Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Many people love fried fish, but not everyone knows how to “seal” all the juiciness in it. A simple dish can be made even tastier if cooked with a thin crust. How to make batter for fish ()? Recipes exist ranging from simple with flour and egg, to unusual with the addition of mineral water, vodka, starch, rice flour or semolina. , pike perch, hoki will be with a thin crispy crust that will retain all the juices and flavors inside the product. Find out how delicious a dish can be and how to make fish batter quickly and easily using the best recipes.

Fish in batter - cooking features

To maximize the taste of the dish, consider a few nuances of cooking:

  • choose low-fat varieties of fish, with a minimum number of bones;
  • more often than other varieties, they cook cod, pollock, pangasius, especially the loin or fish milk;
  • dough is prepared from cold, even better ice ingredients;
  • in the preparation of tempura, it is necessary to take into account the proportions and sequence of all processes: the dough should be of medium thickness in order to envelop the pulp, but not fall apart when frying;
  • for the main liquid it is better to choose mineral water, milk, beer, white wine. Enter it before adding flour;
  • from spices it is best to take: dill, coriander, nutmeg and chopped walnut;
  • onions, mushrooms, herbs, bell peppers, grated cheese are also suitable, they are added only to thick dough;
  • the finished tempura is kept in the refrigerator for 30 to 60 minutes;
  • so that the mixture does not drain from the products, they need to be dried a little;

How to make batter

It is not difficult to prepare batter, given the proportions and viscosity of the dough. To determine if the dough is dense, you need to take a tablespoon and dip into the mixture. If the spoon does not shine through the dough, and the whole mass spreads evenly over its surface, then everything was successful and you can fry the main product. Dip the dried piece of fish, then fry in hot oil.

Easy batter recipe

Delicate taste and fast cooking- this is just about how to make a simple fish batter according to classic recipe. Egg taste goes well with any kind of river and sea creatures. It turns out such a batter quickly, no special additional products are needed. Required Ingredients:

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the eggs in a bowl.
  2. Add a tablespoon of ice water to the egg mixture, salt and add spices. Mix everything.
  3. Pour in the flour little by little, beat everything until the mass is homogeneous so that there are no lumps.
  4. Put the resulting dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, then take it out. The product is dipped and fried.

with mayonnaise

This option is suitable for those who want to reduce the number of calories in a dish with mayonnaise. How to make batter for any fish without flour? Make it from these components:

  • mayonnaise (mayonnaise sauce) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Step by step process:

  1. You can make more batter, but follow the main proportion: one egg needs a tablespoon of mayonnaise. For a small pack, approximately 4-5 eggs are needed.
  2. Beat eggs with salt until light foam. This can be done with a fork, whisk or mixer.
  3. Put the mayonnaise in another bowl and add eggs in portions to it.
  4. The finished mass is similar to an omelette mixture. The battered fish should have a thin, crispy crust.
  5. Fry food in a small amount of oil, the pan should be almost dry.

On beer

It would be appropriate to serve the fish with a beer “wrap”, which gives the product a piquant taste. Air dough is suitable not only for fish, but also for seafood. To prepare a non-standard beer batter, you need to take for cooking:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • beer - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Dough preparation technology:

  1. Pour the beer into a deep bowl.
  2. Separate the yolks and whites, then add the first to the beer.
  3. Salt the mixture, add spices and beat everything with a mixer.
  4. Beat the whites with a mixer separately, add flour in small portions to them, mix. Avoid lumps in the mixture.
  5. Mix the two ready-made compositions into a dough, let it rest for 10 minutes and start frying. The finished dish can be sprinkled with lemon juice to give a slight sourness.


The fillet in cheese batter will remain with all the useful substances, will be filled with juiciness and a delicate taste. Creamy notes in an enveloping crust will make fried fish a not-so-banal dish. Prepare a mixture of these products:

  • hard cheese - 60 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper.
  1. Whisk the egg and salt well in a bowl.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add to the egg mixture.
  3. Cod, pre-dried, roll in flour, then dip in liquid tempura, cook in heated vegetable oil.

On kefir

Liquid tempura can be made from cold kefir. The fermented milk product softens the pulp of river and sea inhabitants, therefore it is suitable for low-fat varieties or with a dryish fleshy part. Take to create a mixture on kefir:

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 100 g;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • dried dill.

Process step by step:

  1. Take the eggs, break them into a deep bowl. Whisk. Salt the mixture.
  2. Pour in kefir, add spices and mix everything.
  3. When the egg-kefir mixture is ready, add all the flour. Beat with a mixer average speed to avoid lumps in the dough.
  4. Send the tempura to the refrigerator for 40 minutes, after which the products can be fried in it.

without eggs

A great option for a lean meal. without eggs it turns out excellent, with a rich taste of pulp. If you are fasting, then this recipe will come in handy. For the mixture, take:

  • wheat flour (pea) - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 80 ml;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • finely chopped greens.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Mix flour, salt, soda, herbs.
  2. Pour water into the dry composition, beat everything with a whisk until the mass is homogeneous, thick. You can not add a lot of water, the dough should not be liquid, otherwise it will not envelop the fish, but simply drain from it.
  3. The flesh is fried in a practically dry frying pan, the oil should be on it only in a thin layer.
  4. If you like the spicy taste of the dish, then add.

With vodka

Do not be afraid that the taste of the fish will become "alcoholic", the alcohol will evaporate during frying, but the fish will be very soft and juicy. Love tender fish fillets? Prepare the dough for the crust using the following ingredients:

  • vodka - 20 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 50-100 g;
  • spices;
  • water.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Beat the yolk with salt. Add cold vodka and spices, then stir.
  2. Spoon in the flour, then, if the dough is too thick, add ice water. But do not overdo it with water so that the dough does not lose its "astringent" qualities.
  3. Dip the fish in the mixture and cook in a little oil.

With mineral water

The very airy structure of tempura will not leave anyone indifferent. The batter will turn out magnificent with the help of such ingredients:

  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • mineral water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • spices;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Rules for making batter:

  1. First separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Rub the yolks with salt, sugar. Add some pepper or your favorite spices.
  3. Add mineral water to the mixture, milk. Mix thoroughly, you can use a blender or whisk for this.
  4. Beat egg whites with a mixer for 3 minutes. Pour the egg whites into the mixture in a thin stream.
  5. Add the flour in parts to the almost ready batter and knead until the dough is smooth and dense.

You can prepare batter for chicken at home with the addition of various ingredients: cheese, starch, beer, yeast, spices and spices. Chicken meat is cooked in a delicious shell of batter in a frying pan and deep-fried.

Batter - quick-to-prepare dough for dipping foods. The main ingredients are flour, eggs and milk. The batter can be liquid or thick in consistency, salty, slightly sweet and bland in taste.

Cooking Tricks

  1. For a very thick batter, use starch.
  2. Additional splendor chicken batter gives mineral carbonated water, as well as batter for fish. The bubbles in the liquid will increase the oxygen content of the dough. The more gases in the water, the more magnificent and airy the shell will turn out.
  3. Try to cook the eggs separately from the rest of the ingredients. Beat until foamy in a bowl, then gradually mix in with the other batter ingredients. Eggs are beaten better from the refrigerator than at room temperature.

The easiest batter recipe - classic

The classic technology for making batter for chicken without additional ingredients and wisdom. Simple, fast and very tasty.


Servings: 4

  • chicken fillet 500 g
  • vegetable oil 1 st. l.
  • flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • egg 2 pcs
  • milk 30 ml
  • salt, pepper to taste

per serving

Calories: 173 kcal

Proteins: 19 g

Fats: 7.8 g

Carbohydrates: 5.3 g

27 min. Video recipe Print

    I start cooking batter with fillets. Wash and cut into long pieces. Roll in a mixture of pepper and salt.

    I beat the eggs with milk. Gradually spread the flour. Stir to get a creamy mixture. I also add salt and pepper to the batter.

    I put the pan on the stove. I heat it up over medium heat. I dip each piece of chicken fillet in the prepared composition and send it to the pan.

    Brown the chicken pieces on each side.

    Transfer to a plate lined with kitchen towels. I rub the chicken to remove excess fat.

I serve chicken in batter on the table with herbs and your favorite sauce.

Batter for chicken wings like in KFC


  • Wings - 1.5 kg,
  • Wheat flour - 10 tablespoons (including 4 large spoons for breading),
  • Starch - 3 large spoons,
  • Egg - 1 piece,
  • Vegetable oil - 1 l,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Chicken seasoning mix - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry herbs (Provencal, Italian and others) - 1 teaspoon,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Ground black pepper - half a small spoon,
  • Ground red pepper, paprika - to taste.


  1. I clean the chicken wings from the remnants of feathers, rinse and wipe dry with paper towels.
  2. I cut it into 3 parts. I transfer it to a deep bowl.
  3. I add salt and 2 large spoons of water, pepper. I mix thoroughly. I leave it for 1 hour.
  4. In a separate bowl I prepare batter. I mix starch with flour, put all the spices. I mix. I add more salt to taste.

To make the breading less hard, reduce the ratio of starch to flour.

  1. I mix eggs with water. I shake carefully. Pour over the spice mix. Constantly stirring, I add new water. The batter for the chicken will turn out not too thick, close in consistency to kefir.
  2. I take out the wings from the dishes with salt and pepper, transfer them to the batter. I mix so that each particle is thoroughly soaked.
  3. To get a crispy crust, I use dry breading. I cook as follows: I add a small amount of paprika to the flour (to give a different color), salt and pepper.
  4. Dip the batter wings in flour. It is better to do it alternately with each particle, not allowing the batter to drain into a plate. I send the wings to the pan.
  5. I pour vegetable oil into a saucepan. I take the container more spacious and deeper so that the wings swim freely. I bring the oil to a boil. I lower it until a light blush is formed.

Helpful advice. Cook over high heat in a thick-walled pot that holds heat well. Otherwise, the wings will cook slowly and absorb a lot of oil, becoming greasy and tasteless.

  1. I spread the finished wings on a plate in batter like in KFC. I wipe it on all sides with napkins, removing excess fat. I put a new portion in the pan.

Use the oven if, due to incorrectly selected temperature regime the meat was raw inside.

Videos cooking

How to make beer batter for chicken


  • Fillet - 600 g,
  • Beer - 125 ml,
  • Egg - 1 piece,
  • Lemon - half the zest
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, pepper, dried tomatoes - to taste.


  1. I cut the chicken fillet into thin strips. Salt and pepper on both sides.
  2. I beat the egg, pour in chilled beer (a variety of your choice), salt, pepper and put half the lemon zest. Add spices to taste. I like to use dried tomatoes in batter.
  3. Stir vigorously until smooth without lumps.
  4. I pour vegetable oil into the pan. I heat up the stove.
  5. I dip the chicken in the liquid mixture. I throw it into the pan. Cook until golden brown on one side. Then I turn to another.
  6. Be sure to remove excess oil with paper towels.

I serve hot crispy chicken in beer batter along with fresh chopped herbs and ketchup. Bon appetit!

Quick Cheese Recipe

Cheese batter is suitable for finished poultry. Microwave chicken legs or thighs, then dip in batter and fry in a skillet. The chicken will turn out crispy, with an unusual taste.


  • Cheese - 100 g,
  • Eggs - 2 things,
  • Flour - 2 large spoons,
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Spices and spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. I beat the eggs with the flour. I add mayonnaise.
  2. I rub the cheese on a fine grater. I mix with the rest of the ingredients. I use a blender to speed up the process.
  3. I add a small amount of pepper, salt and spices to the finished mixture.

Helpful advice. Salt in moderation, the finished chicken is already salty and peppery.

  1. I put a frying pan with vegetable oil to warm up. Cooking time is determined by the color of the batter. Don't forget to fry on both sides.
  2. Place on a plate lined with paper towels. I let the fat soak in. I dip the top with paper towels.

How to make crispy batter with starch


  • Chicken (loin) - 400 g,
  • Starch - 4 large spoons,
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • Egg white - 1 piece,
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. I cut the chicken fillet into portioned pieces no more than 1 cm thick.
  2. I sift the flour in a bowl. I put 4 tablespoons of starch. Mix thoroughly with salt, pepper and other spices (to taste).
  3. I put the fillet pieces into the dry mixture.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg white.
  5. I pass it on to the chicken. Mix gently but vigorously.
  6. I pour a lot of oil into the pan. I'm warming up. I'm posting fillet pieces. Fry on both sides over medium heat. I don't allow burning.

I serve on the table with tender sour cream sauce.

Sour cream batter for chicken chops


  • Chicken fillet (or wings) - 500 g,
  • Sour cream - 2 large spoons,
  • Eggs - 2 things,
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons,
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. I wash the chicken thoroughly. I cut into thin slices. If I took a fillet, I beat off each piece with a kitchen hammer. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. I leave for a while.
  2. I beat the eggs, put sour cream. Salt. Beat thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. Gradually add the sifted flour until the mixture thickens. The consistency should be sour cream.
  3. I dip the chicken in the batter. I send it to a very hot frying pan with vegetable oil.
  4. Fry 4 to 7 minutes on each side. Fire is above average. Watch your frying time. The meat should not remain raw inside.

Video recipe

I season the finished dish with sour cream and cheese sauce, decorate with fresh herbs.

Calorie batter for chicken

Properly prepared batter from good ingredients tastes great. However, the use of liquid dough leads to an increase in the calorie content of the product. This is especially true when deep-frying with a lot of oil, which increases the fat content.

Standard calorie batter from chicken eggs, wheat flour and cow's milk (medium fat) is 170-200 kcal per 100 g.

Like many unusual dishes, batter was invented in France, and the word in French sounds exactly like claire, which means liquid. It is known that in Japan something similar is called tempura.
The funny thing is that the Portuguese taught the Japanese how to cook tempura back in the 16th century. Having tasted the European batter, the cooks of the East turned it into one of the main attributes of their cuisine.

  1. Basically, batter is used to toast certain foods, while maintaining their nutritional value and shape.
  2. In addition, dishes cooked in batter have an appetizing taste. appearance and juicy delicate taste. The batter envelops the product without violating its taste, forming a delicious crispy crust. The most common and hot favorite dish is pork or chicken battered chops.
  3. And besides, in batter you can fry cheese, pieces of raw fish, meat, chops, meatballs, mushrooms, seafood, veal legs and so on.
  4. And, of course, vegetables and fruits are fried in this magical dough. Cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, Bell pepper and cucumbers, tomatoes in rings, all of them, in batter, are simply fantastic.
  5. Circles and slices of apples, pears, plums, whole cherries and sweet cherries. And also spinach leaves, lettuce, sorrel, parsley and celery. Onion rings. Bananas. Just remember that hard vegetables must be boiled in advance until half cooked.

Batter - batter, in which food is dipped before frying. For its preparation, flour is mixed with eggs and diluted to a creamy consistency with milk or other liquid.

The dough is just a liquid breading:

  • pieces of food are dipped into the resulting semi-liquid mixture and
  • deep fry them,
  • as a result of which the products are covered with a beautiful appetizing crust.

You can dilute the ingredients in water (in the simplest case) or milk. Sometimes mineral or carbonated water is used instead of ordinary water. "Advanced" cooks often use other liquids: beer, wine, vodka, cognac. In these cases, the choice is usually made in favor of a drink that goes with the filling, or a portion of the same drink that will be served with this dish is used.

Batter for seafood

For example, if you are cooking shrimp, squid, or other seafood, it is appropriate to use beer or white wine. If meat - then red wine or vodka. Perfectly suited for use as part of the ingredients for making dough, homemade wines and tinctures. Especially fragrant batter is obtained on apple or plum wines.

  • Dried and fresh finely chopped herbs and spices are used as fragrant fillers to give a certain taste. You can add: browned onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, herbs. The main thing is that they need to be cut very finely.
  • Very interesting flavors can be obtained by adding, for example, boiled potatoes or pumpkin, mashed. Apply some varieties of fragrant hard cheese, grated.
  • Original batters with ground nuts (walnut, nutmeg). They are sweet, fresh, salty. The art of cooking lies in the correct dosage of the ratio of water, flour and eggs, and, especially, in how these components are mixed.

batter recipe

  1. Such a dough is prepared by thoroughly mixing the ingredients (using a whisk, mixer or just a fork) until smooth. The proportions of products can and should be approached creatively. The order of connection is important, as well as separate whipping of the protein and yolk.
  2. Dough for batter (without proteins) it is better to prepare in advance - if it stands for 1 hour at room temperature, then the gluten in the flour will lose elasticity, so the dough will stick better and will not dry out when it comes into contact with hot oil.
  3. Whipped proteins. Whipped proteins give lightness and splendor, they should be added to the dough just before frying and immediately put the pan in cold water.
  4. Addition of beer or wine. As already mentioned, sometimes instead of water, many cooks add beer or vodka to get a crisp.
  5. Many recipes indicate that it must be cold. Therefore, for its preparation, you need to use cold liquids, best of all, ice ones, previously well cooled in the refrigerator.
  6. Moreover, keep the finished dough for at least an hour in the refrigerator: the batter becomes more uniform and elastic.
  7. Temperature contrast is important here. Cold batter and well-heated deep-fried oil. Frying in well-heated oil should be quick. Therefore, the fried product should be almost ready.

The main indicator of batter is its viscosity. Depending on the products being prepared and the desired crust thickness, it can be thick or liquid:

  • Liquid ones are lighter and crispier, but they let too much oil into the fried product. This is good if the product is "dry".
  • Thick ones are heavier, however, they “stick” well to the surface of the product and create a wonderful fluffy bread shell for it. They are good for succulent foods. For example, for boiled cauliflower, these are preferable.

Viscosity is determined by the rate at which it drips off a spoon. To test the quality of the batter, take a large spoon and dip it into the batter. If the batter evenly covered the spoon and its surface is not translucent, then it is of the desired consistency. Two points are important in this process - the adhesion of the batter to a piece of what you are frying and the "non-drip" of the dough during the frying process.
There is a little trick:

  1. Grip can be improved if a piece of one or another product is wetted before being dipped into the dough.
  2. In order not to drain from the food, you need to “dry” the food: to do this, first place the chopped pieces of the product on the board in one layer and powder through a sieve with flour or starch, preferably rice, in a very thin layer, and only then dip into the batter. This will not affect the taste, and the batter will flow less.
  3. The "non-drip" of the dough is guaranteed if there is enough oil in deep-frying and it is very hot.
  4. Carbonated mineral water is one of the secrets of a great batter. It is better if such water is not flavored. The batter turns out to be airy, ruddy and not greasy - it's all about the magic bubbles!
  5. The amount of dough for frying foods is not difficult to calculate. Just remember that the drier the food, the less you need to knead the batter to fry them.
  6. The usual ratio is 1:1, i.e., for example, 200 g of batter and 200 g of pieces of vegetables, fruits or meat.
  7. All foods are usually deep-fried, animal or vegetable fat, or mixtures thereof. Deep fryer is thoroughly heated in a special dish, and then pieces of food soaked in batter are lowered into it one by one. If there is enough oil and it is well heated, the batter will "grab" quickly and will hold perfectly.
  8. The oil should be well heated, you can check the temperature of the oil by dropping a drop of batter. If it immediately “dances” and turns brown, the temperature is right.
  9. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan or fryer. Pick up a piece of vegetables, meat or fish on a fork. Dip the prepared product in batter and put in boiling oil. Fry for two minutes on each side. Remove the finished product from the oil with a slotted spoon.
  10. It is better to spread the product fried in the dough on a plate with a paper napkin so that the napkin takes away excess fat.
  11. If you have a deep fryer, fry in it. But actually it's not required condition. You can fry in a pan with a thick bottom and high walls in a large amount of oil.

And one more piece of advice: when frying in batter, it is very important how the containers cost. The order should be (from right to left): a bowl with a prepared product, a bowl of batter, deep fat, a plate for the finished product. Everything is at a minimum distance in order to make a minimum of movements and the mass does not have time to drain.
There are many recipes for dough and here are some of them.
Classic recipe.
It allows you to preserve the natural taste of the product, and the crust turns out to be a beautiful golden color.

  • egg -4 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 125 g
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • boiled water - 0.5 cups.
  • salt - to taste

How to cook

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. This is very important when preparing batter, when proteins are beaten separately and added to total weight during the cooking process.
  2. Squirrels are sent to the refrigerator.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the yolks, butter and warm water, mix well. Add salt to taste (a little)
  4. Sift the flour to make it fluffy.
  5. Pour a little flour into the yolk mixture and stir with a whisk.
  6. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to add whipped proteins.
  7. To do this, take out the egg whites from the refrigerator. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and beat them with a mixer until airy foam.
  8. We combine the whipped proteins with the dough.
  1. Do not add all the whipped mass to the dough at once.
  2. It is better to introduce in small portions, thoroughly stirring the dough.
  3. Ready batter is cooled.
  4. The resulting mass is best kept in a bowl, put in cold water.
  5. You can use not ordinary, but mineral water. It turns out very tasty and tender.

For the experiment: instead of plain water, you can use cola or fanta. The first option gives the finished dish a nutty flavor, and the second - slightly citrus. In the second case, the batter will be an amazing orange hue.
The French invented batter on ice-cold light beer. Pale beers are preferred because they don't add too much bitterness. Such a dough will be more tender and crispy! There are two ways to make beer batter - with and without eggs.
Batter on beer (without eggs)

  • Wheat flour - 250 gr
  • Beer - 500 gr
  • Parsley - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Turmeric - 3 gr
  • salt - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Add the flour, black pepper, and turmeric to the batter.
  2. Next, add beer and finely chopped parsley.
  3. Beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

Beer batter

  • 125 grams of sifted flour,
  • salt to taste
  • 1/8 liter light beer
  • 2 egg yolks,
  • 40 grams of butter,
  • 2 egg whites.
  1. First, sift the flour, then gradually pour warm light beer into the flour, stirring continuously until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  2. After that, add butter, 2 egg whites and salt to your taste to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly.

Classic beer batter without eggs

Such a batter is prepared very simply in a one-to-one ratio - 1 glass of flour for 1 glass of beer. You can add salt and pepper to taste.
First, add salt and pepper to the beer. Then gradually stir in the flour. The dough should not be dripping, but stretchy. But if it is very thick, you can drop more beer to the desired consistency.

Beer batter

  • Flour - 100 g.
  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Beer - 150 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Sift the flour, add one egg white into the recess of the flour slide, add beer. Salt. Pour in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
  2. It turns out a very liquid batter. Products in it - as if in lace.

batter in french

  • chilled beer -250 ml,
  • egg -2 pcs.,
  • a pinch of curry seasoning
  • wheat flour - 1 cup,
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l
  • salt to taste.
  1. For the test, it is preferable to take light beer so that the batter does not turn out bitter. After frying, it becomes crispy and pleasant to the taste.
  2. Pour flour into a cup, add yolks, butter and beer. Thoroughly mix the mixture with a mixer. Separately beat egg whites until foamy. Combine egg whites with flour mixture and beat well.

Batter with beer or wine
This batter is suitable for seafood and fish.

  • 1 chicken egg
  • 100 gr. flour
  • Spices to taste
  • Beer or wine to the desired consistency.

Batter with vodka and wine
For various kinds meat. If beef or lamb is being prepared, then white wine can be replaced with red.

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 50-100 gr. flour
  • Spices to taste.
  • 20 grams of vodka
  • White wine or beer to desired consistency.

potato batter

  • potatoes - 3 pcs
  • egg - 1 pc
  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - to taste

Peel and grate three large potato tubers. Add one egg, two tablespoons of flour. Sollo taste. Bread the product for frying (for example, fish) in a potato “cushion”, firmly pressing the batter and fry on both sides.
Batter in Chinese

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - to taste

Mix beaten egg, cornstarch and salt. We dip the products in this batter and quickly fry over very high heat. By the way, marinated chicken wings are very tasty in this batter.

Cheese batter

  • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 100 g hard cheese.
  • salt - to taste

Cheese grate on a fine grater. Mix with mayonnaise and eggs. Stir in salt, pepper and 4 tablespoons of flour.
The products in this test are very satisfying and tasty.

Batter with cheese

  • 1 chicken egg
  • 100 gr dry white wine
  • 1 tablespoon grated parmesan
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • flour to desired consistency

Grate the cheese, add the egg, wine, spices and salt and pepper to taste. mix everything well. Add flour to desired consistency.

Batter with sour cream and cheese

  • 2 eggs,
  • 3 art. spoons of sour cream
  • salt and sugar to taste
  • flour - 4-6 tbsp. l.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the whites.
Mix flour with yolks, salt, add sugar, sour cream. Finely grated hard cheese must be introduced into the mass before adding the proteins. And at the end - mix with proteins. You need to add them carefully, stirring constantly so as not to settle.
But there is an additional condition:
*Before whipping, proteins must be especially thoroughly cooled, it is even better to put them in the freezer for about five minutes. Just make sure they don't freeze! After that, they will be easier to whip, and they will withstand the weight of the cheese.

Protein batter
The most gentle of all offered.

  • 4-5 proteins.
  • flour - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt - to taste

Proteins are well whipped with salt. Add 2-3 tablespoons of flour and a little water to make a mixture, like liquid pancakes. Products are dipped in this tenderness. Roast. Pleasure!

Batter with nuts

  • 1 chicken egg
  • 50-100 gr. ground nuts
  • 1 teaspoon powdered dried herbs
  • 100 gr dry white wine
  • Spices to taste
  • Flour to desired consistency.

Nuts (almonds, walnuts) grind into crumbs - they must be quite finely chopped. . Mix the egg with wine, add nuts, while stirring, add flour. Add spices.

Milk batter
Suitable for fruit preparation.

  • egg - 3 pcs.,
  • milk - 6 tbsp. l,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp,
  • wheat flour - 125 g,
  • sugar to taste.

Whip the whites with a mixer until a white foam forms. Mix egg yolks, butter, flour and milk in a bowl. Salt to taste. Beat the mixture until smooth and carefully fold in the egg whites.
Before the introduction of proteins, you can add a little baking powder. This will allow the batter to become completely airy.

Batter on milk

  • milk - 400 g.
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • flour - 400 g.

Separate yolks and whites. Egg yolks are driven into warm milk, salt, a little vegetable oil, flour are added and a thin dough is kneaded. Then the whites whipped into a strong foam are introduced into it and gently mixed. This amount of batter is enough, for example, for 1.5 kg of fish fillet.

Batter on sour cream

  • half a glass of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 eggs
  • half a glass of sour cream
  • salt to taste

Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites. Mix the yolks, flour, sugar and sour cream., salt. We combine gradually whipped proteins with the dough, stirring the dough thoroughly
You can enter instead of sour cream - yogurt. Especially spicy batter is obtained with fruit yogurt, and such a batter can be used not only for fruits, but also for meat and fish.

Batter on mayonnaise

  • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Eggs 2-3 pcs
  • Flour 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Seasonings and salt - to taste

Rub the eggs with mayonnaise, add seasonings, salt and pepper to taste. Then add flour until creamy.

Batter with cream and sugar
This batter is very dense. It allows you to fully preserve the taste of the product.

  • 3 egg yolks,
  • half a glass of heavy cream,
  • salt, sugar,
  • flour - how much will go in.

Rub egg yolks with salt, mix with cream. You can add a little sugar. While stirring, add flour. The consistency should be like liquid sour cream.

Mineral water batter
Mineral water makes the batter more loose, spongy, airy.

  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 1-1.5 cups
  • Milk, cream or kefir - 0.5 cups
  • Mineral water - 0.5 cups
  • Salt, sugar, ground black pepper - to taste

First, separate the whites from the yolks.
Grind the yolks with salt and sugar (about 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar), add a little black pepper (optional), then add mineral water and milk (or cream, kefir). All this is thoroughly mixed.
Proteins (pre-chilled) whip into a thick foam with a mixer (2-2.5 minutes). In a thin stream, add the whipped proteins to the already almost ready-made batter mixture.
Then add flour in portions and continue beating until cooked.

Batter on proteins and starch
Very refined and delicate taste! And great grip. A batter with starch is more crispy and doesn't absorb as much fat.

  • proteins from 2 eggs,
  • 2.5 tablespoons starch
  • 2.5 tablespoons flour
  • 1 teaspoon dry paprika,
  • half a glass of mineral water,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix flour with cornstarch in a bowl.
Make a well in the center, pour in mineral water and mix everything so that no lumps form. Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form, then gently fold them into the batter. Season with paprika, salt and pepper.

Starch batter
Suitable for cooking fried meat and fried fish.

  • potato starch - 2.5 tablespoons
  • eggs - two pieces
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste

Put the eggs in a blender bowl, add black ground pepper and salt. Sprinkle with starch and beat everything until you get a homogeneous batter.

Batter with soy sauce
A very delicate and piquant taste has a dough with the addition of soy sauce.

  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • dry seasoning to taste
  • black pepper to taste.
  • Potato or corn starch.

Depending on what consistency you want to get a batter, pour more or less starch.
Whisk the eggs with a fork, add soy sauce and seasonings, mix well and pour the starch in a thin stream, without ceasing to interfere.

Batter with lemon
This type of batter is suitable not only for frying fruits, but also for meat and fish.

  • 5 st. spoons of flour
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 2 egg whites
  • salt or sugar to taste.

Whisk the whites. Separately, mix flour, butter, juice of 1/2 lemon, yolks. Introduce proteins last

Batter pumpkin

  • 200 g pumpkin,
  • 2 bulbs
  • 4 eggs,
  • 0.5 cups of cream
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • salt, pepper to taste

Pass the pieces of pumpkin together with onions through a meat grinder, add cream, eggs, flour. Mix well, whisking lightly.

vegetable batter
This is where your imagination and possibilities can roam!
Any vegetables are cut into small pieces in milk or protein batter.
Finely chopped greens are mixed in.

Batters and their composition provide a huge field for experimentation both in terms of filling and the quality of the batter itself.
And skill in preparing such a test comes only with practice.

Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments!

Batter is a semi-liquid dough. The appearance and taste of the finished dish depends on what is included in its composition, except for flour. How to cook batter? It is easy to make and the end result will justify the effort. Even an ordinary sausage fried in batter can become a gourmet dish.

Classic recipe

  • egg 1 pc.,
  • water or milk 1 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.,
  • pinch of salt,
  • flour 100 g
  1. Cooking batter on the water. It is necessary to beat the egg with vegetable oil. You can, if desired, beat the protein separately from the yolk, then you don’t need to put oil, so the batter will be more airy.
  2. Add salt. Add spices to your liking, such as ground black pepper or Provence herbs. Only very little - at the tip of a knife, the main aroma of spices should come from a product that is baked in batter.
  3. Pour half a cup of flour to the eggs and butter, mix well. Add a tablespoon of clean cold water or milk. You can cook chicken fillet or slices of boiled cauliflower in such a dough and fry in heated sunflower oil.

We figured out how to make batter - it's quite simple. If you cook the batter correctly, then it will turn out to be quite thick, and will not drain from the pieces when dipped. It is enough for 100 grams of product. This is the simplest batter, in which there is nothing superfluous. The egg gives a golden crust, vegetable oil makes the dough soft. Water is needed just to give a liquid consistency to the dough. You can do without it by increasing the number of eggs to 2 pieces, and it is even better to use milk, it improves the taste of the batter.

Sweet batter for baking apples

  • sour cream 100 ml,
  • flour 1 tbsp.,
  • sugar 50 gr,
  • milk 150 ml,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • vanillin.
  1. To make this batter, beat the egg whites separately from the yolks. Break the eggs, separate the protein from the yolk. If not special device, you can separate the yolk with eggshell. To do this, beat the egg shell approximately in the middle, and breaking it gently into two halves, leave the egg yolk in one, and pour the white into a bowl for whipping.
  2. In a clean, dry bowl, beat the protein foam. Put the whipped proteins in the refrigerator, and start preparing the dough for batter.
  3. Grind three egg yolks with two tablespoons of sugar. Add vanilla at the tip of a paring knife. Pour thick sour cream into the yolks (can be replaced with mayonnaise) and half a glass of milk. Add sifted flour. Knead the dough, it will be quite thick. Gradually pour in the remaining milk, rubbing so that there are no lumps in the dough.
  4. At the end of cooking, put whipped proteins into the dough, and gently mix the mass with a spoon. Dip an apple cut into circles, piercing it on a fork.
  5. Fry in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil over medium heat.

Cooked apples can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Curd batter

  • low-fat cottage cheese 150 gr,
  • sour cream 1 tbsp. l.,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • flour 100 gr,
  • sugar 4 tbsp. l.,
  • pinch of salt,
  • vanillin.
  1. This batter resembles tender cheesecakes. You can cook any fruit in it: apples, bananas, pears and even oranges.
  2. For batter, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff, white peaks form, and refrigerate.
  3. Grind the yolks with sugar, a small pinch of salt and vanilla. Mix the sifted flour with cottage cheese and yolks. Cottage cheese can be replaced with curd mass (then you do not need to put sour cream) or beat well with sour cream with a blender so that there are no lumps in the batter.
  4. Gently fold in the egg whites into the batter and mix. Dip slices of fruit or orange slices in batter, and fry in hot vegetable oil over medium heat.

Making delicious batter is a creative process. Mayonnaise or sour cream can be added to the main recipe instead of vegetable oil. If the dish is intended for adults, you can add wine or beer instead of water. For taste, in some recipes, finely chopped parsley and dill, mushrooms and various vegetables are added to the dough. Most often it is used for meat and fish, as it is the surest way to get a delicious dish without much hassle. But fruit in this batter is a tasty and easy-to-make dessert recipe that deserves your attention.

batter recipes
The meat, fried in batter, retains juiciness and acquires a delicate structure. For fish, you need a batter to make it low-fat, soft and fragrant.

Batter for fish

It is always a pleasure to pamper your loved ones with delicious and healthy dish, prepared from fish fillet completely pitted. And in order for the products to retain their consistency during the cooking process, not to dry out or, on the contrary, not to fall apart during frying, you need to use a batter.

The word is like French, where it means nothing more than "liquid". In a word, this is a batter in which certain products must be dipped before frying in a large amount of vegetable oil. With batter, a fragrant golden crust is formed, and the product remains tender and juicy.

Below are a few different recipes batter preparation. Even a very young cook, having appreciated the ingredients listed for making batter, will be able to understand without further explanation how to prepare dough for fish.

Batter for fish with mayonnaise - step by step photo recipe

How many different opportunities have been given to us by culinary specialists for preparing delicious and healthy food from the gifts of the seas, rivers and oceans. fragrant ear, juicy cutlets, pies with amazing fillings, rolls and, of course, red fish fried in batter.

To obtain the desired result, we do not make mistakes in the preparation of this incredible delicious dish, for which we simply follow the recommendations of a step-by-step recipe.


  • Salmon family fish: 500 g (any pitted can be used),
  • Sifted flour: 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • Mayonnaise: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar: a pinch
  • Salt, pepper: to taste
  • Milk and water: 150 g (in equal proportions)
  • Sunflower oil:
  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice: 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions

If we bought a frozen product, we leave it on the table until completely thawed, after which we clean it from scales, rinse, and dry it on napkins.

Well, now we form the composition of the shell for the delicacy. In a convenient bowl, combine eggs, hot milk and water, add a pinch of salt and red hot pepper, mayonnaise, a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Mix everything with a whisk, break up the lumps. The main thing in this process is to bring the composition to the consistency of homemade thick sour cream so that the dough does not spread during frying.

We send the batter for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

So, everything is ready for the final stage of the culinary action. We put the pan on the fire, heat it up strongly with sunflower oil, then reduce the height of the flame to an average value.

We dip each piece of fish into the dough, put it on the bottom of the container.

Fry both sides until golden brown.

We place hot fish in batter on a dish, decorate according to personal preferences to taste. Serve with rice, vegetables, and other favorite side dishes.

How to cook a very simple and tasty batter

Fish in batter is so easy to cook that even a novice hostess can master it, mothers can teach teenage children how to cook such a dish. It is good for a quick breakfast, and as a festive dish on the table. Moreover, interestingly, with a very small amount of batter, one medium-sized fish can completely feed a family. Many housewives, sometimes forced to save money, use this method with pleasure. It is always better to start learning with the simplest recipe.

Products (for 300 gr. fish fillet):

  • Fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt is on the tip of a spoon.


  1. Take a small, deep container, break the eggs into it, beat them thoroughly with a spoon until a homogeneous consistency. Salt. Continue whipping.
  2. Pour premium flour 1 tablespoon into the egg mixture and continue grinding.
  3. Leave the batter for 10 minutes to swell the gluten of the flour. During this time, you can cook the fish - wash, cut.
  4. It is advisable to pre-blot the fish with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. This guarantees good adhesion of the batter to the product; during the frying process, it will not “move out”, but forms an appetizing crust around each piece.
  5. Fry in a sufficiently large amount of oil, turning from time to time. Arrange the fish on a platter and serve!

Batter on beer for frying fish

It’s good that sometimes men don’t know what kind of liquid base served their wife for making fragrant, crispy batter. It seems that many of the representatives of the strong half of humanity would be offended by learning that the wife used beer. Fortunately, it needs quite a bit, but the result and taste will surprise even the hostess.


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Beer - 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour (highest grade) - 200 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. The preparation of this batter will take a little longer, and the technology itself is more complicated, but the dish is worth it.
  2. At the first stage, carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, place them in different, fairly deep containers.
  3. Grind the yolks with a spoon, pour in the beer in a thin stream, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  4. Then gradually pour flour into the egg-beer mixture, also stirring constantly.
  5. Proteins at this time should be in the refrigerator, they are better whipped chilled. Remove from the refrigerator, salt, beat with a mixer until a strong foam is obtained.
  6. Add this foam spoon by spoon to the dough, consisting of yolks, beer and flour.
  7. Dip the fish pieces into the prepared batter and dip into the heated vegetable oil.

The batter cooked on beer is very tender, it has a very pleasant aroma and a beautiful golden color!

Recipe with milk

They say that fish and milk are not friendly, that is, they do not mix well. But real chefs know that this is not entirely true, in some recipes they still occur, while the results delight both culinary specialists and tasters. One of the batter recipes is based on milk, which is its liquid base.


  • Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs. (depending on the number of fish fillets).
  • Flour - 150 gr. (equals about 1 cup).
  • Milk - ½ tbsp.
  • Salt, spices and dried herbs.


The secret of the batter in this recipe is that the milk makes the batter thinner. Because of this, the crust turns out to be quite thin, but it fulfills its “mission” - it preserves the juiciness of the fish fillet.

  1. The cooking technology is quite simple, mix the eggs with milk, grind to a uniform consistency.
  2. Mix flour with salt, spices and dried herbs in another container. You can take dried - dill, parsley, cilantro, finely chopped. Some recipes offer the same greens, but fresh. Then it needs to be washed, dried, cut, removing thick stems.
  3. In the final, mix the liquid part of the batter with the dry part, grind so that there are no lumps.

Fish fried in such a batter will retain its juiciness and look very appetizing. Greens will add a pleasant aroma to the dish!

On mineral water

Another batter recipe suggests taking mineral water as a liquid base, here you also need to add a little soda. When baking, the batter will become very lush, the finished pieces of fish will resemble pies.


  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Premium flour (wheat) - 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Mineral water (ideally highly carbonated) - 2/3 tbsp.
  • Soda - ¼ tsp
  • Salt - a pinch.


  1. Mineral water must first be thoroughly cooled, you can put it in the freezer, just make sure that it does not freeze completely.
  2. Crush the eggs with mineral water(take half the norm), add salt, soda, then add flour. (The batter will be very, very thick at first.)
  3. Then gradually add the second part of mineral water, kneading until smooth and the desired density.

The whole family will certainly say “thank you” for the golden, tender pies with fish!

Recipe for sour cream

Another simple batter recipe resembles the dough for ordinary pancakes, because the same products are used for kneading. Water is used as a liquid base, and sour cream will add splendor to finished products.


  • Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 5-6 tbsp. l.
  • Water - ½ tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste.


If there is little time to prepare the batter, then you can immediately beat the eggs with sour cream and water, salt, add flour and knead the thick dough, like on pancakes.

  1. If the hostess has time, then you can go more difficult way. Separate the proteins from the yolks, the first - put in a cold place.
  2. From the yolks, sour cream, salt, water and flour, knead the dough.
  3. Beat the whites in foam with a mixer to get a strong foam, which must be mixed into the dough.
  4. Now you can start frying the fish, dip each piece in the dough and put it in well-heated oil.

It is advisable to lay out pieces of already fried fish on paper napkins so that they absorb excess fat. The finished fish can be sprinkled with chopped dill mixed with parsley!

Lean option

Fish is considered a lean dish, which helps to diversify the menu with fasting or fasting days. But at the same time, the batter must also be lean, that is, it means without eggs, sour cream and other sour-milk products.


  • Wheat flour, preferably of the highest grade - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ice water - ½ tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch.


  1. From these ingredients, you need to knead the dough, in consistency it should resemble thick sour cream.
  2. Dip the fish pieces into this batter, and then send them to the pan in the heated oil.

Even during fasting, you can eat tasty and healthy!

Insanely delicious, fluffy, crispy batter with vodka

Every housewife wants the batter to be both lush and crispy. Experienced chefs know one secret - you need to add a few tablespoons of vodka to the dough for frying fish.


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Ice water - 100 ml.
  • Vodka - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a pinch.


  1. Making batter is a simple and creative process. First, beat the egg, after salting it, add a little water, stir.
  2. Pour flour, make first a very thick dough. Now add water to the dough and knead.
  3. Lastly, pour in vodka, which will turn the batter when frying into an appetizing and very crispy crust.

How beautiful the fish in batter looks on the festive table!

Most simple recipes batter is prepared on the basis of carbonated mineral water, a more interesting taste is obtained by adding beer or wine. You can make batter using milk and dairy products.

Cooks advise adding dried herbs and spices to the dough, seasonings for fish, you can grate onion or add dried.

Eggs are best separated into whites and yolks, beaten separately. The batter should be cooked an hour before frying, and all this time it should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Batter for fish
How to cook a simple and tasty, lush and at the same time crispy batter for fish? Step by step recipes with photo and video recommendations will tell you how to get the right

The batter was widely used in cooking thanks to France. A batter is nothing more than a liquid shell of a product. Most often this is the dough, but not always. Here are a few variations on how to make batter.

Essence of batter

The composition of the batter includes eggs, flour and some liquid substance to obtain a fluid dough. The simplest is water (plain, mineral, with or without gas), the next on the list are dairy products - milk, cream or kefir. More experienced chefs who want to surprise their fans use alcoholic drinks, usually those that are served with the prepared product.

True gourmets know how to make batter even more delicious. They add a fourth, dry ingredient. It can be chopped nuts, fresh or dried herbs, chopped vegetables and even fruits. Everything that can complement and improve the taste of the dish is used.

General rules batter preparation

Whatever the components, there are a number of tricks, thanks to which the batter will turn out tasty, the right consistency and will not drain ahead of time, leaving part of the product uncovered.

  1. To obtain a homogeneous substance, the components should be thoroughly mixed, this can be done using a mixer or blender.
  2. You can beat all together or separately, and then mix to obtain different textures, flavors and roast qualities.
  3. The batter is always cooled before being wrapped in the food to be fried.
  4. The batter prepared in advance envelops the product better and does not drain during frying.
  5. Products should not be excessively wet before they are "dressed" in the dough.
  6. The food should be dipped in boiling oil, it should be enough to hide the pieces by half, and even better completely, as in a deep fryer.
  7. To get rid of excess fat, the fried pieces are placed on a plate covered with a paper towel.

batter recipes

Let's start with how to cook batter according to the classic recipe. Take 4 eggs and separate them into whites and yolks. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and 100 ml to the yolks. water., beat into a homogeneous substance. Gradually introduce 125 gr. sifted flour. Separately, beat the proteins and introduce into the prepared dough, also in small portions. This will make it more airy, and after frying, crispy and appetizing. In this batter, you can fry any product, but if you want to experiment, you can try other recipes invented individually for the desired product.

Most often, chicken dishes can be found on the menu of each family, therefore, it will be useful to know how to cook beer batter goes well with it. Perhaps it is even simpler to perform than the classic one.

Take equal volumes of beer and flour. Do not forget to sift the flour to enrich it with oxygen. Gradually add beer to the flour and mix thoroughly. In the finished dough, you can add a little soda or baking powder.

By varying the flavors from light to dark, filtered to unfiltered, and choosing different types of flour, you will get different flavors from your typical chicken meat. This will make the table diverse, based on seemingly the same products.

Now let's talk about how to cook batter for meat. It is suitable for both pork and beef. We will talk about a separate batter, in which you do not need to mix the products. In a separate bowl, sift the flour and lightly salt, break 2-3 eggs into a deep cup and beat with a pinch of salt with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency. Dip the prepared meat in flour on both sides, then in the egg and send to the pan for frying. You can make the batter multi-layered and repeat 2-3 times alternately dipping in flour and egg. Only then it is advisable to put 2 containers with flour, in one you will dip for the first time, and in the other again, after the egg.

These three options are enough to understand how to cook batter for any dish and implement the proposed recipes, or come up with your own options.
