Current page: 21 (total book has 23 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 16 pages]


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Under the light breeze of the sultry wind, the sea trembled and, covered with small ripples, dazzlingly brightly reflecting the sun, smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles. In the space between the sea and the sky there was a cheerful splash of waves, running up to the gently sloping shore of a sandy spit. Everything was full of lively joy: the sound and brilliance of the sun, the wind and the salty scent of water, the hot air and yellow sand. A narrow long scythe, piercing with a sharp spire into the boundless desert of water playing with the sun, was lost somewhere in the distance, where a sultry haze hid the earth. Hooks, oars, baskets, and barrels lay disorderly on the spit. On this day, even the seagulls are exhausted by the heat. They sit in rows on the sand with their beaks open and their wings lowered, or they sway lazily on the waves.

When the sun began to descend into the sea, the restless waves either played merrily and noisily, or splashed dreamily affectionately on the shore. Through their noise, something like sighs or soft, affectionate cries reached the shore. The sun was setting, and a pinkish reflection of its rays lay on the yellow hot sand. And the pitiful willow bushes, and the mother-of-pearl clouds, and the waves that ran up the shore—everything was getting ready for the night's rest. Lonely, as if lost in the dark distance of the sea, the fire of the fire flared up brightly, then died out, as if exhausted. Night shadows lay not only on the sea, but also on the shore. All around was only the immeasurable, solemn sea, silvered by the moon, and the blue sky, studded with stars.

(According to M. Gorky)

ordinary earth

In the Meshchersky region there are no special beauties and riches, except for forests, meadows and clear air. Nevertheless, this land of untrodden paths and fearless animals and birds has a great attraction. He is as modest as the paintings of Levitan, but in him, as in these paintings, lies all the charm and all the diversity of Russian nature, imperceptible at first glance. What can be seen in the Meshchersky region? Flowering, never mowed meadows, creeping fogs, pine forests, forest lakes, high stacks smelling of dry and warm hay. The hay in the stacks stays warm throughout the winter. I had to spend the night in stacks in October, when frost covers the grass at dawn, and I dug a deep hole in the hay. You climb into it - you immediately warm up and sleep throughout the night, as if in a heated room. And over the meadows the wind drives leaden clouds. In the Meshchera Territory one can see, or rather hear, such a solemn silence that the bell of a lost cow can be heard from afar, almost for kilometers, unless, of course, the day is calm. In summer, on windy days, the forests rustle with a great oceanic rumble and the tops of giant pines bend after the passing clouds.

Suddenly, lightning flashed in the distance. It's time to seek shelter from the unexpected rain. I hope we manage to escape in time under that oak tree. You will never get wet under this natural tent created by generous nature. But then the lightning flashed, and the hordes of clouds rushed off into the distance. Having made our way through a wet fern and some kind of creeping vegetation, we get out onto a barely noticeable path. How beautiful Meshchera is when you get used to it! Everything becomes familiar: the cries of quails, the fussy knock of woodpeckers, and the rustle of rain in red needles, and the weeping of willows over a sleeping river.

(According to K. Paustovsky)


Now bears are no longer led through the villages. Yes, and the gypsies rarely wander, for the most part they live in the places where they are assigned, and only sometimes, paying tribute to their age-old habit, they get out somewhere to pasture, pull on a sooty linen and live with their whole families, engaged in shoeing horses, horseshoeing and mercenary . I even happened to see that the tents gave way to hastily put together wooden booths. It was in a provincial town: not far from the hospital and the market square, on a piece of land not yet built up, next to the postal road.

From the booths came the clanging of iron; I looked into one of them: some old man was forging horseshoes. I looked at his work and saw that he was no longer the former gypsy blacksmith, but a simple artisan; passing quite late in the evening, I went up to the booth and saw an old man doing the same thing. It was strange to see a gypsy camp almost inside the city: wooden booths, fires with cast-iron pots, in which gypsies wrapped in colorful scarves cooked some dishes.

The gypsies walked through the villages, giving their performances for the last time. For the last time, the bears showed their art: they danced, fought, showed how boys steal peas. For the last time, old men and women came to be treated with a sure, tried and tested remedy: to lie on the ground under a bear, which laid its belly on the patient, spreading its four paws wide in all directions on the ground. The last time they were brought into the huts, and if the bear voluntarily agreed to enter, they led him to the front corner, and planted there, and rejoiced at his consent as a good sign.

(According to V. Garshin)


During the past summer, I had to live in an old manor near Moscow, where several small dachas were set up and rented out. I never expected this: a dacha near Moscow, I had never lived as a summer resident without some sort of business in an estate so unlike our steppe estates, and in such a climate.

In the park of the estate the trees were so large that the dachas built in some places in it seemed small under it, having the appearance of native dwellings under the trees in tropical countries. The pond in the park, half covered with green duckweed, stood like a huge black mirror.

I lived on the outskirts of a park adjoining a sparse mixed forest; my plank dacha was not completed, the walls were not caulked, the floors were not planed, there was almost no furniture. From the dampness, which apparently never disappeared, my boots, lying under the bed, were overgrown with moldy velvet.

It rained almost incessantly all summer. It used to happen that white clouds accumulated in the bright blue and thunder rolled in the distance, then a brilliant rain began to fall through the sun, which quickly turned from the heat into fragrant pine steam. Somehow, unexpectedly, the rain ended, and from the park, from the forest, from neighboring pastures - from everywhere again one could hear the joyful discord of birds.

It was still clear before sunset, and on my planked walls the crystal-gold grid of the low sun trembled, falling through the leaves through the windows.

It got dark in the evenings only towards midnight: the half-light of the west stands and stands through the completely motionless, hushed forests. On moonlit nights, this half-light somehow strangely interfered with the moonlight, also motionless, enchanted. And from the calmness that reigned everywhere, from the purity of the sky and air, it seemed that there would be no more rain. But now, as I was falling asleep, I suddenly heard: a downpour with thunderous peals was again falling on the roof, boundless darkness all around and lightning falling in a plumb line.

In the morning, in the damp alleys, on the lilac earth, colorful shadows and dazzling spots of the sun spread, birds called flycatchers chirped, and thrushes hoarsely crackled. And by noon it soared again, found clouds and began to pour rain.

(According to I. Bunin)


He angrily tossed his cigarette cigarette, which had hissed in a puddle, thrust his hands into the pockets of his unbuttoned, wind-blown overcoat, and, bowing his head, which had not yet had time to clear up from pre-dinner lessons, and feeling the weight of a bad dinner in his stomach, began to pace with concentration and energy. But no matter how he walked, everything around him went along with him: the slanting rain that wetted his face, and the shabby student uniform, and the huge houses, strangely and silently crowded on both sides of the narrow street, and passers-by, wet, gloomy, who seemed in the rain all as one. All this familiar, repeated day after day, annoyingly went along with him, not for a minute, not for a moment, not lagging behind.

And the whole situation of his present life, all the same, repeating from day to day, seemed to go along with him: in the morning a few sips of hot tea, then endless running around the lessons.

And all the houses of his clients were in the same manner, and life in them went on in the same manner, and the attitude towards him and him towards them was the same. It seemed that he only changed streets during the day, but went in to the same people, to the same family, despite the difference in physiognomies, ages and social status.

He called. Didn't open for a long time. Zagrivov stood frowning. The rain was still slanting, the cleanly washed sidewalks shone with moisture. The cabbies, ruffled, pulled the reins just as they always did. In this humility, one felt his own special life, inaccessible to others.

There were three chairs in an empty, bare room, even without a stove. On the table lay two unfolded notebooks with pencils placed on them. As a rule, when Zagrivov entered, he was greeted at the table, looking from under his brows, by two gloomy broad-shouldered realists.

The eldest, the spitting image of his father, was in the fifth grade. Looking at that low forehead overgrown with coarse hair, at that heavy, irregular head cut back, it seemed that a very small corner for the brain remained in the thick skull.

Zagrivov never talked about anything extraneous with his students. There was always a wall of alienation between him and his students. Strict, stern silence also reigned in the house, as if no one was walking, talking, laughing.

(According to A. Serafimovich)


We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did not weaken, but, on the contrary, seemed to intensify. The day was windy, and even from the leeward side one could feel the incessant buzzing into some well from below. My feet began to freeze, and I tried in vain to throw something on top of them. Every now and then the coachman turned his weather-beaten face towards me, with reddened eyes and droopy eyelashes, and shouted something, but I couldn't make out anything. He probably tried to cheer me up, as he counted on the speedy end of the journey, but his calculations did not materialize, and we wandered in the darkness for a long time. Even at the station, he assured me that you can always get used to the winds, only I, a southerner and a homebody, endured these inconveniences of my journey, to be honest, with difficulty. I couldn't help but feel that the journey I had made was not at all safe.

The coachman hadn't been singing his artless song for a long time; there was complete silence in the field, white, frozen; no pole, no haystack, no windmill—nothing to be seen. By evening, the blizzard had subsided, but the darkness impenetrable in the field was also a gloomy picture. The horses seemed to be in a hurry, and the silver bells rang on the arc.

It was impossible to get out of the sleigh: the snow had piled up to half an arshin, the sleigh continuously drove into the snowdrift. I waited with difficulty until we finally arrived at the inn.

The hospitable hosts nursed us for a long time: they scrubbed us, heated them, treated us to tea, which, by the way, they drink here so hot that I burned my tongue, however, this did not in the least prevent us from talking in a friendly way, as if we had known each other for a century. An irresistible drowsiness, inspired by warmth and satiety, of course, made us sleepy, and I, putting my felted boots on the heated stove, lay down and heard nothing: neither the wrangling of the coachmen, nor the whispering of the owners - I fell asleep like a log. The next morning the hosts fed uninvited guests and dried venison, and shot hares, and potatoes baked in ashes, they gave warm milk to drink.

(According to I. Golub, V. Shein)

Night in Balaklava

At the end of October, when the days are still gentle in autumn, Balaklava begins to live a peculiar life. The last vacationers, burdened with suitcases and trunks, leave, enjoying the sun and the sea during the long local summer, and immediately it becomes spacious, fresh and businesslike at home, as if after the departure of sensational uninvited guests.

Fishing nets are spread across the embankment, and on the polished cobblestones of the pavement they seem delicate and thin, like cobwebs. The fishermen, these workers of the sea, as they are called, crawl along the spread nets, like gray-black spiders mending a torn, airy veil. The captains of the fishing boats sharpen stubborn beluga hooks, and at the stone wells, where the water babbles in an uninterrupted silver stream, gossiping, gathering here in their free minutes, dark-faced women are local residents.

Sinking across the sea, the sun sets, and soon a starry night, replacing a short evening dawn, envelops the earth. The whole city falls into a deep sleep, and the hour comes when not a sound comes from anywhere. Only occasionally water splashes against the coastal stone, and this lonely sound further emphasizes the unbroken silence. You feel how night and silence have merged into one black embrace.

Nowhere, in my opinion, you will hear such perfect, such ideal silence as in the night Balaklava.

(According to A. Kuprin)

On the hayfield

The grass on the unmowed meadow, low but dense, turned out to be not softer, but even tougher, but I did not give up and, trying to mow as best as possible, did not lag behind.

Vladimir, the son of a former serf, never ceased waving his scythe, cutting grass in vain, without showing the slightest effort. Despite being extremely tired, I did not dare to ask Vladimir to stop, but I felt that I could not stand it: I was so tired.

At this time, Vladimir himself stopped and, bending down, took the herbs, slowly wiped his scythe and silently began to sharpen. I slowly lowered the scythe and breathed a sigh of relief, looking around.

A nondescript peasant, limping behind and, apparently, also tired, immediately, before reaching me, stopped and began to sharpen, crossing himself.

Having sharpened his scythe, Vladimir did the same with my scythe, and without hesitation we moved on. Vladimir went step by step, without stopping, and did not seem to feel any fatigue. I mowed with all my might, trying to keep up, and became weaker and weaker. Waving the scythe with feigned indifference, I became more and more convinced that I did not have enough strength even for a few swings of the scythe needed to complete the row.

Finally, the row was passed, and, throwing his scythe over his shoulder, Vladimir went along the already well-trodden mowing, stepping on the footprints left by his heels. Sweat rolled off my face, and my whole shirt was wet, as if soaked in water, but I felt good: I survived.


Twilight, perhaps, was the reason that the procurator's appearance changed dramatically. He seemed to have aged before our eyes, hunched over and, in addition, became anxious. Once he looked back and for some reason shuddered, glancing at the empty chair, on the back of which lay a cloak. The transparent night was approaching, the evening shadows were playing their game, and, probably, the tired procurator fancied that someone was sitting in an empty armchair. Allowing cowardice, moving his discarded cloak, the procurator, leaving it, ran across the balcony, now running up to the table and clutching at the bowl, now stopping and beginning to stare senselessly at the mosaic of the floor.

For the second time today, depression has fallen on him. Rubbing his temple, in which only a nagging memory of the morning pain remained, the procurator struggled to understand what was the cause of his mental anguish, and, realizing this, he tried to deceive himself. It was clear to him that, having irretrievably missed something this morning, he now wanted to correct what he had missed by some petty and insignificant, and most importantly, belated actions. But the procurator was very bad at it. At one of the turns, stopping abruptly, the procurator whistled, and out of the garden jumped out onto the balcony a gigantic sharp-eared dog in a collar with gilded plaques.

The procurator sat down in an armchair; Bunga, sticking out his tongue and breathing rapidly, sat down at the feet of the owner, and the joy in the eyes of the dog meant that the storm was over and that he was again here, next to the man he loved, considered the most powerful in the world, the ruler of all people, thanks to whom he himself the dog considered himself a privileged being, superior and special. But, lying down at the feet of the owner and not even food on him, the dog immediately realized that his owner was in trouble, and therefore Bunga, getting up and going to the side, laid his paws and head on the knees of the procurator, which should have meant: he is comforting his master and misfortune is ready to meet with him. This he tried to express both in his eyes, which were squinting at his master, and in his alert, alert ears. So both of them, the dog and the man, loving each other, met the festive night.

(According to M. Bulgakov)


I woke up early in the morning. The room was filled with a steady yellow light, like a kerosene lamp. The light came from below, from the window, and illuminated the log ceiling most brightly. The strange light, dim and motionless, was not at all like sunlight. It was the shining autumn leaves.

During the windy and long night, the garden dropped dry leaves. It lay in multi-colored heaps on the ground and spread a dull glow, and from this glow people's faces seemed to be tanned. Autumn mixed all the pure colors that exist in the world, and applied them, as if on a canvas, to the distant expanses of earth and sky.

I saw dry leaves, not only gold and purple, but purple and gray and almost silver. The colors seemed to have softened because of the autumn haze, they hung motionless in the air. And when it rained incessantly, the softness of the colors gave way to brilliance: the sky, covered with clouds, still gave enough light that the wet forests could ignite in the distance, like majestic crimson and gold fires. Now the end of September, and in the sky there is some strange combination of naive blue and dark double clouds. From time to time a clear sun peeps through, and then the clouds become even blacker, the clear sections of the sky become even bluer, the narrow road is even blacker, the old bell tower peeps even whiter through the half-fallen lindens.

If from this bell tower, climbing the wooden rickety stairs, look to the north-west, then your horizons will immediately expand. From here, a small river is especially clearly visible, winding around the foot of the hill on which the village is spread. And in the distance you can see the forest, a horseshoe covering the entire horizon.

It began to get dark, either low clouds, or the smoke of a giant fire, were coming from the east, and I returned home. Already late in the evening I went out into the garden, to the well. Putting a thick lantern on the log house, he took out water. Yellow leaves floated in the bucket. Nowhere to hide from them - they were everywhere. It became difficult to walk along the paths of the garden: you had to walk on the leaves, as if on a real carpet. We found them in the house too: on the floor, on the made bed, on the stove - everywhere. They were soaked through with their wine aroma.


In the afternoon it became so hot that the passengers moved to the upper deck. Despite the calm, the entire surface of the river was seething with a trembling swell, in which Sun rays, giving the impression of countless silver balls. Only in the shallows, where the shore ran into the river like a long cape, did the water bend around it in a motionless ribbon, calmly blue among these brilliant ripples.

There was not a cloud in the sky, but here and there thin white clouds stretched out on the horizon, casting along the edges like strokes of molten metal. Black smoke, not rising above the chimney, trailed behind the steamer in a long dirty tail.

From below, from the engine room, came a continuous hiss and some kind of deep, regular sighs, in time with which the wooden deck of the Hawk shuddered. Behind the stern, catching up with her, ran rows of long, wide waves; white curly waves suddenly boiled furiously on their muddy green top and, smoothly sinking down, suddenly melted, as if hiding under water. The waves tirelessly ran up to the shore and, crashing against the slope with a noise, ran back, exposing the sandbar, all eaten away by the surf.

This monotony did not bore Vera Lvovna and did not tire her: she looked at the whole of God's world through an iridescent veil of quiet charm. Everything seemed sweet and dear to her: the steamer, unusually white and clean, and the captain, a hefty fat man in a pair of canvas, with a crimson face and an animal voice hoarse from bad weather, and the pilot, a handsome black-bearded peasant, who turned the wheel of the steering wheel in his glass booth. , while his sharp, narrowed eyes stared fixedly into the distance.

A wharf appeared in the distance - a small red wooden house built on a barque. The captain, putting his mouth to the mouthpiece held in the engine room, shouted command words, and his voice seemed to come out of a deep barrel: “The smallest! Reverse!"

Women and girls crowded around the station; they offered passengers dried raspberries, bottles of boiled milk, salted fish, boiled and baked lamb.

The heat was slowly subsiding. Passengers watched as the sun set in a blaze of blood-purple flames and melted gold. When the bright colors subsided, the entire horizon was lit up with an even, dusty-pink glow. Finally, this radiance faded, and only not high above the ground, in the place where the sun had set, remained an indistinct long pink stripe, imperceptibly passing at the top of the sky into a soft bluish tint of the evening sky.

(According to A. Kuprin)

Dawn breaks out in the sky. I make my way along a narrow path through thick rye. Heavy ears touch my face and seem to be going to hold me. A quail fluttered out of the roadside thickets and hid in the rye.

The sun rises, and its rays illuminate the distant fields, coastal bushes near the river. She shines brightly in the sun.
Here is the forest. I expected to pick a lot of berries here and look for mushrooms. My assumptions were justified. Berries literally covered forest glades. It was worth sitting down - you see how the heads of ripe strawberries, boletus boletus, are hiding in the grass.
I wandered through the forest for a long time. With difficulty I dragged home a full basket of sweet berries. During the day my face and hands tanned. After such a walk, it is good to bathe and lie down to rest on fresh hay. (109 words)

The first snow falls in late autumn. He transforms everything around. Fluffy snowflakes gently touch the ground, and she dresses in a dazzling outfit. Paths and roofs of houses turned white. Multi-colored sparks of hoarfrost light up, shine. Leaden water darkens among the whitish coastal thickets.
How beautiful is the white-trunked birch grove! The twigs are covered with flakes, but snowflakes crumble at any touch. In the spruce forest, the snow covered the trees so that you don’t recognize them. The Christmas tree becomes like a fancy snowman. Everywhere you can see traces of forest animals. On the husk of the cones, you can find the squirrel.
In the pre-winter days, one does not sit at home. People of all ages take to the hiking trails. Everyone wants to feel the freshness of the first frost, play snowballs.
"Hello winter!" people say happily. (107 words)

A blizzard broke out in the evening. She made a noise, and the forest was magically transformed.
Snowdrifts shining in the sun are blinding. Winter bewitched the silent hero in coniferous chain mail. Heavy branches of fir trees under the weight of snow almost touch the ground. The titmouse will sit down, but the branch will not flinch.
Tiny fir trees nestled under the birch trees. The blizzard dressed the young shoots in a fancy outfit. From the cold rays of the sun, a snow cover lights up on them. How good they are now!
The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyles of the enormous pines. Lush snow caps perched on their tops. Under the pines, the trail of a crafty fox snakes.
In the evening, coniferous darkness frowns in the thicket. Mysterious dusk envelops the distance. In the darkness of moonless nights, you only see birch trees in a dark forest. It is difficult to find a path or even a road here. (111 words)

(Based on the book D. Zueva "Seasons")


The hives come to life more and more, and now the nectar collectors are already spinning in endless clubs of airy yarn. A sunflower grows at the edge of the road. It attracts bees, but they love linden flowers most of all. In clear weather, the family of these hardworking fidgets collects up to five kilograms of honey. (119 words)

(Based on the book D. Zueva "Seasons")

Russian Winter

Here came a big owl and gave a voice. Other owls responded to her. A forest mouse squeaked softly, ran through the snow and hid under a stump in a snowdrift. (112 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


The tired summer sun goes to rest below the horizon. A narrow band of light disappears in the west. Fog falls over the smooth surface of a narrow river and envelops a shallow ravine, a sandy shore, low coastal bushes and a light green meadow. The fog thickens, and night dampness descends on the ground.
The first stars light up in the sky. The birds are silent. The nightingale whistled for the last time. Sleepy silence is not broken even by the rustle of leaves. Only sometimes you will see in the dark how a bat will fly by.
The flowers, heavy with dew, shriveled and bowed to the ground. Field ivy folded his parachutes. Impenetrable darkness spreads over the area. A pungent aroma spreads from the earth flowering plants. At night, their scent is always stronger. Everything in nature is covered with sleep. How beautiful summer night! (111 words)

The sun begins to bake, but it does not burn the face and shoulders that have already tanned over the summer. Everything around is transformed under its rays. The river sparkled brightly. A light breeze touched the coastal reeds, and they swayed quietly and bent slightly towards the water. (119 words)

July - top of summer

Bad weather is a rare occurrence in this wonderful summer season. Bluish clouds will appear on the clear azure sky, and suddenly a short rain will fall. Puddles will be covered with bubbles, silver drops will sparkle on the leaves and dry immediately. The last small clouds slide over the horizon, and again the immense blue of the majestic sky stretches overhead. Only the foliage shines brighter, the air is hotter.
The July sun on top of his throne. On a windless day, you can’t step barefoot on the sandy bank of the river. In the shade of tall trees, motionless reed thickets hide. You don't hear bird voices. Everything went silent. Only the dove groans, but the bee buzzing haunts you all day.
In the forest, black mushrooms look at you from under the soft green grass, chanterelles turn yellow in the coniferous shade. (111 words

Input Diagnostics


The forest has already shed its leaves. Cloudy days came, but quiet, without wind, real days of late autumn.

On such a dull day, you walk along a forest path among young birches, oaks, aspens, among hazel bushes. You do not hear the birds singing, the rustle of the leaves. Only sometimes a heavy ripe acorn will fall to the ground. Drops of dew from the night mist hung on the bare leaves.

Visible all around. The chest breathes lightly with autumn freshness, I want to go further and further along the path yellow from foliage.

Suddenly, among the foliage you see a motley ball. This bird hit something hard during the flight.

“We must take her home, otherwise the fox will instantly find the bird in the forest and eat it,” I decide.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)


Option 1 - On bare leaves ...;

Option 2 - Suddenly among the foliage ...

2) Write out three words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

3) Analyze any two phrases.

Control dictation on the topic "Repetition of what was studied in grade 5"

The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun shone brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, flung it open, and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. A green forest spread all around, trees with ripe fruits grew along the edges. In the fields one could see flowerbeds of pink, white, blue flowers. Tiny birds, colorful butterflies fluttered in the air.


1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - The girl jumped out of bed.

Option 2 - The sun shone brightly through the window.

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - jumped off;

Option 2 - spread out.

4) Explain the punctuation marks in 7 (1st option) and 8 (2nd option) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Word formation"

Overnight stay in the forest

The boys were at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect firewood, others chopped branches for a hut. The rest sorted things, took out food, bowlers, mugs, spoons.

Meanwhile, the dawn had faded. It was getting dark. Here from the forest are heard cheerful voices. In response, joyful cries of those waiting were heard. Large bundles of brushwood are unloaded in a clearing.

How many hunters make a fire! Children enthusiastically inflate the first sparks of lights. The smoke from the fire spreads in a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. Water gurgled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had supper and began to get ready for bed. But they do not forget to push, fight, argue. And you need to rise with the dawn! The command is given: "Everyone sleep!" The camp quickly falls silent.

(102 words)

(According to A. Zuev.)

1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - The smoke from the fire spreads in a thick curtain, and soon it flares up.

Option 2 - But they do not forget to push, fight, argue.

2) In any complex sentence mark the grammatical bases.

Option 1 - ran, edible;

Option 2 - had dinner, dawn.

4) Explain the punctuation in the penultimate sentence.

Control dictation on the topic "Vocabulary. Phraseology"

Place of execution

Execution Ground is the oldest architectural monument in Moscow. Initially, it was a rounded brick platform with a wooden fence under a tent canopy on carved pillars. It is located in the center of Troitskaya Square, from the middle of the 17th century it became known as Red Square.

The place of execution played an important role in the spiritual life of the people and the state. From this place, state decrees were announced. Here the people learned about the accession to the throne of kings, about the declaration of war and the conclusion of peace.

The boyars carried the heir to the Execution Ground on the shoulders when he was sixteen years old. And the people saw the future king in order to be able to distinguish him from the impostor.

From the Execution Ground, the patriarchs said prayers. From it, on Palm Sunday, the patriarch distributed the consecrated willow to the tsar, bishops, boyars, roundabout and duma clerks and read the Gospel to the people.

The place of execution was not the place of execution. Executions were carried out nearby on wooden platforms.


1) Find obsolete words in the text. Explain the meaning of 2-3 obsolete words.

2) In any complex sentence, mark the grammatical foundations.

3) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - boyars;

Option 2 - him.

Final dictation for 1 quarter

Russian forest is good in all seasons: in winter, summer, autumn and spring.

On a quiet winter day, you will go skiing into the forest, breathe and not breathe. White snowdrifts spread under the trees, and over the forest paths, young birches bent like lacy arches under the weight of hoarfrost.

The forest is good in early and late spring, when a stormy life awakens in it. Snow is melting. The voices of birds are heard more and more in the forest. In the forest glades, thawed patches appear, snowdrops grow like a carpet. On the bumps you see strong lingonberry leaves.

You will hear a lot in the spring forest. A thrush sings on top of a tall spruce. Fritillaries squeak thinly, cranes fumble in the swamp. Bees buzz over the yellow puffs of the willow. (101 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - Russian forest is good in all seasons: in winter, summer, autumn and spring.

Option 2 - On a quiet winter day, you will go skiing into the forest, breathe and not breathe.

3) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 - spring;

Option 2 - forest.

Control dictation on the topic "Word formation. Spelling"

In adulthood, I have watched the sunrise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn the wind passes over the tops, when the black tops of the trees are clearly visible against the sky. There is dew on the grass. A cobweb stretched in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. It smells like resin on a dewy morning. Through the forest thicket you try to make a path to the river.

I saw the sunrise over my native fields, over dense thickets of bushes near the river. Pale stars, a thin sickle of the month are reflected in the transparent mirror of the water. The sun rises to the singing of countless birds and the whisper of reeds. Cool dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. You sit on the shore and wait for the birth of a new day.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 - dewy, cool;

Option 2 - diamond, countless.

3) Write out the words with the spelling "Unstressed vowel checked by stress." Define the spelling. Choose a test word.

Dictation on the topic "Noun"

Russian Winter

Good snowy winters in Russia! Bad weather is replaced by clear days. Deep snowdrifts glisten in the sun, large rivers and small rivers have disappeared under the ice. Winter powdered the earth with a snow coat. The earth is resting, gaining strength.

The winter forest fills with life. Here a woodpecker tapped on a dry tree. Throughout the forest, a forest drummer beats a shot. A hazel grouse will fly by with a noise, a capercaillie will rise from the snow dust. A flock of cheerful crossbills perched on the branches of a spruce. You stand and admire how cleverly they stick their beaks into cones, choose seeds from them. A nimble squirrel jumps from knot to knot.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - bad weather, on a knot;

Option 2 - life, on the branches.

2) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - river;

Option 2 - squirrel.

3) Parse 3 (Option 1) and 5 (Option 2) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Noun"

A ray of sun shone from behind the forest, touched the tops of the trees, found balls of green apples in the foliage. A tremor of light ran through the garden, and the dewdrops on the roadside grass sparkled with diamonds.

The sun flared up, and thick branches of trees flared up like a flame.
The first bee rang in the warm air of the quiet morning. Another followed, then a third. The blue dragonfly sat down on the hive, but the bees are indifferent to the carefree jumper. They don't have time. They make circles over the apiary, choose a direction and fly away to the forests, to the meadows.

The hives come to life more and more, and now the nectar collectors are already spinning in endless clubs of airy yarn. A sunflower grows at the edge of the road. It attracts bees, but they love linden flowers most of all. In clear weather, the family of these hardworking fidgets collects up to five kilograms of honey.

(Based on the book D. Zueva "Seasons")

1) Title the text.

1 option - on the beehive, sunflower;

Option 2 - pickers, (k) jumper.

1 option - a ray;

Option 2 - a bee.

4) Parse 1 (Option 1) and 2 (Option 2) sentences.

The final dictation for the 2nd quarter on the topic "Adjective name"

Last autumn I went to a distant forest lake. It is quiet and light in the forest on a clear autumn day. The leaves have fallen off and do not shade the ground. The wind does not rustle with its crown, and the birds are not heard. They have already flown south. Tree trunks prop up the sky. A soft carpet of dry leaves spreads between them. Rarely come across young oaks.

In such a forest, every sound is heard far away. Whether the hare jumps, the branch crunches, the fallen leaves rustle.

I sat down and watched. Suddenly a wagon with leaves rolls right at me. "Hedgehog!" - I guessed. - Drags dry leaves into the hole on the litter.

It is very convenient for a hedgehog to collect leaves. He will find a place where there are a lot of them, spread the needles and roll, roll over from side to side. A hedgehog will stand on its paws, but it is not visible under the leaves. So he runs in golden clothes into his hole.

(According to E. Nosov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - (to) forest (lake);

Option 2 - soft (carpet).

3) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - the lake;

Option 2 - cart.

4) Perform a punctuation analysis of 10 (1st option) and 13 (2nd option) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Adjective name"

In the early summer morning we go fishing. The dawn barely flares up, and nature is still calmly dozing. A milky-white fog spreads in the lowlands. Along a narrow path among the dark green thickets of hazel we make our way to a small river. Dew-covered grass touches our feet. Silver dewdrops shimmer in the rays of the sun.
The river is not wide, but deep enough. Every year its banks are more and more overgrown with reeds and bushes. Algae nailed to the water lie on the sandy shore. The wave gently laps against the sides of the fishing boat.

We climb into the reed thickets and settle down there with fishing rods.

The sun begins to bake, but it does not burn the face and shoulders that have already tanned over the summer. Everything around is transformed under its rays. The river sparkled brightly. A light breeze touched the coastal reeds, and they swayed quietly and bent slightly towards the water.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - early (morning), (on) sandy (shore);

Option 2 - fishing (boats), light (breeze).

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - calmly;

Option 2 - silver.

Control dictation on the topic "Numeral name"

The depth of Lake Baikal is 1640 meters. It is the deepest on the planet. It contains one fifth of the world's fresh water. 336 rivers flow into Baikal, and one flows out - the Angara.

More recently, residents of coastal villages calmly drank water directly from the lake. Now it suffers from industrial waste.

The surroundings of Baikal are dressed in winter attire before the lake itself. Already in October, winter shackles rocky shores into sparkling snow-white armor and turns firs and giant Siberian cedars into brilliant ice figures.

January frosts cover the lake with thick ice. In places it is up to two meters thick. It looks like an uneven blanket.

In summer, even on a calm day, a squally wind can suddenly fly in, and then the lake becomes an unkind sea.

(According to the book "Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders")

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - one thousand six hundred and forty;

Option 2 - the fifth part.

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - calmly;

Option 2 - windless.

4) Parse the last sentence.

The final dictation for the 3rd quarter on the topic "Pronoun"

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds with a sword. Spring is picking up speed.

In the mornings, a slight chill is kept in the lowlands, and on the south side of the hillock, the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is mother and stepmother. You can’t confuse the yellow baskets of her flower with anything.

Here is something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It gently merges with the brilliance of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the transcendental radiance of the sun.

Someone's singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell is ringing. Oatmeal! In winter, they are lethargic, inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. Some week will pass, and the roar of the rooks and the songs of the larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them.

(According to the book "Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders")

1) Title the text.

2) Write out the pronouns, determine their category.

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - calmly;

Option 2 - windless.

4) Parse 2 (Option 1) and 5 (Option 2) sentences of the last paragraph.

Dictation on the topic "Verb"

Throw urgent matters, go out late in the evening to the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear incomprehensible rustles, incessant sounds in the reed thickets.

One night I was sitting desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds were heard from the river. Suddenly, low voices were heard from under the floor. They were like the whispers of chicks that have awakened in the nest. I was seized by a desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I guessed that I heard the fuss of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are useful little animals. They do not harm anyone, they are not afraid of anyone, they destroy harmful insects, they fight mice. For the winter, hedgehogs fall asleep. Their small lairs are covered with snowdrifts, and they calmly sleep in them all winter.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Graphically explain spelling(-s) into a verb that occurs in this text ..

3) Make a morphological analysis of words:

Option 1 - hear;

Option 2 - they heard.

4) Outline 1 sentence of the last paragraph.

Control dictation on the topic "Verb"

In winter, hares feed on tree bark. During the night they make a deep track in the snow. If the hare walked straight, he would be immediately caught. Cowardice saves the oblique. He fearlessly walks through the fields and forests at night and lays straight tracks. When morning comes, he rushes from side to side with fear. It will jump forward, be frightened of something and run back in its wake. If he hears some rustling, he will jump to the side with all his might and gallop further from the previous track. If something hits, the oblique will again turn back and head to the side. When it gets lighter, it lies down in the snow.
In the morning, the hunters make out the hare tracks, get confused in them and are surprised at the cunning of the slanting one. And he does not think to be cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

(By L. Tolstoy)

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

Option 1 - would be caught, brightens;

Option 2 - I would go, I'm afraid.

4) Outline 3 sentences of the first paragraph.

Final dictation for the 6th grade course

In the reflections of the evening dawn one can see the jagged palisade of fir trees. Twilight falls, and everything disappears into the darkness of the night.

But then the moon peeps out and drives the darkness into the thicket with soft light, floods a small clearing with a silver glow. Nothing breaks the silence.

Suddenly the snow crunched under someone's heavy feet. It's a smoky gray moose pacing. He calmly makes his way to the aspen and grabs the fragrant needles with his white-lipped mouth, snorts.

A white hare galloped up, nestled under a low, but branchy Christmas tree. Aspen prevented the elk, he waved his head, and a branch broke off with a crack. The bunny perked up, rose gracefully on its hind legs. Appetizing twig attracts him. Hares always pick up aspen shoots for moose.

An elk stands among the snows shining from the moonlight, chewing on pine needles, and next to him a hare gnaws on an elk gift. The bitterness of the aspen is sweeter than sugar.

(By D. Zuev.)

1) Title the text.

2) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - firs;

Option 2 - aspen.

3) Perform a morphological analysis

Option 1 - any noun;

Option 2 - any adjective.

4) Parse

Option 1 - any compound sentence;

Option 2 - any complicated sentence.

Control dictation on the topic:

IN 1

Beautiful autumn park. A crimson blizzard sweeps along its paths. The alley woven with fallen leaves goes into the distance4 . The white-trunked structure of birch trees is quiet, there are few leaves left on their thin branches, but each one trembles, shimmers, sparkles.

And aside from the alley - silvery spruces. The ends of their paws have already turned gray, with all their appearance they make it clear that they are ready for winter.

And the hawthorn bushes, like peddlers at a fair, hung their goods - large red berries.

4 . They, shimmering with gold and bronze, spread soft carpets under them and, together with the wind, decorate nearby fir trees with their leaves, as if trying on their New Year's outfit.

Clean and transparent air. Sounds can be heard far away, voices are distinctly heard.

Grammar tasks

1 Underline the grammatical bases in the sentences with a simple verb and a compound verb predicate. (1 - 2 for each type).

1 option

The alley woven with fallen leaves goes into the distance4 .

Option 2

But young maples and oaks understand and feel autumn best of all.4 .

Control dictation on the topic:

"Simple sentence. Minor Members"

AT 2

Autumn is the time of nature's withering, when it flares up with the last bright colors.
Gold of all shades on the trees, gold on the grass, gold reflected in the stagnant waters of a narrow river. Silence. No sound, no wind. Even a light cloud froze in the sky.
The landscape painter Levitan depicted nature in his painting “Golden Autumn”. It attracts us with the harmony of colors, and at the same time, this poetic picture of the sorceress-autumn is fanned with a slight sadness. Solemn, serene nature on this quiet day, but it is already fading. The cold mischievous wind is about to blow, and then the trees will drop their last festive attire.
Looking at the canvas, written by the hand of a great master, we involuntarily penetrate into inner world the artist himself. After all, observing and studying nature, the true master of the brush tries to catch in her life the moment closest and dear to his heart and reflect it in his work. (132 words)

(ByO. Tuberovskaya)

Grammar tasks

Underline the grammatical bases in the sentences with a simple verb and a compound verb predicate. (1 - 2 for each type).

2. In the 1st paragraph, mark the unstressed vowels in the root.

3. Parse the sentence:

1 option

Autumn is the time of nature's withering, when it flares up with the last bright colors.

Option 2

Solemn, serene nature on this quiet day, but it is already fading.

Scheme of analysis of the control dictation No. 1

Presentation on theme: "A Simple Proposal. Minor Members"

In class _________ student

Results of work:

Wrote a dictation

"5" - ______ student

"5" - ______ student

"4" - _________ student

"4" - _________ student

"3" - _________ student

"3" - _________ student

"2" - _________ student

"2" - _________ student

"1" - _________ student

"1" - _________ student



Dash in simple sentence _________ people

Comma at participle turnover ____ people

In the definition of a simple and compound verbal predicate __________ people

In the designation of an unstressed vowel at the root ____________ people

In the syntactic analysis of the sentence __________ people

Control dictation No. 2

IN 1

Love the birds and animals that live with us on Earth. Indeed, in the whole vast cosmic world there are no more such birds, such animals and such plants. There may be others, but there aren't. That is why, probably, meeting with them always brings joy and new impressions.

If you are an artist, you will see new color combinations. If a musician, you will hear new sounds. The sculptor will be amazed by the perfection and beauty of the form. But such meetings should be especially joyful and interesting for you guys. How many discoveries they bring to you! And with each such meeting, the horizon will expand wider and wider, as if you are climbing a high mountain.

To make such meetings pleasant, be friends with the forest. The forest opens only to its friends. He meets strangers unfriendly and tries to annoy them. His green eyes see everything, tenacious green hands reach everything.

Finding the forest is easy. You just have to try to see how the trees smile at the sun. Hear how the bushes and herbs ask for a drink. Understand what birds and animals are talking about.

The hunt for secrets is a joyful hunt.

Grammar tasks

find 2 one-part sentences, indicate their type (o\l, n\l, b\l, n)

Disassemble by composition: living, move apart, annoy.

3. Disassemble by members (underlining) one- and two-part sentences.

Indicate what parts of speech the parts of the sentence are expressed.

Control dictation No. 2

AT 2

"One-part and incomplete sentences"

Autumn on Prorva.

The old riverbed of the Oka. It is called Provera. The shores here are completely covered with alder, wild rose, blackberry. Nowhere have I seen such burdocks, thorns, huge puffball mushrooms.

Dense thickets of grasses approach the water itself like an elastic wall, and it is often impossible to land on the shore from a boat.

I love these remote places and every autumn I spend several weeks here. I'm setting up a tent. It's warm and dry. In the evening, by the light of a lantern, I even read, but not for long. There's too much interference on Prorva.

Either a bird will cry behind a bush, or a pood fish will strike with its tail, or a willow twig will deafeningly shoot in a bush.

The glow begins to flare up, and the gloomy moon rises over the expanses of the evening earth.

The autumn night stretches slowly, it has no end.

By dawn, a light frost burns the face. In the east, dawn is poured with a quiet light.

The air is clean and cool. It smells of grassy freshness and sedge.

Grammar tasks

Find 2-3 one-part sentences in the text (including those that are part of a complex sentence), determine the type of these sentences.

Do a syntactic analysis of the predicates:

1 option - in the offerThere's too much interference on Prorva.

Option 2 - in the offerThe air is clean and cool.

Write out one word from the dictation with an unstressed vowel, stress-checked, unchecked, alternating.

Break down the words:dawn, flare up

Scheme of analysis of the control dictation No. 2

on the topic: "One-part and incomplete sentences"

Grade 8 Date _____________________

In class _________ student

Wrote a dictation __________ student

Results of work:

Wrote a dictation

Completed the grammar task

"5" - ______ student

"5" - ______ student

"4" - _________ student

"4" - _________ student

"3" - _________ student

"3" - _________ student

"2" - _________ student

"2" - _________ student

"1" - _________ student

"1" - _________ student



In the dictation, errors were made on the following rules:

Checked unstressed words in the root of _______ people.

Unchecked vowels and consonants ___________ people

Checked consonants in the root of the word __________ people

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word ________ people

Separating b, b ________________ people

Separate spelling of prepositions with other words

Letters i, u, a after hissing ____________ people

Using ь at the end of nouns after hissing ____ people

A comma in a complex sentence _____ people

In the grammar task allowed the following errors:

In determining the type of a simple one-part sentence _________ people

In the designation of words with an unstressed vowel, checked by stress, unchecked, alternating ____________ people

In the syntactic analysis of the predicate __________ people

In the analysis of words by composition _____________ people

Control dictation No. 3

"Sentences with homogeneous members"

IN 1

Everything: both day and nature is magnificent. The sun does not bake, but only warms and paints the yellowing and reddening greens of the forest in infinitely different colors. Trees from top to bottom are studded with colorful leaves: yellow, orange, reddish and bright red. Quiet all around: in the depths of the forest, in the clearing. One can only hear how a yellow leaf, having separated from a branch that no longer feeds it with its juices, falls and touches other leaves that have not yet fallen, but have already turned yellow. They cover the whole earth.
Where have the birds gone, singing from dawn to dusk? Everything passed, froze, as this rustle from a falling leaf fades. Birds fly high in the blue sky in a long broken line. And the birds, and the autumn dialect of nature, and dreams go into the irrevocable past. The birds return again, and the spring dialect of nature, but it will not be that dialect, not those birds. And dreams do not return. (130 words)

(ByD. Mordovtseva)

grammar task

Draw a proposal diagram:

Everything: both the day and nature are magnificent. - 1c,

Trees from top to bottom are studded with colorful leaves: yellow, orange, reddish and bright red. - 2v

Underline the grammatical basis in sentences

They cover the whole earth. - 1v

And dreams do not return. - 2v

Explain punctuation marks in sentences:

Where have the birds gone, singing from dawn to dusk?

Scheme of analysis of the control dictation No. 3

on the topic: "Homogeneous members of the proposal"

Grade 8 Date _____________________

In class _________ student

Wrote a dictation __________ student

Results of work:

Wrote a dictation

Completed the grammar task

"5" - ______ student

"5" - ______ student

"4" - _________ student

"4" - _________ student

"3" - _________ student

"3" - _________ student

"2" - _________ student

"2" - _________ student

"1" - _________ student

"1" - _________ student



In the dictation, errors were made on the following rules:

Checked unstressed words in the root of _______ people.

Unchecked vowels and consonants ___________ people

Checked consonants in the root of the word __________ people

Separate spelling of prepositions with other words

Letters and, y, and after hissing ____________ people

A comma in a complex sentence _____ people

Comma with homogeneous members ____ people

Comma with participial turnover ____ people

The following errors were made in the grammar task:

In the proposal scheme _________ people

In highlighting the grammatical basis ______ people

When explaining the punctuation marks in a sentence with participial turnover _____________ people

Control dictation No. 4

on the topic: "Separate members"

IN 1

Vasily Polenov, one of the most popular Russian artists, created paintings that have become the favorite representatives of many generations. Universal recognition brought him such a good famous paintings, like "Moscow Yard", "Grandmother's Garden", "Overgrown Pond". These canvases, filled with subtle lyricism, attract with their simplicity and truthfulness.

Polenov was distinguished by an amazing versatility of interests. An outstanding architect, musician and composer, he also had vocal talent, tried himself on the amateur stage as an actor, and was a talented teacher.

The breadth of Polenov's views, which allowed him to easily enter into different areas of art, was laid down in childhood. His mother is an amateur artist, his father is a famous archaeologist, a passionate lover and connoisseur of art. The artist later recalled with warmth the atmosphere of admiration for educated people that reigned in the Polenovs' house.

From early childhood, the boy was instilled with a love of nature. Already the first sketches made by a sixteen-year-old boy during a trip to the ancient Russian cities testified to the talent of the future artist. (132 words.)(According to E. Patson.)

Grammar tasks.

1 Disassemble by composition:

filled made

brought attract


2. Explain graphically punctuation marks:

Such well-known paintings as "Moscow Yard", "Grandmother's Garden", "Overgrown Pond" brought him universal recognition.

These canvases, filled with subtle lyricism, attract with their simplicity and truthfulness.

3. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence with a separate definition.

Control dictation No. 4

School Olympiad in Russian

9th grade 2009



We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did not weaken, but, on the contrary, seemed to intensify. The day was windy, and even downwind it was felt

as incessantly buzzing into some well from below. My legs began to stiffen, and I tried in vain with my stiff fingers to throw something on top of them.

Every now and then the coachman turned his weather-beaten face towards me, with reddened eyes and droopy eyelashes, and shouted something, but I couldn't make out what.

He probably tried to cheer me up, as he counted on the speedy end of the journey, but his calculations did not materialize, and we wandered in the darkness for a long time.

Even at the station, he assured me that you can always get used to the winds, only I, a southerner and a homebody, endured these inconveniences of my journey, to be honest,

with difficulty, and a lot. I couldn't help but feel that the journey I had made was not at all safe. By evening, the snowstorm subsided, but the darkness impenetrable in the field is also a sad picture. The horses seemed to be in a hurry, and the silver bells jingled on the arc. It was impossible to get out of the sleigh: the snow piled on

half an arshin, the sleigh continuously drove into a snowdrift. I waited with difficulty until we finally arrived at the inn. Hospitable hosts nursed us for a long time:

rubbed, heated, regaled with vodka and tea, which, by the way, they drink here so hot that I burned my tongue, however, this is not at all

did not prevent us from talking in a friendly way, as if we had known each other for a century. An irresistible slumber, inspired by warmth and satiety, of course, drove us to sleep, and I,

placing his felted boots on the heated stove, he lay down and fell asleep like a log. The next morning, the hosts fed the uninvited guests both dried venison and shot

New churches appeared every year, and there was clearly not enough books.

The book could be bought at auction, from wandering monks. But the price of a good book was high. Sometimes you could buy a whole house for it. And all these prices

increased while the books were made by hand.

In addition, for book publishing it was necessary to take certain place: after all, it was necessary to achieve uniformity in the rewritten works, they had to be

all the same, and discrepancies in them were a great evil. Ivan Fedorov understood this very well, and he dreamed of organizing book printing in Moscow, as it was

from the Polish and Lithuanian kings.

1. Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

3. Specify style features.

4. Determine the type of speech.

1. Write down the words in which two vowels stand side by side. Fauna, entrant, air mail, living room, difference, initials, loaf, rubber, more beautiful, meridian.
2. Put the stress on the following words.

Pamper, plumbing, utterly, miserable, embittered.

3. In which word does the letter b not serve to soften the preceding consonant?

Less, wrestling, herring, sawyer, sick, boy, rush.

4. Choose a Russian synonym for each of the borrowed words.

Show, positive, argument, sanction, dominate.

5. Determine whether adjectives otherworldly, tripod are formed in one or different ways. Justify your answer.
6. Highlight the roots of words. What are the names of roots that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings.

Water-driver-factory, food-squeak.

7. Correct the errors in the following sentences.

1) Classes are held according to the schedule.

2) This stadium is located thirty minutes from the city.

3) It's no secret that Sergei writes poetry.

4) Confidence in victory helped us.
8. Arrange punctuation marks (if necessary).

1) Sugar-white sandbanks, going under water, acquired the color of pure gold.

2) Already the verses sang like a violin, but suddenly on the road, as if from under the ground, an equestrian detachment grew up and blocked the path.

4) This girl is like a holiday!

5) I looked as if spellbound.

6) The head is cut like a boy's.
9. Indicate what part of speech is the word WHAT in sentences:

1) How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile, harmful;

But it's just not all right.

2) Do you want to know what I did

At will? Lived...

3) I came to you with greetings,

Say that the sun has risen.

10. Write down feminine nouns, choosing adjectives for them.

Jury, show, highway, silhouette, scarf, sorrel, kohlrabi, avenue, hummingbird.

11. Explain the meaning of phraseological units.

Filkin's diploma, grated kalach.

12. Which of the following words are etymological relatives? Justify your answer.

Mouth, oral, fatigue.

Write an essay-miniature on the topic "Teacher".

School Olympiad in Russian in the 9th grade.

1 round

Dictation score - 10 points. For a spelling error, 1 point is deducted, for punctuation - 0.5 points.

2) The style is journalistic.

3) The goal is to state the reasons why the need for printing is ripe. The text is logical, full of obsolete words.

4) By type, this text is reasoning.

For a correctly completed task - 2 points (0.5 for each task)

3 round
1) Fauna, air mail, initials, rubber, meridian (0.2 points each) - 1 point.


3) rush - 0.5 points

4) show-spectacle

sanction, permission


dominate - dominate

argument, proof

(0.5 points per word) 2.5 points in total

5) Words are formed in one way - by adding the bases (for the method 0.5 points + 0.5 points for parsing each word) -1.5 points

6) The phenomenon when the root of the words is the same, but the meaning of the words is different, is called the homonymy of the roots (for each root 0.2 points + 0.5 for the phenomenon) -1.5 points

7.1) Classes are held according to the schedule.

2) This stadium is located thirty minutes from the city.

3) It's no secret that Sergei writes poetry.

4) Confidence in victory helped us.

(1 point for each sentence) -4 points

8.1) White, like sugar, sandbanks, going under water, acquired the color of pure gold.

2) The verses were already singing like a violin, but suddenly on the road, as if from under the ground, an equestrian detachment sprang up and blocked the path.

3) The received answer was considered as consent.

4) This girl is like a holiday!

5) I looked as if spellbound.

6) The head is cut like a boy's.

(0.5 points for each sentence) -3 points
9.1) Union

2) pronoun

(for o.5 points) -1.5 points

10. kohlrabi-delicious, hummingbird-small, avenue-wide (0.5 points each) -1.5 points

11. filkina letter - a document that has no power; grated kalach - an experienced person who is difficult to deceive (0.5 points each) -1 point

12. Mouth - lips. (0.5 points each) -1 point



1. Depth and independence of understanding the problem - 1 point

2. The validity of the use of literary material - 1 point

3. Consistency and consistency of presentation - 1 point

4. correct literary language, stylistic correspondence of the content - 1 point

5. the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations - 1 point

6. Following the norms of speech (spelling - 1 point; grammar - 1 point; punctuation - 1 point) - 3 points

total 8 points



The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun shone brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, flung it open, and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. A green forest spread all around, trees with ripe fruits grew along the edges. The fields were full of pink, white, and blue flowers. Tiny birds, colorful butterflies fluttered in the air.

(96 words) (A.Volkov.)

1) Write out the word(s) from the text with an unpronounceable consonant

2) Write out the word(s) from the 2nd paragraph with an alternating vowel in the root

3) Write out a complex sentence from the text

4) Write out all the prepositions from the 2nd paragraph

(According to the book by D. Zuev "The Seasons")

(According to V. Belov)

Summer ends. All the brighter fires of leaf fall. Birches and maples autumn colored in yellow, and the leaves of the aspens were blushed. She went to the forests, to the fields, to the meadows, she removed the golden bread from the fields, and in the meadows she swept fragrant haystacks into high stacks.

Schools of birds rose into the sky: cranes, ducks, geese. Here, under the very clouds, large white birds fly and send farewell greetings to their native places. "Goodbye, birds!" - people follow them.

Hurry, hurry autumn. Cold rain washes away the motley dressing of leaves. Here the sun came out from behind the clouds, and under its gentle rays the gloomy picture of autumn changed. (92 words)

A blizzard broke out in the evening. She made a noise, and the forest was magically transformed.

Snowdrifts shining in the sun are blinding. Winter bewitched the silent hero in coniferous chain mail. Heavy branches of fir trees under the weight of snow almost touch the ground. The titmouse will sit down, but the branch will not flinch.

Tiny fir trees nestled under the birch trees. The blizzard dressed the young shoots in a fancy outfit. From the cold rays of the sun, a snow cover lights up on them. How good they are now!

The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyles of the enormous pines. Lush snow caps perched on their tops. Under the pines, the trail of a crafty fox snakes.

In the evening, coniferous darkness frowns in the thicket. Mysterious dusk envelops the distance. In the darkness of moonless nights, you only see birch trees in a dark forest. It is difficult to find a path or even a road here. (111 words)

(Based on the book by D. Zuev "The Seasons")


Autumn walks on Russian soil...

In the spacious fields, a blue web floats above the dew, and the overworked earth slowly cools. In the transparent depths of the river whirlpools, fish are lazy, barely moving their fins. Haystacks, surrounded by late green grass, have long faded and faded from the September rains. On the other hand, the emerald-gray winter stripes are dazzling, and ruby ​​bursts of mountain ash glow silently and brightly at the edge.

The forest is unusually quiet. Everything froze, holding its breath, and as if waiting for some inevitable punishment, or maybe forgiveness and rest.

Autumn blows on the forests, blasting them with a wet wind, and then the deaf, dissatisfied roar of the ramparts goes for thousands of miles. The winds blow away the protected blue from the bosom of countless lakes, rippling and showering the reaches of the great northern rivers with dead leaves. The breath of these winds now captures the taiga with swampy gray hair, then weaves golden, orange and silvery-yellow strands into it. But the pine and spruce ridges do not care, and they are still arrogantly silent or menacingly and terribly buzzing, raising their indignant manes, and then a mighty noise rolls again through the endless taiga. (158 words)

(According to V. Belov)

Petka and Mishka wearily trudged along the deserted seashore, dotted with pebbles polished by the waves. From the barely swaying sea, a strange peace and silence blew over the boys. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set below the horizon, glided over the light waves that ran ashore.

The long steppe road, impregnated with the smell of wormwood, stretching to the sea from a distant city, was left behind, and in front of all the distance and expanse stretched the open sea, which had no boundaries. And it seemed to the guys that they had reached the very end of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it the same endless sky, only in some places covered with pale pink clouds.

The boys, tired from their long journey, walked in silence. Their heads were hidden behind heaps of dry weeds, collected by them for the future fire. (117 words)

Summer ends. All the brighter fires of leaf fall. Birches and maples were dyed yellow in autumn, and the aspen leaves were blushed. She went to the forests, to the fields, to the meadows, she removed the golden bread from the fields, and in the meadows she swept fragrant haystacks into high stacks.

Schools of birds rose into the sky: cranes, ducks, geese. Here, under the very clouds, large white birds fly and send farewell greetings to their native places. "Goodbye, birds!" - people follow them.

Hurry, hurry autumn. Cold rain washes away the motley dressing of leaves. Here the sun came out from behind the clouds, and under its gentle rays the gloomy picture of autumn changed. (92 words)
