Everything in the world is interconnected, so the existence of one is to some extent determined by the characteristics of the other. Nature is inherently very whimsical and in order to “cooperate” with it qualitatively, you need to follow some of its rules. In this article in general view the results of studies of astrologers on the transplantation of domestic plants are presented, which can save from unpleasant moments associated with the negative influence of the moon.

One of essential rules for the gardener there is an orientation when transplanting plants to the features of the state of the moon. This is explained by the fact that, according to science, all living organisms, consisting in particular of water, are malleable under the influence of this celestial body.

Plant transplantation according to the lunar calendar 2017

The lunar calendar is compiled by certain specialists in order to facilitate the process of high-quality cultivation of plants. The main criterion for dividing the days of the year into favorable and unfavorable is the state of the moon. According to their definitions, in the phase of the growth of the moon, the juice present in the plant rises along the stem and saturates it completely.

It is on these days that you can notice how flowers come to life, become less pliable under the negative influences of the environment and better adapt to a new habitat.

If the Moon is in its waning phase, the sap does not feed the plant, but goes to the root or seedling site.

Home flowers: features of transplantation according to the lunar calendar

If you want to turn your home into something beautiful and bright with the help of house plants, you should listen to some rules that are relevant in any month of the year.

  1. When the moon is in its full moon phase, planting or transplanting flowers is not recommended. It was at this time that everything nutrients sent to the root system of the plant. But it is also worth noting that cultures whose value lies at the root are an exception.
  2. Don't plant seedlings during a solar or lunar eclipse. It is believed that these days are a period for the revival of nature. All living things freeze and rest in order to enter into life with renewed vigor. Astrologers also take these phases into account when compiling lunar calendar.
  3. You can plan a plant transplant based on the state of the moon in a particular sign of the zodiac. Favorable astrologers consider the sign of Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces. It is better to refrain from transplanting during the period of the signs of Aquarius and Leo. All other signs are considered neutral or of medium influence on plant growth.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: January 2017

Winter is not the most favorable time of year for seedlings. During this period, plants slow down their growth and need only appropriate care, which includes regular watering, pest control and soil fertilization.

According to astrologers, cutting or grafting seedlings in January is best avoided. But still, if you still need to do this, you should be especially careful so as not to be in the snares of the bad influence of the moon. It is better to transplant indoor plants during the period from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January.

  • You need to refrain from working with seedlings on such days: 13-27
  • The most unsafe day for transplanting plants: 12

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: February 2017

The days in February become an order of magnitude longer, so this month is favorable for starting a transplant. It is worth considering that it is in February that an eclipse of the Sun and Moon is expected, and these days you need to be especially attentive to the plants and try to provide them with the necessary rest.

It is better to do a transplant during the period from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 28 January. The negative influence of the moon is possible on the days from January 12 to 25. Very unsafe transfer days: 11, 26.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: March 2017

Experienced gardeners this month are trying to prepare plants for transplanting or for planting seedlings in the ground. Favorable days of this month will have the best effect on the effectiveness of feeding and pruning plants. The favorable influence of the moon is expected during the period from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 March. Bad or neutral influence is possible between 13 to 27 March. It is recommended to exclude all work with seedlings March 12th.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: April 2017

With the advent of spring, plants renew their strength and are ready to change their habitat. This month is ideal for transplantation, especially on favorable days for this: 1-10, 26-30. Keep away from similar robot stands with April 12-25. Replanting plants is not recommended at all. 11 April.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: May 2017

This month is favorable for manipulating plants that are transplanted with seedlings or tubers. On the right days for this, the result of the transplant will be amazingly good. These days astrologers recognized May 1-10, 25-31. It is worth refraining from transplants during the period from 12 to 24 May. Scientists are categorically opposed to plant transplantation May 11th.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: June 2017

If you follow the advice of astrologers, then this month you can contribute to the excellent adaptation of transplanted plants in the new soil.

In June, according to astrologers, it is better to do this on days from 1 to 8 and from 24-30. Days considered unfavorable for transplantation from 10 to 23 June. It is worth keeping from all work with seedlings the 9th of June, since on this day everything is set against the favorable growth of seedlings.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: July 2017

With the help of the advice of scientists, this month you can create an excellent greenhouse in the house, which is able to harmonize home comfort, clean the air from dust, which is very common in summer.

Also in this month, gardeners often observe a deterioration in plant growth, which is justified by heat and lack of humid air. You can cope with this with the help of appropriate manipulations carried out at a favorable time according to the lunar calendar. Transplantation is best done with 1 to 8 and with 23 to 31 July. Even more damage to plant growth can be done by transplanting on days from 10 to 22 July. A very unfavorable day for a transplant - July 9th

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: August 2017

The moon will be in the waxing phase on days from 1 to 6 and from 21 to 31 August. During this period, it is better to transplant plants that require growth along the stem and leaves. Days of the fading of the moon: from 8 to 20 August. During this period, it is better to deal with seedlings, in which the main role is played by the root and soil. It is necessary to refrain from any manipulations with indoor plants 7 and 21 August.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: September 2017

According to experienced gardeners, transplanting plants in the autumn season also has its advantages. Autumn cooling contributes to the hardening of plants and better adaptation in a new place.

Astrologers consider the period from 1 to 5 and from 20 to 30 September. The negative influence of the moon on seedlings will be present during the period from 7 to 19 September. A very negative day for seedlings was determined 6 September.

Gardeners advise on favorable days for seedlings of this month to transplant all possible types bulbous plants. The result will not keep you waiting.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: October 2017

To defeat the autumn blues, which may already begin this month, you can work on creating summer comfort in the house. For this purpose, any work on indoor plants, buying new ones, transplanting and planting old ones will be relevant.

To get the maximum effect from the transplant, astrologers advise doing it during the period from 1 to 4 and from 19 to 31 October. It is better to refrain from such work during the period from 6 to 18 October, since the moon will not contribute to your plans. October 5- the most unsafe day for a transplant.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: November 2017

Even the most avid gardeners can not lose heart because of the inability to do their favorite work in the garden. This activity can be replaced by caring for houseplants.

But in order to get not only pleasure, but also the desired result, it is better to do this in the period from 1 to 3 and from 18 to 30 November. Inappropriate days for this kind of occupation - from 5 to 17 November. It is better to exclude completely plans for seedlings on November 4, since on this day the Moon will be maximally tuned against the growth of plants.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: December 2017

Gardeners recommend, if possible, not to transplant flowers this month, as their growth is significantly slowed down due to the cold. But if this is still a necessary measure, then it is worth considering the advice of astrologers. This will help to avoid the negative consequences of the transplant and get the maximum possible benefit from this process.

1, 2 and from 18 to 31 December nature is maximally tuned to work with seedlings, and vice versa, from 4 to 17 December should refrain from such work. A particularly unfavorable day for a transplant is considered December 3rd.

Lunar calendar: transplanting orchids

One of the most popular and beloved houseplants is the orchid. Caring for this flower is quite simple, but in order not to harm it, it is better to take all possible precautions, including the advice of astrologers on transplanting.

Despite the fact that caring for an orchid is not very difficult, these flowers are not very fond of transplanting, so you need to do this strictly on the days on which the Moon promises a good end to this process.

For beautiful flower growth experienced gardeners it is recommended to replant the plant, grasping it entirely, which will help to avoid possible mechanical damage. It is better to do this in a quiet and calm environment, while touching the roots with extreme caution. It is also worth considering the fact that these flowers are most afraid of excess water. Therefore, it is better not to water it for some time after transplantation, or to do it in moderation.

Lunar calendar: violet transplants

This flower is present in almost every home of home plant lovers. To always please the eye with a beautifully growing violet, you should follow some rules for transplanting flowers according to the lunar calendar:

  1. The moon in the growth phase has the most positive effect on the process of transplanting violets. Also during this period, the processing of the plant and the loosening of the earth will be effective.
  2. The growing moon is able to fill the violet with water to the maximum, which is very necessary for its growth, so watering the flower these days will be very helpful.
  3. The phase of the full moon can favorably affect the result of various manipulations to fertilize the plant. To abstain on the full moon is from all sorts of cuttings of the plant.
  4. You can cut dry leaves the day before the new moon and the day after the new moon. Directly on the day of the new moon, astrologers prohibit any work with seedlings.

In order to get the maximum effect from transplanting home plants, following only the lunar calendar is too little. It is also worth considering the individual "wishes" of plants. And for inveterate skeptics, it would be useful to at least try to check the effect of the moon on the flower. After all, it often happens that, having done all the manipulations with a transplant to "excellent", the result does not meet expectations. Do not forget that success keeps pace with those who eliminate all possible negative factors influencing the work done.

Video: Lunar calendar in floriculture

Helpful Hints

The festive month of January goes by very quickly for many: at first it’s fun holidays or vacations, then the beginning new cases and projects, adaptation to new conditions.

For gardeners and gardeners, January is a month of rest, in snowy areas there is not much to do, except to keep an eye on state of wintering plants. However, already in January, some begin to grow seedlings and greenery on the windowsills.

Many summer residents do not particularly visit their plots in January, and this, in turn, is not the most the best choice, after all monitor the status trees, shrubs and perennials in the winter season is still necessary.

What kind of work with plants awaits us in January? What should not be forgotten? How and at what time of the month should you do indoor flowers in winter? You will find answers to these questions in new January issue Lunar calendar for plants 2017.

At the end of the article there is a handy one that lists the main work with plants in January and better days for them according to the lunar calendar in January 2017.

Other useful articles under the heading Lunar calendar for January 2017:


1 JANUARY, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 10:26.AQUARIUS

January holidays are not conducive to serious work, and this is not the time to take care of the plants that are on your site. sleep peacefully under the snowdrifts. However, for lovers of gardening, this time can be used for self-education, buying equipment and seeds, and preparing for the new season, which will begin in February. Today it is good to read relevant literature or communicate with like-minded people.

Houseplants : caring for houseplants in winter involves observing temperature conditions. Remember that some plants cannot stand too hot and dry air and will not delight you with flowering. For example, some of them may bloom at this time, and for flowering they need more cool conditions and good humidity.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS , FISH from 12:58

Moon without a course from 10:58 to 12:57

If blizzards have passed outside the window, and everything has calmed down, it's time check hiding places because they can be damaged by bad weather. It is also worth looking to see if the anti-rodent shelters around the trees have fallen.

Houseplants : watering is allowed in the afternoon. Until 11:00 you can start seedlings of flowers that can feel great not only in open field but also in pots.

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH

This month, an important task for gardeners is snow retention Location on. Regularly check that the wind does not blow snow, as in severe frosts, plants without snow caps can suffer. Throw snow to fruit trees and shrubs, perennial flower bushes on your site so that they are reliably protected.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH , ARIES from 19:21

Moon without a course from 19:14 to 19:20

When hilling trees, collect snow in those areas where no plants and not under the trees themselves, since the underground roots of the trees are located under the projection of the crown. This is especially true when the weather sets in very frosty (about -25 degrees Celsius). To prevent snow from being blown away by the wind, you can install special holders snow, damper or just scatter over the branch area.

Houseplants : good day for watering. Monitor the level of illumination and, if necessary, set additional lighting. Place plants on bright window sills, but make sure that they do not freeze, as the temperature on the windowsills can be significantly lower than in the room.

Lunar calendar for plants 2017

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES

The second phase of the moon from 22:48

This day is not suitable for complex work, for example, for harvesting cuttings, but you can do shelters for fruit bushes and trees. This day is also not worth choosing for planting seedlings due to the unfavorable position of the moon.

Houseplants : it is better not to plant anything on the windowsill today, as the moon is rather weak due to the phase change. Postpone plant care.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES , CALF from 23:19

Moon without a course from 21:41 to 23:18

Today is a good day for seed germination test. This is especially true if you have seeds from previous years and are unsure of their quality. In order to help the seeds wake up, you can first warm them up, for example, by placing them near heat sources.

Also this day is suitable for sowing strawberries, hot peppers and some other crops for growing seedlings from seeds. Remember the rules for growing seedlings in winter period: provide seedlings good lighting, observe watering and humidification regimes, as well as temperature regimes. Some seedlings, such as strawberry seeds, do not require fertilizer to germinate.

Houseplants : it is good to sow greens in this one, as well as place bulbs onion in a container of water for forcing the feather. Supplementary lighting for plants is now mandatory, as the day is very short.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.CALF

This is a holiday, so you most likely will not be doing any work. If possible, you can go shopping.

Houseplants : you can buy home plants, as well as deal with soils (prepare the soil for future plantings, loosen the soil). It is also one of the most successful days of the month for transplanting indoor plants.

8 JANUARY, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.CALF

Moon off course from 05:23

It is better not to sow seedlings today, as this is the time of the moon without a course, so the result may a lot to disappoint. Shopping can also be unsuccessful.

Houseplants : the moon will be without a course all day, so do not plan especially difficult things, such as landings, if possible. We also do not recommend shopping: you are unlikely to be able to buy everything you need. Today you can loosen the soil.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

In the afternoon (after 12:00) you can go shopping. In the morning, Venus and the Moon will approach in negative aspect, and this may prevent you from making a bargain. A good time to go shopping for various garden tools, pesticides, fertilizers, various protective films and nets, etc. However, remember that Mercury has already left the retrograde movement, but has not yet had time to pick up speed, so still make purchases with caution.

Houseplants : today is not the best day for caring for plants, we do not recommend transplanting and planting, as well as watering houseplants.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS

Nice day for planting flower seedlings. At this time, you can sow flowers that will delight you with flowering in about 5-6.5 months, that is, already in June-July. Sow seedlings begonias, balsam, carnations Shabo. You can also sow some flowers that grow on balconies, for example, petunias and lobelias. Their seeds are very small, therefore, they are usually not sprinkled with earth. There are special growing nuances for each individual type of flower, so you should carefully read them before planting.

Houseplants : Watering the plants is undesirable. You can go shopping.

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50

Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49

Watering day. If you have already planted seedlings, do not forget to provide it with the necessary watering. It is best to water the plants on Water days, like today.

Houseplants : good day for landing greenery on the windowsill, especially various salads. Do not forget about watering and spraying plants. You can give the plants a shower to wash the dust off the leaves. Today is also a good time to go shopping for new plants.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER

FULL MOON at 14:35

Moon off course from 14:36

Today is not the most favorable day, it is better not to burden yourself with cleaning and caring for the winter garden or vegetable garden. We recommend this day have a rest. If you have already started growing seedlings, check if they need watering, as the day is good for watering.

Houseplants : It is better to postpone plant care. Irrigation is allowed.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.A LION from 03:09

Moon off course until 03:08

If there are no severe frosts in your area, it is quite possible to prune and preparation of cuttings fruit trees to be used for spring vaccinations. The cuttings should be tied in bundles, wrapped in plastic wrap and stored under a layer of snow in that part of the garden where snow melts more slowly in spring.

Houseplants : at this time, many bloom beautifully flowering plants, including orchids, saintpaulias, azaleas, cyclamens and others. Provide flowering plants with an appropriate level of lighting, and if necessary, put additional lamps because the daylight hours are very short in winter. Some plants ( Schlumberger, Alanchoe, Poinsettia) do not need additional lighting.

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.A LION

Moon without a course from 18:17

Don't forget to cover with snow berry bushes . Some of them, for example, gooseberry, currant, may need additional shelters if the winter is harsh. Today you can sow potato seeds. This method of potato propagation allows increase productivity and crop quality. In addition, such potatoes are more resistant to diseases and various adverse factors, compared to what is grown from tubers.

Houseplants : you can deposit today fertilizers for fruit bushes growing on your windowsill, for example, lemons. In winter, lemons should be kept at a low temperature ( 10-14 degrees Celsius). Provide lemons with good lighting. This day is suitable for harvesting cuttings and leaves of plants that you would like to propagate.

15 JANUARY, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGO from 06:53

Moon off course until 06:52

If there are no severe frosts, snowfalls or rains at this time, it is good to spend in the garden and on the site. cleaning. Cleaning is required if you did not have time to remove dry leaves and branches, cut off faded flower stalks, etc. Can be repaired garden furniture, fences, architectural buildings of your site.

Houseplants : the day is suitable for working with soils. You can remove the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO

The day is good for revision of inventory and seeds for future plantings. If something is missing, you can go to the stores and buy everything calmly. Remember that next month, when intensive work with seedlings, you just may not have enough time for this.

It is worth checking the fruits and vegetables that you sent for storage. Sort and delete if necessary corrupted and rotten. This must be done at least several times a month so that diseased fruits do not infect healthy ones with rot.

Houseplants : a good time to clean your home flower garden, you can remove dry leaves, faded flower stalks, wash and clean the pots, replace the top layers of the soil. Despite the lucky sign of the Moon - Virgo - it is better not to transplant plants, as this waning moon time.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO ,SCALES from 14:17

Moon without a course from 09:09 to 14:16

Prepare soil and fertilizer for greenhouses, you can collect waste (egg shells, ashes or onion and garlic husks), which will be an excellent fertilizer for future plantings. It's still good to clean up in the morning.

Houseplants : Refrain from watering.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES

Flower seedlings need feeding as they grow. For example, now plants need grow well and quickly so they can be fed nitrogen fertilizers. Plants are usually fed 2-3 weeks after germination. It is often impossible to fertilize flowers so that there is no excess of nutrients.

Houseplants : you can apply fertilizer for flowering plants. However, those plants that are now resting and kept under low temperature, do not need top dressing.

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES

Moon off course from 11:55

In the morning you can go shopping seeds for future plantings. It is better to buy seeds from trusted suppliers or in specialized stores that guarantee the quality of their product. Today is also a great day to collect various information about new varieties, their sowing and cultivation.


Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10

Moon without course until 01:09

The fourth phase of the moon from 01:15

If at this time there is no frost and precipitation, you can do lawn debris removal. In frost, walking on the lawn is not recommended, as you can damage the delicate grass, and in the spring, bald spots will remain at the site of damage. Also, don't step on lawns if it's raining or covered in frost.

Houseplants : watering day.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION

Watering day. If you are already growing seedlings of flowers or vegetables, be aware of the watering regimen, as well as air humidity. You can apply fertilizer for seedlings.

Houseplants : watering day. Make sure that watering at this time of the year is not too plentiful. Usually plants do not need much moisture in winter, but it all depends on specific type. Most plants are watered less often than in summer about 1.5-2 times. With excessive watering, the roots can easily rot, and the plant will die.

22 JANUARY, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:46

Moon without a course from 04:24 to 13:45

These days, when there is already quite a lot of snow, it is worth taking care of feeding for birds. Birds are important garden protectors against spring pests, so if you set up bird feeders and replenish them regularly, the birds won't want to leave your yard until spring. You can leave seeds, bread crumbs and even pieces of unsalted bacon in the feeders.

Houseplants : watering day (especially in the morning). The second half of the day is suitable for harvesting cuttings for future plant propagation.

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS

If there have been heavy snowfalls, trample the snow in near-trunk circles. This will protect against mice that can move in snowdrifts. Mice especially love to gnaw on young trees. Also, to scare away mice and hares, you can coat tree trunks with different deterrent compositions based mullein and other substances.

Houseplants : today you can apply fertilizer for fruit bushes. This day is also suitable for pest control. Carefully inspect the plants, as even in winter they can be disturbed by pests. Take action if necessary.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS

Moon off course from 20:33

You can once again inspect the branches of the trees, if you missed the wintering pests. Worth doing too hilling boles trees with snow so that the frost does not damage the roots. In order to further protect the trees from frost, including in spring, when unexpected frosts can occur, tree trunks are watered with water to form ice crust.

Houseplants : Supporting the right lighting for some light-loving plants is very important now, as the day is still too short. Most often used fluorescent and phytolamps. Moreover, now you can find energy-saving ones, so you won’t have any special energy costs.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44

Moon off course until 01:43

Worth checking out tubers and corms of flowers that are stored in basements and vaults. If necessary, remove damaged bulbs or cut out unhealthy parts. A good day for harvesting on the site, in greenhouses or cellars where fruits are stored. The day is good for pickled cabbage, but the fermentation processes will go quite slowly.

Houseplants : work with soils. It is better not to plant and transplant plants, since this is the time of the waning moon, but you can replace the topsoil if necessary.

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN

You can collect and prepare various fertilizers for growing plants in the spring season. Now there is not much to do, so you have the opportunity to prepare everything in advance. Can cook soil mixtures for planting seedlings. For example, you can store manure, peat, river sand, leaf soil.

Houseplants : today is also a bad day for transplanting plants. You can do the cleaning, or prepare soil mixtures for house plants, which you will transplant a little later.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 11:38

Moon without a course from 10:18 to 11:37

Do not forget to monitor the condition of your flower site at this time. The flower bed should be well covered in snow so that frost does not damage perennials and biennials. from decorative and coniferous plants it is better to shake off the snow so that the branches do not sag under its weight.

Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today.

Plant transplantation according to the lunar calendar


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS

NEW MOON at 03:07

This day is good for planning, but not for any serious work like planting or germinating seeds. Can plan work for the coming month, plan out the changes you would like to see in landscape design. Since this is the time of the air moon, it is good to collect various information, communicate with like-minded people on issues that interest you.

Houseplants A: Today is planning day. Also, the Moon in an air sign will allow you to find a lot of useful and necessary information for a grower. Do not neglect communication with like-minded people.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS , FISH from 19:11

Moon without a course from 08:52 to 19:10

Most of the day the moon will be in "idle". And this is a sign that you should not start new important things. Today you can do any routine work which you deem necessary. It is also good to rest on this day and not overwork.

Houseplants : It is best to water the plants in the evening (after 19:00).

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISH

Watering seedlings. It is worth paying attention to the bulbs wintering in the cellars daffodils, tulips and other bulbous. They also need watering at this time. Can be planted potato seedlings. After sowing seeds, observe temperature regime20-25 degrees Celsius.

Houseplants : watering plants.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISH

Today is also a good day for watering. This day is not suitable for landings, as the Moon makes many negative aspects. A better time for planting seedlings will be in early February when the Moon is in a Fire sign.

Houseplants : do not plant and transplant today, but you can water the plants.

Lunar calendar for plants (January 2017)

Watering: especially recommended days: 2-4, 11, 12, 20-22, 30, 31
Watering: non-recommended days: 1, 9, 10, 17-19, 27-29
Pest Control: 12, 22-26
Fertilizers for seedlings of flowers and flowering indoor plants: 17-19
Fertilizers for indoor fruit bushes: 13, 14, 21-24
Fertilizers for vegetable seedlings: 13, 14
planting greenery and leafy vegetables on the windowsill: 6
Planting seedlings of vegetables and herbs: 20-22
Sowing potato seeds for seedlings: 13, 30
Planting flower seedlings: 2, 10
Planting, transplanting, transshipment of indoor plants: 7
Loosening and soil preparation: 7, 8, 15-17, 25-27
Harvesting cuttings of indoor plants: 13, 14, 23
Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees for spring vaccination: 13, 14, 23
Inventory revision and cleaning: 15-17, 20, 25-26
Checking seeds for germination: 6
Ventilation of greenhouses and premises: 1, 2, 9, 10, 17-19, 27-29
Buying seeds, fertilizers and houseplants: 7-11, 16, 19, 26
Planning for next month: 28
Unfavorable days for landings and transplants: 3, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 24, 27, 28, 31

The grower's lunar-sowing calendar will help grow beautiful flowers on his own suburban area, at home or in the winter garden. Follow the advice of the lunar table, and bright and healthy buds will delight you all year round.

  • Color experts know that best time for planting flowers - this is spring, summer and autumn. But every culture needs some care.
  • In addition, it is necessary to listen to the advice of astrologers who have learned to determine auspicious days for planting green spaces.

Important: The lunar calendar contains fertile and infertile days for planting indoor flowers, plants for the winter garden, greenhouse and garden ornamental plantings.

Lunar-sowing florist calendar for 2020: table

Astrologers and other professionals who study moon influence on the growth of green crops, noticed that:

  • On the growing moon, the juice of the plant rises and begins to nourish the stems, leaves and buds.
  • On the waning moon on the contrary, the nutrients of the culture go to the root system.
  • Therefore the flowers planted with seeds, plant when the eternal satellite of the Earth finds in ascending phase, on growth, and flowers that planted with bulbs, tubers, roots - in the waning phase of the moon.
  • The most unfavorablenew moon and lunar days January 10, June 5, July 5, November 30, 2020) and solar eclipses ( June 21 and December 14, 2020). These days, nature seems to freeze in anticipation of something new.

Even the cultivation of flowers is influenced by the presence of the Moon under certain signs of the zodiac.

Zodiac signs can be

  • fertile (Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio)
  • medium fertile(Libra, Capricorn)
  • poorly fertile(Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries)
  • infertile(Aquarius and Leo)
  • Under the signs Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Aries Flowers should not be watered or fed.
  • On the growing moon(active processes in the roots are reduced) and under the sign Taurus, Capricorn it is better not to loosen (the roots are sensitive).
  • under the sign Sagittarius better not to cut (greater chance of non-healing wounds) and do not remove weeds(there will be more).
  • Curly, ampel and high plants tolerate planting, transplanting under the signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo.
  • Under the sign of Aries flowers grow profusely and bloom with thorns and thorns and are bright red and fiery orange.
  • Bulbous will delight you, if you plant them in descending order, under the signs Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Libra.
  • Cut flowers to last longer in a vase better under the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
  • , if you dig under the sign

Will help you grow beautiful flowers lunar-seed calendar florist 2020.

Table for 2020:

Fertile days for annual flowers from seeds
Fertile days for bulbous, tuberous
flowers and propagating by roots
It is forbidden to plant flowers
January (2, 3, 4, 30, 31 - with spikes, red), 5, 6, (7, 8 - ampelous and high), 9, 27, 28, 29 (14, 15, 20, 21 - high), 11, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 10, 12, 13, 25, 26
February (4, 5 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 24, 25, 28, 29, (26, 27 - spiked, red) (10, 11, 16, 17, 18 - high), 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20 8, 9, 21, 22, 23
March (2, 3, 29, 30, 31 - ampelous and high), 1, 4, 5, 6, 27, 28,
(25, 26 - spiked, red)
(10, 15, 16 - high), 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 24
April (5, 6, 25, 26, 27 - ampel and high), 1, 2, 7, 24, 28, 29 (11, 12 - high),
9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19,
(20, 21, 22 - red)
3, 4, 8, 15, 16, 17, 23, 30
May (2, 3, 23, 24, 30, 31 - ampel and high), 4, 5, 6, 25, 26 (8, 9, 10 - high), 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 (18, 19 - red) 1, 7, 13, 14, 22, 27, 28, 29
June (26, 27 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 (6, 19, 20 - high), 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, (14, 15, 16 - red) 5, 9, 10, 11, 21, 24, 25
July (2, 3, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 - ampel and high), 1, 4, 25, 26, 27, 28 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, (16, 17, 18 - high), (11, 12, 13 - red) 5, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22
August (20, 21, 26, 27 - ampelous and high), 1, 2, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 (13, 14 - high), (8, 9 - red) 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 30, 31
September (22, 23 - ampel and high), 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30 (6, 7, 8, 13, 14 - high), 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,
(4, 5 - red)
1, 2, 14, 15, 17, 26, 27, 28
October (19, 20 - ampel and high), 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, (1, 28, 29, 30 - spiked, red) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, (3 - red) 2, 11, 12, 16, 24, 25, 31
November (16, 17 - ampel and high), 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, (25, 26 - spiked, red) 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, (3, 4, 10, 11 - high) 7, 8, 9, 15, 20, 21, 30
December (27, 28, 29 - ampelous and high), 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26, (22, 23, 24 - spiked, red) 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 31, (1, 7, 8, 13 - high) 5, 6, 14, 17, 18, 19, 30

Now it is worth considering the favorable and bad days for each specific month of 2020.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in January 2020

In the winter months, most plants experience a slowdown in growth. During this period, minimal care is made - top dressing, watering and processing from various bugs.

Postpone grafting and pruning until February. But, if you still need to plant some kind of culture, then do it at the right time.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in January 2020.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in February 2020

In February, there are already more bright days. Therefore, flower growers and other amateur gardeners begin to transplant plants and perform root division.

Important: This month there will be a solar and lunar eclipse, therefore, on unfavorable days and days when planting plants is strictly prohibited. Also, do not plant seedlings, sow seeds, perform rejuvenating pruning and even loosening the soil.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in February 2020.

Auspicious days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in March 2020

In March, gardeners sow seeds for seedlings of flowers, so that in a month it can be planted in the ground. On excellent days for planting, you can feed the plants and prune them.

  • cut flowers better to do by sign
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in March 2020.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in April 2020

  • cut flowers better to do by sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).

The real spring has come. At noon it is already hot, which means that annual flowers can be planted in the ground.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place two weeks after sowing the seeds in the ground. Choose favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar in April and plant crops:

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in April 2020.

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar in May 2020

This month, perennial bushes are divided and seeds of annual flowers are planted. Asters, marigolds, daisies, cornflowers are planted in May.

Flowers that are planted from seedlings and tubers will also bloom and grow better if they are planted on suitable lunar days.

  • cut flowers better to do by sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in May 2020.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in June 2020

Every grower knows that in the summer there is an active phase of growth of many plants and flowers.

  • cut flowers better to do by sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).

But you need to know when you can plant green crops, and when it is better to refrain from it.

Important: Planted plants at a certain time will take root well and will bloom until autumn, delighting the soul.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in June 2020.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in July 2020

  • cut flowers better to do by sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).

This month, cuttings of roses and phloxes are made. You can already start digging up bulbous flowers, since by this time the leaves of many of them have already turned yellow and wilted.

  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers keep better, if you dig under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. It is better to do this on a waning moon.

During this period, gardeners produce a division of irises and other similar flowers. It is possible to remove faded flowers, cut and divide the roots only on days suitable for this.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in July 2020.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in August 2020

  • cut flowers
  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers keep better, if you dig under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. It is better to do this on a waning moon.

Summer is coming to an end, but the “hot” time for summer residents is in full swing. At this time, tubers of perennial flowers are planted so that they bloom the next year.

Important: At this time, flowers are planted that are unpretentious in their care. For example, chamomile, carnation, mallow, delphinium and others.

Follow the advice of the lunar calendar and your flowers will delight the eyes of all passers-by. There will be a solar and lunar eclipse this month. This period is indicated in the column of prohibited days for disembarkation.

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in August 2020.

Auspicious days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in September 2020

  • cut flowers it is better to do according to the sign of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius (you can keep it in a vase longer).
  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers keep better, if you dig under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. It is better to do this on a waning moon.

Gardeners celebrate their advantages of planting flowers in the fall. Plants grow hardened, and they adapt better in the ground. In the spring, such flowers bloom faster and delight with their beauty.

Advice: On suitable days according to the lunar calendar, plant all bulbous flowers - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops and others.

Favorable days for sowing flowers according to the lunar calendar in September 2020:

  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in September 2020.

Auspicious days for planting flowers according to the lunar calendar of the grower in October 2020

This month the garden is already empty. Removed all vegetable crops and the ground is covered with fallen leaves.

In October, perennial tubers are dug up and the last flower bulbs are planted that were not immersed in the ground in August and September.

  • cut flowers better to do by sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius(can be kept in a vase longer).
  • Bulbous and tuberous flowers keep better, if you dig under the sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. It is better to do this on a waning moon.
  • Days that are not in the table are neutral from the influence of the moon.

Finding the Moon in the zodiac constellations in October 2020.

It is a mistake to assume that indoor plants require less care than their soil counterparts. In fact, it turns out that keeping beautiful flowers in pots is as laborious as any work in the garden or in flower beds. To help amateurs and professionals of indoor plant growing, experienced astrologers have compiled a lunar calendar indoor florist on , which contains useful and up-to-date information on when is the best time to repot, water, and prune houseplants.

How does the moon affect indoor plants?

It is well known that all plants on Earth, including indoor plants, obey the solar calendar. In autumn and winter, the movement of juices in the stems slows down, and plant care is minimal, while with the onset of spring, additional chores come. And yet, not only the calendar of seasons familiar to us affects flowers in pots. It is also necessary to take into account the grower's lunar calendar 2017 for indoor plants, which indicates suitable days for watering, transplanting and propagating indoor flowers.

Scientists through experiments and observations have proven that the Moon is responsible for the regular change in the water level in the oceans, seas and rivers. The same effect is exerted on all liquids on Earth, including those found in plants. Therefore, in the first quarter of the moon, home and team plants are planted, propagated and transplanted - at this time, growth will be stimulated by the accelerated movement of juices along the stem. But to improve the root system, nourish and fertilize flowers, it is better to wait for the last quarter, when the movement of the liquid will decline and all the power of the plant will be concentrated underground.

How to properly care for indoor plants according to the lunar calendar?

First of all, you need to consider the features various kinds plants and their purpose. For example, for a bedroom, it is better to choose deciduous, non-flowering houseplants, as pollen and an intoxicating aroma can disturb sleep and cause allergies. But orchids or hippestrum will be very appropriate in the living room, as well as other flowering plants. It is also important to provide the flowers with enough light. If you have a dark apartment or the corner where the flower garden is located does not get enough sunlight, and you do not want to put lamps, choose those plants that prefer shade or are not too sensitive to the lack of lighting.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2017: care and transplant

Caring for indoor plants is tied not only to the lunar phases, but also to the position of the moon relative to the signs of the zodiac.

As the grower's calendar for 2017 tells, indoor plants can be planted and transplanted to the growing Moon in Virgo - it is believed that this is the most auspicious time: plants will take well, will not be sick for a long time and will soon take root. Also to auspicious days for transplant work include periods when the Moon is in Taurus and Capricorn. It is good to plant indoor flowers on the days of Scorpio, Libra, Pisces and Gemini. But the Moon in Cancer will favor the growth of plants only in the last quarter.

  • If you need to transplant tuberous and bulbous plants, use the waxing moon in Capricorn and the waning moon in Scorpio.
  • It is better to transplant curly flowers on the waning Moon so as not to harm the stem, and do this when the Moon is in Virgo and Sagittarius, if you need to urgently transplant, and the Moon is in the first quarter, wait until it is in Gemini.
  • In order for the rooting of the cuttings to be successful, do the work on the days of the Moon in Scorpio and Capricorn (the phase of the Moon does not matter). And in the growing Moon, the time of passage through the constellations of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Taurus will be favorable, in the waning - Pisces.
  • Traditionally, houseplant seeds are sown on the waxing Moon in Virgo, as this is the perfect time for germination and ensures that your plants are strong and robust. But you can also do crops in the waning moon, only on the days of Cancer and Scorpio.
  • If you're planning on trimming houseplants or pinching out to form a crown later, wait for the waning Moon in Gemini or Aquarius.

Since the reproduction of indoor plants most often occurs by tearing off a shoot or leaf, it is best to do this on the waning moon, so that by the time of planting the leaf has time to take root. To do this, it must be placed in water and wait a few days. The New Moon period is perfect for this. But remember that not all plants reproduce in this way, if “kids” appear on your plant and you plan to plant them in new separate pots, be guided general rule transplants. The same applies if your plants are propagated by dividing the bush, just carefully separate the parts of the plant and place in new pots.

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

In the lunar calendar 2017, a flower grower for Belarus is distinguished special days for watering indoor plants. Traditionally, watering should be carried out on the days of Water - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - with a 7-9 day break. And since in summer the plants need more moisture, you can additionally irrigate them on the days of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. But during this period, it is important to follow the basic rules for watering home plants in pots: do not pour more than necessary, drain excess water from the pan, as stagnant water will lead to rotting of the roots.

On the days of Air - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra - it is strictly forbidden to water the plants, as they do not absorb moisture and nutrients well. And you need to be extremely careful when watering on the days of Fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - it is better to do this after sunset so that the plant does not get burned.

Suitable for irrigation running water, but first you need to let it settle for a day or two. This is important as the chlorine added to water purifiers can seriously damage the plant and cause a range of diseases and damage. When watering flowers from above, pour water at the edge of the pot so as not to expose the roots, if you pour into a pan, as violets require, for example, try to check the water level after half an hour - too much moisture can harm. And if the plant has a funnel of leaves (leaf plant), drop some water there too.

It is also important to spray indoor plants. This is especially true for those whose homeland is located in the tropics, where the humidity of the air is much higher than in our latitudes. This should be done about once a week, but it is better to focus on the dryness of the air in the room. If you are not sure, you can install a special measuring device or substitute a pallet with wet expanded clay for especially capricious plants. Just watch the flower carefully, you may overdo it and only harm it.

If you have been away for a long time and left your indoor flowers without watering, resuming the watering schedule according to the lunar calendar, that is, on the days of Water and Earth, will help restore their healthy appearance, but do not try to flood the plants, let everything be on schedule. Gradually, the flowers will "depart" and will delight you with a blooming and healthy look.

Also, once a month on the days of Water, preferably Pisces or Cancer, indoor leafy plants can be bathed and washed well. Moon phase it is not important here, since your task is to clean the leaves from dust. Being constantly indoors, flowers are covered with dust, like all objects, therefore, in order for the photosynthesis process to proceed without disturbance, it is necessary to periodically clean the leaves of flowers.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants: how to properly fertilize

All indoor plants need to be fertilized, as they are constantly in the cramped space of their pot and cannot receive nutrients from the soil for a long time. She becomes poorer over time. Therefore, top dressing with a variety of fertilizers, first of all, enriches the soil, which helps to prolong flowering and increase the immunity of flowers to various pests and diseases.

When choosing fertilizers, please note that not all of them are universal and can only be intended for one type of indoor plants, while others will be poisonous. Since in most fertilizers the main components are phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, which are necessary for flowering plants, strengthening the root system and immunity, you can choose those fertilizers that contain additional minerals and micronutrients.

It should also be borne in mind that such fertilizers are usually very concentrated and must be diluted with water. Instructions and proportions are usually on the packaging itself. And since it's all about water, and fertilizer time is best combined with watering and focus on those days when the waning moon is in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. Fertilizers are contraindicated in winter, as well as in late autumn. This is best done in spring and autumn, before and after the flowering period. And if the plant after the transplant did not take root well or is sick for a long time, pour in an additional dose of fertilizer on the days of Taurus and Capricorn.

Even in ancient times, people began to notice that the Moon magically affects the processes taking place on Earth. This celestial body is located at a small, by cosmic standards, distance from our planet, therefore it is able to make its own adjustments to the course of life of all living organisms. Throughout the history of its existence, man has tried to unravel the secrets of this heavenly body.

Since ancient times, people believed that the moon personifies darkness, and the sun. Many mystical events take place in the days full moon. However, there were scientists who were able to shed light on the mystery of the moon. The thing is that the planet exerts incredible gravity on the Earth. In turn, gravity affects everything. biological rhythms Living creatures. But the moon has a special influence on plants.

Gardeners and flower growers even made a special calendar in which favorable and unfavorable days for sowing, care and harvesting are painted. WITH lunar calendar florist 2017 years you can read in this article.


People who are fond of crop production have noticed that the Moon, being in different places, acts on green spaces in different ways. On some days, their growth slows down, on others, on the contrary, it accelerates. From time immemorial, mankind has been in gardens and gardens for most of its life, which is why the lunar calendar was invented, which helped to understand all the intricacies of the moon's influence on plants and know when to perform certain actions with them.

The grower's lunar calendar is not just a description of the lunar cycles. This is a very important document that even shows what sign of the zodiac the celestial body is in, because these criteria are also extremely important during the landing and harvesting work.

Astrologers say that all signs can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Contributing to fertility - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. If you plant flowers at a time when the moon will sweat their influence, then all the crops will sprout and become pleasing to the eye with their splendor and health.
  2. Neutral. This category includes Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn. If the night celestial body is under their influence, then the crops may not give the expected result, but on the contrary, they may germinate with a vengeance.
  3. Negative. Zodiac signs such as Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius contribute Negative influence on crops, and planting plants at this time is highly undesirable.

According to the statements of the lunar calendar, the planting of flowers and other plants should be carried out during the periods of the growing moon. The result of such an action will be excellent and plentiful. But at a time when the moon is decreasing, it is better to refrain from landing work.

Florist calendar

Already now you can familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar of the grower, according to which it will be possible to plan the planting of flowers and other plants. Astrologers are sure that during the growth of the moon, green plants grow better due to the rapidly rising juice, which first goes along the stem, gets into the leaves and gets to the buds.

On the days of the waning moon, all nutrients remain in the roots, and only some of them enter the flower. That is why it is best to engage in landing during the period when the Earth's satellite is in the growth phase.

In addition, there is an opinion that flowers should not be planted on a full moon. Just like on the days of waning, the juice practically stops moving along the stem and remains in the roots. Your seedlings simply won't germinate. During such a period, it is best to plant plants where the prosperity of the root is needed.

On the days of solar and lunar eclipses, astrologers do not recommend gardening. It is believed that during such a period, nature freezes in anticipation of something unusual. All these days are also indicated in the gardener's lunar calendar.

Let's take a look at the flower grower, painted by month. With it, you will know exactly when to transfer this or that flower to the garden, as well as when to refrain from it.

January calendar

With the advent of winter, plants growth slows down significantly. At this time, plantings need minimal care, so gardeners practically do not disappear in the garden. All that is required is timely watering, fertilizing and processing from bugs.

It should be noted that the most successful shoots will be in climbing plants if you plant them on the 2nd, 3rd and 11th. In addition, during this period, you can plant tuberous and bulbous plants.

February calendar

In the last month of winter, the days are longer, so many gardeners begin to plant plants and divide the roots. It is worth noting that in February 2017 there will be a lunar and solar eclipse. Follow the calendar carefully so as not to plant seeds in vain.

Note that flower seeds are best planted from February 26 to 29, curly from 26 to 28, bulbous from 8 to 12.

March calendar

Already with the advent of March, the life of flower growers becomes saturated. You need to sow seeds for seedlings. On special days, you can plant and fertilize and trim plants.

Sowing flower seeds is carried out in the period from 28 to 31 March. Rooting of cuttings should be started from the 8th to the 11th.

April calendar

April is the most important month during the spring garden work. At noon, the sun is already warming well, so the annual flowers are transferred to the ground. This month should also be planting seeds, transplanting climbing plants, rooting cuttings and other work.

May calendar

May is a busy month for the gardener. A lot of work needs to be done in thirty days. The main task is the division of perennial bushes and planting in the ground annual seeds. Flowers such as asters, marigolds, daisies and cornflowers are planted in May.

Do not forget that in the early days it is desirable to plant seeds flower plants, but the end of May is better to postpone the planting of climbing plants. Rooting cuttings is best done at the end of the month.

June horoscope

Any gardener, whether professional or amateur, knows that summer brings with it the active phase of plant growth, so you won’t be bored. It is important to know on what day a particular plant should be planted so that it takes root and gives excellent shoots.

Tip: Try to plant flowers at the same time. So they will get good growth, will bloom perfectly and remain in the garden until the fall.

July horoscope

This month is notable for the fact that flower growers produce cuttings of phloxes and roses. In addition, July is an ideal time for digging up bulbous flowers, dividing irises and other identical flowers.

Note that from July 1 to July 10, it is best to sow the seeds of flowering plants, but from July 23 to July 31, plant climbing plants.

Horoscope for August

Summer is running out, but for summer residents this is the “hottest” time. Just in July it is necessary to plant tubers perennials so that they give color next year. In addition to these flowers, gardeners are beginning to plant unpretentious, but at the same time beautiful flowers: chamomile, mallow, carnations. To understand when it is possible to plant green plants, and when it is better to wait with it.

From 3 to 7, you should do a transplant, but from 21 to 31 you can sow flower seeds.

Horoscope for September

Many gardeners have already noticed the many benefits of planting flowers in the fall. Plants become more hardened, react less to cold and take root better in the flower bed. Already with the advent of spring, these plants bloom faster and delight the eye.

Horoscope for October

In mid-autumn, the garden is empty for an hour, leaves begin to fall from the trees, and the flowers slowly “fall asleep”. In October, tubers of perennial plants are most often dug up and the last bulbs are planted, which they did not have time to plant in August and September.

From October 19 to October 20, you should be planting seeds, and from 1 to 4, planting climbing plants. It is desirable to allocate the end of October for plant transplantation.

November horoscope

Due to the fact that November is a changeable month, gardeners are in a hurry to finish all their business as soon as possible in order to calmly rest for several months of winter. So, in November, it is customary to plant asters, marigolds, calendula, mignonette and others in the ground.

Using the grower's calendar, you can determine a favorable day for planting and, with a clear conscience, expect excellent shoots in the first days of spring.

Horoscope for December

As a rule, flowers are planted on the balcony in winter. For example, seedlings in pots. Despite the fact that this winter month, indoor plants also need care, repotting and pruning.

Watering flowers according to the lunar calendar

The most important process for flowers is watering. The beauty and growth of the plant depends on the water that enters the soil. No wonder that this process also depends on the Moon. On those days that are considered favorable, the water is charged with positive energy and in turn transfers it to the plant. Watering on unfavorable days, of course, will not harm green spaces, but it will not bring much benefit either.

Watering flowers is best done at a time when the Moon is under the influence of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Stick to this rule, water the flowers once a week, and they will soon please you with their health and lush flowering.

On days when the Moon is in the constellations of Sagittarius, Leo and Aries, one should refrain from watering flower plants. Astrologers assure that this period is suitable for winter watering, when the Sun is not so active and cannot burn flower foliage with its rays.

If you have indoor plants, then they must not only be watered, but also sprayed. Especially if the weather is hot outside. Stick to the lunar watering calendar and your indoor green "friends" will be with you for a long time. As for spraying, they also need to be done, pushing away from the data of the lunar calendar.
