Despite the growing popularity of shower cabins, traditional bathtubs do not give up their positions. After all, they are created for complete relaxation and restorative sessions using essential oils, sea ​​salt or fragrant foam. In terms of comfort, the latest generation models are in no way inferior to hydroboxes. But it's important to know which bath is better in order not to make a mistake with the choice and enjoy water procedures for a long time.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the material and manufacturing technology. Not only the operational characteristics of the bowl depend on these parameters, but also its appearance as well as transport and installation options.

Today baths are made from:

  • cast iron
  • become
  • acrylic
  • kvarila
  • tempered glass
  • stone - natural or artificial
  • tree

Steel, cast iron and acrylic are the most widely used - they are used both in mass production and for the production of elite products. The rest of the materials are intended for creating design models, mainly in singular.

Features of cast iron baths

They have a long history. Having appeared in our everyday life in the 17th century, cast iron bathtubs are still leaders in the sanitary ware market, despite growing competition and the emergence of new materials. Is this not evidence of their undeniable advantage over steel and acrylic counterparts?

Advantages of cast iron bathtubs

  • Low thermal conductivity. The water in such a bowl does not cool down for a long time, allowing us to bask in special comfort. However, it cannot be said that cast iron holds the lead in terms of heat capacity; with the advent of acrylic, it had to “make room”. It turned out that the polymer font keeps the water hot 2 times longer.

Of course, a lot depends on the wall thickness of a particular model, ventilation in the bathroom and other conditions. Therefore, it is clear to say which bath is betteracrylic or cast iron when it comes to heat capacity, it is difficult.

  • Durability. At this point cast iron bath still out of competition. The minimum service life is 50 years, but this is far from the limit. With care, cleaning with mild detergents without abrasive particles and caustic acids, the bowl will retain the enamel coating, which means it can serve more than one generation of the family.

Advice : When bathing pets, it is better to put a rubber mat in the bath so as not to scratch its surface. For the same reason, it is undesirable to put metal buckets and other containers in the font that can damage the enamel.

  1. Sustainability . Another indisputable advantage of cast iron plumbing. Due to its massiveness, the font will not turn over, even if a person with a large weight sits on its edge.
  2. enamel strength. The coating does not fade over time, does not become thinner, causes pleasant tactile sensations. The outer side of the bowl is often painted in bright colors, which allows you to diversify the design of products. But enamel requires special care, otherwise it will turn yellow, become covered with microcracks and begin to collapse.
  3. Low noise level. Bath is typed almost inaudibly. This is the advantage of a cast-iron bowl over a steel one.
  4. Ease of maintenance. Unlike, for example, acrylic models, cast iron bathtubs are not capricious and do not require special cleaning products. On the contrary, they are recommended a simple soap solution with the addition of vinegar, washing powder, bleach or soda.

But you need to wash the bath regularly, after each use. If there is no serious contamination, it will be enough warm water, and in the presence of stains, rusty streaks or plaque, you can take any alkaline product.

Important: after washing, the bowl should be dried. Then lime deposits and rust will not appear in places where the enamel is chipped or near drains. With low humidity in the bathroom, you can simply open the door and wait until the bathtub surface dries. If this is not enough, wipe the bowl with a paper towel.

Disadvantages of cast iron bathtubs

  • The large weight of a cast-iron bath easily turns from a virtue into a disadvantage when it comes to the delivery and installation of the product.

The wall thickness of a quality bowl should be at least 5 mm, it is not surprising that its weight ranges from 90 to 120 kg. It is impossible to lift such a plumbing fixture to a high floor alone - 3-4 people will be required. A bulky full-sized bathtub will not fit in a passenger elevator, therefore, in the absence of a freight one, it is carried up the stairs, where there is an additional problem of turning around on the platforms between flights.

At least two people are also involved in the installation of the font. All this creates difficulties and makes one doubt the expediency of buying a cast iron model.

Attention: bathtubs from foreign manufacturers have a smaller wall thickness and are much lighter, while not losing quality at all. Particularly famous are the products of the Catalan brand Roca, which in 1925 was the first to start mass production of cast-iron bathtubs.

  • The complexity of the restoration. If chips or cracking of the enamel appear, you will have to use the services of specialists, since it is problematic to restore the coating at home.
  • Monotony. Cast iron has little flexibility during processing, so products made from it have a simple shape close to the classical one: oval, rectangular or triangular (for corner models). For those who love extraordinary modern design such restrictions are unlikely to please.

When to choose a cast iron bath

Cast iron font on curved carved legs in the form of lion paws, perfect for for the bathroom Empire style, Provence, retro or shabby chic. An elegant bath can be freely installed in the center of the room, "collecting" the rest of the composition around it.

A stable bowl will not require additional support, as is usually the case with steel or acrylic models. There will also be no need to build a podium to hide an unsightly auxiliary structure.

Cast iron bath classical style looks stern and elegant. Especially if the outer coating is painted in pastel colors, or covered with hand-painted.

Families with small children, elderly or overweight people should also pay attention to cast iron models. Moreover, today manufacturers equip fonts with special internal handles, anti-slip coating and a comfortable seat for those who do not want to be completely immersed in water.

And for lovers of home spa treatments, cast-iron bathtubs with hydromassage nozzles began to be produced. True, such devices are considered elite and cost accordingly.

Steel baths. Advantages and disadvantages

Plumbing made of steel belongs to the category of budget. But a quality product can last up to 30 years without requiring replacement or large-scale restoration.

When compared, which bath is bettercast iron or steel, you can find arguments for and against each variety.

Advantages of steel models

  1. Let's start with design. Since steel bathtubs are made not by casting, but by stamping, and the material itself is much more ductile than cast iron, there are no strict restrictions on the shape and size of the bowl. As a result, the model range is very diverse, allowing you to choose suitable option for both modern and classic interiors.
  2. The price of steel plumbing, as mentioned above, is very democratic, due to the full automation of production.
  3. Steel tubs are at least twice as light as cast iron tubs. Their weight, depending on the size, ranges from 15 to 50 kg. The bowl can be carried and installed alone, which is very convenient.
  4. A steel bathtub is much easier to maintain and more hygienic. Enamel baked at high temperatures does not form microcracks, from which it is difficult to remove limescale and dirt.
  5. Modern models have hydromassage functions, are equipped with handles and soft headrests, do not slip, ensuring complete safety. In terms of comfort, they are superior to cast-iron counterparts and are not inferior to acrylic ones.

Negative sides of steel baths

The disadvantages of steel baths are no less than the advantages, but most of them can be eliminated on their own, with improvised means:

  1. Rapid cooling of water. Steel bowls do not hold heat well - this is one of the main drawbacks. But they heat up quickly, so to take a shower we do not have to put our feet on a cold surface.
  2. Threat of tipping over. Having unsuccessfully placed in the bathroom and violating its stability, we risk falling with it.
  3. gravity deformation. Under a massive person or object, the bath sags, which leads to cracking of the enamel.
  4. Low sound absorption. The thin walls of the bathtub ring under the stream of water, so it will not work quietly to dial it.
  5. Rust on chips. Cast iron oxidizes much less than steel. Therefore, bowls made of this metal in places where the enamel has broken off almost do not rust. Steel containers do not have such a dignity, which is why they become unusable much faster.

Fortunately, improving the performance of a bathtub is not difficult.

The first thing to do when installing the bowl is to take care of its secure fixation. The standard "legs" that come with the kit are usually not enough. You can build wide supports of red brick (silicate does not tolerate moisture well) - this is the best solution. In order not to damage the appearance of plumbing, all auxiliary structures and pipes are covered with a decorative screen.

Applying mounting foam to the back of the bowl solves two problems at once: additional sound and heat insulation appears. As a result, the water does not hit the walls so loudly and keeps the temperature longer. Instead of foam, you can use a technical cork or vibroisol - a bitumen-based material designed to protect cars from noise.

How to check the quality of a steel bath

If the question is which bath is better , preference was given to a bowl made of steel, it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice when buying. Then such plumbing will last a long time, making water procedures truly comfortable. At the same time, the cost of the product will be much lower than that of the same acrylic, which does not always have an adequate price-quality ratio.

What to look for:

  • The wall thickness of the steel bath should be 2.5 - 3 mm. In the store, we will not determine this indicator by eye, but we can move the container to feel its weight. If the bath easily succumbed under our pressure, the manufacturer obviously saved on material by making the walls thinner than required by the standard.
  • Enamel defects are another sign of low-quality plumbing. Sagging or an excessively thin layer through which the base shines through, roughness, foreign inclusions and other flaws of this kind are unacceptable. If the enamel is not laid evenly, over time it will crack from uneven loading, making the bath unusable. The "correct" coating is smooth and pleasant to the touch, has a uniform color.
  • It is better to purchase plumbing from leading manufacturers - this is the most reliable guarantee. The German firms Kaldewei and Bette have proven themselves well, the same Roca and BLB from Portugal. Among domestic companies, the products of the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, which meet modern standards and are cheaper than foreign analogues, are trustworthy.

Stainless steel bathtubs

We are accustomed to metal hot tubs with enamel coating, but there are, although less common, stainless steel models. So which bath is better?

Stainless steel bowls are superior to enamel bowls in all respects except ... price. Such bathtubs cannot be called budgetary in any way - they will cost much more than plumbing fixtures made of cast iron or acrylic.

But we get a highly environmentally friendly, durable and resistant to damage of any kind product with an original, unique design.

Advice: to get rid of traces of water, which are very noticeable on polished shiny metal, every time after bathing the bowl must be wiped with a piece of dry natural cloth.

Stainless steel sanitary ware is the perfect choice for a minimalist, high-tech or modern bathroom.

Acrylic bathtubs: new technologies against long-standing traditions

Bowls made of synthetic material - polymethyl methacrylate (colloquially plexiglass) are increasingly crowding plumbing fixtures made of metal. Manufacturing technology acrylic bathtubs is constantly being improved, so the growing interest in them is fully justified.

The price and quality of polymer fonts depends on the manufacturing method. There are two of them:

  • casting with subsequent reinforcement
  • use of sandwich construction
  1. Products made of cast acrylic (PMMA) are obtained by pressing at high temperatures. To increase strength, bathtubs are reinforced with fiberglass or polyurethane, and then polished.

Cast acrylic has a smooth surface without micropores, where pathogenic flora or dirt particles could accumulate. It is easy to clean, does not crack, withstands heavy loads. In case of minor damage, the surface of the bathtub can be restored independently by simple grinding or by treating it with special pastes.

Hot tubs made of cast acrylic have a high price, but their service life is at least 15 years.

  1. There is also an economy option - the so-called "sandwich". Cheap ABS plastic is taken as the basis and covered with a thin layer of acrylic.

Asking which bath is better in this case does not make sense. Any damage to the acrylic coating in the "sandwich" bowl leads to direct contact of water with plastic, which is not moisture resistant. As a result, the bath is destroyed and it has to be replaced with a new one. In addition, flimsy plumbing can crack from impact or point loading and sag during bathing.

No wonder that budget options acrylic fonts are designed for 3-4 years of service. It is worth buying them only in one case: if you want to regularly update the design of plumbing, keeping up with fashion and without compromising your wallet.

Benefits of acrylic bathtubs

  • The ability to keep warm for a long time, pleasant for the body, not a cooling surface.
  • No noise when filling water.
  • The coating does not lose color and does not darken.
  • Absence of toxic components (only in high-quality products).
  • Light weight - no more than 30 kg.

Important : a too light bowl when buying should be alarming. It is either thin-walled or made of plastic "disguised" as acrylic. The optimal wall thickness of the PMMA bath should be 5 - 6 mm.

  • Creative design, the ability to create plastic products of complex shape. The bowls are intended mainly for the bathroom modern style. Although you can pick up the classic model.

When comparing different types of bathtubs, buyers often hesitate: which is better - acrylic or steel. Both weigh a little, especially when compared to cast iron bowls, have a stylish, modern look and are equipped with all the necessary safety equipment.

True, the cost of high-quality acrylic fonts is an order of magnitude higher. But they do not rust, do not need an enamel coating that cracks over time and have antibacterial properties.

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

  • An acrylic bathroom needs a support frame to help distribute the load and keep its shape. It is advisable to purchase it not separately, but together with a bowl, choosing manufacturers offering both positions.
  • Special care products will be required, since acrylic is easy to scratch with ordinary powder or an overly hard brush. Due to the instability to mechanical impact, it is not recommended to bathe pets in acrylic bathtubs, which can leave claw marks.

Choosing an Acrylic Bathtub What to look out for

PMMA bowls are not cheap, which is why it is so important to get a really high-quality option that justifies the money invested in it. What to look for when buying?

  1. An unpleasant "chemical" smell should not come from the font. If it is, we have either a plastic analogue or a low-quality product.
  2. Sufficient layer of reinforcement. You can check the presence of fiberglass treated with epoxy by examining the rim of the tub.
  3. If you point a flashlight at the bowl, the light should not be visible through the thickness of the walls.
  4. An important signal is that the shape of the bowl is too complicated. Durable, injection-molded plastic does not need fancy curves, which most likely serve as additional stiffening ribs for a thin-walled and fragile model.

Attention: the price of an acrylic bath cannot be the only guarantee of good performance. Sometimes we have to pay extra for a brand or original shape plumbing, but at the same time it does not have sufficient strength to last a long time. Only cast acrylic is really reliable, at least 6 mm thick, with the right reinforcement.

To summarize, which bath is still better?

What kind of bath we would not choose, the main thing is that it be made of quality material, in compliance with the production technology. Then any model: cast iron, steel or acrylic will last a long time without requiring special attention.

Which is better is a matter of personal preference. We need reliability and simplicity, choose cast iron bowls If you want something original and impressive, let's focus on acrylic, and if you need to save money, on steel fonts.

The main attribute of the bathroom is the bath itself. Now there is a wide variety of its designs, but here are the materials from which it is made, only 3 - acrylic, cast iron and steel. The last option is rarely used, so let's turn our attention to the first two and try to figure out which is better - acrylic bath or cast iron tub.

Comparison parameters of cast iron and acrylic products

In the era of mass construction, all apartments had a standard selection of plumbing fixtures, which invariably included a cast-iron bath. For its manufacture, a reliable material that has been proven over the years is used, which is easy to maintain and practical to use. But acrylic bathtubs are relatively new products, but they managed to quickly conquer their segment of customers due to the variety of shapes and weights. Unlike cast iron counterparts, polymer products are much lighter. However, weight is not the only parameter to take into account.

When solving the dilemma of which bathroom is better - acrylic or cast iron, the following parameters must be considered:

  • Shapes and sizes . Acrylic is a more plastic material and can take a wide variety of shapes, so it will fit into any room, you just need to make the right measurements and choose from them. suitable model. In addition, many manufacturers make bathtubs individually for certain sizes and shapes.
  • Thermal conductivity . One of the most important characteristics of a bathroom is its ability to retain heat. Thanks to new developments, modern acrylic products are able to retain the heat of water 6 times longer than its cast iron counterparts.
  • Strength . The strength indicators of cast iron are higher - such bathrooms cannot just be bent or dented, as is the case with acrylic baths. They are especially susceptible to deformation when made from a thin sheet of material. In addition, they are easy to scratch and even make a through hole. Scratches on the acrylic surface are removed with ordinary sandpaper - they become almost invisible after such processing. In the case of a cast-iron counterpart, in the event of damage, you must first degrease the surface, and then recreate the protective layer with a special spray paint.

The difference in the manufacture of cast iron and acrylic bathtubs

The differences between the products are not only in the material used, but in the way they are produced.

Cast iron bathing containers are cast so they are solid and strong, and their surface is free of burrs and sharp edges. Their outer coating is called enamel. It is applied at the final stage of production of products. Baths are enameled in two ways:

  1. Applying a coating to the cooled surface of the bathroom.
  2. By spraying enamel on the hot surface of the product, immediately after it is received by casting. It is applied to the surface of cast iron at a temperature of 920 degrees, which eliminates the content of harmful impurities in it.
The latter method is preferable because it allows the bathroom to acquire a protective layer and perfect smoothness.

Cast iron is an environmentally friendly material. Such baths are quite rigid and heavy, so they can withstand any load. They can last several decades, as they have increased corrosion resistance.

To make a bathroom, an acrylic sheet is taken and blown to the desired size and shape in a vacuum chamber. The strength of the finished product depends on the thickness of the sheet used. Its minimum size is 5 mm. The larger this value, the less plastic the material is, so products made from a thicker sheet are distinguished by simple shapes.

After shaping the sheet, they proceed to the second stage of production - reinforcement. When it is performed, a thick layer of epoxy resins is applied to the lower part of the future bath, which, when cured, prevent the acrylic from sagging under load. You can see the number of reinforcing layers by looking at the edge of the edge of the product, because in this area their thickness is visible. In addition, you can knock on the wall - if a dull sound is heard, then the quality of the bath is good.

Acrylic is a polymer, one of the varieties of plastic. Safe acrylic products are made from sanitary material, but it is very expensive, so there are still a limited number of them on sale.

Table comparing acrylic and cast iron bath

Finding out which bath is better - acrylic or cast iron, will help comparative analysis main criteria presented in the following table:
AcrylicCast iron
Durabilityno more than 15 yearsover 30 years
Appearancehas many shapes and designs, can supply in different colors. If necessary, can be ordered according to individual parametershas standard dimensions and simple shapes, usually rectangular
Installationplaced in a special metal frame, which is pre-fixed on the floor of the roomfastened to the floor with bolts that pass through its metal legs. Tiles can be attached to it to eliminate the gap between the bathroom and the adjacent wall
Transportationconvenient movement due to the light weight of the product. It can be carried by one personthe product is very heavy, transportation will require the efforts of at least three people and freight transport
Caredoes not cause difficulties: it is enough to walk with a sponge dipped in liquid detergent after contamination of the surface, and the product will shine with cleanliness.
Surfacesmooth but prone to scratchesthe dense structure of the enamel protects it from cracks and scratches, but may turn yellow over time
Heat resistancein 30 minutes, the water in such a bath cools down by only half a degreewater loses 1 degree of heat in 10 minutes
Weight15-25 kgfrom 80 kg and above
Strengththin walls are not protected from mechanical impact and deformationquite strong and hard, but brittle material. If a heavy object falls on the bath, the surface may crack
Safetypoor quality acrylic can be harmful to healthcast iron products are harmless, but if there is additional electrical equipment, they must be grounded
Pricebathtubs of the same type have the same cost, but exclusive models made of acrylic sheets are much more expensive

The table shows what to choose , which bath is better - cast iron or acrylic, is quite difficult, because each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it is worth considering that bathing in a product made of polymer material accompanied by pleasant sensations, which gives its smooth surface. From a hygienic point of view, it is also superior to its counterpart. The enamel covering cast iron contains microcracks and micropores in which bacteria multiply, and the acrylic surface is absolutely smooth, so microorganisms do not accumulate on it.

The nuances of choosing cast iron and acrylic baths (video)

If you need to purchase a standard length bath (1.5 and 1.7 meters), then you can buy it from steel, acrylic or cast iron. Many continue to prefer the latter material, which is durable and quiet. Modern options cast-iron baths differ from their prototypes in elegant shapes, functional decorative elements and silver ion coating, which provides its surface with antibacterial properties.

Acrylic bathtubs differ in the greatest heat resistance. To choose the right model, you need to know the location of the drain outlet, as they are right and left. Each such product is distinguished by its shape, dimensions and configuration of additional hydro and air massage equipment.

Who loves a jacuzzi, you can pick them up from cast iron or still stop at beauty and choose an acrylic model with additional hydromassage functions.

To clearly see which bathroom to choose is presented in the following video:

When choosing, keep in mind that cast iron version will be an ideal purchase for a private house and a summer residence, and for skyscrapers it is better to buy an acrylic product. It is easier to transport, and it also comes in a wide variety of options, which is a big plus for small-sized housing.

Another video will help you figure out which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron. Steel bathtubs will also be taken into account:

The question of which bath to buy can only be answered by the owner of the property, knowing the features of the premises, their financial capabilities and top priorities (beauty, durability, strength). In any case, the choice of cast iron and acrylic bath models is very wide, so everyone can find a suitable option.

The main advantage of cast iron is its durability. In the production of a bath, it is enameled and gives it an aesthetic appearance. Enamel is applied directly to the surface of the finished bath or immediately to the product heated after the tide. This achieves a degree of additional strength of the coating and its resistance to corrosion. High-quality cast-iron bathtubs have a guarantee for twenty years.

Most often, cast iron baths are produced in the classical form, since this material does not lend itself well to complex molding.

Modern cast iron bathtubs are sold with built-in handles for ease of use, and also have a much lower weight than Soviet bathtubs. However, when casting a product, even with thin walls, its weight will still remain quite impressive - at least 90-100 kilograms. Cast iron bathtubs are easy to maintain and do not require special detergents. When washing such bathtubs, it is advisable to avoid washcloths or brushes with an abrasive surface that can scratch the enamel, which is still the weakest link in cast iron products.

Acrylic bath

Acrylic bathtubs are considered the queens of design today, gradually replacing steel and cast iron products from popular demand. The range of acrylic bathtubs includes a huge number of various models of all sizes and shapes. With the help of compact acrylic bathtubs, a bathroom can be designed in any design, which is very important for apartments with small living space.

Acrylic baths in their characteristics are in no way inferior to steel and cast iron, and in some respects even surpass them.

Despite the deceptively fragile appearance of acrylic, this material is very durable and even elastic. Its thickness ranges from 4-6 millimeters, however, the bottom of acrylic bathtubs is made thicker, since it bears the main load. The guarantee for such products is about ten years, they are easy to maintain and quite durable. Acrylic does not breed harmful bacteria, moreover, it is resistant to various household chemicals.

Acrylic bathtubs are available in rectangular, asymmetric and oval versions, in addition, they are often understaffed with hydromassage systems and lighting. Taking into account the possibility of easy reconstruction of acrylic bathtubs, they can be safely recommended as the best product for the bathroom.

There is hardly a person who would not like water procedures. It is very difficult to underestimate the effectiveness of their impact on the body. Baths made with salt, oils or herbs are especially good for relieving fatigue after a hard day and toning muscles. That is why, when arranging an apartment or simply during planning repairs, the owners also pay attention to equipment for taking water procedures.

What should be the bath to be durable, reliable and easy to use and install? This choice is quite difficult. After all, a modern manufacturer offers a lot of options that differ from each other in the material used in the manufacture, in shape and size. Performed modern baths steel, acrylic, cast iron, ceramics. There are specimens from natural stone. Despite saturation modern market and the appearance of more and more new materials on it, acrylic and cast-iron bathtubs remain the most popular among consumers. Steel products are also popular. It is these products that the bulk of buyers purchase for their apartments. Let's try to figure out which bath is better to install - cast iron or acrylic. Let's compare their main characteristics.

History of creation and variety of cast iron bathtubs

Products made from this material are not only durable and reliable, but also retain heat well. For the production of bathtubs, cast iron, which is an alloy of iron and carbon, has been used for a very long time. The first products made from this material appeared in 1925 near Barcelona in Spain. The Roca brothers, owners of a cast-iron radiator factory, decided to expand the range offered by their company. They launched a new product - cast iron baths. Until now, Roca is one of the world's leading leaders in this market segment. The products of this brand are distinguished by high quality, durability and a variety of colors.

It is worth noting that today in Europe there is a noticeable decrease in the total number of cast iron sanitary ware. They gradually began to be replaced by cheaper, environmentally friendly in production and, moreover, easy to transport bathtubs.

Cast iron products are produced by only a few firms. The most famous of them, apart from Roca, are Porcher and Jacob Delafon. Such bathtubs are produced in large quantities in Russia, as well as other CIS countries. However, here they are presented with a small selection of shades and only two sizes.

I would like to note that the cast-iron bathtubs of European manufacturers are distinguished by a more diverse and Beautiful design. It can be side handles, as well as armrests. In addition, it is possible to increase the area of ​​the bottom due to the changed angle of inclination of one of the backs. Imported products are possible in any design. It can be either a classic, which provides the possibility of embedding, or a luxurious English style.

Features of cast iron baths

A properly made product has walls whose thickness should not be less than 0.5 centimeters. At the same time, a high-quality cast-iron bathtub is distinguished by strong enamel, which is applied twice in the factory. The material from which the product is made contains a certain amount of sulfur, silicon or manganese, which give it additional strength. The enamel coating of cast iron bathtubs can last for a long period (10-30 years). The specific period depends on the loads and can be even longer.

Advantages of cast iron bathtubs

This classic version of a sanitary ware, which was previously used by almost all representatives of the older generation, is to the liking of many. Such bathtubs are especially appreciated for their durability. That is why such plumbing, which can last up to half a century, will certainly attract the attention of practical people. In addition, these robust bathtubs are highly resistant to corrosion and aggressive attack. chemical substances. They delight their owners with pleasant to the touch smooth enamel, made in the factory.

Cast iron bathtubs attract the attention of buyers:

The possibility of keeping warm;

The absence of pores on the surface of the enamel, which does not allow particles of dirt and water to penetrate into the internal structure of cast iron;

Noiselessness, which is a remarkable ability of the material;

The depth of color, which, with proper handling of enamel, pleases for many years;

Easy cleaning with the possibility of using any detergents (acids and abrasives are still best avoided).

Disadvantages of cast iron bathtubs

The negative points that are present in these products include:

The large weight of the bath, due to which it is difficult to transport, carry and mount it. How much Depending on the dimensions of the product, this indicator can range from 80 to 135 kg.

Danger of damage to furniture during installation, as any collision with cast iron can damage the surface of nightstands, doors, etc.

Lack of variety in shapes and configurations (companies offer only oval or rectangular products due to the complexity of the manufacturing process).

As you can see, cast iron bathtubs have a large list of advantages than disadvantages. However, it should be borne in mind that high-quality products are produced only by well-known manufacturers. Those who decide to save money on a purchase may soon find that their purchase has managed to lose its most important characteristics for a short time.

Steel sanitary ware

The world does not stand still. Mankind is constantly coming up with more and more perfect products with attractive characteristics. The same thing happened with the baths. Cast iron was replaced by steel. They were not inferior to them in strength, but at the same time they were cheaper. The price sometimes differed by 2-3 times. Most often, this served as a weighty argument when choosing a sanitary ware. In addition, many consumers were attracted by the fact that almost any shape was given to a steel product. In addition to being oval and rectangular, like cast iron, it could be asymmetrical, polygonal or compact angular.

The execution of such products is carried out from sheets of steel, the thickness of which is in the range from 0.23 to 0.35 cm. The acrylic-based enamel that covers the surface of the bath is not as thick as that of cast iron. However, thanks to modern technologies application, this layer is strong enough and reliable.

The weight of steel bathtubs ranges from 25 to 30 kg. They are quite elegant in their appearance and have a service life of up to thirty years.

Acrylic bathtubs

Modern production possibilities and the ever-increasing needs of people have led to the creation of improved personal care products. It was the desire of a person to see beautiful and durable bathtubs in his home, with a wide variety of shapes and colors, that became the impetus for the creation of acrylic bathtubs. These products were developed 30 years ago and quickly gained popularity among consumers.

The full name of the material used in their manufacture is methyl acrylate. It is a synthetic polymer derived from acrylic acid. The substance has high resistance to abrasion, oxygen and ultraviolet. In addition, the surface of this material is warm, smooth and very pleasant to the touch.

Acrylic bathtubs are made in one of two ways. At the first of them, a sheet suitable for its size is taken source material, which is bent to the required shape in a vacuum chamber. The resulting container is not strong and can be easily bent. To give the surface of the bath rigidity, it is strengthened with several layers. epoxy resin between which fiberglass is laid.

In the second, injection technology, a fiberglass frame is used. It is on it that acrylic is applied. In this case, the product turns out to be quite durable, which distinguishes it favorably from bathtubs made according to the first method.

A well-made acrylic bathtub has walls with a thickness of at least 4-6 mm. If you tap on its sides, the sound should not be too loud. Otherwise, we can conclude that the manufacturer decided to reduce costs by saving on reinforcement.

Often the owner of the apartment, equipping his bathroom, asks the question "Which is better - an acrylic or a cast-iron bath?" At the same time, most often he makes his choice in favor of a more modern product. The explanation for this lies in the variety of shapes, lightness and beauty of acrylic bathtubs.

The positive aspects of polymer products

This plumbing, despite the fact that it appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, has already gained great popularity.

Among positive qualities acrylic bathtubs emit:

The ability to retain heat well;

Abundance in functionality models (for example, hydromassage);

Huge selection of sizes and shapes;

Light weight.

Negative sides of acrylic products

Among the disadvantages of such baths are noted:

Difficulty in care;

The ability to bend at the time of use;

Insignificant service life;

The inability of acrylic to withstand too high temperatures.

Ease of installation

Acrylic or cast iron bath - which is better when arranging a plumbing unit? Let's try to compare these products in terms of ease of installation.

Which bath to choose - acrylic or cast iron? This question is often asked by apartment owners when planning repairs. Those who decide to install the bath on their own should remember that it is impossible for one person to bring cast-iron products into the house. Due to their impressive mass, difficulties arise during installation. After all cast iron bath, which is placed on four cast legs, will need to be securely fixed on a flat surface.

Some difficulties arise when installing an acrylic product. Its installation and connection to the sewerage system is impossible without pre-assembly metal frame. The need to perform such actions makes installation somewhat difficult, but due to the low weight of all parts, one person can handle such work. For example, an acrylic bath 150x70 has a mass of 15 to 20 kg. A model with a length of 170 cm, depending on the width, weighs 20-25 kg.

The simplest is the installation of a steel bath. It can also be handled by one person. But sometimes, to improve the sound insulation of a product, a layer of penofol is glued to its bottom or applied mounting foam. This complicates the work somewhat.

Comparison of cast iron and acrylic and steel bathtubs in terms of ease of installation allows you to make your choice in favor of the latter. In second place are acrylic bathtubs. The most difficult installation is cast iron products.

Ease of maintenance

Acrylic or cast iron bath - which is better in this parameter? As mentioned above, high-quality cast iron baths have a fairly thick coating layer, which is highly durable. Even if the stain penetrates deep into the enamel, it can be removed by any of the available methods. In this case, chemical reagents and mechanical action can be used.

Acrylic bathtubs need to be cleaned carefully. The means necessary to care for them should not include aggressive "chemistry" and strong abrasives. Only in this case it will be possible to prevent the formation of cracks, and the product will retain its original appearance for a long time.

Almost as carefully as acrylic, you need to clean steel baths. After all, the layer of enamel applied to them is much thinner than that of cast iron products. In this case, abrasive cleaners can be used, but this must be done with care so as not to damage the surface.

In terms of ease of care, acrylic or cast iron bath - which is better? The most unpretentious are products made of cast iron. If a steel bath is included in the comparative analysis, then it will take an average position. Acrylic products are the most difficult to care for.

Life time

What is the difference between a cast iron bathtub and an acrylic bathtub? Of course, its service life. No wonder cast iron products still do not lose their popularity. After all, they are able to serve the owners for at least fifty years. Agree, the period is decent enough. As for cast acrylic products, they can be used for an average of 15 years. If we consider steel baths, then in terms of their service life they are in second position, delighting consumers for at least 20-30 years.

Coating security

Have acrylic and pros and cons. And when choosing a sanitary ware option, it is necessary to carefully consider their positive and negative sides. As for the degree of protection of coatings, this characteristic is closely related to their care. The enamel applied to cast iron is the most durable. This process takes place in stages using firing technology. In this way, the bath receives maximum protection.

As for acrylic, it is fragile. This material does not hold up if anything heavy is thrown at it. After that, cracks may well appear on the bath.

When considering this parameter, the steel bath again turns out to be in the middle positions. It is covered with good quality enamel, but the layer of this coating is thinner than that of cast iron products.

Variety of forms

In this matter, the advantages of an acrylic bathtub over a cast iron one are obvious. If manufacturers of cast iron products offer only two options for shapes, then for those owners who dream of an original design, an option from more modern material.

Steel bathtubs are on the same level with acrylic products.

Variety of sizes

Bathtubs are cast-iron deep. They are produced by a European manufacturer in lengths from 150 to 180 cm. The width of the product is in the range of 60-90 cm. The standard length of the inner (lower) part is 110-120 cm.

Domestic cast-iron bathtubs are made 70 cm wide with a length ranging from 120 to 150 cm.

Acrylic products, like steel, come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be small or large, narrow or wide, deep or not. Various sizes sides and diameters are provided in round and corner versions. If we talk about oval and rectangular models, they are most often produced with a width of 70-170 cm and a length of 120-190 cm. For example, there is an acrylic bath 150x70 cm, 140x90 cm, etc.

Surface restoration

Unfortunately, over time, even the most seemingly durable things wear out. The cast iron tub is no exception. However, it does not deteriorate. Wear affects the enamel applied at the factory.

You can do this yourself by using one of three methods:

1. In the first of them, the restoration of a cast-iron bath is carried out by processing it inner surface special coloring composition. This method is one of the oldest and has long been time-tested. Restoration of a cast-iron bath in this case is carried out with a brush. In addition, special restoration kits should be used, including enamel, hardener and, if desired, tints that change the color of the bath. Enamel is applied to a previously cleaned surface in several layers, each of which must be well dried before applying the next.

2. The second method involves placing an acrylic liner in the bathroom. Otherwise, this technique is called "bath to bath". What does she represent? A pre-made-to-order acrylic bathroom liner is inserted into the old piece. Inside it is attached with foam or special mastic.

3. In the third method, an acrylic coating is applied to the cast iron. In another way, this method is called a "bulk bath". In this case, it is used which is applied to an old, previously prepared surface.

Restoration of acrylic products

Baths made of modern materials are hygienic, comfortable and practical. However, over time or due to careless operation, cracks or chips may form on their surface. in the first case is quite simple. To carry it out, you will need to clean the surface with sandpaper, and then treat it with a special polish.

For deeper cracks, the repair of an acrylic bath is carried out using epoxy putty. It is also used in the elimination of holes and chips.

Modern man is spoiled by comfort and cannot imagine his existence without the so-called "benefits of civilization". The bathroom, equipped with the latest technology, is far from the last place on their list.

At the same time, it is important to understand what material the plumbing is made of, because not only the appearance, but also the convenience of its use depends on it. A wide range of offers can mislead consumers, right? In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you should be aware of the pros and cons of each model.

We offer to figure out which is better - an acrylic or cast-iron bath, which option should be preferred and why. In the article, we described in detail the characteristics, features of the operation of different fonts and their care. A comparative assessment of the parameters will help you make an informed choice.

For the manufacture of plumbing equipment only high quality alloy is used. Cast iron is cast in sand molds. After the workpiece cools down, it is cleaned and coated with enamel.

For this, a special powder is used, which, under the influence of high temperature, turns into an enamel coating. The walls of bathtubs from Russian manufacturers are up to 1 cm wide, which, accordingly, increases their weight.

Leading European manufacturers produce products with a wall thickness of up to 5 mm, while in terms of strength they are not inferior to domestic counterparts. The composition of the enamel is also different.

Russian products are often coated with a composition with zirconium, and European ones - with a mixture with titanium.

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Signs of a high quality product

The store usually offers a large one.

A quality product can be easily recognized by several signs:

  • perfectly smooth inner surface;
  • evenly colored enamel without spots and inclusions;
  • absence of defects such as chips and potholes on the outer surface of the product.

It’s good that the bathroom comes with a drain and all the necessary elements: legs, handrails, etc. It is desirable that the legs can be adjusted in height. This will make the product easier to install.

To facilitate the installation of a cast-iron bath, the manufacturer equips it with legs that can be adjusted in height.

Acrylic bath: what the owner needs to know

Under the name acrylic bathtub, two completely different types of plumbing fixtures are sold in stores. Their main difference lies in the material from which they are made. By and large, the properties of finished products depend on its characteristics.

The first type of bathtub is made from pure or, as it is also called, cast acrylic, the second type is made from co-extruded acrylic.

Before the polymerization procedure, various components are added to polymethyl methacrylate or PMMA to improve the properties of the future product. Due to this, the composite acquires a stable color, plasticity, maintainability and hygiene.

In addition, additives can be added to sanitary acrylic to prevent the reproduction and growth of bacteria on the walls of the bowl.

Although PMMA is used in the manufacturing process of both types of baths, the result is different.

Cast acrylic products produced in the following way. First, high quality material is produced. To do this, the liquid compound is poured into sealed glass molds and sent to a steam oven for polymerization. The result is a sheet of high quality solid material with a thickness of about 8 mm.

Acrylic is initially transparent, but in the process of its preparation for polymerization, a pigment can be added to the plastic, which will give the finished product any desired shade.

Both methods are quite effective and will help extend the life of your favorite bath. It must be admitted that all the advantages described above are inherent in most products made of cast acrylic.

Models made of two-layer plastic are coated with PMMA only on the inside and the layer of this coating is very thin. ABS, which, in fact, makes up about 80% of such a bowl, absorbs moisture and quickly collapses.

The disadvantage of acrylic bathtubs is sensitivity to high temperature. PMMA melts at a temperature of 160°C, so when pouring hot water, the plastic softens a little and can be deformed. For this reason, manufacturers recommend pouring into the bath first. cold water and dilute it hot.

The composite is sensitive to alcohol-containing substances. In no case should they fall on the surface of such a bath.

Another disadvantage is the fragility of acrylic products. A strong impact, especially if the object falls from a height, can destroy the plastic. At the same time, serious deformations are not always amenable to restoration and the bath has to be replaced with a new one. Under the weight of a large person, acrylic can “play” and bend, which is not very pleasant during bathing.

The disadvantages include the high cost of high-quality injection molded products.

Scratches and small imperfections on the surface of acrylic bathtubs can be easily removed. For this, they issue special formulations for repair

How to care for acrylic equipment

Contrary to popular belief, acrylic products are easy to care for. Especially if you follow certain rules.

Rule #1. Acrylic surface should be washed after each use or at least rinsed with hot water. Contaminants frozen on the surface of acrylic turn into hard-to-remove stains.

Rule #2. For cleaning products, you can use only special products or solutions of mild detergents. All cleaning compounds with abrasives are the enemies of acrylic. They scratch the gloss and eventually turn a shiny bathtub into a matte one.

Rule #3. Taboo on chlorine-containing agents and solvents. When trying to disinfect the bowl with one of these compounds, only a sharp clouding of the coating can be achieved. If you use the drug a second time, the acrylic bowl will be covered with a network of small pores.

All solvents, including acetone, affect it as well. At first, it becomes cloudy if the composition is not immediately washed off; with prolonged contact, it simply corrodes the surface of the bowl. Ammonia and formaldehydes act similarly on acrylic. Do not allow them to come into contact with the bathroom.

Rule #4. If rust spots or lime deposits appear on the surface, do not act folk methods, you need to use only special tools for acrylic.

A high-quality acrylic bathtub can last more than 20 years. It must be understood that this statement applies only to cast acrylic products.

On our website there is a series of articles on the care of acrylic sanitary ware, we advise you to read:

How to "recognize" high-quality acrylic

But otherwise, it goes quite simply, given that the weight of the frame and the bath itself is small. If desired, any House master handle this job alone.

Cost and additional costs

It must be admitted that the price of quality products made of cast iron and acrylic differ slightly. In both cases, you can purchase the most simple model for relatively little money, but all the additional elements will significantly increase this amount.

The price is formed depending on the brand, design and quality. Each buyer determines the ratio of these characteristics acceptable for himself.

It is important to understand that it makes no sense to buy a thing that is too cheap and obviously of poor quality. The funds spent on its purchase and installation can be considered thrown away, because it will not last long.

Additional costs include the purchase of special cleaning products for bathroom care. These will definitely be required for acrylic, cast iron products are less capricious in this regard.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Comparison of the technical and practical qualities of sanitary ware for an informed choice of a bathtub made of innovative acrylic or traditional cast iron:

Cast iron bowl selection criteria:

How to correctly choose a good acrylic bath?

It is believed that acrylic bathtubs are ideal for high-rise buildings - they are easy to transport, easy to install. Among them, you can easily choose a model for the smallest bathroom. Cast iron bowls are better suited for a private house or cottage.

Are you looking for a practical, beautiful and durable bath? Or do you have experience with cast iron or acrylic plumbing? Please share with readers your experience of using different types baths, ask questions and participate in discussions. The comment form is located below.
