, as for all other indoor plants.

Today, in Tibet alone, there are at least 40 types of Goji Berries. In China, huge plantations for growing a unique plant have long been equipped, while in Russia, the source of "eternal life" and "the cure for 1000 diseases" is still considered a rarity. Incidentally, in given time there is a craze for the Tibetan barberry among the elite of world cinema. Why don't we take advantage of their experience. Moreover, Russian conditions are not bad for growing light-loving berries. The Tibetan barberry can withstand frosts down to -30 degrees, can serve as a decoration for gardens, as it tolerates a haircut. In care, it is not whimsical, not picky about the composition of the soil.

If you decide to grow Goji Berry seedlings, prepare seedling pits in advance. Dimensions approximately 40 × 50 × 50 cm. Planting is carried out in pits filled with soil thoroughly mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers: 150-200 g of superphosphate, 8-10 kg of humus, 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash.

The following soil composition is recommended: humus, garden soil, coarse river sand. The proportions are 1:1:1. Seedlings are placed at a distance of at least 1.5-2 meters between them. Slightly deepen the root collar. Water the plant immediately after planting. The trunk circle is mulched with humus or peat.

The plant is growing fast enough.

In dry summers, he needs additional watering.

Not interested in pests. Very rarely damaged by aphids or powdery mildew.

Therefore, there is no need to treat the shrub with pesticides.

It is a pity that the aroma and taste of the fruits of a plant grown at home can never be compared with the taste and aroma of the Goji Berry, which grows on the ecologically clean foothill soils of Tibet.

How to Consume Goji Berries

In order for the treatment to go not to the detriment, but to the benefit, you must definitely know how to use Goji berries.

First you need to buy them in the right place, because it is very important where this product was brought from. Now many berries come to us from Spain, but they say that they are grown there do not have such medicinal properties as those that grew in Tibet. Experienced buyers are advised to purchase Goji berries in Tibetan shops.

Start taking the herbal medicine with the lowest doses to see if it works. It is better to eat a few berries for the first time, if everything is fine, then after a couple of days you can already use a large dose. In general, it is not recommended for elderly people to eat a large number of berries at one time, as this can cause pressure surges.

It is important to pay special attention to the fact that berries can only be consumed in dry form. When fresh, they are poisonous. It is the drying process that removes harmful substances from them and makes it possible to use them as a medicine. When harvesting ripe berries, they are laid on bedding and then dried in the shade.

Healthy people of young and middle age can eat 15-45 grams of dry berries per day. Before using goji, you need to thoroughly rinse them and eat them like dried fruit. You can pre-soak them in water, and then add them to smoothies, desserts, salads, yogurts, pastries, breakfast cereals.

Strong drink lovers can make goji berry tinctures and use them as a general tonic. Ingredients: 50 grams of goji berries; 0.5 liters of strong Chinese vodka (you can also 45-degree Russian). Berries are poured with vodka and infused for 7 days. Take 2 times a day, 10 ml.

Tincture will help strengthen vision, immunity, lower blood sugar levels.

In case of visual impairment, porridge with the fruits of a Tibetan plant is also shown. Rice is boiled with berries, sugar is added and the dish is ready.

Pork liver is also prepared with the fruits of the Tibetan barberry. The ingredients are simmered over low heat until tender. Such food will help get rid of bruises under the eyes and dry eyes.

Sosav soup with gifts from Tibet is interesting. In addition to goji berries, 15 grams are placed there: white tree fungus, longyan (dragon eye) fruits and sugar crystals. The mushroom is soaked in water, cleaned, brewed in boiling water and cooked in a steam bath. Fruit dragon eye cut into pieces, put them in boiling water with sugar crystals. Add peeled berries and cook until tender for 25-30 minutes.

Goji berries - strong natural remedy. Like any drug containing a drug, it should be used with caution, starting with small doses and first asking about the reasonableness of using the attending physician. If there are no contraindications, then from the Tibetan barberry you can cook a lot of tasty, healthy dishes that will help defeat diseases and improve health. The benefits of goji berries are invaluable.

The use of goji berries for weight loss

With the regular use of goji berries, the process of losing weight is achieved due to a number of their properties. First of all, I would like to highlight the following:

  • ability to improve metabolism
  • improved blood circulation
  • lowering bad cholesterol levels
  • blood sugar regulation

In addition, with the regular use of berries, an improvement in metabolic processes is observed, which is achieved due to the presence of a large amount of antioxidants in the dried fruits. They accelerate the breakdown of fat cells and provide the body with a reserve of strength and energy, thanks to which a person becomes much more resilient. It is for this reason that it is recommended combine the use of berries with regular physical activity.

Scientific studies have proven that diet food, whose menu includes food containing a large amount of antioxidants, is the best way to promote weight loss. Of all foods rich in antioxidants, it is goji berries that lead in terms of their number. For comparison, goji contains 25% more antioxidants than blueberries, 2.5 times more than pomegranate and 10 times more than strawberries and blueberries.

With the regular use of berries in food, you can achieve significant and stable weight loss. This means that kilograms will not “leave” only in the first days, which is typical for many other means of weight loss. The plumb line will be observed as long as you keep this course.

In addition, by including goji berries in your diet, you will not only achieve thin waist and slender hips, but also saturate your body with a number of useful substances, due to which it will significantly improve its internal functions.

It is important to note that eating berries will not cause you any discomfort, as they have a very pleasant sweet and sour taste, and their chewy texture can be compared to raisins. Therefore, you can rest assured that you will be extremely happy to eat such a product!

Dried berries can be added to a variety of dishes - fruit salads, tea, soups, rice. They will spice up all these products and only improve their taste!

If you decide to lose weight with goji berries, you can supplement your usual diet with them, or follow a certain diet, the menu of which will include these fruits.

Judging by the reviews of those who are losing weight, the berries themselves have a great effect on the process of weight loss, therefore, additionally torment yourself strict diets there is no need. But to limit your diet a little, excluding from it foods that are especially harmful to the figure, it would be quite appropriate. Avoid sweet, fatty, fried and starchy foods. In parallel, using goji berries, very soon you will notice good results in losing weight!

Where to buy goji berries

Of course, it is better to buy goji berries directly in Tibet, but how many of us have visited this amazing country? And you can’t bring a lot of berries in one trip, of course, no one will fly specifically for the sake of berries.

You can buy goji berries in one of the Asian countries, for example, I buy goji in Thailand, in a store located in the Spice Garden near Pattaya.

There are berries in some pharmacies of traditional medicine.

Residents of Russia and Ukraine have recently had the opportunity to buy goji without leaving their homes, using online stores.

Buy goji berries - enter such a query in the search bar and you will see a considerable number of online stores offering delivery of miracle berries to your home. But here you have to be careful - choose a serious organization - the full details of the organization, a landline phone, and not a mobile phone, must be indicated on the website. The quality and content of the site, the life of the organization, reviews on forums on the Internet - all this is important.

Now there are many manufacturers and suppliers of goji berries from different countries, here are the ones that I met: Evtrade (Germany), Crit d "Or and Medina (Spain), Zao Kang and Ningxia (China) and others.

A well-known official supplier of Tibetan goji berries with a decent reputation and quality assurance, having all the necessary international certificates, is the Tibetan Godji Berry Company. The company has its own website on the Internet, they deliver berries within the United States for free, to other countries - you need to clarify, for this you can write to them at the email address indicated on the site. In addition to berries, you can order goji seeds and berry tonic from them.

The price of goji berries is not very high, in online stores their cost is about 450-480 rubles for a 250-gram package. In Asian countries, they are cheaper. In addition, in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, delivery is made by courier (for a small fee, and sometimes free of charge), and berries are sent to other cities by mail, you will have to pay an additional order of 300 rubles for the parcel.

Dr. Al Mindell, who conducted research on goji berries, identified over 40 varieties of this plant, but it is believed that only one of its varieties has truly miraculous properties. These are berries grown on plantations at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, in the Himalayas.

But if you type in the Internet search engine the phrase "Chinese dereza", then it suddenly turns out that this is not even exotic at all, but ordinary medicinal plant, is fairly widespread. True, on the territory of our country, mainly wild goji relatives grow, but in terms of usefulness they are practically in no way inferior to an exotic relative. Moreover, not only berries are used in medicine, but also the bark and roots of the plant. It was nice to know that goji dereza takes root perfectly in the middle latitudes, and with a certain skill it is quite possible to grow bushes of this the most useful plant even at home.

In China, goji berries are used not only as medicinal product but also as a seasoning for various dishes. Perhaps it was thanks to goji berries that the Chinese super-long-liver Li Qingyun lived for 256 years (!!!). However, it is of great importance healthy lifestyle life, a well-balanced diet and peace of mind.

The famous American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey, in one of her TV shows, called goji berries "the most powerful antioxidant fruits that we know." To date, goji berries (goji berries) are sold all over the world, including the USA, Australia, and European countries. Many manufacturers add them to their products.

For example, in 2005, Steven Seagal released Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt energy drink, which contains goji berries. Cosmetologists add chopped goji berries to creams and skin care products. For example, Oriflame released series "Hazelnut and Goji Berry".

Fashionable restaurants serve dishes, salads and appetizers with berries. Like, for example, “sweet mushroom soup injer with goji berries,” which was served at imperial feasts in ancient times.

This is an incredible, inexhaustible source, a replacement for which is virtually impossible to find.

Goji berries take care of human health, return joy, give strength, energy and long life.

Goji berries are a unique product, the benefits of which for the body are indispensable. The fruits of this plant are found in black and red. Berries of the first type externally have a bright orange color and grow in Tibet and Spain. However, red fruits grown in Tibet are the most beneficial for the body. Black goji are produced only in China, their shade is similar to dark purple, like currant fruits.

The ingredient will bring the greatest benefit if you learn how to properly take goji berries before using it. It is best to use dried fruits of the shrub, so you can easily avoid the side effects that are present if you eat fresh (nausea, diarrhea). The drying process helps the berry to eliminate harmful components, after which it can be used in food or taken as a medicine.

Useful composition of berries

Another name for the product is Tibetan barberry. It has a unique composition, which is extremely useful for the prevention of various diseases and, of course, in the fight against extra pounds. For example, 100 g of dried berries contain 148 mg of vitamin C, while lemon contains only 53 mg. Also, the ingredient is recommended to be used to make up for the lack of vitamins B and E.

Physalin, which is part of the fruit of the shrub, helps fight leukemia. Germanium and selenium contained in the product perform a preventive function. If you regularly eat a small amount of berries, it is easy to make up for the lack of 18 amino acids in the body that are not found in any other plant-based food (which is extremely useful for vegetarians and raw foodists). Also, goji berries are rich in beta-carotene, monosaccharides, minerals, polysaccharides, caratoniades. If you use the product regularly, the benefits for the body will be invaluable.

Unique properties

Thanks to useful features this product is so appreciated among many berry lovers. Its healing properties allow you to heal the body:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • lower sugar and cholesterol levels (which is especially important for diabetes);
  • strengthen the muscular system;
  • protect the liver from harmful substances and improve its functionality;
  • speed up the digestive processes;
  • remove harmful toxins from the body;
  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase immunity;
  • fruits affect the quality of vision;
  • berries have antioxidant properties;
  • the product helps to rejuvenate the body.

Goji berries, the use of which is necessary to maintain the body in good shape, contribute to effective weight loss. Such properties of fruits will help to get rid of extra pounds faster if you additionally adhere to proper nutrition and play sports.

How much can be consumed per day?

It is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of dried fruits per day - this is approximately 10-20 g. The ways of using the product are different: it can be eaten dried, soaked in water, added to dishes and cocktails. It is recommended to wash the dried fruit before use. The easiest option is to eat a handful of berries every day, so you can protect your body from many diseases.

A great way to diversify your morning meal is to add an ingredient to breakfast cereal, cottage cheese, as well as yogurt. You can give ordinary porridge a special taste and a light note of spice by throwing Tibetan barberry into it. Those who are on a diet are advised to add goji berries to a salad, make vegetable or fruit cocktails, smoothies out of them. It is easy to prepare such dishes.

How to make tea and decoction of berries?

The easiest way to enrich the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals is to add berries to tea. So they will not lose their unique properties. There are such basic ways to prepare goji, such as:

  • When brewing black, green, white tea, add a few fruits to hot water. It is most useful to drink a drink without sugar, putting a spoonful of honey and lemon there.
  • A very tasty decoction will turn out from this component. 35 g of berries should be poured into a thermos, filling it hot water. After the product has been infused for 30 minutes, it can be drunk. Steamed fruits will be useful to eat.
  • Those who want to lose weight should drink a decoction of Tibetan barberry: 200 ml in the morning after waking up and 200 ml before taking dinner. First you need to brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of berries 400 ml of liquid. The unique properties of goji will contribute to weight loss if you not only drink a decoction of the fruit, but also adhere to a proper nutrition system.

Delicious and healthy salad

Pre-soaked goji berries can give a special taste to the salad. You need to add the following ingredients to the dish:

  • 2 apples;
  • 3 cups pre-peeled walnuts;
  • 3 art. spoons of fruit;
  • a small amount of seeds and pine nuts.

First you need to cut the apples in the form of cubes and, filling all the components with yogurt, mix. That's it - the salad is ready to eat!

Fruit cocktail

If you make a refreshing cocktail from the fruits of a shrub, you can easily quench your thirst in the summer (and at any other time of the year). This method is very good - the drink is obtained quickly and has a unique taste. Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kiwis;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of fruit;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • mint leaves;

By choosing the most suitable method for preparing a dish or drink from goji berries, you can easily improve your body!

Few people know that the popular goji berries and common wolfberries are one and the same. A beautiful and original name came to us from Tibet, and in Russia they were simply called wolfberry and have long been used as a vitamin remedy to maintain health and preserve youth. However, goji fruits are most widely used in China. The reason was the huge nutritional value of Tibetan fruits.

Goji berries - what is it and where do they grow?

For the countries of America and Europe, unusual berries have become a fashionable novelty, but in the foothills of China they have been known for more than 6 thousand years under the name gouqi. Tibetan monks were the first to learn about goji, who discovered the excellent healing properties of scarlet fruits. Later, an unpretentious tree easily populated almost all of Eurasia, although it lost some of its healing qualities.

So, what are goji berries or common dereza? Oddly enough, but a tall creeping shrub with flexible drooping branches belongs to the nightshade family. Its close relatives are potatoes, tobacco, belladonna, tomatoes. Bright, juicy fruits have a fibrous structure and a very original taste - a little sweetness and acidity, seasoned with a drop of salt.

Where do amazing berries grow? Today, Chinese dereza can be found throughout Eurasia. It is also cultivated in Russia - in the Caucasus and Kuban, in Central Asia, Ukraine, Primorye. However, only China is engaged in the cultivation of goji on an industrial scale.

This is interesting. When harvesting fruits, pickers do not remove them with their hands, but knock them down with a stick on a fabric spread under a bush.

The description of the culture says that the long vine is covered with thin, sharp thorns. The leaves are simple, elliptical. Violet-pink, cute flower resembles a bell. The fruiting of the bush occurs at different times and depends on the region of growth. For five months, dereza gives at least 12 crops.

Varieties and features of goji berries

In China, the bright fruit of wolfberry is called a red diamond. And there is some truth in this. Tibetan monks in ancient times using amazing useful berries defeated disease and hunger, saved warriors, maintained longevity and strength. Therefore, it is not surprising that the cost of goji was equated to precious stones.

Even according to appearance scattering of diamonds. Coral, juicy goji are very spectacular and beautiful. However, they are not eaten raw - only dried. Dry goutsi no longer look so attractive, but they are healthy and tasty.

In addition to bright scarlet, there are black goji berries. This is the fruit of a wild tree that grows only in the mountainous province of Qinghai. In terms of composition and medicinal properties dark berries are much healthier than red ones because they contain a huge amount of anthocyanin. The substance is a strong antioxidant and helps to increase immunity, strength and endurance of the body, slows down the aging process.

Unlike scarlet fruits, which can be consumed dried, black berries are only recommended to be brewed as tea or soaked in cool water.

Due to the rich composition, dark goji fruits are consumed in much smaller quantities. For a month of regular intake, only 100–150 gm of wild berries is enough, while red ones will require at least 1 kilogram.

Often the fruits of common wolfberry are confused with other berries. For example, inexperienced buyers often have a question: is goji fruit a barberry or not? Indeed, they are very similar, especially when dried. This is where their similarities end. Berries belong to different biological families and differ significantly in composition and medicinal properties.

It has nothing to do with wolfberry and dogwood fruits. It belongs to a completely different genus-tribe and is distributed in Russia under the name derne. True, negligent merchants often pass off Tibetan berries as more valuable, but an experienced buyer will always distinguish a forgery.

Composition of medicinal goji berries

Gouqi fruits are really very useful. Scientists have found in them a lot of vitamins and minerals, as well as a huge amount of other biologically active substances.

The main ones are:

  • a complex of amino acids, including 8 essential ones: threonine, tryptophan, lysine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, methionine, leucine, valine;
  • a rich set of minerals - germanium, selenium, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, potassium;
  • vitamins of group B, C, E;
  • 6 monosaccharides and 8 polysaccharides. Of these, the most valuable are polysaccharides LBP1–LBP4 - they are found only in goji fruits;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • a posteriori;
  • carotenoids;
  • phenols.

Agree, such a rich composition is rare. To provide the body daily rate vitamins and minerals enough to use 1 tbsp. l. medicinal fruits per day. Even such a small amount of the product will save you from many pathological conditions.

According to dry statistics, 30% of the world's population suffers from high blood pressure, and every year this figure is only increasing. Polysaccharides contained in berries will help prevent pathology or alleviate its course.

Beta-sisterol, which is part of goji, is able to cleanse the walls of arteries from harmful cholesterol and strengthen them, preventing further plaque formation. Amino acids, polysaccharides and betanin help protect and restore liver tissue, improve gallbladder function and bile flow.

Regular intake of wolfberry fruit helps to alleviate the condition of patients with diabetes and reduce the risk of complications.

One cannot ignore such a property of goji berries as a positive effect on the urogenital area. In addition, the fruits are recommended for patients with rheumatism and for any inflammatory processes in the body, especially colds.

How to store goji berries?

How to store Chinese goji berries so that they do not lose their healing qualities? There are no special requirements in this regard. As a rule, wolfberry fruits come to us already dried, which is why their shelf life is initially quite large and amounts to 24 months.

Our concern is to put the berries in a dry and clean place, away from the sun and heaters. It's better to put them in glass jar with a lid or store in a paper bag.

Nutritional value of goji berries

It is believed that Chinese wolfberry fruit is one of the most nutritious foods on earth. The value of their components is much higher than those contained in the same lemons, apples and oranges.

This is interesting. The Chinese government, taking care of the health of the population, in 1983 approved goji as an official homeopathic remedy.

Today on the Internet you can find a variety of information about the calorie content of medicinal berries. Moreover, the figure fluctuates quite noticeably - from 83 to 360 calories. Apparently pointing nutritional value, the authors do not take into account the volume of the product.

Indeed, the calorie content of a serving of dry berries (which is 30 grams) does not exceed 110 calories. In terms of standard 100 g, we get the same 360 ​​Kcal.

According to BJU, the daily portion of the product contains 23 g of carbohydrates (8% of daily allowance), 13 g of sugars and 4 g of proteins.

Useful properties and contraindications

It should be noted right away that neither in Russia nor in Europe, until now, there have been no official studies that can document the benefits and harms of the use of goji berries. But this does not beg their merits.

Long-term studies carried out in China have proved the biological value of the fruit.

Why are Tibetan fruits so useful? One can talk endlessly about the healing effect of gouqi, so we will only mention the main healing qualities:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels and prevention of the development of type II diabetes;
  • correction of blood pressure;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • sleep recovery;
  • stimulation of the brain, memory and attention;
  • support for the heart muscle;
  • nutrition of eye tissues, vision correction;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • a change for the better in the composition of the blood, the fight against anemia.
Goji berries are an excellent adaptogen and help to quickly adapt to adverse conditions, increase resistance to stress and depression. In addition, the fruits slow down the aging process of the body and, due to the large amount of germanium and selenium, have an anti-cancer effect.

Attention. Mindless consumption of berries can be harmful. First of all, it concerns allergic reactions. Excessive use may cause diarrhea and gas.

It is believed that goji restore the efficiency of the liver, pancreas and kidneys, improve hearing, strengthen bones and muscles, increase the quality of seminal fluid and promote conception. Not without reason in the east scarlet fruits are called "marital wine".

Contraindications for use

There are few contraindications to the use of Chinese berries. Among them, it is recommended to pay attention to the following warnings:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • continuous use of blood-thinning drugs.

The question of the use of goji berries during pregnancy and lactation is still open. Some experts consider the fruits to be an excellent vitamin and tonic for both the mother and the child. Opponents, however, recommend that such advice be treated with great caution and beware of using gouqi while carrying and feeding a baby.

Who benefits from goji berries: indications for use

Today, Chinese goji berries are known throughout the world. They are used Hollywood actors and famous athletes, many professional doctors recommend this amazing product to their patients. Are they really that helpful?

Due to the rich biochemical composition, goji fruits can, if not cure, then significantly alleviate the condition of patients with a variety of ailments. The best effectiveness of berries is noted for the following ailments:

  • loss of strength, chronic fatigue, depression;
  • frequent stress;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • visual impairment;
  • constipation;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • decreased libido, prostatitis.

Goji berries are recommended to be taken to reduce the burden on the body during radiation and chemotherapy, as well as to prevent cancer. They are also good for residents of ecologically disadvantaged areas, as well as people employed in hazardous industries.

This is interesting. There is a legend about the ancient Chinese Li Qing Yong, who regularly consumed goji berries. According to unverified data, this man allegedly lived up to 256 years without illness and grief.

The fruits are equally useful for both women and men. Unique berries show especially good results in old age, restoring vigor to people and prolonging years.

A very good result is observed with the course use of goji in the postoperative period or during rehabilitation after a stroke and heart attack.

goji berries for weight loss

It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove extra pounds only with the help of Chinese wolfberry fruits. An integrated approach is important here. It is necessary to correctly combine the use of goji with a diet and active sports. Only in this case, the berries will really improve the metabolism and help get rid of the fat layer.

Attention. Do not forget about the high calorie content of fruits and do not consume more than the prescribed amount.

In addition to the effect of losing weight, goji will help to get a perfectly defined figure, strengthen muscles, restore digestion, give strength and encourage new workouts.

Goji fruits: benefits for women

The benefits of Chinese berries for women are invaluable. In addition to the fact that they have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, the fruits perfectly eliminate depressive mood, give strength and energize. Taking a spoonful of dry berries in the morning, you will feel great throughout the day.

Goji also helps with purely female problems: painful menstruation, heavy bleeding, painful PMS. The healing product is able to cope with cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. It is especially useful to take wolfberry fruits for women during menopause. In this case, the berries help to normalize the hormonal background, relieve irritability and reduce hot flashes. No wonder they are called female ginseng.

Regular use of a healing product can prevent cervical and breast cancer.

Antioxidants and vitamins that make up goji give a good anti-aging effect, slow down aging, improve skin structure and complexion.

Goji fruits: benefits for men

Tibetan berries are necessary not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. It is known that the performance of the male reproductive system big influence provides zinc. It is this element contained in goji that improves sperm quality and improves libido.

The benefits of gouqi for men are especially pronounced for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. If you include a valuable product in your daily diet, it will increase sexual desire, mood will improve, excess will go away body fat. A tablespoon of berries before a morning run or cardio workout will significantly increase strength and endurance, help you recover faster after sports.

Attention. When taking goji fruits for potency, do not overdo it. Excessive use of the product in the evening can provoke persistent insomnia.

goji berries for diabetes

Chinese goji goji are useful in type I and type II diabetes. In the first case, they act as a deterrent, preventing the disease from developing further.

With type 2 damage, the fruits are able to maintain an optimal balance of blood sugar. In addition, the constant use of berries reduces the risk of developing many diabetic complications, the most dangerous of which is retinopathy. Pathology is manifested by a sharp deterioration in vision, up to complete blindness.

Tibetan fruits protect the retina from glucose imbalance, prevent tissue death and strengthen the walls of the fundus vessels.

How to take goji berries?

Goji can be used in a variety of ways. Since in Russia they are found only in dry form, they are most often taken in, added to vitamin cocktails, yogurts and main dishes, or eaten just like that.

More details about correct use wolfberry fruits can be read here (link).

Alternative medicine uses goji berries to fight diseases of the liver and heart, to improve vision, as a general tonic and rejuvenator. Goji dishes and drinks are also considered effective way fight overweight.

What are goji berries and where do they grow?

Goji - berries growing on a shrub up to 3.5 m high. In Russia, it is called common dereza. The plant is mistakenly called Chinese or Tibetan barberry. The fruits are coral red small size. Goji is grown in China and in some European countries where the plant was brought from China.

The benefits of berries for weight loss

The reason for the appearance of extra pounds is often overeating. Goji reduce appetite, preventing a person from eating more than he needs to maintain life. The use of goji berries for weight loss promotes the elimination of toxic substances in a natural way, normalizes blood glucose levels, metabolic processes, and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Goji accelerate the breakdown of fats that enter the body with food. Thanks to this property of the plant, a person is protected from the deposition of fat cells. The antioxidants contained in the fruits prevent the occurrence of oxidative processes in the body. Antioxidants increase the metabolic rate and protect cells from destruction. The fruits of the plant contain:

  • vitamins C, E, B2 and others;
  • mineral components (calcium, iron, phosphorus);
  • amino acids;
  • 4 polysaccharides not found in other plants.

The use of goji during diets helps to replenish the supply of substances necessary for the body, lost due to the rejection of certain foods.

How to use goji berries - instructions

How to take goji berries for weight loss:

  1. It is recommended to consume no more than 45 g of the product daily. It is necessary to start with minimal doses (10-15 g). In the absence of a negative reaction of the body, it is permissible to increase the dose.
  2. You can use fruits as part of desserts, salads, cereals. Preliminarily, goji is poured with warm water so that the dried fruits become soft. In most cases, common dereza is added to tea or a decoction is prepared from it. To prepare a decoction, it is enough to pour 4-5 fruits with a glass of boiling water.
  3. It is recommended to eat berries in several doses. 2-3 pieces are eaten in the morning 40 minutes before breakfast. A few more are taken throughout the day. The last appointment should be no later than 17 hours. During the day, goji can be consumed both before and after meals.
  4. You need to take dereza ordinary for weight loss for at least 2 months. In the absence of allergic reactions, it is desirable to take a course lasting 4-6 months. It is unacceptable to use the tincture for longer than 2-3 weeks, so as not to cause addiction to alcohol.

When buying berries, pay attention to which country they are imported from. Goji grows not only in China, but also in Spain. However, preference must be given to the Chinese product. To improve the result, you need to revise the usual diet. Fatty and spicy dishes, pastries are excluded from the menu. You should limit the use of sweets.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

Berries are contraindicated in:

  1. Poor blood clotting. Goji is also excluded from the menu of women during menstruation, so as not to cause bleeding.
  2. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  3. Signs of an inflammatory process in the body. An increase in temperature can be a symptom of inflammation.
  4. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The drugs used in the treatment of these diseases are practically incompatible with common dereza.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation. Berries can cause allergies in pregnant and lactating women. They also interfere with the absorption of certain substances needed by the child.
  6. Oncological diseases. With benign and malignant neoplasms, the use of berries is beneficial. Harm is possible due to the incompatibility of goji with drugs for the treatment of cancer.
  7. Children under 10 years old. The ban on taking tincture applies to children under 16 years of age.

Berries are allowed to be consumed only in the form of dried fruits. Possible harm from common dereza:

  1. Insomnia. Fruits have a tonic effect on the body. Do not take them before bed.
  2. A sharp increase in pressure. An increase can be observed in those suffering from hypertension.
  3. Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort. The symptoms are caused by the preservatives that are used to preserve the fruit during transport.
  4. Eruptions on the skin.

Results and reviews of losing weight and doctors

Anna, 34, Salekhard: “I am preparing a cocktail of 1 liter of milk and 4 tbsp. l. berries. The ingredients must be mixed and left overnight in the refrigerator, and in the morning beat them with a blender. One cocktail is not enough. I changed my diet and started doing morning runs. In 3 weeks I was able to lose 8 kg.

Vladimir, 51 years old, Engels: “I have already lost 3 kg thanks to goji. My wife persuaded me to try a decoction of berries when she noticed that I was starting to get better. It's not just the weight loss. I forgot about the migraines that had plagued me for many years.”

Marina, 28 years old, St. Petersburg: “I received the berries as a gift from a friend who worked in China for 4 years. She claimed that goji helped her lose weight. I reacted to foreign berries with distrust, but for the sake of interest, I began to brew tea with my “gift”. A week later, I found that I can wear a dress that has long become small due to a few extra pounds.

Tatyana Zaletova, dietitian, Kazan: “The benefits of goji berries have been proven through research. However, fruits should be consumed with caution. An exotic product can cause an allergic reaction. For patients who want to get rid of extra pounds in a short period of time, I recommend first of all to reconsider their eating habits.

Rimma Moisenko, nutritionist, Moscow: “Before using goji, I recommend that you undergo an examination. You need to work not only with the effect, but also with the cause. As a nutritionist, I advise my patients to include more familiar foods in their diet.
