Carrots have long been the most popular vegetable in the Umbelliferae family in cooking. Included in many dishes. It is difficult to imagine borscht cooked without carrots, or pilaf.
The most famous orange carrot. yellow variety many, of course, saw this culture on store shelves. But they were in no hurry to buy, not knowing its features. What is the specificity of carrots yellow color?

yellow carrots

First of all, it is worth noting that the yellow variety practically does not stand out in terms of taste characteristics and properties. Does yellow seem unusual and suspicious? The color of the vegetable determines the ratio of natural dyes. Yellow color means the abundance of xanthophyll, its predominance over carotene and anthocyanin, also present in the plant.

There is a carrot of unexpected colors - purple, red. Breeders have achieved a variety of color saturation: from pale shades to bright ones. In addition, the Rainbow F1 variety was bred, the crop of which consists of multi-colored root crops - white, yellow, orange, purple.

The yellow variety of carrots came to us from Asia. Experts note that it is sweeter and crispier, although a lot depends on the variety chosen.

Description of varieties

Several varieties of vegetables are known. They differ not only appearance, but also a touch of taste, the specifics of the application, the timing of maturation. We have listed the most popular varieties.

Mirzoi 304

Among the best cultivated varieties of yellow carrots, Mirzoi 304 is the most in demand. The variety, bred by Uzbek breeders, was intended for cultivation in Asian territory. It is in the conditions of Uzbekistan that you can get the reference result of the crop of this variety, although it can also be produced in the conditions of the middle lane.
Variety traits:

  • Pale yellow, yellow tubular root crop with a rounded end. It grows up to 15 cm long, 3 cm in diameter. Approximate weight from 65 to 130 g.
  • Carrot leaves are pinnate, with fragile petioles, collected in a dense rosette.
  • Flowers small, white.


  • Early-medium variety: approximately 115 days before harvest.
  • Yield from square meter plot is average (from 6.5 kg in the southern regions to 3 in the north).
  • Root like everyone else early varieties, sweet and juicy.
  • The keeping quality is low, therefore it is recommended for fresh use, for salads, juice production.


A varietal variety was bred in America for cultivation in the States, as well as in Europe. It is the conditions of the American continent that are ideal for the production of varieties. In temperate climates, carrots may be slightly less productive, not reproducing ideal traits.
Variety traits:

  • A bright yellow, spindle-shaped root vegetable with a sharp end. It grows up to 24 cm long, up to 3.5 cm in diameter.
  • The approximate weight of the root crop with proper care reaches 200 g.
  • Long leaves are collected in a large rosette.


  • Late variety: maximum time to harvest 180 days.
  • Average yield: per sq. meter from 6.5 kg in the southern regions to 3 in the north.
  • Sweet product, juiciness does not differ.
  • It is resistant to various diseases.
  • The application is universal.

Variety "Solar Yellow" (yellow sun)

The variety was bred by American breeders for production in America and Europe.

  • The root crop is long (up to 20 cm), straight, with a pointed end, up to 4 cm thick. The color can be different - from rich yellow to bright yellow.
  • The leaves are small in a medium-sized rosette.
  • Umbelliferous inflorescence with small white flowers.


  • Early variety, can be harvested 3 months after sowing seeds.
  • It is pollinated by insects, although hybrid varieties are also known.
  • The fruit is juicy, with a high content of luteins.

Composition and calories

The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in yellow carrots:

  • Proteins: 1.3 g
  • Fats: 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7.2 g

The composition of the vegetable contains about 6 g of mono- and disaccharides, 0.1 g of organic acids, 0.8 g of dietary fiber, beta-carotene -1.1 mg.

The complex of vitamins includes:

  • C - 5 mg,
  • PP -1.2 mg,
  • vitamins of groups A, B, E, K, H - up to 1 mg.

Among the mineral substances, potassium predominates - 234 mg, copper - 80 mg, sodium - 65 mg;
iron, iodine, lithium, cobalt, vanadium, fluorine, chromium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium are present in a small amount.

Calorie content of the product approximately per 100 grams:

  • raw carrots - 33 kcal;
  • carrot juice - 28 kcal;
  • carrot puree - 24 kcal,
  • boiled vegetable 25 kcal.

Carrots contain a large amount of vegetable waters, which contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines, the removal of toxins from the body.

Beneficial features

The complex of minerals, vitamins of carrots determines the diversity of its useful properties:

  • The increased content of luteins protects the retina from ultraviolet rays.
  • Xanthophyll, the predominance of which gives the culture a yellow color, inhibits the progression of oncological diseases.
  • Based on the components of carrots, it was created medicine"Urolesan", which helps patients with diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • The composition of "Daukarin" antispasmodic action, includes essential oils root crop.
  • The systematic use of carrots improves the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
  • A large amount of dietary fiber helps to cleanse the digestive system, normalize the work of the stomach.
  • Carrot essential oils are in demand in cosmetology.
  • A small calorie content allows you to include carrots in many diets.

It has an antiseptic, anthelmintic, mild laxative property, which is successfully used in folk medicine.

Carrots have anti-radiation properties.
Considering everything described above, we can say with certainty that yellow carrots are not the result of chemistry or radiation, but simply a different proportion of enzymes that give a lighter shade. Grow and eat healthy!

which were mastered by primitive man. More than one millennium has passed since then, and carrots are still present on our tables. Thanks to the work of breeders, modern carrots differ in taste and color from their wild progenitor for the better. Grateful humanity periodically erects monuments to this plant in different countries Worldwide: Canada, New Zealand, Turkey, United States of America, Philippines. Of all the varieties of umbrella, the most demanded by the consumer is the yellow carrot.

brief information

Carrot happens different colors: orange, yellow, purple, white, and even with pink flesh. The color depends on the content of substances such as anthocyanin or carotene in the plant cells. If carotene predominates, then the color of the roots ranges from yellow to orange or red. The predominance of anthocyanin colors the roots in pink, burgundy or purple.

Red and orange carrots originate from the Mediterranean, yellow and white roots come from Asia. Wild carrot roots are still found in the meadows and fields of Russia, European countries, North Africa and Asia.

Did you know? The color of the carrot was not always yellow, red or orange. For example, the ancient Romans knew only white root vegetables, while the Egyptians ate purple ones. The usual color of carrots is due to the high content of carotene in it. Dutch scientists, through a long and directed selection, brought out an orange carrot, which was named after the Oran royal dynasty. Orange is the dynastic color of this royal family.

Description of varieties

Biologists in many countries are conducting targeted breeding research to develop new forms, species and varieties of carrots. There are types of varietal plants that are bred specifically as a fodder crop for domestic. High starch and sugar content, high individual weights and overall high yields are required from the fodder crop.

For varieties of carrots that are eaten by people, the requirements are completely different: juiciness, sweetness, color set by breeders, correct shape, set ripening dates (early, medium, late) and how the root crop is stored. Some successful varieties are over 100 years old and still as popular as they were in their early years. Here is a description of some of the most successful and popular varieties.

The variety was bred in 1946 in the Republic of Uzbekistan by Soviet breeders and belongs to the yellow carrot variety type. Characteristic:

  • quickly ripens, from sowing seeds to ripeness 97–115 days;
  • productivity in the south of 6.5 kg per 1 square. m, in the northern latitudes, the yield is reduced by half;
  • the leaves of the plant are dark green, rosette of leaves of medium density;
  • the petioles themselves are fragile, when extracting the root crop from dense soil, they often break off;
  • the root crop is yellow or light yellow in color, sometimes the upper part of the root may turn green;
  • form "Mirzoi 304" - a wide cylinder with a blunt rounded tip;
  • root diameter up to 3 cm, length 12–15 cm;
  • average root weight 65–130 g.

The variety is intended for fresh consumption, since the “keeping quality” in storage of root crops is low, it is mainly used for canning, making juices and for eating. Yellow carrots of the Mirzoi 304 variety are recommended for cultivation in the regions of Central Asia.

Did you know? Owners of purebred cats orange fur or bright red ears and the tip of the tail give their pets daily raw, finely grated carrots in the amount of 5–10 g. This is done so that the bright color of the coat does not fade.


The Yellowstone carrot is native to the United States of America.


  • late ripening, up to full ripeness 160–180 days;
  • the leaves of the plant are long, lush, collected in a large rosette;
  • spindle-shaped root, long and rather thin;
  • length 20–24 cm, diameter 3–3.5 cm;
  • average root weight 180–200 g;
  • the yield is very high;
  • root color - bright yellow, almost canary;
  • perfectly stored when bookmarked for winter storage;
  • the root crop is sweet, but not juicy enough, which is typical of all late varieties.
"Yellowstone" has proven itself well in temperate climatic zones: in the USA, European countries, in southern Canada, in Turkey.

This variety of carrots also came to our country from the American continent. The name translates as "Yellow Sun".


  • very early, 87–90 days pass from sowing to harvesting of root crops;
  • rosette of leaves of medium pubescence, leaves are weak;
  • spine length 15–20 cm, diameter 3.5–4 cm;
  • shape - a long spindle, without thickenings, the same along the entire length;
  • the color of the root is very bright, yellow, with a high content of xanthophyll and lutein;
  • the pulp is juicy, crispy and very sweet;
  • "Solar Yellow" is stored poorly.
The grade "Solar Yellow" is intended for the use in food, production of juice, preservation. Not suitable for long term storage.

Composition and calories

Studies by scientists have shown that the quality and duration of human life are directly related to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the gastrointestinal tract works slowly and intermittently, then toxins are formed and retained in the body, which is a slowly acting poison for humans.

The solution to this problem lies in the regular supply of fruit and water to the body. And this will also help a person eating carrots, it contains a large amount of fruit water.

Important! Umbelliferae seeds are rich in essential oils and daucarin. Biologists are convinced that the bulk of nutrients and valuable vitamins are found in the skin of root crops, and they must be consumed together with the skin (wash well with a brush and water).

Yellow carrots are rich in such minerals and vitamins:

  • magnesium and potassium;
  • fluorine and calcium;
  • phosphorus and zinc;
  • iron, iodine and sodium;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, C, E, H and PP, K.
This yellow root crop is very useful because, in addition to a large group of minerals and vitamins, it contains 70% carotene, 7% sugars, xanthophyll and lutein.

Carrots are a fairly satisfying product, its calorie content is 330 kcal per 1 kg. After eating carrots in food, a reaction occurs in the body to convert carotene into retinol. It should be borne in mind that such a useful reaction occurs only when at least a minimal dose of fats is present in the body along with carotene. Therefore, dishes such as stewed carrots with sour cream, butter or vegetable oil are so useful for a person.

Did you know? It turns out that the well-known myth about the benefits of carrots for vision is military disinformation. During the Second World War, the British Air Force began to use radar in combat operations, and in order to hide this information, counterintelligence launched a bike to the masses that British pilots eat a lot of carrots and therefore hit the target so well. Disinformation has spread widely in society and has lingered in the minds of mankind for more than 70 years.

Beneficial features

Umbrella roots contain lutein, which is very useful for vision and is a protector of the retina from ultraviolet radiation, as well as xanthophyll, a powerful substance that blocks the development of cancer. Carrots are included medicinal product"Urolesan", its juice and pulp is a wonderful tool for therapeutic effects in the pathology of the bile ducts and urolithiasis.

Umbelliferae seeds are part of antispasmodics, such as the drug "Daukarin", essential oils are isolated from them, which are widely used in pharmacology and the cosmetic industry.

Seeds and pulp of carrots are also used in:

  1. As a mild laxative: in the morning, half an hour before meals, drink freshly squeezed carrot juice. For a child, 50 ml is enough, an adult dose is 100 ml of juice.
  2. To cleanse the sweat glands, liver, gallbladder: a mix of beetroot, carrot and cucumber juices is made (in equal amounts). Drink a mixture of juices 1 time per day (before breakfast). After taking a mixture of juices, do not eat meat and sweet foods, foods containing starch, until lunch. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  3. Treatment of beriberi and anemia (general loss of strength): before breakfast, on an empty stomach, eat grated carrots (100–150 g) mixed with one or two tablespoons of sour cream or vegetable oil.
  4. Treatment of purulent wounds and burns: finely grated carrots are applied to the affected area. Every quarter of an hour, the lotion is changed to a fresh one. Treatment helps only with newly received burns.
  5. Treatment sore throat: Squeeze the juice from 1 medium-sized carrot and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture should be diluted with warm boiled water in equal parts and gargle 4-6 times a day.
  6. Expelling worms from the child's body: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of carrot juice.
  7. Treatment of thrush: freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions and rinse your mouth or lubricate the palate.

Application in cooking

Yellow carrots are used to make soups, borscht, vegetable, fish and meat dishes and even for baking sweet cakes and pies. Fresh root crops are rubbed on a coarse and fine grater, juice is squeezed out and chopped into rings.

Boil, stew, prepare mashed potatoes and sauces from them. Finely grated carrots fried in vegetable oil are added to the first and second courses, which gives them not only a unique taste and aroma, but also a beautiful yellow-golden color.

Carrots are one of the first root crops that primitive man mastered. Many thousands of years have passed since then, and carrots are still present on our tables. Thanks to the work of breeders, modern carrots are characterized by taste and color from their wild progenitor to the best. Of all the varieties of umbrellas, the most popular consumer is the yellow carrot.

Umbrella roots contain lutein, which is very good for vision and is a protector of the retina from ultraviolet radiation, and xanthophyll is powerful substance which blocks the development of cancer. Carrots are part of the drug "Urolesan", its juice and cellulose is an excellent tool for the therapeutic effect on the pathology of the bile duct and urolithiasis. Umbilical seeds are part of antispasmodics, such as Daukarin, among which essential oils stand out, which are widely used in pharmacology and the cosmetic industry.

Do you grow yellow carrots in your garden?

Yes we likeNo, I don't see any difference from normal

There are not many contraindications to the use of yellow carrots. As the great Avicenna said, “there is medicine in the spoon, poison in the cup”, moderation is required in everything. If a person eats 10 kg of carrots a week, this will lead to a supersaturation of the body with beta-carotene and cause his skin to turn yellow (caroteinemia disease). There is nothing terrible in this, except for external manifestations - yellow skin of the face and yellow palms. To remove the external effects of overeating, you need to completely eliminate carrots from your diet for 2-3 weeks. People who fall into shape can't go on a carrot diet anyway. Its use should be limited to people: daily smokers; ulcers and patients with diabetes mellitus; problems with the thyroid gland; suffering from allergies.

Yellow carrots are rich in such minerals and vitamins:

  • magnesium and potassium;
  • fluorine and calcium;
  • phosphorus and zinc;
  • iron, iodine and sodium;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, C, E, H and PP, K.

This yellow root is very useful because in its composition, in addition to a large group of minerals and vitamins, 70% carotene, 7% sugars, xanthophyll and lutein are contained.

Carrots are a completely satisfactory product, its calorie content is 330 kcal per 1 kg. After eating carrots for food, a reaction occurs in the body to convert carotene to retinol. It should be borne in mind that such a beneficial reaction occurs only when at least a minimal dose of fat is present in the body at the same time as carotene. Therefore, dishes such as stewed carrots with sour cream, butter or vegetable oil are so useful for humans.

It also has a yellow color, but it has nothing to do with ordinary yellow carrots in terms of medicinal properties and chemical composition.

Varieties of yellow carrots

Here is a description of several of the most successful and popular varieties.

Mirzoi 304

The variety was bred in 1946 in the Republic of Uzbekistan by Soviet breeders and belongs to the yellow carrot variety. Characteristics:

  • quickly sprouts, from sowing seeds to ripeness 97-115 days;
  • productivity in the south of 6.5 kg per 1 square. m, in northern latitudes the yield is halved;
  • the leaves of the plant are dark green, the leaves of the rosette are of medium density;
  • the petioles themselves are fragile, when extracting root crops from dense soil, they often break off;
  • the root is yellow or light yellow, sometimes the upper part of the root may turn green;
  • form "Mirzoi 304" - a wide cylinder with a blunt rounded tip;
  • root diameter up to 3 cm, length 12-15 cm;
  • the average root weight is 65-130 g.

The variety is intended for fresh consumption, as the "quality retention" in root stores is low, it is mainly used for canning, juicing and for food. Yellow carrots of the Mirzoi 304 variety are recommended for growing in the regions of Central Asia.

Reference! Owners of purebred cats with orange fur or bright red ears and a tail tip give their pets daily wet, finely grated carrots in the amount of 5-10 g. This is done so that the bright color of the coat does not disappear.

The Yellowstone carrot comes from the United States of America. Characteristic:

  • late maturity, to full ripeness 160-180 days;
  • the leaves of the plant are long, lush, collected in a large rosette;
  • root spindle-shaped, long and rather thin;
  • length 20-24 cm, diameter 3-3.5 cm;
  • the average weight of the roots is 180-200 g;
  • the yield is very high;
  • color root - bright yellow, almost canary;
  • perfectly stored when laying for winter storage;
  • the root is sweet, but not succulent, which is typical for all late varieties.

Yellowstone has established itself in temperate climates: in the United States, European countries, southern Canada and Turkey.

Sunny Yellow

This variety of carrots also arrived in our country from the American continent. The name translates as "Yellow Sun". Characteristic:

  • very early, from sowing to harvesting root crops is 87-90 days;
  • rosette of leaves of medium pubescence, burns weakly;
  • root length is 15-20 cm, diameter is 3.5-4 cm;
  • shape - a long spindle, without thickening, the same along the entire length;
  • the root color is very bright, yellow, with a high content of xanthophyll and lutein;
  • the pulp is juicy, crispy and very sweet;
  • "Sunny Yellow" is stored poorly.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for over 30 years

Variety "Sunny Yellow" is intended for consumption in food, juices, canning. Not suitable for long term storage.


Carrot seeds and pulp are also used in folk medicine as a mild laxative: in the morning, half an hour before meals, drink freshly squeezed carrot juice.

50 ml is enough for a child, adult dose- 100 ml of juice.

To clean the sweat glands, liver, gallbladder: the mixture is made from beet juice, carrots and cucumbers (in equal amounts). Use the juice mixture once a day (before breakfast). After taking a mixture of juices, do not eat meat and sweets, foods containing starch before dinner. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency and anemia (general decrease in strength): before breakfast, on an empty stomach, eat grated carrots (100-150 g), mix with one or two tablespoons of sour cream or vegetable oil.

Treatment of purulent wounds and burns: the affected area is superimposed with finely grated carrots. Every quarter of an hour, the lotion is changed to fresh. Treatment only works for burns that have just been received.

Sore throat treatment: Squeeze the juice of 1 medium-sized carrot and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture should be diluted with warm boiled water in equal parts and rinsed 4-6 times a day.

Expulsion of worms from the child's body: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink half a cup of carrot juice.

Treatment of thrush: freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions and washes the mouth or smears the palate.

Culinary Uses: Yellow carrots are used to make soups, borscht, vegetables, fish and meat dishes, and even to bake sweet pastries and cakes. Fresh roots are rubbed on a large and fine grater, squeezed out the juice and cut into rings. Boil, stew, boil mashed potatoes and sauces. Roast vegetable oil Finely grated carrots are added to the first and second courses, which gives them not only a unique taste and aroma, but also a beautiful yellow-golden color.

Important! Carrots do not lose carotene and many other useful substances during cooking, so the food in which it is contained is not only tasty, but also healthy. The root is diced with butter in a frying pan for 20-25 minutes, after which sugar is added to taste and used as a sweet filling. Sliced ​​pieces or whole young carrots are used in winter preparations (preservation) for making pickles, preserving tomatoes or mixed vegetable salads.


In this video, you will learn the experience of growing yellow carrots and the features of caring for them.

Understanding all the known facts, we come to the firm conviction that the benefits that a person can receive by including carrots in their diet are many times greater than the minor harm caused to them. Yellow carrots will not only give the body useful substances, minerals and vitamins, but also enrich the taste of dishes included in the daily menu.

For a long time, carrots have been a necessary addition to the preparation of an incredible number of dishes. Now the most common type is orange. But few people know that initially the root crop was yellow, white, red and even black, but not orange.

Only in the 16th century did this vegetable acquire its usual Orange color. And carrots have become so widespread due to their sweeter taste.

But other varieties of carrots are also important, because due to the variety of flavors and the content of many different vitamins in them, they can easily be used in various culinary recipes.

Everyone knows that plant pigments are responsible for the coloring of fruits and vegetables. In orange carrots, carotene, or provitamin A, is responsible for the color, the content of which gives the root not only beautiful colour but also makes it incredibly useful.

The lutein gives the yellow color to the vegetable, and the purple, blue, red and black colors are obtained due to the anthocyanin content in them. The rich red color is acquired due to lycopene, and the burgundy color of carrots is due to the presence of betaine in the root.

White carrots are devoid of pigment responsible for color. This is why carrots are white and not orange. But the trace elements contained in it, which have a beneficial effect on the human body, make it quite popular.


People who prefer a healthy type of diet know that in addition to coloring fruits, plant pigments also perform other functions:

  • Beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vision improvement.
  • UV protection.
  • Acting as antioxidants that can suppress various viruses.

Accordingly, the more diverse and richer color palette vegetables on the table, the tastier and healthier the cooked food.


Nowadays, there are a great many varieties of orange carrots, but earlier white carrots were more popular. Varieties when choosing should be distinguished by yield, disease resistance, shape and storage period. Also, the division occurs on the stern and dining room.

The most widespread fodder varieties are Berlin Giant, White Weibull, Vosges White, Giant White, Championship, White Greenhead. As a rule, the length of the root crop reaches 50 cm, it has a cylindrical, perfectly even shape.

The best table varieties include White Satin F1, Lunar White, Belgian White. They have a very smooth texture and juicy flesh.


The incredible number of varieties and species possessed by white carrots also speaks of a great variety of flavors. But the main and main difference between them is the presence or absence of a bitter aftertaste.

To date, only fodder varieties have it, therefore this species began to be grown exclusively for addition to the diet of cattle and small domestic animals.

Recently, the cultivation of white and yellow varieties of carrots, which have an incredibly sweet taste, have been revived in Latvia, which has earned them special popularity in cooking.

Many people know that carrots white color is a healthy vegetable. This is due to the content in it of an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals.

White carrots, like other varieties, boast the presence of vitamins C, K, B1, B2, B6, PP and E, as well as the content of iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper and cobalt. Therefore, it is considered very useful for the body to use carrots in the diet, both raw and after heat treatment.

Medicinal properties

For centuries people have been using medicinal properties white carrots. To preserve the healing qualities, carrots are often mixed with honey.

Carrot juice perfectly fights excess cholesterol, and carrot broth is often used as a diuretic.

Seeds and roots are also widely used not only in cooking as an additional ingredient in canned food, marinades, liqueurs and liqueurs, but also in folk medicine in the treatment of kidney stones.

Essential oils are also extracted from the seeds, which are used in cosmetic products.


Despite the abundance of useful properties, carrots can cause some harm to health. The use of this product in food is contraindicated if its use causes allergic reactions.

Overeating can also harm the body. It is characterized by an excess of carotene, but this option is possible only with the use of orange carrots. And since the white one does not contain it, there are no obvious contraindications for this variety.

Great Britain became the homeland many years ago. But it did not receive such widespread use due to one significant drawback: in a purified form, carrots stain everything that it comes into contact with.

Although in some culinary preparations, this property can perfectly help to make the dish especially attractive by adding a soft pink tint to the products.

Beneficial features

The root crop owes its color to the presence of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and anthocyanins. In the body, they turn into the necessary vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improves vision and relieves fatigue of the visual apparatus.

Anthocyanin helps to cope with various heart diseases, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The phytoncides contained in the vegetable are able to kill microbes, and therefore, purple carrots become effective tool with colds.

In cooking, purple carrots are a very unpretentious and versatile ingredient. It can be stewed, fried, baked, and it is also great for making freshly squeezed juices and even jams.

The most common variety is "dragon". This option applies to early ripening varieties. It has a conical shape and grows from 15 cm to 17 cm in length. This variety of purple carrots grows well in slightly acidic soils and loves fairly frequent watering. Considered to be extremely frost tolerant. Ideal for long term storage.

You can also choose varieties such as "Purple Elixir" with an orange core and "Cosmic", which are equally suitable for use in the children's menu due to their sweet taste.

If we compare the taste of the usual orange carrots with purple ones, then the second one has a sweeter taste. But you should know that in its raw form, this variety has a mild smell of rosemary, which disappears completely after heat treatment.

Cooking methods

By resorting to additional literature or using the advice of friends, you can easily find cooking methods and the most best recipes from carrots, which can perfectly diversify the lunch menu.

For example:

  1. Juice. When making juice nutrients are completely preserved. Before squeezing, undamaged fruits should be selected, thoroughly washed and cleaned. It is not recommended to add sugar and salt to the juice. And the daily use of freshly squeezed juice half an hour before lunch helps to normalize digestion.
  2. Grilled vegetables. The method of cooking carrots in combination with other vegetables on the grill allows you to save all the nutritious and healing properties while the taste becomes more pronounced.
  3. Puree. Making carrot puree soups with the addition of some equally healthy vegetables is ideal even for very young children. And by resorting to imagination and adding purple to the usual orange carrots, you can get an original dish of amazing color that you will like not only in taste, but also in appearance.
  4. Bouillon. Cooking a broth with the addition of different varieties of carrots, whether white, orange or purple, will turn out to be incredibly attractive and low in calories. Despite the fact that at high temperature the percentage of vitamins decreases, the part necessary for the body remains in the cooked dish, which makes the culinary masterpiece not only beautiful, but also useful.
  5. Drying. Carrots are great for drying ahead of time. Before harvesting, carrots must be thoroughly washed and peeled, then either cut or grated. An electric dryer helps speed up the drying process, thanks to which the cooking time will be reduced several times, while all the vitamins contained in carrots will be preserved as much as possible.
  6. Dessert. The purple variety of carrots is so sweet that it can be used in various desserts. For many years, Europeans have preferred to make jam from carrots, which has an amazing taste.
  7. Table decoration. Even having mastered the carving technique a little, you can arrange a dining table and make it incredibly beautiful and unique. With the help of a thin knife, a vegetable dish can be turned into an exquisite culinary masterpiece, the appearance of which on the table will attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. The unique combination of white, orange and purple carrots, as well as the creation of compositions from them, will surprise every guest present, and cooked culinary recipes from carrots will not leave anyone indifferent.

You should not be afraid to experiment. Then an ordinary lunch will turn into a real meal.
