- This original solution, allowing you to make your home beautiful, comfortable and unusual. In today's article, we will tell you how to glue liquid wallpaper and what mistakes to avoid in the process. But first things first.

What is the peculiarity of liquid wallpaper?

The term "liquid wallpaper" means a unique finishing coating for the ceiling and walls, different from classic wallpaper the absence of canvases in the form of rolls. Nevertheless, liquid wallpaper perfectly covers and decorates all necessary surfaces. The composition can be very different, and therefore the walls in the end are not only smooth, but also embossed or rough, like silk or marble chips.

Part liquid wallpaper usually include:

  • fibers of natural origin(more than 95 percent), for example - cotton, cellulose;
  • acrylic based water colors(required to give color);
  • additional decorative additives(for example, sparkles);
  • binder(glue, thanks to which the composition is bound and held on the walls - as a rule, this is CMC).

We also note that similar (if we consider them from the point of view of the prevailing basis) are:

  • cotton(they are completely environmentally friendly, very pleasant to the touch);
  • silk(characterized by the fact that they can be applied to concrete and drywall);
  • cellulose(the cheapest option, such wallpapers are made from recycled wood).

Note! All the described varieties of material do an excellent job of hiding small surface defects, and therefore are popular among both professional builders and home craftsmen.

On the advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to its numerous advantages, liquid wallpaper is considered a true find. These, according to reviews on the Web, include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of application (experience in this case is not required);
  • the fact that any of the compositions is very pleasant to the touch;

  • absence of unpleasant odors during application;
  • the ability to create applications, patterns, panels;

  • convenience in finishing arches, corners, niches, / window openings etc.;
  • wastelessness, which cannot be said about the classic ones;
  • effective hiding of small defects and microcracks;
  • antistatic (wallpaper repels dust);

  • absorption / release of excess moisture;
  • long service life (the coating does not fade for 10 years);
  • the ability to replace damaged fragments if necessary;
  • lack of joints, seams, air bubbles.

Liquid wallpaper dries for 48 hours, some attribute this to disadvantages. However, it also takes about the same time to completely dry the rolled wallpaper. As for the use in wet rooms, this issue is still controversial. Although there are many examples of the use of such compounds in kitchens and bathrooms.

On a note! It is necessary that there are no metal elements on the wall, otherwise rust can seep through wet wallpaper.

Also, there should not be deep flaws on the walls - they will be noticeable after the composition dries. The base must also be in tone, otherwise translucence through the wallpaper is possible. Finally, another disadvantage, and a serious one, is the cost of liquid wallpaper - this is about 1,000 rubles. per package (enough to finish somewhere around 3 sq. m).

What tools are used in the work?

It is important that the finished composition is not only sticky and plastic, but also does not dry out too quickly - so you can correct the surface a few hours after application. And the tools used should be selected based on these characteristics. You can use just one trowel, or you can get by with a maximum.

When choosing tools, you need to take into account your habits and the consistency of the mixture. usually available in every home, and different. They are convenient to prepare walls (remove old wallpaper, putty), but they can also be used for liquid wallpaper. Note that spatulas can be not only made of metal, but also made of plastic, acrylic.

It is convenient to apply the composition on the wall with a spatula, and then level it - with it or with a trowel. Some use a wallpaper spatula for this purpose, while others prefer a hard tool. There are also corner spatulas designed to apply the composition in the corners. Although not everyone likes such tools, it is easier to apply and smooth the mixture with your hand.

May have different shape, make it from metal or plexiglass. The second option is preferable, since it is convenient to control the applied layer through plexiglass.

You can also use a metal trowel, it is only important that it has a smooth surface. When distributing the next portion of the composition, move the trowel along the wall, first up and then down, ending the cycle in a circular motion. In the absence of a trowel in the house, buy it without fail - this way the work will noticeably speed up.

In addition, you can use transparent grater. This is a tool similar to a trowel, but with a different handle shape. A grater is needed in order to level the layer an hour or two after application, when bumps and defects are noticeable. You need to level the layer carefully, with a grater previously moistened with water, making some effort.

Note! Dried wallpaper can be moistened with a spray bottle.

You can also apply and level liquid wallpaper using roller. Leveling can be carried out with any roller with a short pile, after wetting it in water. Alternatively, the walls can be pre-sprayed with a spray bottle.

On a note! If the surface is too smooth, it can be processed with a relief roller.

To this end, the roller is wetted, after which they need to walk along the walls, pressing hard.

To apply a mixture of a homogeneous liquid consistency, a roller with a sparse pile is used (such a tool has sufficient rigidity). So the wallpaper will lie flat on the walls and will not stick to the villi.

Important! A large area is best treated with a hopper gun.

The mixture placed in such a convenient container is applied in an even layer under a pressure of 2 atm. Up to 200 sq. m. But you need to be strong enough to hold this electric tool.

In any case, decide for yourself - buy a minimum of tools or buy a lot of them.

Liquid wallpaper manufacturers

Such compositions are produced today in many countries, and therefore you can choose the option that you like the most. If you believe the reviews, then the highest quality are the compositions from such manufacturers:

  • "Leroy Merlin";
  • "Bioplast";

As for the French brand "Leroy Merlin", then it produces high-quality decorative plaster that does not require a perfectly flat surface for application. It also has good soundproofing properties. Wallpapers are durable, they do not crack even after shrinkage of the building. The binder is an acrylic dispersion. Water is used for breeding.

domestic manufacturer "Bioplast" has offices in many countries. But, if you believe the reviews, it is necessary to give preference to Belgorod production, since not all representative offices honestly fulfill all obligations, as a result of which many low-quality and harmful materials. The advantages of such mixtures include:

  • high-quality noise and heat insulation;
  • compliance with all standards;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • ease of application.

Also, do not forget about the advantages that all liquid wallpapers have.

Another popular brand is. These are safe compounds that are resistant to temperature / humidity changes and high loads. Such compositions are sold semi-finished - they just need to be diluted with water and wait for the fibers to get wet. The downside is a smaller selection of colors than the manufacturers described above.

On a note! There are many others good producers. In any case, the main thing is not to save money, but to buy really high-quality products. Or make liquid wallpaper with your own hands.

What materials can be used at home

Having become acquainted with the advantages of the described compositions, we can proceed to self-production. To do this, you should decide on the base, binder and fillers.

What can serve as a basis?

Paper is the cheapest material. But it is important not to use glossy, as it is unable to break down into the required fibers. It is better to take toilet paper or egg trays, although old magazines and newspapers are also suitable. Ideally, it should generally be porous wallpaper.

You can also take a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool (250 g per 1 kg of base), be sure to finely chop and split into fibers. These materials cannot be used without paper.

Sawdust is good because you don’t even have to cut it. If there is a lot of old yarn lying around in the house, then it can also be used as a base. Moreover, it also does not need to be crushed.

Suitable fillers

In a small amount, yarn can be used as a filler. Its fibers (one or more colors) will look pretty in the base. You can also use stone chips, colored threads, mica powder, glitter, tree bark, small pieces of fabric. The required proportions are about 200 g of filler per 1 kg of paper.

Remember: the smaller the base with the filler, the more even the wall will turn out.

About binders

The best option is CMC wallpaper glue made from modified starch. It is inexpensive, but it prevents the development of fungi, which is very good for wet rooms. Approximate consumption - 130-150 g per 1 kg of base.

Alternatively, you can take PVA glue or Bustilat, and also acrylic. In the latter case, it will be more difficult to work, but the finished coating will turn out to be resistant to abrasion.

What dyes to use?

As for dyes, you need to use those from which water-based paints are made. Color must be added when mixing all the components - so you get a uniform color.

The nuances of making liquid wallpaper

Paper before work must be properly prepared. Tear it into small pieces and soak for 12 hours in cold water. If old magazines/newspapers are used, the mixture will be greyish due to printing ink. For bleaching (partial, but, alas, not complete), you can use oxygen or chlorine bleach (the second one needs to be neutralized with sodium thiosulfate).

What is characteristic, bleaching can be carried out more than once. After that, be sure to rinse and wring out the paper, and then grind it with a drill with a special nozzle. You can facilitate the process by adding water (1 liter per 1 kg of base). Connect the prepared paper with the rest of the components.

Take a large bowl and pour some water into it. When using sparkles, they must be soaked in water first. Next, lay down the paper and add glue. After mixing, you should have a mixture with the consistency of soft cottage cheese. Then add the remaining ingredients, including the dye. After re-kneading, transfer the composition to PET bags, close them and wait 7-8 hours (liquid wallpaper should “ripen”).

And if another material is used as the basis (for example, sawdust), then a decent amount of time can be saved on softening. Mix the base with glue in equal proportions, then add the remaining components. Add water gradually, in small portions. At the end, put the mixture in bags and let it “ripen”, as in the method described above.

Note! We see that for self-manufacturing the mixture will take much longer than if a store-bought composition was used. However, there is nothing complicated about this, so decide for yourself which option to give preference to.

The time it takes for the "ripening" of the wallpaper can be spent on (provided that you have not taken care of this before).

How to prepare walls for application?

Liquid wallpaper is not in vain called liquid - such is their consistency, and therefore various stains, rust, etc. can be seen through the coating. To avoid such troubles, pay special attention to the preparation of the walls.

Important information! Application is best done in warm weather, at a temperature (at home) of more than 15 degrees.

Liquid wallpaper quickly broke into the market of finishing materials and also quickly won the hearts of millions of housewives around the world. They are amazingly beautiful, practical and environmentally friendly. They are easy to glue, if, of course, this word can be applied to the method of applying liquid wallpaper to the walls, they are easy to care for. In general, this material deserves a huge amount of praise in its address. However, many are afraid to mess with liquid wallpaper. And all why? Because little is known about them, and even more so they don’t know how to glue liquid wallpaper. But everything is much simpler than it might seem.

What is liquid wallpaper?

Before you learn how to properly glue liquid wallpaper, you should take a closer look at their composition, properties, advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid wallpaper is a plastic material in its structure very similar to flakes or sawdust. It is sold in transparent plastic bags weighing from 1 kilogram. As part of such finishing material includes natural cellulose or cotton fibers, acrylic components, adhesives and dyes. In addition, other “ingredients” can be found in the package: sequins, mica, silk fibers, quartz chips, gold and silver threads.

After drying, the composition turns into something resembling a hard foam in its texture: the surface of the walls is just as rough, soft and warm.

There are several types of liquid wallpaper, and they do not have any special differences, except that by the thickness of the finished layer, one can conclude what type of material was used in the repair. Some are thin and smooth, having a dense, but not too textured surface, others are voluminous with clearly visible "dents" - more like a fabric.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper

  1. Since liquid wallpaper contains only natural components that have a neutral electrical charge, they have excellent antistatic properties. What does it mean? And this means that such wallpapers will not turn into a dust collector and will create a favorable atmosphere in the room.
  2. Liquid wallpaper is universal. They can be used to decorate the living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, hallway and even the bathroom.
  3. Such a finishing material perfectly hides minor wall defects, cracks, gaps in the places where skirting boards, platbands, frames, switches and sockets fit. In addition, they do not have seams, which means that the surface of the walls will always look perfectly even in any weather.
  4. Liquid wallpaper can decorate the walls of new apartments and not be afraid of shrinkage. They do not deform, which allows you not to wait 3-4 years until the house “settles down”, but immediately proceed to a full-fledged repair.
  5. Liquid wallpaper can be glued on almost all surfaces: concrete, drywall, wood, putty, plaster, fiberboard, plywood, MDF, paint and even metal.
  6. Such wallpapers are easily subjected to cosmetic repairs: they do not need to be completely torn off the wall, it is enough to soak the damaged or contaminated area with water and remove the mixture with a spatula. In place of the old coating, apply a new one, level it and the wall will again delight you with beauty and impeccability.
  7. Liquid wallpapers breathe, they provide heat and sound insulation properties to your walls, in general, this material is ideal from all points of view.

Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Unfortunately, such a wonderful coating also has disadvantages, however, there are only two of them, and even those can be classified as insignificant.

Liquid wallpaper is quickly washed off with water, so if you decide to finish the bathroom with them or want to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth (to maintain cleanliness), then you will have to protect the surface of the walls with a colorless varnish. The beauty of the finish will be preserved, however, the effect of "breathing" walls will disappear forever.

And the second drawback is the high price, but globally speaking, beauty costs much more than 200 rubles per kilogram, so you can safely cross out the cost of liquid wallpaper from the list of vices.

How to glue liquid wallpaper?

Wall preparation

Naturally, you need to start with the preparation of the walls. To do this, remove the remnants of old wallpaper and paint, and if there are metal objects on the surface of the walls (nail heads, bolts, etc.), paint over them with white enamel or water-based emulsion.

If the walls have an intense color, then it is better to get rid of it with the help of special primers, enamel, oil paint or white water-based paint. In old houses, such as stalinok or Khrushchev, the walls do not differ in perfect evenness and it is generally not clear what they are made of, so they will need to be impregnated with FG solution or ordinary impregnation. After that, the surface of the walls must be painted over with water-based paint in two layers - this will protect against the appearance of yellow spots- insidious companions of old apartments.

Drywall will have to be putty completely, and not just the joints. For what? Just after the liquid wallpaper dries, white stripes of putty will become noticeable. In addition, it will be necessary to additionally cover the walls with a water-based emulsion, since the fillers are not waterproof and can get wet during the application of liquid wallpaper. If you use gypsum putty, then PVA glue can be added to the paint in a ratio of 3: 1 - this will strengthen the surface of the wall and prevent it from absorbing moisture.

Wooden surfaces can also absorb moisture, so before applying liquid wallpaper to them, make sure that they are not too thin (the thinner the sheet, the more it deforms). To protect such surfaces, either oil paint or FG in 2-3 layers is used, followed by painting with a water-based emulsion.

Preparing the mixture

Pour into a suitable container warm water and gradually (in small portions) add the dry composition to the vessel, while stirring the solution with a drill-mixer. As a result, you should get a mixture in its consistency similar to thick, thick sour cream. It is better to remove all large unmixed particles - when applied to walls, these lumps will create difficulties for you.

After kneading, the solution should be left alone for 15-20 minutes, and then mixed again with the same construction mixer. To achieve a uniform shade, prepare a mixture of several packages and knead required amount material in advance, since the entire prepared surface will need to be covered in one go. Not in two days, but in one!

Application of liquid wallpaper on the walls

If you do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper, a video story about this process will help you understand all its intricacies. And after viewing, be sure to read our instructions.

So, for work you will need:

  • large container for diluting dry mix
  • spatula or roller for leveling wallpaper
  • sprayer - if possible
  • knurling roller with textured relief - if you wish to give the surface a certain texture
  • colorless top coat

Take some mixture and spread it over the wall surface with a spatula or roller. The wallpaper should cover the base tightly, there should not be any bald spots, voids or bulges. Having finished with the first section and the first portion of the mixture, proceed to the second, just make sure that there are no special boundaries between adjacent already rolled sections - they should flow smoothly into each other.

If you didn’t like something (a lump, unevenness, bald spot formed), then you can wet the wallpaper a little and remove the defective area, and then fill it again with the mixture and level it. Just do not get too carried away with adjustments - you can wet the wallpaper already applied to the walls no more than 3 times.

If you have a special hopper gun for applying liquid wallpaper, then the speed of applying the composition will increase several times, but such a device is quite expensive. It can be rented if the time of the event is repair work yours is limited. The rental price is about 300-400 rubles, but you will also have to take a compressor to the gun, which will create pressure inside the device. In this case, the rental price will increase to 600-700 rubles per day.

In general, applying liquid wallpaper to the walls is not a difficult process, but it requires accuracy and care. Such a coating dries from 12 hours to 3 days, depending on the level of humidity and temperature in the room. It is only necessary to cover the wallpaper with a colorless varnish when they are completely dry, otherwise the coating may be deformed.

Liquid wallpaper is a universal finishing material with which you can create interesting interior solutions. They are perfectly combined with each other, allowing you to embody the most daring fantasies into reality: stripes and flowers, geometric figures and ornaments. It is not a problem to create and show your creative abilities with them.

And if you're still afraid to take advantage of the new modern type finishing materials, then in vain, because creating comfort in an apartment with the help of liquid wallpaper is easy and simple.

From the author: hello dear readers. Sooner or later, we all have to update the appearance of our apartment. And the main role in this large-scale production is given, of course, to the wallpaper. There are many types of them: vinyl, paper, non-woven, textile, and this is not a complete list.

Source: vip-1gl.ru

But there is one category that differs from those listed both in the method of application and in the final appearance of the surface. We are talking about liquid wallpaper, which, after its appearance on the market, quickly gained high popularity, and absolutely deservedly so.

But, like any novelty, not everyone liked them. First of all, ordinary ignorance plays a role here and, as a result, various fears. As a result, many people deny themselves the pleasure of using this wonderful and comfortable material for finishing. That's why we decided to raise this topic today, telling in detail how to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall.

What is liquid wallpaper, and what are they made of

This mysterious material is a mixture of cellulose or cotton fibers, acrylic, glue and dyes. Sometimes additives are added to make it more original: sequins, silk particles, silver and golden threads, mica, quartz chips and others.

When dry, the mixture looks something like sawdust and does not cause much enthusiasm. But after application to the wall and complete drying, the nondescript composition turns into a beautiful, warm, usually rough coating. However, the roughness depends on the type of mixture, the result can be either a smooth or textured surface.

Source: weareart.com

Like any other material, liquid wallpaper has certain advantages and disadvantages. And now we will definitely list them so that you have an objective picture. Let's start with the advantages:

  • naturalness. Thanks to this quality, the composition can be used both in the nursery and in the bedroom, without fear negative impact on the body. In addition, all components of the mixture have antistatic properties. This means that the surface of the walls will not attract dust;
  • versatility. Liquid wallpaper will be appropriate in any room, with their help you can create any design;
  • creating a flat surface. When applied, the diluted mass perfectly fills all the small cracks in the walls and masks small defects. As a result, the coating looks absolutely even, and the initial flaws do not manifest themselves in any way;
  • are not deformed. Unlike ordinary wallpaper, which can wrinkle and peel off when the walls shrink, liquid ones can be applied even in a newly built house;
  • excellent adhesion to almost any surface. Concrete, wood, plaster, plywood, paint, putty, fiberboard, MDF, metal - all these bases can be coated with our mixture;
  • are easily restored. If any part of the wallpaper is damaged or soiled, then it is very easy to remove it after soaking it. Then, in its place, you can apply a little of the same mixture, smooth it out, wait for it to dry, and then no one can say that something is wrong here;
  • and also liquid wallpaper gives the walls sound and heat insulation, and also breathes well.

And now for the cons. Fortunately, there are only two of them:

  • complete lack of water resistance. The coating is easy to soak and wash off. But this problem is solved with the help of a colorless varnish. They need to spray the dried surface. Appearance at the same time, it will remain the same, but the “breathing” ability will be lost. If it is important, then it is better not to use this material in rooms with high humidity. For example, in bathrooms and kitchens;
  • price. It is quite high compared to the cost of ordinary ones. However, not so much as to completely abandon the use of this species.

Now we have an objective idea of ​​​​liquid wallpaper. The list of advantages is long, but in order to fully enjoy them and not ask questions like “why don’t they stick?”, You need to know how to properly handle this material. In particular, you need to correctly prepare the surface, and then apply the mixture to it according to the instructions. We will talk about this now.

How to use liquid wallpaper

We will start, of course, with the preparation of the premises and the base on which our composition will be applied. Everything is simple with the room: we take out the furniture, or we shift it to the center and cover it with a film. Shelves, lamps, paintings - in general, everything that hangs on the walls - we remove. The floor should also be covered. However, if you are going to change it soon, then you can leave it like that.

When the room is ready for great things, we can start preparing the walls:

  • we remove from them all nails, screws, dowels and other foreign bodies. This is especially important for metal things. Otherwise, ugly spots may appear on the ground around them. rust spots after coating;
  • bright paint from the walls must be washed off, otherwise it may distort the shade of the final coating. Removal can be done using special primers. But you can not bother, but simply apply a layer of white water-based paint on top;
  • if you live in Stalinka, Khrushchev or some other old house, then the walls in the apartment probably have a lot of bumps. Therefore, they must be treated with a special impregnation (for example, FG solution) and then painted twice with a white water-based emulsion. Skipping this step is fraught with the appearance of yellow spots later on already dried wallpaper;
  • plasterboard walls must be puttied, and completely, and not just those places where the sheets are connected. If you apply putty only on the joints, you will get distinct white areas, which will then be visible even through the finished coating. So we putty the wall completely, and cover it with water-based paint on top so that the putty does not become limp when applying liquid wallpaper. Additionally, you can add PVA glue to the paint (proportion 3: 1). This will increase water resistance and make the surface stronger;
  • if the walls are wooden, then only the same waterproof qualities cause concern. Therefore, we first process them oil paint, which can be replaced with two or three layers of FG, and then covered, again,.

Making a mixture

Source: gid-str.ru

So, our room is ready and waiting. We check according to the list whether we have all the necessary tools and materials:

  • a bucket or basin in which we will breed the material;
  • trowel for application;
  • a roller or spatula with which we will level the applied coating;
  • sprayer (pulverizer);
  • directly dry mix.

In addition to the main list, you can prepare a special patterned roller if you plan to make some kind of clear texture on the surface and colorless varnish - in the case when the humidity is high in the room and the walls require final treatment with a waterproof agent.

We start kneading, the process is carried out in stages. The proportions of water and dry mixture must be strictly observed according to the instructions on the package.

  1. Pour water into the prepared large container, the temperature of which is close to room temperature (25–35 ° C).
  2. If a decorative component is attached to the dry mixture - shiny threads, mica, silk, etc. - then first we stir these additives in water. This is necessary for their even distribution.
  3. Lightly beat the dry material in the bag with your hands, fluff it up.
  4. Pour it into the water and mix thoroughly. It is advisable to do this by hand. A construction mixer is also possible, but long fibers can be damaged this way. Therefore, it is better to be careful.

If for the room you need more than one bag of the mixture, but several, then you need to mix them dry, and then dilute them in 2-3 servings. The fact is that the shade in each package may vary slightly. So that there are no noticeable transitions from one to another on the walls, it is better to mix everything in advance.

After mixing, allow the material to swell, stand for at least 6 hours. The optimal time for specific wallpapers is indicated in the instructions on the package. In this case, the mixture should be in a tight, well-tied bag. By the way, in this form, it can not only be kept until cooked, but then stored for several weeks.

We apply liquid wallpaper on the wall

The mixture stood for the allotted time, and now, finally, we come to the most important thing. We mix our mixture and get to work. Applying wallpaper is desirable to start either from the corner, or from sockets and switches. It's not critical, but it's more convenient. The sequence of work is absolutely simple and uncomplicated.

  1. Scoop up a handful of the mixture.
  2. I put it on the trowel.
  3. Apply the mixture to the wall with a trowel.
  4. And rub it up and down, right and left. The trowel should be held slightly at an angle to make a layer 2–3 mm thick.

Most developers do not know how to apply liquid wallpaper and find the process very difficult. In fact, the process is quite simple, and with the knowledge of technology, anyone can handle the job. In this article, we'll go over how to properly prepare the surface and apply the coating, you just need to repeat all the steps to guarantee a perfect result.

This is also liquid wallpaper - how to glue them to get a real picture, we'll figure it out below

Workflow steps

The technology can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation;
  2. Preparation of the composition;
  3. Application of liquid wallpaper.

Remember that the coating is recommended to be done only in dry rooms. The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper are few, and the most important of them is poor resistance to moisture. But there is one way to protect the finish, which allows you to use it even in bathrooms and on, I will talk about it below.

Stage 1 - surface preparation

For work, you will need a certain set of materials, the list of which is indicated in the table.

Material Description
Liquid wallpaper One package is enough for 2.5-5 square meters depending on layer thickness and surface texture. All information is indicated on the label, so it is not difficult to calculate the required amount.

As practice shows, the actual consumption is always a little higher, so purchase the composition with a margin of 20%. The price of the package is from 500 to 2000 rubles

putty It is best to take Vetonit, as it retains plasticity for a long time, is easy to apply and rubs off quickly. The cost of the bag is about 550 rubles
Primer With its help, the surface is strengthened. Also, the primer serves as a barrier to moisture and improves the adhesion of the decorative coating. Use acrylic-based deep penetration compounds, their cost is approximately 50-100 rubles per liter, depending on the manufacturer. For wet rooms, it is best to use formulations with antiseptic additives.

If your walls are not white, then it is better to additionally purchase an inexpensive water-based paint to lighten the base. You can even paint the walls to match the liquid wallpaper used.

From the tool you need the following:

  • Two spatulas - wide and narrow, for applying putty;
  • Brush or roller for priming surfaces;
  • Container for preparation of the composition;
  • Special trowel for applying liquid wallpaper. It is made of plastic, it is better to choose a transparent version, so you will see how the composition is leveled.

The preparation of walls and ceilings is not difficult.

Just select the items that apply to your case and follow the steps described there:

  • If there are old coatings on the surface, then they must be removed. Wallpaper is removed with special formulations, whitewash is removed with a spatula. If the plaster or putty layer is cracked in places, then all unreliable areas must be removed. The work is done with an ordinary chisel and hammer;

  • The plane of the cleaned surface is checked by a level or a rule. If there are a lot of irregularities and significant differences on it, then the easiest way is to putty the wall completely. If the level differences do not exceed a few millimeters, then individual sections are puttied, plus all the places where the old finish was removed are sealed. The composition is distributed with a layer of no more than 3 mm, if the irregularities are large, then the application is carried out in several stages;

  • The putty dries for about a day, after which it is necessary to finally level the surface with a sanding bar with sandpaper or a mesh (grain size 150 or less). An ideal result is not needed here, small scratches will be covered with liquid wallpaper, the main thing is to bring out the main plane. To control the work, a light bulb or flashlight is used, the light shows all the flaws;

  • After grinding, you need to clean the walls of dust. For this, a vacuum cleaner or a brush is used, it is important to remove the bulk of the dirt, which is formed a lot during grinding;
  • The prepared base is treated with a primer. Everything is simple here: the composition is applied to the surface in an even layer without smudges, special attention is paid to corners and other difficult areas. The second layer can be applied after the first has dried, usually it takes several hours. If the finish is porous, then it is better to process it with a third layer for maximum effect;

  • The white surface of the putty may not be painted, as this is a good base for liquid wallpaper. If the walls are gray, then it is better to paint them or White color, or in the color of the decorative coating to be applied. Such preparation allows you to achieve the best effect, because a dark base will not show through from under the coating.

Stage 2 - preparation of a decorative coating

The use of this finishing material involves its self-preparation. The ease of application and the strength of the coating depend on how correctly the process is carried out.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First of all, you need to read the information on the label. There are always recommendations from the manufacturer, which must be taken into account;
  • For work, it is best to use a large plastic container. First, the right amount of water is poured there (the volume is indicated on the package) at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. It is impossible to take too hot liquid, from this the glue in the composition can simply curl up;
  • If glitter or other additives are used during work, then they must be added to the water immediately and mixed thoroughly. So you can achieve a uniform distribution of these elements throughout the mass;

  • The contents of one or more bags are poured into the water. Mixing is done manually, it is impossible to use a power tool, as it damages the fibers and crushes the mass. It is necessary to interfere with the composition until the mass becomes homogeneous, the lumps are simply crushed by hand;

  • The mixed mass should be left for a certain period, most often it is 12 hours. But some compounds gain the necessary properties faster. Again, all information is indicated on the packaging;

If you need to use a lot of the composition, then after preparing the mass, it can be folded back into the bag and left to settle. This will allow you to get by with a small capacity.

  • After the required time has passed, the composition is mixed again. If it was settled in several containers, then you need to mix everything together, this will eliminate the differences in shade on the surface. Naturally, if the colors are different, then they must be prepared separately. It is important to mix the mass well and check again if there are any lumps in it.

Stage 3 - coating the surface

Now I will explain whether it is easy to glue liquid wallpaper. When compared with other coating options, this type of composition is the easiest to apply. That is why I recommend it for those who do not have any experience in construction.

You do not need special skills, just be careful and follow all the recommendations below:

  • If a drawing will be applied to the wall, then first of all, its contours should be applied to the surface. You can make patterns or draw by hand, it all depends on what you need to depict. The main thing is that the markup is clear and clearly visible, since it is on it that you will navigate in the future;

  • To prevent the composition from falling off the surface, you need to check its adhesion in advance. To do this, the mass is distributed over a small area, if it does not hold, then it is worth adding water. Water is added at the rate of 500-700 grams per package. After thorough mixing, you can get to work;

If the composition turned out to be very liquid, then it should be left for about half a day in a dry, warm place, excess moisture will evaporate.

  • Work begins with any section of the wall. If the coating is monophonic, then the easiest way is to go from the corner, but if you have a drawing, then first of all you need to apply the background. Everything is simple here: with the help of a grater, the mass is distributed in a layer of about 2 mm, the tool is held at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface. It is not necessary to press the ironer strongly, as this can damage the fibers, and the texture will turn out to be not very attractive;

  • If a drawing is applied, then liquid wallpaper on the wall is applied along the contours. In order for the lines to be clear, they must be trimmed and compacted with rubber spatula. With it, you simply pull the mass along the line and press it. Naturally, the second color is applied after the first one has completely dried, that is, the more complex the composition, the longer its implementation will take;

Remember important rule- the composition must be applied to the surface in one go. That is, if you have a monochromatic coating, then each wall is finished from beginning to end. No need to leave a piece of the surface and finish it later, the junction can be noticeable.

  • When smoothing, you should drive the tool in different directions so that the fibers are not located in one direction;
  • After application, no longer than an hour and a half later, you need to finally level the surface. To do this, use a wide spatula or trowel. The tool is wetted in water, and the surface is smoothed. This allows you to achieve maximum uniformity of coverage;

  • If the composition was applied in a room with high humidity, then you need to treat the surface with acrylic varnish. It strengthens the finish and makes it resistant to moisture. Applying varnish with your own hands is not difficult, a brush is used for work, since you need to very carefully process all the bumps. The only disadvantage of this treatment is that it will not be possible to repair the coating if it is damaged.

If you have damaged a separate section of the decorative coating, then fixing the problem is not difficult. Liquid wallpaper can be removed from the wall in the damaged area, soaked with water and reapplied, everything is very simple.


After reading this review, you can easily figure out how to glue liquid wallpaper and how to properly prepare the base and the composition itself. Everything is very simple if you know all the nuances of the technology and follow clear recommendations. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you still have questions, write them in the comments below.

Today, wall decoration uses materials that have already become classics: tapestries, paint, decorative plaster, tiles and others. But, there is another one that is only gaining its popularity - liquid wallpaper.

Unlike their vinyl and paper counterparts, they have a completely different technology of preparation, application and operation. And to obtain high-quality design, you will have to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations.

So, how to properly apply liquid wallpaper on the wall, what is needed for this, and what rules should be followed?

The line between liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster very thin, because in its composition, the material is very similar to the latter. In addition to the binder and color, the fillers are granules, glitter, and cellulose fibers, as well as silk. All of them perform a single task - to make the surface textured.

However, glue is used for fixing, like wallpaper. The application technology, on the contrary, is close to plastering work. But, at the same time, the material is not as demanding on surface preparation as, for example, it is necessary for different types decorative plasters. As a result, liquid wallpaper can be attributed to a new type of finish, which, due to its properties, occupies the gap between classic tapestries and various putties.

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to surfaces of any shape, and to hard-to-reach areas.
The material is picky about the quality of the planes prepared for finishing.
The preparation is very simple, and the application technique does not require fitting and joining the pattern, as in the case of gluing paper counterparts.

The applied layers can be easily removed. Why should the material be soaked and removed with a spatula. However, some types of wallpaper can be reused.

Liquid wallpaper can be used in unheated rooms, with increased level humidity. Since mold and fungus do not form on such a coating, and even more so, they are not threatened with peeling.

The main drawback of wall decoration with liquid wallpaper, they are very hygroscopic, and it is undesirable to wash them.

However, despite the fact that the base is not exacting, nevertheless, the walls must be prepared in advance for a new finish, otherwise unevenness with height differences, as well as other, even minor flaws, will spoil the whole design.
How to properly glue liquid wallpaper analogues to the walls, and what should you know about the nuances of the material?

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper

As well as working with decorative plaster, applying liquid wallpaper to walls can be divided into three stages: preparing surfaces and mixtures, collecting necessary tool, application.

Preparatory work

Despite the unpretentiousness to the state of the base, it is necessary to prepare a wall for liquid wallpaper before proceeding with the direct application of the mixture. You need to do this for several reasons:
Firstly, with significant irregularities and defects, they will still be visible, and in some cases even emphasized.

Second, without removing old finish with the subsequent cleaning of the base, it is impossible to create a durable homogeneous coating.
And, thirdly, the adhesion (adhesion) of any material is improved by pre-impregnation with deep penetration soil. Wallpaper will adhere better to a wall treated with such compositions several times.

So, the preparation of planes before applying liquid wallpaper includes the following techniques.
Removal of the old finish, followed by cleaning of the remnants of materials. It's best to knock it all down old plaster with further renewal of its layer.

In panel and block houses, the fittings that come to the surface are painted over, otherwise the rust will show through the applied finish.
When puttying, it is not necessary to align the wall very accurately, but it is better that the plane is uniform without drops.

Generally the most the best option the basis for liquid wallpaper is gypsum plaster.
Plasterboard finishes must be plastered with a leveling layer with a putty thickness of 2-3 mm. GKL is a very hygroscopic type of material (it will absorb water), and secondly, puttied joints will stand out under the wallpaper.

Be sure to start applying the material, any type of surface is primed with deep penetration compositions in several approaches (with breaks between layers for drying).
When the surface is ready, you can begin to work after selecting the appropriate tool.

What is needed to work with liquid wallpaper

Equipment for sticking liquid wallpaper is the same as for plastering.
You will definitely need a container in which the mixture is prepared, an electric drill and a mixer nozzle so that the composition can be thoroughly mixed. Although this can be done by hand, it is only important to end up with a homogeneous mass without lumps.

The main tool is the Venetian straight trowel. Its width is selected individually, usually within 200-300 mm. As an accessory, a spatula with a width of 50-80 mm is needed.
Small plastering rules (graters) can be used to level the applied layers.

Sometimes the question arises whether glue is needed for applying liquid wallpaper. Usually, the mixture already contains the required amount of mounting agent. But, if necessary, it is quite possible to add ordinary wallpaper paste such as CMC.

Solution preparation

Prepare liquid wallpaper for finishing works simple, you just need to follow the basic recommendations, and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Be sure to prepare the entire package at once, in no case should you knead the composition in parts for one plane.

Also, you cannot mix two packages in one container, even if they are from the same batch. The required volume of water per package is indicated in the manufacturer's recommendations, it is worth using them! Liquid wallpaper is prepared according to the water scheme, then the dry mixture is not vice versa. Failure to comply with such simple rules can lead to different pattern, or the shade of the applied coating.

Kneading can be done by hand, there are no harmful toxic substances for the skin. After thoroughly mixing, the mixture is left to infuse for the period indicated on the container (usually 6-12 hours).
It is worth knowing that when preparing a large amount of material, it can be broken into separate containers, but the whole mass can be mixed only after it has settled with water.

So, how is liquid wallpaper applied directly to indoor walls?

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper on the wall

Laying a coating with liquid wallpaper is quite simple, but even here you need to take into account the characteristics of the material.
Step-by-step instruction:
They work with a straight trowel, on which the finished mixture is applied in small portions. The instrument is set at a slight angle of 15-20°. In this case, each time the composition must be stretched over the surface with smooth movements without strong pressure, forming a uniform layer thickness.
The laying of the material should be done in separate sections, while constantly connecting the next "patch" with the previous applied ball.

It is important to control the direction of the trowel, the device must be moved in one direction. This is required by the composition of the material having rather long fibers.
Usually the thickness of the layers does not exceed 2-3 millimeters, but some types of wallpaper may have to be laid thicker, as required by the manufacturer.
If the mixture adheres very poorly to the wall, you can dilute it a little with water. But not too much, adding no more than 1 liter of liquid to one container.
Smoothing the applied coating is the rule, eliminating irregularities and differences on the surface. In this case, it is advisable to slightly moisten the grater with water. When smoothing the material, you must also observe the direction of the fibers.

The directions of the pile in the composition of liquid wallpaper can be set not only strictly in a straight line, but also using the rule to make their pattern non-standard. For example, make rounded or wavy drawings, or dramatically change the texture from different angles. But, you need to do this in a general design concept, in a systematic manner.
