Symbolic correspondence: 19th - 30th degree of Capricorn.
Action: imagination.
Titles: shell, vessels, turtle.
The symbol is a turtle, a shell, an urn (a vessel for liquid), two vessels with a living and dead water.
The day is passive, contemplative, a period of loneliness, concentration and imagination. You can do therapeutic fasting, work on increasing spirituality.
On this day, all people should be cleansed of toxins, spiritual and physically, listen to their inner voice; haste is contraindicated. If on the 25th day clairaudience manifests itself, this is a sign of slavish dependence on someone.
Social impact: Slightly unfavorable, requires prudence and rationality.
Household influence: slightly unfavorable, bad for marriage, travel.
People on the 25th day, even in their younger years, reason maturely, like old people. These are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but able to transform; often see prophetic dreams.
Mystical influence: higher psychic forces are activated. Much can be achieved on this day by practicing contemplation, peace, expectation and developing sensitivity.
Impact on born: they grow wiser very early, are unhurried, but they can do a lot, contain an inexhaustible supply of spiritual and mystical development. Often "broadcasters" are born.
Effect on conception: The mystery of birth or incomprehensible circumstances will play a big role in the life of the one conceived on this day. He will receive protection and intercession. Intuition, foresight and isolation are characteristic. Dangerous diseases and the wisdom of an elderly person. The main thing is that the formula "The end justifies the means" does not become the principle of his life.
Stones - spars, tiger's eye, falcon's eye (blue and blue), cat's eye (green), prase, all fossils - wood, coal; shell, as well as heliotrope, pink marble.
Meditations: ideals of the possible in man.
Signatures: spars, tiger's eye, shells.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half is unfavorable, as some of the negative trends of the previous day remain. Lethargy and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible at this time as a residual manifestation of previous energy expenditure. Therefore, in the first half of L.d. It is best to engage in individual activities and improve your health. However, the second half is more favorable and allows you to achieve your goals. Intuition is sharpened and the support of higher people is strengthened, so very often the negative events of the previous period at this time can be overcome, neutralized or transformed for the better.

"Birthdays" of the Moon by Albert the Great

The day is unlucky. Diseases are dangerous. Children will lead a dysfunctional life.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

The symbols of the day are "Turtle", "Sink", "Urn with ashes" and "Two vessels with living and dead water". This day is also associated with Aquarius. There is a transfer of the astral to the physical plane, and astral images can be visible. This day is a magical day, like the 22nd lunar day. A person turns on siddhis (superpowers). This is the day when wisdom comes and when everyone becomes prophets to some extent. If we work with the energies of this day, then the 25th lunar day will give us the opportunity to receive this wisdom. But in order for there to be no harm from this, a person must be pure. And the first practice on this day is cleansing. Fasting also contributes to spiritual purification.
On this day, it is necessary to get rid of various slags: physical, astral, mental. It is useful to cleanse the organ depending on the position of the moon. Every month there will be different purges. Get rid of negative emotions breathing exercises cast them down to Manipura, where they burn naturally. Mental cleansing with the help of prayers is useful.
Every person has their own inner voice. This is our guardian angel talking to us.
On the 25th lunar day, one must listen to one's inner voice. It is necessary to test oneself, as it were, to check one's level. On this day, you need to be especially attentive to the information. On this day, with any seemingly insignificant information, wisdom can come to you. Everything is a sign.
This day is not to be rushed. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids and eat rough food. Cottage cheese is the best food on this day. Better not to take any medication.
On the 25th lunar day, you need to take care of your ears, you can not pierce, as the earlobes and tragus are associated with it. The lobe and tragus are energy centers. By the shape of the tragus, one can determine whether a person receives energy from space or he receives it from other people. If the tragus sticks out straight, then the person receives energy from the Cosmos, and if it is pressed to the ear, then the energy comes with contacts. This does not mean that a person is a vampire, this is only one of the signs of how a person receives energy.
On the 25th lunar day, superpowers may turn on: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and one must be prepared for this, but they should not be stimulated, since abilities are the result of all previous work.
If you have not been cleaning, have not worked consciously before, then the 25th lunar day is a day of caution so as not to do what you still do not know how and what you do not own. Spontaneous activation of these energies can end badly ("the roof" will go).
Wrong use of these energies can result in diseases of the ears. Even a pimple on the ear is also a sign.
People born on the 25th lunar day are wise. They are unhurried, their dreams are usually prophetic. Since the astral image is visually on this day, this can happen unconsciously for everyone. People born on the 25th lunar day can be consciously in the astral - in a dream they receive information and transfer it to the physical plane. In childhood, they reason maturely and have the right idea about everything.
On this day, everyone should be very careful and careful about their emotions and thoughts, because the thoughts generated by this day can live on their own, charged with the energy of the day. And with your negative emotions, you can create some kind of monster.

You can and should do, eat:
- starve
- Cheesecakes
- Mental cleansing
- Cleansing the stomach and intestines
It is impossible to do or it is necessary to refrain, do not eat:
- Rough food
- Clean, operate, pierce ears
- Take medication
- fuss
- Hurry

Stones: red jasper

Symbol 25 lunar day is a turtle. Therefore, today you should not rush anywhere, you cannot start important things. If you didn’t have time to do them yesterday, then it’s better to wait a bit until the next favorable period. The twenty-fifth lunar day is good to devote to internal problems. If you manage to get rid of emotions on this day, you can get answers to most of the questions that torment you. By turning off emotions, you gain access to information fields and keys to wisdom. It is believed that the quiet voice of intuition is especially loud today, and reason and logical thinking can suddenly fail. Therefore, listen to the voice of your heart, be attentive to signs and signs.

Remember, nothing happens by chance. Learn to build chains of so-called accidents into a pattern. For those who are just beginning to know their inner world, today it will be much easier to do than on another day. On the esoteric plane Who is ready - for those opens the channel of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy. You can peep into your future if you work a little with the energies that the Moon gives us today. The 25th lunar day is the day of prophecies and predictions, when you can, by “accidentally” opening a book, get an answer to the most important question for you at this moment. Today you can look into the future. Practices can be very different, to whom that is closer. You can guess from the Book of Changes, read celestial horoscope cards or ...

The twenty-fifth lunar day is referred to as the days with maximum saturation inner life, this is a day of meditation and reflection, this is a time of passivity and self-deepening. But, nevertheless, you can arrange a quiet home vacation, or outdoor recreation near a pond, with relatives or like-minded people in spirit. Slowness, deliberation, thoroughness - these are the qualities that can make this day as successful as possible.

Active actions will not bring any noticeable result today, but they can lead you out of a state of peace of mind and balance for a long time, so the day should be devoted to yourself. But be objective and fair: the main task is to learn to find harmony with yourself. Today is the best time to reflect on your character traits, behavior, etc. But, do not go to extremes. In no case do not engage in self-flagellation, and self-abasement. Treat yourself objectively. This is very necessary, because if we do not at least sometimes strive for inner solitude, then we can never understand whether we are moving forward in our spiritual development or not. The goal of 25 lunar days is to accept yourself as you are, to love yourself with all the shortcomings and virtues, but even here the other extreme should not be allowed - no “narcissism”.

Day of wisdom and justice. If you are upholding justice in court and the hearing is scheduled for the twenty-fifth lunar day, consider yourself very lucky. Just do not forget that emotions in court are unacceptable, and you can win only if you are focused and reasonable, and most importantly, absolutely calm. The less emotion, the better.

Today, if you fail to achieve your goal, do not go ahead, there will be no luck. Wait a few days and everything will resolve itself. maybe you will see that this is not your way, or maybe your task needs to be adjusted and you will be very glad that you did not manage to do it the way you planned earlier. On the 25th lunar day, the Moon especially helps people who still have insufficiently developed will, and also favors travelers (but it’s not worth swimming and boating on this day).

Dreams of 25 lunar days are prophetic, but they are quite symbolic and require competent interpretation. Happy dreams come true, provided that you do not tell anyone about them. If you dreamed, in your opinion, not very good dream, knock on the window and say "where the night is, there is a dream", or when you wash your face, open the tap and whisper your dream to the stream of water. Then it will be “washed away” with water, and it will not come true. Such simple tips our ancestors are very effective. Believe and check!


The twenty-fifth lunar day is a time when we can understand a lot about the essence of our relationship with our loved ones. Dates today are going well, but without much enthusiasm, enthusiasm. This is a day of solitude and silence. If you are planning a meeting with a partner, then it was better to have a date yesterday, and today it’s good to think about what you learned, take a fresh look at your relationship if they require a fresh look.

Household affairs

The main thing to remember on the 25th lunar day is that this day does not at all imply both quick actions and quick results. If you need to do something very urgently, then today it is useless to do it. Waste your time. Today is the right time for easy household chores that do not require haste.


On the 25th lunar day, an exacerbation of diseases is possible. Today the sense organs, head, ears are vulnerable. An illness that began on the twenty-fifth lunar day requires immediate treatment. Then, there is a chance that the disease will be cured completely and forever, without giving any complications. Medicines must not be abused. It’s better to use “grandmother’s recipes” for treatment, that is, means traditional medicine. Absolutely inappropriate day for piercing (suppuration and inflammation are possible).

You should not drink a lot of liquids, but alcoholic beverages and even beer should be completely abandoned. It is good to cleanse the body of toxins, therapeutic starvation is indicated. The best day for practicing raja yoga, for awakening higher energies in yourself.

Be moderate in physical activity, refuse coarse food. Daytime sleep perfectly restores health (subject to a full night's sleep). It is useful to rest your soul and body, forgetting for a while about all the worries and hardships.

business and money

On the twenty-fifth lunar day, people are apathetic and lazy. Collective, joint work rarely succeeds. Today is most suitable for personal affairs and procedures related to health promotion.

In general, a good day for work, it is desirable to solve simple issues, nothing really important will happen today. The second half of the day is more favorable: there is a chance to get support from superiors and other superiors. Possible financial gain.

The 25th lunar day is a great day for moving to a new place of residence, for an office - to new areas. Today is the day of justice. You can file a lawsuit. Great day to trade. It is possible that negotiations on the proposed partnership and the conclusion of long-term contracts will be successful. But, any transaction concluded on the 25th lunar day must be carefully thought out and verified, even better if by several people. Otherwise, the slightest mistake can lead "your ship to the wrong pier." A recklessly concluded deal or contract will be enough - it's still difficult to fix. Making adjustments will require significant effort and additional investment, not to mention lost time.

On the 25th lunar day, calm and very passive. The moon is reluctant to share its energy. Life is no longer in full swing, I want to relax and unwind. On this day, do not slip into apathy and depression. You can limit physical activity, but engage in spiritual development and mental activity.

Description of the twenty-fifth lunar day

The characteristic of the 25th lunar day is the rollback of physical activity after achieving the set plans, rest, work on restoring the balance of energy and mental strength. This is a day of deep knowledge, gaining wisdom, focusing on your inner "I". Those who use spiritual practices may receive a revelation or the gift of prophecy. Today, the mental capabilities of the body are awakening and intensifying. These days are favorable for trading operations, litigation, travel and travel. good time for leisurely work in the garden in the country. And yet, this is a day of contemplation, introspection and meditation. This day is for loneliness. Almost all astrological schools advise you to devote these days to your internal problems, take a closer look at your shortcomings, and clean up your karma.

Features and properties of the 25th lunar day

This time of day is contraindicated in fuss. Do not be hasty in your decisions, do not rush to express your opinion. No wonder one of the symbols of this day is considered a turtle. For this day, by the way, there will be a popular saying - "measure seven times, cut once." Talismans, symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a shell, a turtle, an urn;
  • talisman stones include red jasper, tiger's eye, green cat's eye, blue falcon's eye, feldspars;
  • element - metal;
  • the main colors are malachite, emerald, all shades of green.

The twenty-fifth day of the lunar cycle is the time when you need to listen to your intuition, trust the impulses of your heart. It is better not to count on logical thinking and realism today. The mind can suggest the wrong decision, and you will “turn” in the wrong direction. Trust your inner voice.

What should you do today to be successful?

Don't start new things today. You will be forced to leave them, as there is simply not enough strength and energy. It is better to work on the completion of previously started cases. The energy of this day is not conducive to action. Be careful and prudent. Take the turtle as an example. She acts slowly but thoroughly. Pay attention to the world, today the Moon can send help in the form of tips. These could be signs necessary information or some ongoing events. To understand them, turn to your intuition.

Lunar relations on the 25th day

The twenty-fifth lunar day is not the best period for communication. Everyone feels lethargic and lethargic. I don’t want to have long conversations, I don’t have the strength to enter into disputes. Collective work will not bring tangible success. No one wants to take the initiative or launch a frantic activity. With innovative and creative ideas It is better not to approach the authorities. At best, the boss will brush it off, at worst, he will put you out the door. This is not the best day to sort things out between lovers or spouses. Do not waste your energy, you will still not be understood. Everyone is focused on contemplating their own inner world and before talking important topics no business.

Relationship building and sex

The 25th lunar day is not suitable for. Better use it for preparatory activities and planning for the future. Look through the list of invited guests, check the menu for a gala dinner or dinner, search for an apartment for a family nest. Some mystical schools warn that a marriage entered into today will only bring discord in the family, degradation of relationships and a financial crisis. It should be noted that this day is more suitable for divorce. The whole process will go smoothly, without squabbles, trials and hatred. The couple will stay good relations and will take care of their children together. Of course, they will no longer live together, but their future fate will turn out well. Sex on this day should be leisurely and measured. Haste will not bring satisfaction and leave a feeling of emptiness in the soul. Romantic atmosphere, flowers, candles and sparkling glasses of red wine are welcome.

conception of a child

Characteristics of people born on the 25th lunar day

Those born on the 25th lunar day are slow and calm. They With early childhood amaze with their wisdom, understanding of all the realities of the world around them. If your birthday coincides with the twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar, you can be sure that you will get fantastic intuition. Anyone who was born on these lunar days can easily recognize the signs of fate and understand what they portend. Such a person manages to come into contact with the general information field and draw information from it. Often people born today have a chance to become great healers or prophets.

Turtle children

Children born on the 25th lunar day are usually closed on themselves. These are small thinkers and contemplators who have no friends. To outsiders they seem to be out of this world and they are shunned by society. However, very often they are minions of fate. "Twenty-fifth Children" early age may show a craving for spiritual development and the search for the meaning of life. Parents should carefully direct their children to the development of creative or other abilities, then the child will live an interesting and vibrant life. Otherwise, you can get an eternal wanderer in search of the secrets of the universe or a lazy person who will constantly lie on the couch, thinking about the laws of the universe.

What do dreams mean on the 25th lunar day

Dreams on the 25th lunar day reveal deep secrets hidden in the subconscious. This explains the fact that almost all astrological schools agree that on this day you can see a prophetic or prophetic dream. In order to understand the dreams of the 25th day, you do not need to take a dream book or turn to psychics for help. The whole meaning lies on the surface, everything is shown very concretely. If everything you saw today remains incomprehensible and ghostly, turn to your intuition. Do not try to parse today's dreams by bones. It is rather not sleep that is important real images and the general atmosphere and emotions. If you felt anxious, wanted to run away or hide somewhere, you behave like an ostrich, burying your head in the sand when danger is close. Feel free to face the existing problems, they still have to be solved. If in a dream you feel an unprecedented surge of strength, you see yourself in nature, on the sea coast or in a comfortable and happy environment - all practical actions are directed in the right direction and success will come soon.

Rituals of the 25th lunar day

Rituals today are best directed to increase sexuality and attractiveness for the opposite sex, to strengthen sensual ties between lovers. Tibetan astrologers believe that on this day the female energy (Shakti) reaches its peak. Today, all rituals associated with beauty, love and fertility will also go well.

The 25th lunar day is a very calm and blessed day, intended for inner solitude and contemplation, excluding any physical activity and initiative.

Symbol of the day turtle, shell, uranium, two vessels with living and dead water.

What is the best way to spend the 25th lunar day?

A good day for travel and travel, travel, trade and court cases, sleep and rest.

They will bring joy to meeting friends and like-minded people, relatives and representatives of the opposite sex. The day is passive, contemplative, a period of loneliness. On this lunar day, one should not be hasty, one should be thorough and unhurried.

No wonder the symbol of the twenty-fifth lunar day is the turtle. So a person should become like a turtle for this short period - think over his step several times, weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make a move.

The 25th lunar day is a time of solidity, finding peace, in a sense, you need to "lay low and not stick out." The Vedic lunar calendar recommends devoting the whole day to internal problems, understanding yourself, reflecting on your character traits, and taking stock of your inner spiritual life.

But for all the contemplation of this lunar day, there is also a danger in it - the comprehension of one's true "I" should not turn into self-digging and self-abasement. You need to be as objective as possible about yourself. After all, your spiritual quest concerns only you and no one else.

Today there is no need to work for the public, everything should be intimate and sincere. Without these periods of inner retreat, you will never be able to know for sure whether you are living your life moving forward in your development or simply constantly running away from yourself.

The main goal of the twenty-fifth lunar day is to gain the ability to love yourself, which means not inflating your ego, not narcissistic narcissism, but accepting yourself as you are, with all your “pluses” and “minuses”.

The 25th lunar day, according to the Vedic lunar calendar, is favorable for travel, various trips, business trips, and so on. It is believed that everyone who sets off on the road now will certainly be lucky, but only on condition that the traveler is not in a hurry.

The Tibetan astrological school also believes that funeral rituals and ceremonies can be performed today. The twenty-fifth lunar day is the time when, first of all, you need to listen to your intuition¹, trust your heart. Reason and logical thinking in such a period can let you down. Rely entirely on your inner voice.

How does the 25th lunar day affect business development?

The 25th lunar day is favorable for trading, and in any area - from selling cars to buying colored pencils for the office.

The problems that arise on these lunar days should be solved not so much by reason and through logical thinking, but by trusting intuition.

This is especially true for money, since, according to esoteric teachings, it is money that is associated with the element of water. If any failure befalls you during this period, for example, a deal fails or finances “leak” - do not be discouraged.

It's just that your financial sphere is naturally freed from "", preparing a place for new revenues. As a rule, what is gone today returns doubled, or even tripled. But only if you take it easy.

Is it worth getting married on this day?

On the twenty-fifth day of the moon, it is better to refrain from starting a family. This period is more suitable for planning a life together, for preparing the wedding celebration itself, and so on.

It is believed that those who marry on the twenty-fifth lunar day will “sink to the bottom” all the time, financial crises and periods of mental discomfort will often lie in wait for them.

In general, it must be said that this time is more suitable for divorce than for creating a new unit of society. Divorces go smoothly, calmly, without scandals and quarrels. The next period of life flows away like water, and the past is smoothed out like a sea pebble, leaving no sharp corners in the memory.

How does the twenty-fifth day of the moon affect health?

Nothing happens to health on the twenty-fifth lunar day. If you were sick, then your state of health will remain the same, the pain will not increase, but it will not go away either. Although, I must say, for non-traditional healing practices this is the most successful and auspicious time, especially those that actively use water, for example, hydrotherapy.

Healthy people are very useful in this lunar time swim in a river, lake, sea or rate. If this is not possible, be sure to take a bath, preferably with herbs. Some astrological schools warn against starting new medicines on this day.

What should be the sexual relationship on this day?

Sex on the 25th lunar day should be unhurried. Poses need to be selected only that do not require special stress for both partners. Very useful today is sex in water, for example, in a lake or in the shower. Some astrological schools recommend drinking some red wine during this period before love games.

The only prohibition: for people suffering from diseases associated with the urogenital area, sex is strictly prohibited today, as it can cause exacerbations.

What will the dreams tell?

Due to the fact that the twenty-fifth lunar day is associated with water, they are also associated with the depths of the subconscious². For this reason, almost all astrological schools agree that the dreams of this period are prophetic in nature, that is, now a person, as a rule, receives predictions through dreams.

Most of the dreams of the twenty-fifth lunar day do not even require an allegorical interpretation; all predictions are quite definite and specific. If the images remain incomprehensible, then listen to your intuition - it will tell you the correct interpretation.

Do not try to put dreams on the shelves, do not try to “logically dissect” them without fail, today only intuition is true, trust it.

What is the esoteric aspect?

In the esoteric Christian tradition, Baptism is usually held on the twenty-fifth lunar day. In other schools, neophytes are also very often initiated into various sacraments on this day with the help of water.

In some Shugen-do schools, on the twenty-fifth lunar day, they practiced standing under a waterfall, and yogis performed various cleansing procedures both using water and in the water itself.

According to the Tibetan astrological school, at this time the female energy reaches its peak. It is believed that today she extends her blessing to all living beings.

On this day, it is desirable to conduct self-testing. Psychological tests operate with images that, at the subconscious level, can not only inform about a person’s attitudes or his attitude to some life problems, but also allow them to be corrected.

On the 25th lunar day, you should subject yourself to testing, which allows you to evaluate the internal settings and, if necessary, correct them. Ask yourself:

  1. What kind of forest do you like?
  2. How do you imagine a chest?
  3. Hut in the forest…
  4. River…
  5. Sea…
  6. A pitcher in the desert...
  7. How do you feel about horses? And so on…

Write down everything in detail, while answering the following leading questions:

  • What will you do there (with it)?
  • What is there?
  • Why? For what? Which? etc.

On the twenty-fifth lunar day, if necessary, these images can be replaced with positive ones. These changes in consciousness will lead to changes in life. Try it yourself. First, describe and write down in detail what arose in the mind when referring to this image for the first time.

This is the base. Having learned the interpretation of this image, each person can easily determine what prevents him from being happy in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, which the image characterizes.

Think about how you would like to change or build your attitude on this issue, and on the twenty-fifth lunar day of another lunar month, you need to imagine this image in a different form, one that will contribute to your success and prosperity in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

Interpretation of images:

  • Forest- your character. What weather did you see him in? Coniferous trees talk about your arrogance. Impenetrable thickets - require clearing the space from old ideas and attitudes. Maybe even uproot weeds and cultivate, plant seedlings of noble tree species. And in general, to make a garden, a park, with some kind of gazebo for talking?
  • Box- your soul. What is it filled with? What values ​​are there? Everything is in your power. You can fill it with your treasures, which will be appreciated by other people. Or any junk is stored there, which no longer has a place in this life.
  • Hut in the forest- your family. Do you want to live there? With whom? How? It is in your power to make it a beautiful tower with all the charms of civilization, where you live in love and harmony with your loved ones and dear people.
  • River- this is Love. Which? Narrow? Wide? Stormy? With whirlpools? What are you waiting for? Imagine its different, full-flowing, deep, clean ... Whatever you want.
  • Sea- sex. Do you love storm? Breeze? Do you immediately jump into the water or do you try the water first? Maybe you have never been to the sea? And you don't know him? Imagine it in such a way that it will give you joy and happiness. Be happy!
  • Jar in the desert- sex in marriage. Do you think it's empty because it's hot and everything's dry? It's not true, it's magical, It contains healing non-drying nectar or the purest spring water, or jewelry, or something else, but only yours. Check your beautiful jug more often!
  • Horse- A person of the opposite sex. In general, attitude towards them. Love? For what? Do not love? Why? Can't apply? Learn to deal with her. Treat her, rule her. Tame this beautiful animal to yourself, make it your friend and helper. It will answer for care with devotion and love.
  • Wall life obstacles. Why does she have to be right in front of you? And big? Or maybe she is somewhere far away and low? Why should it be overcome? Maybe it has a gate? Wide and open? Or in general, this wall does not bother you and stands aside. Are you heading the other way? You need to keep an eye on the wall all the time so that it does not grow in your path, push it to hell.

Exist different kinds lunar calendars based on different astrological approaches. But the most accurate is still considered

The day is favorable for travel and travel, moving and trading, court cases and recreation.
On this day, the favorites of Fortune are born, happiness and good luck accompany them until their death.
A person who falls ill on this day may turn out to be terminally ill if help is not provided in time.
Dreams sometimes come true.

Interpretation according to Paul and Tamara Globa

25 lunar day. Symbols - turtle, shell. This is the personification of the stability of the world, its security.
Days are associated with the reflection of Heaven on Earth, with the awakening of higher mental abilities. Therefore, they are often used for all kinds of divination, receiving prophecies, gaining wisdom. It is believed that prophets come to earth on this day.
It is good to develop observation, learn to reduce complex to simple, improve inner hearing. Any sign at this time can be a kind of signal to which you need to pay attention. Listening to your inner voice, you can hear a lot of useful and wise things.
Any fuss / haste is contraindicated, everything needs to be done slowly, with concentration, judiciously.
On the 25th lunar day, you can safely engage in commercial activities, business or court cases, as well as go on a business trip or travel.
Dreams are often prophetic.
Stones - tiger's eye, cat's eye, hawk's eye.

Interpretation according to Alexander Zaraev

The first half of the 25 lunar day is unfavorable, because. part of the negative trends of the 24th lunar day remains. Lethargy and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible at this time, as a residual manifestation of previous energy costs. Therefore, in the first half of the lunar day, it is recommended to engage in individual activities and strengthen your health.
The second half will be more favorable and will allow you to achieve your goals. Intuition is sharpened and the support of the higher environment is strengthened, so often the negative events of the previous period can be overcome, neutralized or transformed for the better.

Getting Started

25 lunar day is unfavorable for undertakings. This is the period when you need to lay low and calm down. Take time not only for activity, but for comprehending your true self. Look at yourself as you are, without any hitches and remorse, love yourself (without inflating your ego) and accept yourself as you are.

During this period, it will be difficult for us to maintain concentration and attention, therefore, in any of our affairs that we devote time to, mistakes and punctures are possible. Therefore, it is better to deal with the completion of not particularly important cases or putting things in order at home, at work. In everything, it is desirable to maintain calm and regularity. Trust your intuition and don't fuss.


The 25th lunar day is a period of passivity and self-deepening, it is better to devote time to solitude and reflection. You can also solve simple, unhurried questions.
Active actions will not bring noticeable results, but they can lead out of a state of harmony.
It is better to postpone important negotiations, conclusion of contracts, agreements, making responsible decisions for another day.

As a rule, this day is characterized by laziness and apathy, so it is better for the authorities to be indulgent about the sleepy state of the office, but it is better to do documentation or inventory, i.e. perform work that does not require increased attention and responsibility.
It is better for employees to keep their requests to themselves, as they will not be heard and understood.
And in relations with colleagues it is better to remain neutral. Better yet, take a day off and give yourself a day off.


25 lunar day. Sex on this day should be neat, unhurried, somewhere even easy. It is advisable to select positions that do not require much stress on both partners. Because day is associated with cleansing, it will be very beneficial to carry out the procedure in water, for example, under a shower, in a pool, lake, etc.
For people with diseases in the genitourinary system, even the mildest form, it is better to refuse sex on this day. Because there is a possibility of complications.
In addition, the day is very favorable for the conception of a child. A person must have a high sense of wisdom and intuition, although there may be serious illnesses in life. The main characteristics of the child should be: patronage, foresight, intuition, protection, secrecy and slowness.

A haircut

Hair cutting on the 25th lunar day increases eye pressure, which leads to visual impairment. Possible inflammation, the appearance of barley. Therefore, if possible, refrain from visiting a hairdresser.


It is believed that prophetic dreams occur on the 25th lunar day. In most cases, the dreamer himself must understand the meaning of dreams and be guided by his intuition, and his understanding of what he saw. If understanding is not enough and there are bright undeciphered moments, then it is better to use the dream book or the tips of a specialist.
Also, on this lunar day, dreams can be difficult and difficult. But it’s not worth worrying too much and trying to decipher them. Because they tend to carry less useful information.


25 lunar day you can buy what is connected with the sea and water.
In addition, now you can buy something that helps us find ourselves and restore our peace of mind. For example, books, aromatic oils, movie CDs, some knick-knacks. The main thing is that the purchased thing contributes to calm. Since any fuss / haste is contraindicated on this day, everything must be done slowly, with concentration, judiciously.


On the 25th lunar day, they go to the bath alone. It is useful to alternate visits to the steam room with the intake of freshly squeezed juices or use other procedures aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. The day does not tolerate fuss and haste, this is the time for calm, relaxation and harmony.


25 lunar day is good for visiting the dentist. Since this day does not tolerate fuss, you should be very responsible in choosing a dentist and a method of treatment. Otherwise, the result that you expect from a visit to the dental office is completely different. It is good to carry out surgical operations, extraction of teeth, etc. on this day.
