The fruit of the date palm - dates are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are eaten fresh, dried, dried, made into paste, "honey", sugar and flour. Dates contain many health benefits nutrients. Experts say that at least one fruit should be eaten per day in order not to have problems with vision, digestion, and the cardiovascular system.

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Nutritional value of date palm fruits

Dates are highly nutritious, low in fat and protein. 100 grams of fruit contains an average of 314 kilocalories, only 5 grams of protein and 9 grams of fat. Dates are also an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals. The same 100 gram serving can provide you with 15% of your recommended daily intake of selenium, copper, potassium, and magnesium. Date palm fruits are rich in amino acids and vitamins, they contain thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, vitamins A and K. Dates also contain: - phosphorus; - iron; - zinc; - manganese; - calcium; - sulfur; - mineral salts. Although dates contain a lot of sugar (dried fruits contain about 50–60%), this is mostly not dangerous sucrose, but fructose and glucose that are beneficial for the brain.

Dates, especially dried and dried dates, must be thoroughly washed before use, as their surface is not only sticky, but also provides a breeding ground for bacteria.

For good health

Dates are not called a natural laxative for nothing. It is enough to soak a few fruits in a glass of water overnight, and then eat them in the morning and drink the resulting sweet water so as not to have constipation during the day. Dates contain useful soluble fiber, which helps food pass through the gastrointestinal tract, lowers cholesterol levels, and also removes carcinogens that have settled in the colon. According to research, men aged 19 to 50 should consume at least 38 grams of fiber per day, and men aged 51 and older should have at least 30 grams of dietary fiber in their daily diet. Women in the same age groups need 25 and 21 grams of fiber per day, respectively. Pregnant women need 28 grams of fiber daily and breastfeeding mothers should consume 29 grams of dietary fiber per day.

The amino acids in date palm fruit stimulate the digestion of food and allow more nutrients to be absorbed through the digestive tract. Surprisingly, the same dates also act as effective remedy from diarrhea, as well as from many types of intestinal disorders. Daily consumption of dates helps to inhibit the growth of pathological organisms and thus promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This is mainly due to the high content of nicotine, as well as polyphenolic antioxidants known as tannins or tannins. Tannins also have anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic properties.

The high level of iron makes dates indispensable in the diet of anemic patients. Anemia can make you tired and lethargic, and just a couple of dates a day will bring back strength and energy. Iron deficiency is often found in pregnant women and young mothers, and they will also benefit from dates due to their high calcium content. Calcium along with selenium, magnesium, copper and manganese is very important for healthy and strong bones, dates will help you avoid osteoporosis. The same element is credited with the ability to alleviate insomnia and help regulate the passage of nutrients through the cell walls. Calcium deficiency can lead to muscle spasms and cramps.

The presence of organic sulfur in date palm fruits will help reduce allergic reactions during seasonal allergic rhinitis

Dates are rich in potassium - one of the main ingredients for a healthy nervous system, it also helps increase the speed of brain reactions. The same element helps keep the heart healthy, reducing the risk of stroke and other heart diseases.

Antioxidant flavonoids such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein have been shown in research to protect cells from free radical damage and protect against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers. In addition to these flavonoids, dates contain vitamin A (retinol), which also protects the body from cancer of the lungs and oral cavity.

The main contraindications are associated not so much with the fruits of the date palm, but with their quantity. Since dates are high in calories, if you consume healthy fruits in excess, you risk gaining weight. The high glycemic index of dates makes them unsafe for diabetic patients to eat more than one or two fruits a day. Like all sugary foods, dates can contribute to cavities if you don't brush your teeth afterwards. And, of course, the fruits of the date palm are contraindicated for people with individual fructose intolerance.

Date palm is a tropical tree known for its sweet and delicious fruits. Among their virtues, people have long attributed truly miraculous properties- the ability to heal and bestow eternal life.

According to one of the many legends that spread among the peoples of the Middle East, dates were considered the food of the gods and the first people who appeared on earth. For this, the palm tree became an object of admiration and deification, and also received many symbolic names.

Until now, it is called the "tree of immortality", "the favorite of the prophet", "the green nurse", "the queen of the oasis".

The birthplace of the date palm and where the trees grow

The date palm is a plant native to the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. On these lands, its cultivation has been going on for more than 4 millennia.

Ancient Egyptian monuments became the source of the first images of a tree. Mentions of the plant took place in the works of scientists ancient world- Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny, who called the area between Babylonia and the Canary Islands the area for growing culture.

Now the zone of cultivation of culture is not limited to the place of its origin. To the question of where date palms grow in our time, the answer is the following - all over the world, in those countries where weather conditions allow, that is, regions with a subtropical and tropical climate type. Even in the southwestern United States, there are commercial plantations where this plant is cultivated. But, despite this, the undeniable leadership in the cultivation and export of dates - more than 70% of the world harvest - is still confidently held by the Arab countries.

In Russia, due to harsh winters with snow blizzards and frosts, the growth of a heat-loving tropical beauty becomes impossible. Nevertheless, even in the vast expanses of our country there is a corner in which you can meet several varieties of culture - this is Sochi, a city spread in the subtropical zone. The alleys of the arboretum and the embankment here are elegantly framed by trees of the Canarian and cycad-leaved date palms. The first species is famous for being able to withstand low temperatures, and the second, unfortunately, lacks heat in this region for flowering and fruiting, so it plays the role of an exclusively decorative tree.

How fast does the date palm grow and when does fruiting begin?

Among the varieties of date palms there are trees, as well as shrubs of a squat type. The majority are the former. On average, the height of the trees varies in the range of 12-20 m. If the growing conditions are especially favorable, with a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, with the necessary lighting intensity and with stable temperature indicators, then the crop can grow up to 30 m or more. To the question of how fast the date palm grows, scientists answer: the tree is growing very actively. The annual growth is 1.5 m. As a result, 15-year-old specimens can reach a height of 7 meters.

Culture rightfully belongs to a number of long-lived plants, since the duration of its existence is from 150 to 200 years.

It is also noteworthy that in the date palm, the fruiting period begins no earlier than the 7-10th year of life (depending on the species) and does not stop until old age. The plant gives a harvest every year. From one mature tree, on average, you can get dates in the amount of 45 to 90 kg.

Fruits are called dates. They are oval and oblong in shape. Their length varies in the range of 3-9 cm, and the average diameter is 2.5 cm. The outer peel is smooth in texture, and the flesh inside is membrane-fleshy, sweet in taste. The fruits of the date palm have one seed each. It is narrow, long, hard, with a longitudinal groove.

Dates, depending on the type of plant, can be in color:

  • yellow;
  • greenish yellow;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • black.

What the fruit of a date palm looks like, see the photo below:

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A bunch of ripe dates can weigh about 25 kg. The fruits are widely used in the preparation of sweet treats, have a laxative effect. They also make up more than half of the diet of people in countries where palms are grown.

Trunk and root system of date palm: photo and description of roots and leaves

The date palm often has one trunk. In its form, it is straight, slender, mostly feathery, covered with a typical "hairiness". The average diameter is about 1-2 m. But in nature there are deviations from this rule: there are multi-stem, smooth-bore trees, as well as curved specimens. The trunk is not branched. All branches-leaves are concentrated in its upper part. They make up the crown. At the bottom, the trunk is covered with crumbling leaves.

The root system of the date palm tree is powerful and branched. There are many additional roots on the main roots. Individual leaves can grow from them. Most often this happens while the culture is still young. If the overgrown leaves are not removed, full-fledged new plants may appear around the main tree.

What do roots look like? different variants date palm trunks, clearly demonstrate photos - look at them carefully and appreciate the power and grandeur of this tree:

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The foliage is spreading, rough to the touch, characterized by elasticity. Curving into an arc, it creates the crown of a tree. The leaf is long, this indicator is on average from 30 to 40 cm, but it can also exceed this barrier, “reaching” up to 1 m. If the tree is young or mature in age, then it has leaves that have a light green tonality, combined with blue shade. And as they age, they acquire a yellow color, die off and crumble. The leaf of any date palm consists of a wide axis, the thickness of which increases closer to the base, as well as many leaf-like segments diverging on both sides of it. Each of these elements is pointed towards the top.

What does a date palm look like and how does it bloom: a photo and description of a tree at the time of flowering

Palm flower stalks emerge from leaf axils. They visually resemble an open saber, combined into paniculate inflorescences. Each flower consists and 3 petals. They are small in size. A feature of the flowering of the date palm tree is dioeciousness. The same plant has both male and female flowers. Moreover, the first ones are much smaller, but are collected in denser and straightened inflorescences. They are cream colored. Each has 6 stamens. The second one is colored yellow. They are distinguished by luxurious splendor, look stronger, sag due to the weight of the fruits that are born in them.

How the date palm blooms, look at the photos below:

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Each female flower has 3 pistils and 6 staminodes. But only on one of the pistils at the time of flowering, an ovary is formed, which later develops into a fruit.

To get an idea of ​​what a date palm looks like, look at a selection of photos in the gallery and appreciate the greatness of this tropical queen:

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Canarian date palm plant

To date, only 17 varieties are known among date palms. Among them are both wild and indoor trees: when grown at home or in greenhouses, plants have significantly lower parameters than those they achieve in the wild. Read on for the most popular types.

Canarian date palm: The name of this type of plant comes from the place where it grows. In the wild, they are dotted with rocky and rocky areas in the Canary Islands. They are used as an element of landscape decoration in countries with a warm climate, as well as in greenhouses, at home and in the office.

For this plant, the presence of a strong and powerful trunk is typical. It is straight in shape. Covered with leaves.

It has the following options:

  • the maximum height varies in the range of 12-18 m;
  • the average diameter is about 1 m.

The crown of the tree is characterized by a significant density of saturated green color. It contains up to 200 pinnate leaves, on which 150 pairs of leaf-like segments grow.

Their sizes are as follows:

  • the average sheet length is 6 m;
  • the length of each individual leaf segment reaches approximately 50 cm;
  • the width of one segment is about 3.5 cm.

The petioles of the leaves are short - their length does not exceed 80 cm. They have 20 cm needle-shaped spikes. During flowering, the female inflorescences appearing from the axils of the leaves reach 2 meters in length, while the male ones are shorter. The fruits grow very small, painted in yellow-orange tones.

Consider in more detail what appearance has a Canarian date palm, you can in the photo gallery - appreciate the beauty and originality of this plant:

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crooked date palm

The curved date palm is a type of multi-stemmed plant covered with lateral shoots, and therefore very similar to giant dense bushes.

Trunks deviate from the center outward and are characterized by the following parameters:

  • grow in height up to 8 m;
  • their diameter is small - it varies in the range from 10 to 17 cm.

The leaves of the plant are rich green in color, pinnate, have drooping tops, very rigid, curved according to the arched principle.

In this type of tropical date palm, they differ in the following features:

  • the length of one leaf is on average 6 m;
  • the width is 1 m.

Each of them has 100 pairs of leaf-like segments. The length of each is about 50 cm, and the width does not exceed 3 cm. All foliage is covered with whitish hairs, which tend to disappear over time. Petioles on the leaves are characterized by a meter length. Needle-type spikes grow on them. The latter are very thin, grow in different lengths - from 3 to 12 cm. They are single or combined into groups - 2 or 3 spikes each. The inflorescences are branched and long - about 1 m. Dates have a different color, often these are shades of red and yellow palette.

The natural habitat of the curved palm is the African tropics and subtropics. In other latitudes, the plant is used as an indoor or greenhouse ornamental tree.

Palmate date palm: parameters and photos of dates

The palmate tropical date palm is a tree with a straight, slender trunk, on which there are remnants of leaf petioles, as well as lateral shoots at the very base.

The stem settings are as follows:

  • the height varies between 20-30 m;
  • diameter is at least 30 cm.

The leaves are typical pinnate. They are located, like in other species, on the top of a tree trunk, curved in an arcuate manner. Their length reaches 6 m. They consist of separate linear-lanceolate segments. At the top they have a cut in half. Their length is 20-40 cm. Often the segments are grouped together in several pieces. Petioles on the leaves are long. Their color is green with a bluish admixture. The length of the inflorescences exceeds 1 m, they have a "droopy" appearance, especially after the appearance of fruits.

Date, called palmate, is the fruit of this variety of culture. It is thanks to its taste and nutritional properties that the palm has gained wide popularity. It is famous for its sweet pulp, which is loved by gourmets all over the world, not only dried, but also fresh. The fruit is very fleshy, visually resembling an elongated egg. Its length varies from 3 to 6 cm.

Take a look at the date finger in the presented photo - for sure, you have had to feast on this “food of the gods” more than once:

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In the wild, this variety of palms grows on the territory of North African countries, on the Arabian Peninsula, in Iraq, and southern Iran. In our country, culture can be found in the green flower beds of greenhouses and at home as ornamental plant with significantly modified parameters. The date palm grown indoors does not produce edible date fruits.

The Ceylon date palm got its name, like the Canarian one, by the place of origin and mass growth. This, of course, is Sri Lanka (better known as Ceylon). The plant prefers lowlands with high soil moisture and ambient air. It is in connection with this that it becomes possible to grow it in cool greenhouses as an ornamental plant.

The description of the Ceylon date palm is as follows: the tree is characterized by the presence of a straight, slender trunk, which is covered along the entire length with the remnants of petioles of foliage. Its height ranges from 3-6 m.

Leaves are characterized by the following features:

  • have a relatively short length;
  • differ, like in other species, with a feathery structure;
  • consist of a large number of leaf-like segments, the length of which varies in the range from 18 to 25 cm;
  • painted in green color with a bluish tint;
  • have short petioles, the edges of which are dotted with spikes.

Take a close look at how a variety of Ceylon date palms looks during flowering in the photo gallery:

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The images show that the inflorescences are very short compared to other types of plants - their length does not exceed 35 cm.

forest date palm

The forest date palm is a wild tree found in eastern India. The plant prefers dry areas, lowlands, and river valleys.

which in many countries are credited with properties to strengthen human health and prolong life.

About palm Dates Phoenix dactylifera known from the 7th millennium BC in Sumer, Assyria and Ancient Egypt. Its trunks are straight, up to 15–20 m high, 80 cm in diameter, they form offspring at the base.

Leaves 4-6 m long. Fruits - Dates, oblong or oval, up to 7.5 cm long and 3.5 cm in diameter, contain a large amount of nutrients, have long been known for their healing properties.

Dates are fruits of the date palm

From ancient times legends about the tree of life, symbolizing immortality and renewal, have come down to us. This symbol has a very real prototype. For the peoples of the Middle East and Arabia, the living embodiment of the "cosmic" tree was

According to the ideas of the ancient inhabitants of Western Asia, the gods and the first people ate the fruits of this plant. The date palm meant fertility and prosperity.

Date palm has been familiar to man for so long that now no one will remember which people, where and when they first used it as an agricultural crop. Unknown to science and its wild ancestor.

Scientists believe that agriculture began with gardening. The date palm was one of the first garden trees.

Unknown peoples have learned to fence wild palm groves, take care of young trees, and protect them from animals. Ancient gardeners, through trial and error, came up with artificial pollination, which helped to get a good harvest.

unripe dates painted bright red or yellow colors, depending on the variety. They usually stay on the tree to dry.

Date palms live 150-200 years and bear fruit every year, starting at about 7-10 years of age, however, a full-fledged harvest can be obtained only a few years after the first fruiting.

The palm tree is able to bear fruit up to old age, but upon reaching 60-70 years old becomes too high for pollination and harvest.

Palm trees grow rapidly - by 35-50 cm per year, and by the age of 15-17 they reach a height of 6-7 meters. The average height of these trees is 12–32 meters. Their trunk is almost straight and "shaggy" from the bases of fallen leaves. The top is crowned with a rosette of 13-15 pinnate leaves, which can reach a length of five meters.

Long, panicle-like inflorescences emerge from the axils of the leaves. Moreover, on one tree they can only be of the same sex. The flowers are fleshy, fragrant: female - white color, male - creamy, waxy. On one palm tree can bloom from 6 to 10 thousand flowers.

Most often, it is planted in oases, where the level of groundwater is relatively low. Arabs say: the queen of palm oases has a head bathed in fire sun rays, and feet - in the water of underground springs.

Date palm drought tolerant and grows in saline soils, it tolerates floods well.

When the fruits begin to ripen, the inflorescences bend under their weight. Ripe dates are oblong berries of yellowish-brown or reddish-chestnut color, 2–7 cm long, with sweet, nutritious pulp, in which a hard seed is hidden with a longitudinal furrow on the side.

For their maturation, it is necessary that the air temperature reach during the day 35-40C.

Dates are easily absorbed by the body and in terms of their nutritional properties are superior not only to other fruits, but also to cereals. And in terms of taste, they belong to the dessert fruits of the highest class.

What is so valuable contains the fruits of the date palm?

Firstly, a large amount of natural, easily digestible sugar (fructose, glucose, sucrose), which serves as an excellent source of energy for the human body.

Secondly, 23 types of amino acids not found in apples, oranges and bananas.

Third, healthy vegetable fats, pectin and fiber. And, in addition, a lot of trace elements and vitamins.

Nutritionists claim that one date and a glass of milk can provide the minimum required human need for nutrients. The 23 types of amino acids found in dates are not found in most other fruits.

Dried date fruits contain 60-65% sugar- the highest percentage compared to all other fruits. And this is mainly glucose and fructose consumption of which does not have negative consequences for the human body in comparison with sucrose. They are very quickly absorbed by the body, fructose relieves nervous tension.

Since ancient times, the fruits of the date palm have been known for their healing properties. .

Dates - bunches of fruits on a palm tree

It was believed that date palm fruit give strength, endurance, increase life expectancy, enhance male sexual potency.

They strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys, promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, maintain the acid balance of the body and nourish the blood, promote the development of the root endings of the brain, enhance the body's ability to resist various infections, including viral ones.

Dates also useful in anemia and hypertension, for the chest and lungs, soothe coughs and promote the removal of sputum, extremely useful for brain activity.

Dietary fiber contained in dates reduces the risk of cancer.

Dates were widely used to combat various oncological diseases, tuberculosis, all kinds of tumors, infectious and other diseases.

It is believed that dried dates have a positive effect on the brain, increasing its performance by 20% or more.

Dates are extremely useful for brain activity, as they are 2.2% protein, and also contain vitamins A, B1 and B2.

Proteins strengthen the body's immunity to diseases and infections.

Vitamin A strengthens the eye muscles bone tissue and teeth.

Vitamin B1 beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Vitamin B2 helps burn proteins, carbohydrates and fats, thus providing energy for the body and for cell renewal.

Iron, contained in large quantities in dates, controls the synthesis of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which provides the proper amount of vital blood cells - erythrocytes, prevents the development of anemia and ensures normal development fetus in the womb.

In the fruits of date palms contains a lot of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, mineral salts, vitamins of groups A and B, essential amino acids, protein, etc.

Date palm - always abundant fruiting

Scientists believe that 10 dates a day enough to ensure daily requirement a person in magnesium, copper, sulfur, half the need for iron, a quarter of the need for calcium.

Dates are especially useful women during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. They facilitate childbirth, contribute to the beginning of the production of milk by the female body.

Calorie content: on average, one date contains 23 calories. Due to the fact that dates low calorie and contain a huge amount of useful substances, they are recommended to be used instead of sweets for everyone who is on a diet, or just trying to maintain your weight is normal.

Like most plant foods, Dates do not contain cholesterol.

However, dates should not be overused due to their high sugar content, which erodes tooth enamel. In addition, in some cases, dates cause migraines.

Dates contain 60-65% carbohydrates - the highest percentage compared to other fruits, as well as - copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, protein, oil .

Vitamins A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6, niacin, riboflamin, as well as pantothenic acid, which promote the digestibility of carbohydrates, regulate blood glucose levels and fatty acids.

Pectin, a dietary fiber that reduces the risk of certain cancers. Fluoride protects teeth from caries. Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens immune system and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Due to the high content of potassium doctors recommend eating dates for cardiovascular diseases.

In case of heart failure, dates stimulate the activity of the heart, serve as a tonic and tonic, restore strength after a long illness.

Dates help with paralysis of the facial nerve, with overwork and physical fatigue, with diabetese . A decoction of dates with rice helps with dystrophy.

Even in dates, about sixty percent of sugar, which far exceeds its amount in other fruits. What is most important is mainly fructose and glucose, which are completely safe for the body and make dates akin to honey.

For their nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties dates are equated with cereals.

date palm fruits useful for adults, children, pregnant women.

Fresh dates are added to many dishes - fruit salads, muffins, homemade cookies, pies and cakes.

Date honey, sugar, alcoholic date juice are produced from dates, palm flour is produced from the core of the tree. Fresh dates keep well in the refrigerator.

Date sugar is much healthier for the body than cane or beet sugar.

If you put dried dates in hot milk for a while, their taste improves, and with a filling of butter, nuts, almonds or thick cream, the content of proteins and protein necessary for the human body increases.

Arabs make a paste from dates that can be stored all year round.

The fruits of dates are also used for the preparation of compotes, muesli, kissel and all kinds of confectionery, they are a great dessert.

They can be turned into flour, get something like honey.

After fermentation, a pleasant drink is obtained from them. Dates are very useful for digestion, they have a cleansing effect on the digestive system.

Since sun-dried and dried dates have a sticky surface, and pollutants and bacteria can get on them, you should not keep them outdoors for a long time, but they must be washed before use.

One of 17 species of the date family. It is native to the tropical and subtropical forests of Africa and Asia. The name comes from the Latin "phoenix" - palm tree.

The plant is widely in demand among the local population to this day. Since ancient times, the natives built roofs from date palm leaves, used them as a rope, wove baskets and other products.

Palm stalks contain a nutritious and sweet sap that can be used as an additive in tea instead of sugar. Homemade wine is also made from the juice.

Fruits - dates, are used for cooking, this is the main food for camels.

If you grind a date, you can get flour for baking.

In addition, the date palm as decorative tree, used in the decoration of houses, several centuries ago.

Today, the plant is popular at home as an ornamental small tree with wide branched leaves and serves as an ornament in greenhouses and home winter gardens. It is not difficult to grow a palm tree, it reproduces well from one seed from a fruit - a date.

Description: A tall plant with one or more stems. At the end of each trunk is a crown of leaves. The leaves are thin, belt-shaped, large. The petiole is short. Axillary inflorescence.

In its natural environment, the date palm reaches 25 m in height, in room conditions, dwarf species do not exceed 2 m. But for any species, spacious rooms are needed, through spreading leaves up to 2 m in diameter. There are varieties small size adapted to home conditions.

Types of date palm

Homeland Canary rocky islands. The height of the trunk reaches 20 m, the width is 1 m. The leaves are strong, pinnate, up to 5 m long, the crown itself consists of 200 sheets. Petiole small, covered with small spines. The leaves are light green. Branched axillary inflorescence up to 2 m. This type widely used in culture, in home greenhouses and rooms.

Habitats North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq, Libya. The height of the trunk reaches 30 m, from which powerful leaves extend to the sides, located closer at the top. The leaves are pinnate, lanceolate, up to 6 m long, on a long petiole. Axillary inflorescence hanging down under the weight of the fruit. The fruit is egg-shaped, in the middle the pulp is protected by a hard shell, edible and beneficial to the body. There are many varieties of this species.

Prefers mountain slopes, up to 1000 m above sea level, tropical and subtropical forests of Africa. It consists of several trunks, the height of which is up to 6-7 m. The appearance resembles a large bush. Belt-like pinnate leaves up to 6 m long and 1 m wide. Petiole up to 1 m, covered with small needles. Inflorescence up to 90 cm, axillary. It is well cultivated in partial shade, or constant diffused light.

Robelena (Ph. roebelenii)

Homeland - the humid tropics of India, Laos. The height of the tree is 2 m, with one or more trunks. Leaves 50-60 cm long, narrow, hanging down. Soft leaves 20-30 cm long. The leaves are located on a short and thin petiole. Axillary inflorescence. Adapted to grow at home.

Found in the mountainous regions of India. Straight trunk 5-7 m in height, diameter up to 20 cm, smooth. Pinnate leaves 2 m long, arcuate different shapes. Dense linear leaves up to 30 cm. Axillary inflorescence and small petiole, densely covered with thorns. Popular with gardeners.

Prefers lower reaches, along rivers and valleys in eastern India. Single trunk up to 12 m wide and 70-80 cm in diameter. The leaves grow only at the top and reach a length of 4 m, pinnate, hanging down, dense. Petiole 1 m, at the base gray color, covered with sharp, thick spines. Axillary inflorescence 80-0 cm, with white flowers.

It lives on the island of Sri Lanka in the humid subtropics. Smooth trunks 5-6 m in height, densely covered with old petioles. Hanging leaves with a large number of leaflets up to 25 cm long. A small petiole covered with sharp small spines. Short inflorescence collected in the axils of the leaves. At home, grows in cool greenhouses.

Date palm care

Location: This is a thermophilic plant that tolerates constant direct sunlight well. Often it is not even shaded in the summer at lunchtime. at home, the best place southwest, or south side of the windows.

During the hot period, for uniform growth, the pot is regularly rotated around its axis, otherwise the palm tree will grow one-sided. It is also necessary to gradually accustom to direct sunlight, in order to avoid burns. As soon as the temperature external environment more than 20 degrees, ventilate the room regularly, but beware of drafts.

In winter, daylight is not enough, often extended artificially with fluorescent lamps. Lack of light leads to stretching of the leaves.

As far as possible, from the middle of spring, take the plant to the balcony, or to the garden.

Temperature: Starting in spring, the optimum temperature for growth is 22-25 degrees. But at high humidity, the date tolerates well 28 degrees. Starting from mid-autumn and all winter, there comes a period of rest. The temperature is kept at 15-18 degrees, but not lower than 14. Some species are able to winter at low rates of 8-10 degrees.

At any temperature, the necessary supply of fresh air. In winter, this is quite problematic, due to the high probability of drafts. Often additional fresh air blowers are installed during the cold period.

Humidity: Since the culture normally grows in tropical forests, it needs a constantly humid climate. Especially during the hot period, the date palm needs additional spraying. At home, this procedure is carried out all year round.

Water is used settled, or soft. Also, a pot with a palm tree is placed on a pallet with moistened moss, or pebbles. But the pot cannot be placed directly in water, the root system will begin to absorb water and rot. 1-2 times a month, the leaves are washed off with warm water, or a mild soapy solution.

Soil: The soil is used either purchased or made independently. The components are selected in such a way that the overall composition is either neutral or slightly acidic.

There are no special requirements for the soil. So, for example: turf, humus, sand and compost in the same proportions. For 3 l. the finished mixture, add 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

Of the purchased ones, they use a substrate for palm trees.

For larger palms, add more sod land. A large and deep pot is selected, and claydite drainage is first laid on the bottom. The date palm is able to grow in hydroponics.

Watering: The plant must be watered abundantly 3 times a week, but as soon as the top layer of the earth dries. For 2 hours, the remaining water is left in the pan, after which it is drained. The fact is that the root system at this time itself will take as much moisture as it needs.

With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced by 2-3 times. The substrate must be constantly slightly moistened. Too dry earthen clod leads to drying of the tips of the leaves, which do not come to life, waterlogged contributes to rotting of the root system. Water is used soft, at room temperature, slightly above room temperature.

Transplantation: Through fragile and tender roots, the palm tree is rarely transplanted. Young plants are transplanted almost every year, adults no more than 1 time in 4 years. As a rule, they do not transplant, but transshipment, through damage to the main root.

Every year, the top layer of soil is removed and replaced with new, nutrient-rich soil.

Top dressing: The date palm needs top dressing only in the summer months, once every 10 days. Use purchased organic fertilizers for indoor decorative palms. You can alternate with potassium nitrate, which is diluted in a bucket of water 10 grams.

In winter, under certain conditions and visual deterioration of the leaves, you can feed 1 time for 1 month.

Reproduction of the date palm

The date is propagated by seeds, like other similar plants that have fruits. Growing a palm tree from seeds is quite simple and easy. Under certain conditions, an ornamental tree takes root well. Seeds are used from edible fully ripe fruits. But it is necessary to use the seeds of a fresh fruit.

The bone is first placed in warm water(30 degrees) for 3 days. Then planted in the ground. Composition of peat and sand in equal proportions. Water moderately and keep the temperature at 20 degrees. Expanded clay drainage must be placed at the bottom.

Also, the composition of the earth can be laid in layers. Starting from the lower drainage, then a layer of turf, sand and moss is laid on the remainder. Seeds are planted in a pre-moistened substrate. If planted in the soil of sand and peat, to preserve moisture, cover with a layer of moss on top.

The sprout appears up to a month of time. Be sure to keep watering regularly.

After germination, the young sprout is transplanted into a larger pot. It is necessary to provide plenty of light and heat, along with watering and high humidity, but keep out of direct sunlight until the palm gets used to it.

Pests and diseases: The main pests are considered to be scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites. But the date is considered a very resistant plant to diseases and pests.

Care Difficulties: Sudden changes in temperature often negatively affect the palm tree, it gets sick for a long time and loses leaves. For example, if you buy in the cold season and immediately bring it to warm room. Accustom to heat gradually, or buy in the summer.

A dry earth ball, or lack of light, causes the leaves to drop, the plant loses its luster.

Low humidity leads to yellowing and death of the tips of the leaves.

Drafts have a detrimental effect, the date begins to wither, the leaves fall and darken.

Medicinal properties: IN folk medicine, widely use palm sap for burns, skin and infectious disease, mastopathy.

Africa and Asia are home to most of the plants that delight us at home, in offices and greenhouses. The date palm was no exception.

Date palm, or Phoenix ( Phoenix) belongs to the arecaceae (palm) family and is undoubtedly the “queen of oases”: it shares food and shelter with people and animals, and also protects water bodies from drying out. Of the 17 known types of date palms in Russian indoor floriculture, 3 species have proven themselves and are often used:

  • date Robelin has a beautiful dense crown, reaches up to 1.5-2 meters in height, is relatively shade-tolerant.
  • date Canarian with pinnate trunks, rigid straight and narrow leaves, it has a maximum height of 2 meters.
  • date palm or ordinary is distinguished by the most common, not very beautiful form of a palm tree, but rapidly growing. The trunk of a palm tree gradually becomes exposed as it grows, which is a significant drawback of this plant. The fruits of this type of palm are sweet, tasty and nutritious dates familiar to everyone.
Robelin date (Phoenix roebellenii). © The Tree Center

All types of date palms have long leaves with narrow feathers, decorative, hardy and completely undemanding to the conditions of detention. From the beginning of the 19th century, palm trees began to be grown in greenhouses, as well as indoor plants. Among all types of palms, the date palm is the most hardy and resistant to pests.

Currently, flower shops offer a large selection various kinds palm trees, but the date is most preferable for many flower growers: an exotic plant will fit perfectly into any interior. It is not difficult to grow a date palm from the seeds of ordinary dates, therefore it is sometimes called a "fun plant". However, it is difficult to agree with the nickname "fun": any plant needs attention and care.

Date palm cultivation and care

If desired, the date palm can be grown from seeds. Before planting, the swelling stone is first placed in water for several days, periodically changing the water. It happens that the emergence of seedlings from the pits is “slowed down” if the dates have been stored for a long time. To speed up the germination of dates, the seeds can be scalded with boiling water.

The flower pot is filled with a mixture of peat (sawdust) and sand, the stone is planted vertically in the ground, covered with glass on top (and, if available, with wet moss). The optimum temperature for germination is 25-30°C. Palm shoots will appear in about 1.5 - 2 months.

The first five years the plant is very modest, the decorative value of the date tree will appear only after 5-7 years. It is curious, but true: a date palm of various shapes can grow from the same seeds: both a small fluffy tree and a tall, slender one. It is impossible to cut (break off) the top of the stem of the plant, such a procedure is fraught with the death of the palm tree.

In order for our house, office, greenhouse to be decorated with a beautiful date palm, when caring for it, it is necessary to adhere to a number of important points.

Date palm lighting

The plant prefers bright sunlight, it is shaded only during the hottest hours. For the uniform formation of leaves, the date palm must be turned towards the light so that the top of the leaf has a direction deep into the room.

Date temperature

During the period of palm growth - in spring and summer - a moderate temperature (20-25 ° C) is recommended. In autumn and winter, the optimal temperature for many types of palm is 15-18°C, and some species normally hibernate at 8-10°C. The plant has a negative attitude to drafts. The roots of date palms are also sensitive to cold: flower pots with a plant are not recommended to be placed on marble floors or a cold window sill.

Watering and fertilizing the date palm

IN summer season for a date palm, abundant watering is preferable; complete drying of the soil is not permissible. As a result of the drying of the earthy coma, date leaves may droop; in the future they will not restore their former position. In addition, the drying of an earthy coma can cause yellowing of the leaves. With waterlogging (especially in combination with cold air), brown spots may appear on the leaves of the date palm. In winter, watering is significantly reduced - it directly depends on the air temperature in the room.

For watering the date palm, use warm, soft water without chlorine at a temperature of about 20 ° C. Water mineralized with calcium (it is also called hard) has a bad effect on the palm tree, so it is better to exclude watering the plant with such water. A prerequisite For good growth Plants are good drainage, it does not allow water to stagnate at the roots. Since the palm tree desires moist air, a daily spraying of the leaves is recommended, and a real shower weekly. During the shower procedure, the earthen lump in the pot must be carefully covered with a film. To give the palm a well-groomed appearance, the leaves of the plant are periodically wiped with wet sponges.

Canarian date (Phoenix canariensis). © PalmenLager

Fertilizers are applied in diluted form and always in moist soil. For top dressing, complex preparations are used for palm trees or for decorative and deciduous houseplants. In spring and summer, palm trees are fertilized 2 times a month, in winter period- 1 time per month.

Transplantation, transshipment of date palm

The date palm tree does not tolerate transplantation well, so the plant is transshipped in the spring: a young palm tree (up to 4-5 years old) is transferred to another flower pot annually, and an adult one after 2-3 years. Every six months, it is desirable to remove the top layer of soil and cover the vacant place with fresh earth.

A transplant is required only when the roots are cramped in the flower pot and are already visible through the drainage holes. Each transshipment of a palm tree is carried out in a flower pot with a diameter of 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. It is advisable to use a flower pot for a date palm not wide, but tall: the long roots of the plant will fit well here. When transshipping, the plant is carefully transferred to a new flower pot, and the voids are filled with new soil.

For good growth, a date palm needs a soil mixture prepared in the following ratio: 2 parts of light clay-turf soil, 2 parts of humus-leaf soil, 1 part of peat soil, 1 part of rotted manure, 1 part of sand and a little charcoal. If it is not possible to prepare the necessary components for the soil mixture, then ready-made soil mixtures can be purchased at the store for transshipment of palm trees (specialized “For palm trees” or universal for indoor plants).

Loose, soft, breathable and moisture-permeable soil will provide good nutrition to the roots of the plant. To prevent stagnant water, a good drainage layer is formed at the bottom of the flower pot.

Diseases of date palms

This exotic plant is sick mainly due to poor care.

Waterlogged soil is indicated by a change in the color of palm leaves: they become dark, almost brown, and the trunk is soft and there is a putrefactive smell. If these signs are found, watering stops, it is necessary to dry the soil. It is necessary to remove the palm tree from the flower pot and check its root system. The plant cannot be saved if the roots have become dark, soft and watery (they have already died). If among the dead, whole (live) roots are also preserved, then they are carefully separated from the dead and the places of the cut are sprinkled with crushed coal.

As a result of insufficient watering of the palm tree, dry air, winter drafts and sudden changes in temperature, the tips of the leaves of the plant can become brown. And here are the plants growing below brown leaves safe - these are age-related changes in the palm tree. The darkened leaves of the date palm have died off, so they are removed. At insufficient watering the leaves of the plant fall down, and you can raise them only by tying them to a support. Watering a palm tree with hard water, lack of moisture or nutrients can cause the plant to turn yellow.

Canarian date in natural conditions. © Meneerke bloem

The pale appearance of the date palm indicates excessively abundant lighting or damage to the red spider mite. From excessively bright sunlight, a slight shading of the plant saves.

It happens that the date palm dries; leaves darken, curl and fall off; brown plaques appear on the surface of the leaves. Such signs indicate that the palm tree is dying from pests. Pest control (scutellum, mealybug or spider mite) is standard for all indoor plants: the leaves must be washed with a solution of laundry soap and sprinkled with garlic extract. With a more severe damage to the plant, Aktellik's solution is used in a ratio of 1-2 ml per liter of water.

In ancient times, the palm leaf was considered a symbol of triumph and victory. At present, the presence of a date palm house indicates that an amateur florist has become a winner, turning his house into a small cozy oasis.

cultivation exotic plants at home - this is the dream of many flower growers, which is quite feasible and you will definitely be able to bring it to life!
