Part 1. Vedic Foundations of Herbal Healing. Zodiacal signs of plants:


The entire plant kingdom is subject to one goddess - Venus. But each being of this kingdom has its own separate high patrons - both divine and planetary (of the near space). Like people in the human kingdom, all plants have their own special appearance, smell, character, purpose. Conventionally, they can be combined according to the most common features and properties, correlating with the nature and properties of a particular planet.

Planet plant type Flowers Smell Fruit Character
Saturn Big dark sad
hardly noticeable Strong, penetrating The taste is tart, bitter, caustic.
Tolerance and Service
Jupiter Large and branched Blue or white. Little noticeable. Odorless or
Sweet or sour. Oily and healing. Emission and Majesty
Mars Small and prickly Red and small Spicy, acrid and unpleasant Warm, sharp and poisonous Anger and thorns
Sun Average yellow Fragrant Sour and tasty beauty
nobility and
Venus Small, graceful and blooming pink, red, big Excellent, sweet and heavy No fruits or smooth, juicy, pleasant Tenderness
Mercury Medium and twisty Small, varied Penetrating or indefinite Mixed flavor Uncertainty
Moon Weird, watery Sluggish Odorless or cloying Tasteless or unpleasant Weirdness

It is generally accepted that the main governing planet of a plant (the so-called host planet) is determined by the appearance and properties of its leaves and stems, since they accompany it most of its life. In addition, a flowering and fruiting plant has its own ruling planets, but they are strong for a shorter period of time. Therefore, in the "natal chart" of each plant, several planets are usually indicated (in descending order of the strength of their influence). Herbalists say that this special force "travels" through the plant, passing from one part of it to another, but at the same time retaining the influence of the ruling planet. The manifestation of a certain strength of a plant depends on the time of year, and on the time of day, and on the degree of maturation, on the place and conditions of its growth.
For example, in spring and autumn, after the new moon, strawberry roots are harvested (for the treatment of colitis, jaundice, hemorrhoids, dysentery). At the beginning of summer, before the new moon and immediately after it, strawberry leaves and flowers are harvested (for the treatment of many colds and inflammatory diseases).
Berries are harvested as they ripen all summer, but most favorable - from the solstice to mid-summer. Collected in the 1st and 3rd quarters of the Moon, they are used to feed human body and its organs (for example, the heart), to improve metabolism and digestion, strengthen the defenses (immunity). Berries collected in the II and IV lunar quarters have cleansing, diaphoretic and diuretic properties.
Juice and infusion of berries are used in the treatment of urolithiasis. But collected on these lunar days (II and IV quarters, especially on the full moon), strawberries can cause weakened people, children younger age- allergies and urticaria.
In early autumn, reddened strawberry leaves are harvested for homeopathic (use in small doses) treatment of diseases of metabolism and internal organs.
Every living being has the ability to develop and change. The difference of many plants is that they exhibit this property in a very short period of time. With such modifications, the nature of the vital force of the plant also changes, which is directly related to the degree of its maturation and to the influence of the planets on its individual parts.

Planetary rulers of various parts of plants:

The root is ruled by Saturn (Earth element).
The stem and trunk are ruled by Saturn (Earth element), the creeping stems are ruled by Mercury (Earth and Air elements).
Branches - Mercury (air element) and Jupiter (fire element).
The bark is Mercury (element of Earth and Air).
Wood - Mars (elements of Water and Fire).
Leaves - Mercury (Air element), the reverse "pubescent" side of many leaves is controlled by the Moon (Water element).
Flowers - Venus (element of Air and Earth) and the Sun (element of Fire).
Seeds - Mercury (the elements of Earth and Air), the germination of seeds is controlled by Mars (the element of Fire).
Fruits - Jupiter (elements of Fire and Water) and Venus (element of Earth), fruits with a stone or in a shell are controlled by Saturn (element of Earth).

Such an assignment of ruling planets to various parts of plants is somewhat arbitrary, since it depends on many conditions and the diversity of properties of the plants themselves. Usually try to consider the totality of these features. For example, astrologer M.E. Timkina and doctor G.N. Chernikov in his book New method herbal treatment” (St. Petersburg, 2005, pp. 50-51) write that the fetus is a manifestation of Venus (as an image of the manifestation of the achieved perfection); it is usually juicy, sweet, beautiful, nutritious. But in it are the influences of Saturn (hard bone, hard shell or shell on the outside), the power, strength of Pluto and Mars (push, impulse to germinate), the mobile readiness of Mercury (to change and develop a germinated young plant), the wonderful divine impulse of Jupiter, control metabolism and change in appearance, carried out by the Moon, flowering and maturation under the Sun, and again - the fruit, the seed as a manifestation of the perfection of Venus.

The diversity of the plants themselves should also be taken into account, which necessarily affects their energy manifestations. This also applies to individual parts of plants. For example, it is believed that all roots are a manifestation of the elements of the Earth. But the urinary root is Taurus, Saturn (Earth), the tap root is Capricorn, Saturn (Earth), and Virgo, Mercury (Earth, Air) controls the air roots.

Planetary signs of plants

Plants of Saturn:

Plants marked by Saturn are heavy, sticky, tart, bitter in taste, caustic and acidic. Usually these plants bear fruit and bloom inconspicuously. Propagated by cuttings. They have spores or black berries. Their odor is strong and penetrating, often resinous and narcotic. Many of Saturn's plants grow slowly, have black roots, dark leaves and fruits. These include relic plants.

“Saturn governs plants with cooling qualities (barley, comfrey, tamarind); trees with annual rings (elm, cypress, pine); poisonous and narcotic plants (hellenic hellebore, hemlock, marijuana, wolf's bast, yew), as well as quince and thorns "(" Apothecary garden "V.F. Korsun, V.V. Kovalenko. M., 1997. P. 44).

Plants of Saturn are divided into:
a) with black roots, leaves and fruits;
b) having no fruits;
c) poisonous, numbing and intoxicating;
d) bitter, with a strong smell, blackish, harmful.

Henbane (Jupiter), Wrestler blue (Capricorn), Beans (Mercury, Cancer), Hemlock, Grapes (fruits - Moon), Valerian (root), Pear (Mars), Datura (Moon), Dymyanka (Jupiter and Mars), Cocklebur (Virgo), Sweet clover (Aquarius), Blackberry, Willow (Cancer), Chestnut, Saxifrage (Cancer, Libra, Aquarius), Cypress (Leo), Kirkazon (Mercury, Virgo, Aquarius), Cactus lash (Mercury, Aquarius), Hemp , Buckthorn (Libra), Maple, Potentilla erectus, Bearded lichen, Licorice (Mercury), Big burdock (Gemini, Aquarius), Moss, Poppy (Moon), Mandragora (Capricorn, Moon), Lungwort (Mercury), Raspberry (Aquarius) , Hellebore, Olive (Jupiter), Opium, Shepherd's Purse, Wild Pepper (Cancer), Holly (Mars), Parsley (Sun, Gemini), Cork Tree, Nightshade, Dodder (Jupiter), Podbel, Rhubarb (Jupiter, Pisces), Mountain rue (Libra, Mars, Sagittarius, Sun), Pine (Cancer), Black fig tree (Aquarius), Medicinal steppe (Libra, Aquarius), Tobacco, Tamarind (Moon, fruit - Sun), Thorn, Roman caraway (Virgo, Aquarius ), Hemlock (Virgo, Aquarius), Hellebore black (seed - or Capricorn), Blueberries, Male shield (Sagittarius, Mars), Wild apple tree.

Plants of Jupiter:

Plants ruled by Jupiter are sweet, pleasant, astringent, tender, sometimes sour. All of these plants bear fruit, although some of them bear fruit without visible flowering.

The fruits are usually plentiful and pleasing to the eye, many are oily and curative. Plants are majestic, large, voluminous. Herbs are fragrant, bring happiness and success.

“Jupiter governs fruits and nuts, in particular almonds, chestnuts, currants, figs, rose hips; plants with a pleasant smell - anise, balsam, clover, jasmine, linden, nutmeg; oak (in mythology it is associated with Jupiter); medicinal plants that affect the arterial system or the liver (chervil, cinquefoil erect, dandelion, sage), as well as spruce and mulberry ”(“ Apothecary Garden ”. P. 43).

Calamus, Althea, Aloe, Henbane (Aries, Sagittarius or Capricorn, Saturn), Amaranth, Velvet, Banyan (Virgo), Letter (Pisces), Birch (Sagittarius), Colchicum autumn (Pisces), Barberry (Mars), Cornflower, Elm , Cherry (Pisces), Highlander bird (Sun), Hornbeam (Sun), Pomegranate (Pisces, fruit - Aries), Elecampane, Dymyanka officinalis (Saturn, Mars), Oak, Dubrovnik (Taurus, Mars, Aries), Large Larkspur ( Gemini), Strawberries (Pisces), Centaury, Kirkazon (Scorpio, Virgo), Sesame, Cedar, Red Cabbage, Dogwood (Mars, Scorpio), Cranberry, Hoof, Lemon (fruit - Sun, Pisces), Flax, Lily (Taurus , Venus, Moon), Linden (flowers), Larch, Burdock (root), Lovage, Bear's ear (Capricorn, Virgo), Almond (Venus), Madder (Mars), Mint (Aries, Leo, Mars), Melissa officinalis ( Sun), Sea buckthorn, Cucumber (Aquarius, Gemini), Hazel (Cancer, Libra, Mercury), Olive (Saturn), Palm, Peach tree, Peony (Sun, Aries, Cancer, flowers - Aries), Sycamore, Dodder (Saturn ), Rowan garden (Scorpio), Rhubarb (Saturn, Pisces), Rosemary (Sun, Aries), Rose (Venus, Taurus), Field rue, Plum, Stalnik (Mars), White fig tree (Venus), Currant, Poplar, Mulberry tree, Violet (Venus, Taurus), Date tree, Chicory, Sorrel, Apple tree (Scorpio, fruit - Venus), Ash (flowers, Sun, Aquarius).

Plants of Mars:

Plants ruled by Mars taste sour, bitter, pungent and spicy. They are poisonous due to excess heat (especially in the heat). Prickly (with thorns, with spines) and burning, with a pungent and harmful odor - can burn when touched or "bite" the eyes.

“Mars governs plants with thorns (thorns denote weapons): barberry, cacti, hawthorn, as well as sharp, spicy plants (nettle, garlic, gentian, hops, horseradish, mustard, onion, pepper, tobacco, radish, wormwood, basil, tarragon ) "(" Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Aronik spotted (Gemini, Scorpio), Aconite, Flea (Scorpio), Hawthorn, Basil (Leo), Barberry (Jupiter), Lingonberry, Grapes, Crow's foot, Woad dye. Heather, Veronica, Hornbeam, Mustard, Pear (Saturn), Dören, Gorse, Dymyanka (Jupiter, Saturn), Purple Dubrovnik (Taurus, Jupiter, Aries), Yellow Zelenchuk (Leo), Dogwood (Jupiter, Scorpio), Hemp, Cranberry , Stinging nettle and dioecious, Burdock (burr), Onion (Sagittarius), Chives (Scorpio), Leek (Moon, Scorpio, Gemini), Poppy, Raspberry, Euphorbia cypress (Leo), Madder (Jupiter), Mint (Jupiter, Aries, Leo), Euphorbia Sungazer (Scorpio, Aquarius), Digitalis (Pisces), Sea buckthorn, Nutmeg, Wormwood, Stepping stone (Capricorn), Holly (Saturn), Pepper (Leo, Sun), Rhubarb, Radish (Sagittarius) ), Red Rose, Mountain Ruta (Libra, Sagittarius, Saturn, Sun), Stalnik (Jupiter), Blackthorn, Bearberry, Horseradish, Garlic (Sagittarius), Hop, Blackroot, Thistle (Leo), Shandra, Spike (Cancer), Rosehip , Shield male (Sagittarius, Saturn).

Plants of Mercury:

Plants corresponding to Mercury are distinguished by a variety of appearance and mixed taste. Many of them have leaves and flowers, but do not bear fruit. Their leaves are small, colorful and varied in appearance. Flowers are also diverse, have an indefinite smell.

Mercury governs creeping plants (such as peas and grapes).

“Mercury governs plants with well-branched leaves (carrots, parsley, dill, fennel, cumin), as well as medicinal plants that act on the brain, nervous system or speech - with lavender, lily of the valley, oregano, parsnip, elecampane) ”(“ Apothecary Garden ”, p. 43).

Acacia, Anise real (Virgo), Amaranth, Ledum, Privet, Smelly elderberry (Aries), Beans (Cancer, Saturn), Heather, Valerian officinalis (Taurus), Field Bindweed, Highlander, Blackberry, Honeysuckle, Zlatotsvet, Grapes (Sun ), Cabbage, Kirkazon (Virgo, Aquarius, Saturn), Whiplash Cactus (Aquarius), White Kiotnik (Leo), Red Clover, Kupena officinalis, Licorice (Saturn), Juniper, Daisy (Aquarius), Marjoram (Aries, Sun), Catnip, Lungwort (Saturn), Cucumber, Mistletoe, Hazel (Cancer, Libra, Jupiter), Hazelnut, Shepherd's Purse, Plantain, Ivy (Taurus, Sagittarius), Annual Scilla (Scorpio), Primrose officinalis (Libra), Millet, Wheatgrass, Pentate, Chamomile (Gemini, Libra), Beetroot, Cumin, Yarrow, Dill, Horsetail, Chicory, Thyme (Lion), Three-parted sequence, Tea, Rosehip, Scutellaria, Stock rose, Sorrel.

Plants of the Sun:

Sunny plants have a pleasant smell (fragrant), sweet or sour in taste. Some of them are evergreens. Plants of the Sun protect against lightning and are useful as antidotes. Used in rituals and protection from evil spirits. They often have yellow flowers that may close by sunset. Many of these plants follow the Sun or "wear" its image on leaves, flowers or fruits.

“It was believed that the Sun governs plants of a “solar” color and those whose parts resemble the Sun in appearance (for example, orange, saffron, sunflower, chamomile, celandine, calendula. Medicinal plants acting on the heart and parts of the body, ruled by the Sun: angelica , rosemary, rue (all of them enhance blood circulation), walnut, eyebright, cornflower) "(" Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Aloe (Sagittarius), Arnica, Calamus (Virgo), Orange, Balsam, Euonymus, Birch, Sandy immortelle, Verbena (Libra, Venus), Cherry, Hornbeam (Jupiter), Gentian (Aries, Leo), Clove (Leo) , Heliotrope (Leo), Hyacinth (Venus), Sweet pear, Elecampane, Angelica officinalis (Leo, Aquarius, root - Sun, Mars), St. John's wort (Aries), Grapes (Mercury), Ginger, Calendula, Cardamom (Aries), Lemon (fruit - Pisces), Linden, Laurel (Leo), Lavender, Frankincense, Buttercup, Lotus, Lovage, Marjoram (Aries, Mercury), Poppy, Coltsfoot, Melissa officinalis (Jupiter), Sea buckthorn, Oats (Moon) , Dandelion (flowers), Tansy, Sunflower, Palm, Parsley (Gemini, Saturn), Peony (Aries, Cancer, Jupiter, flower - Aries), Plantain (Aries, Leo), Wormwood, Pepper (Leo, Mars), Rye (Virgo), Reseda (Venus), Rosemary (Aries, Jupiter), Mountain Rue (Libra, Sagittarius, Saturn, Mars), Red Sandalwood, Thyme (Leo), Chistyak (Sagittarius), Tripartite Series, Cherry, Sage (Aries) , Saffron (Leo, Sagittarius), Ash (flowers - Aquarius, Jupiter), Barley.

Plants of the Moon:

Plants under the influence of the Moon are tasteless, live near water or in water. These are marsh plants, water plants. They are cold, contain a lot of liquid, give milky juice. They have a round root, their leaves are often large. The flowers are usually white, odorless or, conversely, with a stupefying aroma. Capable of destroying lust.

“The moon is the ruler of plants, parts of which are like the moon, have a color similar to the moon (melon, pumpkin, banana; white or yellow flowers- self-seed poppy, violet root, sweet iris, water lily). This also applies to plants that contain a lot of water: they often have soft, juicy leaves (cabbage, cucumber, lettuce and other leafy vegetables), as well as those that grow near or in water (algae, watercress, winter-loving, willow ). (“Aptekarsky garden”. P. 43).

Beans (fruit - Saturn), Mushrooms, White sweet clover, Datura (Saturn), Melon, White willow, Red cabbage (Jupiter), Frankincense, Lily of the valley, Lettuce (Gemini), Lily (Taurus, Jupiter, Venus), Water lily ( Gemini, Venus), Leek (Gemini, Scorpio, Mars), Linden (Libra), Poppy (seeds, Saturn), Poppy Seed (Pisces), Mandragora (Capricorn, Saturn), Sea Buckthorn, Cucumber (Sagittarius, Cancer) , Alder, Oats (Sun), Walnut (Sagittarius), Purslane (Cancer, Libra or Pisces), Turnip (Pisces, Scorpio), Rue, White sandalwood, Tobacco, Tamarind, Silver poplar, Cane, Pumpkin, Lentil, Apple tree of paradise , White lamb.

Plants of Venus:

Plants of Venus are beautiful and graceful, pleasing to the eye; sweet tasting and oily. They bloom, give a lot of seeds, bring juicy, tasty fruits, but some of them do not bear fruit at all. Able to stimulate sexual desire. Their smell is almost always sweet, fragrant. Many plants of Venus are healing and have strong magical properties.

“Venus governs plants with especially pleasant flowers (rose, columbine, daisies, periwinkle, primrose, violet); red berries, fruits and vegetables (plums, apples, strawberries, tomatoes, cherries, blackberries, raspberries), as well as birch, burdock, elderberry, thyme, sorrel, tansy, verbena "(" Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Pansies, Periwinkle, Verbena (Libra, Sun), Hyacinth (Sun), Blueberry, Mouse Peas, Larkspur, Garden Dawn, Water Iris (Libra), Cassia, Water Lily, Cuckoo's Tears (Leo, Scorpio), Lavender, Levkoy, Lily (Taurus, Jupiter, Moon), Water Lily (Gemini, Moon), Lily of the valley, Daisy, Malva, Melissa, Myrtle, Almond (Jupiter), Young roofing (Virgo), Narcissus (Taurus, Scorpio), Forget-me-not, Reseda (Sun) , Rose (Taurus, Jupiter), Purple Lilac, Creeping Thyme, Spinach, Orchid.

Plants of Uranus:

Plants of Neptune:

Neptune rules algae sea ​​waters(kelp, fucus, cysteseira) and aquatic plants (duckweed - Moon).

Plants of Proserpine:

Proserpine is considered the ruling planet of mutant plants (for example, genetically modified soybeans).

Compatibility of planetary signs

In addition to the general planetary signs listed above, it must be remembered that each plant is a combination of the signs and influences of many other planets. This connection appears as the plant develops. For example:

The conjunction of Saturn with Venus gives a large tree, which is usually thick, because Venus tenderness provides the basis (material) for the development of Saturian qualities;
- if Jupiter connects with Venus, then a plant is obtained, full of strength and beneficial properties;
- if Mercury takes part in this union, then the plant turns out to be even more perfect. It is of medium height, beautiful in appearance, with white or blue flowers;
- if the Sun joins these planets, then the flowers will turn yellow;
- if Mars does not counteract the previous planets, then the plant becomes capable of resisting all evil influences and gives an excellent medicine. But such a connection is very rare;
- if Mars and Saturn are at enmity with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, then a poisonous plant with red or whitish flowers (Venus influence) is obtained, hard to the touch and disgusting in taste;
- if Mars and Saturn quarrel, when Jupiter and Venus are strong, and Mercury is very weak, a warm and healing plant is obtained. Its stem is thin, slightly stiff and prickly. The flowers are whitish;
- if Venus is close to Saturn, Mars does not oppose the Moon, and Jupiter is free, then it turns out beautiful plant- tender, soft, with white flowers, harmless, but also of little use;
- if Saturn predominates, then a plant is obtained that is black or dirty gray in color, with a hard and rough stem, with a tart, sour or salty taste. It grows large, skinny, with dark flowers;
- usually Saturn attracts Mars, and then the plant becomes knotty, the leaves are convex, the branches are crooked - the whole plant takes on a wild, disheveled appearance.

There are concepts of "friendship" and "enmity" of certain plants - that is, their energy and psychological compatibility. This must be taken into account in the herbal treatment of certain diseases when choosing plants, when compiling complex medicinal collections. For example:

Venus is friendly with everyone, especially with Mars;
- Mercury is friends with everyone, especially with Jupiter;
- Saturn, Mars and the Sun are always at enmity with each other.

Zodiac signs also have similar compatibility:

Plants of related trigons are friends with each other: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (element of Fire); Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (Earth element); Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Water); Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (air element);
- the elements are friends with each other: Fire and Air; Earth and Water:
- the elements are at enmity: Fire and Water; Earth and Air;
- are friends with each other: Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius; Taurus, Cancer and Pisces; Cancer and Libra; Gemini, Libra and Leo; Aries, Scorpio and Leo.
- feud: Taurus, Libra and Scorpio; Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn; Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius; Aquarius, Virgo and Leo; Virgo and Pisces; Libra, Leo and Aries.

Compiling a medicinal collection taking into account zodiacal and planetary compatibility can be done according to the rule “like is treated by like” (that is, to select related and friendly plants that are similar in nature to the disease), or according to the rule “like is treated by the opposite” (that is, to select plants of opposite elements, standing opposite each other in the zodiac circle, opposite in their properties to the nature of the disease).

Speaking of friendship and enmity between plants, one should recall the existing universal Law: the unity and interpenetration of opposites. All the kingdoms of Nature (mineral, vegetable, animal, human) live according to this Law. An example of such an interpenetration of opposites in the plant kingdom can be given: Taurus and Scorpio are signs that are opposite each other in the zodiac circle, that is, “warring”. Scorpio gives poison to Taurus, and Taurus, with Venus ruling it - the planet of beauty - gives Scorpio plants attractiveness. Which in combination gives the plant an attractive, but poisonous.

Collection of herbs according to the position of the moon:

I quarter moon (Yang). After the new moon, the energy of plants begins to move from top to bottom. Therefore, the vital force and most of the useful substances of plants will be concentrated in the roots by the end of the quarter. This quarter is best to collect roots and root crops, starting from the 5th lunar day.
The use of the fees collected in this lunar quarter should be calculated for their long-term use, since the plants are just beginning to gain their strength. They are used to saturate the human body and individual organs with the necessary substances. On the 8th lunar day, complex medicinal preparations can be made (for example, from 72 or 108 components). The simpler collections, drawn up on this day of the Moon, can be used to nourish and prepare the body of a person for purification and can have their effect sooner.

II quarter of the Moon (Yin). This quarter is most favorable for collecting the above-ground parts of plants, and the closer to the full moon, the better (starting from the 10th lunar day). They collect plants that have the ability to cleanse the body and individual organs, remove excess substances. The energy coming from the bottom up and acting on the plant raises the vital force and carries many microelements from the earth to the stem, leaves and flowers. It is possible to draw up and apply fees aimed at cleansing the human body (long-term effects). The closer to the full moon, the stronger and sooner the cleansing properties of plants will manifest (you can carry out a quick cleansing). It is best to collect plants of the Moon and plants of other water signs when the Moon is visible.

Full moon. These days the life force rises into the flowers and the top of the plants. Their fullness of energy is the greatest. The crop harvested immediately after the full moon contains the greatest amount of nutrients. If you collect herbs in order to nourish, fill the human body, its certain organs with energy and useful substances, then you need to start doing this immediately after the first full moon of the Kupala days.

III quarter of the Moon (Yang). Like the first quarter of the moon, plant energy begins to move from top to bottom. But the plants managed to "satiate", fill with energy - if the collection of the aerial part is carried out on days close to the full moon, the herbs are still full of vitality and a lot of nutrients. The most favorable time for collecting the upper (aerial) part of herbs intended to nourish and support the human body is before the middle of the 17th lunar day. This quarter is also a good time to start drying herbs. At the same time, microelements and other useful substances are better preserved. By the end of the III quarter, the vital force of plants and many nutrients are concentrated in the roots of plants. This time, starting from the second half of the 17th lunar day, is most favorable for collecting roots - they can be used immediately or harvested for storage.

IV quarter of the Moon (Yin). Similar to the second quarter of the moon. Plants collected in the last quarter have the greatest cleansing power, starting from the 24th lunar day. If during the lunar month a person properly nourished and prepared his body for cleansing, then it is on these days that the cleansing will be calmer and better (gentle) - which is favorable for children, the elderly, women, sick and weakened people. This time is favorable for the preparation of cleansing fees and medicines, drying herbs.

New moon. The fluids and vitality of plants in the new moon descend to their lower part, to the root. Plants that are able to cleanse the human body of poisons, just before the new moon and during it, show this property with the greatest strength (for example, euphorbia, common bruise, prickly cocklebur, wormwood, common yarrow, St. John's wort).

“The herbs of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus are collected on the growing Moon. Herbs of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Neptune - on the flawed Moon. Herbs of Mars, Saturn - on the growing Moon become evil. Herbs of Uranus, Pluto are collected at any time ”(S.A. Bugrova“ Amulets. Witch Doctor. P. 169).

It should be taken into account when collecting herbs and what sign the Moon is in. When harvesting individual parts of plants by drying, they cannot be washed, as this affects not only the purity of the plant, but also changes their properties of vitality, the nature of their energy. Roots, as a rule, are collected for various purposes on the waning moon or at the end of the first quarter. Seeds for quick consumption and treatment are usually collected on the growing moon, for storage - in the third quarter.

Features of collecting plants

People who collect herbs are very different, and they collect them for different reasons, related to a certain level of spiritual development of a person. They are also called differently.

Greenery growers collect herbs for food and sale - this is the level of development of Vesey.

Simple herbalists collect herbs for treatment and make medicinal collections - this is also the level of development of Vesey, since their medicinal collections do not eliminate the causes of diseases, but only alleviate the suffering of people, their Flesh body.

Herbalists-healers have knowledge and experience in managing the energies of plants and people, they treat and eliminate the causes of diseases at the energy level. This is the level of development of Vesey (many of them now earn a living from this) and Warriors. For fighters and Warriors, such skills are important for maintaining and developing their martial art, for saving and saving lives in case of injury.

Herbalists are healers who take into account the art of herbal medicine and the elimination of the causes of diseases in people and animals at all three levels of healing: bodily, energetic, spiritual. They communicate with plants as if they were living beings and can use their life force. This is the level of development of Knights and Priests. A person who can restore the integrity of the life field of any living being (“make it whole”) is a true Healer.

The healer is the level of development of the Veduna. This healer uses life force plants, accelerating its evolutionary development, preserving its life (leaving it “whole”) and even multiplying, increasing its strength.

Any herbalist must prepare for the collection of plants: an auspicious time is chosen, a bath is performed, prayers are offered to the patron gods of plants, requests are brought to the service spirits and elements of Nature, appropriate clothes are put on, the blessing of the Clergyman is obtained, appropriate tools and rituals are selected for collecting herbs or roots.

The Russian people say that every herb "loves bowing" and that she answers the herbalist with her bow. With such “bows”-greetings, an interchange of energies of a person and a plant occurs. It is as if a mutual agreement is concluded: the plant agrees to use its life force and its dense (material) body, and the person promises to use the power of the plant with the greatest benefit for a specific purpose and for the benefit of its evolutionary development.

There is little point in using a plant that doesn't respond to you. Moreover, using a plant that is hostile or forcibly taking it can be harmful and dangerous. Many plants themselves try to warn a person about their dangerously modified properties, but often people do not hear them now - for example, the nature of plants growing next to railroad tracks and roads, next to power lines and factories, landfills and abandoned garbage.

Be sure to explain to the plant why we take it. And when used, with the help of a conspiracy or prayer, you need to direct its power to a certain good deed: nutrition, healing or treatment of people and animals; production of ceremonial or festive accessories, household items; improvement and cleaning of the house; making or dyeing clothes and children's toys - the use of plants in people's lives is very diverse.

Negotiating with the plant best use its life force, we thereby accelerate its development (evolution). For a person who knows how to perform such actions, the benefit is that he can be directly nourished and healed by the vital energy (prana) of Nature.

Magical actions differ from such witchcraft in that the life force is taken from the plant by force, without any agreements. For such violence, a person will definitely have to answer to the Gods and the spirits of Nature.

The ability of an experienced person to take by mutual agreement and fully use the life force of a plant - this is the ability to take the mysterious Fire-color of a plant (its Hot body), combining its radiance and capabilities with its own life field (Hot body). This is the merging of two subtle energy currents of beings from different kingdoms of Nature. This is how many animals heal and recover from wounds. For campaigns for the Color (life force) of plants, the time is especially calculated, since the greatest "flourishing" of this force manifests itself in a short period of time. In all other cases, people use this power (energy) of plants only partially, nourishing themselves and their bodily organs at the level of vitamins and microelements. However, this also needs to be done correctly.

Before taking a plant, it is necessary to illuminate it with illuminated signs, prayers, mantras and doxologies corresponding to its planet and patron God. You need to know not only the most favorable time for this, but also know exactly how to do it: in which direction of the world to face; if you break or tear, then in which direction of the world to bend it; if cut, then with what kind of knife: wooden, bone, stone or metal (copper, bronze, iron, silver, gold, platinum, etc.); how to cut: left-to-right, right-to-left, bottom-up, top-down, away from you or towards you. And also - what animal (in case of need) can help with this. After collecting herbs and performing rituals, gifts are left to the spirits of the forest, fields and meadows, orchards and orchards, swamps and waterlands.

You can take a plant with the words: “You, a herb - a procession, and a son of God - healing! To the glory of the Ancestor, our Gods and Ancestors! Aum!

Vedaman Vedagor

It is difficult to imagine our life on Earth without plants. They surround us always and everywhere. Even without receiving our attention and love, the green Kingdom has always been, is and will be our friend and helper. Therefore, it is important for every person to know as much as possible about such a beautiful and wonderful world plants. It would be more accurate to say - to remember, since each of us at one time passed an evolutionary stage of his development in the Plant Kingdom.

Our Ancestors knew that every plant is a living being.1 The “eyes” of the plant vigilantly observe the world, and the “voice” is given to it to communicate with its neighbors and people who can hear it. Any plant unmistakably determines our attitude towards it. You cannot deceive him with a kind, but deceitful word. A person can study botany as much as he wants, look at organs, tissues and cells, but still not see the Divine Essence of a plant, not understand that he is dealing with a living being.

The science of our Ancestors about healing was based on the perception of the integrity of a person: the connection of his body and consciousness with the cosmos. The ancestors knew that diseases of the human body arise, first of all, due to the distortion of the flows of its Life Force. Therefore, the Vital Forces of plants were used to heal the body, realizing that this is much more important and complementary to the use of their chemical properties: vitamins, essential oils, tannins and other useful substances. The Life Force of a plant manifests itself in its Fire (ethereal) body, which modern scientists call a biofield or an electrobioluminescent glow.2

That is why our Ancestors advised to collect the plant when its Color appears, that is, the strongest glow of its Hot body, which happens only once a year and lasts for several minutes or hours. This is mentioned in many ancient Russian herbalists.

Modern scientists have forgotten or are silent about this and advise to collect herbs during their flowering, which can last for many months in many plants.

For example, now everyone knows that on Kupala night you can be able to take the color of a fern (which does not have a flower or inflorescence). This Color looks like an opal-greenish ball (ball), the size of a tennis ball, located in the root rosette. This Color occurs in the Black Fern (ostrich-feathered).

In the legends and herbalists of many peoples, the use of the special power of plants is mentioned. For example, in Germany, soldiers often used Belen. Gathered at the right day and hour, she protected the warrior and strengthened his spirit, helped to communicate with the souls of the Ancestors, causing visions.

Everyone knows that Valerian brings peace, self-confidence, happiness and good luck. Verbena is popularly called steel grass, as it is believed that if iron is treated with its juice, it will turn into steel. Ivy is worn in the form of wreaths on the heads as a talisman against evil spells. Wormwood hanging over the entrance to the house drives away evil, and if the belt woven from its roots is thrown into the fire, then the flame destroys all the diseases of the person who wore this belt.

Each plant is under the influence of a particular planet. Even each part of the same plant (root, leaf, stem, flower, fruit) has its own master. They are subject to the interaction of the five elements of Nature: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether.

In order to find out when the Color of a plant appears and how to take it, a number of conditions must be met: you need to know which Constellation, Host Planet and Natural Elements forces are manifested in it, what words to say and how to act (that is, set a certain program). In addition, you should protect yourself from the influence of the creatures of the dark Navi, who protect this Color, its power, and also want to take possession of it.

Our Ancestors perfectly mastered the Vedic science of Star Reading, applying it constantly in all areas of their lives. For example, a woman, knowing the rhythms of the movement of celestial bodies, their relationship with the rhythms of Nature and the human body, every two hours changed clothes, jewelry made of precious stones and minerals, as well as the aroma of her body with the help of natural essential oils, in order to always be attractive to her husband.

Due to the fact that our Ancestors in the science of herbal healing used the names and definitions of the ancient Vedic Star Reading, which most readers are not familiar with, this article uses the concepts of modern astrology.

People who begin to learn Vedic herbal medicine should first familiarize themselves with its basics.

If we conditionally depict the movement of the Sun on the Celestial sphere, then we get a circle. This circle of a great circle, representing on the Celestial sphere the apparent path of the Sun among the stars during the year, is called the ecliptic, and the plane in which it lies is the plane of the ecliptic. Along the ecliptic are the zodiac constellations. If we conditionally divide the ecliptic, starting from the point of the vernal equinox, along the path of the Sun into 12 equal parts, then we get 12 sectors of the celestial sphere. These are the zodiac constellations.

Each of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac has its own host planet. Constellations follow each other in a certain order:

Aries (ruler Pluto, retrograde Mars) - the element of Fire;

Taurus (ruler Venus) - the element of the Earth;

Gemini (ruler Mercury) - the element of Air;

Cancer (ruler of the Moon) - the element of Water;

Leo (ruler of the Sun) - the element of Fire;

Virgo (ruler Mercury) - the element of the Earth;

Libra (ruler Venus) - the element of Air;

Scorpio (ruler Mars, retrograde Pluto) - the element of Water;

Sagittarius (ruler Jupiter, retrograde Neptune) - the element of Fire;

Capricorn (ruler Saturn, retrograde Uranus) - the element of the Earth;

Aquarius (ruler Uranus, retrograde Saturn) - the element of Air;

Pisces (ruled by Neptune, retrograde Jupiter) - the element of Water.

Zodiacal signs of plants.

The belonging of plants to one or another constellation of the Zodiac is determined by a number of signs. Let's list them.

Plants marked with this constellation are warm and dry. The element of Fire prevails in them. Their appearance more or less resembles a head. Their various parts are like the eye, nose, tongue, lips, beard. Their flowers are yellow and pungent in taste. In structure, they are two-petiolate and two-petal. Some of them exude the aroma of myrrh.

Plants of the constellation Aries correspond to the following characteristics:

Hot, spicy, spicy, burning, with a pungent odor: cloves, ginger, cardamom, cilantro, stinging nettle, lovage, marjoram, mint, sedge, parsnip, parsley, wheat grass, radish, onion, hot pepper, rosemary, celery, yarrow , dill, horseradish, garlic, wild garlic, sage;

Thorny plants and stimulating, strengthening, potent: eleutherococcus, lemongrass, barberry, burdock thorns, aloe, aralia, coffee, tea;

Primroses: coltsfoot flowers, spring primrose, dandelion roots and leaves, early shoots of horsetail and fern, willow flowers, anemone, lily of the valley.

The plants of the constellation Aries also include: wormwood, smelly elderberry, henbane, common privet, Veronica officinalis, field gentian, pomegranate, dubrovnik, high larkspur, St. plantain, asparagus, yellowish scabiosa (leaves), chicory, white hellebore, black root, chistyak, common shandra.

Plants marked with this constellation are cold and dry. The element of Earth prevails in them and therefore they taste sour. They are tall in growth, spread a pleasant aroma, freeze easily, and bear many fruits. Some plants of the Taurus sign resemble a throat in their appearance, their flowers are bisexual. Some of them exude the aroma of aromatic kalufer.

Taurus Plants:

Garden plants and root crops: carrots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, cabbage, potatoes;

Herbs: periwinkle, boletus officinalis, valerian, "Venus hair", verbena, dubrovnik, erection cinquefoil, cassia holly, clover, officinalis, lily, narcissus, broom, ivy, wild marshmallow, common agrimony, rose, meadow heartwood, yellowish scabiosa , celandine large;

Trees: oak, ash.

Plants marked with this constellation are warm and moderately humid. Their element is Air. These are herbs with white or pale flowers, bright green leaves, sweet in taste, often secrete milky juice. Sometimes they resemble shoulders, arms and chest in their appearance. They have mostly seven-petal flowers. Some of them exude the smell of mastic.

Plants of the constellation Gemini:

Marshmallow, spotted aronnik, femur, budra, borage officinalis (borage), valerian, lying verbena, gladiolus, oregano, high larkspur, fireweed ("Ivan-tea"), white-pink clover, castor bean, partridge, wild lettuce, water lily , leek, large burdock, coltsfoot, lungwort, soapwort, pikulnik, northern mallow, parsley, chamomile, blackthorn, dill, common cumin, tricolor violet, hops, sorrel;

Wild and cultivated: loaches and ivies.

Plants marked with this constellation are cold and damp. The element of Water prevails in them. They are tasteless, grow in swamps. Their flowers are white and ash-gray, have five petals. Often found along rivers and lakes. The outlines of their leaves resemble lungs, liver, spleen. These plants are usually spotted and puffy, and spread a camphor aroma.

Plants of the constellation Cancer:

Herbs: calamus, three-leaf watch, sweet clover, dubrovnik, St. , parsley (seeds), peony, capsicum, purslane, cudweed, succession, sage, skewer, horsetail;

Vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers;

Cereals: oats, rice;

Plants marked with this constellation are warm and dry. Their element is Fire. Their flowers are red, have a cruciform appearance. The taste is spicy or bitter. They burn easily. Their fruits resemble the appearance of a stomach or heart. Some of them exude the aroma of incense.

Plants of the constellation Leo:

Herbs: adonis, asters, basil, whitewort, cornflower, field gentian, heliotrope, geranium, angelica, dried herb (leaf), St. mint, dandelion (flowers), plantain, sunflower, pepper, peony, rose, chamomile, celery, red sandalwood, creeping thyme, cyclamen, savory, thistle, celandine, saffron, echinacea;

Shrubs and trees: hawthorn, clove tree, viburnum (flowers), laurel, boxwood, wild rose.

Plants marked with this constellation are cold and dry. The element of Earth prevails in them. These are creeping plants. They are hard and brittle. Their leaves and roots resemble the stomach and intestines. Flowers usually have five petals. Some of them exude the scent of white sandalwood. In addition, these are plants with a large number of seeds or with aerial roots.

Plants of the constellation Virgo:

Cereals: rye, wheat, barley;

Legumes: peas, beans, soybeans;

Fruits with a lot of seeds, tasteless: cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper;

Root crops: beets;

Herbs: real anise, calamus, banyan, showerhead, gorse (fruits), cocklebur, "bear's ear" (mullein scepter-shaped), rejuvenated roofing, black nightshade, cumin, chicory, hemlock, wild sage, sorrel;

Shrubs: laurel, wild rose;

Trees: oak, alder, plum, apple, ash.

Plants marked with this constellation are warm, moist and airy. Their element is Air. Their flowers are red. The stems are tall, soft and flexible. Their fruits and leaves resemble in appearance the hips, navel or bladder. They usually grow on rocky soil. They have a sweet taste. Some of them exude the aroma of galangal.

Plants of the constellation Libra:

Herbs: verbena, veronica, heliotrope, mountaineer, dryakva (root), iris, saxifrage, oxalis, red and white clover, goat-beard, cuckoo's tears, partridge, madder, boletus, vesicle tree, wild marshmallow, medicinal primrose, purslane, cutter steppe, chamomile, rue, steppe officinalis, yellowish scabiosa, bearberry, large celandine;

Shrubs: cowberry, elderberry, blackberry, viburnum, stone fruit, raspberry, juniper, hazel, mountain ash, boxwood, currant (leaves), blueberry;

Fruits: watermelon, cherry, grapes, melon, pumpkin, plum, apples;

Trees: linden.

Plants marked with this constellation are warm and moist. Their element is Water. They can be tasteless, watery, sticky, milky, smelly. Sometimes they resemble the appearance of the human genital organs. Some of them exude the aroma of red coral. Mushrooms are often found among them.

Plants of the constellation Scorpio:

Herbs: spotted aronnik, dysentery flea, belladonna (belladonna), partridge, cuckoo's tears, euphorbia - sun-gazer, narcissus, annual blueberry, wormwood, norichnik, ranunculus, beetroot, black root;

Vegetables and root vegetables: cabbage, chives, leeks, turnips, beets;

Fruits: blackthorn;

Trees: dogwood, mountain ash, plum, apple, ash;

Plants marked with this constellation are warm and dry. Their element is Fire. They are bitter in taste. Some of them exude the aroma of aloe.

Plants of the constellation Sagittarius:

Herbs: aloe, periwinkle, henbane, hogweed, elecampane, wood angelica, high larkspur, bluebell, belladonna (Belladonna), watercress, lavender, flax, burdock, male fern, ivy, milk thistle, rue, beetroot, eryngium red or blue , tartar, chicory, chistyak, saffron;

Vegetables and root crops: onion, cucumber, radish, garlic;

Trees: birch, oak, willow (leaves), walnut, pine, cypress, palm, eucalyptus.

Immortelle occupies a special place, which, as it were, blurs the line between life and death and, even when cut, defeats death, retaining its appearance and all healing properties for a long time.

Plants marked with this constellation are cold and dry. Their element is Earth. Their flowers are greenish. The sap coagulates in the air and is poisonous. Some of them exude the aroma of nard. The plants are generally very hardy, with a bitter-sweet taste, with a tough stem, modest flowers, seeds, fruits.

Plants of the Capricorn constellation: henbane, blue wrestler, thistle, buckwheat (grains), quinoa, mandrake, tansy, plantain, wormwood, motherwort, yarrow, spinach sorrel;

Goat-smelling plants;

Coniferous trees: spruce, fir. And also: oak bark, willow, viburnum;

All nuts and seeds of many plants;

Berries: stone fruit, cloudberry.

Plants marked with this constellation are moderately warm and humid. Their element is Air. They are often fragrant. They look like legs. Some of them exude the aroma of milkweed.

Plants of the constellation Aquarius:

Herbs: calla, borage medicinal (borage), angelica medicinal, sweet clover, high larkspur, saxifrage, whip-shaped cactus, large burdock, buttercup, euphorbia-sun-gazer, daisies, common agrimony, fig tree, officinalis steppe, dill, cumin, hemlock, sage, ash (flowers);

The fruits or leaves of which are arranged in groups: raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, bird cherry;

Exotic and rare plants: ginseng, Jerusalem artichoke, orchid, woolly herva;

Citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine.

Plants marked with this constellation are cold and damp. Their element is Water. They are sour in taste. Their appearance resembles fingers. Grow in cool and shady places near water. Some of them exude the aroma of thyme.

Plants of the constellation Pisces:

Herbs: initial letter, autumn colchicum, white lingonberry, seaweed (fucus, cysteseira), strawberry, long and squat chirkason, self-seed poppy, foxglove, purslane, turnip, rhubarb;

Trees: cherry, pomegranate, lemon.

The main features of plants associated with the host planet

The entire plant kingdom is subject to one goddess - Venus. But each being of this kingdom has its own separate high patrons - both divine and planetary (near and far space). Like people in the human kingdom, all plants have their own special appearance, smell, character, purpose. Conventionally, they can be combined according to the most common features and properties, correlating with the nature and properties of a particular planet.


plant type


big and sad

Black or gray


Taste -

Tolerance and Service

Large and branched

Blue or white

Without smell

Sweet or sour

Emission and Majesty

Small and prickly

Red and small

Spicy and unpleasant

Warm, sharp and poisonous

Anger and thorns




Sour, sweet and tasty


nobility and


small, blooming

pink, red, big

Excellent and heavy

No fruits or smooth



Medium and twisty

small, torn

Penetrating or vile

Mixed taste



Sluggish, white

Odorless or cloying

Tasteless or unpleasant


It is generally accepted that the main governing planet of a plant (the so-called host planet) is determined by the appearance and properties of its leaves and stems, since they accompany it most of its life. In addition, a flowering and fruiting plant has its own ruling planets, but they are strong for a shorter period of time. Therefore, in the "natal chart" of each plant, usually several planets are indicated (in descending order of the strength of their influence). Herbalists say that this special force "travels" through the plant, passing from one part of it to another, but at the same time retaining the influence of the ruling planet. The manifestation of a certain strength of a plant depends on the time of year, and on the time of day, and on the degree of maturation, on the place and conditions of its growth.

Every living being has the ability to develop and change. The difference of many plants is that they exhibit these properties in a very short period of time. With such modifications, the nature of the vital force of the plant also changes, which is directly related to the degree of maturation of the plant itself and to the influence of the planets on its individual parts.

Planetary rulers of various parts of plants:

The root is ruled by Saturn (Earth element).

The stem and trunk are ruled by Saturn (Earth element), the creeping stems are ruled by Mercury (Earth and Air elements).

Branches - Mercury (air element) and Jupiter (fire element).

The bark is Mercury (elements of Earth and Air).

Wood - Mars (elements of Water and Fire).

Leaves - Mercury (Air element), the reverse "pubescent" side of many leaves is controlled by the Moon (Water element).

Flowers - Venus (element of Air and Earth) and the Sun (element of Fire).

Seeds - Mercury (element of Earth and Air), the germination of seeds is controlled by Mars (element of Fire).

Fruits - Jupiter (Fire and Water elements) and Venus (Earth element), fruits with a stone or in a shell are controlled by Saturn (Earth element).

Such an assignment of ruling planets to various parts of plants is, in part, conditional, since it depends on many conditions and the variety of properties of the plants themselves. Usually try to consider the totality of these features. For example, astrologer M.E. Timkina and doctor G.N. Chernikov in his book "A New Method of Herbal Treatment" (St. Petersburg, 2005, pp. 50-51) write that the fetus is a manifestation of Venus (as an image of the manifestation of the achieved perfection); it is usually juicy, sweet, beautiful, nutritious. But in it are the influences of Saturn (hard bone, hard shell or shell on the outside), the power, strength of Pluto and Mars (push, impulse to germinate), the mobile readiness of Mercury (to change and develop a germinated young plant), the wonderful divine impulse of Jupiter, control metabolism and change in appearance, carried out by the Moon, flowering and ripening under the Sun, and again - the fruit, the seed as a manifestation of the perfection of Venus.

The diversity of the plants themselves should also be taken into account, which necessarily affects their energy essence. This also applies to individual parts of plants. For example, it is believed that all roots are a manifestation of the elements of the Earth. But the urinary root is Taurus, Saturn (Earth), the tap root is Capricorn, Saturn (Earth), and Virgo, Mercury (Earth, Air) controls the air roots.

Planetary signs of plants

Plants of Saturn

Plants marked by Saturn are heavy, sticky, tart, bitter in taste, caustic and contain

acid. Usually these plants bear fruit and bloom inconspicuously. Propagated by cuttings. They have spores or black berries. Their odor is strong and penetrating, often resinous and narcotic. Many of Saturn's plants grow slowly, have black roots, dark leaves and fruits. These include relic plants.

“Saturn governs plants with cooling qualities (barley, comfrey, tamarind); trees with annual rings (elm, cypress, pine); poisonous and narcotic plants (hellenic hellebore, hemlock, marijuana, wolf's bast, yew), as well as quince and thorns "(" Apothecary garden "V.F. Korsun, V.V. Kovalenko. M., 1997. P. 44).

Among the plants of Saturn there are varieties:

A) with black roots, leaves and fruits;

B) having no fruits;

C) poisonous, numbing and intoxicating;

D) bitter, with a strong smell, blackish, harmful.

Henbane (Jupiter), wrestler blue (Capricorn), beans (Mercury, Cancer), hemlock, grapes (fruits - Moon), valerian (root), pear (Mars), dope (Moon), fume (Jupiter and Mars), cocklebur (Virgo), sweet clover (Aquarius), blackberry, Willow (Cancer), chestnut, saxifrage (Cancer, Libra, Aquarius), cypress (Leo), chirkason (Mercury, Virgo, Aquarius), whip-shaped cactus (Mercury, Aquarius), hemp , buckthorn (Libra), maple, erect cinquefoil, bearded lichen, licorice (Mercury), large burdock (Gemini, Aquarius), moss, poppy (Moon), mandrake (Capricorn, Moon), lungwort (Mercury), raspberry (Aquarius) , hellebore, olive (Jupiter), opium, shepherd's purse, wild pepper (Cancer), holly (Mars), parsley (Sun, Gemini), cork tree, nightshade, dodder (Jupiter), podbel, rhubarb (Jupiter, Pisces), mountain rue (Libra, Mars, Sagittarius, Sun), pine (Cancer), black fig tree (Aquarius), medicinal steppe (Libra, Aquarius), tobacco, tamarind (Moon, fruit - Sun), blackthorn, Roman cumin (Virgo, Aquarius ), hemlock (Virgo, Aquarius), hellebore black (seed - or Capricorn), blueberries, male shield (Sagittarius, Mars), wild apple tree.

Plants of Jupiter

Plants ruled by Jupiter taste sweet, pleasant, astringent, tender, sometimes sour. All of these plants bear fruit, although some of them bear fruit without visible flowering.

The fruits are usually plentiful and pleasing to the eye, many oily and healing. Plants are majestic, large, voluminous. Herbs are fragrant, bring happiness and success.

“Jupiter governs fruits and nuts, in particular almonds, chestnuts, currants, figs, rose hips; plants with a pleasant smell - anise, balsam, clover, jasmine, linden, nutmeg; oak (in mythology it is associated with Jupiter); medicinal plants that affect the arterial system or the liver (chervil, cinquefoil erect, dandelion, sage), as well as spruce and mulberry ”(“ Apothecary Garden ”. P. 43).

Calamus, marshmallow, aloe, amaranth, henbane (Aries, Sagittarius or Capricorn, Saturn), velvet, banyan (Virgo), initial letter (Pisces), birch (Sagittarius), autumn colchicum (Pisces), barberry (Mars), cornflower, elm , cherry (Pisces), highlander bird (Sun), hornbeam (Sun), pomegranate (Pisces, fruit - Aries), elecampane, fume medicinal (Saturn, Mars), oak, dubrovnik (Taurus, Mars, Aries), large larkspur ( Gemini), strawberries (Pisces), centaury, kirkazon (Scorpio, Virgo), sesame, cedar, red cabbage, dogwood (Mars, Scorpio), cranberry, hoof, lemon (fruit - Sun, Pisces), flax, lily (Taurus , Venus, Moon), linden (flowers), larch, Burdock (root), lovage, bear's ear (Capricorn, Virgo), almond (Venus), madder (Mars), mint (Aries, Leo, Mars), lemon balm ( Sun), sea buckthorn, borage (Aquarius, Gemini), hazel (Cancer, Libra, Mercury), olive (Saturn), palm tree, peach tree, peony (Sun, Aries, Cancer, flowers - Aries), plane tree, dodder (Saturn ), rowan garden (Scorpio), rhubarb (Saturn, Pisces), rosemary (Sun, Aries), rose (Venus, Taurus), field rue, plum, harrow (Mars), white fig tree (Venus), currant, poplar, mulberry tree, violet (Venus, Taurus), date tree, chicory, sorrel, apple tree (Scorpio, fruit - Venus), ash (flowers, Sun, Aquarius).

Plants of Mars

Plants ruled by Mars taste sour, bitter, pungent and spicy. They are poisonous due to excess heat (especially in the heat). Prickly (with thorns, with spines) and burning, with a pungent and harmful odor - can burn when touched or "bite" the eyes.

“Mars governs plants with thorns (thorns denote weapons): barberry, cacti, hawthorn, as well as sharp, spicy plants (nettle, garlic, gentian, hops, horseradish, mustard, onion, pepper, tobacco, radish, wormwood, basil, tarragon ) "(" Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Aronik spotted (Gemini, Scorpio), aconite, flea beetle (Scorpio), hawthorn, basil (Leo), barberry (Jupiter), cranberries, grapes, dyer's woad, heather, veronica, hornbeam, mustard, pear (Saturn), derain, gorse , fume (Jupiter, Saturn), purple dubrovnik (Taurus, Jupiter, Aries), yellow zelenchuk (Leo), dogwood (Jupiter, Scorpio), hemp, cranberries, stinging and dioecious nettles, burdock (burdocks), onions (Sagittarius), chives (Scorpio), leeks (Moon, Scorpio, Gemini), poppy, raspberry, cypress spurge (Leo), madder (Jupiter), mint (Jupiter, Aries, Leo), sungazer spurge (Scorpio, Aquarius) , foxglove (Pisces), sea buckthorn, nutmeg, wormwood, step (Capricorn), holly (Saturn), pepper (Leo, Sun), rhubarb, radish (Sagittarius), red rose, mountain rue (Libra, Sagittarius, Saturn, Sun ), harrow (Jupiter), blackthorn, bearberry, horseradish, hops, garlic (Sagittarius), black root, thistle (Leo), shandra, skewer (Cancer), dog rose, male shield (Sagittarius, Saturn).

Plants of Mercury

Plants corresponding to Mercury are distinguished by a variety of appearance and mixed taste. Many of them have leaves and flowers, but do not bear fruit. Their leaves are small, colorful and varied in appearance. Flowers are also diverse, have an indefinite smell.

Mercury governs creeping plants (such as peas and grapes).

"Mercury governs plants with well-branched leaves (carrots, parsley, dill, fennel, cumin), as well as medicinal plants that act on the brain, nervous system or speech - lavender, lily of the valley, oregano, parsnip, elecampane)" ("Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Acacia, real anise (Virgo), amaranth, wild rosemary, privet, stinking elderberry (Aries), beans (Cancer, Saturn), heather, valerian officinalis (Taurus), field bindweed, mountaineer, blackberry, honeysuckle, golden flower, grapes (Sun ), cabbage, kirkazon (Virgo, Aquarius, Saturn), whip-shaped cactus (Aquarius), white hiccup (Leo), meadow clover, medicinal kupena, licorice (Saturn), juniper, daisy (Aquarius), marjoram (Aries, Sun), catnip, lungwort (Saturn), cucumber, mistletoe, hazel (Cancer, Libra, Jupiter), hazelnut, shepherd's purse, plantain, ivy (Taurus, Sagittarius), annual sprout (Scorpio), medicinal primrose (Libra), millet, wheatgrass, cinquefoil, chamomile (Gemini, Libra), beetroot, cumin, yarrow, dill, horsetail, chicory, thyme (Leo), tripartite succession, tea, dog rose, skullcap, rose stock, sorrel.

Plants of the moon

Plants under the influence of the Moon are tasteless, live near water or in water. These are marsh plants, water plants. They are cold, contain a lot of liquid, give milky juice. They have a round root, their leaves are often large. Flowers are usually white, odorless or, conversely, with a stupefying aroma. Capable of destroying lust.

“The moon is the ruler of plants, parts of which are similar to the moon, have a color similar to the moon (melon, pumpkin, banana; white or yellow flowers - poppy, violet root, sweet iris, water lily). This also applies to plants that contain a lot of water: they often have soft, juicy leaves (cabbage, cucumber, lettuce and other leafy vegetables), as well as those that grow near or in water (algae, watercress, winter-loving, willow ). (“Aptekarsky garden”. P. 43).

Beans (fruit - Saturn), mushrooms, white sweet clover, common dope (Saturn), melon, white willow, red cabbage (Jupiter), incense, lily of the valley, lettuce (Gemini), lily (Taurus, Jupiter, Venus), water lily ( Gemini, Venus), leek (Gemini, Scorpio, Mars), linden (Libra), poppy (seeds, Saturn), poppy (Pisces), mandrake (Capricorn, Saturn), sea buckthorn, cucumber (Sagittarius, Cancer) , alder, oats (Sun), walnut (Sagittarius), purslane (Cancer, Libra or Pisces), turnip (Pisces, Scorpio), rue, white sandalwood, tobacco, tamarind, silver poplar, cane, pumpkin, Lentil, apple tree of paradise , white lamb.

Plants of the Sun

Sunny plants have a pleasant smell (fragrant), sweet or sour in taste. Some of them are evergreens. Plants of the Sun protect against lightning and are useful as antidotes. They are used in rituals and for protection from evil spirits. They often have yellow flowers that may close by sunset. Many of these plants follow the Sun or "wear" its image on leaves, flowers or fruits.

“It was believed that the Sun governs plants of a “solar” color and those parts of which resemble the Sun in appearance (for example: orange, saffron, sunflower, chamomile, celandine, calendula). Medicinal plants that act on the heart and parts of the body ruled by the Sun: angelica, rosemary, rue (all of which increase blood circulation); walnut, eyebright, cornflower) "(" Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Aloe (Sagittarius), arnica, calamus (Virgo), orange, balsam, euonymus, birch, sandy immortelle, verbena (Libra, Venus), cherry, Hornbeam (Jupiter), grapes (Mercury), field gentian (Aries, Leo), clove tree (Leo), heliotrope (Leo), hyacinth (Venus), sweet pear, elecampane, angelica (Leo, Aquarius, root - Sun, Mars), St. John's wort (Aries), ginger, calendula, cardamom (Aries), lemon (fruit - Pisces), linden, laurel (Leo), lavender, incense, buttercup, lotus, lovage, marjoram (Aries, Mercury), poppy, coltsfoot, lemon balm (Jupiter), sea buckthorn, oats (Moon) , dandelion (flowers), tansy, sunflower, palm, parsley (Gemini, Saturn), peony (Aries, Cancer, Jupiter, flower - Aries), plantain (Aries, Leo), wormwood, pepper (Leo, Mars), rye (Virgo), mignonette (Venus), rosemary (Aries, Jupiter), mountain rue (Libra, Sagittarius, Saturn, Mars), red sandalwood, thyme (Leo), chistyak (Sagittarius), tripartite string, sweet cherry, Sage (Aries) , saffron (Leo, Sagittarius), ash (flowers - Aquarius, Jupiter), barley.

Plants of Venus

Plants of Venus are beautiful and graceful, pleasing to the eye; sweet tasting and oily. They bloom, give a lot of seeds, bring juicy, tasty fruits, but some of them do not bear fruit at all. Able to stimulate sexual desire. Their smell is almost always sweet, fragrant. Many plants of Venus are healing and have strong magical properties.

“Venus governs plants with especially pleasing flowers (rose, columbine, daisy, periwinkle, primrose, violet); red berries, fruits and vegetables (plums, apples, strawberries, tomatoes, cherries, blackberries, raspberries), as well as birch, burdock, elderberry, thyme, sorrel, tansy, verbena "(" Apothecary garden ". P. 43).

Pansy, periwinkle, verbena (Libra, Sun), hyacinth (Sun), blueberry, mouse pea, larkspur, garden dawn, water iris (Libra), cassia, water lily, cuckoo's tears (Leo, Scorpio), lavender, levkoy, lily (Taurus, Jupiter, Moon), water lily (Gemini, Moon), lily of the valley, daisy, mallow, lemon balm, myrtle, almond (Jupiter), young roofing (Virgo), daffodil (Taurus, Scorpio), forget-me-not, mignonette (Sun) , rose (Taurus, Jupiter), purple lilac, creeping thyme, spinach, orchis.

Plants of Uranus

Plants of Neptune

Neptune governs the algae of sea waters (kelp, fucus, cysteseira) and aquatic plants (duckweed - Moon).

Plants of Proserpine

Proserpine is considered the ruling planet of mutant plants (for example, genetically modified soybeans).

Compatibility of planetary signs

In addition to the general planetary signs listed above, it must be remembered that each plant is a combination of the signs and influences of many other planets. This connection appears as the plant develops. For example:

The conjunction of Saturn with Venus gives a large tree, which is usually thick, because Venus tenderness provides the basis (material) for the development of Saturnian qualities;

If Jupiter conjuncts Venus, then a plant is obtained, full of strength and beneficial properties;

If Mercury takes part in this union, then the plant is even more perfect. It is of medium height, beautiful in appearance, with white or blue flowers;

If the Sun joins these planets, then the flowers will turn yellow;

If Mars does not counteract the previous planets, then the plant becomes capable of resisting all evil influences and gives an excellent medicine. But such a connection is very rare;

If Mars and Saturn are at enmity with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter then a poisonous plant is produced with red or whitish flowers (Venus influence), hard to the touch and disgusting in taste;

If Mars and Saturn quarrel, when Jupiter and Venus are strong, and Mercury is very weak, a warm and healing plant is obtained. Its stem is thin, a little stiff and prickly, and the flowers are whitish;

If Venus is close to Saturn, Mars does not oppose the Moon, and Jupiter is free, then a beautiful plant is obtained - tender, soft, with white flowers, harmless, but also of little use;

If Saturn predominates, the plant is black or dirty gray in color, with a hard and rough stem, with a tart, sour or salty taste. It grows large, skinny, with dark flowers;

Usually Saturn attracts Mars, and then the plant becomes knotty, the leaves are convex, the branches are crooked - the whole plant takes on a wild, disheveled appearance.

There are concepts of "friendship" and "enmity" of certain plants - that is, their energy and psychological compatibility. This must be taken into account in the herbal treatment of certain diseases when choosing plants, when compiling complex medicinal collections. For example:

Venus is friendly with everyone, especially with Mars;

Mercury is friendly with everyone, especially Jupiter;

Saturn, Mars and the Sun are always at enmity with each other.

Zodiac signs also have similar compatibility:

Plants of related trigons are friends with each other: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (element of Fire); Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (Earth element); Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Water); Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (air element);

The elements are friends with each other: Fire and Air; Earth and Water:

The elements are at enmity: Fire and Water; Earth and Air;

Friends with each other: Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius; Taurus, Cancer and Pisces; Cancer and Libra; Gemini, Libra and Leo; Aries, Scorpio and Leo.

Warring: Taurus, Libra and Scorpio; Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn; Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius; Aquarius, Virgo and Leo; Virgo and Pisces; Libra, Leo and Aries.

Compiling a medicinal collection, taking into account zodiacal and planetary compatibility, can be done according to the rule “like is treated by like” (that is, to select related and friendly plants that are similar in nature to the disease), or according to the rule “like is treated by the opposite” (that is, to select plants of opposite elements standing opposite each other in the zodiac circle, opposite in their properties to the nature of the disease).

Speaking of friendship and enmity between plants, one should recall the existing universal rule: the unity and interpenetration of opposites. All the kingdoms of Nature (mineral, vegetable, animal, human) live in such a unity of opposites. An example of such interpenetration in the plant kingdom can be given: Taurus and Scorpio are signs that are opposite each other in the zodiac circle, that is, “warring”. Scorpio gives poison to Taurus, and Taurus, with Venus ruling it, the planet of beauty, makes Scorpio plants attractive. Which in combination gives the plant an attractive, but poisonous.

Collection of herbs according to the position of the moon

I quarter moon (Yang). After the new moon, the energy of plants begins to move from top to bottom. Therefore, the vital force and most of the useful substances of plants will be concentrated in the roots by the end of the quarter. In this quarter, it is best to collect roots and root crops in autumn, starting from the 5th lunar day.
The use of the fees collected in this lunar quarter should be calculated for their long-term use, since the plants are just beginning to gain their strength. They are used to saturate the human body and individual organs with the necessary substances. On the 8th lunar day, complex medicinal preparations can be made (for example, from 72 or 108 components). The simpler collections, drawn up on this day of the moon, can be used to nourish and prepare the human body for purification and may have an effect sooner (for example, already by the full moon).

II quarter of the Moon (Yin). This quarter is most favorable for collecting the above-ground parts of plants, and the closer to the full moon, the better (starting from the 10th lunar day). They collect plants that have the ability to cleanse the body and individual organs, remove excess substances. The energy coming from the bottom up and acting on the plant raises the vital force and carries many microelements from the earth to the stem, leaves and flowers. It is possible to draw up and apply fees aimed at cleansing the human body (long-term effects). The closer to the full moon, the stronger and sooner the cleansing properties of plants will manifest (you can carry out a quick cleansing). It is best to collect plants of the Moon and plants of other water signs when the Moon is visible.

Full moon. These days the life force rises into the flowers and the top of the plants. Their fullness of energy is the greatest. The harvest, harvested immediately after the full moon, contains the greatest amount of useful substances, but requires quick consumption (it is not stored for a long time). If you collect herbs in order to nourish, fill the human body, its certain organs with energy and useful substances, then you need to start doing this immediately after the first full moon of the Kupala days.

Quarter Moon (Yang). Like the first quarter of the moon, plant energy begins to move from top to bottom. But the plants had time to "satiate", to be filled with energy - if the collection of the aerial part is carried out on days close to the full moon, the herbs are still full of vitality and a lot of nutrients. The most favorable time for collecting the upper (aerial) part of herbs intended to nourish and support the human body is before the middle of the 17th lunar day. This quarter is also a good time to start drying herbs. At the same time, microelements and other useful substances are better preserved. By the end of the III quarter, the vital force of plants and many nutrients are concentrated in the roots of plants. This time, starting from the second half of the 17th lunar day, is most favorable for collecting roots - they can be used immediately or harvested for storage.

Quarter Moon (Yin). Similar to the second quarter of the moon. Plants collected in the last quarter have the greatest cleansing power, starting from the 24th lunar day. If during the lunar month a person properly nourished and prepared his body for cleansing, then it is on these days that the cleansing will be calmer and better (it will be gentle) - which is favorable for children, the elderly, women, sick and weakened people. This time is favorable for the preparation of cleansing fees and medicines, drying herbs.

New moon. The fluids and vitality of plants in the new moon descend to their lower part, to the root. Plants that are able to cleanse the human body of poisons, just before the new moon and during it, show this property with the greatest strength (for example, euphorbia, common bruise, prickly cocklebur, wormwood, common yarrow, St. John's wort).

“The herbs of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus are collected on the growing Moon. Herbs of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Neptune - on the flawed Moon. Herbs of Mars, Saturn - on the growing Moon become evil. Herbs of Uranus, Pluto are collected at any time ”(S.A. Bugrova“ Amulets. Witch Doctor. P. 169).

It should be taken into account when collecting herbs and what sign the Moon is in. When harvesting individual parts of plants by drying, they cannot be washed, as this affects not only the purity of the plant, but also changes their properties of vitality, the nature of their energy. Roots, as a rule, are collected for various purposes on the waning moon or at the end of the first quarter. Seeds for quick consumption and treatment are usually collected on the growing moon, for storage - in the third quarter.

Features of collecting plants

People who collect herbs are very different, and they collect them for different reasons, related to a certain level of spiritual development of a person. They are also called differently. Zeleyniks collect herbs for food and sale - this is the level of development of villages. Simple herbalists collect herbs for treatment and make medicinal collections - this is also the level of development of villages, since their medicinal collections do not eliminate the causes of diseases, but only alleviate the suffering of people, their Flesh body. Herbalists-healers have knowledge and experience in managing the energies of plants and people, they treat and eliminate the causes of diseases at the energy level. This is the level of development of villages (many of them now earn a living from this) and warriors. For fighters and warriors, such skills are important for maintaining and developing their martial art, for saving and saving lives in case of injury. Herbalists are healers who take into account all three levels of healing in the art of herbalism and elimination of the causes of human and animal diseases: bodily, energetic, spiritual. They communicate with plants as if they were living beings and can use their life force. This is the level of development of knights and priests. A person who can restore the integrity of the life field of any living being (“make it whole”) is a true healer. This is the level of development of the witch. Such a healer uses the vital force of the plant, accelerating its evolutionary development, preserving its life (leaving it "whole"), and even multiplying, increasing its strength.

Any human herbalist must prepare for the collection of plants. At the same time, a favorable time is chosen for him, ablutions are performed, prayers are offered to the patron gods of plants, requests are brought to the service spirits and elements of Nature, appropriate clothes are put on, the blessing of the priest is obtained, appropriate tools and rituals are selected for collecting herbs or roots.

The Russian people say that every herb "loves a bow", and that she answers the herbalist with her bow. With such “bows”-greetings, an interchange of energies of a person and a plant occurs. It is as if a mutual agreement is concluded: the plant agrees to use its life force and its dense (material) body, and the person promises to use the power of the plant with the greatest benefit for a specific purpose and for the benefit of its evolutionary development. There is little point in using a plant that doesn't respond to you. Moreover, the use of a plant that is hostile or taken by force can be harmful and dangerous. Many plants themselves are trying to warn a person about their dangerously modified properties, but often people do not hear them now - for example, the nature of plants growing next to railway tracks and highways, next to power lines and factories, burial places and discarded garbage is changing.

Be sure to explain to the plant why we take it. And when used, with the help of a conspiracy or prayer, you need to direct its power to a certain good deed: nutrition, healing or treatment of people and animals; production of ceremonial or festive accessories, household items; improvement and cleaning of the house; making or dyeing clothes and children's toys - the use of plants in people's lives is very diverse. By agreeing with the plant on the best use of its life force, we thereby accelerate its development (evolution). For a person who knows how to perform such actions, the good thing is that he can be directly nourished and healed by the vital energy (prana) of Nature. Magical actions differ from such witchcraft in that the life force is taken from the plant by force, without any agreements. For such violence, a person will definitely have to answer to the Gods and the spirits of Nature.

The ability of an experienced person to take (by mutual agreement) and fully use the life force of a plant - this is the ability to take the mysterious Fire-color of a plant (its Hot body), combining its radiance and capabilities with its vital field (Hot body). This is the merging of two subtle energy currents of beings from different kingdoms of Nature. This is how many animals heal and recover from wounds. For campaigns for the Color (life force) of plants, a favorable time is especially calculated, since the greatest "flourishing" of this force manifests itself in a short period of time. In all other cases, people use this power (energy) of plants only partially, nourishing themselves and their bodily organs at the level of vitamins and microelements. However, this also needs to be done correctly.

Before taking a plant, it is necessary to illuminate it with hanging signs, prayers, mantras and doxologies corresponding to its planet and patron God. You need to know not only the most favorable time for this, but also know exactly how to do it: in which direction of the world to face; if you break or tear, then in which direction of the world to bend it; if cut, then with what kind of knife: wooden, bone, stone or metal (copper, bronze, iron, silver, gold, platinum, etc.); how to cut: left-to-right, right-to-left, bottom-up, top-down, away from you or towards you. And also - what animal (in case of need) can help with this. After collecting herbs and performing rituals, gifts are left to the spirits of the forest, fields and meadows, orchards and orchards, swamps and waterlands.

You can take a plant with the words: “You, a herb - the procession, and the son of God - healing! To the glory of the Ancestor, our Gods and Ancestors! Aum!

Astrology is not only a description of the signs of the zodiac and predictions of the future. This science is so multifaceted that it ascribes to each plant a specific planet. This patronizing planet gives the representatives of the flora its unique healing properties.

A person, interacting with these plants, receives through them part of the energy of the planet.

In astrology, the sun symbolizes vital energy, expression of individuality, strength of character. Medical astrology claims that this planet is responsible for the cardiovascular system and human vision.

Plants under the auspices of the Sun are distinguished by the fact that they are warm, of medium humidity, exude a slight but pleasant aroma, sour in taste.

These include plants with flowers of yellow and golden hues. These flowers are rounded and their condition depends on the position of the ruling planet: they are turned during the day in the direction from which the Sun shines. The trees of the Sun have a spreading dense crown round shape.

Almost all plants under the auspices of this planet need a constant supply of sunlight.

Distinctive feature of these plants is that most often they grow near water bodies or even in water, they have no taste. They contain a lot of moisture large leaves and round roots.

The flowers of the plants of the moon in most cases white color and are either odorless or exude a stupefying odor. These include most aquatic and marsh grasses.

These plants are best collected with the growing moon. They have a calming effect on the human nervous system, and are also very effective in the treatment of female diseases.

In appearance and taste, these plants can be different. The flowers are varied, but rarely large. As well as the leaves - they are in most cases small.

Mercury governs the plants of the legume family. Among them are often found creeping. Mercury trees are tall, their leaves are pointed.

The healing properties of these plants are manifested in their ability to improve brain activity and have a beneficial effect on memory.

Venus is the planet of beauty and harmony, therefore the plants under its influence are fascinating. appearance that pleases the eye.

Their smell is pleasant - both flowers and fruits, and even wood exude a magnificent aroma. The fruits are juicy, fleshy and sweet.

The planet fences off plants from adverse effects, which is why they have the opportunity to accumulate and store useful substances, vitamins and minerals. This explains their beneficial general strengthening effect on the human body.

The warlike planet Mars endowed the representatives of the flora with a bitter taste, a prickly stem and dryness.

Among them there are burning plants, often poisonous. Their flowers are usually red in color.

Plants of Mars are highly valued in the treatment of colds and various kinds of inflammation, as well as exacerbated diseases. They give a person confidence in himself and in his abilities.


They are large, their stem is powerful, and the leaves are massive. These plants spread their branches in breadth, and generally tend to grow rapidly and cover an increasing area.

Exotic plants growing in southern countries are also under the auspices of this planet. Flowers in most cases are blue or close to this color.

Jupiter plants do not have a strong smell. They help a person to restore strength and improve mood, have a beneficial effect on the liver.

These include large overweight plants, slow-growing and inconspicuously blooming. They are dark in appearance - their leaves, fruits, roots and wood are most often dark in color.

The berries are black and bitter, among them poisonous and intoxicating.

However, the energy of these plants is quite high - it can have a beneficial effect on a person - make him more serious, concentrated and purposeful.

These include light plants that exude a pleasant delicate aroma. They store a lot of moisture.

Raspberries are among the plants ruled by the planet Uranus. Its fruits have a sweet and sour taste, and it is widely used in the treatment of colds.

Another representative of Uranus is burdock, the healing properties of which are known to everyone.

Under the influence of Uranus is dill, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and Bladder, as well as white sweet clover, used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

They grow, like the plants of the moon, in close proximity to water bodies.

These include seaweed - kelp, cysteseira.

Plants influenced by Neptune awaken in a person a craving for the unknown, improve intuition and even help to discover and develop extrasensory abilities.

All mushrooms are classified as plants of Pluto. They also include some predatory and poisonous plants they are cold and damp.

Most often they have a fetid odor and their roots have intricate shapes.

Representatives of this family are able to make a person hardy and insightful. Just like the plants of Neptune, they can contribute to the disclosure of supernatural abilities.


On our planet there are many different plants and herbs that have healing properties. Some of them are well known to us and are found even in megacities, others are common in forests and meadows, and therefore are known only to experienced herbalists.

plant description

Wormwood belongs to the large Asteraceae family. It has a short, branched, lignified root. Adnexal buds appear on the basal neck in the first year of life, shoots appear already in the second year, which begin to bloom and bear fruit a year later.

Artemisia stems are multi-branched, erect. In the upper part they are painted in a silvery-grayish color with a slight pubescence.


At the base, the leaves are located on long petioles, with two, and more often with three divisions. In the middle of the stem, leaves on short petioles are sessile, bipinnate and pinnatipartite. The upper leaflets are simple, trifoliate, lanceolate.


In late July or early August, flowers appear on the plant. They are rather small, tubular, painted in yellow shades. The flowers are spherical in shape and gather in dense panicle inflorescences.


From August, seeds begin to ripen, located in wedge-shaped, oblong, finely furrowed achenes-fruits. Only one plant produces up to one hundred thousand seeds. They are the main way of propagation of wormwood.


Wormwood is distributed almost throughout Europe, in Western Siberia and the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. It grows on abandoned empty plots, along roadsides, on forest edges.

Procurement of raw materials

Many people who know that wormwood can be treated harvest medicinal raw materials during the flowering period, cutting off the leafy tops. It is important to collect grass on time, precisely when the wormwood blooms, since being late, as a rule, leads to the fact that during drying the grass becomes dark and the baskets crumble. Dry the grass in the shade or under a canopy, laying it out in a thin layer and shaking it regularly. Wormwood, dried properly, has a spicy-bitter taste and a very pleasant spicy smell.

Types of wormwood

There are about four hundred species of wormwood, but the following varieties are most common and in demand in medicine:

  • bitter;
  • ordinary;
  • medical.

Let's consider each type in more detail.


Probably, not everyone knows that bitter wormwood cures insomnia, various nervous disorders, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes metabolism. The bitterness of this plant stimulates the digestive tract, the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile. Essential oils and chamazulene stimulate appetite, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbalists claim that wormwood treats bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy), rheumatism, eczema.


This is a perennial, whose height is 1.5 m. Its stem is paniculate-branching, woody in the lower part, painted in brownish-red tones. The leaves are pinnately dissected, having lanceolate segments, they are absolutely smooth on top, dark green in color, and pubescent below. Small inflorescences-baskets with reddish or yellow tubular flowers are collected in brushes or spikelets. Raw materials are collected during flowering, the leaves and stems are tied into small bundles and dried under a canopy.

In its composition, this variety has aromatic bitterness, but at the same time its effect on the body during treatment is much weaker than that of wormwood. What diseases does wormwood of this species treat? It can be used to increase appetite, normalize the secretion of bile and gastric juice.

Wormwood medicinal

This herb reproduces vegetatively, so its cultivation will require some effort and certain conditions. This wormwood tolerates low temperatures well and is completely undemanding to the composition of the soil. This variety of wormwood has an unusual aroma and taste of lemon, combined with the bitterness of pine needles. Leaves contain:

  • abratine alkaloid;
  • flavonoid compounds.

You should know what treats this type of scrofula and anemia (decoctions from the leaves). Plant-based preparations will be useful for gynecological pain, menstrual irregularities. In addition, medicinal wormwood is effective for bone aches, helminthic invasion, inflammation of the bladder. Infusions and decoctions in the form of rinses relieve toothache.

Chemical composition

Before you know what the herb wormwood (bitter, common or medicinal) treats and why this happens, you need to understand what active substances are included in its composition.

Wormwood contains up to 2% essential oil, which has an extremely bitter taste and a blue-green color. This is due to the fact that esters form sesquiterpene alcohols, from which it is necessary to isolate: anabsinthine, absinthine, artabsinthine and others. In addition, the oil contains thujone, ketolactones, various sesquiterpene lactones and hydrocarbons. Artemisia is rich in flavonoids, which are actively involved in many biological processes. The plant contains vitamins B and C, tannins, lignans and vegetable acids.

Beneficial features

Most often, preparations based on wormwood are used to treat ailments of the digestive system. They stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the outflow of bile, normalizing the work of the pancreas. You might be interested to know what wormwood treats and lost appetite. It causes a feeling of hunger, which is a safe therapeutic tool in the treatment of a number of diseases.

People suffering from respiratory diseases should know that wormwood treats confirm this) and such diseases, since it has a pronounced expectorant effect, increasing the productivity of coughing. Preparations based on it enhance the separation of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. Potions and infusions prepared from wormwood are recommended for bronchitis, including chronic.

The use of essential solutions for gargling in the early stages of respiratory viral diseases helps to destroy the infection and avoid further exacerbation of the disease. Hypertensive patients can take wormwood preparations, which dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

With the help of this herb, you can implement local anesthesia, accelerate wound healing, and stop heavy bleeding. Quite often, wormwood compresses and lotions are used for local injuries (cuts, bruises).

The fact that wormwood treats various skin defects, people have known since antiquity. For this, it is used essential oil plants. They affect local lesions, which include inflammation, eczema and acne.

What does wormwood treat in traditional medicine?

We have already said that traditional healers actively and quite successfully treat many diseases with drugs based on wormwood. We will tell you about some of them.

Recipe #1

Grind the dry herb into a powder and take it as follows with water:

1 day - 1 pinch;

Day 2 - a quarter of a spoon (tea);

3 day - a third of a spoon;

Day 4 - half a spoon.

The dosage is increased every day for two weeks, bringing the volume to a quarter tablespoon (tablespoon). From the 15th day and 5 subsequent days take this dose.

Recipe #2

To prepare a decoction, mix a spoon (tea) of raw materials with a liter of water, bring to a boil and let the composition brew for ten minutes, then strain. An enema is made using a slightly cooled composition. At night, it is recommended to inject about 100 ml of warm broth so that it is absorbed into the rectum.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

An increase in hemorrhoids leads to serious problems. In addition to acute sometimes unbearable pain, this insidious disease is often accompanied by bleeding. As a rule, the treatment of this disease is long, the advanced form of the disease is treated only in an operable way. Many people diagnosed with this disease will be surprised to learn that wormwood tincture treats hemorrhoids.

Grind a small sprig of grass, fill it with 100 ml of alcohol and let it brew for seven days. Take tincture twice a day for ten drops. They are best dissolved in a small amount of water.

At the same time, you can use a decoction: in a liter of boiling water, boil four tablespoons (tablespoons) of chopped raw materials over low heat for seven minutes. After that, wrap the container with the product and let it brew for two hours. Enemas are made with a decoction at room temperature.


What diseases does wormwood treat, other than those listed? The dangerous herpes virus is manifested by red bubbles on the wings of the nose, lips, face. Folk healers recommend using wormwood tinctures as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Pour five tablespoons (tablespoons) of wormwood seeds with 0.5 liters of vodka and soak the composition for twenty days in a dark place, shaking the container periodically. Then strain it and take it daily before meals in a spoon (dining room). Taking this composition for two weeks, you will be convinced that this insidious virus also heals. It is important to strictly observe the dosage and regimen of the drug.

Liver treatment

Did you know that wormwood heals the liver? This is true - numerous patient reviews confirm this fact. Wormwood is taken in two forms, every two weeks, alternating therapy. Use vodka tincture (we described the recipe above) three times a day, 10 ml after meals.

During the next course, take a dry mixture of wormwood with sage. Plants are crushed and mixed in a ratio of 5:1. This remedy is taken half a teaspoon twice a day during dinner and breakfast.

Gynecological problems

What does wormwood treat in gynecology? First of all, it is used to combat such a serious disease as uterine fibroids - a benign tumor consisting of muscle fibers and connective tissue. To treat this serious problem, a vodka infusion of the herb is used, which is taken daily for fifteen days in a spoon (tea) during meals in the morning and evening. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated, but after a month.

Does it help with allergies?

Can wormwood treat allergies? This disease is characterized by hypersensitivity immune system to any substances, including the pollen of flowering plants. Unfortunately, wormwood is not able to cure this disease, but it can cause an allergic reaction, because it has active pollen.

In people who are predisposed to hay fever, the likelihood of the disease increases in August. It is manifested by swelling of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, runny nose, tearing, development various kinds conjunctivitis.

After the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment:

  • avoid all contact with grass;
  • do allergy vaccination;
  • in windy dry weather, try not to leave the house if possible, close the windows;
  • when returning from the street, take a shower and wash clothes, gargle and rinse your nose with saline;
  • do wet cleaning twice a day;
  • Take all medications prescribed by your doctor.

How to use wormwood for weight loss?

We told you what wormwood heals, but one cannot fail to mention one more property of this plant, which many have appreciated. With the help of wormwood, an effective cleansing of the body is carried out, getting rid of harmful deposits, salts and toxins. For this, the oil is most suitable, the recipe of which we will present below.

Everyone who has done a wormwood cleanse claims to have lost several kilograms in a two-week course. In addition, the metabolism has normalized. Oil is taken for fifteen days on a spoon (table) half an hour before meals.

We will present you the most popular recipes for drugs based on wormwood.

Cognac tincture

We talked about a tincture prepared with vodka and alcohol. A similar preparation can be prepared on cognac. You will need:

  • dry roots of wormwood - two tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • cognac - one liter.

These ingredients are kept in a water bath for ten minutes. The finished composition is poured into a bottle, tightly closed and placed for two days in a warm place. Then the tincture is filtered and taken with neurasthenia, five drops twice a day.

Wormwood oil

Fresh wormwood grass is placed in a glass liter container, poured with olive oil and tightly closed with a lid. The remedy is infused for ten days. The readiness of the oil can be determined by the color, it will become pearly or dark green. Strained oil is stored in the refrigerator.

seed oil

Five grams of crushed seeds are infused with twenty grams of Provence oil for eight hours. Take this remedy one or two drops on sugar or bread for cramps and muscle pain.

Wormwood juice

Fresh grass juice is effective for dressings with corns and corns, to stop bleeding, has a healing and disinfecting effect. If crushed grass is applied to the site of a bruise or to a dislocated joint, then the pain quickly subsides, swelling decreases.


Like all medicinal plants, wormwood can be harmful to human health, especially if the dosage is violated, the formulation and rules for the use of drugs are independently changed.

To avoid the negative effects of taking this herb, you must refuse to take it in the following cases:

  • gastritis (with low acidity);
  • internal bleeding;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • anemia.

But even if you are not an expert in the field of potions and do not know magical tricks, you can still use the magical properties of plants to your advantage. The presence of plants next to a person already affects his mental and physical state, imperceptibly develops certain qualities of character and attracts some events into life. You just need to decide what you want, and start at home or on the site those plants that will help realize the desire.

Your "witchcraft" is to communicate with the plant. If these are indoor or garden flowers, you need to carefully look after them, admire them, praise them and express your desires to them mentally or aloud. Edible fruits and leaves of the desired plant are more often used as food. Dry forest and field herbs and store in the house, filling them with small aromatic pads. Inhaling the smell of herbs, mentally formulate your desire. A tree can energize you if you stand leaning against the trunk. It can give you a talisman or charm: a leaf, a piece of a branch or bark, a cone or a nut that you can always carry with you. The more you come into contact with the plant, the more it manifests its magical properties towards you.

The magical specificity of a plant depends on its patron planet. Often one type of plant is patronized by two or more planets, each of which endows it with magical powers in their areas of life.

It is easiest to determine the planets that patronize a plant by its appearance.

Plants of the Sun

Sun gives its plants a powerful straight hard, often woody trunk, hairiness on the stem and leaves. These are many trees, oil plants, all flowers that turn after the Sun or bloom at dawn. All yellow, orange or red flowers and fruits. Plants with a tart, but not too pungent smell. This sunflower, chamomile, calendula, heliotrope, plantain, corn, St. John's wort, arnica, tansy. Trees: oak, ash, laurel, palm, olive, sandalwood, orange, tangerine and other citrus fruits.

Plants of the Sun energize, give a creative impetus, help achieve love and recognition, protect from notoriety and envious people.

Plants of the moon

Moon patronizes moisture-loving plants, they grow near water or accumulate moisture in stems and leaves. The stem is usually squat, thick, the leaves are large, the flowers are white or pale yellow and bloom in the evening. There is no smell or very strong, intoxicating. The fruits are round, watery. All gourds, cabbage, water lilies, jasmine, iris, lily of the valley, stonecrop, aloe, kalanchoe, crassula, willow.

Plants of the moon protect the family, promote comfort in the home, protect from the evil eye, drive away fears and bad dreams, calm capricious children and adults prone to increased anxiety, enhance intuition and help to adapt to change.

Plants of Mercury

Mercury governs climbing and creeping plants, all plants with thin stems, small leaves and seeds. Their flowers are small, collected in inflorescences, yellow, variegated, bicolor. The fruits are hard, oily with astringent taste. These are medicinal and spicy plants with a specific smell, legumes. There are few trees, more often shrubs, something between a bush and a tree. Anise, celery, beans, peas, beans, bindweed, lungwort, lavender, marjoram, valerian, Ivan da Marya, cinquefoil, coriander, parsley, cumin, chamomile, juniper, hazel.

Plants of Mercury strengthen health, increase communication skills, contribute to success in studies and trade, help to make acquaintances, obtain the necessary information, keep from thieves and scammers.

Plants of Venus

Venus gives its plants the average size of stems, leaves, flowers and fruits, their beautiful shape and aroma. In general, Venus governs all colors, but blue, blue, pink, and lilac most correspond to her. The fruits are soft and sweet. Fruit trees and berry bushes, ornamental flowers. Rose, lilac, violet, pansies, periwinkle, levkoy, verbena, purslane, crocus, cyclamen, daisy, forget-me-not, oregano, mint, myrtle, apple tree, fig, quince, peach.

Plants of Venus help to attract and keep love, find harmony in life, gain material well-being and external attractiveness.

Plants of Mars

Plants of Mars draw attention to themselves by color or smell. They have a dry, often woody stem, provided with protective means in the form of spines, thorns, burning and cutting leaves. The whole plant, or part of it, may be poisonous or have a strong odor and pungent taste. Flowers and fruits are red. Pepper, garlic, onion, nettle, horseradish, thistle, blackthorn, hawthorn, barberry, chestnut, cactus.

Plants of Mars give courage, activity, courage, determination, endurance, independence. These are strong amulets against enemies and evil spirits, from attacks of any kind and physical ailments.

Plants of Jupiter

Jupiter belong to large plants, with a powerful stem, large leaves, who love to spread their branches wide or grow in large groups, capturing more and more new territories. Jupiter governs all exotic plants, natives of distant places, among which there are many indoor ones. The flowers are usually blue, blue, purple, crimson, the smell is not too strong, the fruits are oily or sour. In general, Jupiter rules the entire plant world, but the most consistent with it are: birch, linden, burdock, rhubarb, Walnut, oak, olive, aloe, ash, maple, poplar, pear, chestnut.

Plants of Jupiter help to bring joy, wealth and good luck to life in any business aimed at expanding influence and learning new things, guarding along the way.

Plants of Saturn

Saturn gives its plants endurance and unpretentiousness. They have a slender, hard stem, often woody, dense leathery leaves that are blue, purple, or yellow flowers, firm black or brown fruits. Saturn plants are often bitter, resinous, astringent, or poisonous. All cereals and coniferous trees, shepherd's purse, cornflower, wrestler, mullein, immortelle, cypress, olive, ivy, boxwood, yew, blackthorn, thuja.
