Important little things

which I often forget:

  • Carefully drain the water from the hoses, even if they are reinforced.
  • Drain the water from the barrels and turn them over, or cover them with something from above.
  • Open the taps of the centralized water supply by 45 degrees.

Rice. 1. If the faucet opening is located vertically upwards, then cover it with additional polyethylene and wrap it.

  • Put a small supply of firewood near the sauna stove. Will be drier than when stored outside. If you come to the dacha in winter to take a steam bath, it will be easier to kindle.
  • For winter visits, you can hide a shovel near the gate so that you do not have to crawl behind it in the snow through the entire plot to the barn.

Repair work

  • We repair so as not to waste precious time on them.
  • We check and strengthen the frame of greenhouses under polycarbonate and glass.
  • We inspect and repair manual and in advance.
  • If you have a motor cultivator, a chainsaw, a gas trimmer, you need to drain the fuel from them.


  • Turn off gas.
  • grease door hinges, locks, latch and wicket hinges.
  • Pour water from the kettle, washstand, vases, bottles. Sometimes even one and a half liter bottles burst, and on the first visit to the country, you have to mess around with drying the floor and rugs.
  • Close the vents. Even if gratings are installed in the holes, excess moisture inside the foundation is useless.

Rice. 2. We close at least a plank with an emphasis or a bottle. Watering cans are also turned upside down for a reason. I grow petunias in them. For the winter, containers for flowers must also be turned over, otherwise the moisture accumulated in the ground can break them.

  • Decompose poisonous bait from rats and mice.
  • Hang blankets and pillows on strong ropes stretched higher under the ceiling. Raise the mattresses of the beds and place them vertically. Mice love to nest under them for the winter.
  • Try to take out clothes and bed linen or hang them on ropes. If this is not done, the mice will gnaw holes. Checked repeatedly and discarded many favorite sweaters.
  • Take out all the seeds from the dacha, because at sub-zero temperatures they can lose their germination. Once, my collection of sunflower seeds, forgotten at the dacha, was completely cracked by mice, and for some reason the husks were laid out on a sofa and chairs with soft upholstery.
  • We are taking away food supplies, otherwise in the spring they will fit only for the garden http://site/produkty-na-ogorode.htm, and cereals will be an excellent treat for rodents.
  • We draw the curtains so that potential thieves do not look at the left household appliances. Or better yet, hide it in a stash.


  • We cut before winter, so that in the spring there is less cleaning, and so that.

Rice. 3. We rake the foliage.

  • We align the molehills after the mole frolic on the lawn. We sow the formed bald spots with a lawn mixture, but this is best done on frozen ground.

Rice. 4. Heaps of earth in the photo are molehills. We do not trample them, but we rake them fan rake using the excavated earth to level the surface of the lawn.

Garden and flower garden

  • We carry out necessarily water-charging watering of bushes and trees at the rate of 3 buckets for a young specimen and 10 buckets for an adult tree or bush. Autumn rain will not provide this.
  • We feed with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, loosen the soil around the trunks.

Rice. 5. You can weed around the bushes during these works.

  • We stock up covering material for tree trunks and perennial flowers that require protection from freezing: non-woven agrotex or spunbond are in the lead, but in the absence of it, you can use spruce branches, old cotton burlap, and even tights, however, under them the plants will rot if not in time clean up in the spring.

Rice. 6. To protect against hares, I stick sticks vertically and obliquely around especially valuable young seedlings.

  • Make sanitary pruning of old branches of bushes and trees. Cover large damage with garden pitch. Remove dried fruits, old exfoliated bark, dry leaves with cobwebs from the trees and burn them. Whiten the stems.
  • We are finishing. I mulch only those flowers that do not have any leaves above the ground. I spud roots that protrude too much on the surface of the soil, for example, in phloxes.
  • I sign fresh bulbous plantings on the plates.

Rice. 7. Not relying on memory, I sign perennials that have just been transplanted to a new planting site: lilies, phloxes, peonies, lupins.

  • We bend tall raspberry bushes and tie. I didn’t bend down the raspberries for the winter just once, and, as luck would have it, this year the winter turned out to be little snowy, and almost half of my raspberry bushes froze out and, of course, there was very little harvest.

Rice. 8. I tie the bushes with cotton ribbons.


  • We are preparing beds for sowing, which we will carry out in November on frozen ground.
  • Unoccupied beds are also not bypassed. Supporters of traditional farming dig up the soil without breaking up large pieces of earth, and apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers. I also scatter almost ready-made humus in advance, or at least two-year-old compost, so that there is less trouble in spring. I do not close it in the soil, as it is better to do it in the spring. Will ripen on the spot.

Rice. 9. I don’t pull out annual weeds, but leave them to rot in the garden.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in October for most owners of suburban areas completes the summer season. The trees are starting to shed their leaves, there is almost nothing left in the garden, most of the crop has already been stored. “October is the month of full pantries,” says folk wisdom, but this does not mean at all that the work in the garden and in the garden has already been completed. Rest early, country cottage area must be carefully prepared for the winter. Well, when she comes, then it will be possible to relax, drink hot tea with homemade jam, and look at summer photos. So, what kind of work are responsible summer residents doing this month?

Primary work in the garden and vegetable garden in October

In the October days, it is already in full swing to prepare the entire infrastructure for winter: remove and clean the time switch from drip irrigation, turn over the barrels, remove the pump, “park” the water supply - blow it out and leave the taps open.

Harvesting the last harvest in the garden

In the first half of October, the remains of cabbage should be collected from the garden: cauliflower, white cabbage, late Brussels sprouts. If the heads of cabbage have already frozen slightly, they need to be dried a little, having previously picked off the upper damaged leaves, and only then put them in storage.

According to the observations of many gardeners, cabbage is best stored in a suspended state (on the crossbar with the roots up) in the basement with a constant temperature of 1-2 degrees.

If you store cut cabbage, then when the heads of cabbage are determined for wintering, it's time to take care of the stumps left after them. It is desirable to dig absolutely everything, leaving not a single root in the ground. This is done not for the sake of cleanliness and order on the site, but for another, more important reason. The fact is that the remaining roots of cabbage are a haven for the larvae of the cabbage fly, so to speak, their winter quarters. If the stalks are not removed, the larvae will safely live until spring, warm up with the arrival of heat and turn into flies that will literally devour cabbage seedlings in June.

Planting must be completed in the first half of October, as plants planted closer to stable frosts automatically fall into the risk zone. Planted seedlings planted in time will have time to grow absorbent roots before frost and, with the arrival of spring heat, they will instantly start growing (about a couple of weeks earlier than those that will be planted in spring). Weather surprises that nature often throws at the beginning holiday season, they will meet already sufficiently developed and strengthened.

Landing pits for "settlers" should preferably be prepared no later than a week before disembarkation. After planting, it is necessary to ensure that the soil under young trees and bushes does not dry out before the onset of frost. Gardeners pay special attention to warming seedlings. If a harsh winter is predicted, the plants can be insulated as follows: drive four pegs at a distance of up to 40 cm around the trunk, cover the resulting frame with burlap, fill the space between the tree and the burlap walls with dry leaves or sawdust. If there is no burlap at hand, you can build a tube from corrugated paper and fill with insulation. Such protection will help plants survive any winter.

If winter warming rodents can damage, look in the area (or ask your neighbors) for foliage and shoots of elderberry, and add it to the warming layer - mice “do not like” this smell.

Autumn pruning of fruit and berry crops

It is better not to allow horticultural crops to winter with a thickened or injured crown, it is dangerous for them. That is why thinning and sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall. It begins during leaf fall or immediately after the trees and bushes shed their leaves, and the removal of unnecessary branches must be completed before frost. In order not to weaken the plants, but rather to strengthen their immunity, pruning must be carried out in a “gentle mode”, without being too zealous.

Sanitary pruning involves the removal of broken, dried, pest-affected and no longer fruiting branches (the so-called unloading). After trees and bushes shed their leaves, such damaged areas become clearly visible. In order to thin out the crown, all overlapping branches are cut out, resting on the trunk, growing almost vertically from the trunk, or simply preventing light from entering. The main thing is to carry out this procedure in a timely manner so that the wounds have time to heal before winter.

Another October garden work is pruning gooseberries and currants. Both cultures wake up and bloom too early, so it's best not to delay their thinning until spring. In addition, all the kidneys are checked on currants - deformed and swollen kidneys with signs of a kidney mite must be carefully pinched off and burned.

In addition to pruning in the fall, we also regularly spray against diseases and pests - in October with live microbial preparations, and only in November we connect iodine treatments.

Tidying up and preparing plants for wintering

October garden work is not limited to pruning old trees and planting new ones. In addition, it is better to clean the garden turf from leaf litter - distribute the foliage into flower beds and beds. Also, plant residues accumulated during the season are removed into the compost heap, and preparations begin. fruit trees and berries for the winter. Dead bark is removed from the trunks, and then whitewashing is carried out with a mixture of lime and clay with the addition of water (3 kg of the mixture / 10 l of water) and ash (1 cup). If there is mullein, then add it - it improves adhesion.

Later, when the ground begins to freeze slightly, tree trunks can be mulched with compost mixed with sawdust, and even better with peat.

Autumn work in the flower garden in October

In flower beds in October days, non-hardy crops (heat-loving hydrangeas, climbing roses, rhododendrons) and plant vending bulbs - tulips, daffodils, chionodoxes, crocuses, etc.

All leaf litter of fruit trees, not distributed over the beds, as already mentioned, is better to scatter in flower beds - this is both food for the soil and warming for the winter. Around the end of June next year, there will be no trace of the leaves, all will be eaten by soil microorganisms and earthworms. This nutrition is enough not only for flowers, but also fruit trees- their nutritious roots will reach here if the flower beds are organized near orchard.

October is a very busy month for gardeners. If in summer you can sit out the midday heat somewhere in the shade, wait for the evening coolness and continue working, then in the middle of autumn such pauses are not allowed. People say: "October day is flying fast - you can't tie it to the wattle fence." And indeed, as soon as he prepared the instrument and tuned in to work, it was already getting dark. But winter is very close, and you need to have time to carry out all the planned work in the garden and garden in October without putting them off until spring.

In autumn, gardeners and gardeners have an incredible amount of work. It is necessary to finish harvesting, and prepare the garden and vegetable garden for the winter cold, and lay the foundation for a successful start to the next spring season. For each fall month, there is a specific work schedule and a long list of things that need to be redone. However, it is worth considering what climate zone you live in. After all, in some regions all garden work end in October, when the last crop is still harvested in areas with a milder and warmer climate during this period, and the final cleaning of the beds and preparing the garden for cold weather is carried out in November.

What to do in the garden in autumn

With the onset of autumn, summer residents continue the hot season - it is necessary to harvest the remaining crop, prepare the site for winter. In order to carry out all garden work correctly, novice gardeners should first consult with experienced colleagues, read thematic literature, watch videos with tips from experts. This is a very important time, since proper preparation trees, shrubs and land for the cold season, next year's harvest depends.


In generous and warm September, there is especially a lot of work in the garden, because the harvesting and processing of the crop is in full swing. And besides stockpiling, you need to start some preparatory work for winter. In addition to twists and preparations for the winter this month should:

  • cover leafy garden crops with foil to extend the harvest season;
  • collect seeds;
  • plant spring bulbous flowers such as hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, etc.;
  • autumn lawn fertilizing;
  • prune perennials and shrubs.


The onset of golden autumn adds work to collect fallen leaves. In October, it is worth taking care of the transplant fruit bushes, rejuvenation of the orchard, pruning dry and diseased branches. At the end of the month everything bulbous plants need mulching with humus or peat. This is also a huge piece of work.

To make winter easier garden plants, the earth around perennials should be loosened and fertilized. It is also necessary to take care of the lawns: it is worth removing weeds, loosening and leveling the soil. In the garden, you should collect and destroy the tops, and after harvesting, dig it up.


Last autumn month closes the gardening season. During this period, there is also a lot of work. It is necessary to cut off all diseased branches, clean and whitewash the trunks. Remove fallen leaves. Collect and destroy pest nests from bare branches.

In November, the harvest is completed, and the garden plots that have not yet been dug up are dug up. The period of collection and preparation for the next season ends fruit seeds. The last works are being carried out to prepare the flower garden for winter.

The main work in the garden and vegetable garden in October

In October, the summer cottage pleases with bright colors and the last harvest, while work continues in the garden in preparation for wintering. A lot of work needs to be done this month.

  1. Sow seeds of cold-resistant annuals such as cornflowers, poppy, calendula, etc., to ensure their early flowering;
  2. Replant those trees and shrubs that have already dropped all the leaves;
  3. Take care of the garter, prikope, supports, frames and shelter for roses, chrysanthemums and hydrangeas;
  4. Engage in division and layering for faded perennials and shrubs that have shed their leaves;
  5. If necessary, dig out the rhizomes of dahlias, cannes and other perennials after the first frost;
  6. A month and a half after the end of flowering, it is necessary to dig up gladioli;
  7. About three weeks before the expected frost, plant winter garlic;
  8. Planting bulbs decorative bow, crocosmia, lilies;
  9. Mulching the soil and pruning bushes and perennials;
  10. Permanent assembly for humus of falling leaves.

In the garden:

  1. Prepare the soil for spring work;
  2. Collect vegetable tops;
  3. Dig up the garden;
  4. Apply fertilizers to the soil: manure, ash, phosphorus, potassium, etc.;
  5. To protect against frost and better warm the soil in spring, the finished beds should be covered with a black film;
  6. To prolong the harvest, cover leafy garden crops from the first frosts with a transparent film;
  7. Clean and disinfect greenhouses.

Attention! In addition to these gardening works, do not forget about the preparation country house for your extended absence. It is necessary to clean the drains and pipes, collect and store country furniture in the shelter.

November calendar for gardening

To finally prepare the site for wintering and ensure a successful start to the new spring season, the following work must be carried out:

  1. Finish cleaning in the garden and in the garden;
  2. Replant shrubs and trees that require replanting;
  3. Trim shrubs;
  4. Mulch the soil around bushes and perennials;
  5. Plant bulbs of garlic and tulips;
  6. Make protective shelters for plants from hares and other pests;
  7. Do necessary work in the garden for the propagation of perennial plants by layering and division;
  8. Collect the remaining fallen leaves for humus;
  9. If the house has a fireplace or stove, collect the ashes for fertilizer and mulching;
  10. Make and install bird feeders in winter.

Preparing a country pond for winter

In the cycle of preparatory work in the garden for winter, one should not forget about preparing an artificial reservoir for the cold season, if any. To do this, you need to carry out the following work:

  1. Engage in thinning the water flower garden. This procedure is carried out in case of impassable water thickets, and if floating plants have begun to occupy too much of the surface of the pond. To do this, you need to cut the plants at the very base with special scissors.
  2. Remove all leaves that have fallen during the fall from the reservoir and clean it of algae.
  3. In warm regions, new plants can be planted in the coastal zone in autumn;
  4. From artificial reservoirs no need to remove all the water. But it is necessary to make the mirror area a little smaller. In order not to deform the bed of the reservoir, its bottom should be covered plastic bottles with water.

Attention! If in artificial pond fish lives, it is absolutely impossible to drain it. With the onset of cold weather, the fish hibernate.

Leaves are already falling outside the window, which means that autumn is gaining momentum and very soon the cold will come. We have compiled a list of things to do in October for you. To make this autumn month memorable for the whole cold winter. And so, what needs to be done in October.

To-do list:

1. Buy a bright umbrella. If you don’t have a bright umbrella yet, then you should get one as soon as possible. Yellow and orange umbrellas will keep you warm in the heaviest rain.

2. Bake cookies in the form of autumn leaves. Delight your friends and loved ones with delicious cookies in the form of autumn leaves, cones or acorns.

3. Replenish delicious and fragrant tea. Serve biscuits with delicious tea. Discover new flavors of fragrant tea.

4. Throw a fun Halloween party. The end of the month promises to be cheerful and scary. Be sure to throw your own Halloween party and invite all your friends to it.

5. Prepare a pumpkin dish. The crop has already been harvested, which means that you can arrange culinary experiments. Pumpkin can be cooked tasty soup or bake a big pie.

6. Choose a warm October day and have a picnic in the park. You need to have time to enjoy the last warm day of autumn. Take a warm blanket, hot tea and sandwiches with you.

7. Rustle autumn leaves. It's so amazing to step on fallen leaves and hear them rustle under you.

8. Plenty to ride a bike. We use the last October days to the maximum, we ride a bicycle, because winter will come very soon.

9. See how the birds fly south.

10. Arrange an autumn photo shoot. Treat yourself to memories of this autumn. Arrange an autumn photo shoot in the fresh air or in the autumn decoration of a photo studio.

11. Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves. A bouquet of autumn leaves can be used as a prop for a photo shoot or as a gift to your parents.

12. Collect and dry the herbarium. Remember how in childhood we collected a herbarium and laid it out in books.

13. Enjoy a new harvest of honey. The bees have been working all summer and collecting delicious honey, now it's time to enjoy it. And hot milk with honey will help not to get sick this autumn.

14. Bake an apple pie with cinnamon. We continue to improve our culinary skills and our next step is to cook the most delicious charlotte.

15. Arrange a romantic evening with your loved one. Don't forget about your loved ones. Arrange a romantic evening for them with candles and a warm blanket.

16. Cook mulled wine. The most warming drink of autumn and upcoming winter is mulled wine. Come up with your own unique recipe and surprise your loved ones with it.

17. Get a warm sweater. Perhaps many of you have already completed this item, and who has not yet, then go to the closet in search of the warmest sweater.

19. Go to a cafe with friends. Invite your friends to an interesting cafe where you have never been before. And be sure to order a new drink for you.

20. Have your own October Fest. Have fun at your October Fest.

21. Get out your favorite rubber boots. Not all shoes will withstand heavy rains and rubber boots will come to the rescue. If you have not yet acquired this element of the wardrobe, then you urgently need to arrange shopping.

22. Draw an autumn landscape. Add some creativity to your life. Golden very - this is a great opportunity to learn how to draw.

October is one of best months holiday in Mauritius. At this time, the hot season begins there and there is no rain, at least in the northern and western parts of the island. So you can bask on the beaches, swim in the warm Indian Ocean, go diving, surfing and admire the Mauritian nature in its very bloom.

  • Air temperature: 26-27°C.
  • Water temperature: 22-25°C.
  • Visa:
  • Cost of living: from 938 rubles per night.
  • : from 113,277 rubles.

The Galapagos is another great island destination for an October getaway. There, as in Mauritius, at this time the weather is warm and dry, but the main thing is that the unique nature of these places is still in all its glory.

The "peak" season for birds and fish lasts until the end of October, but there are noticeably fewer people on the archipelago. Therefore, you can safely snorkel and dive and just explore the islands, almost the entire territory of which is a national park.

  • Air temperature: 25-27°C.
  • Water temperature: 23°C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 881 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 22,671 rubles.

Although the Canaries are considered a year-round resort, for beach holiday it is better to go there in summer or not too late autumn. October suits perfectly: the ocean is still very warm, which means that you can swim and lie on the sand all day long. It can be black (volcanic), yellow or white depending on the island.

The easiest way to get to the main island of Tenerife: there are direct flights from Moscow.

That is why there will be many compatriots (and tourists in general) there. The second most popular island among vacationers is Gran Canaria. If you're craving a more secluded getaway, head to Lanzarote (and be sure to visit the local volcanic national park with alien landscapes) or relaxed Fuerteventura - an island that windsurfers have chosen thanks to steady winds.

  • Air temperature: 20-23°C.
  • Water temperature: 18-19°C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 514 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 11,661 rubles. But you can save money on buying tickets if you use Aviasales.

Hot and crowded Istanbul is empty by mid-autumn, and the temperature in the city drops to a very comfortable level. So at this time you can explore the ancient city and its surroundings without fuss.

If you are a connoisseur contemporary art or are related to design, there is another reason to go to the Turkish capital. This is the Istanbul Design Biennale. It will run from September 22 to November 4.

Of course, only the bravest can swim in the sea. But it is quite possible to drive along the empty coasts, sunbathe and, perhaps, climb into the water on a particularly fine day in October.

  • Air temperature: 27-31°C.
  • Water temperature: 26-27°C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 974 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 20 355 rubles.

October is ideal for visiting Israel: the sweltering heat is no longer there, and the water of all three seas washing the country warms up to a very pleasant temperature. You are free to choose any coastal city for your vacation, but Tel Aviv will be one of best options. There you can swim, and plunge into the cultural and nightlife: after all, this is the capital of Israel's entertainment.

In addition, Jerusalem is located about 60 km from Tel Aviv. It, along with other ancient sights, is worth visiting in October, when there is not yet such an influx of pilgrims as in winter.

  • Air temperature: 14-20°C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 1,836 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 12,593 rubles.

October in Paris is rich in events. Firstly, a large-scale gastronomic event takes place in the culinary capital - Taste Week. There are tastings during it. french food, master classes and theme days: festivals of choukrut, spices, cider and fish. The week ends with the chestnut festival, which is celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country.

If you are going to Paris primarily for taste, lay a separate line in your budget for this.

Assume that you can have a snack within 10 euros, but a full lunch or dinner will cost 20 euros and more.

  • Air temperature: 17-22°C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 1,542 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 15,793 rubles.

Another grand culinary feast takes place in Perugia, Italy. The period from October 18 to October 27 is the time of the Eurochocolate chocolate festival, when sweet tooth and chocolatiers from different countries come to the city.

The program is rich: there are shows, and the creation of sculptures from chocolate, and festivities, and, of course, fairs and tastings where you can try chocolate products of all stripes. If you decide to attend a holiday, take looser trousers: they will surely come in handy.

  • Air temperature: 10-17°C.
  • Water temperature: 13°C.
  • Visa: Irish or British.
  • Cost of living: from 1,102 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 7,933 rubles.

Dublin is another European destination worth visiting in October. In the first half of the month, the annual theater festival takes place in the Irish capital, and towards the end - the Bram Stoker festival, dedicated to the creator of the gothic novel "". Of course, at this time the city is filled with a vampire atmosphere, thematic performances, film screenings and parties are held at different venues - just before Halloween.

From Dublin, you can also go north to Belfast, where an international art festival takes place almost the entire month, or south to Cork, where a traditional jazz festival will take place in the last days of October.

4. Delhi, India

  • Air temperature: 30-33°C.
  • Visa: Indian, you can get it online.
  • Dashahr.

    The celebrations last almost 10 days, this year they start on October 8th. At this time, the Indians have fun, exchange gifts and perform a number of beautiful rituals.

    Do you dream of seeing how the city is filled with colors, light and fireworks? Then go to Delhi. Although the celebrations will take place in all corners of India, so no matter where you are at this time, you will not hide from the beauty.

    • Air temperature: 0-10°C.
    • Water temperature: 7-11°C.
    • Cost of living: from 500 rubles per night.
    • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 20,032 rubles.

    In October, Baikal has relatively comfortable weather, but there are practically no people due to the end of the tourist season. At the same time, golden autumn creates real miracles with Baikal nature. If you are a photographer, a romantic, a mushroom picker, or just a person tired of the bustle of the city, then here you will definitely be able to fully.

    You can stop very close to the lake, for example, in the village of Listvyanka, or in the busier Irkutsk - and make forays into nature from there. It is better to take care of excursions in advance (after all, the end of the season, programs will be curtailed), but at the beginning of the month, many of them are still available.
