Proper nutrition for a bodybuilder and strength training are the two main components of an athlete's muscle growth.

When it comes to proper sports nutrition, there is no need to complicate anything.

But what does this mean for a bodybuilder to eat right? Are there mountains of meat? Spending thousands of rubles on all sorts of miraculous nutritional supplements?

These and other questions will be answered by two "star" professionals Milos Sarcev and Vikki Gates.

They have been conducting personal training for bodybuilding enthusiasts for a long time and they know in advance all the “bottlenecks” of your sports nutrition.

Proper nutrition for a bodybuilder

Protein around the head

Excess protein intake does not stimulate muscle growth. If you undertake to eat protein more than usual, your muscles are unlikely to add in volume. But protein deficiency will stop growth, that's for sure! In short, the proper nutrition of a bodybuilder, it is on demand, but no more. Yes, but what is this need? Nutritionists have their own opinion on this matter, bodybuilders have their own.

For those athletes who are tuned in to proper nutrition bodybuilder professional Milos Sarcev advises beginners to eat 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Here's where you need to experiment.

Heavy training increases the need for protein. Someone who trains 6 times a week needs more protein than someone who trains 5 days. Age, training experience and side stresses make their own adjustments.

In any case, if your muscle growth has stopped, do not rush to change the program. Perhaps you simply do not have enough protein in the same amount. Try to raise your rate to 4-6 grams per kilogram of body weight.

The current Miss International, Vicki Gates, is in solidarity with Milos: “I have been on a high-protein diet for four years now and during this time I have built up a very good muscle mass».

With a weight of 68 kg, she consumes 225 grams of protein per day; however, on those days when she does not train, this figure drops to 150 grams. Like Miloš, Vicki trains both beginner bodybuilders and other athletes who want to strengthen their “muscle frame”.

According to her, many beginners make a characteristic mistake. They knock over a couple of large protein shakes and think that's enough. “The whole point is that the protein should be ingested 5-6 times a day,” says Vicki.

Bodybuilding nutrition - what does medicine think

Well, doctors are really sure that our body has a one-time protein absorption limit of 30 g. Where did this opinion come from? As if, special enzyme substances play an active role in the assimilation of protein.

Their supply in the body is extremely small, but without enzymes, protein for the body is slag, an extra burden on the kidneys. However, if you follow this logic, Milos Sartsev, with his usual weight of 130 kg, should be in a state of acute protein deficiency. He eats protein 5 times a day.

Multiply the numbers, and you get that Milos does not get even a modest medical intake of 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (The norm that doctors consider mandatory for health.)

There is no reason to dispute the results of scientific experiments, but apparently, with years of training, bodybuilders are able to push the boundaries of average protein absorption.

In any case, beginners should listen to the point of view of medicine and take proteins in small portions of 30-45 years. It turns out that, taking into account the "safety net", a bodybuilder weighing 80 kg will eat about 250 g of protein per day. Protein intake will have to be divided into 6 servings.

If you look into diet guides, you will see that getting this amount of protein from natural protein sources like eggs or beef is simply impossible. How to be? This is where protein powders come in handy - they are fat-free, easy to digest, and with their help you can not only “gain” the required amount of protein, but also save a lot.

Importance proper nutrition cannot be overestimated. arm yourself scientific knowledge to help you build muscle!

If your goal is to build large, strong and lean muscles, then no training methods in the world will help you without proper nutrition in the right amounts. The body needs nutrients ah for recovery and growth after workouts. Simply put, if you want to build muscle and strength, then you must eat.

Our nutrition program is effective, progressive and easy to use. It is based on the latest nutritional research and is the perfect complement to our scientifically based training programs. This muscle building meal plan will help you get bigger without gaining too much fat.

The problem of many people who are "on the mass" is negative impact fat deposits in the body on insulin sensitivity, which slows down the process of muscle growth. Our diet will help to avoid this. It allows you to gradually increase your calorie intake so that your body has time to adjust to it. That is, you will not have problems with metabolism and excessive body fat.

Let's start with a basic diet plan. Due to individual differences in each person's metabolism and activity level, I prefer not to use equations to calculate calories. Instead, I think it's more effective to start by determining the number of calories you're consuming now and adjust it over time.

This program requires you to track your exact calories and macronutrients for the next 6 weeks. If this approach is new to you, look it up online and take the time to learn it.

If you don't know how many calories you are consuming, keep a diary or use special programs to write down everything you eat in the first 3 days of your diet. Some smartphone apps will help you calculate your average calorie intake over this period.

To speed up the process of gaining muscle mass, you will need to add 300 kcal to the base level of consumption. Over the next 2 weeks, monitor your body weight by measuring your chest, neck, arms, etc. Also track your fat levels with a caliper and follow these guidelines:

  • If you are gaining weight without excess fat, add another 300 kcal to your daily diet.
  • If weight gain does not occur, add 500 kcal.

Repeat this process every 2 weeks, adding more and more calories.

Increasing the number of calories

bodybuilder's calorie guide

To accelerate muscle gain, add 300 calories to your base diet. Track your weight for two weeks, measure the amount of fat and muscle. If you gained weight without fat, add an additional 300 calories. If you're not gaining weight, add 500 calories.

As soon as your calorie intake increases, you will start gaining fat. How to proceed in this case? You can choose one of 2 options.

First, stop adding calories. However, I like one method that I learned from Lane Norton. He recommends adding significantly fewer calories. Therefore, we will add only 50 kcal to the daily diet every 2 weeks.

They will be burned in the course of daily activity, but after a couple of months of such practice, your body will receive the number of calories that it needs to build muscle mass.

Spread these calories over 3-4 meals, consuming them approximately every 4 hours. To make things easier, make portions the same size except for the post-workout meal. It should contain about 20% more calories than the rest.

What kind of calories should be consumed? Let's find out!


Consume proteins at the rate of 1.5-2 g per kilogram of body weight for the next 6 weeks. This is significantly less than what some bodybuilders consume. And one more tip - buy high-quality products.

Why so few? Studies show that with the consumption of 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body mass, muscle growth begins. In our program, we try to optimize protein intake. I believe that if you consume high quality protein, then there is no need for its excess.

Distribute protein evenly between meals. Each of them should have at least 30g of protein. Also use various sources. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • chicken thighs
  • Chicken breasts
  • Turkey breasts
  • Salmon
  • mussels
  • Tuna
  • Shrimps
  • lean beef
  • Pork tenderloin
  • chicken sausages
  • turkey bacon
  • Whey Protein
  • Casein protein
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cottage cheese


Dietary fat has several important functions. First, it provides a concentrated form of energy. Some fats also affect hormone production. For the next 6 weeks of intense training, you must consume enough fat to maintain the health and growth of the body.

Once you have a base calorie level, calculate your fat intake to make up about 30% of your diet. Further, this percentage will increase. As you increase your calorie intake, for every 300 calories you add, there should be 150 calories from fat. There are 9 kcal in 1 g of fat, so for every 300 kcal, 15-17 g of fat should be added. When increasing the diet by 50 kcal, add about 5 g of fat.

Unlike protein, which stays more or less constant throughout the day, fat intake should be inversely related to carbohydrates. In other words, if you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, you should reduce your fat intake, and vice versa.

There are 3 main types of fats: polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats. Do not focus on any one of them, consume different types of fats. Here are some of my favorite sources:

  • Olive oil
  • canola oil
  • Avocado
  • Almond
  • Walnuts
  • pistachios
  • macadamia nuts
  • Butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Linseed oil


The last of the macronutrients around which, perhaps, the most confusion. To get the most out of various types calories, I divide carbohydrates into 2 groups.

  1. starchy carbohydrates

The following foods are fast-digesting and high in calories:

  • regular potato
  • Sweet potato
  • Quinoa
  • Rice (white or brown)
  • Sprouted grain bread
  • tortilla
  • Kamut
  1. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber and are digested more slowly. They contain fewer carbohydrates and less calories. I also included legumes in this list. So, the second group includes the following products:

  • blueberry
  • Raspberries
  • strawberries
  • Apples
  • oranges
  • Pears
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • cucumbers
  • Pepper
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Lettuce leaves and greens
  • string beans
  • Carrot
  • green onion
  • Mushrooms
  • Bulb onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Lentils
  • black beans
  • Beans

It is very easy to include these foods in your daily diet. In a few general rules, which I follow in the consumption of carbohydrates:

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal.
  2. Eat starchy carbohydrates for breakfast and right after your workout.
  3. In those meals that do not contain starchy carbohydrates, consume more fat, as well as fruits and vegetables.

The amount of protein will remain unchanged. The remaining calories will be distributed between fats and carbohydrates.

There are approximately 4 calories in 1g of carbohydrates. This means that if you increase your diet by 300 kcal, you add 35-40 g of carbohydrates. With the addition of 50 kcal, 12g will come from carbohydrates.

Meal plan

Now you know how to prioritize and distribute the calories and nutrients in your diet. Now let's use an example to calculate an approximate meal plan.

For a man weighing 80kg, the program would look like this:

  • Basic diet: 2700 kcal
  • Baseline protein (2g/kg): 160g (720 kcal)*
  • Base Fat (30% of total calories): 90g (810 kcal)*
  • Base Carb (Remaining Calories): 229g (1170 kcal)*

* Calculated based on basic diet and body weight.

Nutrition has a direct impact on the metabolism in the human body. Metabolism depends on how much food a person consumes and what kind of food. The general physical and psychological state of the person himself, the level of essential substances of the body, as well as the level of intelligence depend on this. No less important is the choice of nutrition in bodybuilding, since it is necessary to build muscle mass, and for this you need nutrients, and in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is impossible to make a mistake in nutrition, otherwise the result of everyday training may not be seen.

Not the right approach to nutrition can negatively affect the results of training, or simply put, all the work will be in vain. This issue needs to be taken seriously initial stage bodybuilding activities. For this, detailed nutrition schemes have been developed that take into account the specifics of this sport: building muscle volumes. This proposed plan is devoid of the mistakes that are inherent in beginner athletes. At the same time, novice bodybuilders often ask questions that already have ready-made answers, since bodybuilding has been around for a long time, although it has its own specifics.

The usual diet that most people use, which is breakfast, lunch and dinner, is not suitable for bodybuilders. Since the breaks between meals are quite long, athletes have time to become very hungry during this time, since their metabolic processes go through much faster. The feeling of hunger causes the athlete's body to feed on energy reserves that are always in the athlete's body.

At these moments, the body begins secreting the hormone cortisol, which begins to burn muscles, in the face of a declining energy potential of the body.

In addition, he begins to burn carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscles, and this cannot be allowed, as the muscle mass is lost, which the athlete is trying to build up in training. The level of glycogen also decreases, which is an indicator of readiness for the next workout. The higher the level of glycogen in the liver and muscles, the greater the endurance of the athlete and the greater his performance. In this case, the athlete needs to eat about 6 times a day, but in smaller portions. By reducing the time between meals, the athlete's body is constantly fed with glucose, which comes from the intestines. At the same time, the body does not touch the glucose reserves and does not produce cortisol. But this is just one plus from this approach to the nutrition of athletes.

Eating according to this scheme accelerates the metabolic process, which also leads to accelerated muscle growth. There is another, very important plus of frequent nutrition: amino acids constantly feed the muscles, ensuring their growth. The constant presence of amino acids in the blood makes the athlete's body more resistant to various negative external factors. Naturally, stable immunity contributes to more effective and high-quality training.

What is the right diet for gaining muscle mass?

The term “proper nutrition” for an athlete means eating only those foods that contribute to the growth of muscle tissue. But the rest of the products that are of little use, it is better to exclude from the diet. Such products include carbonated drinks, sweet foods, muffins, as well as harmful, fatty and fried foods. By proper nutrition, as a rule, they mean nutrition from natural ingredients. Bodybuilders mainly eat products from the markets, where they purchase fresh meat, fish, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Food purchased in the markets is really healthy, because it has not been subjected to special treatments that deprive the food of vitamins and microelements. In addition, they do not fry food, but steam, grill, etc., without adding animal fats.

Of course, you can visit McDonald's, but it is not advisable to eat food cooked in it, especially if you are overweight. For lean athletes, you can replace one meal at McDonald's out of six possible. If you eat a couple of hamburgers, you can replenish the body with 25 g of protein and 66 g of carbohydrates. The indicator is not bad, but it is better to refuse to use fried potatoes, cocktails, ice cream and pies, since it will not bring anything good except harm.

How much protein should be consumed per day?

Protein is building foundation, without which it is impossible to build muscle. Many people think that protein accelerates muscle growth. Hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and insulin are responsible for building muscle mass. But this is provided that there is a sufficient amount of protein in the body. If the body feels its lack, then muscle building will stop. Protein is taken at 2 grams per kilogram of an athlete's weight. Gradually, the rate can be raised to 2.5 grams. With a weight of about 90 kg, you need to consume about 200 grams of protein per day, if not more. This amount is best distributed over 6 meals.

What is the best protein?

Many athletes consume whey protein, as it is absorbed faster by the body. Whey protein also contains leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are considered the main components that provide the necessary growth of muscle tissue. Take this product half an hour before training, as well as after it.

What is the concept of "good" fats

Fats are considered the main source of replenishment of the human body with energy, so you should not be afraid of them. One gram of fat contains up to 9 calories, which is twice as much as carbohydrates. It is generally accepted, especially in recent times, that good fats are vegetable fats, and bad ones are animal fats. In fact, this is not the case, since a person also needs animal fats, since they serve as a source for the secretion of testosterone and other equally important hormones.

As a rule, vegetarians have low muscle tone and low sexual activity. This is due to the lack of testosterone in their body, associated with the exclusion of food of animal origin from the diet. Basically, fats do not harm the human body if a person consumes them in moderation. For the normal growth of the useful mass of a bodybuilder, he needs to consume food of both plant and animal origin. In addition, he needs to consume fish oil containing fatty acids of the Omega 3 family, but not more than 30% of the total daily diet.

What should you eat before a workout?

Bodybuilding classes require a mandatory meal before training. Somewhere 1.5-2 hours before it starts, you just need to eat. You can eat chicken, beef or fish with boiled potatoes, rice or oatmeal. Half an hour before training, a cocktail containing whey protein (20 g) and carbohydrates (40 g) is drunk. This approach to nutrition will allow you to more effectively train and increase muscle volume.

What should be consumed after a workout?

Equally important, after training, immediately drink a shake of 20-40 g of whey protein and 40-100 g of carbohydrates. Such a cocktail is called a gainer. Somewhere in half an hour, the body will need carbohydrates, which are absorbed quickly enough. It can be white bread or mashed potatoes. Moreover, you should not postpone the intake of proteins and carbohydrates, since their absence will provoke the secretion of cortisol, which is not at all desirable.

Should I drink water and how much?

Since the human body mainly consists of water, without it, no processes take place in the body, including muscle growth, since fluid is also needed to build them. Often, dehydration of the body is hidden. To find out, you need to drink 3 cups of water and monitor your condition. If everything is in order, then in half an hour you will have to go to the toilet. Otherwise, you should think about it, since the absence of the urge to go to the toilet indicates the presence of the disease. 3.5 liters of fluid per day for a bodybuilder is the norm.

As a rule, the liquid allows you to flush out toxins from the body in time, as well as nourish muscle tissue. When an athlete feels thirsty, it must be quenched in excess. If you drink 1 glass and the feeling of thirst disappears, then it is better to drink 2 glasses next time.

Is it possible to break a sports diet?

People who are on a diet always want to try something delicious, such as ice cream, pizza or sweet cake. There will be no problems if the athlete has a lean physique. For such athletes, once a week, it is permissible to violate the proper diet. If an athlete is already struggling with his excess weight every day, then it is permissible for him to violate the regimen only 1 time per day. In other words, out of 6 meals, one meal may be unhealthy, but the other 5 should consist entirely of healthy foods. At the same time, you need to try to eat less in order to invest in a daily calorie intake.

Post workout nutrition for mass gain

Hello to all beginners and who have become adherents of bodybuilding! How much has already been said that a real bodybuilder consists of training, a balanced diet and good rest, during which the processes of muscle mass growth, strength gain, texture formation simultaneously and sequentially occur.

Proper nutrition for bodybuilding this is the basis of the fundamentals of obtaining the desired result in this sport. After all, the whole meaning of bodybuilding rests on it, because it is the center of the trinity, the top of the triangle, in which direction you do not turn it.

Food for jocks:

At the forefront

When practicing in gym, strength exercises with weights spend a lot of energy, which we get replenished with food, and the process of filling tired muscles with energy occurs during rest.

The word "correct" implies a sufficient reasonably distributed amount of protein, carbohydrate food, fat per day. For example, this: proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 60%, fats - 10%.

Meals should be chosen 5-6 times a day, so it will be absorbed faster, and daily allowance calories should be 3000.

Let's replace sugar with honey, limit ourselves to a small amount of salt, give up flour, confectionery, chocolate and coffee, fatty foods, animal fats, since they are deposited around internal organs, contributing to obesity, and we need food to be converted into energy.

WITH natural products the body receives a substantial amount of the necessary substances. To build muscle, we need amino acids into which protein breaks down. For this to work, 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is best option. We get protein by eating the following foods:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • lean meat (chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey);
  • cottage cheese, low-fat milk, dairy products.

Carbohydrates will provide us with strength for physical exertion and recovery after them. 500-600 grams per day will enrich the body with insulin, which transports amino acids to the muscles. It is recommended to take carbohydrates an hour before training and do not stand before bedtime. Carbohydrates will come with such food:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • noodles, durum wheat pasta;
  • whole grain bread;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes.

The menu of bodybuilders cannot do without unsaturated fats, rich in biologically active substances that are easily digestible, high in calories ( daily rate no more than 15% of incoming food):

  • nuts;
  • olive oil, peanut;
  • avocado;
  • fish (halibut, salmon, cod liver).

You ask how to cope with all this and make a daily diet? Study the texts of labels on products, they indicate calories, composition, tables of caloric content of products are freely available on the Internet. For example, here is a set for 3000 calories:

  • in the morning: 3 eggs, cottage cheese (200 g), butter (30 g), bread (100 g);
  • snack: vegetables (150 g);
  • lunch hours: meat (400 g), bread (100 g), porridge (500 g), fruit (100 g);
  • snack: fruit (100 g);
  • for dinner: 2 eggs, cottage cheese (200 g), fruits (100 g), vegetables (150 g).

Before going to bed, you can drink a gainer, a protein shake, so that the muscles continue to be saturated.

About separate and fractional

As for fractional nutrition, bodybuilders have it fractional. Here, special recipes are not needed when the daily food intake is divided into five or six doses. It's like throwing firewood into the furnace so that the fire does not die out, it burns evenly.

Muscles do not waste energy on extracting protein from the internal reserves of the body, if they are given it in time. On time - this is one and a half, two hours before class or an hour and a half after.

Professionals advise against innovating during weight training. There are many videos on the Internet on this topic. Separate food, for example, in this case does not make sense.

Although protein without carbohydrates will be absorbed better, but how do amino acids get where they need to be? And not the fact that without problems. In all other circumstances, separate meals, for example, when drying or for weight gain, are very suitable.

To remove excess weight, carbohydrate intake can be practiced once or twice a day (porridge for breakfast), the rest will be protein and vegetable. More difficult when gaining mass.

You will have to eat eight or nine times or every two hours. Divide the receptions into carbohydrate and protein ones: three times 70 g of the first and five protein ones of 30 g each.

If you reduce the number of receptions and increase the portions, then the food will be absorbed worse. The disadvantage is that the breaks between taking the protein and carbohydrate parts of the diet are 4-5 hours and this is bad for gaining muscle mass.

Everyone chooses for himself a fractional, separate ... Practice will show, try it. Subscribe to updates on my blog, share our interests with friends on social networks. Luck, mood, health and good luck!

Hello to you, my young winners of the Mr. Olympia competition and all those who only dream of becoming them! Want to look like the cool jocks on the posters? And who doesn't want to? Everybody wants!

To achieve this, you need not only swing. You have probably already read a good dozen articles about the training program, but even if you work hard like Papa Carlo in the gym and don’t adjust your diet, the muscles will simply have nowhere to gain the desired volumes.

Therefore, my beloved friends, today we will learn how to eat properly and analyze in detail the topic “Mass Bodybuilder Nutrition”. Get out your notepads and pencils, the lecture begins. We will subject our body to an extreme reboot.

Gain muscle mass, not fat

Whatever you think of yourself, but the average person eats in a completely different way than an advanced bodybuilder. And it's not that the menu of the latter contains various sports nutrition. It is the selection of products in this case that will be very specific.

To begin with, during training, your body experiences extreme stress. Oddly enough, it is the stressful situation that allows us to develop and move forward.

Let me give you an example that anyone can understand. If you starve for a long time, then at the moment when you begin to eat normally, the body will try not only to restore what has been lost, but also to make reserves for future nuclear times. Therefore, you will begin to gain weight rapidly. This is the main harm of any extreme diets with significant calorie restriction.

Approximately the same processes will occur with your muscles. Imagine that you train regularly and use large working weights, which means that you invariably injure your muscle tissues, they stretch and even tear (we are talking about microtraumas).

The natural defense mechanism in this case will work according to the previous principle. Muscles will begin not only to strengthen, but also to increase in volume to protect your body from upcoming overloads. All this is expressed as progress and mass growth.

Therefore, in order to maintain this balance, we need nutrients that will support the body's work, time and strength training.

As for nutrients, it should be carbohydrates, from which we get energy. And also, which are the main suppliers of amino acids, and from them, in turn, new cells are built muscle tissue.

Another postulate, without which you will not achieve anything, is the following: you should receive more than you spend.

Naturally, you and I need some kind of reference point, that is, the number of calories from which we will build. How to find out how much energy is needed for the daily needs and needs of our body? There are a lot of ways to calculate these numbers, starting with counting the calories of all the food you ate in a day and analyzing daily gains and weights.

And you can finish with tricky formulas that take into account height, age, current weight, and even gender. They will have to be dreary to multiply, add and square.

The simplest equation is your weight multiplied by 30. The resulting figure will be the average indicator of the calories you need.

So let's say you multiply your weight by 30 to get the number you're looking for. We add 500 kilocalories to it on top. This will be nutrition for a surplus or excess of calories. If that's not enough, then add more. If you continue to gain weight even with such a schedule, then we remove the excess.

You will definitely have to make allowances for genetic data, that is, take into account your metabolism. If you are an endomorph (see article), whose metabolism) is naturally slow, then there will be adjustments for you. And a completely different nutrition plan can be for an ectomorph with a high-speed metabolism, able to cope without loss with large amounts of food.

We select a competent diet

Now it remains to determine what kind of food should be eaten?

Fat should be avoided as much as possible just because it contains twice as many calories as carbohydrates or proteins (at equal volumes).

Often the problem in compiling the menu also rests in the fact that we incorrectly plan the ratio of these indicators, that is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

And, oddly enough, we usually choose a larger amount of carbohydrates and a very small amount of proteins, which is fundamentally wrong. After all, we have already found out that the basis for building muscle tissue is precisely amino acids or proteins.

As a result, we come to the only correct formula, which implies 50 or 60% carbohydrates, about 30% proteins, and the rest of the numbers will be recommendations for eating fat.

In fact, we are simply changing the modern diet program, which is usually dominated by fats, to an inverse proportion with a predominance of proteins.

The best for mass gain will be animal protein, not vegetable. And it's not that bodybuilders hate vegans. It's just that the amino acid profile of animal protein is much richer and better suited for building new muscle tissue.

For successful progress, you need to get 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. We take only products of animal origin. Moreover, the amount of protein, friends, in the finished product is not equal to the weight of the original product. That is, in 100 grams of chicken breast, only part of the necessary proteins. All these tables are in the public domain and it is not a problem to find them.

Often on all kinds of sites and I meet recommendations to press on chicken breast, sometimes it seems that all the pitching literally went crazy on these breasts. No matter what they say, there is no special protein in them, they are just a fairly cheap, affordable and low-fat type of protein that we need.

In fact, you can eat whatever you like: beef, fish, turkey, seafood, eggs, milk, and so on.

Now let's go over carbs. There are two types: fast and slow.

Slow or complex carbohydrates differ from the first only in that the body absorbs them gradually. In addition, they do not give a sharp jump in insulin into the blood and help maintain an even level of energy.

Fast ones do exactly the opposite. They are rapidly absorbed, give a sharp jump in insulin and energy, but all this has a short-term effect.

Among other things, insulin likes to “pull away” the energy received into fat, which is a source of absolute evil for us.

As a result, slow ones help to forget about hunger for a long time and feel great, and fast ones cause a brutal appetite in an hour.

All sweets are simple carbohydrates. Yes, we pass them in the store, or better yet, go around this department in another row.

Complex carbohydrates are cereals. And the less processed they were, the better. That is, in the store we are looking for packages with the inscription whole grains. They, among other things, contain fiber, which, although not absorbed by us, helps to ensure excellent digestion.

By the way, not all fats are suitable for us either. Animals, on the contrary, will work to the detriment, so you should give preference to vegetable and complex ones: Omega-3 and Omega-6 ( linseed oil, fish oil, etc.).

By the way, in the morning and afternoon we need more energy, so we give it to the body in its pure form, that is, we saturate it with carbohydrates. Therefore, friends - carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch.

Moreover, after a long forced fasting during sleep, it is better to give the body the opportunity to get a lot of clean and affordable energy. Sometimes it is appropriate to consume carbohydrates immediately after a workout, when our strength is also practically at zero.

In this case, experts sometimes even advise to eat simple carbohydrates (you can also add protein or amino acids here). It can even be products that are harmful at other times, for example, a chocolate bar or bar, or a specialized gainer. But last tip individual.

But by the evening, mobility decreases, especially since our fibers have previously suffered and collapsed and they require additional amino acids. And that means we eat protein foods. We do not give dinner to the enemy, but we choose more meat during this period. Before going to bed, you can drink a long protein, for example, casein, which is processed for a very long time. A cheaper option is fat-free cottage cheese.

The last point will concern fractional nutrition. It activates your metabolism and allows you to maintain the level of energy at the same level.

Reading the recommendations you will come across advice to eat 8 or even 9 times a day. After 3 meals a day, it is difficult to switch to such a system. First, you can add an afternoon snack to this scheme, then a second breakfast, and so gradually reduce the number of meals to about 6 times.

Pre-prepared containers help a lot in this. We put 6 such bowls with lids on ourselves in the evening and the next day you just have to get them out and eat without additional troubles.

Thus, you should consume about half a kilogram of meat, about the same amount of cottage cheese, 5 eggs, 300 grams of vegetables and the same amount of porridge. This daily ration is very approximate, but I give it to you as a starting point so that you can imagine sample list products. How to divide them into a day, I think you also already understand.

My friends! Now you are almost close to understanding how bodybuilders gain mass. But I want to warn you right away: mass gain is impossible without an increase in body fat. These processes in the body cannot be deceived, no matter how hard we try.

You will have to come to terms with this fact and, as they say, swim a little on the mass. When you start to dry, that is, get rid of excess fat, while maintaining the acquired reliefs, everything will be settled, but we will talk about this some other time.

Now I hope you understand that the main field of action during mass building will be in the kitchen, and not in the gym ?! I repeat once again that a special diet is a decisive link in this struggle.

My friends! Never give up trying to get results. Otherwise it will become a habit. I wish you good luck and look forward to seeing you again. Tell about this article, it improves karma.
