The infrared sauna (cabin) was invented by the famous Japanese doctor Tadashi Ishikawa. It gained popularity in the West more than 10 years ago (only in Europe 30,000 infrared cabins are sold per year). On Russian market infrared cabins appeared relatively recently, but their popularity among the population is steadily growing. They are used both in medical institutions, fitness centers, beauty salons, and at home.

Infrared sauna - Benefits, harms and effects

Infrared radiation is part of the spectrum of light radiation, which is capable of heating objects. It should be noted that the radiation in this spectrum is inaccessible to the naked human eye, but the human body is able to feel it with the whole body, accepting infrared energy as heat coming from a heated object . Waves of infrared radiation are natural and safe, emitted by any warm object. The human body also emits infrared radiation - these are thermal infrared waves - heat.

Infrared radiation does not include ultraviolet, X-ray, or any other harmful radiation.

Infrared radiation, in fact, is a deep heating of tissues.

Infrared heat is distinguished by its ability to penetrate into the human body to a depth of up to 4 cm, providing a therapeutic effect by heating tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints. At the same time, the blood circulation of the human body improves, metabolism increases, the action of the body's immune system increases, and the nutrition of tissues and organs improves.

Infrared waves are emitted by any warm object, including the human body, and are absolutely safe for the body. The most powerful source of infrared (thermal) radiation is the sun. It should not be confused with ultraviolet, which is potentially dangerous and can harm the skin. Heat can be transferred from one object to another in three ways: contact, when a hotter object heats a colder one upon contact, convection, when heat is transferred through an intermediate coolant (water, air, etc.) and wave, when heating is carried out using infrared waves . It is this method of heat transfer that is used in infrared cabins. In traditional baths, the convection method is used.

Infrared Sauna - Benefits

The infrared sauna begins to operate from the very first minutes, providing benefits to the human body.

Within a few minutes from the beginning of the session in the infrared sauna, your body temperature rises to 38 degrees, while having a suppressive effect on most pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, the pores of the skin expand, which allows the body, together with the abundantly excreted sweat, to remove a significant part of the accumulated toxins. The infrared sauna causes a natural sweating reaction.

For reference: the composition of the sweat released in the infrared sauna contains about 80% water and 20% solids, such as lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, sodium, while: when steaming in a conventional sauna, emit The flowing sweat contains 95% water and 5% solids.

Infrared sauna - Effects on the body

The mechanism of the effect of heat on the body of an infrared sauna is basically the same as that of a conventional one. The fundamental difference between them is that in a conventional bath the body is heated indirectly, that is, the air is heated first, and then it heats the body. In an infrared sauna, infrared radiation heats the body directly, and not the air (no more than 20 percent of the energy released is spent on heating the air, while in a conventional bath - up to 80). The infrared cabin has sources of infrared radiation that emit infrared waves 4.5-5.5 microns long, which heat the human body to a greater depth - up to 4 cm, compared with the heat of a traditional bath (in a sauna - by 3-5 mm.). As a result, the body experiences a more intense therapeutic effect than in a sauna. Infrared waves heat tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints, accelerate the flow of blood and other body fluids.

Deep warming of the body causes more sweating (2-3 times stronger than in a traditional sauna), pores open wider, toxins and toxins are removed more intensively. If in an ordinary bath during sweating, 95% of water and 5% of subcutaneous fat and toxins, then in the infrared sauna - 80% water and 20% toxins and fat. There is a general cleansing of the body, the body is charged with energy, well-being improves significantly.

Infrared sauna - Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect of infrared cabins is multifaceted:

  • As a result of regular use of infrared procedures, cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and become more elastic;
  • The functioning of the immune system improves, the overall resistance of the body increases, and this, in turn, allows you to effectively counteract colds and flu (in addition, pathogenic bacteria and viruses die as a result of an increase in body temperature to 38.5 degrees, as in the body's natural reaction to illness );
  • Strong sweating facilitates the work of the kidneys, vasodilation stimulates blood circulation;
  • Infrared radiation helps to treat chronic diseases of the ear, throat and nose;
  • Relieves pain in the joints, muscles, back, menstrual and headaches;
  • Leads to accelerated healing of wounds, bruises, injuries, fractures, resorption of hematomas;
  • The comfortable warmth of infrared radiation has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminating insomnia, stress, nervousness;
  • Some researchers claim that infrared radiation inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the infrared sauna provides comprehensive disease prevention and overall health improvement.

Infrared sauna - Cosmetic effect

Excessive sweating requires a significant expenditure of energy, resulting in the burning of many calories. In one session in an infrared sauna, approximately the same number of calories are lost as during a 10-kilometer run. Therefore, the use of an infrared cabin, especially in conjunction with diets, allows you to successfully reduce weight.

Taking procedures in the infrared sauna also gives a wonderful cosmetic effect. Under the influence of infrared radiation, the pores open, and profuse sweating begins, as a result of which the skin is deeply cleansed, it is freed from dirt and dead cells. Increased blood circulation while taking an infrared sauna is accompanied by an increase in blood flow to the skin, resulting in an increase in the flow nutrients to its surface. The skin becomes smooth, firm, elastic and looks younger. Nourishing creams applied to the skin after infrared procedures give a much greater effect.

Regular visits to the infrared cabin help to cure a number of skin diseases:

  • Dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Acne and pimples;
  • Dandruff;
  • According to some reports and psoriasis;
  • Soften, and in some cases, scars and scars dissolve.

Deep penetration of infrared radiation (along with physical activity and rational nutrition) allows you to effectively fight cellulite, breaking down its subcutaneous deposits, consisting of water, fat and toxins.

Infrared Sauna - What is it?

Externally, a standard infrared cabin is a cabinet made of environmentally friendly materials (natural wood), with a glass door. Infrared emitters are mounted in the walls and under the seats. Depending on the size, it can accommodate from 1 to 5 people.

Infrared sauna - Features of the procedure

The bathing procedure in the infrared sauna is different from the traditional one. A normal wellness session should be continuous and last about half an hour. The ideal posture in the infrared cabin is sitting with your legs down, straightening your back and stretching your arms along your torso. Despite deep warming up, the body does not perceive these conditions as overheating, therefore, after a session in infrared cabins, take contrast water procedures do not do it. It is enough to limit yourself to a warm shower to wash off the sweat. To compensate for the loss of moisture, after the session you need to drink tea (preferably green) or mineral water.

In addition to providing a deeper warming and increased perspiration, an infrared sauna has a number of other advantages compared to a traditional sauna and steam bath:

  • Since the air in it heats up less (optimal temperature regime in the IR cabin - 45 - 55 degrees, in the Finnish sauna - 90 - 110 degrees), and there is no vaporization, it is easier to carry, people in it are in more comfortable conditions, the possibility of burns (for example, when touching the walls) is excluded. Infrared sauna allows even the elderly and children, those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, those who feel discomfort due to the heat, to fully receive the therapeutic effect of the bath.
  • The infrared cabin saves a lot of time. It has a short warm-up period compared to a regular sauna - 10-15 minutes (it takes 1-2 hours to melt a regular sauna, depending on the stove). If a visit to an ordinary bath implies a rather long bath procedure (2-3 hours), then to obtain a healing effect, it is enough to spend half an hour in the infrared radiation cabin. After taking an infrared thermal treatment, you will not experience a feeling of deep relaxation and drowsiness as after a regular sauna. On the contrary, you will have a feeling of joy, energy and good performance. In addition, due to the lower temperature in the infrared cabin, you will not leave steamed and with reddened skin, as after a regular bath, and you will be able to immediately start doing your current business. That is, the infrared procedure can be taken even in the morning before work, while the bath procedure, which involves several visits to the steam room and rest in the dressing room, requires a significant investment of time. Therefore, they usually go to a traditional bath or sauna once a week, and you can visit the infrared cabin at least every day (of course, you should focus on your well-being).
  • A number of other advantages are associated with the design features of the infrared cabin. Since inside the infrared cabin, unlike the sauna, there is no stove, and its walls are thin, it takes up little space. Electric stoves used in saunas consume a lot of power and require a separate electrical supply. Infrared cabins are connected to a normal household power supply. Due to low power consumption (1.5 - 3 kW, for comparison, Electric kettle consumes 2.2 kW), their operation is much cheaper than conventional saunas. In addition, the infrared cabin is easy to assemble, it will take no more than an hour. Therefore, the infrared cabin is mobile and can be installed in any room, including a city apartment. Permission from the fire inspectorate for its installation is not required. So you can have a home fitness center where after gymnastics or aerobics you can relax and de-stress in the infrared sauna.

The rapid spread of infrared cabins does not mean that over time they will replace conventional baths and saunas. The traditional bathing procedure is a whole ritual, which, along with a therapeutic effect, makes it possible to have a good time and have fun. Infrared sauna should be considered as a highly effective treatment procedure that does not require much time, is comfortable and convenient and can be used quite often, even for those who do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, many lovers prefer to visit both traditional and infrared baths.

Infrared sauna - harm

The use of an infrared sauna does not harm the body, but there are some contraindications that you need to pay attention to before visiting an infrared sauna.

Infrared Sauna - Contraindications

  • All amateurs need to take into account the individual ability of their body to endure thermal loads;
  • When taking any medicines or medications: consult your doctor or pharmacist about possible changes in the drug effect due to any interaction of thermal rays. The combination of infrared heat with certain medical preparations is fraught with side effects and undesirable consequences;
  • The presence of tumors (benign or malignant) or suspicion of their presence are also included in the list of contraindications for the use of an infrared sauna;
  • Also, a visit to the infrared cabin is contraindicated for women during the menstrual cycle. Heating the lower back in women during the menstrual period can cause bleeding. Therefore, it is better to avoid visiting the infrared cabin during this period of time;
  • It is contraindicated for any person, regardless of his physical data, to take a cold bath or cold shower immediately after an infrared sauna. You should also avoid a situation where the body sweats, and the legs remain cold. Warm feet promote sweating;
  • Pregnant women, hypertensive patients, infectious patients, as well as patients who have undergone a surgical operation, can use the infrared sauna only with the permission of a doctor;
  • There are contraindications in visiting the infrared cabin for colds: if you have an elevated body temperature caused by colds, starting with acute respiratory infections and ending with the influenza virus, then visiting infrared and saunas can complicate the course of a cold.

In most cases, an infrared cabin is a way of prevention, but it does not replace medical treatment prescribed by a doctor. If you have doubts about the possibility of using an infrared cabin in the treatment of your disease, consult your doctor.

From time immemorial, people have been and will continue to visit the bathhouse and sauna in their classical form, in order not only to cleanse the body, but also to relax the soul. Inventors from Japan, who relatively recently developed infrared saunas, could not help but take advantage of this popular love for wellness procedures.

All manufacturers of infrared saunas or infrared cabins declare low power consumption of these devices, ease of use, as well as complete safety, including for health. On advertising booklets, there are lines in large letters stating that there are no contraindications for visiting saunas, but you should not blindly trust everything that entrepreneurs who do not really care about their customers are trying to sell.

Consider the principle of operation of infrared cabins, as well as their varieties, in order to more accurately learn about the advantages of the procedure and possible contraindications.

The first infrared emitters were nichrome spirals placed in a flask with quartz sand. Now, instead of an alloy of chromium and nickel, zirconium dioxide with various additional elements is used. The heaters can also be made in the form of a ceramic flask with an aluminum heating element and a reflector.

Note that if your “infrared sauna” uses floor heating mats, a film heater or elements hidden behind the cabin walls, then the product belongs to low-temperature panel saunas, but not to infrared saunas.

To receive infrared radiation, it is necessary to apply voltage to the heating element, that is, turn on the device in electrical outlet 220 or 380 volts (depending on the power consumption of the cabin, the figure ranges from 1700 to 6000 watts). After being connected to the network, the device becomes a source of electromagnetic radiation, the wavelength is within the infrared spectrum, that is, it is 0.77 - 340 microns. The wavelength is inversely proportional to the heating temperature of the device - with a decrease in temperature, the wavelength increases and vice versa. Change of parameters of heating is carried out by the regulator established in a cabin.

Long electromagnetic waves are able to penetrate deep into the human body, while almost not heating the air space. In the infrared sauna, you can set the temperature from 40 to 70 degrees, which will be quite enough for active sweating and feeling the effect of the procedure after 5-10 minutes.

It is worth noting that the procedures in the classic sauna and bath are not sparing due to high temperatures and lots of steam.

Due to profuse (deep penetration) heat, the body temperature of the visitor in the cabin rises (up to 38.5 degrees), this reaction allows the body to fight existing viruses and infections. The composition of sweat evaporating from the body of a cabin visitor includes up to 20% of solid elements, including fatty acids, slags, toxins, cholesterol, urea, carcinogens and other substances, as well as up to 80% of water.

Studies of the rise in human body temperature
in infrared sauna and panel cabin

If we compare an IR sauna with a classic one, then the first one is 4 times more effective, because in a simple sauna, a visitor only 5% of solids comes out with sweat.

In addition to sweating, the body reacts to infrared radiation in the following ways:

  • blood vessels and skin pores expand;
  • the current (circulation) of blood is accelerated, which leads to an active supply of tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • pulse increases by almost 70%;
  • the level of immunoglobulins increases;
  • the rate of biochemical reactions increases, the activity of enzymes, estrogens, the potential energy of body cells;
  • improves tissue regeneration;
  • collagen is produced;
  • the skin is dried;
  • muscle and emotional tension are reduced;
  • about 120-500 kcal is burned.

What does a person who visits an infrared sauna feel like (subject to all the recommendations below and the absence of contraindications to the procedure):

  • psychological comfort, relaxation;
  • reduction of muscle pain;
  • lightness in the body.

Prices for infrared saunas

infrared saunas

Indications for visiting the cabin, as well as a list of contraindications

Taking into account the improved blood circulation and metabolism, neurologists, surgeons and therapists recommend infrared sauna in the following cases:

This is not a complete list of the beneficial effects of infrared radiation on the body. But even such a seemingly miraculous procedure has its own contraindications, namely:

  • thyrotoxicosis (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • mastopathy;
  • endometriosis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • skin diseases, including extensive fungal;
  • some types of psoriasis;
  • low or very high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, incl. ischemic disease hearts;
  • heart failure;
  • tachycardia;
  • cystitis in the acute stage;
  • kidney disease;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the joint bags;
  • recovery period after childbirth and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases.

Pregnancy and childhood are not a contraindication to visiting an infrared sauna, but no official clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of radiation on the health of the fetus. Therefore, even if a woman feels good during the period of bearing a child, and no health problems have been identified, it is necessary to consult a specialist leading the pregnancy and clarify the recommended frequency of visiting the cabin, the heating mode, and the time of the procedures.

In addition, it is better to refrain from visiting the infrared cabin in the presence of silicone implants. Some manufacturers of infrared saunas claim the possibility of twenty-minute procedures at low power, but doctors categorically do not recommend doing this, since sharp pains in places of implantation, which will entail surgical intervention. The aesthetic effect of implantation, by the way, quickly disappears when visiting an infrared sauna.

Video - About the benefits and dangers of infrared saunas

Table of permitted and prohibited activities before / after procedures in the infrared cabin

Visit the sauna 2 times a week, especially after exercise and training, in the evening.Exceed the set time of procedures, so as not to disrupt the natural thermoregulation system.
Carry out in one day 3-4 procedures in the infrared cabin for 10 minutes each with a break of 5 minutes.Spend more than 40 minutes in the IR cabin.
Set the irradiation power to 500-800 W/m2.Set the irradiation power above 950 W/m2, as at the same time, the load on the upper (outer) layer of the skin increases, which is fraught with premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
15 minutes before visiting the cabin, you can drink tea or a glass of juice, after the procedure, it is permissible to eat a light salad and quench your thirst with water, fruit drink, herbal infusion with honey.Less than two to three hours before the procedure, eat a heavy fatty meal, drink alcohol on the day of the visit.
Take a shower between treatments and after visiting the infrared cabin. Apply lotions and creams to the skin after completing the procedures.Strictly prohibited! Continue the procedure at the first sign of darkening in the eyes, nausea, dizziness, excessive reddening of the skin, a burning sensation / tingling sensation in the chest (in the region of the heart).
It is forbidden to conduct a session in the morning (at the beginning of the working day), before the expected physical activity or stressful situation.

What should you know?

Infrared cabins can only be with tubular emitters. The cabin itself can occupy from 1 to 6 sq.m. depending on the number of visitors for which it is designed. All emitters are closed wooden gratings to avoid accidental contact. Saunas with heaters in the form of mats and films are not infrared, they are panel cabins. The above contraindications, therapeutic properties and healing actions panel saunas do not apply. Portable portable or installed in apartments panel saunas differ from infrared ones in the intensity of radiation and the effect on the human body.

If you refer to GOST 12.1.005-88, you will see the recommended radiation intensity in the range of 100-150 W/m2. But one should not judge the insecurity of infrared cabins with radiation up to 800 W / m2 according to the threshold specified in the standard, because it is given for heavy industry workers, and not for medical and preventive procedures.

Do-it-yourself infrared cabin - important aspects

You can build an infrared cabin with your own hands by drawing up a drawing and preparing materials. The cabin itself is wooden frame, lined with clapboard made of alder, cedar and other species, or a combination of them. The door to the cabin is usually made translucent. It is forbidden to install latches on the inside of the IR cabin for the safety of visitors (if the visitor becomes ill, he will not be able to leave the cabin). It is forbidden to use glued lumber for sauna construction! It is permissible to cover the floor with moisture-resistant plywood, followed by ceramic tiling.

It is not necessary to insulate the cabin, it is only necessary to join the corner joints well in order to exclude the appearance of cracks and the penetration of air from the room into the cabin during the procedures.

Infrared ceramic lamps (more precisely, IR heaters) are installed in the cabin after finishing works and cleaning inside (dust and dirt must not be allowed to appear in the cab). After installing the heaters, the cabin is connected with a plug to grounded sockets 220-380 V. It is permissible to complete the IR cabin with elements of color therapy, speakers.

A comfortable bench or shelf should be installed so that the visitor can sit with a straight back, spreading his arms to the sides, comfortably stretching or bending his knees at the knees. A thermometer and a hygrometer must be present inside. You can complement the procedure with aromatherapy by placing a ceramic bowl with essential oil on the floor or bench.

Remember - the infrared sauna is designed to give people lightness, health and longevity. But if you are not sure whether you can visit the cabin, consult a therapist, because even sunbathing has contraindications, and the effect of infrared sauna on the body is quite strong, pronounced and noticeable after the first 20 minutes spent inside.

Video - Harm of infrared sauna

Hello! In this article we will talk about what an infrared sauna is and how it differs from the Finnish and Russian baths, what are its benefits and what are the harms, and also how to visit an infrared sauna as a rule.

Sauna with infrared radiation: the principle of operation

All people have different preferences. Someone likes to visit saunas and turns trips to the bathhouse into good traditions. And someone is hard to endure the heat and he avoids such places. Most likely, opponents of saunas do not know about the existence of infrared saunas. They would certainly change their minds about this type of procedure.

Infrared sauna (IR sauna)- This is a small room made of natural material, such as wood, where infrared emitters are mounted. Under the influence of radiated waves, the bodies that fall under their influence are heated.

Most often, these are small cabins for 1-2 people, which can be found in fitness clubs, beauty salons, or even some people at home.

In order to understand the principle of operation of such a sauna, you need to know what infrared waves are.

IR waves- This is the part of the light spectrum that can heat objects. Such radiations cannot be seen, but they can be felt by the skin. The strongest source of infrared radiation is the sun. If you are under its direct rays, you will feel warm. These are IR waves.

It should be noted that any body emits or transmits infrared radiation, including the human body.

All baths have one feature in common. In them, heat is transferred from one object to another. There are several ways to transfer heat:

  1. Contact- when you touch a cold object, you transfer your heat, i.e. infrared radiation comes from you, which is absorbed by the object you touch.
  2. convection- this is an option when one object is heated due to intermediate coolants. Most often it is air or water. In a traditional bath, the human body is heated due to the heated air.
  3. Wave- when objects are heated by infrared waves.

How an infrared sauna works is as follows. The person who takes this procedure is exposed to safe infrared waves. They penetrate into the skin by 4 cm and warm it up, as well as joints, organs, etc. A person begins to sweat a lot, despite the fact that this radiation does not heat the air. Therefore, the temperature in the sauna itself does not rise above 50°C (in ordinary saunas it reaches 110°C).

Types of emitters

Radiators are considered the most important element of an infrared sauna. They are different, depending on what wavelength they produce. In turn, the waves are divided into:

  • Long - from 50 to 200 microns;
  • Medium - from 2.5 to 50 microns;
  • Short - up to 2.5 microns.

The shorter the wave, the more it heats objects.

Long waves are considered the safest. This is because they are as close as possible to the radiation that comes from a person (waves 70-200 microns long come from our body). Therefore, the human body does not perceive radiation in this range as hostile.

Medium and short waves are used to heat large rooms.

So, we found out that long waves should come from the emitter in an infrared sauna. Now let's deal with the material from which the main element is made.

For the production of infrared emitters, the following materials are used:

  • Ceramics;
  • Metal (stainless steel, chrome-plated or galvanized metal, incoloy);
  • Quartz glass.

Incoloy is a special alloy of chromium, iron and nickel. It is he who is most often used in the manufacture of emitters for infrared saunas.

Features impact on the body

If you do not like hot baths, then the infrared sauna will definitely appeal to you. This is because the air temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 50-60°C. But, despite this, the rays penetrate deep enough into the body and warm up the body better than in a conventional bath.

For comparison, we note that in the Russian bath the body warms up by 3-5 mm, and in the infrared sauna - up to 4 cm.

All due to the fact that the length of infrared waves from emitters has the same length as the heat waves emanating from a person. Therefore, our body perceives them as its own and does not prevent their penetration. The human body temperature rises to 38.5. This allows you to kill viruses and harmful microorganisms. This procedure has a rejuvenating, therapeutic and preventive effect.

Therapeutic effect of infrared sauna

In addition to comprehensive prevention and general healing of the body, infrared sauna helps to treat various diseases. Naturally, it is not used as the main method of treatment, but doctors include this procedure in the complex therapy.

Infrared radiation contributes to:

  • Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • stabilization blood pressure;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Healing of wounds, various injuries (fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.);
  • Strengthening the protective properties of the body (increased immunity);
  • Improving kidney function by increasing blood circulation;
  • Treatment of chronic ENT diseases;
  • Reducing and relieving pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • Rapid resorption of hematomas;
  • Reducing the pain of menstrual and headaches;
  • elimination of stress;
  • Sleep normalization;
  • Treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, acne, acne, dandruff, etc.);
  • Healing of scars and scars.

cosmetic effect

In addition to the healing, therapeutic and rejuvenating effect, infrared sauna helps to solve many cosmetic problems.

Being under the influence of IR waves, a person begins to sweat very much. Together with sweat, the skin is cleansed, dead cells are rejected. Such procedures are recommended for people with acne and pimples.

Very often, infrared cabins can be found in sports clubs. All because of the amazing property of the infrared sauna to help in the fight against extra pounds and cellulite.

30 minutes of such a thermal procedure can be compared to a 10-kilometer jog in terms of calories burned.

But if you decide to lose weight only with the help of such a sauna, then the effect is unlikely to be noticeable. It will be possible to lose extra pounds if you combine regular sports, proper nutrition, visiting the sauna and using special cosmetics.

Athletes know another feature of the infrared sauna. The rays emanating from the emitters contribute to the absorption of lactic acid in the muscles, after which the pain disappears, and the body recovers faster.


Any wellness procedure has its contraindications. The infrared sauna is no exception. In order not to harm your health and not aggravate the course of any disease, you need to know about situations in which sessions in an infrared sauna are contraindicated for a person.

  1. With exacerbation of skin diseases.
  2. During the reception medicines(radiation may cause side effects from medicines).
  3. Oncological diseases, all kinds of tumors.
  4. With menstruation or other types of bleeding.
  5. For any disease of the prostate.
  6. With mastopathy.
  7. After surgical interventions.
  8. With gynecological diseases such as: endometriosis, fibroma, myoma, etc.
  9. For colds and other infectious diseases.
  10. Heart failure, too high or too low pressure, tachycardia, anemia.
  11. During exacerbation of cystitis and nephritis.
  12. With inflammation of the articular bags, the development of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).
  13. In the presence of any implants in the human body.

Features of the procedure

Visiting the infrared sauna is much different from the traditional procedure.

  1. Firstly The duration of the session is 30 minutes. That is how long it takes to get the maximum effect. At the same time, it is impossible to leave the infrared cabin during this time. You can open the door (this will not affect the quality of the procedure).
  2. Secondly while staying in such a sauna, it is very important to take the necessary posture. You should sit on a bench with your feet on the floor. The back remains straight. Emitters are mounted both in the walls and under the seat. Therefore, it is in a sitting position that you can get the maximum effect from an infrared sauna.
  3. Third, during and after the procedure, you need to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  4. Fourth, you should not take a cold shower after visiting the infrared sauna. The body does not perceive such a session as overheating. Therefore, just taking a warm shower is enough to wash off the sweat and moisturize the skin.

Using the table, consider the main Differences between a conventional sauna and an infrared sauna.

Pros and cons of infrared saunas

Based on the characteristics of such wellness procedures, the following can be distinguished: advantages:

  1. Easily tolerated by humans. Due to the fact that the temperature in the infrared sauna is not very high, most people feel quite well throughout the session.
  2. The procedure takes quite a bit of time. If a regular bath involves several short visits, after which recovery time is needed, then you need to enter the infrared sauna 1 time.
  3. Sessions can be held even in the morning. After the sauna, you will not feel "broken" and tired. On the contrary, such a procedure will give you strength and energy for the whole day.
  4. Compactness. Such a sauna can be installed even at home. It takes up minimal space and consumes little energy (less than an electric kettle).

The disadvantages of this procedure are hard to name. Disadvantages may appear if the booth is not properly operated or the rules for staying in it are ignored.

Benefits of infrared sauna compared to traditional baths

The action of all baths and saunas is aimed at warming up the human body. The difference between the types of baths in the resulting effect.

While a person is inside the sauna, he actively sweats. Sweating leaves water and solids such as sodium, copper, lead, etc. When you visit an infrared sauna, the composition of sweat released is 80% water and 20% toxins and solids. While in a conventional bath, sweat consists of 95% water and only 5% are harmful substances.

In addition, with infrared wave exposure, deep heating of tissues and organs is observed, which cannot be said about the Russian bath or the Finnish sauna.

Rules for visiting the infrared sauna

Infrared sauna has a positive effect on the human body. But in order to get the maximum desired result from being under IR waves, you need to know how to visit such saunas.

Here are the basic rules for staying in an infrared sauna.

  1. Before taking medical procedures, it is necessary to wash off all cosmetics from the face and rinse in the shower. In no case should you use any cosmetics (creams, lotions, scrubs, etc.) before visiting the sauna. This can lead to an allergic reaction and even burns.
  2. In order to maximize the benefits of visiting the sauna, it is not recommended to eat food before going to the sauna and immediately after it. It is better if you eat 1 hour before entering the infrared cabin. We recommend that you eat something light.
  3. Wipe sweat with a dry towel while in the infrared sauna. The released liquid on the skin prevents the penetration of heat and slows down the warming of the body.
  4. After the procedure, drink plenty of fluids. Warming up your body, infrared rays dehydrate the body quite strongly. Therefore, to restore the water balance, we recommend drinking clean water or warm water. green tea.
  5. After taking a sauna, you can rinse under a warm shower. It will be useful to rest for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cosmetics can be applied to the skin after taking water procedures.

The benefits and harms of infrared sauna

Infrared sauna definitely brings maximum benefits to the body. But if you do not follow the rules of staying in the bath and neglect the tips, which we will discuss below, you can harm the body.

  1. Watch the wavelength and power of the radiation. Otherwise, you may get burned.
  2. Consider the individual characteristics of your body and read the contraindications. If necessary, consult your doctor.
  3. Calculate individually for yourself , how long to stay in the infrared sauna. For an adult, 1 session lasts 30 minutes, and for a child - 15 minutes.

Infrared sauna for children

Infrared waves have a positive effect not only on the body of an adult, but also on children. With the right stay in such a sauna, the child heals, becomes calmer and improves his general condition.

But in order for a stay in the sauna to bring the desired result, you need to know about the precautions at the time when children are there.

  • The time spent by the child in the infrared sauna should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The radiation power should be 65%. This figure for women is 75%, and for men 85%.
  • Children need to wear a panama hat on their heads so that they do not get heat stroke.

Infrared sauna for pregnant and lactating mothers

During pregnancy, no one forbids such wellness procedures. But in an interesting position, you need to be especially careful about infrared saunas. All due to the fact that the rays warm up absolutely the entire body, including the stomach and lower back. No one can say how the body of a pregnant woman will react to such procedures.

If you really want to soak up the infrared waves, be sure to tell your doctor about your intentions to visit the sauna.

There are also no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but you should understand that in the sauna the body temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, and this can lead to the milk “burning out”.

If you have given birth to a baby and are not breastfeeding, you can go to the infrared sauna no earlier than 6 weeks after giving birth. Otherwise, it can lead to bleeding and worsening of your condition.


Infrared sauna is very useful for both adults and children. But this procedure must be approached thoughtfully, if necessary, consult a doctor and be sure to follow the rules for staying inside the cabin with infrared emitters. Only in this case, you can count on the maximum health-improving, rejuvenating, therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

How infrared sauna treats

From this article you can find out what features and properties an infrared sauna has: the benefits and harms of radiation, its effect on the human body, the rules for using infrared cabins, their types, principle of operation and device. The text contains recommendations from experts, indications and contraindications for use, consumer reviews and prices for emitters.

To understand all the advantages and the need for the use of infrared radiation, you should study the structure of the sauna itself: what it is, on what principle it works and what effect it has on a person.

Unlike regular steam rooms, an infrared sauna is not as hot, so it is a great alternative for people who can hardly tolerate high temperatures.

What is an infrared sauna and how does it differ from steam rooms

The infrared sauna is a room small size made from natural materials. Most often, wood is used for these purposes. In most cases, such saunas look like infrared cabins, which are designed for the simultaneous stay of 1-2 people. Radiators with infrared waves are installed inside. Thanks to them, the bodies that fall into the zone of action warm up. Infrared waves are part of the light spectrum. They are invisible, but are able to warm up various objects.

Generally speaking, all baths have a similar principle of operation, which involves heating one object from another. The differences are only in the method of transmission, which can be:

  1. Contact.
  2. Convection.
  3. Volnov.

Contact heating occurs when a hot object touches a cold object, giving it its infrared radiation. Convection heat transfer involves an intermediate carrier, usually water or air. In baths of the traditional type, the heating of the human body occurs due to air.

The wave method involves the use of infrared waves. In this case, a person is exposed to safe radiation. Infrared waves penetrate 4 cm under the skin, providing heating of the body, joints and internal organs. As a result, a person sweats more, and the air itself does not heat up. For this reason, the maximum temperature in infrared saunas for the home is no more than 50°C, while ordinary steam rooms warm up to 110°C.

Interesting fact! Any body emits infrared waves, including humans. The strongest source of such radiation is the sun. The heat felt by the skin from its rays is infrared waves.

Types and features of infrared emitters for sauna

Radiators are the most important component of the sauna. Therefore, before buying an infrared cabin, it is advisable to find out the length of the waves produced. Given this feature, the following types of radiation are distinguished:

  1. Long - 50-200 microns.
  2. Average - 2.5-50 microns.
  3. Short - no more than 2.5 microns.

Long waves are considered the safest. This type of radiation is as close as possible to what comes from the human body. This indicator is in the range of 70-200 microns. Short and medium wavelengths are used to heat large rooms. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether infrared heaters are harmful depends on the range in which the waves are emitted.

The price of an infrared sauna depends on what material the emitter is made of.
Manufacturers use:

  • metal (stainless steel, incoloy, galvanized or chrome-plated metal);
  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass.

Incoloy is a special metal alloy consisting of iron, chromium and nickel. This material is effective and practical, which is why it is most often used for the manufacture of infrared sauna heaters.

When choosing one or another model of infrared sauna, special attention should be paid to heating elements.

The effect of infrared radiation on the human body

Despite the fact that the temperature in the infrared sauna does not exceed 50 ° C, the radiation is able to penetrate deep into the body and warm the body well. Moreover, such heating is more efficient than in a conventional steam room. If we compare traditional baths with infrared saunas, then in the first case, the waves penetrate the body by only 3-5 mm, and in the second - up to 40 mm.

The fact is that the length of infrared radiation is almost the same as that of heat waves that come from a person. Their impact on the body is not perceived as foreign, so the body does not prevent heating. In this case, the temperature of a person rises to 38.5 ° C.

Properties of infrared radiation:

  • destruction of harmful microorganisms and viruses;
  • rejuvenation;
  • preventive and curative effects.

At each stage of the procedure, certain processes occur. Their detailed consideration will allow us to understand the mechanism of the effect of a sauna on a person. First, a portable infrared sauna should be prepared for the session. For this, it is set required level humidity (about 45-50%) and temperature (about 35-38°C). During the first 10 min. the sauna accumulates energy. During this period of time, a person has a slight sweating and an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C.

Over the next 12 minutes. the upper layers of the skin begin to actively release moisture, which increases the level of sweating and increases the rate of blood circulation, as well as improves the metabolism in the body. Together with the fluid, the body gets rid of some of the harmful substances and toxins.

Note! The shorter the wavelength, the stronger the objects that fall under its influence warm up.

Further, the volume of released moisture gradually begins to decrease, since the body has already managed to allocate part of the unbound water during this time. In the process, there is a rapid increase in body temperature. The optimal session duration is 30 minutes. After that, you need to leave the sauna. At this stage, the intensity of sweating may increase. This process usually takes no more than 8 minutes.

Infrared sauna: the benefits and harms of emitters, scope

Many consumers prefer infrared saunas for the apartment. Unlike conventional steam rooms, these designs have many advantages:

  1. Simplified preparation process - it takes only 10-12 minutes to warm up, in the case of a Russian bath, this process is more complicated and sometimes it lasts more than 1 hour.
  2. Shortened session - the procedure lasts about 30-40 minutes, when you need to stay in ordinary steam rooms for at least 60 minutes to achieve the effect.
  3. High efficiency due to fast and deep heating, as well as increased perspiration.
  4. Safe operating system - thermal loads on the body are minimal, so the list of contraindications for a bath with infrared emitters is small.

If you exceed the time spent in the bath, this can cause an overload of the heart muscle.

Why infrared sauna is useful: the therapeutic effect of radiation

In addition to the preventive effect on the human body and its strengthening, infrared sauna helps to cope with certain diseases.

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We plan the space: the choice of tiles, lighting, plumbing, furniture, washing machine. Pipes and waterproofing.

Infrared radiation has a positive effect on the human body:

  • stabilizes the level of blood pressure;
  • increases the effectiveness of the treatment of ENT diseases;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • promotes healing of injuries and wounds, for example, dislocations, bruises, fractures;
  • reduces pain in the joints, back and muscles;
  • due to increased blood circulation, kidney function improves;
  • enhances immunity;
  • promotes the resorption of bruises and hematomas;
  • normalizes sleep patterns;

  • reduces pain during menstruation and during headaches;
  • promotes the treatment of skin diseases such as dandruff, acne, dermatitis, acne, etc.;
  • eliminates stress;
  • promotes healing of scars and scars.

Important! Infrared sauna should not be used as the only treatment. The specialist prescribes procedures as an auxiliary part of complex therapy.

Why infrared sauna is useful: cosmetic effect

In addition to medicine, the scope of the sauna also extends to solving cosmetic problems. During the session, the human body releases a large amount of sweat. As a result, the skin is cleansed and dead cells are removed. Similar procedures are prescribed for people who have problems with acne and acne.

Such cabins are installed not only in beauty parlors, but also in gyms where an infrared sauna is used for weight loss. A session of thermal exposure lasting 30 minutes. burns the same amount of calories as a 10 km run. However, the independent use of the sauna for weight loss will not bring significant results.

To achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure should be applied in a complex, in combination with other measures:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular sports;
  • the use of specialized cosmetics.

Infrared radiation accelerates the absorption of lactic acid, which is formed in the muscles during exercise. Athletes actively use the sauna to reduce pain and restore the body.

Using infrared sauna: indications and contraindications

Before using infrared emitters, you should find out to whom the bath is contraindicated, and for whom it will have a positive effect. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

Indications for use will apply to people with such disorders:

  • disorders nervous system(irritability, fatigue, pinched nerve, scattered attention, memory impairment);
  • impaired blood circulation and pressure surges;
  • decreased immunity and frequent colds;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, muscle spasms, scoliosis, bursitis);
  • problems affecting the digestive system, including metabolic disorders at the cellular level and slow metabolism;
  • the presence of urticaria, psoriasis, acne, eczema and cellulite;
  • signs of menopause.

In addition, the possibilities of the sauna will be useful during the recovery period after suffering inflammatory processes, infectious diseases and injuries.

Important! Radiation enhances the effect of cosmetic products applied to the skin. To avoid allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use substances that are not intended for sauna use.

What are the contraindications of infrared sauna:

  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • taking medications (the use of certain medications in combination with a sauna can lead to side effects);
  • the presence of tumors and oncological diseases;
  • the period of menstruation and the presence of bleeding;
  • diseases affecting the prostate gland;
  • mastopathy;
  • postoperative period;
  • gynecological diseases (myoma, fibroma, endometriosis);
  • infectious and catarrhal diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiac system (low or high pressure, tachycardia, heart failure, anemia);
  • diseases of the urinary system (nephritis, cystitis);
  • the presence of implants;
  • inflammation and diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis).

In some cases, warming up helps to cope with colds, so many people wonder if it is possible to go to the bath with sinusitis. Herbal medicine, washing, inhalation can be used for its treatment. However, during the period of exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, it is strictly forbidden to visit the booth.

How often can you visit the sauna: benefits and harms, features of the procedure and rules

The rules for visiting an infrared sauna differ in many ways from the procedure used in conventional steam rooms. The duration of the session does not exceed half an hour. This is quite enough to achieve the desired effect. In this case, it is forbidden to leave the cabin even for a short time. But you can open it, the quality of the procedure will not suffer from this.

During the session, it is very important to choose the appropriate posture. The person should sit on a bench with their feet on the floor. You need to keep your back straight. In the booths, emitters are installed not only on the walls, but also under the seat. For this reason, the sitting posture is considered the most effective. Be sure to drink plenty of water during the session. The harm of infrared radiation in the absence of contraindications has not been proven, however, fluid intake will help to avoid dehydration.

Comparative characteristics of the infrared sauna and the Russian bath:

Criteria Russian bath Infrared sauna
Preparation time, min. 60-120 10-15
How often can you visit the sauna 1 time per week 1 time per week
Temperature regime, ° С 90-110 45-50
Session duration, min. 30
Effect relaxation, drowsiness, fatigue burst of energy
Energy costs high high

The harm of infrared radiation is possible only if you neglect the rules of visiting, for example, increase the time and number of sessions, ignore contraindications, etc. If the sauna is visited frequently, it is advisable to reduce the time spent in it to 20 minutes. In this case, the optimal number of sessions is up to 2 times a week.

Note! After the sauna, it is not recommended to take a cold shower. The body does not perceive the influence of infrared radiation as overheating. You can limit yourself to a warm shower, which will wash off the remnants of sweat from the skin and moisturize it.

The benefits and harms of the sauna: how to avoid the negative impact

The positive effect depends on how carefully a person follows the established rules. Before proceeding with the procedure, be sure to wash off cosmetics from the face and body and take a shower. It is not allowed to use lotions, creams and scrubs before the session. Otherwise, not only allergies, but also burns can occur on the skin.

Also, experts do not recommend eating before the procedure and immediately after it and immediately before it. It is better to take a break of 1 hour (the food that is taken before visiting the sauna should be light). Use a dry towel to wipe sweat. If this is not done, the moisture on the skin will slow down the heating of the body and block the heat. To replenish the water balance after visiting the sauna, you need to drink green tea or clean water.

To avoid negative impact, you need to adhere to several requirements:

  1. Monitor the power and wavelength to eliminate the possibility of burns.
  2. Carefully read the list of contraindications, as well as get a doctor's advice to take into account all the individual characteristics of the body and the state of health.
  3. Individually calculate the time spent in the booth. The maximum duration of a session for an adult is 30 minutes, for a child - 15 minutes.
  4. If there are such side effects, like burning of the nasopharynx and skin, dizziness and headache, watery eyes, you should immediately leave the sauna.
  5. You should not be in the booth if you feel discomfort. It will not bring benefits to the body.

After a session in the infrared sauna, the body needs to rest. For this, 10-15 minutes is enough. A warm shower will help to get rid of the rest of the sweat. Then any cosmetics can be applied to clean and dry skin.

Can infrared heaters harm a child?

Infrared radiation is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Subject to the rules, the baby's body will strengthen and improve its health during its stay in the booth.

Precautions for children:

  1. It is impossible for the baby to stay in the sauna for more than 15 minutes.
  2. The maximum allowable power for a child is 65%. While men need about 85%, and women - 75%.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of heat stroke, the baby should wear a panama hat while in the sauna.
  4. Before visiting the sauna, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Helpful advice! Salt infrared saunas are especially useful for children. As finishing material the cabins use tiles made from Himalayan salt instead of wood.

Can an infrared sauna harm a pregnant or lactating woman?

During pregnancy, wellness procedures are not prohibited (in the absence of complications), however, visiting the sauna in this position should be done with extreme caution. The fact is that the whole body warms up in the cabin, even the lower back and stomach fall under the thermal effect. No one can know in advance how the body of a pregnant woman will react to such a procedure. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor before visiting.

Nursing mothers can visit the infrared sauna. However, one should take into account the fact that the emitters raise the body temperature to 38.5 ° C, as a result of which the milk can simply “burn out”.

If the mother does not breastfeed the baby, then the first visit to the sauna can take place no earlier than 6 weeks after birth. Otherwise, warming up can provoke a deterioration in health, and even cause bleeding.

Which infrared sauna is better to buy: price and recommendations

The range of infrared saunas on the market is quite wide. Therefore, buying a booth turns into difficult task. To pick up best option, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm.

  1. How to choose an infrared cabin:
  2. Decide on the installation site and, taking this into account, calculate the size of the sauna.
  3. Choose the shape and external design.
  4. Decide on the material for the manufacture of the booth.
  5. Choose a heating element with the required characteristics.

Make sure that the booth has a convenient and understandable control system.

If you take into account all these nuances, the cabin will bring joy and health for many years. Of course, the manufacturer and price remain important selection criteria, which have a direct impact on the quality of the structure and its durability. It is not recommended to water the cabin with water or violate the rules of operation, otherwise the sauna will quickly become unusable.

How to choose and buy an infrared sauna with optimal characteristics

To install an infrared sauna in the house, a space of at least 1.2x1.2 m is required. This is the size of standard cabins that are designed for one person. A single design can be installed in a city apartment, for example, on a loggia or in a bathroom. If there is additional space, you can install a booth with dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m, designed for 2-3 people.

Three- or four-person saunas are usually installed in private and country houses. On sale there are cabins that can provide a simultaneous stay of 5 or more people. Such designs are designed for gyms and spas.

The shape and design of the booth is selected taking into account the design of the room where it will be installed. Designs are rectangular, angular, hexagonal.

Helpful advice! In order for the sauna to fit optimally into the style of the room, you can order a cabin with a suitable design of the outer panel, which can be made of glass (mirror, frosted, transparent) or MDF. Diversify appearance booths will help handles, platbands and other fittings. All these little things will achieve unity in design.

For the manufacture of booths, the following types of wood are most often used:

  • Siberian cedar;
  • tarred pine;
  • aspen;
  • Canadian cedar;
  • alder;
  • Linden.

Average prices for infrared saunas on the example of the manufacturer KOY:

Model Dimensions, m price, rub.
H01-K6 1.1x1x2 85900
KOY H01-JK71 1x1x2 87000
KOY R05-K1 1x0.96x2 111000
JK-R8101 1x0.9x1.95 112800
JK-R2102 1.1x1.05x1.95 112800
H03-K61 1.3x1.3x2 114200

Many buyers have already appreciated the benefits of an infrared sauna, consumer reviews from the forums confirm this.

“I visit the sauna after training in the gym. I like that the temperature in the cabin is low, but at the same time you sweat more intensely than in the bath. After 10 procedures, my skin condition noticeably improved, it became clean, pores decreased. And the absence of muscle pain after sports is an additional plus.

Marina Fomicheva, Moscow

“Last year, my husband gave me a small infrared cabin for my birthday. Feelings are great. After a few sessions, she lost some weight. Excellent thing. I advise you to try."

Ekaterina Shcheglova, Yekaterinburg

Making an infrared sauna with your own hands

Infrared sauna can be made with my own hands. This will require a set of necessary knowledge and appropriate tools.

Stages of building an infrared sauna:

  1. Selecting a project and drawing based on placement.
  2. Selection of building materials.
  3. Production of parts in accordance with the drawings.
  4. Construction assembly.
  5. Seat installation.
  6. Supply of electricity and installation of emitters.
  7. Installation of interior lining.

Before starting work, the selected project must be agreed with the relevant departments. This is especially true when the sauna is installed in the apartment. You will have to obtain permission from the housing inspection, architectural and construction supervision, the fire service, the sanitary and epidemiological service and other organizations.

If this process is too complicated, you can always purchase a compact design ready-made and take care of your health throughout the year. Cabin maintenance is very easy. It is enough to ventilate the structure after use for 20 minutes.

The infrared cabin is a design that is designed to warm the body with the help of infrared emitters. In its shape and size, it resembles a small closet, and according to the principle of operation, it resembles a full-fledged sauna. The invention has an excellent healing effect and is a useful prophylactic for various diseases.

Relax in your own IR cabin

Description and features

Since ancient times, people have visited and continue to visit the bath and sauna in order to cleanse their body of various toxins, improve the general condition of the body, and also enjoy unforgettable vacation for soul and body. The popularity of steam procedures was high not only in Rus', but also in Far East. Relatively recently, Japanese inventors have launched something incredible on the market - infrared saunas.

By it's nature infrared cabin is the same sauna, but with some differences. The main feature of this design is the method of heating, because if in a sauna the body warms up in several stages, and heat is transferred from coals, stones and steam through hot air, then with IR radiation, heating occurs from the inside through rays.

In this video, we will learn how the simplest IR cabin is made:

The effect of steaming or overheating in infrared cabins-saunas is not noticed. This is explained by keeping the internal temperature in the range of 40-60°C, which makes the design safe for people with heart disease or a tendency to high blood pressure. If a traditional sauna warms up only the surface layer of the skin, then infrared rays pass 4 centimeters deep, treating the joints and muscles. Regular visits to the infrared cabin can improve metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures and weight loss.

Another important advantage of the infrared sauna is its compactness. Due to their excellent functionality and easy maintenance, such designs are found not only in high-end beauty salons, spas and fitness centers, but also in private homes.

Principle of operation

The first models of IR booths were a small flask-shaped cabinet, inside which were placed nichrome spirals. As for modern developments, they use zirconium dioxide and a number of additional elements. The structure itself is made of ceramic materials and equipped with an aluminum heater.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, the heating element must be heated with electricity by inserting it into a 220 or 380 Volt socket (the exact voltage is determined by the power of the booth, it varies from 1700 to 6000 W).

As soon as the device is connected to the network, it will begin to transmit electromagnetic radiation, creating waves in the spectrum of 0.77-340 microns. As the heating temperature decreases, the wavelength begins to increase and vice versa. To change this characteristic, a special regulator is used, which is located inside the cab.

With the appearance of long electromagnetic waves, a deep heating of the body occurs, while the outer space practically does not warm up. Being in the infrared cabin, you can choose the appropriate temperature regime within 40-70°C. According to experts, this is quite enough for the active release of sweat and a positive effect. Unlike classic saunas and baths, infrared cabin treatments are completely gentle, as they do not contain large amounts of steam or excessively high temperatures.

The body temperature of the IR cabin visitor rises to 38.5°C, due to which the body begins to fight against viral or infectious manifestations. Along with sweat About 20% of solid elements leave the body, including:

  • fatty acid;
  • slags;
  • toxic substances;
  • cholesterol;
  • urea.

The remaining 80% of sweat is water. An infrared sauna is four times more effective than a classic sauna, as the latter produces only 5% solids.

Working elements and device

When choosing a compact infrared cabin, you should take into account its design features and device. Depending on the type of IR emitters models available on the market are:

  1. Carbon fiber (plates and films are placed inside).
  2. Ceramic (there is a tubular system inside).

When choosing a functional and comfortable sauna, it is advisable to give preference to the first variety. However ceramic structures have a better emitter, so they have the maximum effect on the human body when heated. There are also combined models that combine the advantages of both types.

As additional elements for an infrared sauna, built-in radios or radios are used. Also in the design there may be an enhanced ventilation system or a massage shower.

Construction finish

For finishing the cabin, you can use the most various materials. In most cases, it is natural wood with antiseptic characteristics, although glass and fiberglass products equipped with a shower are found on the market.

The most optimal raw material is linden, oak or cedar, since these materials are characterized by antibacterial and health-improving parameters. However, leading companies often use popular types of cedar only as a marketing gimmick. Although elite wood looks very beautiful, its service life is much lower than that of linden or pine. At the same time, cedar structures are very expensive.

The advantages of finishing with quality wood are obvious and are as follows:

  1. Durability.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. No harmful emissions when heated.
  4. When heated, the cabin releases useful substances and odors.

And although plastic structures are much cheaper, they can release toxic formaldehydes, becoming hazardous to health. As a result, instead of the expected therapeutic effect, the infrared cabin is harmful.

Experienced cosmetologists advise additionally finishing the floor and walls with high-quality Himalayan salt tiles. It is characterized by excellent medicinal qualities, which increase as it is heated and have a positive effect on the respiratory system and the general condition of the body. In traditional steam saunas, such a plan is impossible to implement, since under the influence of moisture, the salt begins to break down.

Benefits and indications for use

Without a doubt, regular visits to the infrared sauna, taking into account the basic rules and regimen, can improve overall health and get rid of many common diseases. In the absence of significant contraindications the patient may notice:

  1. Improving the condition of the skin. After just a few procedures, the skin will become perfectly clean and healthy.
  2. Raising the tone, a surge of vivacity.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system and improving the elasticity of blood vessels.
  4. Reducing excess weight.

And this is not a complete list of the beneficial effects that it has on human body IR booth. It can also help:

  1. Effective treatment for itching.
  2. Combat severe pain in the joints and lower back.
  3. Elimination of chronic fatigue.
  4. Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. In this case, the sauna is additionally finished with rare types of wood that are capable of releasing a lot of useful substances and essential oils when heated.

With regular exposure to infrared radiation on the body, you can notice a lot of miraculous effects that no other method of treatment gives.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to many positive properties infrared cameras have contraindications for use. These include:

  1. Skin diseases of a fungal nature, dermatitis.
  2. Bleeding, ulcers and tumors.
  3. Late pregnancy.
  4. Being under the influence of alcohol.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Diseases of the circulatory system.
  7. Arthrosis, arthritis and joint diseases.

Simply put, the presence of any problems and diseases that do not tolerate exposure to heat is a key argument prohibiting visiting the IR cabin. But in any case, you need to go ahead medical examination and make sure that such procedures do no harm. The first sessions should last no longer than 10-15 minutes, which is quite enough to determine the body's response to being under infrared radiation. Also, one should not forget about the individual factor.

Pregnant women and children have no contraindications to visiting infrared cabins. However, it is better for these categories of patients to adhere to a moderate regimen and be careful. Even if at the stage of bearing a child, future mother there are no health problems, it is better to consult a doctor first and make sure that such a procedure will not cause the development of unwanted health problems.

Popular Models

The first models of infrared saunas appeared on the Japanese market. Currently, such products are widely distributed in Europe and the United States. Also leading manufacturers from Korea and China are engaged in the production of booths. At the same time, the latter country produces not only cheap designs of dubious quality, but also some of the most innovative models.

If we talk about the most technologically advanced infrared cabins, then they include the German model Saunalux. The Japanese Infrasun range is characterized by unsurpassed design and functionality, while the American Infradoc development has gained worldwide fame due to ergonomics and durability.

The range of cabins with infrared emitters is very extensive, and the range of brands, price solutions and configurations is so wide that it is sometimes problematic to make a decision and choose something specific.

When choosing a future infrared bath or cabin, it is important to study it in advance specifications, operating standards and a host of other parameters. You can also consult with experienced managers or ask friends about the features of using such a device.

Some craftsmen equip the infrared booth with their own hands without much difficulty. The installation procedure does not require much effort and consists of several stages. When disassembled, such a product is a small cabinet the size of a shower cabin, which consists of 6 or 8 panels and various equipment.

The uninterrupted operation of the system is ensured by an electrical network of 220 volts, while the level of energy consumption is extremely low. In terms of energy consumption, this system is not much different from a conventional kettle or microwave oven. At the same time, it is completely harmless, and its installation does not require obtaining any permissions.

Arranging an infrared cabin at home is a good alternative for expensive beauty salons and spa centers. This means that in a short period of time the construction will quickly pay off, and the patient will notice a significant improvement in well-being and quality of life in general.
