Today we will consider in detail how to lay walls from foam blocks. After all, the material has its own distinctive features and the technology of masonry work is different in some respects compared to brick. Just like laying out a wall of foam blocks, a video will help you quickly understand the intricacies and do everything yourself.

It is possible to lay down walls from a foam block much faster than from a brick. But this is not the most important thing in the line, there are also a lot of other indicators. Therefore, before buying a material, you must definitely be in its efficiency of use.

Let's deal with this question and deal with it first:

Advantages Flaws
To begin with, it is worth noting the advantages of foam concrete blocks used in current construction:
  • In order for the foam block to be durable and reliable, it must be manufactured in accordance with all norms and standards. This dates the opportunity to build a three-story building.
  • By its mass, the block is not heavy, it is similar to a tree. Therefore, the force of gravity of the building frame on the foundation is reduced. This allows the blocks to be easily moved.
  • Also, foam blocks have low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, heat is retained inside the room. This property allows you to save money during construction, since no additional material is required for wall insulation.
  • The structure of the side is porous. Due to this characteristic, the house has sound insulation. Today it is one of the significant advantages.

Foam blocks have increased fire resistance, including when exposed to direct fire. Also, the low price attracts the consumer.

Like any material, foam concrete blocks have disadvantages. Let's consider them in order:
  • The material is very fragile due to its characteristics, in particular at the folds. For a frame made of foam blocks, it is necessary to make a very strong foundation.
  • The foam concrete block has a non-standard geometric shape. That creates difficulties in construction.
  • Possesses the increased degree of a pass of moisture and steam. Therefore, when building a house, it will be necessary to do waterproofing, and when decorating walls, use additional materials. Which in turn is costly.

Many people ask if it is possible to lay out the walls of the basement from the foam block and the answer is simple. Of course you can. But then there will be a lot of dampness in the room and this material will not last long.

Rules for laying foam blocks

The technology of laying walls from foam blocks is not so complicated. You just need to take note of their size and specifications.

Attention: When performing masonry, it is imperative to use a measurer. After all, the block itself is large and the deviation in the plane of the masonry will be very noticeable at high altitude.

The first row of a wall of foam blocks

It is worth paying attention to the fact that initial stage erection of a building, its foundation must be well leveled. If you still need to level, use a cement sand screed. Apply a small layer on the base until smooth.


  • It is worth being careful, flaws in the construction of the first row cannot be fixed. The proportionality of the house directly depends on the quality of the work on laying the first row on the base. The strength factor of the erected property also depends on this stage.

  • Immediately you need to apply a layer of waterproofing. After all, the block absorbs moisture and this cannot be allowed. Therefore, this question is mandatory;
  • Equal laying is important not only in width, but also in height. During the construction of a one-story building, the first row of blocks is laid on a cement sand mixture. In this case, each part is placed with the help of a level, in order to avoid creating flaws.

  • Whole foam blocks begin to be laid from the corner. The transition of rows is carried out according to the standard principle. Apply the adhesive mixture evenly over the entire surface.

Of course, achieving a completely perfect masonry is very difficult. In construction work, it would be good to use a grater. It is ideal for manual processing. Blocks, due to their composition, are processed with a grater.

A laser level will help you level. So that there are no gaps. It will help to avoid waviness on the wall when masonry is raised;

It is important to follow the construction technology and lay the rows so that there are no zones that reduce the safety of the building under construction. Blocks should be stacked so that there are no protruding corners.

Since any mistake can lead to the destruction of the building. For the correct laying, the cord is pulled and it is according to it that the plane is maintained.

vertical seam

Many people have a question whether it is necessary to apply glue to the vertical seam between foam concrete blocks.

The question is relevant for two reasons:

  • Many blocks have tongue-and-groove locks, which can be responsible for distributing the load in width between foam blocks without glue;
  • Any connection of blocks contains a certain cold bridge, when their number is minimal, then this is good.

Possible situations:

  • The vertical connection between the foam blocks can not be filled with glue when it is planned to apply the plaster completely to the surface;
  • In order to prevent the wall from being blown through, the plaster is applied on both sides. If applied only on one side, then the seam should be partially filled;
  • The foam blocks are completely glued together if the load on the building frame is expected to be more than 69%.

By the way, about the horizontal connection between the blocks. Many build thick walls, while they want to save on adhesive mortar.

The adhesive mortar is laid only along the edges, and the middle is left empty. Thus, they want to increase thermal insulation. But in no case should this be done. Blocks located horizontally must be completely filled with adhesive solution.

Attention: The foam block must be laid out on a surface that is completely covered with glue. Otherwise, the building under construction will not meet the required quality.

We lay out the wall of foam blocks

By installing the beams, make it easier to monitor the correct layout of the blocks. They need to be installed near the corners, the main thing is to correctly set the height and secure it firmly. For the beam, you can use absolutely any board.


  • Between the beams, it is required to pull a rope, which will allow you to control the laying of foam blocks so that the wall is smooth and flawless. The rope rises as the row that is laid out increases. For convenience, the marking of the rows can be applied to the guide beams.
  • All rows are stacked according to the same principle as the first. If you need to fix something, use a grater.
  • We do not disregard the seams running vertically. Unlike ordinary blocks, foam blocks have their own requirements.

Attention: When conducting masonry, it is imperative to observe the conditions for dressing the material. Otherwise, the wall will not be strong enough.

Do I need to reinforce the walls

If you want to protect the frame from any factors that can destroy it, then reinforcement is necessary. However, reinforcement does not actually give strength to the foam concrete blocks themselves. They just reinforce the whole structure.

Even at the project stage, it is required to decide whether it is necessary to install fittings, if so, in what place. Not infrequently there are cases when the decision is made directly during construction works.

For foam concrete blocks, there are special rules for the use of reinforcement:

  • Ring belts are installed under ceilings and rafters;
  • It is required to reinforce the blocks that are under the window and all openings.

It is possible to reinforce the frame of a building according to certain rules.

  • Reinforcement installation starts from the first and continues through every fifth block. As a rule, reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm is used. The required number of reinforcement depends on the size of the wall. Usually, these are 2 reinforcing bars that are at the same distance from the edges of the foam blocks.
  • To install the reinforcement, it is necessary to make holes in the foam blocks. Since the material does not have high strength, the holes can be made in any convenient way.
  • Then reinforcing bars are installed in them and filled with an adhesive solution. In order to increase thermal insulation, foam plastic is laid in these places with a small thickness, about 3-6 cm.

Attention: It is not possible to perform all actions at the same time. Everything needs to be done in order. At the beginning, a pre-prepared adhesive mixture is poured into the hole. After the rod is placed, and at the end the cement-sand mixture is poured, and leveled.

Registration of openings, installation of partitions from foam blocks

Manufacturers of foam block products produce special elongated foam blocks, which are used for the base in the construction of partitions. If you look at the block across, it resembles the letter P.

However, of course, such blocks are placed when building a wall like an inverted letter P. The side walls have different thicknesses. The wall, which has a wider thickness, is placed on the outside of the building.

  • These foam blocks are exactly the same in width as regular blocks. Used to cover gaps. When installing it is necessary to use spacers to fix them.
  • They can also be used for the installation of internal partitions.

  • They are used as formwork, which is not removed.
  • A reinforced frame is installed in the groove of the foam block. At the same time, it should not go beyond the aisles. After this design is filled with concrete mixture, so that it reaches the upper boundaries. You can use a variety of concrete material, even with particles of crushed stone. Reinforcement and brand, the material used is selected and calculated at the design stage of the building.

  • Making jumpers from blocks is not difficult. The main thing is to make the walls thick when building a building higher than one floor. Since the load on the blocks must be uniform. To give the jumper strength, you can use a glass mesh.
  • To improve the acoustics of the room, the partitions are made with a vibration damping pad. The material for its creation can be varied, for example chipboard or MDF, various plates. Select the material according to the qualities that you require. The space that was left empty between the walls is filled mounting foam. You can not leave it empty, as in this case the acoustics of the room will be disturbed. For any building and installation work must be approached responsibly and strictly follow the rules.

Attention: If masonry is being done inner wall from foam blocks, then many make it thin and use a cut foam block. It is not so strong and therefore the overlap for partitions must be done thoroughly and carefully.

The laying of walls from foam blocks will not take much time. But this is a rather important question. If you watch the video in this article and the photo photo, then you can do everything with high quality and avoid mistakes.

What are foam concrete blocks, where they can be used and what is the technology of laying blocks, you need to know in order not to be deceived by the same workers who like to do everything “quickly”, violating the requirements of instructions and safety guidelines. And if there is a desire to try your hand at construction, then knowledge will not hurt all the more (and the cost of work will be less).

Two types of foam blocks
1. Split. Each block is made by cutting a huge slab into "bricks" of specific sizes.
2. Cast. It is obtained as a result of casting foam concrete in a special form.

Distinguishing one product from another is very simple: the cut product has more even edges.
It is best to lay foam blocks made by injection molding on a brick base, using a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 4 for bonding. For better adhesion, it is also recommended to water them with water.
The same type of building material must be prepared for laying: be sure to clean up chips, remove bumps, grind off notches, and process sharp edges.
There are standards for how the seams should look: their vertical thickness should be from 8 to 15 mm, horizontally - from 10 to 15 mm.
Split-type foam concrete blocks, thanks to precise cut lines, have edges that are not necessary to process. They are ideally installed in the masonry when a special adhesive is used to fasten them.

The advantages of this use are obvious:
the thickness of the seams does not exceed 2 mm;
the surface is perfectly flat;
due to the density of the masonry, the thermal insulation of the room improves.
Tools for the job
Try to make sure you have the following items on hand first:
Electric drill.
Drill nozzles for mixing mortar and drilling holes for electrical outlets.
Rubber mallet.
Trowel (trowel).
Level, plumb or laser device for such measurements.
Electric jigsaw.
Saw grinder or milling cutter.
Wall chaser.
Planer and grater.
A notched trowel or a device for uniformly applying the adhesive layer (specify with the seller of the building market when buying).
Flat paint brush.
Vacuum cleaner.

How to lay foam blocks
Stage 1
Have you decided that laying foam blocks with your own hands is more suitable for you? Learn to mix cement mortar. It is best to purchase a ready-made composition. The advantage is that it is possible to mix in small portions, eliminating the solidification of the solution during a break in work.
If you want to cook everything yourself, then remember that the proportion of cement-sand-water looks like this: 1x4x1 / 2. The technology allows the addition of a plasticizer in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package.
Stage 2
Working on the foundation. We clean it from dust ourselves with a paint brush and a vacuum cleaner, then, using a level, we check the horizontalness of the main masonry. In case of flaws, we remove irregularities by laying a layer of cement on top of the foundation base.
After the solution has dried, it is necessary to apply waterproofing to the foundation by treating the surface with bikrost or waterproofing. A layer of cement is applied over the moisture protection. In order for the solution to lie evenly, a notched trowel is useful, with which it is leveled on the surface. Careful processing at the joints affects not only strength, but also how effective the laying of foam blocks will be.
Initially, two main rows should be laid out. Installation is carried out from the edges to the middle, and the extreme foam concrete blocks must be moistened with water. The main thing is to check the horizontality and verticality of the stacked "cubes" as often as possible using a level, plumb line or laser device.
Once you have finished laying the foam blocks of the second tier, make grooves for the reinforcement. If the installation goes along the perimeter, then you need to put the rods in a circle, creating the so-called armored belt.
Stage 3
Starting from the second row, the laying of foam blocks is already carried out on glue. You can use split blocks. How to prepare the binder is indicated in the instructions on the package itself.
The next belt of blocks is installed in the same way as the first. After 3-4 rows, you need to do the gating again and reinforce the structure with reinforcement.
If you have to put injection-molded foam blocks, installation is not done on glue, but on sand- concrete mortar, interblock seams are reinforced with welded mesh.
Here, in general, and the whole process. Keep the following points in mind while you work:

1. It is best to spread the adhesive on the surface of foam concrete with a notched trowel.
2. If there is a need to eliminate flaws and irregularities, then use a planer and grater.
3. Above window and doorways rebar gasket should also be used.
4. As often as possible, check the verticality and horizontality of the masonry. The slightest inaccuracies should be eliminated immediately, until the solution or glue has “seized”.
5. If the walls are erected using sand and cement, the blocks must be constantly watered (adhesion to the mortar improves). At the end of the work, the wall of foam blocks must be closed with polyethylene.
6. To improve thermal insulation, foam concrete blocks are laid in two rows with vertical joints overlapping.
7. The reinforcement is pressed with force into the grooved grooves filled with mortar. This prevents the development of corrosion.
8. In order to facilitate the work, you can use a rowing - a rail with divisions corresponding to the thickness of one row of masonry. For the same purpose, a corner is used.

Stage 4
When the last row of foam blocks is laid, a reinforced belt is laid along its top, poured with concrete. Its height should be about 20 cm, and the width should be slightly less than the edge of the foam block. This is necessary in order to then place a heater in the resulting niche. Thanks to this solution, the load of the floors will be distributed evenly over the entire perimeter, eliminating the formation of cracks and destruction of blocks.

The main mistakes when laying foam blocks:
1. The first row of blocks is installed carelessly. The slightest deviation from the vertical threatens to skew the entire wall and improper load distribution, cracks appear, and the strength of the structure decreases.
2. Ignoring the cleaning of dust and small particles after grooving. Misalignment may occur during installation.
3. Masonry is done in rainy or frosty weather. Moisture accumulates, which, when frozen, will destroy the structure of the material, forming cracks.
4. Neglect of reinforcement and installation of a reinforced concrete belt at the end of the construction. It leads to the formation of cracks, subsidence of the wall, uneven distribution of the load on the bearing elements.
5. Uneven application of the solution layer, violation of proportions during mixing. They entail a weakening of the strength of the entire masonry, a violation of thermal insulation.

Masonry cost calculation
First of all, it is worth deciding on the type of foam blocks with which to work. Next important point: compiled detailed diagram calculation of the area and the number of required foam concrete "cubes". And, finally, it is necessary to decide how all the elements will communicate with themselves: using glue or sand-cement mortar.
In order to properly lay the walls of foam blocks, you also need to know how much reinforcement and thermal insulation will go into construction.
And, finally, add here the wages of workers (unless, of course, you have decided to do the work yourself).
For orientation, you can only report that the cost per 1 m3 has a rather large spread and depends on the category and method of manufacture. On average, the price varies in size from 2400 to 4000 rubles.

How to lay out a wall of foam blocks should be thought at the very beginning of construction work. After all, here you can apply several compositions and you need to make the right calculations.

How to properly lay out a wall of foam blocks, we will consider in this material. Also in the video in this article you can see the most crucial moments and then everything can be done by hand.

Rules for laying foam blocks

There are several techniques for laying foam blocks, which differ from each other depending on the bonding method used. Consider the most common of them.

Cement-sand mortar

The classic method, actively used in the past. Despite the creation of new materials and technologies in construction, many specialists continue to work with it.


  • The proportion of sand and cement depends on the brand of the latter. In the case of using the M500 brand, it is necessary to adhere to a ratio of 1: 4. In the case of working with the M400, 1:3 is assumed. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 2 centimeters. It is possible to use various plasticizers in accordance with the recommendations.
  • Of the positive aspects, it is worth highlighting the availability, low cost, as well as the possibility of using blocks with not the most ideal geometry.
  • The main disadvantages are an increase in the duration of masonry due to time., leaving for the preparation of the mixture, as well as the appearance of cold bridges due to the thick seam.

Special glue

To use this mixture, you only need to add a sufficient amount of water:

  • Depending on the manufacturer, 0.2-0.23 liters of water will be needed for 1 kg of glue. After that, it is necessary to mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed.
  • The thickness of the seam when applying glue should not exceed 3 mm.
  • The most important advantage of using glue is the absence of cold bridges at the seams. In addition, the ease of preparation is a notable plus.
  • However, there are also negative points. Firstly, the glue must be of high quality - otherwise your walls may collapse. The application of glue is a rather complicated process and should be carried out by experienced professionals.

Cold resistant tile adhesive

Tile adhesive can also be used for foam block masonry:

Attention: It is very important to choose a good adhesive that will be resistant to aggressive weather conditions. Before buying, the manufacturer's instructions should be carefully studied, the modes of using the mixture will be indicated here.

  • When laying foam blocks, experts recommend reinforcing the wall. To do this, every 3-5 rows it is necessary to lay a special mesh, which increases the strength of the wall.
  • In addition, fittings of various diameters can be used. Usually, it is placed in special strobes made in advance.
  • This mass is characterized by a small seam. Therefore, you will need to do a quality fit of the elements. After all, it will not work to correct the errors with a seam.

The first row is the key to success

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the prepared surface of the base is perfectly flat. If this is not the case, then you can achieve an even horizontal with a small layer of sand-cement mortar.

Let's note some key points that relate to the first row:

  • Not only the geometry of the entire wall will depend on how the first row is laid. but also its strength. It must be understood that in the future different thickness seams to even out the flaws obtained during the laying of the first row, it is almost impossible.
  • Laying must start from the corners. In this case, you need to use whole blocks in order to make the correct dressing of the corner. In this case, be prepared for the cutting block to be laid in the middle of the wall. When laying it, it is important to ensure that the side seams are completely filled with mortar (glue).
  • If it so happened that the first row was laid with horizontal deviations, then a special grater will help you, with which you can slightly trim the surface of the foam block.
  • All upper parts of the blocks must form a single surface without height differences.. Also, smooth undulating fluctuations in the masonry level should not be allowed. To control these parameters, you can use a laser level.
  • This hard work is very important. If you make a few mistakes in the geometry of the wall, then subsequently there may be zones of increased load due to parts of the wallthat "hang" in the air and do not have sufficient support. In this case, the occurrence of cracks with all the ensuing circumstances is inevitable.

Vertical seams

When laying a wall of foam blocks, many people have the question: “Do I even need to fill a vertical seam with mortar or glue?”.

In general, these are quite logical doubts, because at the ends of the foam blocks, the manufacturer very often provides a special groove-comb system that interlocks vertical plane. In addition, reducing the number of seams gives the building better thermal insulation due to the minimum number of cold bridges.

When looking for an answer to this question, you should be guided by the following points:

  • If the wall surfaces are covered with a continuous layer of plaster, then vertical seams can be made without mortar (glue).
  • If on any side there is no continuous layer of plaster, then it is necessary to lay the mortar (glue) at least half the width of the block. This will avoid blowing through the wall through.
  • If the load on the wall being erected is more than 70 percent, then it becomes necessary to completely fill the vertical seam.

If the wall thickness is great importance(and this situation is typical - especially in the northern regions of the country), then many builders are trying to save money by leaving the middle of the horizontal seam empty. Some motivate this by increasing the thermal insulation of the seams.

Attention: You should not do this, because in this situation there is an uneven load on the block, which can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

Foam block masonry

In order to maintain the correct geometry of foam block walls, experienced builders use the following tricks:

  • At the corners, strictly according to the level, vertical strips should be fixed, which will make it possible to make an ideal design.
  • On these beams, you can mark the level of each row with horizontal stripes. In this case, it will be possible to control even minimal deviations from the correct form.
  • Cords are stretched along the marks, along which the laying of the main row goes.
  • If problems arise with a particular block, it will be necessary to use a grater to align the row.
  • When forming a dressing, you should remember the following rule - the minimum offset between adjacent rows is 12 centimeters.
  • Each row is checked using the building level. There are no deviations here.

Wall reinforcement

Reinforcement of the wall allows you to withstand increased loads that put pressure on the walls in a horizontal plane. However, it should be remembered that when using reinforcement, the bearing capacity of the wall of foam blocks remains unchanged.

Regardless of the type of building and project, the following rules apply:

  • It is imperative to reinforce the space under the windows, as well as the places where the lintels placed above the openings lie on the wall. In this case, the reinforcement should be laid at least 0.5 meters in each direction from the opening.
  • Under truss system without fail, the construction of an armored belt is necessary.
  • For laying reinforcement in blocks, there must be special strobes. In some cases, foam blocks can be bought with ready-made strobes, but if there are none, then making them is not difficult. For this, I usually use a grinder or a wall chaser.
  • Further, reinforcement is laid in the prepared grooves, which is fastened to the blocks with mortar or glue. To avoid creating unnecessary cold bridges, the places where the reinforcement is laid in the strobes can be additionally insulated with foam.

Attention: It is important to remember that pouring a reinforcing bar in a strobe with a solution is the wrong step. First, the solution should be poured into the groove, then the fittings should be drowned in it, and only at the end, top up to required level.

In most cases, reinforcement of every fifth (sixth) row will be sufficient to form a solid wall that can withstand the intended loads.

Rules for the installation of openings and partitions from foam blocks

Factories that produce foam blocks have in their assortment special designs of increased length. They are successfully used as jumpers and partitions. In their appearance, they resemble the letter "P".

Consider the main features of their application:

  • When laying U-shaped jumpers, it is necessary to construct temporary support struts that will maintain the integrity of the structure.
  • They can be used as fixed formwork in the construction of elements such as armored belts.
  • In this case, a reinforcing skeleton is created in the middle of the partition (usually, it is made of reinforcement and fastened with wire or spot welding). Next, the skeleton is poured with concrete to the required level. For such purposes, inexpensive heavy concrete can also be used, but it should be remembered that the crushed stone fraction in this case should not be large.
  • If necessary, the lintels are made more durable through the use of a special reinforcing glass mesh.
  • To improve the sound insulation of rooms, partitions are equipped with a special gasket that dampens vibrations and sounds.

Common mistakes when laying foam blocks

You now fully understand how to fold a wall of foam blocks. But there are some of the most common mistakes.

They are in the photo and on this occasion the masters have their own tips and recommendations:

  • Curvature during the formation of the first row can give you a huge number of problems during further laying. Vertical deviations can significantly affect bearing capacity walls, so it is very important to observe the correct geometry throughout the construction.
  • Laying foam blocks under adverse weather conditions (for example, during a downpour or frost over 10 degrees).
  • Incomplete filling of seams. Such a negligent attitude can significantly reduce the strength of the wall and in the future lead to its destruction.
  • Ignoring the requirements for cleaning surfaces before laying. Contaminants such as dust can affect the degree of adhesion of the blocks to each other. And this, in turn, directly affects the strength of the wall. Remember that the foam blocks must be clean.
  • Ignorance of the correct reinforcement technique or its complete disregard can lead to paid results. During surface shrinkage, the absence of elements such as reinforcement can lead to cracks or partial destruction of the wall.
  • It is impossible to lay floor slabs directly on foam blocks. Such an error creates a local load in certain places, which over time may turn out to be a “weak link” and collapse.

How to fold a wall from foam blocks, you will now figure it out without any problems. It is important not to rush and do everything consciously. After all, having done everything with your own hands, the price of masonry will not be high.

Foam block masonry has certain specifics associated with the characteristics of the material. Its low strength involves the reinforcement of the rows and the arrangement of the armored belt under the floors. Foam concrete blocks are used for the construction of structures for various purposes. Of these, they are quickly erected bearing walls and partitions, receiving, moreover, good thermal insulation. But for this you need to know how to put the foam block, otherwise the expected effect will not work.

Differences in foam block manufacturing technology

When purchasing foam concrete blocks for the further construction of walls, it is recommended to find out by what technology they were produced. This directly depends on the installation option.

Foam concrete is a type of lightweight cellular concrete. In the production of blocks, a foaming agent is added to the mixture of cement, sand and water, which contributes to the appearance of closed-type air cells in concrete. As a result of hardening, a material with very attractive properties is obtained:

  • small specific weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low indicator of hygroscopicity;
  • democratic price;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • long service life.

Among the disadvantages of the foam block, it should be noted the lack of high-strength characteristics, as a result of which walls should be built from it using reinforcement, which will increase the reliability of the structure as a whole.

There are two ways to make foam blocks:

  • casting (or bulk) - the foamed mixture is fed into prepared forms, where, after drying, a ready-to-use building material is obtained;
  • cutting (or cutting) - a large foam concrete monolith dried in an industrial oven is cut into blocks standard sizes with string saws.

In the first case, the foam blocks are laid on a cement-sand mortar, thus leveling the allowable deviations in size. In the second case, the blocks have a clearer geometry, so the installation is carried out using adhesive mixtures.

Starting from the foundation

The reliability of masonry and the durability of walls made of foam blocks are possible only if there is a strong and high-quality foundation at their base. It is poured as a solid monolith, or mounted from concrete blocks with the obligatory device of a reinforced concrete strapping belt.

Although the foam blocks have a low hygroscopicity, due to the closed structure of the air cells, they react negatively to the appearance of moisture, absorbing and accumulating it. Therefore, even when designing, it is necessary to provide for measures to protect the walls from a possible capillary rise of water. At the foundation construction stage, both horizontal and vertical external waterproofing is performed, and the level of the basement above the blind area is raised by at least half a meter.

  • a layer of cement-sand mortar 1-2 cm thick is laid out on the foundation;
  • waterproofing is arranged;
  • a layer of cement mortar is laid.

Only after that you can start building walls.

Rules for laying a block of foam concrete

Every bricklayer knows that foam block walls are built much faster than brick walls. This is due to significantly bigger size block with less weight, even compared to a one and a half brick (the ratio is 1:13). Thanks to this, the process of laying foam blocks is much easier and simpler.

In addition, foam concrete lends itself perfectly to processing, which is very important when erecting complex structures. And by what technology the walls will be erected and how to put the foam block - largely depends on the method of its manufacture.

  • Laying should start from any angle, observing maximum accuracy when laying the foundation block.
  • There should be no voids between the seams.
  • To increase the strength of the walls, masonry is reinforced.
  • Before installation of the ceiling, a reinforced concrete belt is laid.
  • The first row of foam blocks, regardless of the technology of their manufacture, is laid out on a cement mortar.
  • When laying, it is necessary to perform dressing at least 0.4 of the height of the foam block.

The initial series must be checked by the level and, if necessary, adjusted. We should not forget that the shape of the future building depends on its evenness.

Cast foam block

The masonry material made by injection molding does not differ in the clarity of lines, so the blocks must be prepared before starting work:

  • clean sharp corners and too large burrs;
  • cut significant irregularities;
  • remove chips.

Cast foam blocks are laid on a cement-sand mortar, which is applied with a notched trowel or trowel to automatically control the height of the applied layer. Vertical joints, as a rule, should be 8-15mm, and horizontal - from 10 to 15mm.

cut foam block

The laying of blocks made by cutting technology is carried out on the adhesive mixture. The wall is smooth, which facilitates its subsequent finishing.

Benefits of using glue:

  • the minimum size of the seams (1-2mm) - a small consumption of the mixture;
  • the absence of so-called "cold bridges", which has a positive effect on thermal insulation;
  • the possibility of choosing a mixture according to the characteristics and manufacturer.

Wall reinforcement

The laying of foam blocks must be reinforced without fail. To do this, after three or four rows, the seams are reinforced with a welded wire mesh (diameter 4-5 mm), which performs the function of additional protection against cracking, increases the stability and strength of the walls. Reinforcement is also produced in the area where the jumpers are supported.

If you decide to build a house, then it is very important to demolish an old house if it exists and decide what material you will build it from. Certain companies are responsible for dismantling the house, for example,

It can be brick, wood, or even clay. And there is also aerated concrete, foam concrete and foam blocks. We'll talk about the latter. Foam blocks have many advantages.

They are light, large in size, which means that they are faster to put and the consumption is less. And the surface of the foam blocks is even and you can save on mortar, it goes less than for some other building materials. Where to start building a house from foam blocks?

We start by choosing the foam blocks themselves. Here, as they say, the foam block is different for the foam block. It comes in different quality.

You can choose by color: from dark to light gray, but do not take a white foam block. There may be little cement in it, or it may have been replaced with lime altogether. Such a foam block will not be durable.

You can choose according to porosity. To do this, you need to look at the foam block in the context. The bubbles should be separate and not merge with each other. It depends on whether the foam block will get wet. After selection quality material delivery of foam blocks. During delivery, be especially careful not to damage the foam blocks.

Better not to use cement. It is better to put such blocks on a special glue, because it is of the same density as the foam blocks themselves. You can reduce mortar consumption if you put foam blocks on glue instead of cement.

It can be applied in a thinner layer. And most importantly, if you put the foam blocks on the glue, you can avoid freezing the walls. Cement freezes easier than foam block and glue.

It is not recommended to lay foam blocks directly on the foundation. It is better to put insulating material on the foundation, and already lay foam blocks on it. In addition, the surface of the foundation must first be leveled so that the masonry comes out even. The first row of blocks can be laid on a mortar of sand and cement, and made a layer quite thick (from 2 cm) to align the first row, which you will continue to navigate.

The rules for laying foam blocks are due to the qualitative characteristics of this material. It should be remembered that it is less durable than brick.

Due to the high porosity, the mass of one unit of the product is small. Of course, it will be much easier for an experienced bricklayer to build a house from foam blocks, but a simple layman is able to cope with this task on his own. It is enough just to correctly choose the mortar for masonry and not to forget about some specific nuances of work.

First of all, you should find out how the purchased material was produced.

There are only two options: blocks are either cast (molded) or cut. In the first case, foam concrete was poured into pre-prepared molds of a certain size. In the second, a large monolithic slab was subsequently divided into blocks according to specified parameters.

Since the dimensions of cut products are less than those of cast products, they deviate from the standard, an adhesive solution can be prepared for their masonry. At the same time, the blocks are so close to each other that the geometry of the building is almost perfect. The time savings are also significant.

For molded foam blocks, an ordinary solution of sand and cement is prepared.

This is how it is possible to level out errors in size and unevenness. The solution fills the gaps, preventing the appearance of loopholes for cold to enter the house from the street. The main condition is that before work, the surface of the block connected to the solution must be moistened. Otherwise, due to uneven drying, the strength of the masonry will suffer.

Block stacking order

Regardless of the type of foam blocks, their first row is installed on a foundation covered with cement mortar with waterproofing laid inside. Today, the choice of waterproofing materials is wide, of the most suitable can be called waterproofing, bikrost or rubemast. But experts advise to abandon the roofing material that has become a classic.

Laying the first row of foam blocks with your own hands (video)

So, the corner block is first installed on the cement.

It is very important that all surfaces to be joined are thoroughly coated with a solution (adhesive or cement). For its uniform distribution, a notched trowel is ideal. The laying is done in two rows.

Since foam blocks are a relatively light material, reinforcement is laid periodically (with an interval of 3–4 rows) to give greater strength. Each type of block has its own method of strengthening the structure. If cement is used, then you can buy a ready-made masonry mesh (no more than 4-5 mm thick) and, in the course of work, put it into the seams between the blocks.

In the case of cast material, special tools are indispensable. You will need a saw and a wall chaser. But since foam concrete lends itself well to processing, it will not be difficult to make grooves and insert reinforcement there.

Wall masonry from foam concrete blocks

After the laying of foam blocks is completed, a special concrete-reinforced belt must be laid over the entire structure. It is on it that the floor slab will be located. It should be borne in mind that such a belt needs to be additionally insulated, so its width should be less than that of the blocks used.

For openings under windows and doors, there are U-shaped foam blocks. The main thing, when purchasing them, is to remember that in width they should correspond not to the overlap itself, but to the already insulated one.

Thus, laying a foam block structure is a simple matter, if you do not improvise, but clearly follow the advice of specialists.

We are building a house from a foam block. Wall masonry, foundation, roof

Building a house from foam concrete

Foam block walls are built much faster than brick walls, which explains their immense popularity.

Buildings built using this material are cheaper and at the same time have simply excellent performance. We think that the question of how to properly lay foam blocks with your own hands probably arises among many owners of suburban areas. Therefore, let's deal with the technology of building walls from this material in more detail.

Types of foam block

Only two types of foam blocks are produced: molded and split. The technology of their laying is somewhat different. In the first case, the blocks are cast in molds.

In the second, first, a huge slab is made by casting, which is then cut into individual elements. Molded blocks are much inferior to cut blocks in terms of evenness of faces. Lay them like bricks, using cement mortar.

Split blocks are fastened with a thin layer of a special adhesive mass.

This gives the developer certain advantages. Firstly, in order to lay the foam blocks, you do not need to knead a huge amount of concrete. Secondly, adhesive seams do not represent cold bridges. Thirdly, the walls of cut bricks are much more even.

Tip: You can choose both domestic and imported glue. Both of these options have good adhesive properties. If you can’t buy special glue, you can use a frost-resistant mixture designed for laying tiles.

How to put foam blocks on glue

The technology of laying blocks on concrete mortar is no different from the method of laying bricks. Therefore, we will not consider this method here. Let's take a closer look at how to put foam blocks on glue with your own hands.

The erection of walls from this material can be carried out both in one row and in two. The second method is more often used. The fact is that this allows you to get the optimal for middle lane Russian wall thickness of 40cm (foam block has dimensions of 20 * 30 * 60cm).

Laying on glue, as well as on cement mortar, is carried out with dressing of the seams. Important: Pay maximum attention to the reliability of the foundation. The thermal insulation characteristics of a foam block are better than those of a brick, but it is still inferior to the latter in terms of strength. Therefore, walls erected on a weak foundation can simply “break” in the spring. Laying is carried out as follows: Foam blocks of the first row are laid on the concrete mortar.

The verticality of the corners is checked with a plumb line; Starting from the second row, glue is used. They coat the surface of the foam blocks of the first row, after which the first block of the second is installed. Its end is also coated with glue. The second block is pressed against it, etc.

e. It is important to avoid the presence of voids in the seams. The blocks are pressed tightly enough - so that the glue comes out a little. Subsequently, it is cleaned with a trowel.

Reinforcement of masonry from foam blocks

Foam blocks, the laying of which on glue, as you can see, is not particularly complicated, the material is not as durable as a brick. Therefore, the walls must be reinforced.

To do this, grooves are cut out in blocks with a grinder. Foam concrete is very easy to process, so this operation will not take much time. Reinforce the wall with 5mm rods every four rows.

On top of the finished wall, a concrete monolithic armored belt is necessarily arranged with a height of two rows of brickwork. This will allow you to more evenly distribute the load from the floor structure to the walls.

The armored belt, since the thermal conductivity of concrete is higher than that of foam concrete, should be insulated. Well, we think we have answered in sufficient detail the question of how to lay foam blocks with our own hands. Keep the walls horizontal and vertical, and also prevent the appearance of voids in the adhesive joints, and then you will get a reliable, beautiful and warm home. Related video: Articles Laying a foam block is a very responsible task. Incorrectly laid material loses its qualities over time and may crumble. In particular, under conditions of high humidity, the foam block loses its shape, so the walls must be waterproofed with high quality. Such masonry does not tolerate any foundation deformations, so many experts recommend creating a base in the form monolithic slab, which can be either a solid reinforced concrete structure or laid out from concrete blocks.

In this article, we will look at how to properly lay the foam block and what is better to put foam blocks on in order to avoid destructive deformations. The photo shows the process of laying foam blocks. About foam concrete blocks This material can be made in two ways: Molding method. The foam mixture is poured into special forms, where it solidifies until a solid block is obtained. Such material is laid exclusively on a cement-sand mortar. A large block is formed from the foam, which is dried in an oven and cut into products of the required dimensions.

In this case, specialized adhesive mixtures can be used for installation. This manufacturing method is characterized by high accuracy, and the error in the production of each block is no more than 1 mm, while the material made by the injection method may differ slightly. bloki.Stroymaterial differs in such characteristics: Reliability and durability. Properly laid foam concrete block is practically ageless material. Warmth. The high thermal resistance of such walls allows you to reduce heating costs by 30%. Excellent sound insulation. Easy to use. Everyone can lay out foam blocks with their own hands House master who worked with brick or cinder block.

There are only a few nuances here, which will be discussed below. Since even non-professional builders know how to properly lay a cinder block or brick, you will not have any special problems with this material. Environmental friendliness. For the entire period of operation, the material does not release into the air harmful substances, yielding in environmental friendliness only to wood. Foam blocks and gas blocks are made various sizes and shapes. Foam blocks of various sizes. A relatively small weight allows you to significantly save building materials by laying the foundation at a shallower depth. Fire safety. According to test results, the material has the first degree of fire resistance. Which are used to create loaded structures that carry an additional load in addition to their weight. Heat-insulating, used for insulation purposes. Heat-insulating and structural, combining the properties of the two previous types. ".

Of course, do-it-yourself load-bearing walls should be built from foam concrete blocks only of grade 600 (and higher). Foundation for laying from foam concrete blocks As mentioned above, a reliable foundation is needed for foam blocks that would minimize any deformations and pressure from the soil. choice. However, it has several significant drawbacks: The price of such a foundation is quite high, in addition, its construction is unjustified due to the relatively low weight of the foam block structure. With such a foundation, you will not be able to equip a basement, which in some cases significantly expands the useful the space of the house. Considering these factors, many home craftsmen prefer columnar or strip foundations, which, with the right approach, can also become a reliable basis for such a house. two-story structure. And if the columnar foundation is focused on light buildings, then the tape one may well fit under two-storey house, therefore, we will consider the features of working with this material. The instruction is as follows: We mark the territory using pegs and a fishing line that is stretched between them. Advice! Its depth should be about one and a half meters. In the event that you are planning to build a basement, the depth should be increased to at least two meters. We make the base for the formwork, which is made of wooden beams.

Boards are nailed to the inner sides of the beams, forming a formwork. We pour a layer of sand (about 15 cm) into the formwork, which must be poured with water and compacted tightly. We pour water abundantly and evenly. Tip! In order to check how well the sand layer is compacted, you just need to step on it. If there is no trace left, then everything is done correctly. Using a construction stapler, we attach a plastic film to the formwork. .Tip!Use the film in winter period it is impossible, because it will lose its elasticity, which will lead to poor foundation quality. Take steel bars and wire and tie a reinforced frame. The design of such a frame is of no fundamental importance, the main criterion here is strength. Now you should start pouring concrete.

For this, a mixer machine or a specialized pump is used. We evenly distribute the concrete over the formwork using a wooden lath. Make sure that there are no empty seats or ledges. After a month, you can start laying walls. Articles
