I constantly make mistakes in verbs ending in -ts and -tsya. Help to understand and remember when to write a soft sign, and when not.


The incorrect spelling of verbs ending in "-tsya" and "-tsya" is one of the most common mistakes on the Internet, cutting eyes and spoiling the impression of even the best blogs and other sites. Usually they write an extra soft sign: "I like him", "he won't succeed." For people who write correctly, the question of whether or not to write a soft sign does not even arise, they do it automatically correctly, without thinking. Therefore, the rule for the correct (sorry for some tautology) spelling of verbs ending in "-tsya" and "-tsya" is necessary only for those who make mistakes. Knowing this “sin” behind you, every time you need to write a word with “tsya” and “tsya”, remember this rule until one fine day it ceases to be necessary for you, because you will begin to feel the only correct spelling without resorting to the rule .

Ask a question to the verb (one of these: what does it do? what will it do? what to do? what to do?). If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is necessary in the word. If the question is not soft sign, then it is not in the word either.

What is he doing? (no soft sign) - Having fun, somersaulting, getting married, doing push-ups, studying ...

What (will, wants, intends, intends ...) to do? (there is a soft sign) - Have fun, somersault, get married, do push-ups, study ...

What will he do? (there is no soft sign) - He will catch himself, gather himself, overstrain, respond, catch a cold ...

What to do? (there is a soft sign) - Catch, gather, overstrain, respond, catch a cold ...

If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is needed in the word.

If there is no soft sign in the question, then it is not needed in the word either.

Sometimes (very rarely) it is impossible to ask a question to the verb (if there is no subject in the sentence). In this case, feel free to write without a soft sign.

Not good for being young. It is easy to put the question to “be young”: “what to do?”, but to “not good” the question cannot be asked - therefore we write without a soft sign.

And a few proverbs that will help you feel the difference between "-tsya" and "-tsya".

Don't spit in the well, you'll get drunk.

Whoever swears without work cannot be relied upon.

What was to marry, if rye is not born.

Why boast about something that is not good for people.

Work well - bread will be born.

Literacy is always useful to learn.

As it is sewn, so it is worn.

Than to lie, it is better to scratch silently.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Surprisingly, the spelling of "tsya" and "tsya" in verbs causes difficulties for many. Moreover, the mistakes made in these endings are striking. We hope our article will help you avoid them.

The rule "tsya", "tsya" in verbs is studied according to curriculum high school. It is very simple.

Mentally put a question in front of the word being checked. If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is also in the verb.

Examples: “In the sky they became (what to do) clouds appear "or" In the morning it is necessary (what to do) wash up." In the first and second cases, there is a soft sign in the questions asked. Therefore, it must also be present in the endings of the words “wash”, “appear”. A soft sign is not put in words that ask the questions "what does" and "what will he do." For example: "The earth will soon (what will it do) covered with green grass" or "Mom (what is he doing) learning to cook." There is no soft sign in these questions, therefore, it should not be in the words “covered” and “studies”.

But there are also nuances. The rules of the Russian language indicate that the basis of the sentence or its main members are the subject or predicate in the initial form. However, often, especially in colloquial speech, there are sentences without a subject or without a predicate. What to do in this case, because without a subject it is impossible to raise a question and decide on the correct spelling of the ending "tsya" or "tsya" in the verb? Particular difficulties arise when writing words denoting action in the third person singular. For example: "Working is always useful." In this example, the word for action in the third person is "useful", that is, we are talking about a person who is not participating in the conversation and is not defined in any way. The verb in this case is generalized, without referring to anyone specifically.
In such a situation, you just need to remember the rule: if it is impossible to put a question before a third person singular verb, then the soft sign is not used.

Sometimes, in sentences there are two words in a row denoting an action. For example: "The student is trying to learn." Many people make the mistake of asking one question for two words: “trying” and “learning.” For example, the question "what is he doing" suggests in this situation in both cases to write the ending "tsya", but this would be wrong. You have to be careful and not rush. One word asks a question "what is he doing"- “trying”, and to the second "what to do"- study.

The grammar of the Russian language is very complex and therefore differs from most European languages. To write correctly and competently, you need to know the rules, as well as read more fiction.

This opus is dedicated to all those strong, independent personalities who are very fond of writing illiterate nonsense and talking about the fact that they do not need to be taught, they have already achieved everything. “If you are so smart, where is your money?” – the wounded literate will ask. You know, in one Irish social network there is a certain system of fines for elementary grammatical violations. If you exceed the limit, you will say goodbye to your page forever. It is clear that this social network is not successful and will close soon, as the Irish are wayward people, and they really do not like it when some “bastard teaches life, if you are so smart, go out one on one”! But such a rule should be introduced into all social networks.

Language is one of the foundations of statehood. When a people loses it, it loses its history, its heritage. This is beautiful to say. And if you really get off the brakes and say everything as it is, then learn to distinguish between the cases of writing -TSYA and -TSYA! At least this! To not be embarrassed! Even a fifth grader writes better! There is no “Grammar Nazi” slant here: this is an elementary attempt to point out the most common problems when writing. If you want to write an angry comment, write it correctly, without mistakes. The author will be pleased.

P.S. If you find something misspelled in the text, it's not me - it's all Freemasons, 2 parochial classes and alcohol. What right do I have to write all this? And who, if not BroDude?!

This is, so to speak, the quintessence of all the mistakes made by millions when writing. For everyone, “Grammar Nazi” is a symbol of the struggle for the purity of the language (God, how terrible it is to write “purity” next to the word “Nazi”. I know, I know, this is the calculation.) Like Joan of Arc for the French during the Hundred Years War . Although Jeanne did not know how to write at all, and thank God.

In fact, everything is simple to the point of banality:
- “-tsya” is written if the verb answers the question “what does it do?”;
- “-s” is supposed to appear in the verb if it answers the question “what to do?”.

– What does Bartholomew do?
- Bartholomew is spreading in the alley.
– What are we to do then?
– GET OUT with him.
- I don't want.
- Have to.

A soft sign is generally an insidious thing. How many words have been mangled by his presence/absence. Therefore, "b" is important and should be put:
- in the indefinite form of the verb, called the beautiful word "infinitive": "to smear";
- at the end of the verb of the 2nd person singular of the present or future tense: “Pontuesh“ priory ”in front of friends; intercourse in the “prior” without friends”;
- after consonants in forms imperative mood. True, there are exceptions - “d” and “d”: “Lie down on the couch, gently stick it down. Then rinse your mouth and spit”;
- in the recurrent particle (suffix) after the vowel sound: "I'll get drunk", "I'll vomit", "I'll cut myself off."

In other cases, in the verb endings, “b” is not put (What is he doing? - Put by heroin). He likes to blow his nose in the hand in front of the young ladies, but "he blows his nose in the hand."

And finally, fixing the material. If the word "infinitive" is as alien and incomprehensible to you as the word "adequacy" to Gauguin Solntsev, then there is an easier way:

“-sya” is a recurrent particle, short for “self”. Say this form in full, and everything will immediately become clear:
"He likes to wash himself before a date" - you won't say "wash". This is not old Russian for you.
“It is necessary to wash yourself in order not to get infected with gangrene”, - “washing up” cannot be written; "infect".
"Women bathe in the bath." “Women bathe themselves.”
"Kuzma came to the bath - the women ran to hide." - "They ran to hide themselves from the accursed Kuzma."

Let's look at the studied material based on the good old VIA song with the telling name "KhZ":

Friends, let's sort it out (what to do? - sort it out)
And negotiate (negotiate)
To whom, when and with whom to fuck, (fuck)
So as not to break off. (there is no such word as “Breaking off”)
But when we agree (what will we do?)
And let's figure it out (same thing)
Let's have some fun then
And… well, you get the idea.

Now let's remember school and do an exercise to consolidate the material. Insert a soft sign where necessary.

Stepanida was offered to star in a film of light content.
Ferapont wanted to get drunk..sya. But the district police officer forbade him to approach the stall.
Panteleimon is glued to Genevienne. At first, Genevienne is shy, but later gives in to the stubborn Panteleimon.
The lazy fatass has a thin roof..sya.
Does not spit .. to the inhabitants in the well. Residents know that you can not spit there .. sya. It will come in handy .. to drink water .. sya.

Today's lesson is over, goodbye!

We will learn how to write the endings -TSYA AND -TSYA correctly in verbs. Let's determine in what forms of the verb these endings are used.


Lesson:Spelling TSYA and TSYA at the end of verbs

Studying, studying, student, working, working, titmouse, street, swim, swim. At the end of the words [tsa] is heard. In the words student, titmouse and street, [tsa] is read and written. The above words are nouns. There is no difficulty in writing these words correctly, because there is no orthogram in these words. As for the rest of the spelling. All of them are verbs. [tsa] is heard, but at the end of the verb we write -tsya, -tsya.

Let's divide the words into two groups. Determine the form of the verbs and ask them questions.

Bend over (what to do?) indefinite form (infinitive), write in 1 column.

Afraid (what is he doing?) of the present, write in column 2.

Holds (what does?) Currently, we write in column 2.

Boasting (what is he doing?) at the present time, we write in column 2.

Smile (what to do?) indefinite form (infinitive) we write in 1 column.

Rice. 1.

In the verbs of the 3rd person it is written -TSYA, in the verbs of the indefinite form -TSYA is written.

There is an easy way to determine what exactly needs to be written at the end of the verbs -TSYA, -TSYA. If there is a “t” at the end of the question, then -tsya will be written at the end of the verb. (what is being done? writing). If at the end of the verb there is “t”, then at the end of the verb it will be -tsya (what to do? take a walk).

Exercise 1. Stretch, relax, take a deep breath now. Get up, wash yourself, Eat porridge, Jump lightly, And squat down. Get up, jump, laugh, Spin around, sway, Bow, straighten up And start working again.

In what words do you hear [tsa] at the end?

1. (what to do?) stretch - a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

2. (what to do?) to wash - an indefinite form of the verb, so you need to write a soft sign.

3. (what to do?) laugh - there is a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

4. (what to do?) spin around - an indefinite form of the verb, so you need to write a soft sign.

5. (what to do?) sway - there is a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

6. (what to do?) bow - there is a soft sign in the question, we write it in the verb.

7. (what to do?) to straighten up - an indefinite form, written with a soft sign.

8. (what to do?) work - there is a soft sign in the question, so we write it in the verb.

Task 2

Dictation letter. Mark √ or × in the appropriate box. Use an algorithm. 1) to be locked with a bolt;

2) fog spreads;

3) going to school;

4) it is necessary to take care of health;

5) wants to study;

6) the girl is studying;

1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A. Russian language 4: Academic book / Textbook.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O. Russian Language 4: Ballas.

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: VITA_PRESS.

3. Cabinet of the Russian language and literature ()

1. Rewrite. Underline the verbs in the form of the 3rd person with one line, in the indefinite form - with two lines. Do not rush: let me wash, pray, and have a bite! Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not done soon. What is born in summer will come in handy in winter. Nothing is more difficult: praying to God, honoring your parents and repaying your debts. The Lord commanded to be fed from the earth. She cries with her eyes, but laughs with her heart. The crane walks through the swamp, is hired to work. Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread. The goods will be loved - the mind will part. Expensive - the goods are stale; sell cheap - do not make profits.

2. Selective dictations. Write the verbs of the 3rd person in the left column, the verbs in the infinitive - in the right column. It’s good for someone else’s laughter (i.e. trouble) to laugh: laugh at your own! The eye is not satisfied with sight, and the mind with wealth. Don't wear someone else's dress. Learn - learn. Every bird flaunts with its feather. Where to meddle in wolves, if a dog's tail. The hay can't keep up with the fire. He drinks tea like a merchant, but pays not like a merchant. There is time to cry, eat and have fun. It is better to stumble with a foot than with a word. Beware of it, as you beware of fire and water. On someone else's good and eyes flare up. To hope for a friend - to disappear yourself. Every master marvels at himself.

3. Guess the riddles, underline the spelling -tsya, -tsya and explain them. Bows, bows - will come home, stretch out. Kochet ankle, bow much. Two brothers look at each other, but they don't get along. The mother is black, the daughter is red, the son is ankle-sized, it is much to bend. The gray cloth stretches out the window. During the day he swaggers, ribs, and at night he lies down in a corner. Two brothers are bathing and the third is taunting . Was on a dig, was on a firebox, was on a circle, was on a fire, stood in a market; he was young, he fed a hundred heads; became old - began to swaddle.

4. * Find and write down 10-15 riddles or sayings, or proverbs in which the spelling is found -tsya, -tsya.


“Let him go and learn - or learn?” Perhaps this error confidently holds the first place in the ranking of the most annoying. It's a shame that an annoying typo is often disguised as it. It seems that you know the rule, but all the same, in a hurry, in quick correspondence, a soft sign pops up where it does not belong at all. But it is unlikely that the champion of spelling purity will be convinced by the argument “I had a five in Russian, I put a soft sign by accident, my hand trembled.” Too noticeable, hurts the eyes.

What is the reason for this error? The fact is that in oral speech they do not differ when pronouncing the infinitive (in other words, the indefinite form) of the reflexive verb, for example, "learn", and its third person singular form - "he (she) will learn."

Let's figure out when a soft sign is indispensable, and when it is clearly superfluous. It's all about the significant part of the word (linguists call it a morpheme), which is at the end of each reflexive verb. This is a postfix -СЯ, by which the verb is recognized as reflexive. We inherited it from the Old Russian language. In fact, this is a truncated pronoun for "myself". For example, “dressing up” means “dressing yourself up”: the action is directed at the one who performs it, is closed on him. The postfix -СЯ also has other meanings: for example, it shows that an action is performed by several people at once (“hugging” without fail with someone - at least two people hug each other) or that it is involuntary (“get hurt”) and so on .

What is important? Remember that the postfix -СЯ is a special part of the word, its place is after graduation.

To the infinitive of the most common verb "teach" (what to do?), With a soft sign at the end, they attached -СЯ - and got the infinitive of the reflexive verb "learn". Here -ТЬ (infinitive suffix) and -СЯ (postfix) are different parts of the word, there is a boundary between them. Let's put this verb in the form of the third person singular - "he will learn" (what will he do?): the border will pass between the ending -IT and the postfix -СЯ.

But in oral speech, this boundary is erased: -TSYA and -TSYA sound the same, like "tsa". About ourselves, "in the mind", we pronounce exactly the same. That is why the error occurs.

How to deal with it? First, separate the postfix -СЯ from the end of the verb, solve the problem with the help of visualization: you need to imagine how the word is written and see -СЯ in it. For training, you can disassemble several reflexive verbs by composition. Secondly, in a school way, check yourself with a question. “Want (what to do?) to learn” - since there is (that is, it is written) a soft sign in the question, we put it in the verb as well. “He will certainly (what will he do?) Learn” - no soft sign, because it is not in the question (not written). The reception is boring, but effective, it helps to bring spelling to automatism.

Sometimes phrases like “want to learn” cause difficulties. Which of the verbs needs a soft sign, and which does not? The question "what is being done?" to the first verb seems strange. How to be here? Yes, just do not think about the strangeness of the question. It's definitely not worth it to be ashamed to ask it to yourself. He clarifies the situation (after all, there is no soft sign in it) and helps to throw a bridge to the second verb: “I want (what to do?) to learn.”

Everything will definitely work!
