Original bright accents in the interior can be paintings, photographs or panels of flowers on the walls. Decorating your own apartment is an opportunity to realize creative ideas and express yourself through unusual decor. You can create voluminous flower arrangements yourself or order such creative work from experienced decorators.

You can add individuality to the interior of your home by placing exclusive flower panels on the stele using other materials - twigs, fruits or ribbons.

Such works will definitely catch the eye due to their special characteristics:

  • A bright composition on a plain background attracts attention;
  • Delicate flowers used in the work will add tranquility to the interior;
  • Volumetric work looks unusual on a flat wall;
  • All compositions are made by hand, and therefore unique.

By placing flower arrangement on the wall, you can not be afraid that it will highlight harmful substances and will be hazardous to health, because all the materials used are environmentally friendly.

Depending on the type of room in which the panel will hang, it may contain artificial, natural or dried flowers, fruits, pebbles, mother-of-pearl or other or artificial materials. Collected in one composition, they will create a certain image for the room.

You can get ideas for decorating a panel and a room, in general, in specialty stores, floristic catalogs, needlework magazines, attend a master class or see examples of the work of designers or amateurs.

How to make a floral panel with your own hands

To decorate the walls, you can order panels from experienced craftswomen, but it is better to make such a composition with your own hands, especially since it is not so difficult. Such a floral panel will not only be unique, but its performer will also feel proud when guests appreciate her work.

Before you get creative, you need to decide what flowers and other decorations will be used.

You can choose from the following colors:

  • artificial finished;
  • alive;
  • dried flowers;
  • Tape;
  • paper;
  • knitted;
  • Made from natural materials.

You can not be limited to the list above, because some craftsmen make flowers from any materials at hand: cotton pads, plastic forks, fabric, dough, plasticine and other things.

Particular attention should be paid to the background, since it is he who will unite the composition into a single whole. The background of the picture should not be bright or contrasting with the color of the wall on which the panel will hang, otherwise the picture will not be spectacular enough.

Artificial flower panel - simple and effective

Most simple option creating a flower panel will be a composition of artificial flowers. Even a beginner can do such work, it is only important to decide on the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe composition.

A tapestry panel in the interior is a great option to decorate a wall in a home. About the history of the creation of tapestries and their use in interior decoration, we will tell in the article:.

The panel may show:

  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • Uncomplicated picture;
  • flower bush;
  • A tropical forest.

When assembling a composition, you need to pay attention to the color of the elements used so that they combine with each other. All necessary materials you need to prepare in advance, so to create a floral panel with your own hands, you will definitely need artificial flowers, a base (burlap, paper, plywood, cardboard), glue (Moment or PVA), a frame and glass.

To use glass or not depends on individual preferences. The decorative composition will be stored behind glass longer, but if you refuse it, then you can place some elements outside the frame. Thus, the picture will turn out to be interesting and voluminous and enliven the wall.

Original floral panel of fresh flowers

A beautiful decorative panel can also be made from fresh flowers. In this case, the work will turn out to be more fragile and less durable, but very sensual and tender.

The original panel of the children's room can be made from wallpaper. We will learn in the following article:.

To create a panel of fresh flowers, you can use the following ideas:

  1. Attach a small vase with water to the base of the panel in the frame, in which you can put bouquets of your favorite fresh flowers;
  2. Stick fern leaves on the base at different angles to get the feeling of an impenetrable jungle;
  3. Attach wild flowers to the background with adhesive tape, such work will quickly deteriorate, but the flowers can always be replaced with fresher ones, and every day the composition will have a different look, and you can make a different picture from dry ones;
  4. Install a special pallet with earth, in which shoots of indoor flowers will grow in a certain way.

When working with fresh flowers, one should not forget about water and special care, because they are easy to damage and thereby spoil general form compositions. Pictures of fresh flowers look beautiful, complemented by other decorative elements - beads, sparkles, butterflies. From flowers, you can create whole pictures or limit yourself to compact bouquets.

Do it yourself: a panel of flowers (video)

Making a flower panel is not so difficult, it is only important to be patient, prepare the necessary materials and show your imagination. In addition, the elements used can be easily found, for example, dry roses from a donated bouquet or unwanted shoots of indoor plants, making flowers from old magazines, or using other hand-made materials.

Examples of do-it-yourself dried flower panels (photo in interiors)

Green island in the apartment

Vertical gardens, living paintings - like oases among concrete walls new buildings. Is it possible to create a green wall in an apartment on your own, how to choose plants, how difficult it is to care for them, read on.

A living wall of greenery is a fashionable trend in the world of interior design. Harmoniously created compositions delight the eye, purify the air from dust and harmful substances.

A piece of nature in the house: what is a green wall

The phytowall is a huge structure, similar to a puzzle, which consists of cells with plants - phytomodules. A trendy green carpet has many advantages for indoor flower lovers:

  • saves space;
  • increases humidity, saturates the room with oxygen;
  • does not require special care, as it is usually equipped with an automatic irrigation system;
  • excellent screen when zoning the space of the room;
  • gives a feeling of summer all year round.

Where can be used in the interior of the apartment

Vertical installations of greenery will perfectly fit into the interior of the apartment, made in eco style. Phytoconstructions look spectacular in the living room or bedroom. Norwegian designers were the first to offer this option, lining the wall behind the head of the matrimonial bed with moss.

You can create islands of greenery in the bathroom, toilet. The kitchen is another place created for landscaping. Modern designers offer to decorate the interior not only with large plant structures, but also with lively paintings, as well as inscriptions created using moss.

What plants make a living wall in the apartment

For a vertical garden, it is better to choose plants with a developed root system that can support the weight of the leaves. The stem should be short or curly. Lush bushes with small leaves will also come in handy. Here is a list of greens that fit these criteria:

  1. Ampelous plants. Their distinguishing feature- fast growth both in height and in breadth, curl well.
  2. Varieties of ornamental grapes. Great decoration for the kitchen. Some of them bear fruit, although they are not worth eating, but they are quite suitable for decoration.
  3. Saptiphyllum, chlorophytum, other plants like these.
  4. Small succulents, low sansiviers are simply indispensable in apartments whose windows face the sunny side, and the room is constantly hot.

Use only one type of plant or combine several. For your first living wall project, it's best to choose hardy plants that don't require a lot of light or heavy watering.


This plant is suitable for beginners in phytodesign. It is unpretentious, shade-loving, does not need fertilizer. If the apartment has thin walls, make a moss wall and forget about noisy neighbors. This plant has excellent soundproofing properties. Moss moss is usually used, but you can make a composition from ordinary forest moss.

Yagel is subjected to special treatment. It is preserved, that is, special solutions and dyes are applied to the surface so that its texture is bright, elastic, durable, and also does not rot, is reliably protected from mold and bacteria. Yagel does not need soil. It is glued to the MDF board.

Green structures should be kept away from children and pets. Parts of the green wall can cause poisoning of the body.

flower plants

The green wall can sometimes bloom in lush, bright colors. To diversify the saturated green color, it is necessary to provide places for saptiphyllum and anthurium in phytomodules. These two flowers are called female and male happiness. The combination of white and red will advantageously emphasize the greenery of the florarium.

Beautiful compositions with the participation of begonias. This plant has many species, a variety of colors. Well suited for the role bright accents Christmas cactus (Decembrist), Kalanchoe, violet.

artificial plants

Many allergy sufferers, pet owners, people who are often forced to leave home for a long time, prefer artificial greenery to natural greenery. It does not create a special microclimate, but it has a number of other advantages:

  • durable, does not require maintenance;
  • safe, does not emit odors;
  • thanks to modern materials plants look like alive;


Spicy herbs that feel great in open field, can decorate the walls inside the house. Most often, housewives grow chives, peppermint, basil, cumin, rosemary, cilantro, lemon balm, sage, etc. in the kitchen. Some arrange a vertical garden, harvesting onions, garlic, parsley, celery, radish from the phytowall.

Plain lawn grass, wheat sprouts, seeds of other cereals are used to make the phytowall look like a football field. Seedlings grown from grains are planted in pocket-modules fixed on the wall.

Green phyto-corner of plants and flowers in the apartment: how to do it yourself

To make a living corner of the house, it will take several hours of time, skillful hands and suitable materials with tools. Consider how to make a phytowall from felt. This design is easy, and to make it you need:

  1. Metal or wooden frame.
  2. Waterproof film. Better greenhouse. In order to create a waterproofing of the rear wall of the structure.
  3. Plastic pipe for irrigation with many small holes and a plug on one side.
  4. Hose. It is attached to the water supply pipe.
  5. Aquarium or fountain pump.
  6. Tray for collecting excess moisture and supplying water to the pump.
  7. Cloth made of felt or other non-rotting material with pockets.

First, sew a fabric organizer with pockets. For seams, use nylon thread. It is strong enough to support the weight of the flowers. The canvas is attached to the frame either with a construction stapler or with glue. Between the frame and the felt, you need to lay waterproofing - a greenhouse film.

The distance between the phytomodule and the wall must be at least 2 cm for ventilation.

Install between fabric and frame plastic pipe, attach a hose to one end of it. Install a tray at the bottom of the canvas, it will perform two functions at once: provide plants with fresh moisture, collect excess water after watering. To plant plants, they need to be pulled out of the ground, shake off the roots from the soil and, wrapped in a piece of felt, inserted into the pocket. In a couple of days they will grow through the tissue.

Is it possible to create a picture of flowers in the kitchen

Fitokartina can decorate any room, including the kitchen. This part of the house is designed to be decorated with flowers and plants. They can be both living and artificial. A composition of succulents, stones and moss framed by a tree, placed in the dining area, will look great. The main rule - in a small kitchen, create a small picture of flowers.

What are the conditions for the growth of living plants on a panel of greenery

Phytowalls are unpretentious structures. All that is needed for living green plants is timely watering. Spraying the florarium is not required, as flowers and herbs have enough moisture that evaporates from the soil. But installing additional lighting does not hurt. This will not only make the green corner even more attractive, but will also favorably affect the growth of greenery. It is also necessary to feed the plants in a timely manner and cut off excess shoots and dried leaves.

Painting of blooming flowers at home: what you need

To create a masterpiece of natural art, you will need a regular picture frame, a sheet of plywood, right size, wire mesh with small holes. The mesh is usually fastened with a stapler to the wrong side of the frame, moss, a universal primer with perlite, is laid on it. All this is fixed with plywood.

Features of compliance with the interior ethics of the neighborhood with a living green corner

In an effort to create beautiful picture, to create comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the house, it is important not to forget about the rules of the ethics of the neighborhood with living herbs and flowers. Before planting a plant at home, it is important to know its features, to care for each of the species accordingly.

Stick to a few rules:

  1. You should not grow plants with a pungent odor at home, otherwise you are guaranteed headaches.
  2. Say "no" to flowers and herbs that contain poisons that cause allergies.
  3. Give preference to unpretentious green friends, so as not to inadvertently ruin valuable specimens.

Creating a green zone in a city apartment is easy and simple. Use the services of phytodesigners or make a small island of green harmony yourself. The main thing is to choose unpretentious plants and regularly care for them.

Useful video

The fashion for "green walls" or "phytowalls" came to Russia quite recently, although this design technique has existed for a long time. With the advent of large and bright rooms, as well as materials and technology, “living walls” became possible in our country, but this name did not take root among designers, so they often say “pictures from plants”. This is one of the types of vertical gardening.

The direction is so interesting that it interested not only professionals, but also lovers of indoor plants.

Here are interesting implementations of this design idea.
Living painting representing a copy of Van Gogh's famous painting "Wheat Field with Cypress" - a project of the National Gallery and GE. It was presented in 2012 along the west wall of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London. It took 8000 plants, a lot of time and effort to create it. But it was worth it.
Van Gogh's painting was chosen from many others, as it is most suitable for creating a picture of living plants in all shades of green due to its clear lines and color scheme.

But these masterpieces are not for our climate. We can limit ourselves to only a heated room.
Therefore, the dimensions should be more modest.

Perhaps even more modest:

Plants in modern home and the office should be harmoniously integrated into the surrounding environment. Pots on the windowsills are no longer fashionable, they are often a hindrance in the interior.

In winter, we have so little sun, so the windows should let in the maximum amount of light.
Decorative leafy species of indoor plants are used in phyto-pictures. They are usually unpretentious. But they perfectly enrich the room with oxygen and maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

Such paintings are like a carpet with a lush pile and are admired.
Is it possible to use flowering plants in living pictures?
Maybe. But flowering plants require more care and better conditions. Therefore, but in my opinion, flowering houseplants are best grown traditionally.

If the living walls of decorative leafy plants are more like a carpet, then a real picture can be made from succulents. Succulents grow slowly and do not require frequent watering, they have rich shades and textures.

A real picture frame would be appropriate here. In addition, you can enjoy your stonecrops not only in the summer in the country, but also in the winter at home.

What should be considered when choosing succulents for plant painting?
They are photophilous, therefore, the place for the picture should be well lit by sunlight and it would be quite appropriate to place a phytolamp with directional light.
Now let's turn to experience. foreign designers and see a master class on how to make a live picture.
To do this, you need a picture frame, a wide soil frame with a bottom and a grid. And of course succulents different forms, sizes and shades. Succulents can be planted either rooted or cut from big plant- they are perfectly rooted right in the picture.
The first stage: making a frame with filling it with soil.

Next, plants are planted in the cells of the grid. It is better to think over the drawing in advance. First you need to plant more large plants, then shallow, as close as the grid allows. For the first time, the picture is left in a horizontal position.

After a week, another plant will take root, and the picture can be hung on the wall, remembering to regularly spray the plants with a spray bottle.

Bonus: another idea from DIG Carden - hanging live succulent balls using the same technology:

Caring for a phytopicture of succulents

It consists in weekly spraying the surface of the leaves with settled water, once every 2 weeks - liquid fertilizer for succulents and cacti, removing dead parts of plants, thinning or replanting new plants as necessary.

Ryzhkina Svetlana
When reprinting an author's article, a reference to the author and the first

Check out how to make earrings, panels with your own hands from dried flowers. Learn how to make toys, three-dimensional paintings from fresh flowers and succulents.

Flower toys

From beautiful plants, florists came up with the idea to create not only bouquets, but also such charming toys. To present such an original gift, see how to make flower figurines yourself, and quickly start a pleasant and exciting activity.

Start simple. For example, make such a fun snail.

For needlework you need the following:
  • floristic sponge piaflora - 3 bricks;
  • spray yellow and green chrysanthemums, 4-5 branches of each color;
  • large leaves of monstera, palm trees or others;
  • round dish or plate;
  • floristic fixative or straws, sticks;
  • for the face: 2 buttons or beads, thread, paper, wire.

Before making such figures from flowers, you need to decorate the plate. In this case, we paint leaves on it.

We soak the piaflora bricks in water, letting them get wet without the help of hands. Then we cut out a few details from it. For business, we cut off 2 upper corners of the brick, from the second we cut out a rounded part for the back and the head of the flower toy.

From the third brick we create her neck. With the help of a floristic fixative or a straw, we fasten the sticks together as shown in the photo.

Now you need to cut off or cut the flowers so that they have a short stem 2 cm long.

Starting from the bottom of the "house" of the snail, lay it out with green chrysanthemums. We decorate the second part with yellow, from the top of the head.

Flowers should be placed as close as possible to each other so that the piaflora is not visible. If small gaps nevertheless form, close them with smaller buds.

After the whole body of the figurine of flowers is decorated, we take 2 yellow chrysanthemums, cut off its petioles so that the length is 4 cm, put these horns in their places.

To make the snail's face, poke a hole in the button with one end of the wire, remove it from the other, and poke the sponge in the appropriate places to attach the first and then the second eye in place. Cut a mouth out of red paper, glue it.

Now you can give such a beautiful and original gift of fresh flowers.

You have understood the principle of this floral idea, so now you can create other flower toys. You will need almost the same materials. If you have larger flowers, the figurine will turn out to be more fluffy.

It is important to cut out the details of his body from piaflora bricks so that they turn out to be proportional, and then fasten them using hairpins. Wooden skewers, pencil. To do this, these elements must be cut to a length of 5-8 cm. Insert one end into one part, and the other into another. Thus, you will fasten 2 parts of the body of the animal.

For such a flower toy, first cut out the following details from water-soaked floral sponge bricks for the body, nose, and head. Two for legs, paws, ears.

In order for the bear to sit securely on the base, cut sponges into the shape of the dish. To do this, cut the piaflora brick into 2 narrow parts, put them side by side, and place a dish on top. Press them on the lips to get the outline. Cut across it. Put the piaflor on the dishes, and attach the details of the body and legs on top, and on this basis - the rest of his body.

Start decorating the base by attaching small green chrysanthemums to the muzzle. Then use 3 of these flowers instead of toes, and one large one each to decorate the foot and ears of the flower toy.

Decorate the remaining parts of the animal's body with large chrysanthemums. Then you get a fluffy bear. Tie a light bow around his neck, border the dish with leaves, and drape piaflor on it small flowers such as gypsophila. Here you have such a wonderful bear made of flowers.

Living three-dimensional paintings

If you want to create a long-lasting beauty that will delight you for more than one year, then make a picture of unpretentious house plants.

To create this little child you will need:

  • succulents;
  • a wooden box with a plywood bottom or 4 bars and a fiberboard sheet;
  • picture frame;
  • plastic mesh;
  • the soil;
  • scissors;
  • scapula;
  • wand;
  • dye;
  • silicone gun;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • brush.

Many adult houseplants give "babies". It is often a pity to throw them away, so use these small and unpretentious houseplants to create an original picture.

See what condition they are in, if there are dry sheets, remove them.

If you do not have a box that fits the frame, then saw off 4 bars and knock them down, giving the shape of a rectangle.

Cut a piece of the construction mesh according to the same dimensions, attach it to the furniture bars.

Glue a picture frame to the same side of the bars using a silicone gun. Now turn the work over so that the frame is on the bottom. Nail a sheet of plywood to the bars. So that it does not get wet, it is better to first glue the mesh to it, and only then attach it to the base.

Paint the picture frame with varnish, let it dry.

Now pour the soil through the mesh into the tray, water it well.

After that, plant succulents to create a living picture of them.

Leave your creation for 2 weeks in a horizontal form, so that the plants take root. Then you can put the picture upright or hang it on the wall.

You can create not only lively pictures, but also beautiful compositions from dried flowers. Before you start such work, find out how they need to be prepared.

How to make dry flowers

They can be bought or prepared from spring to autumn, collected in the forest, in the country. Donated bouquets should also not be thrown away when they begin to fade, because they make excellent material for creative needlework.

Flowers for compositions should be collected on a dry day in the late morning, when the dew has dried. Use fresh, beautiful, undamaged plants.

When choosing a range, pay attention to the fact that when dried, red flowers become darker, light ones turn yellow. But the blue, pink, purple, orange gamut of plants, with proper drying, is perfectly preserved.

The easiest way is to dry the flowers in the air, but always in a dark place. Under the rays of the sun, they simply lose their beautiful color. big plants laid out on paper in one layer. Do the same with separate elements, if you only need buds, leaves or flowers, for example.

Plants of medium size are tied into small bunches, turned upside down with flowers, hung several times on a rope or a stick. In a dark room, it should be warm, dry and have air flow.

If you need to get dried flowers quickly, then you can use the CB oven. The main thing here is to bring the plants to the desired condition without overdrying them. Therefore, turn on the oven at low power for a few seconds. Turn it off, see what condition they are in, if necessary, dry them again, in the same way, turning on the SV-oven for a few seconds, setting it to low power.

If you want the plant to retain its natural color for a long time, dry it in the sand for 3-4 weeks. Unlike air-dried ones, these flowers will be less brittle.

You can also use silica gel, which quickly absorbs moisture. Using this method, only inflorescences are dried.

Dried flower arrangements

After you were able to buy dried flowers or made this material for needlework yourself, it's time to start amazing creativity.

Bouquets of dried flowers are in perfect harmony with the stones. Therefore, this material was used in this work. Here is the complete list of what is needed:

  • dried flowers: amaranth and yellow craspedia;
  • oblong (rectangular or oval) dish;
  • scissors;
  • large and small pebbles.
Cut off the bare stems, attach the flowers to the container on which they will be located. See if they look good and if you need to trim the stems more.

Put the dried flowers on a dish, crush them with large pebbles, and sprinkle small ones on top.

Cut the branches of 3 craspedia a little, put it in the upper part of the composition. For another 3-4, cut a larger stalk. Stick these plants into the pebbles.

The work is over, now you can admire what a beautiful composition of flowers and stones you have got.

Picture of dried plants

You can also create such an interesting composition with your own hands. Even in winter it will remind you of a colorful summer. For needlework, prepare:
  • A4 paper;
  • cardboard;
  • masking tape;
  • pistachio shells;
  • PVA glue;
  • toilet paper;
  • hot glue gun;
  • acrylic paints.
Paste the cardboard with white paper, attach tape around the perimeter, around the edges so that they are even.

You can slightly tint the background in this way: crumble the leads of colored pencils with a knife, and then rub the resulting colored powder over the sheet with a cotton pad.

Here's how to make a picture frame, use...toilet paper. Unwind a strip from it, coat that PVA, twist it in the form of a rope. Then lay along the edges of the cardboard, and when the glue dries, paint the resulting frame.

Here's how to make pistachio flowers. Cut out a circle from not very thick cardboard. Using a hot glue gun, glue the nutshells to it so that each one touches the center and edge of the mug.

Now take dried flowers, place them in one corner of the picture, decorate it with pistachio elements and greens. The picture from improvised materials is ready.

How to make earrings, pendants

Very interesting ideas bestow dried flowers in combination with epoxy resin. As a result, here are some amazing designer jewelry you will get.

For such work, accuracy, patience, and also:

  • dried flowers (used here: oak veronica, heather, forget-me-nots);
  • epoxy resin;
  • files;
  • pencil;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • syringe;
  • earrings for earrings;
  • fine sandpaper.
Mix the resin according to the instructions and leave for 2-3 hours to make the mass more viscous.

At this time, put small dried flowers on a piece of paper, outline them, giving a teardrop shape.

Cut out the resulting stencils.

Next, you need to find a perfectly flat surface, check this indicator with a building level. Put cut out stencils on it, and files on top.

After the resin has been infused, pour it from a syringe onto the blanks with a layer 2-3 mm thick. If the contour is blurred, correct it with a toothpick. Let the epoxy dry a little for 20-30 minutes, then adjust the edging again with a toothpick.

To prevent dust particles from sticking to the blanks, immediately cover them after pouring. In this case, it is better to isolate each separately.

Leave the blanks to dry for a day, then separate them from the files and sand their edges with a nail file or fine sandpaper. Attach dried flowers to transparent elements. Prepare a new portion of resin in advance, after it has stood for 0.5-1 hour, fill the workpieces with a small layer over the dried flowers.

Again, give them a day to dry under cover. Turn the blanks over, fill them with epoxy (a small layer). After it is completely dry, turn the products over and fill the front surface.

After a day, make a hole in their upper part with a thin drill, thread through each seam. Here's how to make your own earrings. If you want to make a pendant, thread a chain ring through the hole.

Here's how dried and fresh flowers can help you look beautiful, make unforgettable gifts and decorate your home.

And, as usual, at the end of the article we invite you to watch interesting videos that clearly show the stages of work. From this you will learn how to make toys from flowers:

This video will help you better understand how live pictures are made:

Cara and Will Meyers, owners of DIG Gardens Santa Cruz, Calif., believe that a vertical garden can save space on both a small deck and a home without completely giving up green space.

Cara Meyers conducts workshops on the design and installation of living pictures. Succulents are ideal for this vertical garden because they grow slowly and have little water requirement.
Among the succulents you can find plants of different colors, mixing which, you get great patterns.

Here are a few principles to help you create your own painting:

Using an inexpensive frame and cuttings from existing plants at home, the cost of creation will be minimal.

Choose plants that grow slowly so that the garden requires minimal maintenance.

Limit your palette to three or four colors. Choose from different varieties of succulents in this color range.

Diagonal stripes of a brighter color, or plants of a different type, will add dynamism to the picture.

You will need:

Frame without glass (you can make it yourself)
Shallow box to fit the back of the frame made of waterproof rocks
tree. Or line an ordinary plywood box with polyethylene.
Metal grid
Metal shears
Stapling gun and staples
Universal soil
Freshly cut cuttings of succulents

1. Take cuttings
Cut off cuttings of selected succulents.
Remove the lower leaves, leaving a couple of centimeters for rooting. Leave the cuttings to dry before planting.

2. Assemble the box
Nail a box to the back wall of the frame, thanks to which there will be space for the soil.

3. Install the mesh inside the frame
The grid should be frequent enough so that the earth does not spill out, but at the same time the cuttings can be placed.

4. Paint the frame
If you want to achieve an antique effect, after staining, let the paint dry a little and wipe it with a clean cloth.

5. The frame must dry.
Gently pour the soil into the holes in the mesh, shaking it to make it even. The soil must reach the border of the grid.

6. Lay out the cuttings in the diagram as you want to see them.
Use a stick to make holes and place the plants. Succulents root easily. Plant the larger plants first, then the smaller ones as close as the grid allows, until all the spots are filled.

7. After planting, a week or two will take rooting, so that the cuttings give roots.

8. Place the painting on a table or shelf where it can be leaned against a wall or hung on the wall using hooks.

Once a month, thoroughly moisten the soil. For this, a sprayer is suitable.
