A house made of timber, according to the customer, by default should be incredibly warm and cozy. A knowledgeable person, however, understands that for this you still need to try. Experienced builders, professionals in their field know about it not by hearsay. What should be done to make a house from a bar really warm? Let's talk about this and what dangers can await kind, naive customers on the way to the dream of a country, cozy home.

Warm corner: significance, execution technology and builders' tricks

A warm corner is a way of attaching beams when building a wooden house. Its advantages:

  • Eliminates the likelihood of cracks;
  • Does not blow out and lets the cold into the room;
  • Easy to implement and no more time-consuming than other methods.

In addition to this method, they also practice "joint-to-joint", in half a tree and dovetail... By advantages, a warm corner wins in everything and any normal customer will choose a personalized one for his home. And now the fun begins. No, resourceful builders will not dissuade you from such a choice. They will do better (for themselves) - they will tell you a tidy sum. But what if you want to get a really warm house? Refuse such well-wishers! Conscientious builders will never take an additional fee for this - this is already their work and you will definitely have time to pay for it. True, in fairness and unnecessary overpayments.

Nageli: making the house even stronger

Nagels are special pins that make the timber "sit in place" even after shrinkage. What is the principle of working with pins? In order for the result of their application to be positive, you need to adhere to the order - the pins are installed perpendicularly through every two crowns, pre-drilling holes in the bar. That is, they laid it down, fixed it with dowels every 1.5 - 2 meters and again 2 crowns. Pins are made of wood, mostly hardwood. Someone saves and instead of ready-made dowels uses improvised means: fittings, pipes or rolled metal. It is undesirable to allow this - it is impossible to predict the consequences 100%.

Today you can often hear that nagels are an outdated technology and completely irrelevant. But the fact remains - it is this method of joining logs or timber that remains the most reliable. Moreover, it is time-tested.

Royki: we work with window and door openings

Another important stage in construction is working with swarms. Usually, these are 50x50 mm bars. A groove is cut in the wall, namely, in the opening. Swarms are inserted there. They will help keep the wall stable. In order for the shrinkage process, even with swarms, to pass without consequences, it is imperative to leave about 2 centimeters above the bar. window opening, and 5 - in the doorway. There is enough space for the bars to snap into place. If you do not leave space, one of the logs or beams will hang and thereby provoke the appearance of a gap. What is warm houseif there are cracks in it?

But this technology should not be neglected. If the swarms are not installed, deformation of the wall in the place of the opening is inevitable.

Builders' mistakes: real and possible

In order not to learn from your mistakes and mistakes that will be made during the construction of your house, look at others. Quite a real picture: a wooden block was installed in the window opening as a swarm. Shrinkage passed, and the wall curved and became convex. What's wrong? The fact is that the wooden swarm collapsed and simply ceased to fulfill its task - to strengthen the opening. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, give preference to metal swarms. It is especially important to use them when strengthening doorways - the load there is much greater.

Maybe this: greedy workers offer you to install swarms for a certain amount. You, of course, out of ignorance, will refuse. Why pay extra money? After all, "and so it will stand normally." This absolutely must not be done! Maybe in the first year nothing will happen to the walls. But the house is being built not for a year, not for 5, and not even for 10 years! Think about the future and play it safe - install swarms. Not for a fee. We will now tell you why.

Forewarned is forearmed

Be careful when proposing to make high-quality swarms for money or for a “symbolic” fee to use not a “dovetail” or “butt-to-joint” when laying beams, but a “warm corner”. This work is done by default and you don't have to pay for it!

Conscientious and responsible builders from serious companies who value their name will do everything in the best... You won't even be asked if you need a swarm or a warm corner - they'll just do it. Of course, there are cases when the customers themselves refuse to strengthen window and door openings. The construction company has the right to issue a receipt, where the customer indicates that he refuses this work. So, the developer disclaims responsibility for further consequences, and the future owner of the house runs the risk of facing problematic shrinkage of the timber.

And your home will be cozy, strong and durable, because now you know exactly what pins, swarms are for and what a "warm corner" is.

That houses made of profiled timber - this is a modern, reliable and profitable way of housing construction, today no one doubts. It is not surprising that houses, baths and outbuildings made of this material in last years can be found everywhere. List the benefits log houses can be infinitely long. However, in this article, we set ourselves the task of telling you about one drawback of wooden (including squared) buildings and ways to neutralize this drawback. It will focus on the natural moisture content of wood, and the problems associated with it.

Houses from a bar: the essence of the problem

As you know, wood is a natural material that was once a living organism. Like all living things, wood contains moisture. Over time, some of this moisture from the wood evaporates, and the wood begins to dry out and crack.

This may not be visible to the naked eye, but nevertheless affects the overall design. log housecausing deformation of window and door openings.

Shrinkage houses made of profiled timbermay depend on many factors.

First of all, it is the level of humidity and the type of wood material for construction, the type of wood, the season and construction technology.

Usually, shrinkage occurs most intensely in the first three to four months after construction is completed.

Rojki: protection of timber houses from deformation and shrinkage

In order to neutralize negative influence to your log housethe problem described above, two complementary methods are used:

  • Profiled timber is used for building a house, which has undergone additional industrial drying. The percentage of moisture in such a bar is not more than 20. As a result, less shrinkage and shrinkage of the finished house.
  • Used when installing doors and windows swarms.

If everything is clear with a decrease in the moisture content of the material, then what is swarms for wooden houses, we suggest talking in more detail.

Royka for a wooden house is a special block made of wood with a square section. This bar (swarm) is inserted into the prepared groove at the end of the window or door opening.

Roykihelp to effectively solve the problem of deformation of window and door openings. If we just cut an opening in the wall from a bar, and then install a window or a door in it, then, after a while, the drying out wood will make your opening too large, and the door frame or window frame will simply fall out of it. To avoid such a development of events, between the frame or door frame is installed swarmsreducing the negative effects of drying and subsidence of wood to a minimum.

How swarms are installed

When installing swarms for log houses, as a rule, the following actions are performed:

  • A hole in the wall of the house is cut out for a door or window, and its finishing is carried out.
  • A longitudinal cut is made in the end part of the resulting opening. The cutting depth should correspond to the height of the swivel, and the length should be 6-12 cm longer than the length used swarms for a log house... This will give space for the shrinkage gap.
  • After that swarms for wooden housesare installed in the prepared cuts, and door or window frames are already attached to them. A gap (about 5 cm wide) is also left between the ends of the log house and the frames of windows or doors. This gap is then filled with a special insulation, which is also necessary for safe shrinkage at home.

Thus, applying in practice all of the above technologies, we achieve the absence in our log houses defects associated with shrinkage and drying out of such a valuable natural building materiallike wood!

Timber construction - combination the latest technologies and ancient traditions. Often, not all terms are clear to the layman, therefore the proposals of the developer company are unclear, especially when they require a separate payment.

One of these incomprehensible moments - swarms of window and door openings.

When ordering the construction of a wooden house, it is worth knowing in advance what a casing block is, whether it is needed and, if needed, whether it is worth paying extra for it.

What are swarms and what do they look like?

Royki(otherwise - casing) - vertical elements required to maintain the geometry of the walls in the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and door openings.

At first glance, it is not clear how such a simple detail can be so important, because the opening looks like an ordinary bar of rectangular, more often square section. But the need to install a casing bar is high, especially in a house that is built from a bar of natural moisture.

Swarms are mounted window openings, cutting a groove under them in the end part of the beams. It is worth knowing that the length of the casing block should be 6-12 centimeters less than the height of the opening. During shrinkage, the top bar and those underneath will lower. The swarm moves freely along the groove prepared for it, without changing its position relative to the vertical and reliably holding the position of the log beams in the opening.

When are swarms necessary?

Any house built for permanent residence, requires strict adherence to the technology, and swarms are provided in it.

But their installation is especially important in the following cases:

  • construction from a bar with a high degree of moisture;
  • complex structure of walls with a large number of openings, their large-scale dimensions;
  • if the plans are to install PVC window and door blocks (in this case, the cage has a special design).

The only case when you can do without a casing bar is the construction of a house or a bath from glued laminated timber of large sections. But this material in itself is not cheap and it makes no sense to save on installing swarms.

Royki - a guarantee of straight walls in your home

First, pay attention to the warranty and clauses of the contract with the developer company. Usually there is a guarantee for the integrity of the wall structures. If this is the case, do not listen to the arrived workers offering to improve the structure with the help of casing bars, otherwise, they say, "the walls will lead."

In case of such an attempt at extortion, call the head office of the company in which you ordered the construction of a house or a bath. Please inform that if you change the geometry of the walls, you will apply for warranty service, and the developer will be obliged to correct the deficiencies. This method is suitable only if the contract really spelled out responsibility for the integrity of the structure.

Do I need to overpay for installing the casing in the openings of the log house?

This is a moot point. A conscientious developer company puts the cost of rooks into the price of building a house in advance, because they are necessary. More "savvy" shabashniks offer construction at a reduced price, putting forward their proposals for the installation of swarms and other, supposedly additional, services already in place after the future owner of the house has concluded an agreement with them. In this way, they easily find those who want to save money, later they still receive money for the installation of casing bars and other mandatory quality construction operations.

Decide for yourself whether you want to order the construction of a house in a company where everything is transparent or you are trying to save money (often overpaying in the end). What if you have already signed an agreement and only now realized that you are dealing with the above-described shabashniki?

To save the situation, do the following:

  • read the contract carefully again, check the warranty period;
  • make it clear to the builders that you are not one of those who will let things go "on the brakes" in case of shortcomings;
  • if the contract contains a clause about responsibility for the integrity of the structure - discuss this with the foreman, foreman or other manager and explain that in case of deformation of the walls, you will demand correction of the defect under warranty.

These three simple steps will help you show that you are not “bastard” and will not allow your rights to be violated.

In the absence of responsibility for the preservation of the geometry of the log house during operation and the warranty period, you have no choice but to pay extra for the installation of rooks. If the construction has not started yet, refuse the services of such contractors.

Deformation of door or window openings is possible. This happens for several reasons:

  • High moisture content of the wood used for the construction of the structure.
  • Extreme shrinkage of the building.
  • A serious departure from construction technology.
  • The wrong type of wood.

It is quite possible to completely level the curvature of the openings or to reduce them to a minimum. It is necessary to use wood that has undergone special processing, including drying, for construction work, and to mount swarms.

Purpose of swarms

A swarm is a simple wooden block, as a rule, having square section... It is mounted at the end of the opening just before installing doors or windows. If this procedure is neglected, then the openings can be significantly deformed or skewed.

In inclement and rainy weather, wood is able to actively absorb moisture and increase in size, and on sunny days, decrease. Over time, the opening becomes weaker, so if you do not use swings, then the window structure or door frame will dangle exclusively on the fasteners.

Manufacturing and preparation: tricks and subtleties

For the manufacture of rocky, it is necessary to choose exclusively high-quality, well-dried wood. The width and length of this element should correspond as much as possible to the size of the cut into which it will be mounted. The ideal length is usually 5-7 cm less than the height of the opening itself. Thanks to this difference, a strong stop is provided, designed to protect the opening from deformation.


  1. Use a chainsaw to cut a hole in the wall for the door frame or window construction... It must be treated with special compounds.
  2. It is necessary to make a longitudinal cut in the inner part of the opening. Make sure that its depth matches the thickness of the swarm exactly. And the length of the cut is usually 5-12 cm longer than it.
  3. Now you can start installing the rooks, and then start installing doors and windows.

A gap of 5-7 cm wide is formed between the swarm and the upper part of the opening, in which insulation is placed (for example, tow or flax fiber). They not only retain elasticity over a long period of time, but also help prevent the building from sinking. It is strictly forbidden to fill the gaps with construction foam. It is able to glue the logs together and disrupt the natural shrinkage process of the structure.


If you are planning to build a reliable and comfortable home, then do not neglect the swivel installation procedure. It seems that this is a primitive piece of a bar, but its functionality is difficult to overestimate. Only in this case you can not worry that the door or window openings in the house are deformed. Moreover, the whole procedure does not take any other time.

Swarms in the construction of houses from a bar.

With all the benefits and advantages of houses from a bar, the developer who chose this material will certainly face a question that clearly will not give him pleasure. The problem lies in such factors that when shrinking or shrinking, the openings for windows and doors are curved.

The level of deformation of openings depends on many reasons:

a) timber moisture;
b) type of tree;
c) construction season;
d) correctness of technological processes;
e) the rate of shrinkage of the structure.

Precautionary methods can help prevent curvature of window and door openings. The first is to use when construction works only the timber that has been subjected to additional technological drying. This will reduce shrinkage and shrinkage of the building material by 20%. The second is to use swarms.
If everything is clear with the first one, then for many developers the very concept of “swarm” does not mean anything.
Swarms are a stump of wood, which has a square cross-section, and are used to install at the end of openings for windows and doors in a groove prepared in advance. Some builders call the swarms a stud for openings.
What does the installation of swarms give? They effectively solve an unpleasant problem such as curving openings for windows and doors. If you exclude the use of rooks, but simply insert a window or door block, then under the influence of shrinkage or shrinkage, the opening will become inappropriate, and the door frame or windows can easily fall out of it. Swarms are a protective shield that minimizes the problem of deformation of the openings.

Royki on the windows

After an opening is made in the wall, an unrestrained edge is formed near the bar, and is not fixed by anything to the parts of the building. By setting window frame, with subsequent fastening with fastening material to the end of the opening, when the structure shrinks or shrinks, the fastening in the bars weakens, and they sag on the fasteners. And the bars under the opening are partially released from the groove-tenon joints, which can even lead to their twisting. Using swarms on window openings, as an element of an intermediate clip, it is possible to avoid this process as much as possible.

Royki on the door

The use of swabs for doorways is as important as for windows. But on the openings in which the doors will be located, the shrinkage pressure is more negative, since the doors are much larger in size. Consequently, the doorway is subject to greater deformation, and therefore in the mandatory use of rooks. Studding of door and window openings, as the technology of using swarms is called, significantly reduces the deformation process, with natural shrinkage of the house. Swarms become a reliable barrier for twisting building material. And without fail, it is necessary to take into account that the gap between the wall and the box is not less than the value of the subsidence of the structure, otherwise it can lead to curvature and jamming of the door itself. When installing swivels for doors, its lower part is lowered to the very bottom of the opening, leaving a gap on top, which will serve as an obligatory space during shrinkage.

Swivel design

In all work related to the installation of swarms (studding of door and window openings), certain rules and dimensions must be observed, on which the correct shrinkage directly depends. The first thing you need to know is that the natural shrinkage of a timber structure is 1/20 of the original height.
Second, the thickness and width of such products as swarms should be clearly consistent with the depth and width of the sawn and prepared recess. As for the length of the swarm, its length should be from 5 to 10 cm less than the opening of the butt end. This issue is quite important, since this distance is a clearance that allows shrinkage.

Swivel installation

The technology for assembling rooks consists in technological operations:

1. Sawing the span for the opening, the operation is the same for both the entrance group and the windows.
2. The ends are finished.
3. On the ends of the prepared openings for windows and doors, longitudinal sawing is performed, with the condition of constant swings, which will allow the house to naturally "sit down".
4. Installation of swarms in already prepared cuts, and only after that, door or window frames are attached to the swarms.
5. Filling the gaps with insulating materials.

It should be noted that when installing the swarm, its lower part is installed close to the very bottom of the opening, and the upper empty part is the space for shrinkage. When driving the swarm into the groove, it should fit into it quite tightly, but not forever. The boxes are attached directly to the swarms and to the bottom edge of the opening. The height of the windows (doors) and the swivel should be matched to each other. A space of _ + 5cm is left between the upper parts of the opening and the box for insulation.
