slide presentation

Slide text: Fruits. Distribution of fruits and seeds. Kondratenko E.V., teacher of biology, MOU "Secondary School No. 6", Troitsk.

Slide text: Educational: summarize knowledge about the biological role of plant flowers; to acquaint students with the structure of fruits, their diversity and significance in plant life. Developing: to continue the formation of skills to compare, systematize the material, draw conclusions, work with natural objects, a textbook and additional literature. Educational: the formation of skills to exercise mutual control, to cultivate a respect for nature.

Slide text: Lesson epigraph: "For those who know little and this is a lot, but for those who want to know, there is a lot and this is not enough." (L. Zorina)

Slide text: 1. A flower is: a) a bright corolla; b) perianth; c) a modified escape; d) part of the escape. 2. The main parts of a flower: a) petals and sepals; b) pistil and stamens; c) pedicel; d) style and stigma.

Slide text: 3. Often brightly colored: a) sepals; b) stamens; c) corolla petals; d) pestle. 4. Dioecious flowers have: a) stamens and pistil; b) petals and sepals; c) only stamens; d) only a pestle.

Slide text: 5. Perianth consists of: a) calyx and corolla; b) pistil and stamen; c) receptacle and corolla; d) receptacle and calyx. 6. The following parts are distinguished in the pistil: a) filament, anther, pollen; b) ovary, style, stigma; c) receptacle, ovary, stigma; d) anther, ovary, stigma.

Slide text: Evaluation criteria: 0 errors - "5" 1 error - "4" 2 errors - "3" 1-c, 2-b, 3-c, 4-c, d, 5-a, 6-b.

Slide text: What is the importance of flowers in plant life? The formation of fruits and seeds, reproduction, beauty, medicine.

Slide text: The fruits of plants, like flowers, are very diverse both in shape and size, and in color, number of seeds and many other features. In each fruit, two main parts can be distinguished: seeds and pericarp. It is the pericarp that determines the characteristic appearance of the fetus. Seeds + pericarp = fruit

Slide #10

Slide text: Fruits

Slide #11

Slide text: Fruits Juicy Dry Berry (currant) Pumpkin (cucumber) Hesperidium (lemon) Walnut (hazel) Pod (radish) Box (poppy) Apple (pear) Drupe (plum) Acorn (oak) Semyanka (Sunflower) Caryopsis (wheat) Bob (peas)

Slide #12

Slide text: Laboratory work. a) Consider the fruits you have. Divide them into juicy and dry; b) divide juicy fruits into single-seeded and multi-seeded, determine their names; c) divide dry fruits into single-seeded and multi-seeded; determine their name; d) fill in the table.

Slide #13

Slide text:

Slide #14

Slide text:

Slide #15

Slide text:

Slide #16

Slide text: Breadfruit Breadfruit grows on the Sunda Islands in Oceania. Its creamy-golden fruits - jackfruits up to 1 m long and up to 0.5 m in diameter hang directly on the branches and trunk. This phenomenon is called caulifloria. The pulp of the fruit is similar to dough, cakes from it resemble bread and potatoes in taste.

Slide #17

Slide text: Coconut palm Coconut palm begins to bear fruit in 8-10 years and forms 50-100 nuts annually. The unripe fruit contains 0.5 l of sweet and sour juice, over time it turns into milk, and the mature fruit already has pulp - copra, which can be eaten.

Slide #18

Slide text: chocolate tree The chocolate palm, or cocoa tree, grows in the Amazon. The fruits are formed directly on the trunks. This tree was brought to Europe by Columbus in 1502.

Slide #19

Slide text: Avocado The avocado fruit is shaped like an egg enlarged 4 times. It weighs up to 0.5 kg. The pulp tastes like a plum with chocolate. The fruits are very high in calories and contain 8 essential vitamins for humans.

Slide #20

Slide text: Durian Durian is one of the most delicious fruits. It resembles a mixture of walnuts, peaches and pineapples, but has a very disgusting smell. Durian grows in the countries of Southeast Asia. Yellow, covered with thorns fruits weigh up to 3 kg. The plucked fruit is stored for no more than 3 days.

Slide #21

Slide text: How are fruits and seeds distributed? with the help of wind, water, self-spreading, with the help of animals and humans.

Slide #22

Slide text: 1. The berry is red, the berry is delicious. Cut and salt, Eat and praise.

Slide #23

Slide text: Tomatoes are a berry.

Slide #24

Slide text: 2. Above the meadow parachutes Swing on a twig.

Slide #25

Slide text: Dandelion is an achene.

Slide #26

Slide text: 3. Round and smooth - He did not grow in the garden. It hung on a branch, A squirrel found it ripe in the sun - It brought it into a hollow.

Slide #27

Slide text: Hazelnut - walnut.

fruit spread

and seeds

Fruits and seeds can often be far from the plants on which they ripened.

This is explained by the fact that the fruits and seeds of some plants have adaptations for dispersal by wind, others - by animals, man, water, and the seeds of some plants scatter the ripened fruits themselves.

Poplar seeds, covered with white fluffy hairs, are spread by the wind over long distances.

The wind also carries dandelion fruits with parachutes

The fruit of the maple splits into two parts, each of which has a pterygoid outgrowth. Falling, halves of the fruit quickly spin in the air

Some steppe plants wither by the time the fruits ripen; the wind breaks them off at the root, rolls on the ground from place to place, scattering the seeds. Such plants, moved by the wind, are called "tumbleweeds".

The fruits and seeds of some plants stick or cling to bags or bales with cargo and get into wagons, ship holds, cars and planes.

When unloading, the seeds fall to the ground, germinate, and the plants grown from them are often found in new territories.

seed spreading can be seen in many plants

Repair text, partially damaged

  • It is enough for the words to express the meaning.
  • Confucius
  • After pollination and fertilization from the ovary of the flower is formed .... The fruits are ... and .... The one-seeded juicy fruit of the cherry is called .... The fruit of the cucumber is called .... The juicy multi-seeded tomato fruit is called .... A lemon has a fruit - .... The one-seeded dry fruit of wheat is called .... Raspberry fruit - .... Dry multi-seeded cotton fruit - .... Strawberry fruits... Bean fruit...

  • After pollination and fertilization, a (fruit) is formed from the ovary of a flower. Fruits are (juicy) and (dry). The one-seeded juicy fruit of the cherry is called (drupe). The fruit of the cucumber is called (pumpkin). The juicy multi-seeded tomato fruit is called (berry). The lemon has a fruit - (orange). The one-seeded dry fruit of wheat is called (caryopsis). Raspberry fruit - (multi-drupe). Dry multi-seeded cotton fruit (box). Strawberry fruits (multi-nuts). bean fruit

Evaluation criteria:

  • 0 errors - "5"
  • 1-2 mistakes - "4"
  • 3-4 errors - "3"
  • 5 mistakes - "2"

Self-assessment sheet


Lesson stages




Final mark

Today at the lesson we have to learn

  • Why do plants spread fruits and seeds
  • How are fruits and seeds distributed?
  • What adaptations do fruits and seeds have for distribution

The annual number of seeds in some plants


Coconut palm

Number of seeds per year


Poplar black

Why do plants form so many seeds?

Why is it important that most seeds be as far away from the mother plant as possible?

  • Plants explore new territories
  • Facilitates cross-pollination
  • No intraspecific competition
  • Enriched species diversity plant communities - phytocenoses

An old proverb says that an apple does not fall far from the tree. In fact, fruits and seeds often end up far from the mother plant due to various adaptations. Who is helping them?




on one's own


plant name

Wind dispersal of seeds

  • They have fixtures:

fluffy hairs


Pterygoid outgrowths

  • Poplar
  • Aspen
  • Dandelion
  • Maple
  • Birch
  • Ash

Spreading seeds with water

  • Lotus
  • Water lily
  • Coconut palm
  • Sedge
  • Chastukha
  • arrowhead

They have fixtures:

Air chambers (buoyancy)

Thick peel (protection from getting wet)

Distribution of seeds and fruits with the help of animals

On the outer covers


In the digestive system

Procurement of stocks




Scattering (self-propagation)

They have fixtures:

  • due to internal tensile forces,

pressure in living or dead cells.

  • seeds fly apart when twisted with force

folds of a ripe box.


Squirting cucumber


Human-assisted seed and fruit dispersal

  • Attachments:
  • Hooks
  • teeth
  • Velcro
  • burdock
  • succession
  • Plantain
  • Ambrosia

Methods of distribution of fruits and seeds

Method of dispersal of fruits and seeds

plant name

Distribution adaptation


Alder, coconut tree

Self spreading


Birch, ash, maple

Animals and man

Willow, poplar, aspen

The fruits are light, do not sink in water

Impatiens, peas, beans, acacia

Pterygoid outgrowths

Burdock, string

The flaps dry out, break, twist and the seeds are scattered

Change covered with white fluffy hairs

Rowan, elderberry, lingonberry, blueberry, bird cherry

Sharp teeth and hooks

The seeds have a hard shell, so they are not digested.

Why seed plants

dominate the earth?

  • Seed plants dominate because they have a variety of ways to disperse seeds and fruits: wind, water, self-dispersion, animals and humans.

The value of fruits in plant life

The fruit protects the seeds from adverse conditions. external environment and promotes seed dispersal.

plant name

Seed dispersal method



Fruit with a parachute

Fruit with wings




A lot of nutrients


Hooks on fruit


Squirting cucumber

The fetal folds are twisted



High pressure inside the fetus

The fruit is light, does not sink

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Slides captions:

Distribution of fruits and seeds Organs of plants vegetative generative And what organs does a plant consist of? What do they serve?

What are the parts of the fruit? pericarp seed What does a seed consist of? What is it for? cotyledon embryo Seed coat The seed contains the embryo and nutrients for its development. It will grow into a new plant.

What is the pericarp needed for? Dry, hard pericarp in walnut, leathery in oak. Protect the seed. walnut acorn What is their pericarp? What is it for?

What is the pericarp of these fruits? Bright and juicy pericarp .. Can such a pericarp protect the seed? No. It attracts animals with its taste and color. What benefit do plants get from this? Animals, eating fruits, spread seeds of plants

How else can plant seeds travel? acorn Contains many nutrients Store animals Ride animals Has hooks burdock

How else can plant seeds travel? Through the air Has wings Through the air Has a parachute Dandelion achene Maple lionfish

How else can plant seeds travel? self-spreading Bob Impatiens Rolling flaps Crazy Cucumber Shooting fruit self-spreading

How else can plant seeds travel? Nut coconut tree Light pericarp water

Plant name Seed dispersal adaptation Gooseberries, currants, grapes by animals Juicy pericarp Dandelion by wind Fruit with parachute Maple by wind Fruit with wings Acorn by animals Lots of nutrients Burdock by animals Hooks on fruit Impatiens self-spreading Curled fruit flaps Crazy cucumber self-spreading High pressure inside the fruit Coconut water Fruit light, does not sink

Review the drawings. Complete the lab.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

lesson Propagation of fruits and seeds

The lesson is designed for a rural school. After repetition homework methods of distributing fruits and seeds are presented in an accessible way. Biological tasks are proposed, taking into account the regional component ...

Summary of the lesson "Distribution of fruits and seeds"

Lesson summary in grade 6 "Distribution of fruits and seeds" to the textbook by V.V. Pasechnik. The lesson contains a biological game, a task to fill in the table....

Reproduction and fertilization in plants. Formation of fruits and seeds

Reproduction and fertilization in plants. The formation of fruits and seeds. Learn about the reproduction of organisms; The meaning, features of asexual and sexual reproduction; Get to know the process of fertilization in flowers ...

This presentation is used when explaining new material in the lesson "Distribution of fruits and seeds of plants of native species."

Description of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Ways of distributing fruits and seeds of native plant species.

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the features of the distribution of fruits and seeds using the example of plants of local species, with various adaptations for distribution.
Equipment: presentation, handout.

During the classes:
I. Org. moment.
II. Checking students' knowledge.
A) Individual survey:
- by cards (3 students);
- at the blackboard:
1st student: draw up a classification scheme for fruits. Which
characteristics underlie this classification?
(dry, juicy, one-seeded, multi-seeded).
after the first student has finished, more are called
four students:
2nd student: write all the dry
3rd student: write all the juicy ones you know
fruit. What plants have such fruits?

B) Work with the class (frontal survey):
What does the fetus develop from?
What is the structure of the fetus?
How can a fruit be distinguished from other organs of a plant?
What role do fruits play in plant life?

(Check answers on the board)

III. Preparation for the assimilation of new knowledge (conversation).

What is a seed?
What is the role of seeds in plant life?
How many seeds do one plant produce?

Teacher: Field radish usually produces about 160 seeds, dandelion - 5000,
poppy self-seed - 20 thousand, quinoa - about 100 thousand seeds, poplar -
about 27 million

How important is the formation of a large number of seeds for plant life?
- What happens if all the seeds fall near the mother plant and germinate?
How does nature solve this problem?

Sun. Christmas
When you walk the path
Wherever you look, in the fields
White miracle balls
On thin stems.

through, silver,
They are light as fluff
Standing and not swinging
From the breeze from the river.

But only in autumn
Wave of other winds, -
Break down, rip
Air seeds.

Clean fluffs fly
For the meadow, for the garden, for the forest ...
And paratroopers to us
They descend from heaven.

Teacher: the purpose of our lesson is to find out in what ways
fruits and seeds of plants in our area, what adaptations they have for distribution

IV. Learning new material

1. Methods of distribution of fruits and seeds.

Q: What distribution methods are mentioned in the following

Strings are flying -
New settlers - birds;
Will fly home
And wings off.

The box is sealed
And in it the birch is hidden -
With branches, with earrings,
With white clothes.
The wind carries the box -
Drop somewhere.

(The first distribution method is written on the board)

2. On a knot - lasso
Holds a suitcase.
Lid opened -
Everything unraveled.

Under the bushes, near the wattle fence,
The chatter does not stop;
Bullet on the left, bullet on the right...
Who is being rounded up?

There are mothers with wonderful manners:
Throw children upside down.

What a marvel: the fruit spits -
Whole hands are not given.

(the second way is recorded)

3. Blossom everywhere boldly
And sometimes it happens.
What will I cling to brutally
Even in the most vicious dogs.

(the third method of distribution is recorded).

4. Question: What other method of distribution is referred to in
poem by A. Rybochkin "Acorn"?

Forest stream melodious and call
We drive the raft to the big river.
Here is an acorn - a tiny barrel,
Falling, splashed in the whirlpool.
According to all laws
He would go down here
Yes, a random leaf saved - a sail
He carried the acorn to the wave.
Wave, like a spark to be crushed
And brings his gift to the shore
He would be strengthened in the earth,
And he won't disappear there.
The ocean will rise in green
Where without borders forest expanse.
As in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan
A hero floats in a barrel.

(fourth distribution method recorded)

Conclusion: the fruits and seeds of plants are distributed in nature in different ways.
ways: wind, water, self-spreading, animals and

Teacher: it is worth talking about the role of a person in more detail, because. person involved
in distribution not only passively, but also actively, precisely what -
Lovek played an important role in plant dispersal. So many
seeds cultivated plants transported from one country to another.
So, sunflower and tomatoes were brought from Peru, corn - from

Question: What adaptations do plants have to make their seeds and fruits
carried the wind, animals and man, so that the seeds themselves flew out of

4. Adaptations for the distribution of fruits and seeds.

Show presentation

Teacher: the process of distributing fruits and seeds is not random, it is multi-
different adaptations in fruits and seeds developed as a result of
long-term development flora on the ground. Distribution method -
The change depends on the specific environmental conditions.

V. Consolidation of students' knowledge

1) Guess the crossword
2) write a fairy tale "Journey of the seed."

VI. Summary of the lesson.

House. task: paragraph 31 to retell, write a fairy tale "Journey of the seed."

Conversation on:

How are fruits and seeds distributed in nature?
- In the yellow acacia, the wings of ripe beans open with such a
The force that the seeds scatter in different directions. Explain
What does this mean for plants?
- One of the employees of the radio station on the coast of the Northern Ledov -
that ocean discovered the seed of a tropical plant. The seed was
the size of a plate, with thick covers and had good buoyancy. How could it have come from tropical countries To the shore
cold ocean?
- A typical European plant, plantain vulgaris meets -
also happens in America. How could he move to America and other continents?
- One sow thistle plant produces up to 35 thousand seeds. What is it
does it matter to the plant?

Crossword "Distribution of fruits and seeds"

1) Who distributes mountain ash, bird cherry, blueberries?
2) Who helped the plantain to move from Eurasia to other continents?
3) The seeds of this plant are spread by self-spreading.
4) The fruits of this plant have hooks with which they cling to animal hair, human clothing.
5) In this way, the seeds of dandelion, birch, pine are distributed.
6) She spreads the seeds of alder, chastukha+?
7) The seeds of this plant are spread by the wind.

Card 1

1) seeds are formed from ovules (yes);
2) berry - a juicy fruit with pulp and thin skin (yes);
3) pumpkin is a dry multi-seeded fruit, found in cucumber, watermelon (none);
4) lemon, orange have a berry-like fruit called hesperidium or orange (yes);
5) the box develops in cabbage, turnips (no).

Card 2

Do you agree with the following statements:
1) the pericarp is the overgrown and modified walls of the ovary (yes);
2) caryopsis - a dry fruit, found in sunflower (none);
3) the nut has a hard, woody pericarp (yes);
4) drupes, apples, nuts (no);
5) ripe juicy fruits have juicy pulp (yes).

Card 3

1) Divide the fruits into single-seeded and multi-seeded: plum, raspberry, apple, acorn, poppy, cucumber, hazel nut (single-seeded: plum, acorn, hazel nut, and multi-seeded - the rest).
2) Find the extra:
A - achene, caryopsis, drupe, acorn;
B - apple, berry, nut, pumpkin;
B - pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber, achene.

Lesson on the topic “Fruits and seeds. Distribution of fruits and seeds
- To form ideas about the variety of fruits and ways of their distribution;
- To form a steady interest in the subject;
- Develop cognitive activity students;
Equipment: multimedia projector, handouts (cards with riddles, illustrations of fruits, collections of seeds.
Lesson plan:
1. Repetition (using a video sequence of plants)
- What systematic groups can all angiosperms be divided into? (Class Dicotyledonous and Class Monocotyledonous)
- Organs of flowering plants. (Root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit)
- Signs of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. (The supply of nutrients is in 2 cotyledons or in the endosperm, leaf venation is reticulate or arcuate, parallel, the root system is rod or fibrous)
- Features of the structure of seeds of dicotyledonous plants. (Seed peel, embryo - 2 cotyledons, root, bud stalk with leaves)
- Features of the structure of seeds of monocot plants. (Pericarp fused with the seed coat, endosperm, embryo - 1 cotyledon, root, stalk, bud with leaves)
New material.
1. Variety of fruits.
The fruit is a generative organ characteristic of angiosperms. It serves to form, protect and distribute seeds. Fruits are juicy and dry, single-seeded and multi-seeded.
(see table in appendix)
2) Give examples of these types of fruits.
- Drupe (juicy one-seeded fruit) - plum, cherry, peach, apricot, bird cherry.
- Berry (juicy multi-seeded fruit) - blueberries, cranberries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers.
- Apple (juicy multi-seeded) - apple tree, pear, quince, mountain ash, hawthorn.
- Pomeranian (juicy multi-seeded) - citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, lime).
- Pumpkin (juicy multi-seeded) - pumpkin, melon, watermelon, zucchini, squash.
- Achenes (dry one-seeded fruit) - sunflower, dandelion, burdock (burdock), string, sow thistle.
- Caryopsis (dry one-seeded) - cereals (rye, wheat, barley, oats, rice).
- Walnut (dry one-seeded) - coconut, hazel, hazelnuts.
- Lionfish (dry one-seeded) - maple, linden, ash, elm.
- Bean (dry multi-seeded fruit) - legumes (peas, beans, beans, soybeans, acacia, clover, rank)
- Pod (dry multi-seeded) - cruciferous (cabbage, radish, turnip, swede, shepherd's purse).
- Box (dry multi-seeded) - henbane, dope, tobacco, cotton, buckwheat, violet.
3) Distribution of fruits and seeds (demonstration using a multimedia projector)
The main methods of seed dispersal: water, wind, insects, birds, animals, self-spreading.
Fruits and seeds have adaptations that help with dispersal in one way or another (for example, the dandelion's parachute aids dispersal by wind).
Checking the acquired knowledge in the form of a test.
Set match:
Signs of fruits and seeds Method of distribution
1. The fruits have juicy pulp 1. blown
2. The fruits have feathery hairs 2. water
3. Fruits and seeds are small, light 3. by animals
4. Fruits have hooks
5. Fruits have swimming (air) sacs
(Answer: 1 - 3; 2 - 1; 3 - 1; 4 - 3; 5 - 2)
4) Consolidation of the material (Riddles)
- In a golden ball
The oak tree hid.
(Acorn - nut)
- In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold - sweet.
What is a berry?
(Rowan - apple)
- Holds a girl in her hand
Cloud on a stem.
Worth blowing on it
And there will be nothing.
(Dandelion - achene)
- He issues sheets
wide latitude.
Stay on strong stems
One hundred fruits are rough, tenacious.
If you don't get around them,
You can find them all on your own.
(Burdock, burdock - achene)
- I'll go to the warm earth,
I will rise to the sun with an ear,
Then there are people like me in it,
There will be a whole family.
(Grain - grain)
- Dried out in the hot sun
And breaks out of the pods ...
(Pea - bean)
- In the garden by the path
The sun stands on a leg
Only hot rays
He is not hot.
(Sunflower - achene)
- The caftan on me is green,
And the heart is like a kumach.
Tastes like sugar, sweet
And he looks like a ball.
(Watermelon - pumpkin, berry)
- Balls hang on knots -
Darkened from the heat.
(Plum - drupe)
- Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch:
adults love me
And little kids.
(Apple - apple)
- Head - on the leg,
In the head - peas.
(Poppy - box
- She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet,
I darkened in the sun
And now I'm ripe.
(Cherry - drupe)
- As if a snow globe is white,
It bloomed in spring
It exuded a delicate scent.
And when the time has come
She became at once
All from the berry is black.
(Bird cherry - drupe)
- What they dug from the ground,
Roasted, cooked?
What we baked in the ashes
Did they praise?
(Potato - berry)
- I was born to glory,
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me.
(Cabbage - pod)
- I'm red, I'm sour,
I grew up in the swamp
Ripe under the snow
Well, who knows me?
(Cranberry - berry)
- Red beads hang,
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears.
(Raspberry is a complex fruit (fruiting). The type of fruit is a drupe.)
5) D / z: paragraph 30, 31. Riddles, proverbs, sayings about fruits. Think of examples of plants that have the listed types of fruits.

VII. Summary of the lesson "Distribution of fruits and seeds"
Author: Lukash Inna Valentinovna, Size: 23.23 KB
Added: 12/03/2013.
Educational. To expand students' knowledge about fertilization, the formation of fruits and seeds; to acquaint with the variety of fruits in nature, to give the concept of "dry" and "juicy" fruits; to reveal the process of distribution of fruits and seeds in nature and the significance of fruits in human life.
Developing. To develop the ability to compare biological processes in nature, the ability to observe and draw appropriate conclusions and generalizations.
Educational. To educate respect for the environment, for the nature of the native land; to cultivate a scientific worldview that the seed is the future plant.
Lesson type. Assimilation of new knowledge.
Lesson form. Combined.
During the classes
I. Organizational moment: order in the classroom, readiness for the lesson, emotional mood.
- Good afternoon! I am glad to see you at the lesson today. I hope that our joint work will be useful and interesting.
II. Updating the basic knowledge of students.
a) - At the beginning of the lesson, we will carry out a small test work: to restore the text, partially damaged by the Centipede. And let the words of Confucius "It is enough that the words express the meaning" stimulate the work of your thoughts.
After pollination and fertilization from the ovary of the flower are formed .... There are fruits ... and .... A single-seeded juicy fruit is called ..., it is found in .... Juicy multi-seeded fruits are called ..., they are formed in .. One-seeded dry fruits are called ..., they are found in .... Dry multi-seeded fruits are called ..., they are formed in .... Fruit is a tool for...
b) Self-control
Biological mini - quiz
1. What adaptations allowed angiosperms to become the dominant group in the plant world?
2. What is the biological significance of double fertilization?
3. From what are the fruit and seed formed?
4. What conditions are necessary for the formation of fruits and seeds in plants?
III. Motivation educational - cognitive activity students.
It begins with a demonstration of fruits, among which there is an onion, root vegetables of beets, carrots, radishes and potato tubers.
In order to avoid identifying fruits with other organs of plants eaten, students are invited to answer the following problematic question: can an onion, root crops and tubers be attributed to fruits? Justify the answer.
Comparison helps students to conclude that only fruits have seeds, other organs (root crops, tubers, bulbs) do not.
The following problematic question, which is posed to the students:
- To prove that the fetus is an organ that gives rise to the next generations?
IV. Perception and assimilation by students of new material.
Fruits are the final stage in the development of a flower as a generative organ. Behind the statements of the American botanist A. IMSA, the fruit is a "ripe flower". There is a wide variety of fruits on our planet and they are the result of evolution. The topic of our lesson is “Fruits. Propagation of fruits and seeds.” Please write down the topic in your notebook.
Information collection interesting facts about plants in which amazing fruits ripen.
- Teacher:
It is known that
field radish produces 160 seeds annually,
tricolor violet - 2500 seeds,
dandelion officinalis - 5000 seeds,
poppy self-seed - 20,000 seeds,
black poplar - 28,000,000 seeds.
- If all the ripening seeds fell directly under the mother plant, then their germination and development would be hindered by intense competition. How one of the most famous plants solves this problem, Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky described in his poem Dandelion. Listen carefully to the poem and try to formulate the purpose of our lesson, which we will talk about today.
When you walk the path
Wherever you look, in the fields
Miracle balls turn white
On slender stems.
through, silver,
They are light as fluff
Standing and not swinging
From the breeze from the river
But only in autumn
Wave of other winds, -
Break down, rip
Air seeds.
Clean fluffs fly
For the meadow, for the garden, for the forest ...
And paratroopers to us
They descend from heaven.
Formulation of the purpose of the lesson for students: to study the adaptations of plants to the distribution of fruits and seeds in nature. Such a variety in the external structure of fruits is associated with the formation in the process of evolution of various adaptations for seed dispersal.
It is very rare that seeds germinate on the mother plant (mango plants). Most seeds spread over considerable distances. What do you think is the biological meaning of this? This allows plants to spread over long distances and populate new territories.
There are several methods of seed dispersal:
Explanation with demonstration of the presentation "Distribution of fruits and seeds" (slide show)
1. Autochory. This method is typical for such plants as: mad cucumber, acacia, peas, beans.
2. Anemochory. Seeds for this method should be light in weight and have special devices. Seeds such as orchids, wintergreens have a small weight. Dandelion, willow, poplar, blooming Sally- have various outgrowths in the form of tufts or hairs. And what are the means of maple, ash, birch? Outgrowths in the form of wings.
3. Hydrochoria. What kind of plants do you think this species distribution? For aquatic or semi-aquatic plants. Sedge, alder, coconut palm.
4. Zoochory, anthropochory. In the process of evolution, many plants have developed special adaptations for this type of distribution. What adaptations are found in plants for distribution with the help of animals? Burdock. It has special outgrowths in the form of hooks, spines, Velcro, which are attached to animal hair, human clothing and are carried over long distances.
5. Ornithochory. Juicy fruits have a bright color and thus attract the attention of birds. They eat them and carry them away from the mother plant.
6. Myrmecochory. Spread by ants.
7. "Green aliens". Plants brought to our country from other countries, but over the years they have become local.
V. Consolidation of the studied material. Understanding objective connections.
At this stage of the lesson, the teacher addresses the students with the question: what is the significance of fruits and seeds in nature and human life?
Students draw conclusions: seeds and fruits not only ensure the reproduction and spread of plants over long distances, many of them are food for animals and humans.
VI. Homework.
Prepare reports on human use of fruits and seeds.
