Medvedka is also called the "underground knight", but, of course, not because of the "noble character" of the insect. It's just that this beetle produces the appearance of a creature, chained in armor.

The same kind of insect (common bear), as in Russia, is found everywhere - from cold Norway to the sultry countries of North Africa.

Although the bear is able to live on the ground, it prefers underground shelters, and rises to the soil surface mainly at night. Hibernating, however, descends to a fairly large depth - about 2 m.

The common bear belongs to large insects exceeding 5 cm in length. Moreover, her abdomen is several times longer than the cephalothorax. A reliable shell protects the insect's chest; in case of danger, the beetle pulls its head into it. The abdomen ends with two long filamentous appendages.

Medvedka is the most dangerous pest vegetable garden.

The bear has tentacles, long whiskers, and its jaws are unusually strong. These are all very important for underground life and hunting. In addition, nature has endowed this type of insect with claws - they end the forelimbs of the bear. With their help, the insect can move rather quickly on the soil.

There are a few more interesting factsthat not many people pay attention to. They can swim, and with good speed, as well as fly. At night, the bears "sing", making chirping and chirping sounds.

Medvedka is a very prolific insect. The larvae hatch from eggs, which the beetle lays under the ground. One nest may contain several hundred testicles. The bear larva resembles an adult insect, only its color is grayish.

With the appearance of a bear, seedlings in the beds begin to wither and young seedlings die.

Why is the bear dangerous? Its powerful jaws are perfectly adapted to bite into vegetables. If this pest appears in the garden, you will almost certainly lose the harvest of root crops: carrots, beets, radishes. Medvedka will destroy potatoes and cucumbers if the latter are on the ground. A delicacy for her is onion-turnip and cabbage.

And also a large and strong beetle is able to gnaw the roots of shrubs and trees, lime bulbous flowers. Therefore, gardeners perceive the bear as the worst enemy and make every effort to get rid of it

What does the bear eat

Medvedka is an insect from the cricket superfamily.

Why does a person strive to get rid of the bear on his own as soon as possible summer cottage? The insect is very gluttonous. It feeds not only on earthworms, larvae and small insects, but also on plant food, causing considerable harm to cultural plantings.

What plants are afraid of this insect

Medvedka is distinguished by its polyphagia and gluttony.

First of all, root crops suffer from the bear. The gardener may lose the harvest of carrots, beets. The beetle damages potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and cabbage, strawberries and strawberries, melons and watermelons, as well as crops and even flowers.

How to get rid of a bear in the garden: folk remedies

The owner learns that bears have appeared in the garden in the spring, when the earth warms up. And in May, these pests become especially active. Their presence is indicated by mounds of lumps of earth that appear in the beds.

The bear reaches a length of 6 cm and has a rigid body with wings.

Recently, a person has been trying to get rid of pests on the site, using not chemical, but time-tested folk remedies... This makes it possible to subsequently grow an environmentally friendly crop.

We use soapy water

One of the simple and effective ways to deal with the bear is a soap solution. It can be used if a nest with larvae is found. A bucket of water will require 50-60 g of washing powder and a piece of laundry soap grated on a coarse grater. The solution is poured "with a margin" so that it destroys not only the larvae, but also adult insects, including those hidden in underground passages.

Glass jar trap

If there are few insects in the area, traps can be used. For this, glass jars of 0.5 liters or plastic containers are suitable. Of course, bait is required in such a trap. The best baits for the bear are such as vegetable oil (it is advisable to add karbofos to it), honey and, in particular, beer. The voracious insect likes it as much as the cat smells of valerian. Medvedka leaves its underground passage, and moves to the bank, but cannot get out back along the slippery walls. She is removed along with the trap and destroyed.

Method using honey

A jar is buried in the ground, the bottom of which is smeared with honey. From above, the jar is covered with something dense, for example, a sheet of iron, a piece of slate, and then sprinkled with grass, straw. Medvedka is attracted by the smell of honey, so it is better to cover the walls of the jar with a thin layer of about a third, so the aroma will be stronger. It is imperative to leave a crack into which the beetle could crawl. The bear can't get out back. It will be possible to get the prisoner, it is possible that she will not be alone.

Beer trap for bear

In this case, a jar is also buried in the ground at a slight slope, and also covered with a piece of board, thick cardboard. It is best to use fresh beer, about a glass, as bait. The traps are checked after a few days.

Eggshell fight

This method is useful for plants and destructive for bears. Eggshells can be stored during the winter. In the spring it is dried, crushed into powder and "fried" in a frying pan together with sunflower oil... This mixture is added to the beds - right into the grooves - by planting the plants. The shell will serve as a supplier of minerals for the seedlings, and the beetles will die after eating the egg-oil mixture.

Insect trap

A very simple and effective way, it is used when there are a lot of bears on the site. You will need to dig small holes and put fresh manure in them. It is difficult to think of anything more attractive for a female looking for a place to lay her eggs. After 2-3 weeks, the traps are freed from manure with a shovel, the bear and eggs are burned.

We use needles to get rid of pests

The smell of pine needles scares off a malicious pest.

The smell of pine needles scares off a bear. You can protect vegetable beds by tearing grooves along their perimeter and pouring needles into them.

How to build windmills to fight the bear

A very interesting, unusual and effective way. You will need several iron pipes, the height of which can reach 3 m. They are installed in the garden, and metal propellers are placed on top. Vibration and noise force the bear to leave the chosen area.

We plant marigolds in the garden

Marigolds - a beautiful fight with a bear.

Another way to protect plants is to plant flowers between rows, known as marigolds. So you can kill two birds with one stone. Elegant flowers will revive the site, and the beds will acquire decorative view, and the bears will not approach vegetables.

Method of dealing with onion skins

Effective for fighting bear and onion peel. After the winter season, there may be a lot of it. The husk is poured with a bucket of water, and after a week the infusion is filtered. Then it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5.

Damp soil after rain or watering is spilled with an infusion of onion peels.

Rotten fish is an unpleasant but effective method

The smell of rotten fish is not pleasant to the person and the bear too. Any fish waste can be used - heads, entrails, fins. When planting tomatoes, cabbage and other seedlings, they are laid in the holes, when planting seeds, they are added dropwise along the perimeter of the beds. Bears avoid such places.

We use regular vegetable oil

You can also use sunflower oil to fill the pests. You will need 1 tablespoon in a 3 liter can of water.

Vegetable oil will help rid the area of \u200b\u200bpests.

Surprisingly, some cats perfectly catch the bear and feast on them. So if there are pets in the family, they can help the owners in the fight against harmful insects.

If there is a bear on the site, digging the earth helps.

  1. First, it allows nest detection. They are collected in a bucket or bag, carried away and destroyed.
  2. Secondly, digging on the eve of cold weather leads to the fact that bears, already lethargic and not showing activity, find themselves close to the surface of the earth and die in winter from frost.

Toxic chemicals that destroy the pest

A reliable and proven method.

The pesticides that the industry produces today are a reliable way to get rid of bears and other pests.

  1. Medvetox - the name speaks of what kind of insects the drug is intended to control. The granular product, which has a high level of toxicity, has an attractive odor for beetles. Medvedka just needs to try the chemical to die.
  2. Chops - an effective tool that is convenient to use, since it does not harm a person, and the granules have a bright color. They are poured into the passages dug by bears.
  3. Grizzly - also available in the form of granules that have neutral color... A rather toxic substance, it is better to work with it with gloves.
  4. Bankcol - this drug works in a special way. The bear is paralyzed, cannot move and dies of hunger. The product is safe for people.
  5. Phenoxine plus - its smell and taste like bears and other pests. A few granules, poured into a stroke dug by an insect, are enough to get rid of the problem forever.
  6. Boverin - a new and well-proven product. It is harmless to humans, animals and beneficial insects... But the bears are dying from him.
  7. Bugbear - this pesticide is used as a solution. It does not have a harmful effect on plants and people, but it allows you to get rid of the bear.
  8. Thunder - apply in small portions. For the death of insects, 1-2 granules are enough. People should work with this tool carefully, it is toxic.

Usually, gardeners resort to pesticides if the folk remedies for fighting bear have not justified themselves. And it is right. To begin with, you should try the simplest techniques, and only then, if necessary, take up the "heavy artillery". So there will be more chances to grow an environmentally friendly crop.

  • These insects simply adore the hot, sun-heated earth. If you mulch the beds with sawdust, the bears will like this option much less - they will move to where it is warmer.
  • In addition to marigolds, some other plants do not like bears. These include garlic, parsley, cilantro, and, from flowers, calendula and chrysanthemums. The more of the above plants on the site, the higher the likelihood that bears will not start on it.
  • Seedlings, which the gardener especially cherishes - for example, expensive varieties of tomatoes - can be planted in the garden directly in plastic bottles with cut bottoms.
  • In addition, those representatives of the animal world for whom gluttonous insects are food will become your allies in the fight against bears. These are birds and such frequent guests of summer cottages as hedgehogs, moles, lizards. For them, ordinary bears are a real treat.

    Seeing this insect for the first time, summer residents, especially women, may be frightened - will it bite them? But the maximum that the bear can do is to slightly scratch human skin with its claws. Its jaws are simply not adapted to bite.

    Medvedka eats everything that comes her way.

    Sometimes in the areas, when favorable conditions are created, the bear can grow up to 12-15 cm.

    If you record the sounds that the bear (song) makes on a dictaphone and at night turn on this recording at your dacha, other insects may rush to the sound source.

    Medvedka can live up to 3.5 years.

    Thus, knowing what this insect is and by what means you can fight it, you have every chance to get rid of the bear in your country house forever.

    Pests of agricultural crops are: common bear.

    During the breeding season (May, June), bears appear on the surface of the earth. Next to the main passage, the bears arrange a special nest-cave 6x6 cm in size at a depth of 10-20 cm, compacting the soil inside it.

    There they lay in heaps of dark yellow eggs with a diameter of about 4-5 mm in the amount of 300-500 pieces. After 2 weeks, mobile gray larvae appear from the eggs - outwardly they look like ants. only grayleaving the nest after the first molt in late June-early July.

    Gluttonous larvae eat up seedlings of vegetable crops

    In areas infected by a bear, it is impossible to feed plants with a fresh mullein - it will attract a pest from all over the area. Diluted bird droppings, on the contrary, scare away the bear (you need to water the ground with infusion of chicken droppings in dry weather).

    Marigolds sown along the borders of the site block access to the bear from neighboring territories - the bear does not tolerate the smell of marigolds.

    Ways to deal with a bear

    1. Boil barley or buckwheat porridge, add VAFATOX, or Regent, or phenaxin plus, add unrefined vegetable oil to smell and attract bears - 1 tablespoon per half liter of porridge, and after a while you will notice that the bear is getting smaller. The result is very good. Peas of Medvetox are put into the passages.

    2. In the evening, listen to what places the males of the bear are singing, the sounds are similar to a whistle, early in the morning put the poisoned bait there. One of the gardeners, knowing that there are bears on the site, all the seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, planted them in disposable cups without a bottom, the seedlings were saved.

    4. One of their summer residents gives this advice: “Common feed made from wheat or corn, I take about 100 g of BI 58 for a bucket of feed and mix well. After that, I scatter this mixture on the ground and after a maximum of 2 hours the result on the face, they crawl out of the ground and die ”

    4. Nikolay Karpukhin from Moscow region:
    In early spring, as soon as the ground thaws, in the morning he puts pieces of plywood, boards, and thick cardboard on empty beds. Medvedka loves to crawl out of her burrows and bask under them. In the middle of the day, Nikolai pours two water and a little kerosene into a liter bucket and collects seedling pests from under the shelters. In summer, he places the same traps on the paths and catches the bear at the beginning of the day or in the evening.

    5. In addition, Nikolai Karpukhin learned find bear nests with a clutch of eggs. He recognizes them by wilting plants. Usually bears gnaw them from the south or southwest side so that the leaves do not shade the masonry. With his hands in the ground he gropes for a bear's mink, which is a little rammed. In it lies a lump of dense soil. This is the nest with eggs. If you carefully remove it and break it, then in the masonry there can be from 100 to 200 pieces.

    6. Viktor Kravchenko from the Rostov region: For a whole year he collects eggshell, and in the spring it mulches seedlings to protect them from the bear. He does it this way. He plants and water the plants first. Then sprinkle with a thick layer of crushed shells, and sprinkle with humus or sawdust on top. Sharp and hard pieces of the shell do not like the insect when it gets close to the seedlings.

    7. Grigory Panteleev from Krasnodar: Desperate to finally defeat the bear, he found such a way to protect cabbage seedlings from her. He places the root ball of the seedlings in a bag made from a piece of old women's tights. The ends of the bag are tied crosswise around the stem so that there are no cracks where the bear could crawl. The seedlings are planted so that the top of the nylon bag protrudes 4 cm above the ground. With this method, the roots of plants easily penetrate the tissue, the insect will not cause much harm to them, and the stem is protected below. When it coarsens over time, it ceases to attract a bear.

    8. Medvedka can be caught with honey
    You can use as a trap glass jar, smeared with honey from the inside at the neck. The jar is dug into the ground, the neck is closed with a board with a gap of 1-1.5 cm. After a while, the jar is taken out and the insects crawling into it are destroyed.

    9. Windmills against the bear
    Another method of dealing with a bear. It is necessary to put windmills on the site at a distance of 5-10 m from each other. For this, it is better to use iron pipes 3 meters high. Attach a light metal propeller to the top of the pipe so that it rotates easily and makes more noise. Medvedok is disturbed by vibration and noise from the propellers as a natural disaster and leaves the site.

    10. Bears do not like the smell of calendula, garlic, parsley, fresh alder leaves.

    1, It is necessary to make a tin box with dimensions of 10x30x15 cm, dig into the ground so that the upper edge is level with the upper horizon of the soil. The box should be covered with a coarse mesh of wire, perforated rag, gauze or other similar material and sprinkled with earth. At the bottom of the box, you can put, moistening, a thin layer of earth, humus.

    Smear the bottom with honey or unrefined sunflower oil:

    2. Spread out over the area pieces of roofing material or cardboard and press the edges with pebbles or small stones and leave, you can put bait. Then after a while, after a day or night, put on gloves and quickly pick up the sheet, given how agile the bear is, be ready to grab it quickly.

    Medvedka is a dangerous pest that can cause colossal damage to the crop. Apply different methods struggle and your success will be assured.

    June 4, 2015 Galinka

    This insect is well protected. The body is reliably covered with a rigid shell, like that of crustaceans, which not everyone will be able to crush with their hands, especially if the individual is large and well-fed.

    The legs are short. The front ones have outgrowths, which makes them look like a stove grip - for successful burrowing to a depth of 25–30 cm. The second and third pairs of legs are covered with thorns. The abdomen ends with long processes called "cerci".

    The bear also has wings, with the help of which it flies from one area to another in search of food. The wings are protected by dense rigid elytra, half the length of the whole body.

    The bear looks frightening, resembles a monster from a horror movie in a reduced form or an ugly cancer with a full set of predators - a large head, "claws" and powerful jaws, reaches 10 cm in length

    This infection is prolific. One female lays over 100 eggs, which makes the fight against her very difficult. Keeping up with such rates of population reproduction is problematic. In addition, bear babies grow quickly. Two weeks after laying, the eggs turn into larvae, which begin to actively eat the underground parts of the plants.

    It is difficult to see Medvedka - she does not walk around the beds in broad daylight, but hides in the ground and comes out only in the evening.

    The insect loves loose, fertilized soil and cultivated plants, therefore it is the evil fate of caring and hardworking gardeners. Areas overgrown with weeds, with unopened soil, are not interesting to the bear. It is inconvenient for her to live there, and there is nothing to eat, and therefore she “gets up on the wing” and flies to neat beds with young juicy seedlings.

    How does it harm plants

    The bear does not eat weeds. In this regard, she is selective, but as for cultivated plants, she is not so whimsical here - she chops, shears and shreds everything - carrots, radishes, beets, cabbage, radishes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, flowers ... And she does it underground , gnawing the stem, eating the roots, leaving no chance for the plant to survive.

    The larvae actively help their parents. Being underground, they devour everything around them - roots, tubers, bulbs, the underground part of the plant stem. Medvedka is extremely prolific, so it remains only to imagine the scale of the garden disaster.

    The damage from the bear is especially noticeable in the spring, when the seedlings are young and did not have time to acquire a powerful root system to survive the consequences of the pest invasion.

    Signs of a pest in the garden

    The fact that the bear started up on the garden plot is evidenced by a number of signs.

    • Small holes in the beds and mounds of loosened earth around them are like moles, only in a reduced form.
    • There may be traces from the tunnels. These are earthen raised strips with lumps of earth thrown by the insect's paws along the path of movement.
    • When watering, water goes into numerous underground passages and burrows.
    • The bear makes a characteristic sound similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, only louder. The garden pest "sings" in the evenings and nights. During the day, he behaves quietly, without crawling out of his underground burrows.
    • Yesterday, healthy and strong seedlings in the morning lay lifeless on the ground or suddenly begin to wither for no apparent reason.

    How to deal with a bear

    Insecticide for fighting a bear

    Medvedka is a serious enemy, it is important to know how to deal with it from the very beginning. It is necessary to approach its destruction in a comprehensive manner and act in a planned manner, using all means of struggle - chemical, biological, mechanical and preventive. The situation must be constantly monitored and not relaxed, remembering that the enemy can fly and can come to visit from the neighboring area at any time.

    The pest sleeps in winter, buried in the ground since autumn. The place chooses closer to the roots of plants so that there is something to eat when he wakes up. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise not to miss the time of early spring and late autumn for the fight, while the insect is sleepy, inactive and does not start reproduction.


    If the bear has managed to multiply, and folk remedies can no longer cope with the increased population, then insecticides cannot be dispensed with. They are effective both in the fight against adult insects and their offspring - eggs and larvae. When applied correctly chemical agents able to destroy up to 90% of the bear that bred on the site.

    The most popular and effective chemicals against the bear - Medvetox, Fenaxin Plus, Antimedvedka, Thunder, Medvetsid, Medvegon, Grizzly, Rembek.

    The mode of action of these drugs is different and they are also used in different ways. Most often, the chemical is dissolved in water in the right proportion and fill the resulting aisle solution, for example, Vofatox. There are preparations designed to treat the roots before planting in order to make them inedible for the pest - Aktara, Prestige, Masterpiece.

    Some drugs act selectively (Phenaxin Plus), for example, only on female bears. They love it, perceive it as a delicacy. Granules of the preparation (3-4 pieces each) are placed in specially prepared manure or compost heaps or in the discovered pest passages.

    The drug is good in that it completely loses its toxicity, dissolving in the soil.

    It is imperative to sprinkle the insecticide granules with earth so that birds do not inadvertently peck them or are not eaten by pets. Handle poison with gloves and a respirator / medical mask.

    • Medvetox - poisonous bait pellets designed to fight the bear and garden ants. Reacting to the smell of granules, pests find a treat. Having eaten the poison, the bear crawls out and dies. One pellet is enough to kill one adult. The active ingredient - diazinon - affects the respiratory system, forcing the insect to leave the hole. The drug is safe for worms and does not poison the soil. Retains its toxic properties for 3-4 weeks. It, like Phenaxin +, is laid in grooves to a depth of 5 cm, covered with earth and watered with water.
    • Grizzly- a drug similar to Medvetox with the same active ingredient - diazinon. But, according to gardeners, it is inferior in efficiency to Medvetoks and does not always kill the bear, but only causes her inconvenience, forcing her to crawl out. Therefore, you need to collect "sick" bear and destroy them mechanicallyuntil they came to their senses.
    • Cuts and Thunder - granular preparations that are toxic to the bear. The active period is 2 weeks.
    • Bankcol - an insecticide, the mode of action of which is to paralyze a pest that dies of hunger in two days. The insecticide is not necessarily presented to the pest in its pure form. Sometimes it is used to prepare bait - they prepare porridge from corn or wheat with the addition of poison, for example, karbofos or metaphos - a contact-action insecticide.
    • Bait with metaphos.Wheat / corn / barley grains (1 kg) are boiled until mushy. Metaphos (50 g) and sunflower oil (30 g) are added. The prepared porridge is laid out in prepared heaps of manure or humus or in the aisles when planting seedlings - to a depth of 3 cm and sprinkled with earth. Porridge consumption - 30-50 g per 1 sq. m of landing area.

    Biological preparations

    The advantage of biological preparations is their harmlessness to warm-blooded animals and beneficial insects. But in efficiency they are inferior to chemical ones.

    Distinguish between artificial and natural biological weapons against the bear.

    • Artificial - means made from organic products. Among biological preparations, gardeners and gardeners distinguish Otmed, which has a deterrent effect. It is made from extracts of odorous plants - pepper, wormwood, garlic, milkweed, the smells of which the bear cannot stand. Boverin is a biological pesticide. It is prepared from the bover fungus, which is poisonous for many species of insects and ticks. This preparation is used for processing seedlings and seedlings of plants before planting in the ground. Boverin is safe for humans, animals and beneficial insects.
    • Natural enemies of the bear. These include poultry such as chicken and hoopoe. Lizards, ground beetles, ants, hedgehogs, moles are also on the list of human volunteers in the fight against the bear.


    Biological agents with a pungent odor - rotten fish, tar, kerosene, can serve as a bear scarer. Calcium carbide is also used. 5 g of carbide - into the pest's mink, a little water and a bear, as it blows away with the wind. Gardeners assure that forever.

    There are also noise scarers, which are often done by hand. But ultrasound is considered the most advanced and promising.


    The principle of their action is based on the irritation of an underground pest by ultrasound; it leaves the territory in which it became uncomfortable.

    The ultrasonic repeller acts not only on the bear, but also on moles, shrews, hamsters and voles.

    The advantages of this method of dealing with a bear are that it does not require significant physical effort from the gardener - you do not need to set traps, check them, fiddle with poisonous granules and powders.

    Ultrasonic bear repeller

    Manufacturers of the ultrasonic repeller promise efficiency and complete safety for plants and terrestrial inhabitants that do not pick up the high-frequency waves of the device. The device works 24 hours a day and guarantees to "drive crazy" the bear and expel it from the site in a couple of weeks of use.

    There is a wide selection of ultrasonic scarers - Tornado, Grad, Mole, Antikrot, Chiston, Ecosniper, Yastreb, Typhoon. They differ from each other in coverage area - up to 750 m, penetration depth - up to 3 m and power source - solar battery, conventional batteries, rechargeable batteries. Improved models have multiple vibration modes to prevent the pest from adapting to them. Also, a valuable characteristic of the device is the immunity of its ultrasonic wave to obstacles in the form of stones, walls, buildings.

    If the device breaks down, then nothing will stop the pests from coming back. The effect is stronger when the ultrasonic repellents are also on the adjacent areas.

    Homemade windmills from plastic bottles and cans

    To create a noise effect that causes discomfort for the bear, wind turbines are used. They are installed on metal 3-meter poles / pipes, which are stuck into the beds at a distance of 5-10 m from each other.

    The propeller is made of light metal (beer can) so that it rotates easily and makes as much noise as possible. Also, a plastic bottle is used as a rotating element. To do this, several vertical cuts are made on it, the edges of which are then bent outward to make pocket-blades. The bottle is pushed down onto a metal tube - a sound resonator.

    Aromatic repellents

    Their main advantage is their low cost and availability. Everyone can find sand, onion skins and spruce branches.

    • Onion husk tincture.900 g of onion husks are poured into 10 liters of warm water and infused for 5 days. Water the wells with infusion before planting seedlings. After the rain, the onion infusion is sprayed on the beds. You can water the seedlings once a week with diluted onion infusion in a 1: 5 ratio.
    • A mixture of sand and kerosene.1 kg of sand per 50 ml of kerosene. This amount of the mixture is enough for 1 sq. meter plot. If the plot is large, then this method is not very convenient, but for greenhouses and greenhouses, it suits perfectly.

    Method of mixture preparation: first, sand is poured with kerosene, then everything is thoroughly mixed and combined with 2-3 shovels of dry soil.

    Method of application: the resulting mixture is scattered over the garden bed or introduced into the furrows around the perimeter of greenhouses / greenhouses, such as a barrier. Some gardeners additionally pull a rope dipped in kerosene along the furrow to finally convince the bear that she has nothing to do here.

    • Spruce branches, alders and aspen pegs.Medvedka does not like the smell of pine needles and alder. Gardeners use this in the fight against it, laying out coniferous spruce branches and alder branches in the aisles of plantings. To preserve the aroma, the branches are sprinkled with earth.

    The bear is not friendly with the aspen either. They drive her out, like a vampire, with the help of aspen stakes, only small ones - 30 cm long. They are driven in in those places where a cluster of bears is seen, entirely at a distance of 100 cm from each other. The bark is not peeled off, it retains the smell.

    Folk remedies

    For plants, ammonia water is harmless and even beneficial, since it is a recognized nitrogenous fertilizer

    Folk remedies are simple and affordable, as well as proven in practice.

    • Rotten fish and herring heads.The method is not the most pleasant, but, according to the assurances of gardeners, it justifies itself. You need to stock up on rotten fish or herring heads, you can smoked, lightly salted. This stinky bait is used as a repeller and laid out in the holes when planting seedlings and sprinkled with earth. This method is good because it does not harm the environment. On the contrary, decomposed fish serves as a bio-fertilization of the soil. But there are also disadvantages - rotten fish can attract cats, and they will dig it out and take it away.
    • This remedy acts on the bear with its pungent smell and has a deterrent effect.

    Method of preparation: 1 bucket of water will require 2-3 dessert spoons of ammonia.

    Method of application: plants are poured under the root with a solution, trying not to get on the green part. One bush takes a 500-gram jar. There is another way - with the help of pieces of cloth soaked in undiluted ammonia. The flaps are laid out in the aisles of potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

    Disadvantages of the method: short-term effect, since ammonia - volatile substance. Requires frequent and repeated repetition - every 7 days.

    • Total barrier.This method is used as an obstacle in the path of the bear. The goal is to prevent her from getting to the roots of the plantings. As a barrier material, metal strips are used, which are dug in to a depth of 30 cm along the perimeter of the site or garden. Similar "body armor" are also made from plastic bottles, thick film, roofing material, slate.

    Disadvantages of this method: the bear can not only crawl, but also fly.

    Pouring holes

    The method is fast and affordable. The result is instant. A special solution is poured into the passages and holes of the pest and he comes out into the light of day.

    For the preparation of "filling", solutions based on kerosene, laundry soap and washing powder are used.

    Proportions: 1 bucket of water requires 20 g of laundry soap or 50 g of washing powder or 100 g of kerosene.

    Vegetable oil is not diluted, but used in its pure form, pouring a teaspoon into the discovered hole. Then add water from a hose to the hole. Oily liquid, getting on the body of the pest, clogs its airways and it dies or crawls out, where it needs to be caught and crushed.

    Bait traps

    Homemade bait traps are an effective way of dealing with a formidable garden pest.

    There are different ways to use them. There are "trapping jars and bottles" that are buried in places where the bear moves. Walking through its tunnel, the bear falls into a slippery trap, from which it cannot get out. To increase the percentage of pest penetration, the trap is lubricated with something attractive, enticing - jam, unrefined sunflower oil, beer.

    For other types of traps - "trapping pits" - gardeners prepare special places for the pest to nest there comfortably and lay eggs.

    Dung traps

    Biological and effective method pest control, not causing damage to the environment. The method is based on the love of the bear for loose fertilized soil and her need for hibernation.

    The dung trap is very simple. A 50-centimeter hole is dug. Manure is placed on the bottom of it, then a layer of straw goes and all this is covered with earth. The nest for the bear is ready. In order not to lose it, you need to mark it somehow, for example, with a peg.

    Such traps are made at the end of summer so that the pest can detect them and lay eggs before hibernating. At the first autumn frost, at sub-zero temperatures, the traps open, manure is scattered around the garden. The sleepy bear and her eggs die in the cold.

    With beer or jam

    This type of trap is used to reduce the population of a breeding bear. Both glass jars and plastic bottles are used. A half-liter jar or a plastic bottle with a cut-off neck is dug into the ground up to the neck at the place of the "promenade" of the bear. Beer / kvass is poured into a jar / bottle, filling it by a third / quarter. The top is loosely covered with a board, leaving a small gap so that the pest can get inside.

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    After the trap is set, the gardener's task is to regularly check it for prey.

    A sweet trap is made in a similar way, using honey or jam as bait. The walls of the trap are coated with them from the inside.

    Prevention and protection of plants during planting

    In order to deprive the bear of its habitat and wintering, it is enough just to remove dry leaves and branches from the site

    Considering that the bear is a very dangerous garden pest and it is difficult to achieve its complete destruction, it is important to work proactively, that is, to take active preventive measures.

    • Autumn harvesting of crop residues, dry leaves and branches.
    • Late autumn deep digging destroys the holes and nests of the pest.
    • Using dung traps that are set on fire in early spring.
    • Do not use fresh cow dung.
    • Release chickens to the site after harvest.
    • Adding fresh chicken manure to compost heaps. Medvedka will not come there.
    • Planting marigolds, marigolds and chrysanthemums along the seedling beds. The bear does not like their smell.

    Seedling protection

    Damage to its root system leads to the death of a young plant. To prevent the bear from getting close to the roots, they are closed using various means.

    • Rings made of plastic bottles around the plant are buried 15 cm, leaving 2 cm above the ground.
    • Cover of nylon stockings - put on the roots while they are small.
    • Peat / paper cups - decompose in the ground when the plant gets stronger and the bear is no longer afraid of it.

    This animal, hated by any gardener, belongs to the family of insects of the Orthoptera order - the closest relative of locusts, behaves the same way - they are found everywhere you wish to grow something from vegetables, berries, flowers.

    Medvedki have an oblong dark-brown body 5-8 cm long and about 1-1.5 cm wide: a small cephalothorax and a significant fusiform abdomen with filamentous appendages at the end (cerci).

    The body is covered with a protective shell, under which the bear hides its head in case of threat. She has well distinguishable faceted (like a fly) eyes, long whiskers and two pairs of tentacles. The mouth apparatus is a gnawing type.

    It looks like a bear

    The forelegs are designed to tear and shovel the earth. Adult pests have developed scaly wings and are capable of flying several meters.

    Medvedka digs passages in the surface layers of the earth, and on the way gnaws all juicy rhizomes, root crops, young roots, therefore it is sometimes called an earthen locust. Especially harmful to seedlings in spring - it destroys tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, gnaws at the roots of fruit seedlings.

    Very often you can stumble upon the passages from the bear - holes in the ground with a diameter of 3-4 cm. At a depth of about 15 cm, you can find egg-laying - a small chamber, the size of a fist. Lays 100-300 eggs in spring.

    Medvedka is very thermophilic, therefore it makes eggs only in those areas that are well warmed up by the sun. By winter, it goes deep, breaking the network of vertical passages - it does not tolerate frost, below zero it already hibernates.

    During the winter, despite the high fertility of the bear, not everyone survive, only those who managed to find non-freezing places - beds with good shelter or dung heaps.

    Cucumbers died from a bear - sudden wilting

    Given this lifestyle of the pest, it is possible to conduct targeted combat. By the way, in some regions, in particular in the Kuban, the bear is called cabbage - it destroys cabbage once or twice.

    Fighting the bear in the fall

    In the fall, after digging up potatoes, beets, carrots, you need to prepare traps for the bear: dig holes or ditches about 50 cm in diameter and depth, put 3-4 shovels of fresh manure (any) there. Cover the top with a pile of straw.

    By this time, cabbage girls are already looking for reliable shelters and the warmest places, therefore, most likely, they will lay in dung heaps (humus or compost is not good - cold).

    When it freezes - in early, mid-November, you need to clean out the holes, scatter the manure over the beds. Pests will die from the cold, they are no longer able to find new places for wintering or dig in again in the ground.

    How to deal with cabbage in spring and summer

    • In the spring, as soon as the ground thaws, pests crawl out of shelters in search of food. They appear even before the mass vegetation of grasses, therefore, deep digging of the garden in early spring with a pitchfork is effective. Some of the disturbed burrows will freeze out in spring frosts.
    • Before planting the main crops, you can shed the soil (beds, paths) with diluted bird droppings. It is impossible to water the seedlings with such a solution, but it is possible 1-2 weeks before planting the seedlings - the cabbage does not like the smell of bird droppings. This measure is temporary, does not work for long, but will temporarily scare her away from seedlings.
    • When planting seedlings, we turn on the collective mind and ingenuity. We bury everything that can scare away.

    Folk ways of dealing with a bear

    1. When planting in the hole, put a spoonful of chopped eggshell, with a spoonful of fragrant (unrefined) vegetable oil - helps a little.
    2. To bury smoked fish between the holes with seedlings - the smallest and driest, thoroughly smoked - it is believed that the bear does not tolerate the smell of smoked meats. In fact, most likely, this smell is simply disorienting her, overriding the smell of young root shoots of seedlings. It makes sense to dig in next to the hole or throw pieces of small fish (tulka, herring) right into the hole. The fish quickly goes bad, and from time to time you need to put fresh lots on the beds, dropping them to a depth of 10 cm. The measure is unpleasant, but oddly enough it works.
    3. Alder and aspen branches help scare the bear away - their smell is also unpleasant for the pest. Use branches with bark - it releases the most essential substances. You need to stick it at least a meter along the beds with seedlings and change thin branches weekly to fresh ones.
    4. Beer traps: This drink attracts a bear. You need to use bottles with a wide enough neck, milk bottles will do. Dig them in between the rows obliquely, at an angle of 45 degrees, splash beer on the bottom (no more than 1/3 of the bottle). The main thing is that the neck is flush with the ground or slightly lower. Fished out the pests from beer and destroyed. Change beer at least once a week. These traps really work.
    5. The smell of onions scares the bear a little, you need about half a bucket of onion husks per 10 liters of water - this is a lot, in fact, you need to collect the husks all year round... Pour boiling water over it and leave for 24 hours, although you can cook on a garden oven for about 20 minutes. Then strain and dilute the resulting solution with water in a ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 5. Water the expressed seedlings with a solution, but not on dry ground, but after the main watering or rain. The method does not help much in practice, it is offered out of hopelessness.
    6. The cabbage and the smell of marigolds do not like, these flowers have a lot of advantages, the roots scare away the bear, the flowers attract pollinators, the smell of leaves scares off aphids and the Clodora beetle. However, the method is not reliable, there is a slight reduction in pests, but it does not help to get rid of completely.

    Effective methods of dealing with a bear

    There are proven methods, however, you still need to make efforts. For example, Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov advises using the fact that in the warm season the bear lives only in the surface layers of the soil, does not dig passages deeper than 15 cm in light soil and no deeper than 10 cm in dense soil. Therefore, the technical way of fighting is to deepen the walls of the garden so that the cabbage can not get on it. However, do not forget that the pest can fly from place to place, and in addition, in the spring, crawling out to the surface, from a meter depth can dig a path exactly to the garden bed.

    The root of pepper seedlings was bitten off by a bear

    If you want to truly protect the plantings, you need to do high beds with sides about 50 cm high and 15-20 cm into the ground. It really helps. The disadvantage is that the cabbage stays on the site, continues to damage vegetables that cannot be planted on high beds, as well as seedlings of fruit trees.

    Trimmed jars or bottles protect vegetable seedlings

    Another simple method that many gardeners practice at the stage of planting seedlings of vegetables is plastic bottle rings. It is better to take 2-liter wide bottles, but mayonnaise buckets or plastic cups from yogurt or sour cream are also suitable. Cut off the bottom to make a ring at least 20 cm high. And plant seedlings in it. Dig the ring so that the protection protrudes 5 cm above the ground (sometimes the bear crawls along the ground). The disadvantage is that the protection is temporary, while the seedlings are young, but often this is enough until it grows up, gets stronger and the roots get thicker.

    Potatoes suffer very much from the bear, the pest mows it down so that no marigolds help, but deep loosening of the rows and hilling helps. You need to loosen it at least once every two weeks, to a depth of 15 cm - this ruins the nests. In order not to be mistaken with the place where the hoe walk, mark the rows of potato plantings. Preparations against the Colorado potato beetle protect potatoes more reliably - prestige or prestige, but whether to use chemistry is up to you.

    If you refuse to use insecticides, it remains to lure the bear out of the hole in the traditional ways of gardeners:

    • Pour soapy water or water with vegetable oil into holes-holes
    • Put a cotton swab or cloth moistened with kerosene or gasoline into the hole

    Destroy the creature that has jumped out (chop it with a shovel), but you need to find the nests, they are next to the inlet - the cabbage and their larvae need oxygen. It remains to stir up the passage and find the nest. Some try to find it with their finger, but usually it is a little further, just shovel it with a shovel. Eggs can be burned or soaked in gasoline like colorados.

    Medvedka drugs

    For the bear are toxic (poisonous) insecticides from the group of organophosphorus compounds, neonicotinoids, pyrethroids.

    These chemicals are sold in garden and flower shops as solutions or suspensions for spraying flowers and vegetables, i.e. preparation of an aqueous solution. But there are special preparations for the bear - with the same active ingredients introduced into the bait, that is, ready-made, it looks like all this is like food for cats, only of colored shades (usually greenish).

    Ready-made poisons for the bear in granules have a taste and smell attractive to pests:

    Phenaxine Plus Rubit Granules - none other than karbofos (organophosphorus compounds), the rate of application is 100g / 10 m2, to a depth of 2-5 cm. This agent causes the death of the bear when eaten within 3 hours, the mordant remains up to 20 days, is not phytotoxic. Analogs: Alatar, Antiklesh, Inta-Ts-M, Iskra M, Fufanon-Nova, Karbofos.

    Medvedox - the active ingredient diazinon (organophosphorus compounds), is also quite effective, the application rate is 3 g / m2 at a depth of 3-5 cm.This drug, in addition to the bear, protects against cabbage fly, wireworm, weevil - to be introduced into the holes during planting. The manufacturer promises protection up to 60 days. Analogs: Barguzin, Vallar, Grizzly, Thunder, Thunder-2, Zemlin, Medvegon, Muravyin, Mukhoed, Pochin, Provotox, Terradoks.

    Rofatox - active ingredient imidacloprid (neonicotinoids), application rate 30 g / 10 m2, to a depth of 3-5 cm, additionally protects against wireworm. Analogues: Confidor, Iskra Zolotaya, Prestizhirator, Prestige, Tanrek, etc.

    It is advisable to start applying any poison before planting seedlings in 7-10 days. As a rule, they do not give 100% destruction, do not lose vigilance and take additional measures when holes are found.

    If you bought a ready-made poison from a bear, you just need to pour it into the hole when planting or into the pest's hole.

    If you bought a pesticide in the form of an emulsion concentrate (in ampoules or a bottle), you need to prepare the poison from cabbage with your own hands: boil wheat (grain), barley, oats, barley or corn until half cooked (not into porridge). Cool and fill with pesticides.

    Pests of agricultural crops are: common bear.

    During the breeding season (May, June), bears appear on the surface of the earth. Next to the main passage, the bears arrange a special nest-cave 6x6 cm in size at a depth of 10-20 cm, compacting the soil inside it.

    There they lay in heaps of dark yellow eggs with a diameter of about 4-5 mm in the amount of 300-500 pieces. After 2 weeks, mobile gray larvae appear from the eggs - outwardly they look like ants. only gray, leaving the nest after the first molt in late June-early July.

    Gluttonous larvae eat up seedlings of vegetable crops

    In areas infected by a bear, it is impossible to feed plants with a fresh mullein - it will attract a pest from all over the area. Diluted bird droppings, on the contrary, scare away the bear (you need to water the ground with infusion of chicken droppings in dry weather).

    Marigolds sown along the borders of the site block access to the bear from neighboring territories - the bear does not tolerate the smell of marigolds.

    Ways to deal with a bear

    1. Boil barley or buckwheat porridge, add VAFATOX, or Regent, or phenaxin plus, add unrefined vegetable oil to smell and attract bears - 1 tablespoon per half liter of porridge, and after a while you will notice that the bear is getting smaller. The result is very good. Peas of Medvetox are put into the passages.

    2. In the evening, listen to what places the males of the bear are singing, the sounds are similar to a whistle, early in the morning put the poisoned bait there. One of the gardeners, knowing that there are bears on the site, all the seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, planted them in disposable cups without a bottom, the seedlings were saved.

    4. One of their summer residents gives this advice: “Common feed made from wheat or corn, I take about 100 g of BI 58 for a bucket of feed and mix well. After that, I scatter this mixture on the ground and after a maximum of 2 hours the result on the face, they crawl out of the ground and die ”

    4. Nikolay Karpukhin from Moscow region:
    In early spring, as soon as the ground thaws, in the morning he puts pieces of plywood, boards, and thick cardboard on empty beds. Medvedka loves to crawl out of her burrows and bask under them. In the middle of the day, Nikolai pours two water and a little kerosene into a liter bucket and collects seedling pests from under the shelters. In summer, he places the same traps on the paths and catches the bear at the beginning of the day or in the evening.

    5. In addition, Nikolai Karpukhin learned find bear nests with a clutch of eggs. He recognizes them by wilting plants. Usually bears gnaw them from the south or southwest side so that the leaves do not shade the masonry. With his hands in the ground he gropes for a bear's mink, which is a little rammed. In it lies a lump of dense soil. This is the nest with eggs. If you carefully remove it and break it, then in the masonry there can be from 100 to 200 pieces.

    6. Viktor Kravchenko from the Rostov region: For a whole year he collects eggshell, and in the spring it mulches seedlings to protect them from the bear. He does it this way. He plants and water the plants first. Then sprinkle with a thick layer of crushed shells, and sprinkle with humus or sawdust on top. Sharp and hard pieces of the shell do not like the insect when it gets close to the seedlings.

    7. Grigory Panteleev from Krasnodar: Desperate to finally defeat the bear, he found such a way to protect cabbage seedlings from her. He places the root ball of the seedlings in a bag made from a piece of old women's tights. The ends of the bag are tied crosswise around the stem so that there are no cracks where the bear could crawl. The seedlings are planted so that the top of the nylon bag protrudes 4 cm above the ground. With this method, the roots of plants easily penetrate the tissue, the insect will not cause much harm to them, and the stem is protected below. When it coarsens over time, it ceases to attract a bear.

    8. Medvedka can be caught with honey
    As a trap, you can use a glass jar, greased from the inside with honey at the neck. The jar is dug into the ground, the neck is closed with a board with a gap of 1-1.5 cm. After a while, the jar is taken out and the insects crawling into it are destroyed.

    9. Windmills against the bear
    Another method of dealing with a bear. It is necessary to put windmills on the site at a distance of 5-10 m from each other. For this, it is better to use iron pipes 3 meters high. Attach a light metal propeller to the top of the pipe so that it rotates easily and makes more noise. Medvedok is disturbed by vibration and noise from the propellers as a natural disaster and leaves the site.

    10. Bears do not like the smell of calendula, garlic, parsley, fresh alder leaves.

    1, It is necessary to make a tin box with dimensions of 10x30x15 cm, dig into the ground so that the upper edge is level with the upper horizon of the soil. The box should be covered with a coarse mesh of wire, perforated rag, gauze or other similar material and sprinkled with earth. At the bottom of the box, you can put, moistening, a thin layer of earth, humus.

    Smear the bottom with honey or unrefined sunflower oil:

    2. Spread out over the area pieces of roofing material or cardboard and press the edges with pebbles or small stones and leave, you can put bait. Then after a while, after a day or night, put on gloves and quickly pick up the sheet, given how agile the bear is, be ready to grab it quickly.

    Medvedka is a dangerous pest that can cause colossal damage to the crop. Apply different methods of struggle and your success will be assured.

    June 4, 2015 Galinka
