tree like construction material, has numerous advantages, not the least of which is ease of processing. Various tools for working with wood are produced, but the simplest and most common is the usual hand saw-hacksaw. What are the parameters for choosing a wood saw, which one is better and what to look for when choosing a new tool?

Criteria for choosing a hacksaw for wood

The choice of the most convenient option, as a rule, is determined by a set of the following characteristics:

  • canvas length;
  • material used in the manufacture of the saw;
  • handle configuration;
  • shape, pitch, size of the tooth.

Even with a change in one of the listed characteristics, the operational properties of the hacksaw also change markedly. It is clear that the shape of the handle affects the comfort of working with the tool. Therefore, if the saw will be used mainly by one master, you need to select the handle in such a way that, as they say, it “lies” in the hand. If the hacksaw is used rarely, and also not too intensively, then the comfort of holding becomes not the most important parameter.
Most often, hacksaws are produced with a blade length of 350 to 600 mm. The choice of blade length depends on the expected thickness of the wooden products that will have to be sawn. The main thing here is not to go to extremes, because a blade that is too short will have to work longer to achieve the same result, and a blade that is too long, especially when sawing hard wood, can spring back and, again, create difficulties.

Blade material, tooth pitch and types

The material for the production of hacksaw blades is, as a rule, tool or alloy steel. In order for the tool to serve for a long time, you should choose a saw with a blade made of high types of steel, preferably stainless steel. The price will be higher, but it will certainly pay off. In addition, the teeth may or may not be hardened. Both options have their merits. Unhardened teeth can always be sharpened, with a certain skill. Hardened teeth are more reliable, last longer, but sharpening them after they wear out is unlikely to succeed.

The question of which wood saw is best suited for certain conditions can most often be answered based on the size, type, and tooth pitch. Efficient sawing of wood materials is characterized by the speed and accuracy of the cut. These properties depend on each other - the accuracy of the cut guarantees a fine tooth, while reducing the speed of work. Larger teeth make sawing faster, but cut surface quality and accuracy are reduced.

For right choice the important parameter is TPI, which means the number of teeth per inch of the working length of the blade. This coefficient, as a rule, is indicated in the marking on the side surface of the blade. For accurate work, where the accuracy and quality of surfaces are of serious importance, TPI should be equal to 7-11, but if speed is preferable, then TPI is selected with a value of 3-5.

By the type of teeth, there are several types of hacksaws:

  1. For longitudinal sawing. This tool has teeth in the form of an oblique triangle, used for sawing wood along the grain.
  2. The crosscut saw is equipped with isosceles triangular teeth, mainly used for dry wood.
  3. For mixed sawing. Triangular teeth alternate with semicircular ones. Not recommended for intensive, frequent use.
  4. Trapezoidal tooth. Each tooth of this hacksaw has three cutting edges. The use of this hacksaw has undeniable advantages - the tool cuts quickly, effortlessly.
  5. The upgraded saw has grouped teeth separated by special gaps that make it easier to remove chips from the cut zone.

Hacksaws, in addition to the shape and location of the teeth, are divided according to the shape and length of the blade, they are folding, with various forms handles. The price can also indirectly testify to the durability, as well as the quality of the performance of the tool. A good hacksaw is unlikely to be the cheapest.

Popular Models

Information from sellers about which wood saws sell best makes it possible to judge the most popular models. Let's consider some of them.

Stanley Jet Cut SP2-15-288

This hacksaw is equipped with a D-handle, 50cm blade with 7mm tooth pitch. A tooth with three cutting edges provides ease and speed of sawing. The fine Swedish steel used in the production of the blade ensures the high quality of the tool. The teeth are practically not subject to wear, which makes it possible for many years of successful use. The price is within 1200–1300 rubles.

Zubr Expert

The tool is popular, it wins due to an acceptable cost (from 700 rubles), as well as versatility. Triangular hardened teeth allow for longitudinal and transverse cuts at a fairly high speed. The special tooth setting technology eliminates the occurrence of clamping forces, improves productivity, and improves work efficiency. Hardened, specially set teeth, 5 mm pitch, comfortable plastic handle. The length of the canvas is from 40 cm.

Stanley General Purpose 1-20-089

Designed for accurate and accurate sawing of workpieces, this hacksaw has fine teeth (TPI=11) made using Jet Cut technology, an ergonomic handle, and a polished steel blade. A feature can be considered the accuracy provided by a small tooth. At the same time, the speed of work is also quite high, due to the teeth with three cutting edges (sawing occurs both on the forward and reverse strokes). The comfortable handle provides a firm grip, excellent control and ease of use, and is attached to the blade with three screws. Length 380 mm, price - 650–700 rubles.

BAHCO Laplander 396-LAP

An excellent tool designed for sawing dry and wet wood, designed and manufactured specifically for hunters, fishermen and tourists, although it also finds use in gardeners and even builders. Excellent Swedish quality, TPI=7, Sandvik XT shaped teeth for sawing both along and across the grain. The canvas has a special coating applied not only to protect against corrosion, but also to reduce friction. Folded length -23 cm, weight 200 g. The blade is securely fixed both in the folded and in the open position. The only drawback is the price - from 1.6 to 2 thousand rubles.

A hacksaw is a small but handy cutting tool that has a solid metal frame and a serrated blade. Although the original purpose of this saw is to cut metal, it is also used for plastic and wood.


There are various options for hand hacksaws, but the main (or most common) ones are full-frame ones, which use 12-inch or 10-inch blades. Regardless of the type of hacksaw, it is important to ensure that you purchase a high quality tool made from a special alloy of steel.

In more modern models The blade can be adjusted in length, which allows you to remove branches of various thicknesses. The cutting element is placed in the posts that are on the frame. Many people don't realize that you can install it in different positions for own needs. The blade simply moves left and right or up and down.

Among the huge range of products offered, all models differ in the shape of the handle, dimensions, tooth sizes and other parameters. The buyer should take into account his own needs when choosing the material of the canvas and its dimensions. If you plan to saw boards and remove small branches, then you should pay attention to the tool, in which the width of the metal cutting part is from 28 to 30 centimeters. For construction purposes, a canvas from 45 to 50 cm is used, but you can find more on the market - it all depends on what work you plan to do.

The effectiveness of the tool depends on the proportions, so the thickness of a wooden workpiece should be less than half that of a hacksaw. In this case, more sweeping movements are obtained, therefore, it is possible to complete the task faster. Large teeth must fully enter the material - this is the only way sawdust will be removed.

The convenience of the user during operation will also depend on how much the manufacturer has thought out the handle. This structural element is attached behind the blade; sometimes you can find a pistol-type handle on sale. The handle is made from two materials: wood and plastic. In more expensive versions, it can be rubberized, which significantly improves the interaction of the hand with the surface.

Another feature that can distinguish wood saws from each other is the firm and size of the cutting teeth. If you look closely, the pointed elements never stand next to each other, because in this case the tool will immediately get stuck in the material. To simplify the task, the teeth are given different shape, which is also used for various cutting options:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse.

A tool with rip cut teeth is used to work along wood fibers. The main distinguishing feature is that each pointed element is quite large and sharpened at a right angle. The tool seems to cut wood, working on the principle of a chisel.

To cut across, they take a different unit, in which each tooth is sharpened at an angle. There are also Japanese teeth, which are narrow and very long, and at the top of the blade there is a cutting edge with a double slope. You can also find a universal tool on sale that can be used in both cases. Its teeth are sharpened symmetrically.


Depending on the number of teeth on the working blade, the purpose of the tool is also determined - it will be used for sawing or for cutting. As a rule, you can see this characteristic in the instructions or description for the tool. On some models, the manufacturer applied the necessary parameters directly to the surface of the working canvas.

Large teeth indicate that the hacksaw is used for quick and rough cuts. As a rule, this is the main tool of summer residents and gardeners, since it is impossible to do without it in the household. With such a hacksaw, you can cut firewood, remove thick extra branches in the fall. The tool should be marked 3-6 TPI.

If the description for the tool contains TPI 7-9, then such a hacksaw should be used for better cutting, where accuracy is important. The main scope of application is working with laminate, fiberboard and chipboard. Because of small size teeth, the user spends more time cutting the part, but the cut is smooth and without jags.

Joiners acquire a whole set of hacksaws for wood, since each is used to solve a specific task. The teeth of the ripping tool are always made in the form of triangles, the corners of which are beveled. If you look closely, this form is somewhat reminiscent of hooks that have been sharpened on both sides. As a result, the cut is even, the canvas penetrates the material tightly. Those teeth that allow you to make a cross cut have a shape very similar to an isosceles triangle. It is allowed to use such a hacksaw only on a tree that is completely dry.

In the combined version, two types of teeth are used, which follow each other. Sometimes there are gaps or voids in the design of the cutting blade, due to which the waste material is removed.

Types of wood saws

Hacksaws are presented in a wide range, they can be divided into three large groups, which have their own classification:

  • with a butt;
  • to create a curved cut;
  • Japanese.

If you plan to perform delicate work, then you should use a tool with a butt, in which a strip of brass or steel is additionally installed on the upper edge of the blade, which prevents bending. These hacksaws are classified as follows:

  • tenon-cutting;
  • with dovetail;
  • with offset handle;
  • edging;
  • model.

The first on the list are the largest, since their main purpose is to work with thick boards and firewood. Equipped with a closed shape of the handle, which is ideal for convenient fixation of the tool in the hand. Smaller version of this model - dovetail- used for working with hardwoods.

If you have to work with through spikes, then you should use a hacksaw with an offset handle. The user can adjust the element, while it is convenient to work with both right and left hand.

When you need to make a thin cut, there is no better tool than a edge saw, which has a compact size. But the smallest of all the presented options for this tool is a model file.

Any of the described models, a person should begin to work for himself, holding the hacksaw at a slight angle.

If it is necessary to cut a curved part, a completely different tool is used. This category also has its own classification:

  • bow;
  • openwork;
  • jigsaw;
  • narrow.

A bow hacksaw usually has a length of 20-30 centimeters, while on the cutting blade there are from 9 to 17 teeth of the same size per inch. It is possible to rotate the canvas in the required direction so that the frame does not interfere with the view. There are folding tourist models on sale that take up little space.

In an openwork file, the working surface reaches a length of 150 mm, and the frame is made in the shape of an arc. The main area of ​​​​use is artificial material and solid wood.

As for the jigsaw, its frame is also made in the form of an arc, but deep, since the tool is necessary to create strong bends in thin material, such as veneer.

A narrow hacksaw is also known in the professional world as a hacksaw, since it is used in the middle of a wooden workpiece. The cutting element is very thin and tapers towards the end. It is thanks to this form that it is possible to create curves with a large angle. The design provides a pistol-type handle, on which you can attach the desired canvas.

Professionals know that the assortment of hacksaws is not limited to this, since there are also Japanese edged saws, which not every beginner could hear about. Their classification includes:

  • kataba;
  • dozuki;
  • rioba;
  • mawashibiki.

Home hallmark of all these hacksaws is that their blades work for themselves. The teeth on the blade are very close to each other, so the cut is narrow, without serious breaks in the wood fibers.

At the kataba, the cutting elements are located on one side. The tool can be used for both longitudinal and transverse cuts, so it is considered universal. In comparison with the described model, in rioba, the cutting blade for the transverse cut is on one side, and the longitudinal one on the other. When working with such a tool, it is worth holding it at a slight inclination.

For a neat and thin cut, dozuki is used. Closer to the handle, the teeth are smaller in size, which makes it easier to work.

The narrowest hacksaw of the listed variants of this group is mawashibiki. All actions using such a tool should be pulling - this way it is possible to reduce the likelihood of blade deflection.

The tooth pitch of hacksaws can be from 14 to 32 teeth per inch. With the development of technological progress, this tool moved from the category of manual classics and began to be made electric. In the design of electric hacksaws there is a powerful engine that provides the necessary power for sawing branches.

Stationary silent vertical machines have the most power, but some portable models are also not inferior. Power depends on the type of power supply. Rechargeable ones are inferior to stationary electric ones, but they can be used even where there is no way to connect to the network.

Also separately in the category of the described tool is an award - a product with a thin canvas no more than 0.7 mm. The cutting part fits into a block made of wood, very tightly. Used with one or two hands for small cuts or notches.

Saw tooth dimensions


Large teeth are considered to be 4-6 mm in size. Their distinguishing feature is that they create a rough cut, but take less time to work. It is best to use such a tool with large pieces, such as logs, where the quality and fineness of the lines are not so important.


Fine teeth include any hacksaw, in which this indicator is in the range of 2-2.5 mm. One of the advantages of such a cutting blade is an accurate and very accurate cut, so the tool is advised to be used when processing small parts.


If the teeth on the hacksaw are 3-3.5 mm, then this the average size, which is also used for wooden blanks of small dimensions.

Types of steel

We make hacksaws of any type from steel various kinds, including - alloyed or carbon. The quality of the product is indicated by the hardness of the canvas - it is checked according to the Rockwell method.

Hardened hacksaw blades are made from hardened high quality tool steel. They are very hard, but in some situations are poorly susceptible to bending loading. Flexible blades contain hardened steel only on the teeth. The backing is a flexible sheet of metal. They are sometimes called bimetal blades.

Early blades were made from carbon steel, now called "low alloy", and were relatively soft and flexible. They didn't break, but wore out quickly. For several decades, the metal sheet has changed, various alloys have been used, which have been tested in practice.

Blades made of high-alloy metal cut accurately, but were extremely brittle. This limited them practical use. A softer form of this material was also available - it was highly resistant to stress, more resistant to breakage, but was less rigid, so it would bend and result in a less accurate cut.

Since the 1980s, bimetallic blades have been actively used in the manufacture of hacksaws for wood. The advantages were obvious - there was no risk of breakage. Over time, the price of the product has fallen, so such cutting elements are used as universal variant everywhere.

Carbon steel is usually the softest and cheapest of the other types. It began to be used in the manufacture of household-level tools. The material is valued by craftsmen because it can be easily sharpened. Most woodworking tools are made from carbon steel, as it is sometimes quite expensive to use another material.

Stainless steel undergoes heat treatment, its hardness factor is 45. It is used for the manufacture of tools with a high-quality cutting edge. Can be operated in difficult conditions, but it is more expensive than carbon.

Highly alloyed is widely used in tool making. It is available in various options: M1, M2, M7 and M50. Among them, M1 is the most expensive variety. Although few hacksaws are made from this material, the type of steel described stands up to longer use. Not used for making large tools due to inherent brittleness. Hacksaws made from high alloy steel are often marked HS or HSS.

Carbide steel is used in the manufacture of hand tools because it allows you to perform tasks efficiently. Being very hard, the alloy is carefully processed so that it can be used in the future, since the products can break easily.

Most often, steel hacksaws are made of high speed steel. The most popular will be BS4659, BM2 or M2.

Model Rating

Among domestic manufacturers, I would like to single out model range "Enkor" which is made of carbide steel. One of the best representatives is the Enkor 19183 model, a distinctive feature of which is the size of the teeth of only 2.5 mm. The tool comes with a comfortable handle and hardened teeth, which indicates a long service life of the product.

It is impossible not to highlight Japanese saws, for example, model Silky Sugowaza, which is used for the most difficult work, since the size of its teeth is 6.5 mm. Gardeners and summer residents prefer to purchase such a tool for crown formation fruit trees when you want to work quickly, without making a lot of effort. The special shape in the form of an arc makes it easy to cut unnecessary branches.

Swedish hacksaws are not far behind in quality from domestic ones. Among them stands out Bahco brand, which has proven itself due to its high quality. The Ergo 2600-19-XT-HP stands out in the multi-tool category for medium thickness workpieces.

How to choose?

  • Before buying a hacksaw, the user should pay attention to the material from which the hacksaw blade is made. It is best if it is M2 steel, since it has not only an attractive service life, but also decent reliability.
  • When choosing, the diameter of the processed wooden blanks is necessarily taken into account, since when buying a hacksaw with a smaller blade size, the user will have to make more efforts during work.
  • For sawing wood and other rough work, it is best to use a hacksaw with large teeth.
  • Saws made of alloy steel can be sharpened using a special disc on the grinder.
  • If there is difficult work to be done, then it is better if a flip handle is provided in the design of the hacksaw.

As for the operating rules, the user needs to know how to use this tool correctly and safely. The sharpening angle may differ depending on the type of hacksaw chosen, some can be sharpened on your own, but without proper experience it is better to entrust this to a professional, as you can ruin the tool.

Hacksaws are distinguished by a metal blade that is set in a solid steel frame. Although it itself is flexible, kept in a state of high tension, the user is advised to wear protective gloves even if the operation takes only five minutes. Share with friends

It is very difficult to do on a private plot or cottage without a hand saw for wood. This tool also has the name "hacksaw". With such a simple device, you can cut trees or branches in the garden, shorten fences and do many more types of work where you need to change the length of some kind of wooden product: boards, laminate, and so on.

It is unlikely that anyone seriously thought about it, but if you make the right choice of a saw, then its service life will depend on this, as well as the convenience of work and the quality of the cut. That is why it is necessary to know all the basic parameters for the correct choice of such a carpentry tool.

Choosing a saw

In the markets and shops there is a wide variety of hacksaws for wood. They all differ in several parameters:

  • the shape and size of the teeth;
  • canvas size;
  • steel grade from which the canvas is made;
  • handle shape.

If one of the specified parameters changes, then the hacksaw will also radically change its original characteristics. All these factors must be considered when buying a tool for different cases. Also, you should always make sure that the saw sat very well in the hand of the master, because it will greatly facilitate the work. You should not buy a tool with a small handle for a person who has large hands. Such a hacksaw will be very inconvenient to use, and therefore the quality of the cut will suffer.

Tooth size

This parameter will greatly affect the speed of work, as well as quality. To make it convenient to determine the size and number of teeth, the designation TPI was specially introduced, which should indicate the number of teeth in one inch. Such a parameter can always be found in the description of the tool, and this value is also very often drawn directly on the canvas.

  1. Hacksaw for wood with a large tooth will provide a rough cut, as well as high speed. This parameter will be needed for sawing large boards, firewood and branches. The TPI of such an instrument is 3…6.
  2. If there is a need to make a neat and even cut, then you need to buy a saw with fine teeth - T PI 7 ... 9. Such a hacksaw is ideal for sawing chipboard, fiberboard, laminate. But it is worth noting that the performance will be much less than that of a coarse-toothed hacksaw.

The joiner's saw is selected according to the size of the teeth. For processing ordinary tree you can buy large or small, and for delicate materials such as fiberboard, it is better to purchase a fine-toothed saw. There are several designations in stores: for drywall, for wood, and so on. The difference lies in the same size of the teeth. For each material, the optimal size will be selected.

The teeth can also differ in their shape, and this will affect the purpose of the tool:

  1. For longitudinal sawing teeth are made triangular with oblique corners. Their appearance will resemble hooks that are sharpened from 2 sides. Such a saw will slide along the grain of the wood and make a very smooth cut, leaving no nicks.
  2. For cross cutting teeth are made in the form of an isosceles triangle. This type of hacksaw cuts when passing back and forth, but it is advisable to use it only on dry wood.
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to use a mixed type of sawing, and for this option, two types of cloves are ideal, which are alternately located one after the other. Long curved ones will cut materials in the forward direction, and triangles, when moving backwards, expand the channel and catch sawdust and chips behind them.


No one wants a saw to fail after only a few uses, so it is advisable to choose the highest grades of steel. Teeth can be regular or hardened. Ordinary ones are sharpened at home.

Hard-tooth saws are disposable, because when they wear out, nothing can be done with them on their own. This species is very easy to detect by its dark color. It is advisable to choose a saw that is made of stainless steel, as it can often be very damp in garages, and therefore the saw will become covered with unnecessary corrosion. And there are often situations when work is carried out on the street, but after use the saw is forgotten on the site, then it rains, after which the tool also becomes rusty.

Blade length

This parameter will be determined by the pitch of the teeth and the size of the saw.

  1. Small hacksaws are equipped with small and frequent teeth, the length of the blade will not exceed 350 mm.
  2. Universal hacksaws are available with an average tooth size, and the length of the entire tool is no more than 550 mm.
  3. A wide hacksaw has large teeth and an increased pitch; the length of the blade is usually no more than 600 mm.

The canvas can vary not only in length, but also in shape. A traditional saw is usually tapered on one side of the rectangle. This suggests that you have purchased a universal tool that can be used to cut various objects. The rounded blade is usually used to cut branches or other objects from a distance. Such a hacksaw is very light and glides on wood with high quality, without causing much trouble to the owner.


Thanks to the handle, the convenience of carrying out any work is carried out. The tool should fit perfectly in the hand, and also be very comfortable. To make the handle, different plastics are used, which will be pleasant to the touch. When choosing, make sure that material will not slip if your hand gets sweaty while working. It is for this purpose that special grooves and recesses are made in the handle, as well as rubberized lining. It is these parameters that all manufacturers take into account, and therefore produce products that differ in a wide variety of handles.


In modern shops and markets there is a huge variety of saws for any purpose. Therefore, in order to understand which tool is useful for you, you must first familiarize yourself with all their types.

Choice by purpose

As already found out, there is a wide variety of saws, but the choice of a hacksaw should also be carried out in accordance with certain types of work:

  1. For rip sawing, a swing saw must be used.
  2. Transverse will cope well with wood, where there is a transverse arrangement of fibers.
  3. Spike can cut various grooves and spikes, as well as technological recesses in the tree.
  4. Vyruzhnaya cuts holes of various shapes.
  5. Folding hacksaw is used on trees.

The choice should always be made according to the main purpose for which a certain tool is purchased. For household a saw with interchangeable blades is suitable, and it is also desirable to have several types of cutting tools at home.

It is very difficult to master all the information and choose exactly the saw that is suitable for a particular situation. That is why it is advisable to study a few more tips that will help you choose the right hacksaw.

What is the best wood saw? You should not ask such a question, because each tool is useful for a specific situation. Therefore, you need to know how to choose a hacksaw for wood, depending on the purpose. Adhering to these simple rules, you can easily find the right tool that is right for you.

Suppose we need to adjust wooden plinth or prune your garden. It would seem that we take a hacksaw and saw. What kind of wood saw do you use? No, the question is not at all idle. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to go to any building supermarket or an online store that sells tools. Dozens of models are presented to our attention. And they differ not only in logos and price.

It seems to be a simple tool, but no, with the wrong choice, at best, we will not get the expected pleasure from work. At worst, since the author of the comment on the forum: “It seemed to me that saws were sold ready for use, i.e. already imprisoned and divorced. So how to choose a hacksaw for wood? What to look for: brand, length or price? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Main characteristics

The canvas is of paramount importance in this tool. The ease of use of the product and its service life will depend on the steel grade, the correct hardening procedure and successful sharpening. The choice of a hacksaw for wood is based on four basic characteristics:

  • canvas length;
  • tooth size;
  • steel type;
  • handle type.

The first criterion is the length of the canvas. It depends on the needs of the buyer, so for small bars, boards, etc. a 280 - 300 mm hacksaw is enough. For construction or summer cottages, a canvas of 450 - 500 mm is more appropriate. There are more. When choosing a model, you must clearly know what size wood you are going to cut. The rule is as follows: the length of the hacksaw should be twice the largest workpiece for which it is intended. You can do less, but the usability will be lost. This is due to several reasons:

  • this ratio allows all the teeth of the hacksaw to completely exit the log during the cut, and this effective removal sawdust (will not clog);
  • it is easier for the hands, with more sweeping movements, the hand does not get so tired.

Teeth size and sharpening. From this characteristic will depend on the accuracy of the cut and its speed. The pattern is as follows: a small tooth - a clean and accurate cut, but less speed; larger - a rough cut with significantly higher speed and less fatigue. This characteristic on hacksaws is referred to as "TPI", which means the number of teeth per inch (almost 30 mm). The larger the TPI value, the more “delicate” the cut will be. For example, for work with chipboard and fiberboard, this value should be at least 7 - 9. The cut surface will be smoother without a “torn” edge.

For garden work, the cleanliness of the cut is not so critical, especially for trimming or sawing logs. A more important characteristic in such work is the speed of sawing and the effort to be expended. To do this, we need a hacksaw with a TPI value of 3-6, the distance between the teeth is from 4 to 8 mm.

The classic shape of a tooth is a triangle. As a rule, such saws are of the sharpened type. The latest generation of hacksaws with hardened teeth are trapezoidal in shape. They are initially designed with increased strength and wear resistance. When it gets dull, we go, buy a new hacksaw or change the blade. With all the desire to sharpen it will not work: it is extremely difficult to repeat the sharpening angles, and even such steel cannot be filed. Provided that the production technology is observed.

Steel type. The standard metal hardness for a wood saw is 45 HRC. For teeth, steel with a hardness of 55 - 60 HRC is used. This type of hacksaw combines the flexibility of the blade with high wear resistance of the teeth. They are easily recognizable by their characteristic appearance- the teeth have a darker shade than the rest of the blade surface. These hacksaws are of the non-sharpened type. If the teeth are not hardened, they can be straightened and sharpened.

Lever. The number of calluses on the hands depends on its ergonomics. There are two options for the handle: flip or classic. The first option allows you to change blades, for example, in the Bahco Superior EX-19-XT9-C hacksaw model.

How to choose?

First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of tool is needed: carpentry or carpentry. The carpentry has a more accurate and clean cut, it is used mainly for dry wood. The cutting speed for this type of tool is not the main characteristic.

When choosing a length, be guided by your needs, i.e. what size timber or log are you going to cut. If the tool will be used infrequently, for example, on suburban area, choose with hardened teeth. The resource of operation of such a saw is large. In addition, sharpening and setting teeth correctly is a science of its own, and it may not be advisable to master it for seasonal work in the garden.

The quality of the canvas can be checked upon purchase. To do this, take a hacksaw and see how smooth the canvas is. Next, bend the canvas to tangible resistance and release. The zeal of the fold should be slight, do not break. After that, look at the evenness of the blade at the bend, if the deviation is more than 2 mm - the steel is not of very high quality.

The teeth of a hacksaw have a dual role:

  • cut wood;
  • remove sawdust.

The lower the number of teeth per inch, the greater the cutting speed and the less clogged with sawdust. Hacksaws with up to 7 teeth provide high performance with little user effort. True, accuracy will suffer from this. But even here it is necessary to look for a golden mean, because. the greater the distance between the teeth, the smaller the cutting surface. As a result, performance will drop. The best option there will be the following rule: the minimum thickness of the bar must be greater than the pitch of three teeth. Otherwise, it will be flour, not cut.

Hacksaws can be with a longitudinal and transverse cutting method. Longitudinal blades are easy to recognize by the angle of inclination of the teeth; such saws cut only from themselves. Usually their length does not exceed 50 cm, they have an acute cutting angle - 75 - 800. Most of the models presented in stores can be attributed to hacksaws with a cross cut. They have sharpening on both sides of the tooth. That allows you to cut both when moving forward and backward.

One of the determining criteria for choosing a hacksaw for wood is the price. As with everything else, quality products from leading brands will cost more than Chinese brands. This overpayment, in fact, is a guarantee of durability and wear resistance of such a tool. And with hardened teeth, this is very important, the overall service life of such a tool will depend on this. It does not lend itself to sharpening. Leading manufacturers exercise tighter control over the choice of steel grade and hardening technology. And as we discussed above, even the shape and pitch of the teeth of such a tool will affect a lot. Starting with the convenience and effort expended, ending with the accuracy and evenness of the cut.

Models to look out for

The models below are highly good feedback both according to the results of specialized tests of the tool, and according to the opinion of the users themselves. For convenience, all models will go according to an increasing price category, from budget to professional wood saws.

Hacksaw for wood Zubr Expert It has a very comfortable plastic handle. The teeth are hardened, triangular in shape with two cutting edges. Suitable for both longitudinal and transverse sawing. The length of the blade, as well as the number of teeth per inch, the user selects independently, the variations of this model are different. It cuts well on any type of wood. This tool is suitable for carpentry work, because. controllability and cutting accuracy at height. For the garden, you can choose a model with a lower TPI value. The cost is from 12 to 15 USD.

Hacksaw Gross Piranha also available in several versions. Blades Available in different lengths (from 400 to 550 mm) and different numbers of teeth. The saw is made of hard steel 52 HRc, teeth, hardened 66 HRc with triangular laser sharpening. Cuts straight and clean. The Piranha hacksaw has a Teflon coating, which significantly improves the sliding of the blade and allows you to get clean cut edges. The cost of this tool is 12 - 15 USD.

Hacksaw Stanley General Purpose. This tool is produced by a French company, has good quality and not a high price (about $12). Designed for both longitudinal and transverse sawing. Length 500 mm with TPI 8. Hardened teeth. The cut is easy, without additional effort. An excellent purchase for a summer cottage.

Hacksaw Irwin Xpert. Very good tool for a reasonable cost, from 20 c.u. Washed down easy, the cut is even and smooth. When sawing hardwood, the force on the hand does not increase significantly. Good handle ergonomics. Length 500 mm, teeth, hardened with proprietary geometry, TPI 8.

Hacksaws Sandvik(in the past), and now it is a well-known tool under the Bahco brand. Bahco saws with proprietary XT geometry are practically unrivaled, this is already a category professional tool. Noteworthy is the Bahco ProfCut PC-19-File-U7 model. This is one of the few saws that can be sharpened. Convenient, 475 mm long hacksaw. Cuts smoothly and easily. Cost from 20 c.u.

By the way, you can get the quality of the Bahco company, and at the same time save money, when buying a hacksaw under the brand name "Tescha". This instrument comes to Russia from two countries. If you purchase with the mark "made in Sweden" - you will have in your hands a tool from the Bahco factory, with its level of quality.
