For me, as a person who is fond of breeding indoor plants, the most important thing in choosing the next specimen to replenish my collection is its exoticism. Of course, the plant itself should be beautiful, but not only. It should also arouse the interest of others, because it is always nice to be proud of your pet. And if such a plant also bears fruit, then this is just a real hit! And this plant in my collection is the coffee tree.

We all know that coffee grows in hot countries, and its main varieties have already familiar names: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa. But few people had a chance to see how coffee looks in wildlife, only if they go on a tour of the coffee plantation. Wouldn't it be great to have a whole plantation of coffee on your windowsill? With these thoughts in mind, I went to the nearest flower shop.

When room conditions it is absolutely possible to collect up to one kilogram of coffee, but only from already mature trees from six years old.

The Arabica coffee tree, or rather its sprouts, I purchased in large quantities in a network garden store. In a pot, about 15-20 shoots with a height of 7-10 centimeters grew. The bad, weak and seemingly damaged sprouts were immediately thrown away, and the good ones were planted in pots of two or three. The bushes grew rather quickly and after two or three years they turned into beautiful trees that began to bear fruit.

Coffee berries have delighted me for several months. They were green at first, and then turned red. They ripened for about 6-8 months, and from the first harvest about five grains were harvested. In fact, under room conditions, it is absolutely possible to collect up to one kilogram of coffee, but only from already mature trees from six years old.

Growing a coffee tree at home


Land for coffee tree should be very lightweight, breathable and permeable. In principle, the soil that is sold for tropical plants may be suitable, it will just have these characteristics. If you prepare the soil yourself, then you can take a mixture of peat and humus in a 50/50 ratio as a basis. You can also put a few pieces of charcoal in the pot, which will get rid of the acidification of the earth. Moreover, the pot for planting must be chosen high, since the root system goes down.


The coffee tree grows all year round, therefore, requires regular feeding, approximately every ten days. Fertilize with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. As a nitrogen fertilizer, you can use pomace from peat, vermicompost, which can be bought in garden stores. A superphosphate solution can be used as a phosphorus supplement. And from the ash, you can get a good potassium supplement.

Crown formation

Small coffee plants only grow upward. As it grows, skeletal branches begin to grow, which are closely associated with the trunk. Accordingly, in order for the crown to develop evenly, the tree must be regularly rotated around its axis so that the plant develops evenly.

Caring for the coffee tree

Despite the fact that coffee is a resident of the subtropics, it is not recommended to place a pot in direct sunlight, since in nature coffee grows in partial shade from large trees... Most best windows in the apartment: east or west. Since coffee is a tropical plant, it is very important temperature regime, especially in winter. The room temperature should not fall below 15 ° C. At low temperatures, a black border will appear on the leaves, then the leaf turns black and falls off.

Also, in winter, I advise you to put a board or foam under the pot so that the roots of the plant do not freeze. And, finally, coffee absolutely does not tolerate drafts. In winter, you should be especially careful when ventilating the premises. If cold air hits the plant, the coffee will freeze immediately.

If the tips of the leaves dry on the coffee, this is the first sign of dry air. Solution to the problem: it is necessary to either increase the humidity in the room - put a humidifier or a container of water under the battery. You can also spray the bush regularly with a spray bottle. It is very useful to rinse the foliage with warm water under the shower at least once a month, so that the water does not flood the pot. With this regular maintenance, the leaves will always be shiny and beautiful.

In addition, regular spraying of coffee will protect you from spider mites, the most important pest that can appear at home. The first signal of its appearance are light dots on the leaves - puncture sites, and, of course, small cobwebs.

If the tips of the leaves dry on the coffee, this is the first sign of dry air.

You should also be careful when watering. You cannot fill the plant, the leaves will become faded and begin to fall off. And do not overdry. Given that the leaf surface of the coffee tree is large, moisture evaporates very quickly. As soon as the earthen lump dries up, the leaves will instantly fall off. Therefore, it is extremely important to water the plant with a small amount of water almost every day so that the earth always remains moist, but at the same time the water does not stagnate in the pan of the pot. Water should be watered at room temperature, separated, soft and without lime.

Coffee tree resuscitation experience

My plants have experienced "clinical death" twice. The first case occurred when the plant was frozen by opening a window in winter at a temperature of -25 ° C. Only the stem was left from the coffee, and the leaves instantly fell off. The second case - in my absence, the plant was irregularly watered, and it dried up, again dropping the leaves. The recipe for revitalizing such near-dead plants was to sprinkle regularly with reduced watering. After a few months, the plants turned green again.

Thus, having provided the plant with comfortable conditions, you can admire not only the dark green foliage, but also harvest real coffee with enviable regularity! By the way, do you want to know what I did with my first crop? Of course, I immediately distributed it to the pots with soil and now I'm waiting for a new harvest. Soon I will have my own little coffee plantation on the windowsill that the whole office and hopefully outside of it will talk about.

Now on the windowsills the most ordinary apartments can be found quite exotic plants... Such crops are not very rare now, but trying to grow them on your own is a very interesting and exciting experience. The most common exotic indoor plants include laurel, lemon Tree and other types of citrus fruits. Also, many of our fellow citizens are fond of growing coffee trees. And it can be very annoying when a plant grown with such difficulty begins to wither. Let's talk on this Popular About Health page about the possible diseases of the coffee tree at home, and learn how to treat them.

How to treat coffee tree diseases?

Basically, in the coffee tree at home, diseases most often arise from improper care. Most often, coffee tree owners are faced with the problem of yellowing of the leaves on their pet. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates impaired health of the plant's root system. It may begin to rot due to excessive watering, or, conversely, dry out due to lack of moisture. In any situation, you must try to normalize watering.

So, in order for the plant to be healthy, you need to water it when the soil in the pot dries three centimeters. Watering should be fairly abundant. At a time, you need to pour so much water into the flower so that the earth gets wet to the very bottom. Further, watering should be carried out again only if necessary - after the same drying out of the soil by three centimeters. In this case, for irrigation, it is worth using exceptionally soft settled water. To prevent yellowing of the leaves, it is worthwhile to periodically spray the tree.

Yellowing of the leaves of the coffee tree can occur with a lack of sunlight. This plant is best grown on a southern windowsill, but it should be shaded. Also a good option would be window sills of windows located on the southwest or southeast side. In the cold season, it will not be superfluous to organize the illumination of the plant using a fluorescent lamp.

Sometimes the leaves of the coffee tree turn very yellow after transplanting if it was not done correctly. So, flower growers strongly do not recommend carrying out this procedure with a complete replacement of the soil. If the age of the plant has exceeded two or three years, you just need to transfer it to the pot a little bigger size or replace the top layer of the earth. If an error has already occurred during transplantation, a homemade greenhouse should be organized for the coffee tree. Take a rather large bag and cover the plant with it so that the plastic does not touch the leaves. At the same time, reduce watering to a minimum, but do frequent spraying - once a day. In the spray liquid, add a couple of drops of epin per glass of water or four drops of cyclone per liter of water. Also, water with such a solution of a cyclone once a week. After the plant begins to give new foliage, and the old one stops turning yellow, it can be considered recovered.

Sometimes the coffee tree is so sick that its leaves become dry and blackened. This situation is possible when using hard water for irrigation. At the same time, the soil begins to accumulate salt, which negatively affects the health of the root system. In such a situation, it is better to replace the top layer of soil in the pot with a new one and carry out further moistening only using soft boiled water.

Blackening of the leaves of a coffee tree can also be observed when it is exposed to several unfavorable factors, among which there may be overflow or drying out of the soil, lack of light (especially in cold weather). Brown spots on the foliage of the plant appear when the roots overheat (when the plant is in the bright sun in summer). In such a situation, you should arrange for him to shade and abundant watering.

Old leaves on a coffee tree may well turn black and fall off, which can be considered a variant of the norm.

The coffee tree rarely gets sick. But sometimes it can suffer from fungal and bacterial attacks.
For example, if many black spots appear on the leaves, after which they begin to crumble, the plant may have struck fungal disease... Also, fungi are to blame if there is a rusty bloom on the foliage. It is quite difficult to cope with such diseases, but with a quick reaction, the plant can be saved. To process it, you need to use special antifungal agents from the nearest flower shop; Bordeaux liquid and copper sulfate are also suitable. They are used for spraying.

If any damage is found on the plant trunk, it is necessary to immediately treat them with a solution copper sulfate... After all, such a violation of integrity is the gateway for disease-causing organisms.

If the plant suffers from over-watering, root rot can attack its roots. In such a situation, the tree should be transplanted into new soil by cutting off the damaged areas of the roots and treating them with potassium permanganate. After that, it is necessary to organize a greenhouse for the plant - as mentioned above.

With proper care, the coffee tree rarely gets sick and pleases its owners with an attractive appearance.

Many amateurs complain that the leaves are turning brown. This is typical for indoor keeping with low air humidity in the autumn-winter period. However, this is not a disease. And if the plant is placed in a wide, shallow pan with water, a more favorable microclimate will be created.

Sunburn on the leaves from the bright sun, lack of moisture in the air.


One of the most important aspects of caring for a coffee tree is watering. If the roots are exposed to standing water, the leaves turn brown and fall off. All water should be drained from the roots after watering.

Watering. Regular, abundant in summer. The water should be soft, settled, without lime, warm (several degrees above room temperature). It is necessary to maintain a weak acidity of the soil. To do this, once a month add 2-3 drops of acetic acid or several crystals of citric acid to the settled water.

Regular spraying will not harm it either. Once a week (with the exception of the flowering period) the tree can be given a warm shower.

With excessive watering, root rot often occurs, cork growths appear on the leaves of many plants, cork spots (it can even cork the leaf surface completely). In addition to excess water during irrigation, the reason for the appearance of such spots can be a sharp change in temperature, a sharp fluctuation in moisture in the substrate (if then water is immediately abundant after a strong overdrying of the soil), minus light. With the correction of errors in the care, the formation of cork spots on the leaves stops. If the most likely cause of stains on coffee leaves is excessive watering (after all, coffee requires moderate watering in winter), pour the substrate once or twice with a suspension of foundationol (1-2 g per liter of water) - this will help the plant in adverse conditions.

To restore the plant's immunity, it is not forbidden to carry out a cycle of spraying the leaves of the coffee tree with warm water with the addition of "Epin" according to the instructions on the package.

Top dressing

In spring and summer, they feed regularly (once every 7-10 days), alternating an aqueous infusion of mullein (1:10) with a full complex mineral fertilizers... In the spring, you can increase the dose of nitrogen fertilizers, during the ripening of the fruits - phosphorus, in the fall - potassium.

The main pests are scale insects, spider mites, from diseases - sooty mushroom. If in winter in the room where the coffee tree is installed, the temperature will be in the range of 10 - 12 C, then a black border will first appear on the leaves, and why the whole plant will begin to die.

  • If the soil is not too acidic, the leaves may become discolored.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out when there is a lack of moisture in the air.
  • Leaves turn yellow, brown spots of dead tissue appear on them in case of sunburn.
  • With excessive watering, the leaves rot and fall off.
  • When watering with hard water, the tips of the leaves curl up a little and appear on them brown spots... To prevent this from happening, the water is softened using special tablets, or a bag of peat is kept in 3 liters of water.

Uneven maturation of coffee fruits, usually at room conditions

How to make coffee bear fruit?
Plants only bear fruit with year-round maintenance, which includes weeding and regular treatment of trees with fungicides and insecticides in order to protect them from pests and diseases, such as the bean drill or coffee rust. A young plant begins to bear fruit at least two years later.

The collected coffee fruits must be dried a little and peeled from the pulp harvested seeds you can dry and prepare coffee.

Video: 16.My pears. Diseases of pears

Coffee is a wonderful houseplant that can be grown on an apartment windowsill. To grow a coffee tree, the length of which can reach 1.5 meters, you need to properly and constantly look after it. The ripe coffee berries of the plant resemble the size of a cherry; each berry contains 2 coffee beans. The plant blooms in summer, it needs space and a well-lit place. In the summer, the tree should be watered as often as possible, and fed every fifteen days. If the weather is too hot outside, the coffee needs extra care. The plant must be sprayed with water at room temperature.

In winter, everything is much simpler, and the plant does not need frequent watering. Coffee does not like lime, therefore, when feeding your plant, remember that it is recommended to use both water and fertilizing with the least amount of lime. Up to 500 grams of coffee can be harvested from one small tree per year.
Coffee loves light and indirect sunlight. In the summer season, coffee can be placed in the shade on the street, without allowing sun rays... In winter, in the room where the coffee tree grows, you need to try to keep the temperature at least 18 degrees.

Video: Thuja diseases. Causes of diseases. Thuja treatment

When growing coffee, problems such as brown spots on the tips of the leaves can occur. The leaves of coffee turn black as a result of plant burns from direct sunlight, and dry air in the room leads to curling of the leaves. If there is an excess of moisture in the soil, the roots begin to rot. Coffee leaves turn black for several reasons: low temperature and damp earth, improper soil acidity, imbalance between the ratio of mineral salts in the soil. The most common cause is low temperature and excessive soil moisture.
To eliminate blackening, spray the leaves of the plant with zircon or epin, cover with a bag, airing daily. Dilute the epin and spray the leaves well. For 1 glass of water you need 2 drops of epin. Spray once a week, in the dark (the property of the drug is destroyed by light). The roots of the plant should be warm, drafts are absolutely not allowed. Dryness of the air does not affect the blackening of the leaves. This process is difficult to treat, which is why constant proper carein order to prevent this process and prevent it in time.

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The genus Coffee or Coffee trees includes about 40 plant species of the Madder family. it evergreen shrubs and trees with shiny leathery leaves up to 5 m high.They bloom white fragrant flowerscollected in a brush, their aroma is reminiscent of jasmine. After flowering, bright red berries are formed that rarely ripen at home.

The most popular type in indoor floriculture is the Arabica Coffee or Arabian Coffee flower. This plant produces ¾ of the world's coffee production. Other types of coffee trees differ in the shape and size of the foliage, as well as the color of the fruit. Among them, the most common are Congolese, Liberian, narrow-leaved, brush and tall coffee. But as indoor plants, they practically do not occur.

How to care for a houseplant Coffee at home

The Arabica coffee tree adapts well to the conditions of the apartment. It feels best on windows facing south, south-west or south-east. The air temperature must be between +15 and +20 ° C. Light up to the age of two years needs diffused light, since direct sunlight retards the development of coffee. Even on plantations, this plant is planted in the shade of other trees.

The coffee tree grows very slowly and only in the spring and summer. Blooms at the age of 3-4 years. To speed up the fruiting period, you can graft a branch from a flowering specimen onto a young seedling, as is done with citrus. They do this in the warm season.

During the period of bud formation, coffee is placed on the lightest area in the room, and after the fruit is set, it is removed to its original place. The flower lasts for one day, but then another opens next to it, as a result of which flowering can continue from spring to autumn.
Flowering coffee tree at home

On rare occasions, coffee also blooms in winter. It is not recommended to rotate the Arabica coffee houseplant for uniform foliage during this time. The berries ripen during the year, during this period you can harvest about 1 kg of the crop.

Watering and fertilizing. For irrigation, use warm settled water. Some gardeners recommend acidifying it a little by adding a few drops of lemon juice. Moderate watering is required for coffee. The plant calmly refers to overdrying the earthen coma, but in the summer it is advisable to water it as the top layer of soil is added, and in the winter - about once a week. The lack of moisture is immediately noticeable by the loss of turgor by the leaves. In the summer, the soil can be mulched to keep water better.

The houseplant The coffee tree loves spraying, preferably in the evening. It will not be superfluous to periodically add leaf fertilizers and growth stimulants to the water:, Zircon.

Coffee has practically no rest period, so it can be fertilized all year round, about once every 10 days in summer and every 20 days in winter. Most of all, this plant needs nitrogen, the best source of which is manure. It can be applied immediately when the coffee tree needs replanting.

Transplanting a coffee tree

Young plants need to be replanted every spring. From the age of 3 years: once every 2-3 years. It is best to use the transshipment method so as not to damage the roots. The new container for coffee should be no more than 5 cm wider than the previous one. Too large a volume will cause increased seedling growth and slow down flowering. In addition, the risk of flooding the plant will increase.

The soil is selected with a slightly acidic reaction (pH about 5). Purchased soil is suitable for azaleas, saintpaulias, hydrangeas. You can also prepare the substrate yourself by mixing one part of sand and sod land with two parts of leafy soil. For plants over 4 years old, one part of peat and humus are added to the composition.
Transplanting a coffee tree at home A thick layer of drainage should be placed on the bottom of the pot, and a layer on top. Then new soil is poured so as not to cause a burn of the root system, and a seedling is placed on it. Before transplanting, the roots must be examined and rotted and dry roots removed. After that, the soil is poured on the sides and on top, it needs to be pressed a little and spilled with settled warm water.

Attention: the root collar must not be buried! It is better to raise it a few centimeters. With subsequent watering, the coffee will deepen by itself. If, after transplanting, the roots in the upper soil layer are exposed, they can be mulched or filled with a fresh layer of substrate. After waiting a few days, the surface must be gently loosened.

Possible diseases of indoor coffee

The houseplant The coffee tree is rarely sick or damaged by pests, however there are several common problems with growing it. They are mainly associated with a lack of trace elements in the soil:

  • When lack of nitrogen the plant develops slowly, new leaves are small, and the lower ones acquire a yellowish tint. With a similar problem, it is recommended to feed the coffee with a solution of rotted slurry, which is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 15. It is also useful to spray it on the sheet with a solution of urea (1 g per liter of water).
  • Lack of phosphorus reflected in the fruit. They deform and fall off. Leaves can curl too. This is treated by introducing superphosphate, which dissolves in hot water.
  • When there is little potassium in the soil, new leaves grow deformed, may be covered with brown spots. You can try to add an ash solution to the soil (1 tbsp. L. Per liter of water).

Why can Arabica coffee leaves dry?

Another problem is the so-called leaf necrosis, which begins with the browning of the edge of the leaf blade. Then the spots spread over the entire leaf, and it falls off.

Possible reasons necrosis:

  • Improper watering. Necrosis can be associated with excess moisture or prolonged drying out of the earthy coma.
  • A sudden change in temperature and drafts: hypothermia, overheating in the sun or use cold water for watering.
  • Lack of nutrition, including potassium.

Reproduction of the coffee tree


For grafting, a stem with two pairs of leaves is cut off and planted in a loose substrate, for example, a mixture of perlite and peat. It is necessary to disinfect the soil in advance with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The cuttings are treated with stimulants and planted to a depth of 2 cm so that the leaf petioles below are under the ground. From above, the container is covered with a bag, making small holes in it, and put in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight. The temperature for rooting needs at least +25 ° C, but not higher than +30 ° C. Remove the package when the cuttings start to grow.

Seed propagation

The coffee tree can be grown from seeds. The soil for this is taken the same as for transplanting an adult plant. It is spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are treated with the same solution for several hours. Then you need to stratify the seeds in a hot way, that is, immerse them in water with a temperature of up to 60 ° C, and wait until the water cools down to room temperature. Then you can start sowing. Seeds are laid flat side down, watered and covered with foil. The temperature for germination is the same as for rooting cuttings - you can make the bottom heating.

Where to buy a houseplant Arabica coffee

Small coffee seedlings are often sold in large hardware stores in the department with indoor plants or order from flower sites. Large rooms can be purchased at centers that specialize in landscaping and landscape design.

Watch a video about growing a coffee tree at home:
