Main and auxiliary options of the soldering iron stand

For the manufacture of fixtures, you need to use materials that do not heat up much, practically do not conduct heat. Good Alternative option- this is the equipment of a home-made stand with special legs. The minimum design functionality is:

  • convenient support for the device heated during operation;
  • the presence of a flux container that provides the comfort of using a soldering iron.

In addition, you can add a number of additional functions yourself, which include:

  1. Equipping the stand with a platform for tinning.
  2. Device power adjustment. It can be performed either smoothly using a thermostat, or in steps.
  3. Installation a simple fixture to remove solder residue from the tip.
  4. Additional container for solder.

How to make a do-it-yourself soldering iron stand? Below we present a few of the most simple ways from which you can choose the most suitable for you.

Stand with third hand device

This design allows you to work with the soldering iron as comfortably as possible, without wasting effort on holding the soldering iron and the two parts to be connected at the same time. It is quite rightly called the "third hand". For its manufacture, the following improvised materials and accessories will be required:

  • two cups from decorative candles;
  • leg from the old table lamp or a small lamp;
  • two crocodile clips;
  • magnifier, which will help much more convenient to work with small details;
  • spring retainer, which can be made with your own hands from ordinary steel wire;
  • wooden base.

The first step is to prepare the basis for the future stand. To do this, we mill three niches in it. The first two will
used to install cups from candles, and the third - for a cleaning cloth that removes solder from the soldering iron. After that, all work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. We mount the cups in the prepared niches.
  2. We mount crocodile clips on a flexible rod from the lamp. The distance between them is better to make adjustable.
  3. We install the spiral holder of the soldering iron in one of the corners of the base.
  4. We drill holes and screw the rod with clamps to the wooden stand.
  5. If desired, a magnifying glass can be attached to the top of the "third hand". Also, very often it is made removable, or installed on a separate bar.

Such a stand does not require significant financial investments, but makes it easier to work with a soldering iron.

Stand with power regulator

In Chinese online stores, you can order ready-made kits for home soldering stations, which are quickly assembled into a tool power adjustment and monitoring system. You can also make a regulator with your own hands, using components such as:

  • a fixed resistor, the value of which is 4.7 ohms (in the diagram - R2);
  • variable resistor, through which the power will be adjusted (up to 500 ohms, R1);
  • 0.1 microfarad capacitor (C1);
  • dinistor DB3 (VD3);
  • triac BTA06-600 (VD4);
  • diode 1N4148 (VD1);
  • LED that will light up when the power is turned on (VD2).

How to make a soldering iron power regulator out of all this? The answer to this question can be found in the diagram below.

You can make your own payment. Holes for parts are drilled in it and conductive paths are made.

If you have minimal experience in working with printed circuit boards, making a regulator will not be difficult. You can install it directly on the soldering iron stand. If you plan to use the device at a power higher than 100 W, you will need to use aluminum radiator, which will remove excess heat from the triac.

A soldering iron with a power regulator will allow you to work with small parts and LEDs, and provide the ability to customize the device to your needs. In addition, it will help reduce the load on the device and extend its life.

The stand itself in this case can be made of a rectangular trim board or chipboard. A steel plate is screwed onto it with the help of self-tapping screws, curved in the form of an inverted letter “P” with cutouts for installing a soldering iron. Additionally, you can install containers for rosin and solder (all the same cups from decorative candles).

The main tool of a home radio amateur is a soldering iron. Unlike other appliances, it cannot simply be placed on a table (workbench) during operation. Why? Right! He is hot. Therefore, you will need a special stand.

There are many different devices on sale, from a simple holder to a whole complex called a soldering station.

In most cases, a soldering iron is needed to perform urgent repair work. If you are not a professional "homemade" - the instrument usually gathers dust in a box on the balcony, appearing once or twice a year. In such cases, many use the first object that comes across as a stand.

However, if you put in quite a bit of effort, a hand-made soldering iron stand will look no worse than a factory one. Especially if you regularly make electrical circuits.

Required minimum for stand

  1. Stable foundation. Made of a material that conducts heat poorly, or equipped with legs
  2. Soldering iron supports
  3. Container for rosin (flux).

Additional options"

  1. Tinning area
  2. Solder container
  3. Sting Cleaner
  4. power regulator (can be of two types: smooth adjustment, or a step limit on the time of a break in work).

Flipping through old magazines

In old Radio magazines, you can find drawings on how to make a stand with an economical load switch.

  • as a basis ( 1 ) a board with a selected middle is used, or a U-shaped structure made of a strip of plywood and two bars along the long edges
  • A 220 volt relay contact group is located under the surface ( 2,4,5 ) with large collector areas. The wiring diagram transfers power either directly or through a diode. The radio element "cuts off" the half-cycle of the alternating voltage of 220 volts, reducing it to a value of 110
  • Through pull ( 6 ), spring-loaded ( 7 ) button ( 8 ) presses the contacts when the soldering iron is on the stand. Electricity is spent half as much, while the soldering iron almost instantly warms up to full power. The rod is attached to the console ( 9 )
  • The tool itself is located on the brackets ( 3 ) And ( 10 )
  • At the rear is a soldering iron socket connected to the relay output contacts. The power cable is connected to the input
  • Between the racks, they usually nailed a tin of shoe cream or petroleum jelly to store rosin

The design is simple, but convenient and effective. If you don’t want troubles with contacts, we make a simple functional stand. Again, from the experience of Soviet radio amateurs.

The main tool of a home radio amateur is a soldering iron. Unlike other appliances, it cannot simply be placed on a table (workbench) during operation. Why? Right! He is hot. Therefore, you will need a special stand.

There are many different devices on sale, from a simple holder to a whole complex called a soldering station.

In most cases, a soldering iron is needed to perform urgent repairs. If you are not a professional "homemade" - the instrument usually gathers dust in a box on the balcony, appearing once or twice a year. In such cases, many use the first object that comes across as a stand.

However, if you put in quite a bit of effort, a hand-made soldering iron stand will look no worse than a factory one. Especially if you regularly make electrical circuits.

Required minimum for stand

  1. Stable foundation. Made of a material that conducts heat poorly, or equipped with legs
  2. Soldering iron supports
  3. Container for rosin (flux).
Additional options"
  1. Tinning area
  2. Solder container
  3. Sting Cleaner
  4. power regulator (can be of two types: smooth adjustment, or stepwise limitation for the time of a break in work).

Flipping through old magazines

In old Radio magazines, you can find drawings on how to make a stand with an economical load switch.

  • As a basis (1), a board with a selected middle is used, or a U-shaped structure made of a strip of plywood and two bars along the long edges
  • Under the surface there is a relay contact group for 220 volts (2,4,5) with large current collection areas. The wiring diagram transfers power either directly or through a diode. The radio element "cuts off" the half-cycle of the alternating voltage of 220 volts, reducing it to a value of 110
  • Through the rod (6), the spring-loaded (7) button (8) presses the contacts when the soldering iron lies on the stand. Electricity is spent half as much, while the soldering iron almost instantly warms up to full power. The rod is attached to the console (9)
  • The tool itself is located on the brackets (3) and (10)
  • At the rear is a soldering iron socket connected to the relay output contacts. The power cable is connected to the input
  • Between the racks, they usually nailed a tin of shoe cream or petroleum jelly to store rosin

The design is simple, but convenient and effective. If you don’t want troubles with contacts, we make a simple functional stand. Again, from the experience of Soviet radio amateurs.

  • We take a piece of plywood or chipboard from old furniture. Cut out a rectangle
  • From a piece of galvanized steel, we cut out a workpiece the size of a palm, for a dovetail support
  • We bend the plate, we get the finished element. By the way - such a detail can already be used as a primitive stand
  • To hold the solder spool, we screw a steel pin into the base
  • The third element is the universal trough. Can be used as a tin table or rosin storage. This completes the design.

Third hand - work comfortably

When soldering by weight, it becomes necessary to hold two parts and a soldering iron at the same time. This is where the term "third hand" comes from. In the next review homemade stand with such a device. The materials and tools that will be needed for manufacturing are shown in the photo:

Factory-made details - crocodile clips, decorative candles (or rather cups from them), a flexible leg from an old mini lamp and a spring holder. The donor was a Chinese stand for a soldering iron with a magnifying glass.

Although you can make such a spiral with your own hands by winding a steel wire around a pipe or a screwdriver handle. The rest of the blanks are also replaceable, homemade is shareware, from improvised trash. With a drywall crown, we mill recesses for cups from candles. Two niches for rosin and solder, and one niche for cleaning cloth.

IN comfortable spot(not in the center) we mount the spiral holder for the soldering iron. Practice has shown that such a scheme is more convenient than the classic horn stand for a soldering iron. The appliance is inserted in one motion, without fear that it will fall on the table.

We install aluminum cups in prepared niches, cut off the edges flush with the board. The use of thin-walled containers justifies itself when working with low-power soldering irons. The less metal, the lower the heat capacity. The thick walls of the solder cup can cool the small tip of the soldering iron when touched. A thin aluminum foil surrounded by wood, on the contrary, retains heat.

We crimp the "crocodiles" on a flexible rod, and fix the "third hand" on the stand. There are designs with a magnifying glass. Work experience shows that the stand for the soldering iron, on which the clamps and magnifier are installed, is inconvenient to use.

Best Options

  • the magnifying glass is combined with the "third hand", the soldering iron is separate
  • "third hand" on a stand with a soldering iron, a magnifying glass on a separate pedestal (our version).

The only thing missing is the ability to change temperature conditions work. This is especially true when mounting LEDs.

Stand and power regulator for soldering iron

The simplest and relatively affordable option, this is the purchase of a Chinese kit soldering station. You will assemble such a KIT yourself, so we will classify it as homemade.

It can be assembled in a stand case or as a separate device. The convenience of this design is undeniable, but we consider the least expensive options. There is a 220 volt soldering iron in almost every home, it remains to assemble a power regulator.

Important! Dimers for incandescent lamps can be used, taking into account the power of the soldering iron.

But again, you have to buy them. Consider a simple circuit homemade regulator power up to 200 watts.

You can use an autotransformer, but this is a bulky device with low efficiency. Let's leave such "devices" for the museum of radio engineering. Our triac circuit is miniature and economical.

You will need the following items

  1. variable resistor (voltage regulator) R1 up to 500 Ohm
  2. the second part of the divider is a fixed resistor R2 with a nominal value of 4.7 kOhm
  3. C1 - AC capacitor 0.1 uF
  4. VD1 - diode type 1N4148
  5. LED element VD-2 for power indication
  6. dinistor series DB3 (in the diagram - VD3)
  7. the main element is the BTA06-600 triac, designated as VD4.

The circuit provides continuous operation with a load of 200-300 watts. Short-term load up to 500 W is allowed.

Drawing of self-etching circuit board:

We carefully assemble the board, carefully soldering the legs of the parts. If the contact is broken, uncontrolled voltage surges can be obtained at the output.

The circuit is compact, it can easily fit on a soldering iron stand. At power up to 100 W, triac cooling is not required. Bree greater load - a small radiator is attached to the case.

After reviewing the material, you yourself will decide which stand to make. Or watch a visual video tutorial on making a stand with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself soldering iron stand - a sign good style works Link to main publication

DIY stand for a soldering iron

Many offline and online stores sell good and quite convenient stands for soldering irons, and inexpensively. But if you wish, you can make them yourself.

It will turn out cheaper, plus you can adapt the stand for own needs.

There are a lot of manufacturing ideas, so we decided not to limit ourselves to one, but to make a selection of the most interesting, in our opinion, home-made soldering iron stands made by ourselves.

Wire stand for soldering iron.

Let's start with the most budgetary, simple and common option. In it, the soldering iron mount is made of thick metal wire in the form of a conical spring and is attached to a wooden or other base.

Instead of wire, you can use thin metal clothes hangers, which are in almost every home.

Such a stand can be made more convenient if you install additional buns on it, for example, a metal sponge for cleaning the soldering iron, a box for tin and rosin, or a soldering holder.

You can also make another homemade soldering iron stand from wire, a little less convenient (although this is a matter of taste) and just as easy to manufacture.

Stand for a soldering iron from fuses.

Another option is very easy to manufacture and cost-free stand. The base is made of a wooden block or textolite, fuse sponges of the desired size are attached to it from above.

Mobile stand.

Homemade mobile stand for soldering iron, made of sheet metal obtained from a burnt power supply from a computer. The stand is intended primarily for people who often solder outside the home. It is quite comfortable and functional, while it easily fits in a bag or even in a jacket pocket.

Having such a stand, you do not have to carry separately tin, rosin and soldering clamp small parts. Where and what is stored is well shown in the video, we recommend that you watch it.

Well, with the instructions for manufacturing, you can find here.

Sophisticated stands for a soldering iron with your own hands.

Sophisticated multifunctional coasters are a matter of taste. Some people really like them, others prefer simple designs which we showed above. In any case, complex coasters deserve attention, as they are made cool.

We will show only a few of them, the most interesting in our opinion.

The first stand has everything you need for comfortable work, namely a place for tin and rosin, a clamp for soldering small parts, a sponge for cleaning the tip, a built-in regulator, and, of course, fasteners for quick but reliable fixation of the soldering iron.

See the manufacturing process here.

Well, at least two more interesting ideas in video format.

The simplest stand.

If you urgently need a stand for a soldering iron, then making something complicated is not best idea, as haste always leads to hack work. It is better to temporarily make a simple design, and then change it to something more worthy.

Most the best option, which is done in just a couple of minutes - this is a wooden block with four long screws. The soldering iron lies well on it, it is easily pulled out, but at the same time it does not fall out.

DIY soldering iron stand

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Good day to all lovers of homemade products. every radio amateur or just a beginner in this business knows how to work with a soldering iron, and a stand is needed for its convenient use. It is in this article that I will talk about how to make a homemade budget soldering iron stand.

In order to assemble our stand you will need:

* A chipboard sheet, 18 mm thick, can be thicker, but it seems to me the thickness is the most optimal. * 4 self-tapping screws 20 mm and 4 smaller bolts. * Coarse-grained sandpaper. * A couple of rubber stoppers from chemical test tubes. * Hacksaw. screwdriver or screwdriver.* Thin screwdriver, an awl will also work.* Pliers.* Iron plate.* metal mount from the antenna. * A tin from an old receiver that closes the board. * A spring from a fountain pen. * The soldering iron itself for testing. The first step is to grind the already sawn chipboard sheet. We grind carefully, and give the edges a rounded look. We bring the blank for the stand to this type. The photo shows which workpiece was before grinding, and which after.

Thinking that many store-bought coasters are so simple that they don't have legs, I decided to make rubber feet for my coaster. We cut rubber stoppers taken from chemical test tubes with a hacksaw, make their thickness the same with sandpaper, if it was not possible to saw off exactly.

After that, we screw a 20 mm self-tapping screw into each leg.
And in the pre-prepared hole we twist the leg with the screw.
We fasten the first leg. Similarly, we fasten the second, third and fourth. We figured out the legs, now the stand will not go anywhere and will not scratch the table.

The next thing I did was bend the iron plate into a hook shape, as shown in the photo.

Using a screwdriver for small parts, I made a hole for two bolts that will hold this hook.

We tighten the bolts, as we see the hook is holding well.

We try on how the soldering iron will sit.
With the help of pliers, bend one end of the hook, it should look something like this.
So, the heating part of the soldering iron is not going anywhere now, so let's move on to the back of the soldering iron, or rather to the handle.
There is also a notch where the soldering iron handle fits well. We fasten this mount with two screws.
And now the soldering place, since the tin needs to be taken from somewhere, for convenience we will make it closer to the soldering iron tip. I punched a hole in the plate, which I took out of the radio receiver, and screwed a bolt into it, he firmly pressed it to the stand.

From ballpoint pen, which had just ended, I removed the spring and decided to put it on our hook, first bent one end of it, then made a hole with a screwdriver in the board of the stand and launched this end of the spring there, and soldered it to the hook at the top. The stand is almost ready, the next thing I did was melt the tin at the place of soldering, now, if necessary, you can warm up this place and tin the wires there. The final stage was the decor, I glued the old nameplate from the electric razor to the stand. On this, a home-made stand for a soldering iron is ready, it is more convenient and comfortable to solder with it, and the rubber feet will not let it come off a slippery surface and will not scratch the table. All interesting and unusual ideas for new crafts. Become the author of the site, publish your own articles, descriptions of homemade products with payment for the text. Read more here.

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Do-it-yourself budget stand for a soldering iron.

This article, I believe, will be, first of all, useful to those who are only taking their first steps in the world of electronics, but I do not exclude that there is something in it, and something for radio amateurs with extensive experience.

And so I'll start with a brief background. Somehow, I went to our local radio market once again to buy components, and I didn’t see the soldering iron EPSN “Reksant” with a power of 25 watts there. He immediately attracted my attention. By itself, the idea arose to update my instrument. More than half a year of its operation has passed since the date of purchase and so far I have no complaints about it. Then the seller offered a stand for him. But I politely declined, citing lack of funds. Actually, it is a cast iron casting in the form of a stand. Of the pluses, this is massiveness and a relatively convenient position of the instrument on the table, there is a small tray of arbitrary shape (for which it is not clear). Of the minuses, too heavy (in my opinion), the raw surface of the sole easily scratches the table (can be successfully used instead of a rasp).

Previously, I came across very worthy coasters, but their cost was many times higher. I must say that this soldering iron is quite light. So light that the power cord always strives to drag it somewhere to the side. Actually, the idea of ​​making a convenient stand has already visited me more than once, but here I still matured. First of all, I set myself the task, the device should be as cheap as possible, easy to manufacture and convenient, not take up much space on the table and be as functional as possible. I shoveled the Internet, having familiarized myself with what trade offers today in terms of models, forms and technical solutions. At the same time, I also looked for suitable schemes for adjusting the temperature of the soldering iron tip. Actually, for such a low-power soldering iron, adjusting the temperature of the tip is not particularly necessary. But in the future I'm going to buy more powerful soldering irons from this company. I started manufacturing, first of all, with the electronic part, since it would be necessary to dance with the dimensions of the case depending on its size. The circuit based on the K1182PM1 chip attracted attention. The diagram is taken from the datasheet. The microcircuit is intended mainly for controlling the voltage of incandescent lamps, although the range of its application is much wider.

True, the control scheme was somewhat modified for some reason and purpose. I encountered this microcircuit for the first time, and it’s hard to say how much, the circuit from the datasheet with triac control is correct. But in this version, the operation of the circuit did not suit me, and after some experiments it acquired the following form.

The triac was added to the circuit for greater reliability of the device, although, as they say, the microcircuit can confidently “pull” a load of up to 150 watts. Resistor R2 sets the required minimum temperature of the soldering tip. Resistor R3 sets the tip temperature in “standby” mode. Well, R4, R5 had to be paired with a nominal value of 2 × 20 Kom, turning them on in series. There just wasn't a potentiometer of a suitable design with the right rating. As practice has shown, the maximum resistance of the potentiometer should be 33 - 35 Kom. I drew the board in DipTrace 2.4. I have been using this program for many years, I started with version 1.4. The interface of this program is quite simple and convenient. I tried other tracers, but this one came to my liking closer. But here, as they say, the taste and color ... This time I decided to make a board according to the old method (drawing by hand), since its size is not large. Actually, I didn’t want to fool around with LUT or photoresist on a piece of fiberglass. The board is double-sided and uncomplicated, so drawing the tracks took about 20 minutes. To do this, I always have markers in stock and a homemade template made of transparent plastic with a “line” of holes.

I use SCHOLZ markers and am very happy with them. Once I bought a bunch of markers from different companies, and carried out an etching test on them, this one showed the best result. Edding and Centropen behave somewhat worse. Plus, it dries almost instantly. Because of this, they have to be stored in the refrigerator in an upright position with the feather down. The seller shared this secret with me.

Etching has recently been carried out in a solution of citric acid, hydrogen peroxide and common salt. This recipe, in my opinion, is slightly inferior in etching speed to ferric chloride and persulfates. But the most affordable, cheap and safe. It is still relatively safe, since it is undesirable to enter the body. There is a risk of copper citrate poisoning. True, there is a minus, the solution is disposable and cannot be stored for a long time. This is what the electronic part of the device looks like.

Correctly assembled circuit works without problems. Before using for the first time, in order to avoid electro-smoke and fireworks, it is advisable to check the correct installation. When setting up, it is better to use an incandescent lamp to visually control the operation of the device.

All elements of the device are under the influence of mains voltage, so all safety precautions must be observed. Pay special attention to the insulation of all electrical circuits.

When I figured out the electronic part, I took up the manufacture of the stand itself. The case for the electronic part was made of a square tube 60 × 60 mm in size and 2 mm thick in the wall. I soldered threaded bushings to the upper and lower parts of the case for attaching to the base and attaching the top cover and everything that is on it. I soldered with POS60 solder, used a mixture of a solution of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride (ammonia) as a flux. Soldering iron 100 watts and additionally to help a small gas burner to speed up the process.

After soldering with such a flux, be sure to rinse all soldered parts with water and detergent and dry everything well to avoid corrosion of parts in the future.

If you are very sorry for your health, then soldering with the use of active fluxes should be carried out in a ventilated room or in the open air.

As a “carriage”, I used a thin-walled pipe with an outer Ø 34 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. Ventilation holes are drilled along the pipe on four sides. At the bottom of the pipe, a tube is soldered for mounting on the axis. Also, a stop is attached to the pipe, which, through the pusher rod, presses on the limit switch when the soldering iron is installed in the “carriage”. The pipe itself is taken from the giblets of the shock absorber strut passenger car. Inside the pipe, he installed a conical spiral, which he twisted from galvanized wire Ø 3mm. On the end of the pipe I glued a piece of a bicycle chamber from the outside and from the inside with a “stocking”. Now the soldering iron is fixed tightly, but not tight without fear of being accidentally pulled out of the stand. The shelf for interchangeable tips is also made of a square pipe, cut out in the form of the letter “P” and soldered to the cover of the device. To it, the solder supply unit is attached. For marking on steel it is very convenient to use a solution blue vitriol. A solution is applied to the cleaned metal surface with a swab or brush, and after drying, you can start marking. There is no need to take deep risks. For high-quality marking of the centers of future holes, it is convenient to use a center punch with a lens, for example, like this.

I made the trays from an aluminum thin-walled pipe, but to save space I gave them a rectangular shape. I did it very simply, I counted the circumference into the required rectangular perimeter. Next, I cut a beech bar about 25 cm long and gave it a light wedge-shaped shape with roundings. With light blows of the hammer on the bar, the workpiece, leaning on the vise jaws, is mounted on the bar and it is given the necessary shape. It is necessary to alternately tap the sides. The whole process took me 10 minutes for each detail. Next trays sanded and polished.

As a base, I used MDF plates 10 mm thick. This material is easy to process and very cheap, (when repeating the design, it is possible to use, waterproof laminate For floor coverings). I cut two plates with dimensions of 130 × 60 and 190 × 60 mm. In a smaller plate, I cut out windows for the trays and, after fitting, glued them together with Kleiberit 300 glue. This glue is somewhat similar to PVA, but surpasses it in its characteristics, it is mainly used in carpentry. The glue joint is transparent and very durable, the time of complete drying is 5-6 hours. After that, the surface was puttied with a car putty and, after drying, carefully sanded. I painted all the details with acrylic car enamel with the addition of varnish and hardener.

For ease of use, I made a simple solder supply unit, which I peeped on the Internet. But later exploitation showed its disadvantage. It consisted in the fact that it was necessary to periodically pull the solder out of the tube. Doing it with one hand is rather inconvenient, then I had to come up with something. The usual standard feed mechanisms did not suit me, it turned out too cumbersome. And I wanted simplicity and compactness! I searched the Internet on this topic, but even there it is a complete bummer, nothing new and interesting. That's really right folk wisdom that the morning is wiser than the evening! Somehow, in the morning, slowly going to work and once again, thinking about this problem, a thought dawned on me. I was almost dumbfounded by surprise and surprise that, why hadn't I thought of this before. An hour for experiments and the next day I took up the revision of the node. It turned out to be simple and compact, and most importantly, you can use solder wire with a diameter of 0.4 to 1.5 mm, without any assembly adjustments.

The slider of the feeder is made of a steel tube with an outer Ø 4 mm and an inner Ø 1.6 mm. A trigger made of a 2mm thick steel plate is soldered to the tube. He bent the plate in half, then spread the edges in opposite directions and filed the desired shape with a file. The parts were soldered together with PSR solder with borax. Solder is a thin tube filled with borax powder. soldering over the flame gas stove and in addition, soldering places were heated with a mini burner. In the flame of a blowtorch, it would be preferable and faster, as I realized later, but for some reason I was too lazy. The places of future connections were previously tinned with the same solder. After the soldered part, I boiled it for 30 minutes in water to remove the remnants of borax and dried it well. Needle files removed excess solder and made a cut in the tube as shown in the photo. With a drop of solder, he fixed a plate in the cut, cut from a spring contact in the form of a wedge and curved in a crescent.

The thickness of the spring plate is selected experimentally and should be within 0.25 mm. A deep sharp inner chamfer is made at the rear end of the tube. A similar piece of tube 6 mm long with a chamfer is inserted into the copper tube at the rounding point until it stops. The chamfer is necessary for better passage of the solder wire when threading the knot. Also, a piece of plastic tube is inserted into the rounded part of the copper tube. Between plug and slider return spring with outer Ø 3.8 mm. There is a rubber gasket 4 mm thick with a hole in the tip, its task is to stop the wire during the reverse stroke of the slider. In general, the mechanism works like a ratchet, and delivers 2 cm of solder at a time. Now the stand is much more convenient to use. As a result, in financial terms, absolutely nothing money was spent on the manufacture of the device (the cost of a microcircuit, a triac and a potentiometer) and a lot of time spent with pleasure on this. In addition, for beginner DIYers, I can recommend the following literature: N.I. Makienko "Plumbing" and "Handbook solderer" A.V. Lacedaemonian. Any edition, but the latest is still preferable. In the first lot of entertaining and useful information for work with measuring tool, marking, processing of metals and other materials by various methods and many other plumbing operations. The second also has a lot of interesting things for beginners and professionals.

And in conclusion for beginners, not everything immediately turns out. Therefore, do not be disappointed if something does not work out right away. Over time, the hands become smoother, and the movements more accurate. Experience and knowledge come with age.

A do-it-yourself soldering iron stand is necessary when working with a tool. Factory devices are mostly not practical and do not have additional features that greatly facilitate the work.

Using something as a coaster usually results in a burnt table surface, clothes spoiled by tin and rosin, and hand burns.

Working on the “knee” is not quite convenient and takes a lot of time. The time and material investments in the manufacture of the stand are insignificant, the convenience and speed of work compensate for all efforts in the manufacture of the device.

The main requirements for stands, determined by operating experience:

  • the base must be made of a material that conducts heat poorly;
  • racks should not be massive;
  • the optimal height of the bath for solder is not more than 10 mm;
  • the soldering iron should lie on a stand with a slight slope, the tip is raised, the handle is lowered.

The dimensions of the product will depend on the power and size of the soldering iron.

Simple stand option

Figure 1. Scheme of a stand for a soldering iron for automatic temperature control.

The most common option, made within an hour. For the base, you can use a segment wooden board not less than 15 mm thick. Width and length are determined by the soldering iron model. The type of tree does not play a big role. It is desirable that the material be dry.

Surfaces should preferably be sanded or sanded.

Then, from a steel wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm, two racks must be bent. Usually, welding electrodes are used, freeing them from coating and treating them with emery cloth.

The shape of the rack is similar to the letter "M". The front of them should be higher, the middle bend is somewhat narrower, but the soldering iron should lie freely, without fixation. The C-pillar is slightly lower, the bend is wider. The lower ends of the racks must be sharpened with sandpaper or a file. Then hammer both racks into the board, according to the size of the soldering iron. The tip of the soldering iron must be in the air, the heating element must be located on the front rack. If a piece of hardwood is used for the base, it is advisable to drill two holes for the posts 4-6 mm deep and then hammer them.

A bath for flux and solder can be made from an old MBM capacitor of the required size. With a hacksaw for metal, he needs to cut the bottom at a height of 5-8 mm, and pull it off. The resulting bath must be washed with a solvent or alcohol, degreasing it. After drying, the bath must be fixed on the base, approximately in the middle between the racks. For fastening, you can use a couple of nails or small screws. In the absence of a capacitor, a suitable cover from tin can or any other tin bath. The thickness of the tin should be small, otherwise it will be difficult to melt the solder when working with a low power soldering iron.

The stand is ready to use.

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Stand with energy saving circuit

The main disadvantage of soldering irons is their long initial heating. When working with circuits, soldering is needed periodically, and the soldering iron must be kept on between intervals, otherwise the work process will be significantly lengthened.

In addition, the soldering iron overheats, the solder and the tip oxidize. simple circuit, mounted on a do-it-yourself soldering iron stand, will help keep the tool at a lower temperature, warm up quickly when used.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • diode, maximum forward current according to the power of the soldering iron;
  • microswitch with the necessary current on the contacts;
  • socket, cord with plug;

The base for the stand should be several large sizes than in the previous version. It is advisable to place the socket and microswitch on the side of the location of the soldering iron.

Figure 2. Scheme of the heating controller.

You need to install a diode in the socket housing by connecting it to one of the sockets of the socket, the polarity of the connection is not important. The power cord is connected with one wire to the second socket of the socket, the second to the free input of the diode. The microswitch is connected with normally closed contacts in parallel with the diode.

It is desirable to isolate all connections and the diode with any accessible way. The microswitch must be fixed on the base and a movable bracket must be installed to switch it. The soldering iron lying on the stand should press the arm of the bracket with its weight. The bracket will switch the microswitch, its contacts will open. The soldering iron will be connected to a voltage of 110 V. The power consumed from the network will be halved, and the temperature will drop accordingly.

When lifting the soldering iron, the bracket will rise, the contacts will close, and within a few seconds the soldering iron will warm up to the required temperature.

To control the presence of voltage in the socket or on the base, you need to install a voltage indicator (any available).

Usually, when using such a stand, they often forget to turn off the soldering iron at the end of work.

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Connecting a soldering iron through a bridge

This scheme allows you to somewhat stabilize the operation of the soldering iron during drops and power surges in the network. Unlike the option described above, instead of one diode, you need to install a diode bridge with a smoothing electrolytic capacitor at the exit. For manufacturing you need:

  • four diodes with the required forward current rating;
  • 40.0 microfarad electrolytic capacitor, voltage 350 V or higher;
  • two microswitches or a group of normally closed contacts from a relay;
  • socket, power cord with plug;
  • mains voltage indicator.

For control, you need two pairs of normally closed contacts. You can use two microswitches or contacts from an open type relay. Contacts must be covered with a cover made of dielectric material.

One pair of contacts (Fig. 1) disconnects and connects one of the diodes of the bridge, the second - the capacitor. In the working position, the power to the soldering iron is supplied through the bridge and smoothed by the capacitor, in the non-working position - through one of the diodes of the bridge.

The design and dimensions of such a stand will depend on the available elements. The main elements are similar to previous versions. You can make a movable bracket for switching contacts from the used relay by removing the core and winding.

Greetings, DIYers!

To do this, we need the following tools and materials:
1. Laminate scraps left after repair
2. A small piece of 16mm chipboard
3. Clamp for polypropylene pipes
4. Electric jigsaw
5. Glue for wood
6. Spray paint. The author used black, but then, in some way, regretted that he had chosen such a gloomy dark color. Therefore, it is advised to choose a more cheerful color.
7. Putty
8. Sandpaper
9. Usb lamp from fix-price store
10. 2 crocodile clips
11. A pair of small bolts and nuts to them
12. Copper wire

The author begins work on homemade. First you need to decide what you are going to store in your homemade product. To determine the dimensions of the future product, he compactly folds what will be stored in a makeshift organizer in the near future.

At this stage, he also notes the approximate dimensions of the future product.
Now, but more precisely, he makes a drawing of the workpiece. When making a drawing, it is also necessary to take into account the thickness of the materials used.

Now the author proceeds directly to the manufacture of the organizer. To begin with, he cuts laminate and chipboard to size. Super accuracy is not needed here, but still try to make the cut as close to 90 degrees as possible. This is how the box should look like.

Next, you need to mark out what size the stands for the soldering iron holder should be. The recesses should be naturally higher than the walls of the box, and the coasters themselves should be of such length that, lying down, they can easily fit in the box, and in one layer. Now you need to cut a recess for both metal parts. The author does it like this:

After some time, he realizes that this could have been done much easier with a crown on a tree, and only then cut in half. Well, as they say, a good thought comes to someone else or to ourselves, but belatedly.
Here's what happened in the end. It remains to tighten a couple of screws and you're done.

Now proceeds to assemble the box itself. Starts from the bottom. Makes small indentations for the self-tapping screws in advance. Then, at the gluing points, using sandpaper, removes the entire glossy layer of the laminate. Next is gluing. The author takes a special glue for wood products and glues wide side walls made of chipboard. When gluing, it is advisable to use clamps. After the glue has dried, it is necessary to fix the entire structure from below to the screws. Next, check the perpendicularity of the walls. You need to measure the angle between the walls. It should be straight - 90 °.

It's all right, let's move on. Now this design has rigidity, so you can glue and screw onto self-tapping screws at the same time. Here's what happened.

The author made the lid of the box on a tenon-groove connection. It's long and tedious. The author adjusted everything manually so that it was tightly assembled into one whole. Next, glue all the details. This will be quite enough, since practically no loads are expected on this part of the organizer.

Then you need sandpaper. It is necessary with its help to sand all possible irregularities and apply putty on wood. Putty is mainly needed to close the chips at the ends of the chipboard, and to hide all sorts of jambs that were formed during manufacture. After the putty has hardened, it must be cleaned. The same sandpaper will come to the rescue.

The next step is painting.

It is necessary to paint the box to give it a presentation.
Well, the paint is completely dry and here the author would like to add one point. It was necessary to choose a more cheerful color so that relatives would not have a desire to take away the box and bury, for example, a hamster in it. Anyway.

Now you can carefully separate the tape from the rack where the hot part of the soldering iron will be. We don't need the smell of burnt paint. If there are sticky traces of adhesive tape, you can try to remove them. Or leave it as it is. After turning on the soldering iron, the adhesive remaining on the stand from the adhesive tape should burn out.

And on the part where the handle will be, we put on the native rubber band from the fasteners for the polypropylene water pipe so that the soldering iron does not slide along the rack.

Mounting the stand for the soldering iron itself will be very simple. Nuts are glued in the racks and all this is pulled together with bolts with hats to the wall of the box. Here's what happened in the end:

Everything is very simple and practical. If you wish, you can drill a few more of the same holes, and if you have more than one soldering iron, then this design feature will be very useful. It will be possible to rearrange the rack under different sizes soldering iron. Now, in the side wall of the box, the author decided to make a couple of clips. They will be used as a third hand for soldering. To make such a design, you will need such a miracle of Chinese engineering from the fix-price store.

In the store, it is positioned as a usb lamp for illuminating the laptop keyboard. It can also be used in conjunction with a power bank, or as a night light. Here, as the latter, it fits better, because, to be honest, it shines so-so, but its flexible leg will come in handy for us. You will also need a couple of small screws with mortise nuts.
