Silk Plaster

The preference given by buyers and distributors for the SILK PLASTER brand is quite reasonable. For example, these wallpapers are made from environmentally friendly materials (cellulose, silk fiber), they are lightfast, do not absorb odors and are heat and sound insulating materials. Everything is relative.

Photo 1 - Liquid wallpaper SILK PLASTER (RF)

Liquid wall-paper SILK PLASTER (RF)

The Russian manufacturer of a whole line of SILK PLASTER has made a kind of revolution in the market liquid wallpaper... First of all, because today it may turn out to be the most budgetary option - suffice it to say that a standard package costs from 150 rubles, and 1 square meter - from 30 rubles! In this case, we are not talking about some kind of cheap fake, since the products have received attention at many international exhibitions and are certified in many countries of the world.

Photo 2 - POLDECOR (Poland)

A fairly well-known company all over the world, whose products number more than 200 names. Standard packaging is 3.3 sq. m area. The cost of packaging is from $ 30US (or from $ 8US per 1 sq. M).


Producer of the so-called "Danish plaster", which is sold as facing tiles (with or without glue). The packaging depends on the type and size of the tiles, the price per pack ranges from 300 to 700 rubles. There is a system of discounts - from 30 sq. m.

It is believed that the SOLAR and KOZA product lines, although they have good qualities, are still inferior to their French counterparts. 1 kg decorative plaster costs from $ 3 US. At the same time, the average consumption of such plaster in a liquid state is 1.2-1.5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Photo 4 - BAYRAMIX KOZA (Turkey)

Photo 5 - An example of the use of decorative plasters from BAYRAMIX

The LIMIL trademark is already known outside Ukraine. A standard package (1 kg) costs from 50 hryvnia and is designed for about 4 sq. m, if the layer thickness does not exceed 1.5-2 mm.

Photo 6 - LIMIL (Ukraine)


This Japanese company has been on the market since 1993. The standard package is for 4 sq. m of coating and costs from $ 30 US (sometimes comes with a bottle of color - 100 ml). Famous are the product lines SILKCOAT ELITE MILLENIUM, SILKCOAT ELITE, SILKCOAT PRESTIGE.

Photo 8 - Variety of liquid wallpaper from SILKCOAT (Japan)

Photo 8 - WEMA (Germany)

This company has been on the market for over 25 years, is well known throughout Europe, offering a complete line of its products - from dyes and primers to wallpaper. The price for liquid wallpaper ranges from 12 to 50 EUR per 1 sq. m. One package of dry mix is \u200b\u200bdesigned for 3.3 square meters. m area.

Photo 10 - Example of using WEMA products

Photo 11 - SENIDECO (France)

The main products are so-called decorative wall coverings (Venetian plaster); on average, 1 liter of coverage is designed for 7 sq. m, prices per 1 sq. m - from $ 8US. In total, the company's catalog contains about one and a half hundred titles.

Photo 13 - BIOPLAST (Ukraine, RF)

The company supplies the market with more than 40 types of wallpaper, a standard package of 1 kg, which is designed for 3 sq. m area. Price - from 500 rubles (50 hryvnia). BIOPLAST products are exported to a number of countries, but Ukraine and Russia remain the main markets.

Photo 14 - Bioplast products

Photo 15 - COTEX (France)

Perhaps, the most exquisite and expensive liquid wallpaper - from 2000 rubles per sq. m ($ 60US). Famous brands of this manufacturer - FIBERS DOUCES / MINERALS, LUXES DE COLUX; there are branded dye and primer - SILCOLOR, ENTREE EN MATIERE.

As a rule, one package is enough for 3.5-4 sq. m. The total number of products supplied by the company to the market exceeds a hundred, some wallpapers have gold threads in their composition.

Photo 16 - Exquisite COTEX Liquid Wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper in the interior of the house

In the interior (photo reportage on specialized use in different places), liquid wallpaper is used everywhere, that is, they are suitable for the house as a whole:

  • for walls;

Photo 17 - The use of liquid wallpaper in the interior

  • for the bedroom;

Photo 18 - A great option for using liquid wallpaper in the bedroom

  • for the nursery;

Photo 19 - We make the children's room brighter with liquid wallpaper

  • for the hallway;

Photo 20 - Liquid wallpaper can become a real decoration of the hallway

  • in the corridor;

Photo 21 - Liquid wallpaper in the corridor

  • in the toilet.

Photo 22 - Option for using liquid wallpaper in the toilet

Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom

Photo 23 - Here's how to apply liquid wallpaper in the bathroom

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom or for decorating a shower stall, a hygienic shower can be optimal solution with moderate use of such premises.

It should be remembered that not all types of liquid wallpaper are equally suitable for the bathroom, but all rooms where moisture accumulates in one way or another must have good ventilation. For the bathroom (photo above) of the room, it is recommended to select wallpaper with water-repellent properties and which will not swell.

Liquid wallpaper in the kitchen

Photo 24 - We make the kitchen more original with liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper (photo example below) in the kitchen is a perfectly acceptable option, which has its pros and cons. Of the minuses, as many reviews testify, the most important is their soiling; and the advantages include fire resistance, absorption of additional moisture, quick recovery, the ability to clean and relatively cheap.

Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Photo 25 - Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Ceiling liquid wallpaper is no different from wallpaper used on the wallshowever, the way they are applied requires a more uniform consistency. The photo below (liquid wallpaper is applied to the ceiling as well as to the walls) shows the combined use of contrasting wallpaper textures - relief at the top and monochrome at the bottom.

Photo 26 - Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling. Option 2

Photo 27 - Liquid wallpaper with a pattern

Currently, drawings from liquid wallpaper are gaining more and more popularity: any photo, idea or just a character, if a real artist takes care of this, can turn into a large-scale panel that will delight others for many years. The technique of execution is quite simple: first, a drawing is applied to the wall with a pencil, and then, using liquid wallpaper different colorsthe complete picture is being collected.

Photo 28 - Liquid wallpaper with a cartoon theme

Liquid wallpaper: colors, possibilities and selection rules

You should know that the selection of a specific model of liquid wallpaper largely depends on the appearance in a particular place. Moreover, pure white, yellow, green, red, blue, purple and other colors (if we talk about pure colors) can be selected quite easily, but shades and combinations are a long process.

Pure color has only one enemy - yellow spots that can appear over time if the surface to be coated has not been properly prepared; for others color combinations the quality of the substrate preparation is also important, but with complex patterns and combinations, the quality of the materials and colors that are used with them comes to the fore.

Photo 29 - Original liquid wallpaper

The foregoing makes it possible to formulate general rule Choosing liquid wallpaper: when choosing monotonous and monotonous patterns and textures, you can take advantage of cheaper offers, where quality at the level of texture can have less impact. But the higher the detail of the drawings, the higher the requirements for the quality of materials increase.

Silk liquid wallpaper

Photo 30 - Silk liquid wallpaper

Meeting such a name, it is necessary to understand that we are talking about some kind of liquid wallpaper for walls, which include artificial or natural silk (Japanese wallpaper uses silk from cocoons). Many manufacturers offer such products (for example, COTEX, SILK PLASTER, SILKCOAT), as well as products containing other natural materials, such as cotton (sample below).

Photo 31 - Liquid wallpaper with cotton

Where to buy liquid wallpaper?

On the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the widest selection of liquid wallpaper, including installations of them, can be seen in stores and shopping centers of such wholesale and retail chains:

  • MIASS;
  • MAXID.

Photo 32 - Here you can buy liquid wallpaper

In such supermarkets you can find products from well-known brands as well as the AIR LINE, ECODEKOR, STANDARD, PRESTIGE, VICTORIA product lines, which, for the most part, are budget options... A feature of wholesale and small-scale wholesale outlets for liquid wallpaper is the availability of various cumulative and promotional discounts, using which you can make a profitable purchase.

Photo 33 - Here you can buy liquid wallpaper

A few final words about the price of liquid wallpaper

Photo 34 - Neutral Liquid Wallpaper

As you can see from the data above, prices for this type of product fluctuate within very large limits. In Moscow and Kiev, the range of prices can be represented as follows:

  • price per package - from $ 5 to $ 300 US;
  • price for 1 sq. m - from $ 1 to $ 100 US.

Photo 35 - Creative interior decoration with liquid wallpaper

Sooner or later, the time comes in the life of every person when you want to change the environment and add a little color to the world. Faced with such a difficult task as renovation, many people from the range of finishing materials prefer wallpaper.

New varieties are constantly appearing on the wallpaper market, and the choice of colors and textures will leave no one indifferent. True, if the apartment has a complex layout, replete with ledges, corners and uneven surfaces, pasting the walls with ordinary paper wallpaper or installing wall panels can be a real torment. Liquid wallpaper can be a real salvation. Not all people know about this technology, developed by French scientists yet. This finishing material appeared on the Russian markets about 20 years ago, but has already found thousands of fans.

The liquid wallpaper They have antistatic properties, they are non-flammable, they consist of natural components, therefore they are suitable for finishing both utility or office and residential premises. If you plan to use liquid wallpaper in a bathroom or kitchen, where the level of humidity is high, after applying the wallpaper, it is worth treating its surface with varnish in order to extend its service life.

An interesting advantage of liquid wallpaper is its suitability for repair: for example, if a stain appears on the wall, a child painted them or a cat scratches them with claws, you can simply tear off the damaged area from the wall and apply a new layer. So that the wallpaper does not differ in color, experts recommend using a mixture from the same batch - such material can be frozen and stored in the refrigerator just in case.

General information about applying liquid wallpaper

Before applying the selected liquid wallpaper to the surface, the wall and ceiling must be cleaned of old plaster or wallpaper. If you see that there are areas affected by mold, they should be treated with an anti-fungal primer and dried thoroughly. A waterproof primer is then applied to the wall. Remember that if you improperly prepare the surface, then after the applied wallpaper dries, unsightly yellow spots... Liquid wallpaper can also be applied to metal surfaces - pipes or batteries, but first they must be insulated from moisture, since they can quickly rust.

You cannot work with liquid wallpaper in a room where the air temperature is below 10 degrees. If you purchased not ready-made, but dry wallpaper, they must be poured into a separate container and the necessary ingredients must be added in accordance with the recommendation. Stir the mixture thoroughly - it must be homogeneous, make sure that the proportions of wallpaper paste and water are correct, otherwise the mass will be too thick or liquid, and you simply cannot apply it to the wall. Apply wallpaper with a roller or spatula, evenly distributing it over the surface. Such wallpaper dries for 12-72 hours.

Review of manufacturers of liquid wallpaper

On the Russian markets, liquid wallpaper is represented by only a few manufacturers. Leadership is retained, of course, by the French, who own the technology of liquid wallpaper.

Senideco . A French company that is popular in many countries around the world. In France, such products are called decorative cladding, the nickname "liquid wallpaper" was given by the Russians. These wallpapers are characterized by impeccable texture, high quality and attractive appearance. This is the first company to start producing such an unusual coating and the modern assortment includes about 150 colors. The wallpaper contains mica, cellulose, adhesive mixture and dyes. The price of such products is far from cheap, but the quality is worth it.

Liquid Cotex wall-paper. France is also the manufacturer of this cotton-based decorative coating. This liquid wallpaper gives you unlimited design possibilities... Contains cotton fibers, binders, dyes and water. This wallpaper can be applied to any surface, but you need to know one nuance: before applying, the wall or ceiling must be treated with an oil primer, otherwise the coating will pull dust and dirt from the wall to the surface. You can remove dirt from the surface of the wallpaper with stain removers designed for cotton materials. The price, of course, is higher than that of domestic manufacturers, but the quality cannot be compared.

Silkcoat... Liquid wallpaper produced by a Turkish company. This product appeared on the market of finishing materials in 1993 and since then has enjoyed great popularity. The products are safe from an environmental point of view, high-quality, lightfast, while the cost of liquid wallpaper is much lower than its French counterparts. The primer under the wallpaper should be based on acrylic binders, water-dispersible compositions are allowed. To give the surface a shine and moisture resistance, you need a fixing varnish.

Bayramix koza. Liquid wallpaper made in Turkey. They differ from the previous version in another colors and more affordable cost. This product is distinguished by good performance and quality, although it is inferior to more expensive French counterparts.

Liquid wall-paper Silk Plaster... Russian trade mark, which has been on the market of finishing materials for 15 years, offering liquid wallpaper at lower prices than foreign brands. The composition of the wallpaper includes silk fibers, dyes, cellulose, adhesive mixture. They are resistant to direct light rays, moisture. The line offers a wide range of colors, even designer colors that are somewhat more expensive.

"Like this". Liquid wallpaper based on cotton fibers, manufacturer - Russia. This is one of the cheapest options on the market for finishing materials. However, the price affected both the range of products and the quality of the coating. The quality of such material is not too high, these wallpapers have low light resistance and hiding power.

Stenol ... Russian trade mark of liquid wallpaper. The basis of the product is a dry mixture of cellulose, thickeners, colorants, non-flammable additives that act as binders. Cellulose is extracted from hardwood trees growing in the Arkhangelsk region. This wallpaper belongs to non-combustible materials, therefore it can be used even in the repair of the so-called escape routes, housing. Coating "Stenol" can be used for leveling and insulating walls, it is applied using a rolling roller - rubber or foam.

Danish plaster ... It is one of the oldest manufacturers of liquid wallpaper on the Russian market. Products differ affordable price and high quality. However, liquid wallpaper based on cellulose has one significant drawback - low resistance to light, over time these materials can fade. In addition, this company rarely updates its product range, and given the considerable competition and the abundance of new solutions, this seems to be a big problem. At the same time, you can independently achieve any color with the help of decorative additives, without resorting to the services of specialists. Finishing is carried out using rollers, it is allowed to use liquid wallpaper of this brand in rooms with high humidity, but a layer of varnish must be applied to the surface.

Do not forget, liquid wallpaper is very popular with modern buyers, so more and more fakes are appearing on the markets that are not of high quality. In addition to being unattractive, they can pose a health hazard as they are made from recycled materials. Be careful when buying finishing materials: give preference only to well-known brands and do not hesitate to ask sellers to present certificates and documents.

If you want to buy Russian liquid wallpaper at the manufacturer's price, the DESSA DECOR plant is ready to offer you its services. We produce wall decoration materials from the best imported raw materials and sell them to our customers from all cities. Russian Federation.

Availability of our own laboratory, high-performance equipment, application modern methods the manufacture of finishing materials gives us the opportunity to produce and sell exceptionally high-quality products.

Characteristics of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a finishing coat for ceilings and walls, which combines the best qualities of paint and varnish coatings, decorative plaster and wallpaper in a roll. The material is produced in the form of a cellulose blend of environmentally friendly fibers. Before applying to the surface, the mixture is diluted with water.

The production of liquid wallpaper is aimed at producing three main varieties:




Video review: application of liquid wallpaper "Silk" from DESSA-DECOR

The first type of liquid wallpaper (the most expensive) has the highest performance characteristics, since it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and retains its original appearance for many years. Cellulose and silk-cellulose wallpapers have lower cost but less outstanding performance.

Among the main advantages of liquid wallpaper produced by the DESSA DECOR factory:

    no joints when applied to the wall, which contributes not only to the aesthetic appearance of the coating, but also to the protection of the walls from negative external influences;

    leveling effect in the presence of irregularities and cracks on the surface of the walls;

    no need for special care, since the wallpaper has an antistatic effect, which means it repels dust;

    no restrictions on service life.

How to order liquid wallpaper from the manufacturer

The DESSA DECOR factory is a reliable supplier of liquid wallpaper not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. The quality of our products is confirmed by numerous. We are constantly improving both finishing materials and their production process, giving you the opportunity to purchase products that meet all modern requirements.

To buy liquid wallpaper or any other, call us or make an application through the website. We will answer all your questions and organize prompt delivery of goods to any city in Russia!

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A good alternative to roll wallpaper is a relatively new interior material called "liquid wallpaper". Initially, the unusual coating caused some concern among potential buyers. However, the novelty quickly managed to take a strong position in the sector. topcoats due to special qualities. What is species diversity liquid wallpaper, what characteristics this type of finish has, as well as manufacturers and prices for wallpaper in liquid version.

Overview of liquid wallpaper - what are they, in what form are they sold?

The world owes the appearance of liquid wallpaper to the French rabbit. It was Charles VII who gave the order for the urgent restoration of the captured castle. Unable to use silk fabrics (the reason lay in the destruction of Parisian looms), the courtiers had to urgently get out of their predicament. Shredding the silk linen and adding flour as a binder saved the day. The coating turned out to be not only beautiful and original, it prevented heat losses and the penetration of sounds from the outside.

Generally speaking, the following can be said about liquid wallpaper: in the considered finishing material there is a combination of the best qualities paper wallpaper, paint and varnish coatings and decorative plaster.

Some people confuse the liquid version of the wallpaper with a decorative type of plaster. This is a fairly common but misconception. The difference between these materials in their composition. The wallpaper lacks a sand component, which cannot be said about plaster. What is the basis of liquid wallpaper.

This type of finish consists of:

  • Cotton.
  • Cellulose.
  • Polyester.
  • Dyed fibers ... As a rule, it is silk (natural or artificial). In fact, this is the main component responsible for creating a tissue effect.
  • Decorative elements (with pearlescent presence, gloss, marble) adding sophistication to the material.

At points of sale, the appearance of liquid wallpaper is not very similar to a rolled "relative". The buyer purchases sealed packages with powder or ready-mixed. The dry variation is produced in the form of fine sawdust. This is a special wallpaper material impregnated with glue. It requires the addition of warm water. Then the mixture is applied to the surface. The main thing in this matter is the uniformity of the distribution of the applied layer. In some cases, the procedure is completed by tinting the wall with a special paint.

For reference ... Walls covered with liquid wallpaper can look like paper relief, silk, or resemble foam. It depends on the choice of the liquid wallpaper version.

Species variety of liquid wallpaper

For the final touch in the decoration of a residential or office space, you can use the following liquid wallpaper, the name of which actually determines the basis of the composition:

  1. Silk ... The material is predominantly composed of silk fibers. It belongs to the highest quality species due to its long service life and resistance to sunlight. The cost matches the quality, that is, it exceeds the price of the species listed below.
  2. Cellulosic ... Quality criteria and appearance significantly lower than that of silk counterparts. The price criterion is at the same level - they are the cheapest in the segment of liquid wallpaper.
  3. Silk-cellulose ... Presented by a mixture of fibers. Refers to the middle option between silk and cellulosic materials.

If we are guided by the type of use, then the wallpaper is divided into groups:

  • Ready-to-use material ... Only water is added to it. Next, the decoration of the walls begins. A similar process is on the strength of an amateur. No special skills required.
  • Wallpapers requiring painting ... They are produced exclusively in white. To obtain a different shade, skill in the use of dyes and decorative components is required. As a rule, such work is entrusted to professionals.

What are the characteristics of the "liquid" representatives of the wallpaper sector - the plus and minus sides of the choice


  • Luxurious appearance. The room becomes comfortable and cozy.
  • Originality and unusual design of the walls. There is an opportunity to create fancy patterns and panels.
  • Ease and speed of restoration work. Experts talk about a time frame of 5-10 minutes.
  • The material is environmentally friendly and harmless, there is no smell.
  • They are distinguished by their immunity to third-party odors, they are simply not absorbed by the wallpaper. For this reason, they are of interest for kitchens.
  • In the cold season, the walls decorated with liquid wallpaper retain heat, that is, the finish has thermal insulation properties.
  • There is no need for special preparation of the walls. Wallpaper copes with filling cracks and leveling other defects.
  • The consequences in the form of seams and gaps are not relevant for liquid wallpaper solutions.
  • They do not fade, do not lag behind the surface, serve regularly for a long time.
  • They are not afraid of temperature changes and building shrinkage.
  • The wallpaper has anti-static and dust-repellent effects.
  • High fire safety criterion. Having such wallpapers, you can not be afraid that they will burn. If the fire gets to the finish, then the release of poisonous gas will definitely not be.
  • Reusability. The coating removed from the surface with a spatula is placed in a container and diluted with water until a mixture is obtained, which can be reapplied.

What are the disadvantages of the luggage:

  • High cost of finishing.
  • Low degree of moisture resistant parameter. The stained area is not washed to prevent the cover from being completely washed off. They are protected from water influence with a layer of colorless varnish applied to the walls.
  • Any contact (rubbing objects, touching people, and so on) threatens the wallpaper with abrasion.

Despite the disadvantages, such wallpapers are not deprived of practicality. Compliance with the basic rules allows you to enjoy the beauty of the coating for 10 years or more.

Which manufacturers of liquid wallpaper are leading on the Russian market - a brief overview

Among the variety of manufacturers, let's pay attention to those whose products are especially popular with domestic consumers. The list is compiled on the basis of the recommendations of the masters, reviews on specialized Internet forums, polls in the social. networks.

For starters, information that is important to know when choosing liquid wallpaper:

  • The average cost of a "square" finish is in the range of 185-195 rubles.
  • The price range for one package is 460-2700 rubles, excluding the VIP offer.
  • Wallpaper is packed in packages of different capacity. Usually the contents of one package are designed for a certain square. For example, the minimum consumption is equal to four "squares", the maximum reaches 6-7 m². This nuance requires special attention when buying. This helps in calculating financial costs.

So, in a small review, the most popular brands from the liquid wallpaper segment are presented:

1. French Senideco

Senideco's assortment includes one and a half hundred positions. Wallpaper with impeccable texture and visual appeal.

The products belong to the category of expensive, but stylish and high quality. No wonder the strong position of the brand in the world market, including the Russian one.

2. French Cotex

The elegance of the soft cotton carpet from Cotex is impressive.

Three collections are offered to buyers:

  • Solid variations.
  • Interspersed with gold thread.
  • With mineral addition.

Thanks to its formula, easy care, UV resistance, and other properties related to the practical characteristics of the product and its durability are guaranteed.

3. Japanese Silkcoat

This manufacturer does not lag behind French colleagues in terms of quality and excellent performance.

The uniqueness of the Silkcoat formula has earned high praise from consumers.

4. German Wema

Wallpapers are distinguished by their elegance, variety of color and texture proposals.

The exclusivity of the product was appreciated by buyers from more than twenty countries. The walls of the most prestigious buildings are decorated with Wema wallpaper.

5. Polish Poldecor

A well-known brand in Europe supplies the market of our country with products related to high-quality decor.

From the offered assortment, buyers can choose products with high or medium prices.

6. Turkish Bayramix Koza

Against the background of a wide range of colors, the products are distinguished by their affordability.

Agree, this is a significant plus in the piggy bank of advantages.

7. Russian Silk Plaster

Silk Plaster products are somewhat inferior in external data to more expensive "relatives" from France. However, it has good performance characteristics. And the cost of the material is less.
