Candles made of natural beeswax, which originally had a purely utilitarian purpose and were used as the simplest sources of lighting, in addition to the main function, began to perform other tasks (decorative, emotional, ritual), which made them indispensable in everyday life. Let's try to figure out how you can make wax candles with your own hands at home, what are their advantages and differences from paraffin candles.

Golden yellow candles, dyed in natural tones with particles of honey and pollen contained in the wax, made from a natural product without the use of any chemical dyes, artificial flavors, foreign additives and impurities, are used in a variety of situations and for different purposes.


When it comes to wax candles, the first thing that comes to mind is candles, which are most often used in religious rituals, both in church and at home. They are made only from natural raw materials from the apiary without any additives.


Their name speaks for itself. They are simple in form (usually elongated in the form of a cylinder), functional, well illuminate the room. They are used most often when there is no electricity.


This is the most common type of wax candles. They are used at home as a light source to create a romantic mood and a special atmosphere, as well as interesting decoration interior. These candles are varied in shape, dyes and flavors can be used in their manufacture.

Candles for traditional ceremonies, rituals and rituals

Dinner candles, made using paints and fragrances, create the effect of light subdued lighting at dinner and are used as an additional decorative element.

Due to their compactness and lightness, tea candles were originally intended for heating and maintaining the required temperature in a special teapot for holiday table. Now they are adored by romantic and dreamy natures, who often use them to create coziness and a special atmosphere indoors, at the table and even on the water (they are very light and hold well on the surface of the water).

What do these types of candles have in common? All of them can be made from a natural product - extracted in an apiary. Nothing else is able to replace their ability to fill the house with a delicate honey aroma. And the very process of pouring golden liquid beeswax into molds is akin to meditation, ending with the moment of placing a thin wick in the center of each candle.

Read also: How to use beeswax ear candles?

What are the benefits of beeswax candles?

What benefit, besides aesthetic pleasure, can wax candles give us?

Their subtle unobtrusive honey-floral aroma is provided by the particles of products produced by bees in the apiary that are part of the beeswax. Such natural aromatherapy calms and relaxes, creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Such candles burn very cleanly and longer than paraffin candles, without releasing any harmful substances into the surrounding space. And they do an excellent job with their functional task of lighting the room.

Wax candles help maintain and restore health, filling the house with an aroma that can affect microorganisms when burned, due to the fact that the wax contains propolis residues, resins and other useful substances that are in the beehive in the apiary. This feature allows the use of candles in folk medicine as a healing tool to stimulate the body, to improve mood.

Wax candles not only give us a soothing and peaceful atmosphere, but also make the air in our home cleaner, providing a healthier atmosphere. This is explained very simply. Burning, wax candles emit negative ions, which easily neutralize the positive charge contained in dust and polluting microparticles in the air.

By the way, it is this principle that is used in the operation of some air purifiers and water filters.

When burning wax candles, the content of dirty impurities in the air decreases, and it becomes cleaner. A favorable atmosphere is created in the room, which contributes to a more comfortable stay in it for people suffering from allergies and asthma.

There is evidence that burning a couple of wax candles in a room for a while made it easier for an allergic person to tolerate a component that causes a constant allergic reaction (for example, the presence of a cat), and to feel more comfortable for asthmatics.

In addition, the pleasant sweetish and light aroma of candles, consisting of 100% pure natural wax without fragrances, dyes and other additives, does not irritate at all.

Of course, high-quality beeswax candles are not cheap, but health care is a more weighty argument for many. When purchasing ready-made wax candles, you need to carefully study their composition. Sometimes, candles are given out for a pure product, which are only 50% made up of beeswax and contain not entirely safe paraffin.

Cons of paraffin candles

Conventional candles, which we use most often, are made from paraffin wax, which is a by-product of petroleum refining. In terms of its chemical qualities, it is a rather environmentally unfriendly and highly toxic product that can pollute the air we breathe in the house.

The technology of its extraction is as follows: paraffin is extracted in the process of oil refining from the lowest layer of an oil well. This black mass contains many toxins in its composition. Further, the raw material is bleached and treated with benzene and other preparations containing carcinogenic substances. Further processing in order to give the resulting waste an attractive presentation, aroma and color is also carried out chemicals.

Read also: How to melt natural beeswax at home?

As a result, we, unsuspecting, get a beautiful, completely innocent-looking candle that contains dangerous toxins. Some of them are released during its combustion and are carcinogenic.

What is the danger of toxic effects of paraffin candles?

Paraffin candles with frequent and prolonged use can cause certain health problems. tiny particles harmful substance easily and imperceptibly enter the lungs of a person, which can cause irritation respiratory tract and allergies.

As for the dyes and aromatics that are added to paraffin candles, they are also not always safe. During combustion, such a candle can release toxins that are formed when the molecular structure of oils changes when heated.

And these are not the only disadvantages of burning paraffin candles. When burned, they emit toxic fumes and microscopic soot particles, which eventually leave on ceilings, walls, furniture and interior items. dark spots, and also settle in the lungs of a person.

How can you protect yourself in this situation? Either without special need not to use paraffin candles, or try to learn how to make useful and safe candles on one's own.

We make candles from wax with our own hands

Candle making is a fun activity. For example, you can take a break from pressing matters for a while or make an original and useful gift for yourself or your loved ones with your own hands.

Of course, without mastering at least a minimum of small secrets and various wisdoms invented by savvy masters (and a lot of them have accumulated over the years), one cannot achieve a good result. But you can still try and you should. The process of mastering the art of making wax candles is simple and exciting. And, perhaps, for someone it can become a favorite pastime.

In order to guarantee a pure product with healing properties, for the manufacture of candles, only natural beeswax is required. It is best to purchase it from those who are directly involved in beekeeping. That is, from trusted beekeepers who can offer the right beeswax (this may depend both on the season and on the amount of pollen contained).

So, how to make beeswax candles at home? Let's consider several ways.

Wax skating

For the manufacture of this method, fragrant foundation is used. Wax sheets are slowly twisted and, under the influence of the heat of the hands, slowly form the intended shape of a candle of the desired thickness. Even a novice master can cope with such a task.

To make, you will need a wax sheet, twine (cotton or jute) for the wick (you can use a ready-made wick for candles), scissors and a candle-tablet for wetting the wick in molten paraffin for better burning.

We purchased candles from various churches and a honey shop and experimented to see which candles were actually wax.

Unfortunately, nowadays it is extremely difficult to find 100% good quality wax candles. All over the world preference is given to paraffin candles, they are cheap, but all the advantages of paraffin candles end there.

Paraffin is a derivative of oil, in addition to paraffin, the composition of the candle includes a large set of chemical wax substitutes, stearin and fragrances. When burning, such candles release toxic substances, and paraffin itself is a carcinogen when burned. Now think about what the candles that we love to light on birthday cakes are made of? And they do drip into the cake when burning.

Candles made from real raw beeswax are not only safe, but also healthy! Such candles include propolis, which gives a special smell to candles and when burned, evaporating, cleans and disinfects the air in the room and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

How can you tell wax candles from paraffin candles?

The experiment involved:

1. Control candle - a candle made by the owner of the Old Believer Church by hand from the raw bee wax of our bees in the Russian Taurus. (Read the production of our wax candles in the previous article)

2. Factory-made wax candle from refined wax, bought in a church on the square in 1905.

3. Half-wax candle from the church on the square in 1905 (The percentage of wax in the candles turned out to be low).

4. Candle “wax” from a honey shop, as it turned out in the experiment, paraffin with other wax substitutes and perfume.

5. Festive paraffin candle from the church on Goncharny Lane.

6. The Jerusalem candle, burnt with holy fire, bought in the same church, turned out to be 100% paraffin.

The experiment showed:

1) By smell:

1. Our raw wax candle has a strong natural wax scent that can be felt when the candle is held up to the nose.

2. The factory candle has a very slight wax smell, almost no smell, as it is made from purified wax, from which all impurities that give such a unique aroma to our candles have been removed.

3. The semi-wax candle is odorless.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop has no smell.

5. Paraffin candle is odorless.

6. Jerusalem paraffin is also odorless.

2) Touch:

1. Our candle is slightly rough, pleasant to the touch, waxy.

2. The factory wax candle is smoother but also natural to the touch.

3. Semi-wax is less pleasant to the touch, more like paraffin.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop is unpleasant to the touch, it also resembles paraffin more

5. and 6. Paraffin to the touch like soap, very unpleasant, greasy.

3) When cutting with a knife:

1. Our candle is easy to cut, like plasticine, it does not crumble on the cut

2. Factory candle behaves the same

3. Semi-wax is a little more difficult to cut, it is more solid.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop is cut normally.

5. Paraffin is cut in the same way as semi-wax. Apparently, in addition to paraffin, there are other wax substitutes in the composition, which make the candle closer in properties to wax.

6. Jerusalem candle behaves like 100% paraffin, crumbles when cut, there is no plasticity.

4. When burning:

1. Our candle burns evenly, does not flow (does not cry), melts when burning, forming a drop of wax inside the candle. During combustion, it periodically crackles. Burns slowly. Gives a very faint smell of wax. The candle is easily placed on a drop of wax on a glass surface.

2. The factory light is also on.

3. Semi-wax burns a little faster.

4. "Wax" from the honey shop burns very quickly. It was not possible to put it on the surface, the droplet instantly froze, indicating a paraffin origin, greasy to the touch.

5. Paraffin burns quickly, flows, but there is a drop during melting, which also indicates the presence of other impurities in it besides paraffin. Does not smell when burned. I also failed to light a candle.

6. Jerusalem behaves like pure paraffin, burns very quickly, as if evaporating in the air, without forming droplets. Does not smell when burned. Failed to light a candle.

5. If you hold glass over a candle flame:

1. Our candle does not give soot or gives a very slight subtle darkening of the glass.

2. Factory candle also.

3. Semi-wax smokes glass moderately

4. "Wax" from the honey shop heavily smokes the glass, it turns black

5. Paraffin strongly smokes the same as the previous candle

6. Jerusalem paraffin also gives a lot of soot on the glass.

6. When extinguishing a candle:

1. Our candle gives off a natural, waxy scent in places.

2. factory also

3. Semi-wax gives a slight unpleasant paraffin odor.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop gives a strong unpleasant paraffin smell

5. and 6. An even more unpleasant strong smell.

7. Plasticity of the candle:

1. Our candle is very plastic, bends easily, and does not break or crumble.

2. factory also

3. Semi wax also

4. “Wax” from a honey shop is quite plastic, but crumbles when broken

5. Paraffin plastic, indicates other impurities

6. Jerusalem immediately breaks and crumbles, there is no plasticity, indicates 100% paraffin.

You can now buy natural wax candles from raw wax in Yekaterinburg in our online store.

Candles are considered the most romantic means of lighting and can help create a special atmosphere during dinner, as well as a great addition to any interior. Nowadays they are made with the addition various materials ranging from paraffin to wax. But the most popular is still only this type.

Types of wax candles

These useful candles perform a number of functions, which makes them sometimes indispensable in everyday life. They burn much longer than others, so they are used much more often, respectively, they have several varieties. Let's take a closer look:

  • Household. Outwardly unremarkable and have the usual elongated shape, but very practical and help to illuminate the room when there is no electricity, and they do it perfectly.
  • Church. Most people are familiar with this species. They are made exclusively from natural material and do not contain any additives. Used in churches or homes for prayers, as well as for other church rituals.
  • Decorative. The most common type. Outwardly they have different shape and additives. Used to decorate a room, create the right atmosphere.
  • For tea ceremonies. They are quite difficult to meet, but some manufacturers use beeswax when creating them. They carry the function of heating tea in a special teapot.
  • Dining. Uses a narrow circle of people for additional decor, light lighting while eating. Usually they add a light flavoring and dyes.

The great value of such decorative elements lies in the material used in their manufacture. Instead of paraffin, which is made using special technologies of the chemical industry, natural bee products are used here, which can be obtained with your own hands on the territory of the beekeeping.

Also, wax is classified not only by the method of application, but also directly by its type:

  • Technical. It differs in that it is obtained from an alloy of natural wax and paraffin under technical conditions.
  • Pasechny. It is obtained in apiaries by melting down.
  • Industrial. From the name it can be understood that this species It is obtained precisely in specialized industries by processing.
  • Substandard. It is produced if the bees had any diseases. Propolis and various substances are added to it.
  • Bleached. It is characterized by the fact that various elements of foundation, which are not needed in cosmetology and medicines, are removed by exposure to chemical properties.
  • Raw. This wax is obtained from honeycombs that are processed in wax furnaces.

Wax is a fairly complex material. On the one hand, it gives us beauty, light and warmth when used to make decorative fixtures.

On the other hand, such material may carry some danger. When the wick burns inside the accessory we are considering, these bee products dissolve under the influence of high temperatures and can drain from the main body of the decorative fixture, threatening to burn you or leave unpleasant stains on furniture and clothes.

When dried, this beekeeping product is quite sticky. It will be quite difficult to remove such material from the same furniture or clothes later.

Of course, to avoid unpleasant stains, you can take some precautions in advance. For example, always use additional items such as candlesticks, as well as observe safety precautions when handling hot objects.

However, sometimes unpleasant consequences can no longer be avoided. And then you need to think about how to remove the wax from your favorite pieces of furniture or clothing in order to restore their former appearance.

Experienced housewives know very well how to solve this problem. For this you will need the most simple fixtures: for example, a knife, an iron and paper napkins.

Instead of paper napkins, in the most extreme case, you can use even the most ordinary toilet paper. Of course, it will be much easier to work with ordinary fabrics than with delicate ones, however, if desired, complex materials can also be saved.

First of all, it is worth waiting until the melted bee products cool down and harden on the fabric. Then you can proceed directly to the operation of the rehabilitation of your favorite thing.

If you have noticed the moment when bee products dripped on your favorite piece of furniture or clothing, then you can try to reduce the stain. To do this, you can wet bee products with ordinary paper napkins or toilet paper.

Of course, this must be done very carefully so as not to burn yourself and not get even more dirty. If the bee products have already frozen, then it can be separated from the fabric by scraping with a knife.

Of course, this operation must be carried out with the utmost care. Otherwise, careless handling of the knife can lead to injury or your favorite thing will be hopelessly damaged due to an annoying hole.

There are some interesting tricks that can be used in everyday practice when removing the bee products we are considering from our favorite things. For example, the fabric can simply be wrinkled, and then the bee products can fall off by themselves.

In addition, it will be possible to remove such stains with the help of an ironing board, iron and paper napkins. Iron the stain several times with an iron, applying napkins to it.

Under the influence of elevated temperatures, the products of the industry we are considering Agriculture can go back to the liquid state. At the same time, in this form, it can immediately be absorbed into napkins and there will no longer be a trace of the former stain on your favorite clothes.

This procedure can take you 15 to 20 minutes. You may need to change the wipes several times during this period, depending on the size of your stain.

In this case, it is worth using the smallest mode of operation of the iron. Also, do not steam your things.

If you ruined a thing made of delicate materials, then you will need to use a slightly different method to remove the wax stain. For example, the skin can simply be frozen: the resulting stain can be scraped off even with a fingernail, and greasy traces can be removed with a damp cloth.

Steam cleaning can be used to clean suede. You can also try holding such a thing under the included hair dryer.

In addition, when cleaning suede, you may need special brushes. If you want to clean velvet, then in this case the stain will need to be treated with alcohol or turpentine.

The cleaning process will take you literally 20 minutes. Do not forget to apply ordinary soap to the spot after the procedure is completed.

For wool or silk, you can use dishwashing detergent. Only such processing is best done after preliminary freezing of the spoiled item.

The cleansing procedure can take 4 to 6 hours. It is this period of time that it will take for the dishwashing detergent to be able to dissolve the wax stain.

Then the thing will need to be washed. However, if you use washing machine, do not forget to set the appropriate mode on it.

To process the most capricious materials, you can use a solution ammonia on the water. For a liter of water, only half a teaspoon of this substance will be enough.

You can also use processing hot water. Hold the stained fabric horizontally, not vertically, to prevent the bee products from staining other areas of the fabric.

You can also try to carry out an ordinary wash using washing powder. In some cases, this processing will be enough.

How to remove the bee products we are considering from candles from the tablecloth? It all depends on the material from which this accessory is made.

Most likely, in such cases we are talking about rather delicate fabrics. Accordingly, the processing of such products requires quite sparing.

By the way, we use the accessories we are considering not only to decorate the premises, but also to generate heat. If you use such an accessory on the street, then you have every chance of ruining your jacket or jeans with an accidental stain.

What to do in such cases? Of course, again, it all depends on the material from which your clothes are made.

If we are talking about bolognese fabric, then it can be preliminarily held in the cold so that beekeeping products can crack. You can also treat the stain with dishwashing detergent, wipe it, rinse it, and also wipe it dry with a cloth.

Exactly the same advice is given by experienced users who have encountered similar pollution on jeans. Exposure to low temperatures and treatment with a detergent can also help you in the same way.

Also, you can accidentally stain not only clothing items, but also interior items. In this regard, many are interested in the question of how to remove such a stain from the carpet.

As a rule, the design of the carpet consists of individual fibers, which often have a considerable length. Thus, the stain removal process can be significantly more complicated compared to other material options.

To remove the stain, you need to wait for some time so that the melted bee products can harden and harden until a crust forms. Then excess wax can be removed by removing this crust with any, even mild, object.

For example, in these cases, it will be useful for you to use the most ordinary teaspoon. In this case, the crust can break up into many small pieces that can be removed with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Then it will be possible to process your carpet using various techniques that we have already studied using other fabrics as an example. For example, here you may need both ironing and wetting with napkins, and treatment with an alcohol solution.

In the case of particularly delicate fabrics, a soap solution can be used instead of alcohol. You can also use a special dishwashing detergent for these purposes.

Also, at the very last stage, you need to let the carpet dry. However, for these purposes, you should not use special tools: it is better to just wait a while until the carpet can dry for natural reasons.

If you need to clean furniture, then it also depends on the material used. We have already said a few words about the skin.

In the case of wood, you can also use the main methods known to us: for example, ironing and paper napkins. You can also wipe the area you need with a fleecy cloth and treat with a special polishing cream.

For wood processing, heating with an ordinary hair dryer can also be used. You can also try to cool the surface of the furniture with small ice cubes.

If desired, you can remove unpleasant stains from the most different surfaces: metal, stone and glass. In this case, the last case will be the simplest for solving this problem.

In addition, you can get rid of unpleasant stains on any clothes: for example, on trousers or a down jacket. The main thing at the same time is to take into account the existing recommendations for the care of a particular type of fabric.

Benefits of beeswax candles

Many prefer these candles because they have a number of advantages over others. Their burning time is much longer than others, and they also have a characteristic pleasant smell that cannot be confused with any other. With such a basic task as lighting, they cope one hundred percent.

The benefits and superiority of these wonderful candles are distinguished not only by their customers, but also by scientists. It has long been proven that thanks to them a favorable atmosphere is created in the house.

Only they emit propolis, various resins and other substances that are in the hive when burned, which helps a person maintain or restore health, because only this smell kills many harmful microbes.

But paraffin, which is much cheaper, can cause irreversible health consequences, ranging from allergies to much more serious respiratory diseases.

In folk medicine, candles are often used as a healing substance. Most often they are used to remove toxins from the body and activate the work of all internal organs. It is for this that they are loved and loved at all times by aromatherapists, who are gaining more and more popularity in our time.

Everyone knows beneficial features various kinds bee products. The bee products we are considering, as well as the more popular honey among the people, are often used in various recipes. traditional medicine.

For example, special medical ear candles are a popular product in this category. This medicine is used to combat such an unpleasant problem as ear plugs.

It is interesting that in folk medicine it is proposed not only to keep them in the ear, but to set them on fire directly. Of course, such a procedure should be carried out with the utmost care so as not to scorch the face or burn the hair.

In addition to ear plugs, various colds are an indication for the use of such a folk medicine. With their help, you can eliminate the inflammatory processes affecting the ear cavity.

Of course, before conducting direct treatment, it is necessary to undergo a detailed consultation with an otolaryngologist. He may be able to suggest other treatments that are more effective for your problem.

In addition, for the use of such folk remedies there are also contraindications. For example, everyone is well aware that the components contained in the composition of bee products can cause allergic reactions.

To avoid the risk of developing contraindications, you need to be checked by an allergist. In addition, some serious diagnoses may be a contraindication for the use of such a medicine, so it is imperative to visit a specialist before treatment.

If we talk about the indications for the use of the bee products we are considering, then various headaches may also apply to them. In addition, with its help you can try to fight against tinnitus.

In addition, with the help of bee products, you can normalize the work of your nervous system. For example, to conduct therapy against stress, insomnia and various nervous disorders.

If you are faced with purulent processes in the ear, then it is better not to resort to treatment with the help of such traditional medicine preparations. It is better to immediately contact a specialist to take urgent measures to correct your current condition.

The composition of the traditional medicine preparations we are considering, in addition to wax, may include other types of beekeeping products: for example, healing propolis. In addition, often we are talking about the so-called phytocandles: in this case, they include, among other things, various medicinal herbs.

Herbs may be present in such medicinal preparations either as a ground powder or as essential oils. In any case, if you have no contraindications, such components will have a beneficial effect on your health.

The beneficial effect arises due to several factors at once. First of all, general warming will be useful for such patients.

In addition, when using such a drug, the ear is affected by various air vibrations. During use natural medicine there is a decrease in the pressure exerted on the eardrum, as a result of which the patient's well-being improves.

If we are talking about the treatment of cerumen plugs, then due to the effect of heat, the wax in the ear will soften. And due to changes in pressure, it will be pushed out of the ear cavity.

Adherents of traditional medicine speak quite positively about the possibilities of using the natural medicine we are considering for the treatment of ears. However, in case of serious diseases, all your actions must be agreed with the doctor without fail.

Making candles at home

Since absolutely all natural beeswax candles have a fairly high price, manufacturers go to tricks and mix it with other, cheaper materials, which gives it a little more time to burn, but deprives absolutely all useful, and sometimes even healing properties.

On average, their cost ranges from two hundred to five thousand rubles. To save money and be sure that the manufacturer did not deceive you, you can do it yourself at home. This is not to say that this is an easy task, but it is very exciting, and the result will justify your time spent.

Preparation method:

To get started you will need workplace, because a lot will depend on the place where the candle is made. The main selection criteria are: constant temperature, absence of drafts. Basically, a kitchen room is used for these purposes, where cooking is avoided during this procedure.

When the place is chosen, you will need to deal directly with the preparation of your workspace with all the necessary devices. Of these, you will need a flat and large table (it is advisable to cover the workplace, because it will definitely not be possible to leave it clean!), cutting board and the surface where you will put the already melted consistency.

The most popular melting medium is a water bath, but you can replace it with, for example, a rice cooker. There is, of course, a special wax melter, but if you are not going to deal with large deliveries of your own candles, then you can refuse to buy it, since this is a rather expensive pleasure.

It will take a lot of water! If there is no running water nearby, then you should take care of this in advance.

You should purchase a package of napkins, preferably two, because they will become your indispensable assistant in this matter.

Purchase a bamboo stick that will control the entire melting process.

To make them, you will need to choose a special mold. They are made of various materials: aluminum, polycarbonate, polyurethane and silicone. You can read more about creating molds.

Advice: If this is your first time doing this exciting activity, or if you just want to save time, then use a silicone mold. She endures very high temperature, and you can avoid sticking, which will greatly simplify the work.

Also stock up on ordinary rubber bands for money and wire. They will be needed to fasten the mold, and the wire will be an excellent wick holder.

Your crafting luggage should also include a regular hammer, screwdriver, table knife, scissors, and a gas lighter.

Directly for Supplies you will need: beeswax, which can be purchased at any beekeeping store. The required volume can be easily calculated - it will be equal to the volume of water that fits into your form. Also a wick, nylon cloth or paper paint funnel.

So! Take the wire and cut 15 cm, then bend it in half. Place a wick in the middle and twist the wire.

Take the mold and thread the wick into it so that one end is in the middle. Then secure the wick by twisting the wire and adjusting the tension.

The mold you have chosen should be wrapped with two or three rubber bands to avoid leakage.

Then you should grind the foundation with the help of pre-prepared devices, trying to make its pieces as small as possible.

After grinding, pour it into a glass teapot and place it in a water bath, add it as it melts and maintain the required volume. We check the melting process with a bamboo stick, but this should be done carefully, without stirring.

When we reach the desired result in melting, the wax should be filtered. This can be done very simply. Need to cut off the top plastic bottle and fasten the nylon fabric on top. After preparing the filter medium, pass the contents in the glass teapot through this filter. This should be done quickly so that it does not have time to freeze.

Now we can carefully pour it into molds, pour to the brim. After 15 minutes, top up the voids. After that, it remains to wait about five hours, when it completely hardens.

When everything is frozen, we can extract it from the forms using a cut on the form. With a lighter, it will be necessary to correct the edges, and proceed with the processing of the wick. It should be cut off and left about one centimeter, which is moistened in melted honeycomb.

Ready! Now, if you wish, you can decorate it with gold or leave it as it is.

With the help of this instruction, you can get a natural and useful candle that will take the shape you need and decorate your interior.

Precautionary measures

You can talk about how useful and practical these candles are for a long time, but you should take the necessary precautions to prevent the most unpleasant consequences that will turn a pleasant aroma procedure or dinner into the most unpleasant memories of your life.

The following precautions must be observed:

  • do not leave them lit near children;
  • do not leave unattended;
  • do not place them near curtains and objects,
    which are highly flammable.

It is also necessary to observe safety precautions in their manufacture, although this is a fairly safe occupation. The main danger is molten th wax, or rather, the process of its melting.

Do not allow temperatures above 200 degrees, because it is at it that it begins to ignite.

If it was not possible to avoid a fire, then extinguishing with water is strictly prohibited. Extinguish with a fire extinguisher or sand.

Place burning candles on a strong and safe surface, avoid drafts, and put out the wick when you leave your house or room, and you will be able to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere instead of fighting a fire.

We are fully convinced that beeswax candles play a number of useful functions. In order to save money and for an interesting pastime, you can safely start making them at home. It might even become your new hobby.

Interestingly, the decorative devices we are considering serve as inspiration for creativity. For example, there is a song with the line "The candle burns, the wax flows down."

The performer of this composition is Sergey Pavlov. If you wish, you can find this song or a video for it on the Internet.

You can either listen to it online, or download it to your computer or mobile device, if you wish. The video for the song "The candle is burning, the wax is flowing" by Sergei Pavlov is available on such a popular resource as YouTube.

Such a soulful song can be performed with pleasure in karaoke. To do this, it will be enough for you to find its backing track.

Such a song will definitely appeal to those listeners who can say the following about themselves: "I'm 60 or 50 years old." On the playcast site you can find congratulatory collages for such anniversaries, where the song, the author of which is S Pavlov, is used as the musical arrangement.

If you wish, you can find videos on the Internet with the participation of Domogarov, in which the song we are considering by S. Pavlov is used as musical accompaniment. If you wish, you can watch these stories online or download them to your computer.

You may want to sing this song yourself. Then, in order to learn this simple melody on the guitar, you will need to find the appropriate chords, which, among other things, will be available to you on the Internet.

In addition, Vladimir Kachan's romance "Yellow candle wax is melting" is quite popular among the people. On the Internet you can find the lyrics and chords of this song, listen to it online or download it to your computer, and also watch videos with this composition.

If you want to make the decorative elements we are considering on your own, which will certainly decorate your interior, we advise you to visit the corresponding master class. However, today modern technologies allow to study not only in specially designated institutions, but also at home.

On the Internet you can find many useful information concerning the main ways to create such accessories. It remains only to choose the most suitable option for you and proceed to its direct implementation.

Where can I get candle wax? Of course, collect on the territory of your bee farm.

If you do not have such an opportunity, you can always purchase the materials you need in a specialized store. What is wax made from?

Such a substance is produced by industrious bees. For them it is construction material, which is commonly used to rebuild and seal honeycombs.

For the manufacture of such accessories, in addition to the raw materials themselves, you may also need special molds for casting. They can also be purchased at a specialized store or made independently from improvised materials.

Also, you should think about the wick. To do this, you can use an ordinary cotton thread or floss.

You will also need a special container for the melting procedure of our base material. For these purposes, it is best to use water bath technology.

In addition, you may need accessories such as wooden sticks. These elements will be necessary in order to attach the wick to the main body of the candle.

When using bee products to create decorative accessories, you need to know some information about the features of this material. For example, information about its melting point.

Interestingly, bee products can have a different composition. Depending on the specific variety, the melting point can vary from 40 to 90 degrees Celsius.

If you are going to create accessories for personal use, then you are unlikely to need them in large quantities. However, if you want to set up your production for sale, then you will need a huge amount of raw materials.

In such cases, you may be interested in the opportunity to purchase the volume of goods you need from those people who are engaged in the wholesale sale of the beekeeping products we are considering. If you yourself collect this product on the territory of your own bee farm, then you can become such a seller yourself.

One of the potential consumers of such goods are various churches. After all, church services require appropriate accessories.

Church decorative elements are lit in front of the icons. What are these accessories made of?

Most often we are talking about natural bee products. At the same time, it is important enough that there are no dyes and flavors in such accessories.

Churches often buy such decorative items in bulk. Such elements have a rich matte yellow color.

In churches, decorative accessories of the most different sizes. In small sets you can find 12 elements that can find suitable use even at home.

If we are talking about large temples, then in such cases they often buy large boxes. Such a package can contain 700 elements at once, and then it will weigh two kilograms.

In large enterprises, the accessories we are considering can be manufactured on special industrial machines. If we are talking about a small production, then ordinary manual casting with the help of special molds can be used here.

If church accessories have a strict classical form, then for use as decoration in the interior, the elements are made using figured forms. Sometimes in such cases they resort to the help of culinary molds, although, of course, it is better not to work with such raw materials and food products in the same containers.

In addition, as a last resort, you can safely use any improvised containers with original form corresponding to your ideas. For example, even the most ordinary soap dish can be suitable for such purposes.

Qualitatively made products should burn with an even light: as the people say, "a single tear." To do this, as a rule, the most ordinary cotton thread is used as a wick.

Interestingly, among the people, the accessories we are considering are often used to conduct such a magical ritual as fortune-telling. At the same time, they serve not only as a way to create an appropriate entourage, but also as a direct element that needs to be interpreted.

Here it is necessary to look at the behavior of the flame. For example, the combustion process can occur evenly and calmly, or it can be accompanied by uneven flames and splashes of molten material.

In the first case, the fortuneteller's client has everything going smoothly in life and he has good health. If there are influxes from molten material, then this is an alarming sign for the interpreter.

In such cases, people say that the accessory you are using is crying. Most likely, this indicates that the fortuneteller's client has an internal balance disorder.

Good fortune-tellers are well aware of all the possible meanings that can be read when divining on a flame. Bad signs will be not only the appearance of teardrops, but also the sudden causeless extinguishing of the fire, as well as various fluctuations in the flame.

Recently, decorative products made from soy raw materials have become popular, which can be used in the interior as an excellent decorative decoration. Having familiarized yourself with the materials of the corresponding master class, you can build yourself a similar trinket in just one hour.

The cost of natural raw materials for the creation of such elements used to be quite high, but at present it is more acceptable. At the same time, if you wish, you can always collect such raw materials yourself on the territory of your own bee farm.

Very popular for decorating interiors are elements that have not only an original shape, but also an attractive color. In such cases, you will rarely encounter yellow products: most often they have a brighter and more expressive color.

Of course, they are not made from multi-colored raw materials, if we are talking about a natural basis. Most often, special dyes are used for this.

In addition, very often such accessories are given a pleasant aroma, which not only has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, but can also be used for general health promotion. At the same time, herbal supplements based on various medicinal herbs are often used.

  • 1. A little about the benefits
  • 2. Possible types of processing
  • 3. What you need to know about wax and safety
  • 4. Tools and everything you need
  • 5. How to make the first candle

Together with honey, bees bring a little turmoil and pleasant troubles into our lives. Still, the apiary is work, time and attention. Often the presence of an apiary is so exciting that any creative beekeeper also becomes an artisan. Beeswax candles - what could be nicer on a chilly winter evening. They will make life brighter, saturate the air with summer aromas and warmth, and handmade ones will not only be an excellent gift for loved ones, but also a good reserve for the budget.

A little about the benefits

To convince the beekeeper of the benefits of his own products is perhaps unnecessary. However, not everyone knows why beeswax candles are preferable to, for example, paraffin ones. Last when burning:

  • release carcinogens into the air;
  • contribute to the formation of soot;
  • due to industrial non-natural wicks, they can emit toxic fumes;
  • when using dyes and flavors become a source of health problems.

Is it possible to compare all these side effects, which can cause not only allergies, but also more serious diseases, such as lungs and mucous membranes, with the possibility of using wax.

After all, when burning wax:

  • soot is not formed;
  • in the absence of additives, the candle burns for a long time and burns out completely, without residue;
  • more than 50 essential compounds and substances are released into the air;
  • we must not forget about the impurities of propolis in the composition of the crude wax: in this way it directly enters the lungs.

In addition, natural raw materials are a guarantee of interest from urban residents. Megacities and urbanization contribute to a huge interest in the origins. And such a craft has existed for as long as beekeeping.

Possible types of processing

In fact, there are several ways to make candles. Each of them is good in its own way and resonates with potential users:

  • the lightest and practically does not require additional processing: a wax sheet is simply rolled around the wick. There are not so many opportunities for creativity, but this method is one of the oldest;
  • to use the second, minimal heat treatment is required: the wick is dipped into a container with liquid wax, increasing the volume of the candle over and over again. It is clear that the conformity of the form modern requirements there is no question - this is a purely utilitarian thing;
  • casting into molds. Perhaps this method provides a lot of opportunities for the realization of ideas. Even if you pour the wax into a simple cylindrical shape and then cut out the designs, it will still be a molded candle.

Casting in molds has a huge reserve for a creative person: you can buy them any of your choice, or you can create them yourself.

What you need to know about wax and safety

Before embarking on the execution of the plan for your candle factory, you should familiarize yourself with the physical properties of wax:

  1. Melting building material bee hives when the temperature rises to 60-70 degrees.
  2. At 100 degrees, you will understand whether there was water in the feedstock - it boils and forms a kind of foam.
  3. Wax foundation will begin to soar or smoke already at 120 degrees.
  4. At 204 degrees, you need to be extremely careful: its vapors ignite.

These are characteristics common to each type of raw material. Meanwhile, it is also different:

  • technical or industrial. Actually, this is a mixture of wax with additions, sometimes they are paraffin, such raw materials have already undergone industrial processing;
  • raw or bee has the most natural origin. It is obtained directly from honeycombs in wax melters or melting pots. It can be conditioned, provided that the bees did not have any diseases and excessive chemical treatments, or vice versa - substandard;
  • bleached. This is a natural, natural building material of bees, only without the inevitable impurities in the composition. Otherwise, it is called cosmetic.

When working with him, there are rules that must be followed:

  1. The slower the wax heats up, the easier it is to work with. When heating, it is recommended to use a water bath. This is the easiest way to regulate the temperature. The process needs constant monitoring: it is impossible to leave.
  2. It is necessary to completely exclude contact with water: it is dangerous. Hot wax will cause rapid evaporation and splashing of boiling water.
  3. Inflammable raw materials must be extinguished using dry methods: limiting air access.
  4. When working, avoid contact with open fire: an accidental drop is fraught with fire.

It would not be superfluous to recall that children and animals in working area entry is prohibited. So you create the risk of injury for them with your own hands.

Tools and everything you need

In addition to wax, you need to stock up on some inventory. At first, the usual utensils and utensils found in the house are enough, and then, perhaps, you will need your own workplace. So, you need:

  • gloves, sleeves and an apron - it is unlikely that you will never be able to drip on clothes;
  • a table, constant access to water, a stove for heating and a hair dryer for leveling surfaces;
  • cutting board, hammer, knives and chisel for grinding wax, wick scissors;
  • two containers for a water bath: a large diameter for water, pebbles are laid out on its bottom, or a metal stand for hot, and a saucepan of a smaller diameter is placed on top for melting wax. It must be either enameled or ceramic: otherwise the wax darkens;
  • napkins. Preferably paper, not textile, there should be a lot of them. At first, without skill, they help out well;
  • nylon for filtering;
  • natural wick: 1 to 4 mm. The choice is proportional to the diameter of the future candle;
  • wire for fixing the wick.

And most importantly: forms. They are aluminum, polycarbonate and polyurethane. The first two materials provide reusable use, heat resistance, but are inelastic, which means they do not leave much room for creativity. The latter assumes safe use when temperature regime up to 80 degrees, then it becomes toxic.

The most common are silicone. They suggest availability and a huge choice, high temperature of use (up to 200 degrees), elasticity, and even if they are short-lived, they will help to make up to 200 candles. In the future, it can even be made by hand. There is a trick to using any detachable form - you need elastic bands: while the wax hardens, the halves must be tightly fixed.

How to make your first candle

You must immediately warn: the first may not become a candle in the truest sense of the word. You may not have enough patience or skill, but you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to redo it and not give up if you fail.

The process can be represented as several stages. Their sequence in the future depends on your experience:

  1. Preparing the mold and filling the wick. For this, there is a hole in the bottom - the future wick is filled into it. If it is much smaller in diameter, then you can use a small piece of a toothpick - so there will definitely not be a leak of wax. Then the form is tightly fixed in several places with rubber bands. And the end of the wick is brought out right in the center of the form and fixed there with a loop of wire.
  2. Preparation of wax: it must be crushed. If the volume of the mold, for example, is 1 cup, then approximately 250 g of wax will be needed. It is easy to determine - it is enough to first measure the volume of the form with water, its ratio to wax is almost the same. The required volume of wax can be immediately placed in a water bath and heated, or it can be added as it melts.
  3. When the water in the lower pan boils, you can begin the process of casting into molds. True, if the wax is unrefined, then it can first be drained through nylon into a separate container and only pour molds from it. If filtration is required, the process must be fast so that the wax does not clump.
  4. When the forms are filled along the edges, after 10-15 minutes it is necessary to make several control punctures to the bottom of the form with a knitting needle or a wooden stick and these voids are filled additionally.

Wax cools quickly, but you should not rush the process. Soft and plastic, it may simply not take shape. Therefore, it will be possible to get candles from beeswax after 2-6 hours, depending on the volume of the workpiece.

DIY wax candles

Actually, the bulk of the work has been completed, it remains only to bring the candle to an acceptable form:

  1. It is carefully removed, separating the halves of the form in different directions. To do this, remove the rubber bands and wire.
  2. Completely cut off the wick from the base.
  3. Align the base above the hair dryer or at the bottom of the water bath.
  4. Leave the wick itself on top about 1 cm long. For convenience and beauty, it can be dipped in wax.

That's the whole process of making a great gift with your own hands. Who knows, perhaps this is the beginning of a new era in the life of a beekeeper and a candle factory will appear next to some apiary.

Good day, friends. Here is the request:Good afternoon Please tell me the recipe wax church candle. On the market, wax and ready-made wax candles cost the same. Accordingly, it is not difficult to guess that additives are added to the wax. Can you tell me what and in what proportions to add to beeswax in order to reduce the cost of candles, but at the same time so that the candles smell of wax, do not flow and do not break when you bend them in your hands?“We answer: Victor, hello. When launching a mini factory for the production of candles, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to work hard on the final recipe of the candle composition in order to get high-quality products at the output. By experimenting with the ratio of the components used, you can find your own, ideal recipe. But the purchase of a ready-made and “tested” raw material composition will cost the entrepreneur a tidy sum.

Today a church candle made of paraffin c by adding wax became commonplace. Candles made from whole beeswax are also sold, but are much more expensive than paraffin ones. To comply with church canons during production, at least 15% wax is added to the paraffin; dyes are also added so that the candle has a wax color familiar to the eye, and ceresin - for stability. The paraffin itself must be of high quality: white, odorless and oily, otherwise the candle will smoke. Manufacturing of church candles - raw materials

There are no special mixture recipes for making church candles.

Natural beeswax, ceresin, food and technical paraffin are compatible with each other in any percentage.

The composition of the material for the manufacture of church candles determine the capabilities of parishioners. Someone can afford expensive candles made of pure beeswax, someone will buy semi-wax.

But the most popular are church candles made of relatively inexpensive paraffin brand YaV-1. Paraffin of this brand has no oil smell, so it can be flavored, and the color is very close to the color of natural wax.

Therefore, for a church shop, it is advisable to manufacture on a universal manual machine not only all the numbers of church candles, but candles from materials that differ in cost.

Paraffin candles in beeswax

Manual drum church loom with wick shuttle movement provides a unique opportunity to make church paraffin candles in natural beeswax sheath.

On any other church machines, including casting molds, this operation is impossible.

The exception is handmade church candles, also made according to vintage technology, dipping method.

Semi-wax candles are church candles made from a mixture of melted beeswax and paraffin.

The sheathed candle is also actually a semi-wax candle. But in it paraffin and beeswax are not mixed with each other.

Inside the candle is inexpensive technical paraffin or any other candle raw material, and on the outside there is a layer of natural beeswax.

Moreover, a manual church machine allows the thickness of the outer layer to be easily changed.

The thickness of the wax coating can be several tenths of a millimeter, i.e. like a film, and be equal to almost half the diameter of the candle.

By changing the thickness of the beeswax shell, you can adjust the cost of a church candle.

The shell, made from a mixture of paraffin and beeswax, will further reduce the cost of raw materials for the manufacture of church candles.

By appearance and aroma, cheap candles, even in a very thin natural shell, are absolutely identical to 100% wax church candles.

Technical paraffin, including the YaV-1 grade, has a low melting point and the beginning of softening.

So that candles do not bend during the hot season, do not stick to hands and do not stick together with each other during transportation, refractory ceresin is added to technical paraffin in the manufacture of church candles.

The higher the percentage of ceresin in the candle mass, the more resistant to heat the church candle.

A refractory shell will help reduce the consumption of expensive, compared to paraffin, ceresin and at the same time increase the resistance of candles to heat.

Even a thin protective layer of ceresin will prevent church candles from sticking together during long-term storage and will provide unbending hardness during the procession on a summer sunny day.

Food grade paraffin P-2 belongs to environmentally friendly grades of petroleum paraffins. They cover hard cheeses and soak packaging material For others food products. It is also widely used in cosmetics and medicine.

Cleaner burning and the ability to be easily dyed to any color have made white edible paraffin the main raw material for making decorative candles.

Paraffin brand YaV-1 and beeswax have a pronounced color of their own, so it is impossible to repaint them in rich red, yellow and especially snow-white.

A decorative shell made of dyed food paraffin will help to effectively solve all color problems.

It will not only camouflage the dirty-gray color of a church candle made of technical paraffin, but will also increase its resistance to heat, since P-2 food grade paraffin has a fairly high infusibility index.

It is known that in the period of time preceding the widespread use of petroleum products, beeswax was used as a raw material for the manufacture of church candles. Beeswax is a complex mixture of many substances. It contains esters (70-74%), free fatty acids (13-25%) and saturated hydrocarbons (12-15%). This composition of beeswax provides an even non-smoky candle flame. However, the low melting point of beeswax does not provide good dimensional stability for small diameter candles, especially at elevated temperatures. In addition, the shortage and high cost of beeswax limit the expansion of the production of church candles in accordance with the growing demand in the country and the organization of exports.
