Long gone are typical buildings with typical interior design. Every kindergarten, children's hospital, studio or other institution aims to create unique interior that will delight their little visitors. This is very important, because children perceive the world differently than adults. For them, the dental office will not be scary if its walls are decorated with pictures of animals, beautiful teeth or other positive stories. And they will be happy to go to kindergarten if there is also a children's decoration walls and at the doorstep they are met by a picture with Carlson, Crocodile Gena or other favorite characters.

What are good decorative stickers for children?

  1. Price. Not all establishments can afford to purchase expensive wallpapers with children's patterns or order the services of artists. It's good that today there is a great alternative to these methods of decorating walls and furniture in rooms - the use of beautiful stickers. Children will certainly appreciate the cartoon characters on the doors of their lockers in kindergarten or the images of fairy-tale characters on the walls of the clinic.
  2. Ease of use. Decorating walls in a kindergarten, hospital, club, etc. with the help of stickers will not take much time. Any person who does not even have experience installing vinyl stickers can handle this. Just peel off the protective layer on the back of the product and apply the pattern to any flat surface. Thus, you can create unique designer furniture, decorate walls, make stained-glass windows from ordinary windows.
  3. Manifold. There are many methods for applying stickers, just like the options for the stickers themselves. Different sizes, shapes, colors, images - all this will help to achieve the uniqueness of the room with minimal cost. You will decide for yourself what is better: to buy small stickers for decorating a high chair for each baby in kindergarten, or buy one large one on the wall in the assembly hall.

Wall decoration in kindergartens. How it's done?

Wall decoration in kindergartens undoubtedly requires a creative approach. If you cannot decide on your own how to use the stickers, you can contact the specialists of our company. Our experienced and creative designers will help you create a sketch of a unique interior design. They really understand the tastes of the younger generation and will tell you which pictures are better to paste for a certain age group of children.

Not only children's institutions buy stickers. They can also be applied in the interior of a children's room in order to create a cozy atmosphere for kids in them, arrange bright accents, make the room more interesting for its little owner. For home use, mostly small or medium-sized pictures are purchased. They can be placed side by side on the wall, creating a composition, or glued in a chaotic manner on all four walls, the ceiling, cabinets and bedside tables. Sometimes entire panels are created from interior stickers, glued around the perimeter of the room in the form of a dividing border between the wallpaper different color between wall and ceiling.

Wall decoration in the garden can be different from the use of decorative stickers at home. Small pictures are bought mainly in order to decorate furniture. If each cabinet or chair has its own image, then it will be easier for kids to navigate and find the right piece of furniture. Large stickers can serve original decoration for a bedroom, an assembly hall or a dining room. Whichever option you choose, children's wall decoration will definitely please the kids for a very long time!

In the picture: Design of the reception area in the children's medical center

The design of a children's medical center is the very case when it is required to combine the experience of designing public institutions and the approach applied to the interiors of rooms for kids. Friendliness, convenience and safety - these are the main criteria that you need to focus on when arranging medical and health facilities for children. It is important to understand that for kids, a visit to the doctor is associated with various fears. So that a visit to a healthcare institution does not provoke hysteria and protests in a child, designers strive to create a cozy homely atmosphere in medical centers. Let the visit to the doctor turn into a kind of game for the baby.

Design of the reception area in the children's medical center

In the picture: Registration of the reception area in the children's medical center

The design of the reception area of ​​the children's medical center performs, first of all, a presentation function. The visitor should immediately understand where the reception desk is located. The design of a medical center is considered ideal, which inspires confidence in visitors as soon as they enter. Patients must be confident that they will receive first-class care and treatment in accordance with modern technologies. Agree that the reception area designed in the spirit of the Soviet hospital can hardly cope with such tasks. In a recent interior project for a children's medical center, the designers of Olga Kondratova Studio decided to decorate the reception desk in nautical style. Reminiscent of a chalk drawing on asphalt, classics at the entrance bring a playful element to the design. And the reception desk, stylized as a ship's side, creates adventure motifs. The design of the reception area uses simple but high-quality Decoration Materials: wood, concrete, brick. This finish is highly durable, which is especially important for rooms with high traffic. For the interior, a beige-brown gamma was chosen, diluted with blue accents. Installed next to the column, a mustard chair creates additional space for waiting.

And here is another example of the interior of the reception area in the children's medical center. The white color base here is diluted with juicy green colors. A wall painting depicting a protected forest creates a calming atmosphere. Interesting solution- built-in white wardrobe in the shape of a house, which becomes part of the artistic composition.

Design of a playroom in a children's medical center

Pictured: Design play area at the children's medical center

A playroom in a children's medical center is a necessity, not an excess. Here, children will always find something to do while adults communicate with the doctor, waiting for the results of the research. The design of the playroom in the medical center shown in the photo is an example of successful zoning. Please note that the gaming area is separated from the waiting area transparent partition. Thanks to this, the parent will be able to watch their child while in the waiting room. The playroom is divided into a sports corner with wall bars, a rope and a mat, and an area for creative activities, where children's tables and chairs are installed. Shelves in the shape of a house will accommodate books, toys and objects for creative activities. On white brick wall there is a place for children's drawings. The color basis chosen for this design project is neutral. Juicy green hues enliven the bright monochrome space.

Design of the waiting area in the children's medical center

On the picture: The interior of the waiting area in the children's medical center

The design of the waiting area in the children's medical center, the project of which was developed by Olga Kondratova's Studio, was solved in a modern style. Brickwork on the wall brings loft motifs into the room, which are supported by ceiling beams. The purpose of the premises implies focusing on comfortable areas for recreation. Therefore, the main attention here was paid to finding a convenient and comfortable upholstered furniture. Mustard and blue '60s-inspired armchairs enliven a space dominated by natural wood tones.

Design of bathrooms in a children's medical center

In the photo: The first version of the interior of the bathroom in the children's medical center

In the interior of the bathroom in the children's medical center, you can afford various coloristic experiments. For convenience, it is worth installing not only standard plumbing, but also a children's toilet. To make it easier for babies to wash their hands, the sink can be fixed at a low level.

In the photo: Light green tones are used in the second version of the interior of the bathroom in the children's medical center.

For the interior of the bathroom in the children's medical center, the designers of the Olga Kondratova Studio offered two design options. The first solution using brown and blue shades is interesting for its wall painting with seagulls. In the second version of the interior of the bathroom in the children's medical center, the laminate or parquet in the flooring was replaced with tiles. Light green tones dominate here, and the drawings on the walls seem to be borrowed from the pages of a children's book.

Features of the interior design of the children's medical center

So, the design of a medical center for children is characterized by the following features:

  • Each room in the institution corresponds to its purpose, but at the same time, the zones and offices do not look fragmented, all together they work for the unity of design.
  • Careful disguise of medical instruments. Children are very sensitive to diagnostic equipment and unfamiliar objects. Therefore, all instruments in doctors' offices should be removed. This will avoid unnecessary whims and not provoke unnecessary fears in the child.
  • Safety. Almost all children are characterized by increased mobility. They find it difficult to sit still while their parents discuss with doctors important questions. Therefore, when developing the design of a children's medical center, it is important to ensure that children can move freely along the corridors without being exposed to the risks of accidentally stumbling on sharp corners or slipping on a slippery floor. In doctors' offices, you can even think of soft floor coverings providing comfort and safety. Of course, the elements of decoration and furniture themselves must be made of environmentally friendly materials. Please note that there are both wallpapers and paints on the market that are designed specifically for redecorating children's rooms.
  • A large number of items that attract the attention of the child: wall paintings, toys, posters, books and paintings. A visit to the doctor should remind the baby of an exciting adventure, and not be an unpleasant routine necessity. Toys will not be superfluous not only in the waiting area, but also in the offices of specialists. If the child starts to act up, then it can be distracted.
  • When designing the interior design of a children's medical center, it is important to take into account the interests of not only visitors, but also employees. Therefore, rooms should be comfortable for medical personnel, providing them with safe working conditions. If the area of ​​​​the institution allows, then it is possible to provide for employees private rooms for rest and snacks.

It is difficult to treat a child when he is afraid of the doctor and the hospital. The interior design of the Matsumoto pediatric dental clinic in Tokyo, Matsumoto district is full of kind animals and you can wait in line in the game room. This is done so that the kids feel free.

The project was developed and implemented by specialists from Te ra inter イ nn za video together with Terada Naoki and tie Kenichi, known for their extraordinary solutions.

A special corner has been created for little patients and their parents. Under the bench are boxes with toys. Funny animals will entertain the child and soothe.

On a glass screen, life-size contours of trees and animals. The combination of light wood and light green color is soothing.

The offices are separated by partitions and are part of a large room. From small offices in the clinic refused. Enclosed spaces can be intimidating for a child.

The built-in wardrobe is almost invisible thanks to the application of plywood in the form of a trunk and branches, which distracts the eye.

A monitor hangs high on the wall in front of the chair. Its position is designed in such a way that it is convenient for a small patient to watch cartoons that are constantly shown.

Additional lighting in the form of powerful lamps is mounted on a high adjustable tripod.

One of the walls has many holes in which funny and nimble worms protrude. The wall decor is varied and fabulous.

The glass façade of the Matsumoto pediatric dental clinic is painted in white paint with silhouettes of animals and birds walking among the trees. Above is the name of the hospital. Opening hours on the door.

They try to accept the smallest in the office with glass partition. Then the child can see his mother waiting for him and feels more confident.

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Wall painting of the hospice of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. Responsible, difficult and delicate was the task before the artists, who were entrusted with decorating two large chambers in the premises of the children's hospice. I would certainly like to note the very high quality and complete content of these wards: from furniture and special equipment to refrigerators, plasma panels, to nice ceiling lights, sconces and good plumbing. Decent colors and graphics ceramic tiles bathrooms. Calm and optimistic (as far as this term is possible in a hospice room) coloring of the curtains on the windows, the color of the bedspreads and sofas, the delicate coloring of the lower part of the walls of both wards - all this indicates that the choice was not accidental, on professional work architect. In one of the chambers, the architect proposed his version of a "watercolor", sometimes extremely "foggy" wall painting depicting kind animals: a fox with cubs, a pair of bunnies, a deer with a deer and a deer. The difficulty for the artists was to find a compromise in the naturalism of their poses and positions in the space of the mural and the architect's request to leave them some kind of "cartoonishness" with an absolutely "watercolor" background of the mural. It should be noted that cartoonishness is necessary in this real situation (the ward was intended for the smallest patients), but it was necessary to strike a balance visual means. In addition, the artists had to paint the background in a rather original way, not only preserving its lightness, but also giving it some materiality, which made it possible to create a single pictorial space, slightly modifying some details of the sketch, but developing its main components as a decorative wall painting. In another ward, the walls (0.8 m from the floor) and the ceiling were covered with airbrush paintings. In this size, airbrush painting requires special care in elaboration, which, of course, requires a lot of time, which the artist who painted in this technique did not have at all, apparently. As a result, blurring of the borders, uniformity in the elaboration of volumes, indifference and equal scale in color and graphic solutions. All this created in the ward a dreary, strongly autumnal mood of a gloomy dream. In addition to the above, the very language of painting and the complete absence of anything living in the image created the impression of a frozen world forever. The customer, realizing this, asked the artists to introduce new elements into the mural without rewriting it entirely. And then this dead space of branches and trunks was "inhabited" by many multi-colored flying, sitting, singing and whistling birds - it turned out to be a real Garden of Eden.

Medical facilities are a cause of stress for many adults, not to mention children, who are intimidated by white walls and noise from equipment. The leaders of one of the London clinics believe that specific sounds and smells have a negative impact on the mental health of children, and therefore invited 15 artists to decorate the interior of the hospital.

With the help of certain colors, you can regulate hormonal levels, increase immunity, and even treat some mental illnesses. So that little patients would not be so scared - in one of the London hospitals ( London Royal Children's Hospital), even children took part in creating bright and attractive pictures with the help of stamps.

To decorate the hospital, the artists used vinyl, ceramics, wood and even carpets. Designers have made each room individual with elements of art décor, Victorian architecture, Asian culture and circus themes. Instead of the usual numbering of the chambers, the designers "assigned" to each of them a certain animal: a tiger, a lion, a parrot, a fish.

The goal of this idea is to make the stay of patients in the hospital as comfortable as possible. Children should feel happy and cheerful. Doctors are sure that the colorful atmosphere around has a positive effect on the mood and well-being of visitors. The original idea delighted the kids and parents.
