- Alexander Nikolaevich, tell me, what is the first thing to pay attention to when choosing a sofa?

Of course, all buyers first of all pay attention to appearance - whether the model will suit the style and interior of your future premises.

Advice! You should definitely measure your space before going to the store and decide what size sofa is right for you. You need to write down the approximate dimensions for the unfolded sofa.

The second point that you should pay attention to right away is the comfort and functionality of the sofa. Here you need to answer the key question: why do you need a sofa? To sit and rest, to sleep every day, or just as a beautiful piece of furniture? A clear knowledge of the goal will significantly speed up your choice.

Feel free to touch the sofa with your hands, sit and even lie on it right in the store. This is the only way you can understand whether the sofa is comfortable in front of you.

Finally, the third point is technical specifications: transformation mechanism, upholstery, filling and frame.

- Let's start with transformation mechanisms. Which option is the most reliable and durable?

The most durable mechanism is the "Eurobook" - a folding option, in which the removable cushions are removed, the seat moves forward, and the back is lowered. The sofa itself does not need to be moved away from the wall. This model turns into a full-fledged sleeping place. It can be equipped with lamellas and, with proper filling, here you can achieve the orthopedic effect that our body needs.

A sofa with a Eurobook mechanism is a simple, good and reliable option for daily sleep and daily unfolding.

Alexander Nikolaevich, reveal the secret of furniture: which sofa upholstery is more practical? And is it true that the most expensive thing in a sofa is fabric?

Yes, fabric can make up between 30% and 90% of a sofa's cost price. This is the most expensive component. By changing the fabric option, you can significantly change the cost of the sofa.

There are three upholstery options - leather, imitation leather and fabric. A leather sofa is a safe investment. Its main disadvantage for most buyers is the price. Therefore, there is a misconception that a budget option faux leather sofa will be just as practical. In fact, after several years of operation, the eco-leather begins to crack, and this process is irreversible. The golden mean in the issue of sofa upholstery - the balance of price and quality - combines fabric.

If you want to choose an expensive fabric, but at the same time the sofa will stand against the wall and you do not plan to move it to the center of the room, then the cost of the sofa can be significantly reduced by making the backrest upholstery from a different material.

- What fabrics can you recommend for families with small children or pets?

Of course, the fabrics that are best cleaned are velor or flock. These fabrics differ from each other in the principle of fixing the pile to the base. On the flock, the pile is glued, and on the velor, the villi are woven and held by weaving. Chenille is also practical. Chenille's threads are strong, thick and twisted.

The indicator of the quality of the fabric is the price. Pile length, number of units per 1 sq. cm of fabric - all this affects both the cost and the practicality of the fabric itself. The denser the pile, the less dirt will get there. Even water droplets can stick to the surface of the pile.

Therefore, fabric with a high pile is difficult for cats to tear. And traces of children's drawings are also easy to remove. In furniture salons, they even show such a "trick" to clients - they draw with a pen, for example, on a flock, and then easily remove all the patterns with a napkin.

Chenille and velor can be washed, but at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, otherwise these fabrics may shrink.

Flock is not recommended to be washed, because the glue base may be damaged. There is a flock with rubber-based glue. It is very elastic - it stretches well and quickly takes its original shape. A rubber-based flock is more expensive, but more practical than a regular flock.

With the appearance and options for practical upholstery, I think we figured it out. But after all, the sofa also has an internal filling; few of the buyers think about it. What's inside the sofa besides the storage box?

Inside the sofa there is a frame and filling. The quality of the filler affects both comfort and its service life. The most common sofa fillers are polyurethane foam (PPU) and springs.

Do you know how polyurethane foam differs from foam rubber?
The correct answer is nothing. Polyurethane foam (PPU) is more a professional name, and "foam rubber" is colloquial, it comes from the name of the Norwegian company "Porolon", which supplied polyurethane foam to the USSR. Actually, the story is the same as that of "Pampers" and "disposable diapers", "Scotch" and "duct tape".

Polyurethane foam is different. From inexpensive to HR type, it is a highly elastic, latex-like material. Of all types of sofa fillers, polyurethane foam deteriorates the fastest, and with daily use of the sofa wears out very quickly. The warranty period for PU foam is usually 1.5 years. In practice, after 4-5 years, the foam rubber needs to be changed.

Springs in sofas also differ. There is a spring snake and there is a spring block - dependent and independent.

A dependent spring block differs from an independent block by the behavior of springs under load. If you are sitting on a sofa with dependent springs, and a person with a greater weight sits next to you, you will certainly feel how the sofa "bends". Dependent springs are connected to each other by metal spirals along the lower coils, which creates a "hammock effect". If there are independent springs in the sofa, then you will not feel the deformation of the seat, because in this case each spring is in a special cover, and the covers are fastened together in the center of the spring.

- Alexander Nikolaevich, what is better - a dependent or an independent spring block?

There is no definite answer, depending on what you want from the sofa. For example, if you like to lie more, then the orthopedic effect is important and then you need an independent spring block. If you are more into sitting on the couch, then the dependent spring block may be better because it is softer and can be swayed smoothly on it.

More durable - the dependent spring block - its component is only metal, and there are also covers in the independent springs. For spring covers, materials such as fibertech or spunbond are used. Both that, and another - thermally bonded synthetic winterizer high density... Initially, spunbond was used as a covering material for gardens and vegetable gardens. And then its density was increased and began to be widely used in furniture production.

And the last element of the interior of the sofa is the frame. Why does the quality of the frame affect the health of everyone who sits and even more so sleeps on the couch?

On average, we “talk” with the sofa about 8 hours a day. If the frame of the sofa is made, for example, of fir, a cheap and fragile material, and the material was not dried well during manufacture, then at home the tree will begin to “cry” and become covered with mold. All this happens inside the sofa, and the person contacts him daily. Of course, this can negatively affect his health and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is so important to know not only the external, but also the internal content of your future sofa.

For reference: what is the most common sofa frame made of?
The most common materials are wood and chipboard. Less commonly, metal.
Of course, the most environmentally friendly material is wood. Wood can be very expensive if it is oak, beech or ash. More budget options are birch and conifers.

The main thing for the wood frame is to keep it dry. If chipboard is used, this material must be covered with a special protective layer that prevents the release of substances harmful to health.

If you have any questions about furniture, write to us:. We will send your request to experts and be sure to provide all the details.

Text: Tatiana Reshetilova for FURNITURE CONSULTANTS

When it comes to choosing a sofa for the living room or any friend's room, do not give in to momentary emotions. Many people think they know exactly what kind of sofa they want in their living room. But, the range of furniture today is so great that when you come to the store, your eyes run up from the abundance of the model range, varieties of styles, colors, upholstery materials, design solutions and sizes. Therefore, before going for a sofa for the living room, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main selection criteria, this will help you clearly understand which sofa is needed and, in turn, will save time and money. You don’t want to buy a sofa that doesn’t fit into the interior of your room or the purchase will not be practical?

What questions should you answer when choosing a sofa for the living room?

According to statistics, people change furniture only a couple of times in their lives. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain the maximum balance of aesthetics and functionality. It is necessary to identify what requirements the sofa must meet and in what conditions it will be used. To do this, answer the following questions:

  • What are the dimensions of your living room and how do you plan to position it?
  • How many people will be sitting on it?
  • How often will it be used?
  • Will it be used as a bed, how often?
  • Are there children or animals in the house?

Identifying needs will allow you to determine the size, shape, availability of folding mechanisms and their types, as well as the upholstery material. Now let's talk on the basis of what criteria you need to choose a sofa for the living room.

The main criteria for choosing sofas for the living room

Determine the size and shape

First, arm yourself with a tape measure, a piece of paper and a pencil, take measurements and draw a detailed plan of the room. Thus, you can decide on the size, shape and place where the sofa will be located. Standard sizes there are no sofas, there are solid and modular models consisting of several components that can be added or removed, as well as interchanged. So, for example, if the sofa is corner, then if necessary, you can change the side of the ottoman (corner part). The modules can be used as chairs. The most difficult thing is to choose a sofa in a small living room, if you plan to purchase a folding model, then you also need to take this into account, since more space will be required in the unfolded state.

It is recommended to measure the width of the doorways. Otherwise, it may happen that a brand new sofa never makes it to the living room, getting stuck in doorwaylike Winnie the Pooh. When choosing furniture, do not forget to think about how it will be delivered to the place of use.

AT one-room apartments or studios, if the living space has an oblong shape, then the sofa can act as a partition, dividing the room into a work area and a recreation area. Consider this when planning the arrangement of furniture.

If you plan to sleep on the couch, then the size of the bed should be about 50cm larger than your height.

Transformation mechanisms, their types. Which one to give preference when choosing a sofa in the living room?

Transformation engines are divided into two types: for daily use and guest options. Of course, you can sleep on both those and others, the point here is that the latter are less reliable and not suitable for daily use, the mechanism will quickly become unusable. Also, they are not designed for large weight and regular loads, the structure is deformed. Therefore, if the sofa in the living room will serve as the master's bed, the choice must be made in favor of structures designed for daily sleep.

The main types of transformation mechanisms suitable for daily sleep:

  • Dolphin. A completely reliable mechanism, suitable for daily use, quickly and easily unfolds. The second berth is in a retractable platform. It can often be found in corner models.
  • Eurobook. Simple and convenient mechanism. The seat is pulled forward, and the back is lowered in its place. Suitable for every day.
  • Tick-tock (Pantograph). This is a kind of Eurobook, except that the seat needs to be raised to push it forward.
  • Click-clack. To unfold the sofa, you need to raise the seat to the second click, then you can lower the back, and then the seat.
  • Draw-out mechanism. It consists of several parts. For unfolding, you need to pull on the hinges, the last part emerges from under the middle one like in the Dolphin mechanism.
  • Book. This is the most popular type of folding mechanisms. The principle of operation is that the seat rises up until it clicks, and the back rests in a horizontal position. Then the seat is lowered and a berth is obtained.
  • Accordion. When unfolded, you get a flat and comfortable sleeping place with an orthopedic base. The accordion often has a removable case. To unfold such a structure, you need to slightly raise the seat and pull it towards you and the mechanism will straighten itself.

If you don't plan to sleep on the sofa every day, then you can choose a sofa model for the living room with mechanisms such as:

  • French clamshell. The design is very much like a regular clamshell. The mechanism is hidden under the seat cushions. To expand the French folding bed, you must first remove the pillows.
  • Sedaflex. It is also called the American clamshell. The principle is the same as in the previous version, only a little more reliable.

It should be noted that the name of the mechanism alone does not speak of the quality of the sofa. When choosing a sofa in the living room with a folding mechanism, pay attention to the design. It must be free from defects. Inspect the fittings carefully.

What should be the upholstery on the sofa in the living room?

The next step in choosing a good living room sofa is choosing upholstery. It performs not only decorative functions, but also practical ones. This is an important stage and one cannot be mistaken here, otherwise a beautiful sofa will quickly lose its original appearance.

Conventionally, sofa upholstery can be divided into 3 groups:

  • The cloth. If you have children or pets, it is better to opt for fabric upholstery. She has a huge decorative choice... All types of fabrics are durable, and some have anti-vandal qualities - your cat's claws will not cause mortal harm to the decor. The main types of fabrics that are used in the manufacture of sofas are: folk, chenille, velor, jacquard.
  • Artificial leather. Quality material difficult to distinguish from genuine leather, has excellent abrasion characteristics, which cannot be said about cheap material. Poor quality artificial leather dries out over time, loses its elasticity and bursts. As a result, in a couple of years, the once beautiful sofa in the living room will look like a shabby cat.
  • Genuine Leather. It is durable and resistant to wear, while in order for a sofa made of genuine leather to retain its original appearance, it must be looked after. Also, this material is expensive.

Living room sofa upholstery is something you shouldn't skimp on. Padding will cost much more than a few thousand overpaid rubles for better upholstery material. Also keep in mind that leather models, although they look expensive and presentable, are not very practical. So, for example, sitting on such a sofa, your body will sweat. And if you need a model not only for sitting in front of the TV, but also for daily sleep, then a not too pleasant surprise awaits you here - the sheet will slide off it. So, before making the final choice in favor of this or that upholstery material for the sofa in the living room, once again decide in what conditions the product will be used.

Choosing a filler for a sofa in the living room - what criteria should it meet

The level of comfort and durability of the sofa largely depends on the filler. The most reliable is the spring block, it copes well with high loads and provides a flat seating surface. The most popular is polyurethane foam, which is comfortable to sit on, easy to get up on, soft and adapts well to body shape. The types of fillers do not end there, there are a number of others: Latex, Holofiber, Struttofiber, Sintepuh, Sintepon. To avoid sitting on the couch, you need to try to choose a high-quality filler, which is quite difficult. Here you should be guided by the following rule - sit on the sofa, and then get up and see how quickly it will take its previous shape. The faster the better. If the filler is in no hurry to recover, then during operation, graying will soon appear on the seat, in other words, this is not the best option.

A dynamic, compact, reliable and effective sofa should become a part of your interior. This is a versatile piece of furniture that performs several functions at the same time. Depending on the wishes of the user, the spatial capabilities of the room for which it is intended, and in the presence of a wide range of products, it will not be easy to decide! Doubting how to choose the right sofa?

We will put everything on the shelves for you, and you will definitely make the right decision!

How to choose the right sofa?

How to choose the right sofa so that this purchase will delight you and your loved ones. Before making such a long-term acquisition, determine the list of optimal conditions:

  1. Measure the parameters of the room and draw up a layout diagram;
  2. Consider all possible versions of the layout and location, thanks to which you indicate the place and dimensions of the sofa;
  3. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe design and purpose of such an element.

These initial data will help to quickly solve the problem of how to choose the right quality sofa. And now we go to the store and select the model corresponding to your requests.

First of all, the foundation!

The newest technologies used in the processing and production of furnishings imply the manufacture of frames:

  • on natural wood: maple, oak, walnut, ash, birch, beech;
  • with the use of environmentally friendly species for plywood, chipboard or MDF;
  • from metal alloys of galvanized and stainless steel;
  • with combined modification: wood-plywood; Chipboard-wood, metal-wood;
  • from fabric bags with composite substances inside.

Remember that the quality and service life of a particular model depends on the nature of the material.

Due to its reliability, high quality and environmental friendliness, a wooden base is undoubtedly popular, which can serve for several decades.

Producers use high-quality varieties, elite breeds and comply with the standards and processing technology. Of course, it will cost an order of magnitude more, but you will definitely not regret buying.

Pay attention to the presence of bolted connections. Adhesive joints and screws are indicative of the sellers' bad faith.

The absence of deformation effects is achieved due to the presence of glue with a decent adhesive adhesion, special coating paints, multi-layer plywood or thick timber.

The strongest are frames made of wooden beam and dense plywood 12–25 mm thick.

A metal base with elements of chrome, anodizing or nickel plating is an excellent option for those who love practicality, reliability and durability.

You can be offered simple all-welded frames or lat-holder frames with complex mechanisms.

Folding structures wear out the fastest, but you can easily restore their integrity by replacing and welding individual elements.

Such furniture, in comparison with wood, will differ in relatively low cost, does not ignite, does not deform as a result of exposure to various kinds of loads.

It is in no way inferior in terms of quality indicators and design decoration no MDF, no natural wood.

In order to avoid the appearance of harmful secretions for the human body, the surface of such products is treated with specialized compounds.

They freely take the shape of the curves of the human body, are not afraid of temperature and moisture, are lightweight and easy to clean.

What's in the filling?

Despite the use of hard and durable bases, the design of soft sofas implies the use of special fillers that improve the ergonomic performance of the product:

  • for the majority, highly elastic spring blocks with additional fastening in vertical cells are used, which are wrapped in spacers and softened by other types of fillers. They support the back in a comfortable position;
  • highly rigid and flexible molded polyurethane foam of increased comfort with a density of at least 30–55 kg / m3, represented by a mixture of synthetic polymers and foam, which instantly returns to its original shape;
  • lightweight and relatively cheap padding polyester with excellent indicators of hypoallergenicity and thermal insulation. However, he quickly collapses;
  • moisture resistant, highly hygienic and relatively inexpensive holofiber in its advantages is a significant competitor to everyone else;
  • synthetic fluff is a competitor to holofiber with no flaws, the only hallmark which is the extraordinary softness of the seats.

In addition to the above types of fillers, such modern wear-resistant polymers as Skyron, Durafil and Britbond with excellent performance are also used.

To appreciate their comfort, you just need to sit on them.

What's the best upholstery?

To make a decision when choosing a sofa upholstery, it is necessary to be guided not only by colorsbut also the quality of the material.

The pricing policy for such materials is set depending on the indicators of practicality and durability:

  • ideal, but the most expensive is chenille with a structure of 20%, 40% each acrylic and polystyrene;
  • velor and flock are considered high-budget and durable;
  • a good alternative is a Belgian tapestry made of delicate velor threads or dense and elegant jacquard;
  • the durable flock with dusting and water-repellent effect deserves special attention.

Classic upholstery in matte, wrinkled, lacquered, embossed or patterned leather is ideal for living room furniture.

It is important that it is high-quality leather, as cheap substitutes tend to crack or wear out.

For furniture in a nursery, models made of natural non-toxic and hygienic cotton or chenille are suitable, which absorb moisture well and allow air to pass through.

Despite the fact that these canvases wear out under conditions of regular use, they can be considered a constriction as a restoration.

Quite dense and elegant jacquard belongs to the category of practical products, which retains its original appearance and is resistant to fading over a long service life.

An attractive and durable fabric is flock, which consists of 65% synthetic and 35% natural cotton.

This sofa upholstery in the living room will be able to withstand any dirt and will withstand the sharp claws of pets.

But it is not worth placing it in the kitchen, since the flock absorbs all sorts of odors.

For bedroom furniture, look for upholstery fabrics that are half synthetic fibers, which will resist wear and tear and make it easier to care for them.

Where and which one to put?

The variety of folding mechanisms allows you to equip a universal sleeping place or a practical rest area.

To choose strong and durable furniture for your purposes, pay attention not only to the frame, but also to the folding mechanism, the strength of the fasteners, which will bear the main load.

Depending on their design, the following transformations are distinguished:

  1. click-gag when lifting the sitting compartment up, the backrest falls on an all-metal base. Efforts are not required for lifting, however, the intermediate lock-clasp, with frequent unfolding, quickly becomes unusable;
  2. a sofa-eurobook is comfortable for sleeping, which fits perfectly into small apartments;
  3. a spacious teak-tock is placed against the wall or in the middle of the room and, if necessary, can be easily reconstructed into a double suite;
  4. the assembled accordion does not take up much space, but it makes it possible to organize a spacious sleeping place;
  5. folding sofa requires care when unfolding and does not always provide a flat surface;
  6. if you are thinking about how to choose the right corner sofa for your daily use, then you need a dolphin.

Inspect your target carefully, try folding a couple of times. Such a manipulation will allow you to determine the reliability of the operation of its mounts and the practicality of use in any situation.

How to choose the right orthopedic sofa?

Orthopedic modifications are designed for sound and healthy sleep.

The independent spring blocks used in these models help keep your spine in a natural position.


Sleep plays an important role in human health. Reliable and practical upholstered furniture can provide a person with a full rest.

The advantages of an ideal sofa are a solid base, high-quality filler, beautiful and durable upholstery. Its design features require special attention.

Don't forget about the exterior design that will allow you to use such a piece of furniture in any interior.

The life hacker has collected as much information as possible about the shapes, mechanisms, fillers and upholstery of sofas and made special tables that will help you make a decision and not regret it as soon as the furniture is delivered.

Forms of sofas

Sofas are:

  • straight;
  • angular;
  • with an ottoman;
  • modular;
  • insular.

Straight sofas are classics. There are a lot of variations. Available in all sizes and colors.

Collectmoments / Flickr.com

Straight sofas, like corner sofas, are usually placed along the walls and are often equipped with built-in tables, a minibar and folding shelves. It is comfortable to sleep on such sofas.

jiva / Flickr.com

Corner sofas should not be equated with ottoman sofas. In the East, this is the name for a kind of wide soft ottoman. In our furniture industry, an ottoman is a protruding part of a sofa. Often without armrests, but with a storage niche.

Modern sofas with an ottoman in the interior successfully play the role of corner sofas, saving space in small rooms, and often serve as the main sleeping place for the owners.

Maxim Kachurovskiy / Flickr.com

Island sofas can be round or semicircular, oval and rectangular. These are expensive and status sofas. As a rule, they do not sleep on them. They are placed in the center of spacious rooms to create a seating area. It is desirable that the approach to the "island" was from all sides.

Modular sofas are composed of several parts and can be combined in different ways. Modules can be used like individual elements furniture. The composition may include a module with a sleeping place, but most often such sofas are designed for beauty and relaxation.

Thanks to their versatility and variety of shapes, modular sofas are great for studio apartments.

Scott Allen / Flickr.com

The transformation mechanism is the way the sofa is laid out. There are many options.

When you first come to a store, the variety of transformation mechanisms and their fancy names makes your head spin. It's actually simple.

Mechanisms can be divided into folding, rolling out and unfolding. The first includes the "book" and "eurobook", as well as "click-gag". The second group includes "telescope", "tick-tock" and "dolphin". The unfolding mechanisms are the "accordion" and various "clamshells".

Rotary mechanisms stand apart. They are used in large corner sofas: one half turns to the other, forming a wide berth.

Book and Eurobook

Book sofas have been familiar to everyone since Soviet times. Raise the seat a little and get a rectangular berth. To unfold such a sofa, it must be moved away from the wall. The space under the seat is usually used for storing bedding and other items.

"Eurobook" is an improved "book". Everything is the same, only the seat moves forward on the runners. Simple, reliable mechanism, suitable for daily nesting. This sofa does not need to be moved away from the wall.

This is also a modernized "book", which, in addition to the "lying" and "sitting" positions, has intermediate options: "reclining" and "half sitting". The "click-clack" sofa is made on a metal frame with wooden battens, which often break under heavy load. It is better to use it in or for occasional overnight stays of guests.

Sofas with the "lit" mechanism are very similar in appearance and principle of operation. The difference is that the backrest does not fold out - only the armrests.


The sleeping place of the telescope sofa consists of three parts. Two of them form the seat and one form the back. To unfold it, you need to pull the lower part of the seat, fold the backrest forward, and fill the space between them with a mattress. Among the disadvantages: a low berth and scratches on the floor with frequent use.

This transformation mechanism is based on the principle of an accordion: the bed also consists of three parts, one of them is the seat, and the other two form the back. To unfold the "accordion", you need to push the seat forward and put the back in the same plane.

Sofas with such a mechanism are produced on wooden frames with ordinary metal hinges and on one piece metal frames with wooden battens. It is better not to lay out the former often, the latter are suitable for daily use.

This transformation mechanism is very similar to the "Eurobook". Only on the "tick-tock" the seat steps forward with the help of a spring mechanism. This is a more expensive, but also more convenient option: no wheels, nothing scratches the floor. "Tick-tock" is perfect for those who plan to use the sofa as a bed.

This is a very popular transformation mechanism. Especially in corner sofas and ottoman sofas used for sleeping every day.

The principle of operation is simple: when laying out, a platform rolls out from under the seat, which then rises using a special lift mechanism, forming a single sleeping place. The more reliable the lifting mechanism, the longer the sofa will last.

French, American, Belgian and Italian clamshells

"French clamshell" is a triple fold clamshell. During the transformation, the berth turns forward and is installed on arcs. But sleeping on such a sofa is pretty tough. It is not suitable for daily use. This is a guest option.

The American clamshell is a little more comfortable. There are only two folds, and therefore the mattresses are thicker, sometimes even with spring blocks. But for daily sleep it is still not the most convenient option.

"Belgian clamshell" is not so much a type of transformation mechanism as a sign of a manufacturer. The Franco-Belgian furniture company Sedac-Meral produces double and triple folding beds with foam and spring mattresses of different heights. This is the "Belgian clamshell".

The "Italian folding bed" has two folds and is unfolded together with the soft elements of the sofa. Unlike other clamshells, some Italian models have small storage containers bedding.

Decide if you need a sofa for sleeping or relaxing? In the first case, it is better to take a "book", "eurobook", "tick-tock" or a good "dolphin". Everything else is guest options.

Here is a table showing the pros and cons of different types of sofas.


In the production of sofas, metal and wooden frames are used, as well as frames from wooden blocks with chipboard.

Metal frames are reliable and durable, provided that the joints are welded and not bolted. Any upholstery can be used with a sofa with a metal frame. It can be replaced if necessary.

The lifespan of a timber frame depends on the type and quality of the tree. This also affects the price. The most expensive sofas are made of oak, beech, walnut and ash. More budget options are birch and coniferous wood frames.

In a wooden frame, the main thing is that the wood is smooth and dry. The fewer potholes and knots, the better.

The combination of wooden blocks and chipboard is the cheapest option for a sofa frame. But if the technology is followed during the production, and the chipboard elements are treated with special paint, such a sofa will also serve for many years.


Backrest, seat, armrests - each element of the sofa has a filling. As a rule, it is foam rubber and polyurethane foam. There are also latex and springs.

Sofas with only foam inside are the cheapest, but least durable. A sofa filled with a single piece of foam rubber will keep its shape for as long as possible. But after three or four years, he will also go down.

Most manufacturers prefer polyurethane foam padding. It almost does not differ in price from foam rubber, but it lasts much longer.

Polyurethane foam is block (sandwich) and cast. From the first, the seat, back and other elements of the sofa are simply glued together. When they talk about molded polyurethane foam, they mean that at the factory it was poured into a mold in liquid form and at the exit they received a molded back or armrest of the sofa.

The most durable, environmentally friendly and expensive filler is latex. Thanks to its high elasticity, it follows the contours of the body and instantly regains its shape. At the same time, it is not electrified, resistant to and does not cause allergies. Latex is commonly used in expensive orthopedic furniture.

Separately, it should be said about the spring blocks. Their presence in the sofa not only adds points to comfort, but also makes the sofa more durable and wear-resistant. Of course, provided that very high quality individual spring units are used.

The best option is sofas with multi-layer filling and different density factors in different areas. The bottom layer is the densest, the top is thin soft material for maximum comfort.

There are even more sofa upholstery than transformation mechanisms. To describe everything, a separate article is needed. Therefore, we will consider the most popular options.

Life hacks for those who choose a sofa

  1. Decide where you will stand. Draw a plan on paper. This will make it easier to navigate in the store. Calculate if there is enough room to walk with the sofa unfolded.
  2. Decide on the function of the sofa: guest or for daily sleep. Also think about who will sleep on it: a child weighing 40 kg or an adult man per centner. Based on this, choose a mechanism.
  3. In the store, carefully examine the transformation mechanism. Its metal parts must be thicker than 3 mm, accurately painted and securely connected to each other.
  4. Sit or even lie on the couch. Estimate the density of the filler. Pay attention to the sounds that the sofa makes as you move. A creak is a sure sign of a poorly glued frame.
  5. Pay attention to the evenness of the seams and rows of staples. These are the nuances that distinguish a conscientious manufacturer from an amateur. Look at the back of the sofa. If you plan to put it not against the wall, but in the center of the room, it should also be neatly upholstered.
  6. If the manufacturer's warranty is less than 18 months, choose another.

In this article, you will learn:

    What are the characteristics of a good sofa

    What are the criteria for choosing a sofa

    Which is the best sofa to buy for different rooms

    Which sofa is better not to buy and which mistakes to avoid

A sofa is not only a large and noticeable part of the interior, but also a highly loaded piece of furniture that performs many functions and is actively used every day. Buying a sofa is a serious matter, and in the process of choosing, the consumer will certainly have a question: "Which sofa is better?" The answer is not so easy: you need to take into account not only the design and materials, but also the shape of the sofa, its dimensions, functionality, strength and stylistic features.

Which sofa is better: characteristics of a good sofa

  1. Durability.

If you set out to buy a sofa for many years, it is better to give preference to models with a high-quality assembly and a solid frame made of carefully dried wood. For many years, such sofas do not undergo deformation, do not start to creak disgustingly, do not lose their appearance and functionality.

  1. Convenience.

Some sofas are for sleeping, others for relaxing in the daytime (watching TV or reading a book), to accommodate guests in the kitchen or living room. Depending on the purpose, you should choose a sofa, paying attention to one or another of its characteristics.

A general requirement for all sofa models is comfort and the required degree of softness. Too hard or, conversely, soft as a feather bed sofa can cause pain in the spine and muscles, insomnia.

  1. Easy to operate.

Many sofas contain movable elements: linen drawers, a folding mechanism. Which sofa design is better, only you can decide, based on your needs and wishes, but when buying, in any case, you should check the performance of all mechanisms. Is everything moving as it should? Doesn't it jam anything anywhere, doesn't it fall off? Then this model can be considered suitable!

  1. Functionality.

Some sofa models are equipped with additional elements: built-in bars, removable armrests, a set of pillows. They make furniture even more functional and comfortable, but they affect its cost.

    After evaluating the appearance of the sofa, proceed to practical tests. Sit down, or even better lie down on it. Sellers who are confident in the quality of the goods should not bother you in this.

    If the sofa has an elastic surface, in which no lumps and seals are felt, this indicates its high quality. Also pay attention to the angle between the horizontal surface and the backrest, to the location of the headrest (if any). Whichever model we are talking about, they must provide comfort while sitting.

    Unfold and assemble the sofa back, preferably several times, pull out and slide in all the drawers. Ask what alloy the sliding mechanism is made of. Silumin is cheaper and lighter than steel, but extremely fragile, so it is better not to purchase sofas with any silumin parts.

    The back of the sofa must be covered with a cloth. This makes it possible to place the sofa anywhere in the room, not just against the walls. Cheap fabric indicates the poor taste of the manufacturers and the poor quality of the product as a whole. However, if you plan to order a removable sofa cover separately, you don't need to think about the back of the sofa. The covers are easy to clean, protect the sofa from dust and any damage, may have pockets for newspapers and other small things.

    Upholstery is almost the main part of the sofa. The most expensive sofa is upholstered with a Teflon-coated fabric that does not absorb water and dirt.

    If a stain has nevertheless formed on the sofa, then to remove it, it is better to go to a dry cleaner or use a stain remover for upholstered furniture. Apply the product gently and little by little, without rubbing deep into the fabric, and then rub the stained area from the edges to the middle.

Which sofa is better to buy: 5 selection criteria

The form

Sofas come in several forms:

  • Direct.

This is a classic sofa shape, available in a wide variety of variations and sizes. Linear sofas are best placed against walls. Sometimes they come with mini-bars, folding shelves, built-in tables and some other additional options. The straight sofa is very comfortable for sleeping.

  • Corner.

A corner sofa is often called an ottoman sofa, but this is not entirely true. In the countries of the East, an ottoman was called a wide flat ottoman without a back, and more often without armrests. In Russia, this name is applied to sofas with a protruding part, often also without armrests.

Many corner sofas use the space under the seat as a storage space.

  • Island.

Island sofas are distinguished by a variety and originality of shapes: they can be not only rectangular, but also round or oval, semicircular. This is an expensive and stylish piece of furniture designed to demonstrate the high status of its owner and decorate the interior. Therefore, island sofas are not used for sleeping. It is best to place them in the center of a spacious room or seating area, surrounded by free space on all sides, to allow access to the sofa from anywhere in the room.

  • With an ottoman.

In modern interiors, sofas of this type are used in the same way as corner sofas. A sofa with an ottoman is one of the best solutions for small rooms, where every meter of space is precious. Their main function is to be a place to sleep.

  • Modular.

This practical and modern sofa design is perfect for small spaces such as studio apartments. Such sofas consist of several independent elements that can be arranged in a different order depending on the current needs. Sometimes modular sofas include a sleeper, but are usually used for seating and decorating.

Transformation mechanism

According to the method of transformation, sofas are also divided into several categories. When you visit a large furniture store, it seems that there are a great many such methods, and it will be difficult to choose the most convenient one among them. But this is not so: there are only three methods of unfolding a sofa, and no matter how varied the models on the market are, they all belong to one of three types: unfolding, folding and roll-out sofas.

Folding sofas are a well-known "book", its modernized version - "Eurobook" and the so-called "click-clack". The rolling out mechanisms are called "telescope", "dolphin" and "tick-tock". The unfolding type includes "clamshells" in all variations and "accordions".

Besides these three popular mechanisms, there is another more specific one: the swivel mechanism. Large corner sofas have such a design, in which a sleeping place is created by turning two parts of the sofa towards each other.

  • Books and eurobooks.

In Soviet times, almost every apartment had “book” sofas. And now they are also popular.

Such sofas must be moved away from the wall each time before unfolding, and then the backrest must be turned to a horizontal position. There is a large empty space under the seat for storing bedding, etc.

Eurobook sofa - the same "book", but equipped with runners that facilitate the process of folding and unfolding. Does not require moving away from the wall.

  • Click-gag.

In fact, this is also a kind of sofa-book, which differs from the traditional design by the presence of intermediate layout options - for half-sitting and reclining positions. Click-clack sofas are assembled on metal frames and wooden battens, which are not designed for heavy loads and active daily use. Therefore, it is better to put such a sofa in the nursery or use it as a guest one.

The "lit" mechanism is another modification of the "book", but less functional: in such sofas only the armrests move apart, and the back remains motionless.

  • Roll-out (telescopic).

The telescope sofa consists of three elements: a backrest and two seat halves. When unfolding, the lower part of the seat is pulled towards itself, and the backrest is lowered forward. If there are any gaps and gaps between them, it is better to fill them with mattresses.

Roll-out sofas are not the best option for daily sleep. They are rather low (when unfolded), are not always comfortable and scratch the floor when unfolded.

  • Accordions, or accordions.

Like telescopes, accordion sofas include three parts, only they have two backs and one seat. The seat is pushed forward, and then the backrest parts are laid.

Sofas of this design can be made on the basis of all-metal frames, to which wooden battens are attached, or on wooden frames with metal hinges. The former are suitable for active and frequent use, while the latter are much less durable, and it is better to lay them out as rarely as possible.

  • Tick \u200b\u200btock, or pantographs.

In fact, these are eurobook sofas on a spring mechanism that makes it easier to push a heavy seat forward. Their cost is higher than standard "Eurobooks", but they also have more advantages: it is easier to transform the "tick-tock" into a bed, and nothing scratches the floor (there are no wheels).

  • Dolphins (kangaroos, microlifts).

This mechanism for transforming sofas is used quite often, especially in models with ottomans and corner ones. For unfolding, you need to roll out a special platform from under the seat and then raise it with a microlift. It looks like a bed. The lifespan of the dolphins depends on the lifting mechanism: the stronger it is, the more durable the sofa and the better its quality.

  • French, American and Italian clamshells.

These clamshell designs differ in the number of folds:

    French has three folds. The couch must be turned forward and placed on arcs. The result is a rather stiff sofa that is best used as a guest bed, but not as a permanent bed.

    The American folding bed has two folds and thick soft mattresses (in some cases even spring mattresses). This sofa is more comfortable than the previous version, but also not suitable for everyday sleep.

    The Italian folding bed also has two folds, and it moves apart along with the padded parts of the sofa. Some sofas of this type have small linen boxes.


Frames for upholstered furniture are made of metal, wood or individual wooden blocks in combination with chipboard.

The most reliable of all is metal frames, but only welded, and not fastened with bolts. Sofas with metal frames can be upholstered with any material, and the upholstery must be replaced.

Wooden sofa frames differ in durability. Everything here, including the price of the product, is determined by the quality and type of wood. A sofa with a birch or conifer frame is the cheapest. Upholstered furniture on oak, walnut, beech, ash frames is noticeably more expensive, but also better in quality.

The most budgetary option is a sofa on a frame made of chipboard and bars. By the way, it can turn out to be quite reliable and last for many years if the chipboard parts were painted with a special paint and the other technological requirements were carefully followed.


The seats and backs of sofas, and on some models also armrests, contain filling. It can be either a foam or polyurethane foam piece, or a spring block.

Sofas with soft filling, especially foam, are the cheapest. However, they are not designed for long service. Sofas with a single piece of foam under the seat keep their shape for up to four years, the rest - even less.

Chairs and sofas with polyurethane foam padding are also affordable, but they last longer, therefore, if you have a choice, it is better to give preference to some kind of polyurethane foam sofa. Polyurethane foam filler can be sandwich (from separate layers glued together) or cast. Cast packing is obtained by pouring liquid polyurethane foam into a container of the desired shape.

Among the soft stuffing, latex is the most durable. It is elastic, adapts to the curves of the body and instantly returns to its original shape, is hypoallergenic, does not grow moldy or electrified, and is environmentally friendly in production and operation. It is used for the manufacture of orthopedic or luxury upholstered furniture.

As for sofas on spring blocks, their reliability directly depends on the quality of these blocks. In general, spring sofas hold their shape longer than others. But it is best to purchase sofas with some kind of combined filler, consisting of materials of different densities (soft layers are placed outside for maximum comfort, dense ones at the bottom).


The upholstery of a sofa affects not only its appearance and aesthetic qualities, but also its durability and comfort when lying and sitting. Whichever sofa you choose, always pay attention to the upholstery.

The traditional upholstery material that has become the most expensive (and therefore elite) in our time is genuine leather. Thanks to the success of the chemical industry, we can go beyond leather: there is a huge number of leatherette and fabrics made of artificial fibers, which are not inferior to leather in terms of aesthetic and operational properties, and in some ways even turn out to be better than it.

In addition to leather and leatherette, sofas and armchairs are upholstered with fabrics. So, an expensive and practical upholstery fabric called chenillevalued no less than leather. Chenille furniture is the best solution for children's rooms: this material repels dirt, it is not so easy to stain it, while it is very comfortable and soft.

Sofas and armchairs, upholstered tapestry, have a solid and classic look. Modern tapestries contain polyester fibers, which make the upholstery durable. Tapestry is in demand among consumers due to a huge palette of shades and a variety of patterns, allowing you to choose a sofa to suit any interior.

Almost as popular as an upholstery material flockalso containing polyester. Unlike tapestry, flock has fibers on the front. The pile adds sophistication and charm to upholstered furniture, and it is more pleasant to touch it than to a hard tapestry. However, the flock quickly, in just 2–5 years, is wiped off. Cleaning and caring for a sofa upholstered with flock also has its own peculiarities.

If you want to add some sophistication and sophistication to the interior, take a look at the sofas, upholstered jacquard... Gorgeous patterns woven into the upholstery will create an impression of luxury. True, a sofa with jacquard upholstery will cost more than other options, and will require special care, allowing only dry cleaning.

Another new upholstery material characterized by practicality and high quality - microfiber -is rapidly gaining popularity. Microfiber has a Teflon coating that makes the fabric strong (difficult to tear, puncture or cut) and repels water, dust and dirt. Microfiber upholstered sofa - the best choice for rooms exposed to direct sunlight: this material does not fade or fade.

When deciding which upholstery for the sofa is best, ask the seller for a passport for the fabric. High-quality upholstered furniture must be accompanied by such passports, which describe in detail the properties of the fabric and provide tips for caring for it.

Upholstered sofas skinare not always the best solution. Leather, especially poorly crafted leather, has many drawbacks, and in many cases it is better to give preference to some kind of fabric as the upholstery material. So, the skin can crack (especially for budget leather sofas, the price of which does not imply the use of high-quality materials), peel off (if the painting was carried out in violation of technology).

Side cushions wear out first, so it's best if they come unfastened and can be easily replaced with new ones (although this uses more leather upholstery, which increases the price of the product).

Leather sofas traditionally belong to the elite expensive furniture and luxury items. It is assumed that when buying such a thing, people will not save. Some unscrupulous manufacturers of leather furniture are trying to play on this, deliberately increasing the consumption of leather at the expense of the back wall. When choosing a leather sofa, carefully examine its back surface.

Usually, passports are attached to leather sofas. They indicate the characteristics and features of the product, for example, its air permeability. Comparison of passports different models will help you find the most profitable option and decide which sofa is better to buy.

Which sofa is better to buy for different rooms

When choosing a sofa for your living room, ask yourself whether this sofa will be used for sleeping and how often. For small rooms, where they not only spend time during the day, but also sleep every night, it is better to purchase unfolding sofas, for example, "accordions". They are easily transformed and are very comfortable in the unfolded state, since they do not form irregularities or voids. Strong and resilient wooden battens serving as an orthopedic base will make the sofa even more comfortable.

If the sofa will unfold from time to time (for receiving guests), then it is better to opt for some model with a retractable mechanism - "microlift", "eurobook" or a roll-out sofa. They are easy to disassemble and assemble, but the joints between the blocks can be quite tangible.

Need a sofa to relax in front of the TV in the evening? Then it's better to buy folding sofa constructions "click-gag" or "book". They are comfortable to sit and recline on, but they are not so good for sleeping (due to inaccurate docking of the blocks).

And finally, for small living rooms, where the sofa will be used mainly for sitting, it is better to take linear models designed for 2-3 people. Make sure that when unfolded, the sofa does not take up too much space, does not block the door and, for example, does not block the passage to the balcony. It is most convenient to communicate with family members or guests while sitting on corner sofa (left, right or universal), designed for 5-6 people and the corresponding room configuration.

Whichever sofa you purchase for your living room, make sure the upholstery is of high quality and resistant to wear and tear. Leather, leatherette, flock or jacquard will do. The load on such a sofa is very high, and the stronger the upholstery material, the better.

For kitchen

Nowadays, sofas have ceased to be an accessory to living rooms and have begun to gradually conquer the space of kitchens and dining rooms. A sofa suitable for the kitchen must meet three requirements: functionality, ergonomics and practicality. A significant advantage will be the presence of a drawer.

The size and configuration of the kitchen sofa will vary depending on the environment, and the frame must be strong enough to support 4-8 people. Kitchen furniture, including soft, is operated in more severe conditions than room and office: these are temperature changes and humidity. Therefore, a stainless steel frame is desirable.

A huge variety of upholstered furniture is now produced for children's rooms. It can be of the most unusual shape and color, and there may be several fillers in it. Which sofa is better to choose when it comes to the nursery?

    First of all, functional and easy to fold - the area of \u200b\u200bchildren's rooms is usually small. The best fit for a child is the Eurobook, Dolphin and Accordion sofas - they can be unrolled and rolled up without assistance.

    Nice and suitable for the room decor. It is best to buy a sofa for the nursery with your child, so that he chooses a color that he likes and will delight him every day.

    Practical. A storage box for bedding, toys and linen will save space in the room.

    Safe - upholstered with natural fibers and free of sharp corners, traumatic decorative elements and crevices.

For office

For modern office furniture, not only appearance is important, but also comfort. In offices, people spend a significant part of the day - they work, receive clients and visitors, negotiate. As a rule, for office interiors, durable sofas of simple laconic shapes with monochromatic upholstery are chosen, giving the impression of respectability.

When deciding which sofa is better to choose for an office space, first decide where you will put it. How big is the room and what size sofa is best for you? Will it be convenient to approach it?

For offices, both rectangular models (for 2–4 seats) and corner models are produced. It is better to furnish a narrow room with two small sofas than to clutter up with one large one. For spacious offices with low traffic (less than 10 people daily), a large sofa is also not needed, an average one is enough.

The color scheme of upholstered office furniture is determined by the interior design and your personal taste. Win-win options are sofas in light neutral shades or muted dark ones, upholstered in natural leather or leatherette: they look solid and modern. However, caring for such upholstery will take effort. Sofas upholstered with fabric will be cheaper, but they will lose their appearance faster, they will wear out and become greasy, which is unacceptable for the office of a serious company.

Which sofa is better: spring or PPU

It is impossible to figure out which sofa is better for daily sleep without learning about the features of the fillers. By filling, all sofas are divided into two types:

Spring sofas

Spring mechanisms give the upholstered furniture elasticity and useful orthopedic qualities. However, as they wear, they can break, lose their shape, puncture the upholstery or make an unpleasant squeak. The better (and more expensive) the spring blocks, the less the risk of facing such consequences of operation.

Spring sofa blocks can be dependent and independent. Blocks of dependent springs (for example, "Bonnel") are a structure that comes into motion as a whole when you press on some separate spring. With active use, the blocks can stretch and sag where the main load falls, and create the effect of a hammock, which weakens the orthopedic properties of the mattress. But they are relatively inexpensive.

Blocks consisting of independent springs are more durable and comfortable as a sleeping place. Orthopedically, these sofas are better than the previous ones and they last much longer without losing their shape or creaking. This is achieved due to the fact that each spring is inserted into its own woven cover, which are then assembled into ribbons and whole blocks.

Sofas with soft fillings

Sofas with soft fillers - silicone, foam rubber, padding polyester - are best used as seating furniture. Such fillers create a feeling of softness and are very comfortable, do not cause allergies, but they quickly sag and become unusable. They are not very suitable for sleeping: under a layer of foam rubber or other soft filler, you will feel a hard wooden surface... Therefore, if you need a sleeping place or a multifunctional piece of furniture, it is better to give preference to some kind of spring sofas.

Which sofa is better not to buy: common mistakes when choosing

Now there is a high demand for upholstered furniture. There are several reasons for this: moving to new apartment or repairs with the replacement of all furniture, the ability to buy on credit, the deterioration of old furniture sets. The supply meets the demand - there are a huge number of different models on the market. But there are sofas that it is better not to buy at all in order to avoid problems.

  1. Cheap.

Inexpensive furniture is usually made from cheap, low-quality materials and fittings. Therefore, the cost of the sofa is much lower than the market price should alert you. Either these are defective products that are sold for next to nothing, or their manufacturers have saved on materials. In any case, such a sofa will either turn out to be unusable right away, or it will quickly break down and require replacement.

Often, cheap models have a weak, unreliable transformation mechanism. It is better to refuse to purchase them - they will not withstand daily layouts. As a last resort, they can be used as an ottoman or guest sofa.

Replacing individual parts of the structure in this case is not an option, since cheap sofas are initially made "disposable" and cannot be partially repaired (having disassembled the structure into parts, you cannot put it back together). It is assumed that such a product will simply be thrown away when it wears out.

  1. Non-functional.

Most Russians suffer from a lack of living space, so the demand for transformable multifunctional furniture is growing every year. Sofas are no exception. There are many models on sale with built-in drawers for storing bed linen and other things (shoes, clothes, etc.), and the space is used not only under the seat, but also under the side elements and even inside the armrests.

Therefore, when choosing upholstered furniture for an apartment or a private house, it is better to give preference to sofas with transformation systems. No matter how cheap the models are without such mechanisms, they are much inferior to transforming sofas in terms of functionality. The fold-out sofa provides additional sleeping space, which is especially important for those who often receive guests at home.

  1. Filled with substandard material.

The service life of upholstered furniture also depends on the quality of the filler. Sofas contain various fillings that differ both in terms of service life and in the degree of elasticity. Least good option - a sofa stuffed with foam rubber. This material has long been outdated, and it is better not to buy foam furniture. In any case, first decide on your needs and the purpose of the sofa: will it be designed for sleeping or only for sitting, what are the expected loads. By these criteria, whatever they may be in your case, you can already choose a specific model.

  1. Purchase without fitting.

Buying a sofa without testing, detailed inspection and fitting is a very risky decision. From photographs in catalogs of online stores, it is impossible to understand how this or that sofa model will behave in practice: whether it is comfortable to sit on it, whether it is suitable for sleeping, whether the transformation mechanism works well. Having decided which sofa you want to buy, try everything yourself and only then pay for the purchase!

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