The strongest among sled dogs, the most friendly and intellectually developed - Alaskan Malamutes are not able to survive without human attention, they are in dire need of communication. These dogs are confused with husky because of their resemblance. But huskies are faster and more accommodating, while main characteristic"Alaskan" is endurance and a desire to command.

These dogs have won the title of the most "working" breed. The Siberian Husky is able to win a short-term race, but to drag in a team as much as a Malamute drags, and even for several kilometers, is beyond the power of the enemy. But a smiling Malamute with small dashed eyebrows can easily cope with this. He is quite stubborn, but that seems to be what makes him the best in his category. After all, what else, if not stubbornness, does not allow a working dog to give up.

The Alaskan Malamute almost never barks. The sounds it makes are called grunts. In dogs, this is a rarity, and only basenjis and huskies can make up a Malamute in this list.

Characteristics of the breed

The hallmark of the "Alaskan" is his large skeleton, muscular body and hardy body. Outwardly, the dog resembles a wolf. There is an opinion that the oldest breed of dogs originated precisely from wild animals. And the Alaskan Malamute himself, thanks to this relationship, got the opportunity to act in various films, playing the role of a wild brother visually similar to him. Although in fact these dogs are excellent companions and family men who cannot imagine life without the owner, his children.

  • Weight. Standard body weight depends on gender identity animal. Males weigh about 38 kg, while females are smaller: their standard weight is only 34 kg.
  • Height. The height of females is 58.5 cm. The height at the withers of males is 63.5 cm.
  • Color. The color of the coat depends on the intrabreed line. In the Kotzebue line, an exclusively gray color is found, which is popularly called wolf. But in the M'Loot line there are such colors as blue, black with white, brown with white, sable, even white and red. According to the standard, single-colored Malamutes can only be white.
  • Lifespan. The Alaskan Malamute lives from 12 to 15 years and is considered one of the longest-lived among four-legged friends.
  • Character. There are pets about which they say: "This is a dog of one person." Malamutes are the complete opposite. They feel most comfortable only in the family - both canine and human. They cannot be left alone, you need to endlessly play with them, or at least give them passive attention: hug, caress, talk.
  • Intelligence. The Alaskans are very smart, but also incredibly stubborn. If the dog has stopped following your commands, know that he is simply tired of doing what you ask. It is enough to give the pet a rest - and he will again begin to understand you perfectly.
  • Security and guard potential. The breed is completely not created for protection. These are sledding, "working" dogs, so their genes have a different potential, different from guard.

The first estrus in an Alaskan Malamute girl begins in the interval from eight months to a year, repeating every six months. The maximum duration of the process is 20 days. The starting age for mating is considered to be two years - the period when the dog becomes fully sexually mature. Dogs are knitted on the 12-15th day of estrus in a bitch. Pregnancy lasts from 56 to 72 days, depending on the number of future offspring: the more puppies, the shorter the gestation period. The movements of the offspring become noticeable by about 50 days. On the eve of childbirth, babies in the womb freeze.

Alaskan Malamutes more often than others fall into the lists of refuseniks. An inexperienced owner, who bought into the puppy's plush appearance, subsequently cannot cope with his stubborn character, refuses the pet due to his own inadequacy as an educator and dog breeder.

external standard

A dog of this breed is always evaluated according to one main criterion: whether a representative of the breed can be considered an Arctic sled dog or not. Existing flaws are evaluated in a similar plane: the more they affect the basic function of the animal, the worse. Based on the table, you will be able to independently evaluate an adult for compliance with the breed standard.

Table - Features of visual standardization

Part of the bodyCharacteristics
Head- Wide;
- volumetric;
- proportional;
- face with a friendly expression
nose- Black;
- red in dogs of the corresponding color;
- let's say "snow nose"
BiteScissor (overshot and undershot - fault)
Eyes- Almond-shaped;
- obliquely standing;
- dark, usually brown;
(blue - lack)
Ears- Triangular;
- slightly rounded at the tips
(high set - fault)
Small of the back- Strong;
- proportional;
- middle length
(long - disadvantage)
Tail- Raised and slightly twisted;
- with a lush edge;
- visually resembles a plume

The "snow nose" is a feature of the Alaskan Malamute in which the nose is streaked with white, contrasting with the base color.

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of the breed began thanks to the Malemute tribe, which lived in Alaska. People were peace-loving workers, and their dogs were the same. It is noteworthy that the breed has not changed much since its appearance - neither externally nor internally.

  • Captured by Jack London. The famous novel "White Fang", which is included in the school curriculum for foreign literature, tells about the times of the "gold rush", which had a positive effect on the popularization of the Malamute breed. Gold diggers from different parts came to Alaska, and the victory, as a rule, was won by those who took the "Alaskans" as four-legged companions into the team.
  • But on the other hand. In a barrel of honey (namely, in the popularization of the breed during the "gold rush") there was also a fly in the ointment. Unfortunately, the need for a large number of four-legged helpers led to the fact that the Alaskan Malamute was crossed with just about anyone. As a result, the number of purebred dogs has significantly decreased.
  • Faster, higher, stronger. The "gold rush" was replaced by winter views sports. In particular, sled racing. It was sports that prompted the Americans to seriously engage in the restoration of the population of representatives of the oldest breed of dogs. By the second half of the 20s of the last century, this was nevertheless managed to be done, because otherwise it was simply impossible to win in luge sports.
  • standardization and recognition. The breed was officially recognized as an independent breed in 1935. In the same year, the breed standard was formed and approved.
  • Years of World War II. This "black" period in world history affected every third family living on planet Earth. The war left its negative imprint on the population of Malamutes, reducing their number to 30 purebred individuals.
  • Recovery and promotion. The restoration of the breed was taken up only by the end of the 40s of the twentieth century. Success was achieved only in the 60s. Success in this case means the restoration of the number of representatives of the breed, which makes it possible to remove the question of the extinction of the species from the agenda. In the early 70s of the last century, the Alaskan Malamute spread throughout Europe, and today these hardy and good-natured dogs are ranked 18th in the Top 30 most popular dog breeds.

4 features of the native "Alaskan"

Since 2010, the Alaskan Malamute has been the official symbol of its small homeland, the US state of Alaska. Four more facts in the biography of the breed are interesting.

  1. Wolf habits. The wolf, being the ancestor of the breed, gave the "Alaskans" the manner of howling at the moon. Therefore, leaving the pet to spend the night in the aviary on a moonlit night, do not be surprised by the drawn-out howl.
  2. Cat claws. Another one interesting feature representatives of the breed - the device paws. When you press the pad, the claws of the Malamute jump forward, like in cats. Which, by the way, they can't stand.
  3. Bear step. The limbs of the dog resemble snowshoes. The structure of the paws is somewhat similar to the bear's: wide and massive - they do not allow the dog to fall into the snow, evenly distribute the weight of the animal over the crust.
  4. The makings of a movie star. Dogs of the Alaskan Malamute breed have become real Hollywood stars. This happened after the release of the film "White Captivity" with Paul Walker in the title role. The picture tells about the survival of four-legged pets in Antarctica after they were abandoned by people at a snowy research base by the will of fate.

"Alaskans" are moles in wolf's clothing: they love to dig, do what they love in any situation. Even in a city apartment.


At the moment, two lines of Alaskan Malamutes are distinguished, which, albeit insignificantly, still differ from each other. First of all, in size. But there are other differences, which the table will tell about.

Table - Characteristic differences between M'Lut and Kotzebue Malamutes

Breeders are still arguing about who is better - representatives of the M'Lut line or Kotzebue. But as long as none of the varieties has lost its original functions and working qualities, this dispute will be meaningless and endless.

Such a dog is not suitable not only for a novice dog breeder, but also for a lazy dog ​​breeder. In addition to the fact that the pet requires a lot of attention, he also needs careful and timely care.


Alaskans love to swim. Especially in open water during the hot season. During this period, water procedures are vital for them. But the planned bath procedures are the first difficulty that the owner will have to face.

  • Bathing. Malamutes are bathed every three months, however, for two-colored individuals, they use different detergents. One is for white spots, in order to "wash" the coat as efficiently as possible, the other is for dark ones, so that they do not lose their brilliance and color depth. Properly choose the shampoo you will help in a specialized store. If you do not take your four-legged friend to exhibitions and championships, this recommendation can be safely ignored.
  • Drying. After bath procedures, the pet must be dried with a hairdryer using a brush. Drying without a comb can cause the coat to roll into clumps. Wielding a hair dryer, a thick undercoat must be carefully combed. After the procedure, the redeemed dog will look like a show copy.
  • Molt. Malamutes shed, like other four-legged friends, twice a year - in the off-season. During this period, you will not have to part with a special brush that allows you to comb through the undercoat. The procedure is preferably done every other day. In normal times, it is enough to organize a grooming salon at home only once every one and a half to two weeks. If you neglect the rule, the floor will be strewn with fluff, and tangled lumps will appear on the pet's coat.
  • Ears, claws, teeth. The ears should be cleaned once a week using a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Nails should be clipped once a month if the dog does not grind them on the asphalt on its own. Teeth should be brushed once a week using a toothbrush and dog-flavored toothpaste such as bacon or beef.

In an apartment, dogs feel fine, but their innate digging instinct haunts their owners. It is impossible to wean an animal from this habit. If the dog does not have ground under his feet that can be plowed up in an intuitive search for food, he will begin to dig the floor. Or a sofa. Based on this, the best place for keeping an Alaskan Malamute is a cottage or a cottage outside the city.


Most dog breeders feed their pets special dog food. You too can follow this tactic. But preference should be given only to feed that has the following marks:

  • organic - means that natural meat was involved in the production of feed, and not its artificial substitutes;
  • holistic - means that the food in the package is suitable for animals that experience certain problems with the digestive tract;
  • human-grade - indicates that the products that participated in manufacturing process can even be eaten by humans.

"Alaskans" are terrible beggars. But feeding them from the table is strictly prohibited. If you want to give a treat, make sure your dog deserves it. For example, ask to execute one of the commands. And treat the dog only after the successful completion of the task. Feeding is part of the educational process. And this is the main thing that the owner needs to remember. The rest of the recommendations regarding the process are set out in the table.

Dog ageApproved ProductsTabooFeeding frequency, once a day
Up to 8 months- Pieces of boiled beef;
- pieces of raw veal;
- fish;
- rice;
- buckwheat;
- oatmeal;
- cottage cheese;
- boiled egg;
- fruits;
- vegetables
After 8 months- Meat (at the heart of the diet);
- cheese;
- dairy products;
- vegetables and fruits;
- cereals
- Spicy food;
- sausages;
- smoked meats;
- salty fish;
- food with chemical additives;
- confectionery

Organizing a balanced diet is quite difficult. Therefore, after consultation with a specialist, the dog can be offered vitamins that are appropriate for his age and state of health.


Starting training, analyze the pet's diet. If he eats food, then the treats for the correct execution of commands should be granular. If you start to praise the dog, offering her natural goodies, after a while she will arrange a real rebellion for you - she will refuse to eat dry food, which she ate with pleasure before.

  • Defeat stubbornness. Malamutes are terrible stubborn, so education cannot be shelved. It is necessary to start training a puppy as soon as he appears in the house. The owner will have to be patient. But the one who has enough of it will definitely overcome the innate quality of the dog, will be able to conquer it.
  • Show leadership."Alaskans" are not slave creatures. They are leading, and therefore, being in a pack, they endlessly fight for their leadership with their brethren. Having become a member of the family, the pet will try to become a leader here as well. It is important to show the animal in time who is in charge in the house - without the use of physical force, of course. One of two things: either he will fulfill your whims for ten years, or you will.
  • Set total control. Malamute is an intelligent dog. She is used to independently assess any situation and decide whether to listen to the owner or not. Therefore, none of her pranks can not be ignored. It is necessary to win the trust of the dog, to convince him that any command that sounds from the master's lips is subject to execution.

Malamutes need work because that's what they were made for. But it is extremely important that the owner also participates in the work process. No one forces you to carry a team, but for a long time playing ball with your pet or running with him through the forest is your sacred duty.

Diseases and treatment

Genetic diseases of "Alaskans", as a rule, can be calculated and diagnosed even before birth. Therefore, it is so important to purchase fluffy babies from professional breeders. Listed below are the two most common diseases that are inherited by Alaskans.

  1. "Snow Nose" Change of the traditional black pigmentation of the nose to pink. The condition must be controlled, the animal is forbidden to be under direct contact for a long time. sunbeams. Primary treatment consists in applying a special tattoo. Breeders have taken control of this genetic disease and do not cross individuals that are carriers of this gene.
  2. Chondrodysplasia. The disease is a violation of the cartilage development algorithm. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the dog will not be able to run fast, or even walk. The symptoms of the disease are progressive. First, the pet begins to get tired faster than usual, then refuses to play actively, and then completely lies in its place, wearily stretching its limbs forward.

When purchasing a one and a half month old puppy, make sure that he has been given a primary vaccination, relieved of worms. Deworming always precedes vaccination.

TOP nickname

The names of dogs from the novel "White Fang" by Jack London immediately pop up in my memory: Bill, Jock, Smoke, Chun. But it is not necessary to call the dog a foreign name: for males and females, the Slavic ones that are familiar to our ears are also suitable. And any complex name in the family circle can acquire a diminutive variation. If you are at a loss as to how to name a pet, use the table. It offers ten of the most popular nicknames of this breed.

Table - Suitable nicknames for "Alaskans"

Photo review

"Alaskans" - reference northern beauties. Their gait is confident, the body is strong, and the muzzle almost always radiates a characteristic dog smile. Photos of puppies and dogs of this breed make you fall in love with them at first sight. By the way, "mels" (namely, that's what the Americans call Malamutes) are regular participants in animal therapy. According to this program, dogs visit sick people in hospitals and clinics to cheer up and improve their well-being.

The Alaskan Malamute is an amazing animal. Like Huskies and Samoyeds, he is a Nordic sled dog and captivates with his beauty. Malamute combines the most different characteristics. This is a loyal and soft dog, but strong and hardy, independent, but vulnerable.

History of the breed

This breed has a long and rich history. Breeding began several centuries ago in Alaska. The ancestors of modern Malamutes lived with the people of the Malemute (or Malmute) tribe, from whom they took the name of their breed.

The tribe led a nomadic lifestyle, people were engaged in hunting and fishing. In conditions of severe cold, four-legged helpers were needed. The ancestors of the Alaskan Malamute had a thick coat and thick soles, which protected them from the most severe frosts.

It is believed that the Malemutes were a hardworking and good-natured tribe. They treated their dogs with due respect, took care of them and perceived them as true friends and helpers. Dogs helped them to transport goods in teams, guarded them. Since the animals were not subjected to cruel treatment from the owners, their character was soft and docile.

In the process of settling the Arctic by white settlers from America, there was an active crossbreeding of dog breeds in order to breed more hardy and stronger individuals. So purebred Malamutes became less and less.

The period of the late XIX - early XX centuries. referred to in history as the "Gold Rush". After the discovery of deposits of the precious metal on the border with Alaska, strong dogs were needed to transport the mined gold. Alaskan Malamutes were the best fit for this purpose - they did not know fatigue and could transport heavy teams around the clock.

Gold miners continued to crossbreed dogs with other breeds, they wanted to achieve even higher levels of endurance. Greed led to the fact that the pure breed almost disappeared completely.

As soon as people scraped all the gold out of the mines, the Malamutes were given attention from a sporting point of view. They began to be used in luge races. To this end, they again began to breed a pure breed, and the number of purebred individuals increased several times by the 30s of the 20th century. The breed has been officially recognized by American dog breeders.

In 1925, a diphtheria epidemic occurred in one of the settlements in Alaska. Due to terrible weather conditions, it was not possible to deliver medicines to patients by any means of transport. Then a team with Malamutes was sent. They endured this difficult journey and delivered medical supplies to the infected settlement in the shortest possible time. This story made the Malamutes famous, and a traditional annual dog race is held in their honor in Alaska.

Unfortunately, during the Second World War, dogs again experienced the cruelty of people. Due to the fact that the owners threw the dogs to certain death without food, the number of purebred individuals again decreased to critical numbers.

Only by the end of the 20th century was it possible to restore the population and save the breed from extinction. Malamute has been recognized throughout the world, and in the United States began to be considered an honorary symbol.

Characteristics of the breed and types

As a result of long crossings, breeding and mixing, today there are two breeds of Malamutes: Kotzebue and M'Lut. The Kotzebue breed was the first to be registered. The last and final breed standard was set in 1999.

Characteristics of the M'Lut breed: it can be of a variety of colors - light gray, gray-black, sable, brown-white, etc. The size of the M'Lut dogs is more impressive than that of Kotzebue. M'Loot has a more independent and tough personality. Kotzebue has only a wolf color. The nature of this breed is more friendly and gentle.

The Malamute is a large, well-built dog with strong musculature. The height of the male reaches 63 cm, the height of the female is 59 cm. The weight reaches 38 kg. The dog has a broad skull, large muzzle, tightly compressed lips, widely spaced ears, obliquely set eyes, brown or black nose, strong chest, large snowshoe paws, straight back.

Ideal Ratio:

  • males: height - 63.5 cm, weight - 38 kg;
  • females: height - 58.5 cm, weight - 34 kg.

The main thing in evaluating a Malamute individual is its qualities as a sled dog, endurance and ability to carry loads. Any injury or weakness of the paws closes the way for the dog to the exhibitions.

Working qualities of the Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute combines strength, endurance, independence, loyalty and kindness. The dog does not show aggression towards humans. So the Malamute, whose character is distinguished by softness and openness to human love, is unsuitable for guard duty. Dog breeders urge not to force these animals to guard the house - there are other, more adapted breeds for this purpose.

The description of the breed says that Malamutes are the soul of the company. They like to be in the thick of things, to play with the owners. They do not like to be alone in the yard. This breed is very well suited for a large family with children - dogs actively play with kids and never harm them.

The dog must necessarily feel reciprocity from the owner. Otherwise, she may well hold a grudge and refuse to follow commands.

Malamute is characterized by some stubbornness, but high intelligence more than compensates for this shortcoming in training.

Features of training

Malamute puppy is a very active and mobile animal. It is highly not recommended to get a dog of this breed to an inexperienced person. She needs very sensitive and attentive education from a very young age.

As already noted, the Malamute is not suitable for tasks that require aggression (guarding). It is not necessary to forcibly develop anger in a dog - this is contrary to its nature. Do not leave your dog alone for long periods of time. She can withdraw and be very offended by the owner, after which she will refuse to serve him.

The breed has a dominating spirit. In a pack with other dogs, the Malamute will undoubtedly become a leader. In relations with the owner, it is important to immediately make it clear to the dog that the person is in charge. Then the animal will accept authority and will obey.

The Alaskan Malamute is a very intelligent and quick-witted dog. She is able to remember the commands from the first time. On the contrary, if you overdo it and stubbornly force the dog to do the same movement, he will get bored with it. Training is at risk. The use of physical punishment in the education of an individual of this breed is not permissible. The recommended reward for correctly executed commands is praise and an emotional expression of approval. Rewarding with food is less effective and not as helpful.

It is important to remember that historically the breed has been a working breed. Dogs need active movement, whether it's racing or outdoor play. Suitable Malamute for hunting. Good flair, fast legs, strong instincts will help to track down prey. In addition, even the deepest snow and severe frost will not be an obstacle for the dog.

Do not allow a puppy to sleep with the owner on the same bed. Subsequently, an adult dog will never give up this habit. Given her size, it would be impossible to share a bed with her.

Because of their activity, the Alaskan Malamute will not be thrilled about living in an apartment. He will be cramped and bored, besides, the interior of the apartment will certainly suffer from such a large animal. The best place for him is a plot near a private house with a warm booth.

Twice a year there is a molt, at this time the coat needs to be combed out. Malamute is a fairly clean dog, it does not need to be washed often. But combing and cutting nails should be done regularly. You need to brush your pet's teeth several times a week. After washing, the coat must be dried and combed. This procedure may take up to one hour.

For the owners planning the participation of the dog in exhibitions, there is a nuance regarding washing: experts recommend washing dark and light coats with different shampoos. White wool is more dirty - it needs to be rubbed off. Dark wool can lose color if washed too vigorously.

It is very important to give the Malamute exercise, otherwise the dog will get bored. Daily active walks of at least 1 hour are required. Starting at 6 weeks old, puppies should run about 800 m on a walk. Gradually increase the distance to 1.5 km.

Despite the friendliness, the Malamute cannot resist instincts. He can easily chase a small dog or cat. Dogs must be on a leash in public places.

Patience and endurance from the owner will require one of the habits of malamutes - they love to dig the ground. It is almost impossible to wean them from it. The area where this animal lives will certainly be repeatedly dug up.

Even the largest malamutes eat quite moderately. Puppies are fed three times a day, adult dogs can eat once a day. You can not feed them with your food from the table, a certain diet is required.

Health and susceptibility to disease

Malamutes live for about 12-15 years. Despite the fact that this dog is incredibly strong, hardy and healthy, there are a number of diseases to which it is prone:

  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • hemeralopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • demodicosis;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • inversion of the stomach;
  • dwarfism;
  • reduced pigmentation of the nose.

Aggression is a trait unusual for the Malamute. If puppies still actively show it, it is considered that they are unhealthy. These dogs are not recommended. Only highly qualified specialists will be able to keep them.

At the first suspicion of a dog's illness, you should contact your veterinarian. Self-treatment is beyond the power of non-professional dog owners.

Difference between Alaskan Malamute and Husky

The Malamute is often compared to the Siberian Husky, and the two breeds are even confused. The main difference between a husky is that it does not have such stamina. She will never be able to carry the same loads as a Malamute. However, it is worth paying tribute to the husky - it is faster and will come first in the race.

Other differences:

  1. The Malamute is larger than the Husky.
  2. It is noted that the muzzle of the Malamute always looks friendly, the look is soft. Huskies can have a fierce look, sly eyes.
  3. Husky fur is softer.
  4. Blue eyes for a Malamute are a deviation, threatening disqualification from competitions. Blue eyes are normal for huskies.

For many decades, the Alaskan Malamute has been a true friend and helper of man. This is a devoted and cheerful animal that will breathe new life to any family.

In contact with

The Alaskan Malamute is a fairly large and massive dog that is only suitable for experienced dog breeders. But it's not just the size the main problem lies in the difficult nature of this breed.

You need to educate them in strictness so that the animal clearly learns that you are the leader of the pack, to which it will unquestioningly obey, otherwise you will lose credibility and your pet will turn into a spoiled and uncontrollable animal. able to give his beloved owner all his tenderness and love.

The history of the origin of the breed

The ancestors of the Malamute breed were the indigenous inhabitants of the coast of Alaska, they were bred by malemutes - the local tribes that inhabited these wild and harsh lands. They were strong and courageous dogs. However, over the years, the breed began to degenerate when Alaska was rapidly settled by numerous colonists who came to Alaska during the "gold rush" and brought their dogs there. At first there were fears that uncontrolled mating would destroy the breed, but later the situation was brought under control. By the 20s of the last century, it was possible to restore the breed, and after 10 years it gained recognition due to its excellent service qualities.

This is interesting! Malamutes were used as sled dogs, heavy carriers, property guards, and also in dog fights, and this barbaric entertainment was widespread in those years. Over time, Malamutes lost the qualities of fighting and guard dogs and finally turned into sled dogs.

Description, appearance of the Malamute

This is quite the largest among the sled breeds. The weight of an adult male is up to 40 kilograms, height is 60-63 centimeters. Females are slightly smaller and weigh 35-38 kilograms with a height of 57-59 centimeters. The paws are powerful, very well developed, as is the chest. The ears are set wide apart, triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the tips.

Eyes slightly slanted Brown, contrary to popular belief, the blue color of the eyes of the Malamute is a serious drawback of the breed. The coat of Alaskan Malamutes is very hard, with a powerful undercoat, such a cover is due to the origin of the breed, which was formed in the harsh conditions of the North.

breed standards

The appearance of this animal suggests that this is a perfect breed, created for hard and long work in the cold and harsh conditions of the North. The head of the Alaskan Malamute is large, proportional to the body.

The muzzle is voluminous, according to the standards, an elongated shape or excessive pointedness is not allowed. The nose must be black, only brown animals are allowed. The tail is curled and carried higher than the back. The bite of the Alaskan Malamutes is of the scissors type, the teeth are sharp and powerful, the jaw is strong and well formed. The paws of this breed are very well developed, strong and muscular, like a bear's.

The nature of the Alaskan Malamute

Despite its formidable appearance, it is a very friendly and affectionate dog. If earlier they were often used as guards, now their protective qualities have been lost. However appearance such a dog can frighten the most daring villain. The Alaskan Malamute treats guests quite calmly, without showing strong aggression and anger.

This is interesting! It is worth noting that this breed is only suitable for experienced dog breeders. Her kind disposition is adjacent to a complex character. If handled incorrectly, the owner can lose all authority as the leader of the pack, because this is a purely pack dog that needs a strong leader. It is necessary to teach the Malamute to commands and obedience at a very early age.

Due to their coat, Malamutes can be kept all year round in outdoor conditions, these animals are not afraid of even severe frosts. But these dogs can hardly endure the heat and stuffiness, preferring to stay in the shade. Therefore, Malamutes can be prone to heatstroke in hot summer weather.


The average lifespan of an Alaskan Malamute is 13-15 years, which is not a longevity record. It depends on many factors: living conditions, nutrition and the presence of genetic diseases that can shorten life. If you have any doubts, you should contact a specialist. At proper care and feeding, Malamutes remain active until a very respectable age.

This breed needs a lot of exercise.. The Alaskan Malamute must spend a lot of time in the woods or in the park, a simple walk around the house is not suitable for this breed. If you keep this dog in a city apartment, then get ready for the fact that you have to walk with him for at least an hour or an hour and a half.

At the same time, he must be let off the leash, it is better to do this on a special platform where various slides, obstacles and other structures are equipped to create physical activity. With a lack of such loads, the dog will wither, become lazy, which will entail a number of serious diseases.

Care, hygiene

This is interesting! The Alaskan Malamute is a rather troublesome breed of dog to care for, it requires a certain amount of experience and discipline of the owner himself. The main difficulty lies in the care of wool. It needs to be combed out with a comb once a week. Once every two weeks, you need to use a slicker brush, this will help keep the undercoat in order. If this procedure is neglected, then this can result in the formation of tangles and it will be very difficult to get rid of them.

This should be given special importance during the molting period, at this time it is necessary to comb out the Malamute more often and more carefully. Eyes should be washed once a month with a special solution, ears should be cleaned as needed. You can bathe such dogs often, they love water procedures, but it should be borne in mind that not every shampoo is suitable for such fluffy beauties.

When buying, choose a product for thick wool, you can also purchase a special conditioner. You need to wash off the shampoo for a long time and carefully, otherwise it can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of your pet, this is certainly not a disaster, but it can still cause some trouble.

Diet - how to feed a Malamute

When feeding this breed, it is strictly forbidden to overeat. This is fraught with a number of problems. You should also consider that they are prone to stealing food, so do not leave something edible unattended.

The Alaskan Malamute is a powerful and strong dog that leads an active lifestyle, but this does not mean that they need a lot of food. Before reaching the age of 4 months, they are fed 4 times a day after - they are reduced to 2 times, food should be given in small portions, otherwise the Malamute may have intestinal volvulus.

As food, you can use natural food or ready-made food bought at pet stores, it is better if it is. As a natural food, it is recommended to give buckwheat brewed in meat broth. Sometimes you can give boiled fish without large bones. Don't Forget Vitamin Supplements. Proper nutrition- the key to the health and longevity of the dog.

Diseases, breed defects

Diseases in Alaskan Malamutes can be either genetic or acquired.

Important! Among the most common hereditary diseases of this breed are eye problems, namely day blindness or hemeralopia. The second disease is progressive retinal atrophy, which can lead to blindness.

In addition, this breed may have problems with the musculoskeletal system. The first sign of this is the dog's rapid fatigue, loss of appetite, general lethargy and apathy. In the future, this can lead to loss of motor functions. Most often, the disease is associated with the large size of the animal, and if it is overfed, the likelihood of such problems increases dramatically.

Given that these dogs may have a number of hereditary diseases, before buying a puppy, you should definitely ask about the availability of medical certificates and certificates.

If the pedigree is important to you and you are going to participate in exhibitions, then you should ask what awards his parents had, the price of the Malamute will also depend on this. You should also buy puppies only from trusted breeders, this will protect you from acquiring a sick animal.

You should not take the first puppy that you liked, watch his behavior, carefully examine the nose and eyes, this will save you from problems in the future.

Where to buy, what to look for

The price of a dog breed Alaskan Malamute

The average price for puppies of this breed ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. If you want to buy a show class puppy, then you will have to shell out up to 70,000. With dogs of this level, you will be able to take part in the most prestigious exhibitions.

Wolf appearance is characteristic of many northern dogs, the Alaskan Malamute is no exception. A large dog with a memorable appearance, with inexhaustible energy and a sea of ​​​​charm. See photos of the Alaskan Malamute.


The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest native sled dogs. The creator of the breed is the Malemute Eskimo tribe. Their pets were powerful, hardy, with a rich coat. Dogs were indispensable helpers for their owners.

The start of the Gold Rush increased the demand for Malamutes, as the only way to get to their destination was by a team of strong and hardy dogs. But such popularity had a negative impact on the quality of the breed. Gold diggers began randomly crossing Malamutes with other dogs, hoping to get perfect dog. As a result, purebred individuals remained a few. The breed was saved from complete extinction by the craze of Americans for dog sledding. Becoming a champion was only possible for a fast, tireless Malamute.

By 1926, the population of sled dogs had increased significantly and purposeful breeding of the breed began. 1935 brought the Malamute worldwide recognition and approval of standards.

During the Second World War, most of the dogs died, only 3 dozen individuals remained. It was possible to revive the breed only by 960.

In 2010, the Malamute became the official symbol of Alaska.


The Alaskan Malamute is a powerful, well-proportioned dog with a well-proportioned build. There are two types of breed:

  • M Loot - a variety of colors is acceptable, larger, faster and more efficient.
  • Kotzebue - only wolf color is allowed

Males are much larger and more powerful than females, their height is 60-64 cm. The allowable weight is up to 40 kg.

The head is large, heavy, but looks corresponding to the torso. The muzzle is voluminous, powerful and rounded. Lips are dry and thin. The ears are medium-sized, triangular, the tips are rounded.

Jaws are strong. Teeth are large and white. Bite scissors. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanting, brown. The nose is exceptionally black. Brown, only in red individuals.

The body is almost square, muscular. The back is wide without arching. The neck is embossed, giving the Malamute to become. The tail is twisted in one turn. The coat is rather long, hard, thick with a silky undercoat.

The most significant disadvantage is the light color of the eyes.

Alaskan Malamute and baby.


The character of the Malamute combines incompatible qualities. Kindness to people and desire for leadership. If you do not indicate to the pet its place in the “pack”, the dog will establish its own rules.

With the right upbringing, a good-natured, affectionate pet. Loves human society, and quite tolerant of children's pranks.

It does not tolerate loneliness well and, with a long absence of a loved one, can get sick from longing. The Alaskan Malamute is an intelligent dog that grasps everything on the fly. But often, because of his stubbornness, he refuses to follow commands. She may get bored with the monotony of training, then she will not be able to convince the dog.

The Alaskan Malamute is demanding for long, active walking. Daily jogging with a load will save the owner from home destruction and gnawed things. The best pastime for a pet will be running in a harness. By enrolling in a dog racing club, the owner can acquire a new hobby and get closer to his pet.

Photo of Alaskan Malamute puppies

See also photos of Alaskan Malamute puppies.

Alaskan Malamute puppies play.

Each breed of dog was bred for human needs. First, guards and hunting assistants were needed, then helpers for the shepherds. Then companions were needed. But the inhabitants of the northern regions, in addition to the listed dogs, needed animals that could help with long trips through snowy areas. This is how sled dogs appeared. We will now tell about one of these breeds.

Performance evaluation and information

The official recognition of this breed happened relatively recently, but its popularity among connoisseurs has been and remains high.

  1. Height: 63.5 cm (males), 58.5 cm (females).
  2. Weight: 38 kg (males), 34 kg (females).
  3. Litter: 5-6 puppies.
  4. : 12-15 years old.
  5. Recognized by: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
  6. Country of origin: America (Alaska).
  7. IFF classification: group 5 (spitz and primitive type breeds), series 1 (northern sled dogs).
  8. KS Group: Working.
  9. AKS Group: Working.
  10. Year of recognition: 1963.

Video: a story about the dog breed Alaskan Malamute Malamute characteristics:

  • adaptability to a new family at an average level;
  • really needs constant physical activity;
  • social needs are high;
  • rather friendly towards strangers and children;
  • actively controls its territory;
  • too observant and curious;
  • has increased activity;
  • does not take root well in the apartment;
  • molting is very strong, which is why grooming procedures are quite laborious;
  • quick-witted, but very stubborn, because of this, problems with training may arise.

Did you know? Alaskan Malamutes do not bark. Instead, they make grumbling sounds.

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest dog breeds. And this is one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs. brought out this breed Eskimo tribe Malemute, from which its name comes.

The tribe lived on the banks of the Kotzebue Channel in western Alaska and used these dogs to move teams and boats.

During the Alaska Gold Rush era of the 1910s and 1920s, Malamutes were in great demand. They showed good traction abilities and gold miners sought to cross them with other breeds to create an even more industrious and hardy dog. This led to the fact that in 1909-1918 there was a decline in the breed.

Important! By convention, every registered Malamute must be descended from a purebred Kotzebue.

In 1926, professionals began to breed the breed, seeking to restore its purity. And in 1935, Malamutes were recognized by the American Kennel Club. So there was a standard and a breed club.

It has two types: "Kotzebu" (small size dogs with a beautiful muzzle and wolf color) and "M" Loot (big dogs with a simple muzzle and a variety of colors).
The period of World War II and expeditions to the Arctic was terrible for Malamutes. People often killed exhausted four-legged helpers or left them to die of hunger. Because of this, by 1947, the number of registered dogs of the breed was reduced to 30 individuals.

But the breed was able to recover, and many American dog breeders became interested in it. Already in the 1950s and 1960s, Malamutes appeared on European soil. Today, these dogs are among the most popular breeds in the United States.

The appearance of a dog may seem intimidating. This is a fairly large, stocky dog. His head is wide, his ears are wedge-shaped, set straight. During the movement, the head is always held high. The neck is massive, with thick dense hair.

The back is straight and slightly sloping, the tail is lowered or raised and twisted into an incomplete bagel. The limbs are strong and powerful.

The coat is dense, with a well-developed undercoat. The hair is coarse, mostly of medium length, but may vary in length depending on the place of growth. So, on the neck-shoulder area, tail and paws, it is long, shorter on the sides.
Breed standards:

Important! Blue eyes, aggression, strong fearfulness are considered disqualifying. Any deviations from the standards are attributed to shortcomings.

Malamute dogs - exclusively. They do not know how to protect or hunt. Therefore, their disposition is friendly towards both other animals and people. They can only become aggressive towards animals that live with them in the same house and decide to become dominant. They will never show aggression towards a stranger who enters the house.

Working in a harness over many generations has developed in Malamutes the instinct to support their relatives in difficult times. Therefore, they will always support their fellow tribesmen, but only if they do not become conceited and try to become leaders.
It is always important for representatives of this breed to be in the center of attention and in society. Very active and playful. They get along well with children and can be them instead of a nanny.

Smart, but very stubborn. This quality often becomes an obstacle in learning.

Due to the fact that Malamutes are very stubborn, they do not like to repeat the same actions, especially if they are forced to do so. Often, if the owner requires his dog to bring some thing, he may be offended by the owner, perceiving such behavior as disrespect for him, and will remember this for a long time.

So it will be quite difficult for inexperienced dog breeders to raise a dog. Any oversight of the owner in education can negatively affect the behavior of the dog.

Malamutes are very active animals and need constant movement and exercise. If you do not have the opportunity to exhaust the dog for walks every day for several hours, then you should not start this breed.
The owner of such a dog must have steadfastness, firmness in his instructions. The dog must feel the leader in him.

Malamute is not suitable for those who live in an apartment. In a confined space, they quickly become bored. They need freedom of movement.

Did you know? In 2010, the Malamute was declared the official state animal of Alaska.

It is necessary to start training Malamutes from the very beginning. early age, because they remember everything very quickly and can easily acquire bad habits.

It should be remembered that the animal is very stubborn. After several repetitions of one exercise, they may refuse to perform the next action. And then you need to show a little perseverance, but not go too far, otherwise the dog may stop obeying you. An active, playful and inquisitive Malamute will learn commands better in a playful way.
A high level of intelligence allows a four-legged friend to independently make decisions in a given situation after assessing what is happening. Therefore, always remember that you are the leader of the pack, and do not forget to show this to your pet.

Otherwise, he will take over this role. Control of his actions must be constant.

Perhaps the main key to successful Malamute training is work. A sled dog needs physical activity like air. The owner must also be involved in this.

When the animal feels that he is helping the owner, he will respect him and obey him. Spilling out excess energy, the dog will be in a great mood.

If you are convinced that the Malamute will suit your temperament, contact special kennels to select a puppy.

When choosing a pet, first evaluate its appearance. The kid should be active, playful, with a good appetite. His coat should shine, and his ears and eyes should be clean. In general, the puppy should look healthy.
Next, find out if everything has been done to him, if the worms have been persecuted.

Ask if there is a document confirming the absence of stomach problems. This breed is characterized by torsion of the stomach. You can ask the puppy's pedigree and look at his parents (appearance, temperament, awards).

The cost of Malamute puppies ranges from 170-200 dollars for animals without a pedigree and from 500 dollars and more for elite pets. In the range of 250-500 dollars there are puppies with pedigrees.

Alaskan dog loves to take part in all family affairs. He needs to always be in society and have free access to the street. Therefore, it is best to keep it in a private house that is equipped with a "dog door".

Around the house there should be a reliable fence and an area where the dog can freely frolic and dig the ground to its fullest. He inherited this habit from his ancestors - in the wild they obtained their livelihood in this way.

Therefore, do not try to wean your pet from digging, but rather provide him with an appropriate place. You can build a large sandbox and teach to dig in it.

Despite such a hobby, the dog always remains clean and it is not difficult to care for him.


The thick coat of the northern dog must be combed regularly (several times in seven days). Also keep in mind that Malamutes shed a lot. This happens in spring and autumn. At this time, they need to be combed much more often, since the hair can fall out in clumps.

There are no data on the allergenicity of the "fur coat" of the dog.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Regularly, as they grow. Eyes are rubbed at intervals of 5-7 days. three times a week, and ears - once a month.

Malamutes themselves perfectly monitor the cleanliness of their fur coats. They do not emit a "dog" smell, so bathing them is practically not necessary.
Even in the heat, they can easily do without water procedures. In the presence of serious contamination of the wool, you can use dry shampoo, about once every two months.

Walks should be daily and long. Try to load your four-legged friend as much as possible. Run with him, teach him to carry your luggage, shopping bags. IN winter time it can be harnessed to children's sleds.
The main thing is not to give him full will at this moment, otherwise he cannot be stopped.


Alaskan dogs eat less than their relatives of the same size. But they still love to eat. This quality can be used in training, rewarding your pet with a treat. Don't let your dog eat too much or it will cause volvulus.

Important! Malamutes love to eat so much that they are not ashamed to steal something from the table. That's whydon't leave it out nothing to eat.

A dog's diet should include quality and nutritious food. From the age of one month, she can be taught to eat raw beef, milk porridge (preferably with goat's milk), and a boiled egg. Give meat in small pieces, not minced meat.

From the age of two months, raw vegetables (carrots, cucumber) and boiled vegetables (zucchini), cereals and fruits are introduced into the menu. Vitamins and minerals are added.

Gradually introduced sea ​​fish, boiled or frozen, boneless.

The most common diseases of the breed:

  1. Atopic dermatitis.
  2. Hypothyroidism.
  3. Polyneuropathy.
  4. Adenocarcinoma of the anus.
  5. Ulceration of the cornea.
  6. Cataract.
  7. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  8. Glaucoma.
  9. Hemeralopia (day blindness).

When getting a dog, remember that you are not only a master for her, but also a companion. Malamutes are in dire need of attention, without which their kind and cheerful disposition can change dramatically. But this will not happen if you become a real friend to the dog.
