Development and implementation of payroll projects (SP) is one of the areas of work with corporate clients.

Sberbank is a pioneer in the development of this financial space, which is convenient for both the banker and the consumer (legal entity). Today, almost all major banks in the country have switched to payroll services. A team of specialists is working on projects. Cooperation is carried out strictly on a contractual basis. The mechanism of the project is to consistently and regularly perform 3 steps:

  • Transfer of a sum of money in the amount of a monthly salary from the company to a bank account;
  • Distribution of money on card accounts of employees;
  • Ensuring the smooth issuance of cash or the use of a payroll card (SC) as a tool for paying for goods and services.

The person responsible for payroll performs all the necessary calculations, fills in registers using modern software (including various 1C configurations). By agreement with the partner, Sberbank installs the software necessary for the implementation of the RFP at the enterprise.

Attention! In 2016, Sberbank's activities within the framework of the RFP are carried out according to an accelerated scheme, using the Sberbank Business Online platform. Several tens of thousands have already switched to such interaction. legal entities. New technology allows you to transfer money to employees' accounts within 10 minutes, while the company's accountant has the ability to track receipts online.

Benefits of the new technology:

  • High speed of salary transfer;
  • Providing easy access to other products and networks, for example, Sberbank Online, Autopayment, mobile bank etc.;
  • Improving lending conditions: in order to get a loan, including a mortgage, a payroll client needs a minimum of documents and time. With regard to partners, Sberbank applies other (preferential) tariffs, setting low interest rates.

Implementation instructions

Any institution authorized to implement the RFP has special document– conditions for the provision of services. The bank offers to get acquainted with the wording of the conditions, after which, if the organizations agree, they sign a bilateral offer agreement (in practice, they sign an application where they ask to join the project and agree to the contractual terms). In most cases, the bank reserves the right to change them or introduce new options without signing an additional agreement, but, as practice shows, they rarely diverge from the interests of the other party.

  • Sberbank issues the required number of registered ZK based on Visa, MasterCard;
  • The responsible manager distributes payment instruments among employees - this approach is practiced in large firms. Employees of small enterprises are offered to go to the Sberbank branch themselves in order to sign an agreement to receive plastic.

ZK can have any level - from initial to premium. The choice of a sample is at the discretion of the bank and depends on a number of subjective factors (on the expected salary of the employee, position, company activities, its scale, etc.). After signing the contract, the client submits to the bank documents with information about employees, including copies of passports. Approximately 10 working days are allotted for the issue of the RFQ.

Terms and rates

Feed-in tariffs are set for maintenance/issuance of SCs, as well as for other operations performed with their help. For example:

  • No need to pay for the release, annual maintenance of plastic;
  • It is offered to withdraw money from ATMs located on the territory of the servicing branch free of charge (you will have to pay a commission if the daily limit for cash withdrawals is exceeded);
  • Although it is not a credit card, it has an overdraft limit of 20% (User Rate) and 40% (Delay Penalty Rate);
  • The daily limit is set taking into account the ZK category, respectively, if you intend to shoot more, order plastic one level higher. Up to 50 thousand rubles can be withdrawn from the entry-level product for free per day, while for the "platinum" the maximum bar has been raised to 1 million rubles.

You can withdraw cash above the limit, but a commission will be charged on the amount by which you exceed the established level. Sberbank can offer organizations a unique tariff plan, within which settlement and cash services and other payroll options will be calculated at preferential rates. The offer is paid, the cost of the tariff plan is approximately 3.5 thousand rubles. per month (there may be slight discrepancies in setting fees for companies in different regions).

Find out about the tariffs set for your SC by clicking on the link.

Q&A: useful information about payroll projects

1. What salary contract options do the project participants pay for?

The manager pays for the issuance of the card, its annual service at a reduced rate, since hundreds, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of payment instruments have to be purchased under a single agreement. Another payment is for the distribution of funds by the bank to employees' accounts.

2. In what ways are electronic statements transmitted to Sberbank?

The transfer of electronic registers occurs through the Sberbank Business Online system and is possible in the following ways:

  • Mail message with a file attachment and SberSign electronic signature;
  • Through the functionality Payroll project”: either by creating a registry in the Sberbank Online system, or by importing a registry created independently using 1C.

3. Which company can apply for participation in the RFP?

Any organization that officially pays salaries can apply to the main bank of Russia. Today, the priorities have changed: if earlier banks were not interested in cooperating with small firms and relied on large holdings, now any enterprise with no more than a hundred employees can participate in the RFP and benefit from cooperation.

4. What to do with the ZK after dismissal?

You can return it by contacting a special department of the organization that issued it, or continue to use it. You just have to contact the bank and change the tariff plan from salary to standard, because now the plastic holder, and not the employer, will pay for the service.

By the way, if you do not want to receive a salary on a Sberbank card, you need to tell the employer about this. The manager cannot impose his own rules for paying money to individuals - this is decided by the employee himself (No. 197-FZ, Art. 131, Labor Code of Russia). On the other hand, you do not lose anything, but on the contrary, you gain by participating in the RFP. You have in your hands a convenient payment instrument that you do not need to pay for. Feedback from people participating in the RFP is positive everywhere. You can use an overdraft facility or apply for large loans within a day without fear of being rejected. You are a privileged client of the bank, and this opens up access to many tools that are closed to “people from the street”.

Valid today handy tool for organizations paying wages to their employees on a Sberbank card - Salary project. Instructions, tariffs, connection conditions and benefits from use are discussed below.

The essence of the program is that wages are credited to bank cards

Implementation this proposal allows companies to simplify the procedure for issuing wages. The organization will need to conclude an agreement with a banking institution, while the scheme for its execution is simplified and even provides for an online application. After that, the company, together with the bank, organizes the issuance of cards to its employees and the opening of accounts. The instruction for the accountant created for the salary project in Sberbank explains in detail the conduct of all operations.

To manage accounts, the company registers on Business Online

Without touching the subtleties, the interaction process looks like this:

  • The company transfers the total amount of the payment fund for the month to a single account.
  • Provides the bank with information about the salary of each employee.
  • The banking institution transfers the indicated amounts to the accounts of employees at the time specified in advance.

At the same time, the company saves money that is spent on obtaining cash. A large organization may request the installation of a terminal or ATM in the office or on its territory, through which employees can receive cash.

The company is recommended to register with Sberbank Business Online. The salary project, the instructions for working with which are discussed below, at the same time allows you to submit registers remotely, transfer funds and control the overall situation on the account. Thus, for the transfer of information and other interactions with the bank, a physical visit to the branch is not required.

Benefits for employees

If an enterprise has issued cards to employees at Sberbank, then the owners will automatically receive a lot of benefits in the form of benefits for other banking products

Employees are issued cards of international format. Thus, they get the opportunity to use them even abroad, manage transfers and perform transactions using remote services. In addition, the card provides the following features:

  1. Issuing an additional card to this account for a relative.
  2. Possibility to get a loan, incl. target at a lower rate than provided for regular customers.
  3. Arrange a mortgage on loyal terms.
  4. Accumulate points with which you can pay at certain points of sale and online stores (Thank you program).
  5. Take advantage of promotions and discounts from Visa and MasterCard.
  6. If the card is lost, it is blocked, and all funds remain safe. It is allowed to issue a new product with updated codes to an existing account.
  7. An income rate is provided. To do this, you need to transfer funds to a savings account and accumulate them.

How to connect payroll

Connecting the project takes place in three simple steps

In order for company employees to receive payments on Sberbank cards, the first step is to submit an application. After sending an application to a credit organization, you need to wait for a certain time required for approval. The specified person will be contacted by a banking specialist who will be assigned specifically to this company.

The application must be filled out either at the branch or on the bank's website and wait for a response from managers for further signing of the contract

Instructions for submitting information within the project

Application for participation in the program is possible remotely. You will need to fill out a form on the website in which you indicate general information about the enterprise: name, period of activity, number of employees, payroll per month, address, telephone number, contact person.

One of the benefits of the service is the payment of earnings to employees online

Entering data implies a simplified scheme. In particular, an accountant or other authorized person will need to complete the Register of Employees. Its form is located on the website and contains the following items:

  • Last name, first name patronymic of the employee.
  • Surname, initials in Latin letters (information appears automatically after filling in the data in Russian).
  • Date of birth, city, country.
  • Address (actual and registration).
  • Passport data.
  • Secret code The required to identify the user.
  • Phone numbers (at least two are required. These can be work, home, mobile, work mobile, etc.).
  • Email address.
  • Employee's position.
  • Card type (Classic, Gold, Platinum).
  • Bank codes (branch, branch).
Sample application form to fill out

After entering information about all employees, the register should be "exported" by clicking the appropriate button. After that, an electronic signature is issued and the document is transferred to the bank.

Sberbank is a leader in payroll projects. In this direction, he cooperates with more than 450 thousand corporate clients. Among the main advantages of this product, users note the simplicity of the formation of the salary register and the minimum terms for crediting funds to employee cards.

Features of the salary project in Sberbank

A salary project in SBBOL is a bilateral agreement between a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur and a bank, according to which one party is obliged to provide a register for crediting wages and other payments, and the second is to transfer funds to the recipients' accounts in a timely manner. The operation is carried out remotely. The maximum time for crediting money is 90 minutes, in practice this procedure takes about 10 minutes.

The payroll project can only be connected to clients working in the Sberbank Business Online system. After the conclusion of the contractual relationship, a new section is formed in the client's personal account. To confirm the operability of the service, 2 trial transfers are carried out for a minimum amount.

Provided to customers for a fee. The SBBOL rate depends on the amount of the monthly wage fund, which is planned to be transferred through the online service. So, if the total amount of transfer to employees' cards is up to 400 thousand rubles, then the fee is 0.4% of the amount. From 400 to 600 thousand rubles - 0.3%, from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles - 0.2%, over 1 million rubles - 0.1%. When expanding cooperation with the bank (purchasing additional products), the service can be provided free of charge, regardless of the amount of the transfer. Under standard conditions, the withdrawal of money from the current account for the payment of wages is subject to a commission of 0.7% of the amount.

Algorithm for creating, editing and sending payroll

Detailed instructions for working with a payroll project in Sberbank Business Online are available on the official website of the bank. To create a register for the payment of remuneration for employees, you need to perform the following steps:

Enter Personal Area SBBOL, go to the "Payments and transfers" section, select the "Payroll" subsection.

Edit the registry (select the debit account, the type of credit (salary, advance payment, vacation pay, material assistance, other payments), contract number (automatically uploaded), contact person making the payment, period).

Activate the “Add” option, go to the “New payout position” section, enter the required details (name of the recipient, card account number, transfer amount), click “Save”.

To transfer payments to employees who were previously entered in the register, you must go to the "Select from the directory" section. In the opened window " sberbank biz online» all employees will be listed, it remains only to select the recipient of funds.

When the system processes the statement, 4 statuses are possible:

  1. "Accepted by the system." This means that the document has been processed by the bank.
  2. "ABS Processing". The document was taken into work by an automated center.
  3. "Fulfilled." The money has been transferred to the recipients.
  4. "ABS failure." The register contains errors, therefore it was rejected by the bank.

To form a register as part of a salary project, it is not necessary to log in to Sberbank Business Online. This file can be prepared in 1C and uploaded to the system if integration is configured between the programs.

Payroll project is perfect solution for business, allowing not only to save on commissions for transferring funds, but also to increase employee loyalty.

Today, many organizations pay wages to their working staff using a non-cash method, because it is much more convenient. The boss reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the cost of obtaining cash in the required amount. Employees do not have to visit the cashier. In addition, they can use various bank products on loyal terms. The introduction of salary programs was carried out by a huge number of banking organizations, but the first of them was Sberbank. Let's talk in more detail about what a Sberbank salary project is, and what are its main advantages.

Employees of large organizations can be connected to the salary project of Sberbank

How does this program work

The boss simply transfers the general money to the banking organization, which must be paid. Next, he gives the bank employee a list of his working staff, who need to pay a salary. The amounts and numbers of accounts belonging to each employee must be indicated.

This document can be entered both independently and sent to electronic form through the Sberbank Business Online system. And that's it, the accountant of the institution will not have to do anything else. After that, the credit institution itself distributes the funds transferred to it cash on designated accounts. The money will be credited by a predetermined date.

An important point: if you want to take a closer look at the salary program of Sberbank, the instruction for the accountant is available to everyone - just go to the appropriate section of the banking organization.

Installation required to bring the project to life software possible at the place where the accountant works. This is done by an employee of a banking organization (after an appropriate service agreement is concluded). If we are talking about a large institution, the bank makes it possible to install an ATM for working personnel on the territory of the office. Issuance to employees of the institution bank cards also carried out in the office, but only in the first 30 days after the launch of the program we are considering. After that, the employees themselves will be forced to visit the bank branch designated by the head in order to obtain the instrument necessary for payments.

Who has the opportunity to become a participant in the project

Which institution has the right to connect its working staff to the salary project from Sberbank?

The banking organization sets one condition (for all legal entities - regardless of their type): the indicator of the monthly wage fund in the institution should be 5,000,000 rubles. If the indicator is less than the indicated amount, the institution is not entitled to use the project.

To connect to the project, an institution does not have to use the services of Sberbank's settlement and cash services. But customers who conduct all their transactions through this bank can expect to receive an excellent discount on payroll services.

The program can be used by both enterprises and educational organizations- to pay scholarships and allowances to students. The working scheme, as well as the prices for services in this situation, remain unchanged.

Payroll project rates

There are two types of salary product tariffs:

  1. "Premier" - if the monthly payroll (wage fund) is 5,000,000 rubles.
  2. "First" - if the monthly payroll amount is 50,000,000 rubles.

Each tariff provides credit institution specific list of services. If the monthly payroll increases its performance (for example, the size of scholarships), the organization receives the right to connect an additional package (in accordance with the growth rates). Any 5,000,000 rubles make it possible to connect another Premier package, any 50,000,000 - connect the First package. These packages impose the following obligations on the banking organization:

  1. For the issue of plastic cards and envelopes with pin codes for the working staff of the institution.
  2. For the production of re-issuance of cards (if the time period of their validity ends).
  3. By checking the registers submitted by the institution (as far as the information provided is correct).
  4. Upon notification of the institution of committed inaccuracies.

The bank must also transfer money to designated accounts, inform the organization about the transfer of funds, and also show the institution a transcript of the transactions made.

In the salary project, it is possible to issue any types of cards

Each region has its own rates for participation in the salary program. The cost is influenced by the place where the institution operates, the number of employees, the form of ownership and many other factors. For clarification of this information, it is best to contact Sberbank itself directly - the department that works with legal entities. If your institution uses the services of settlement and cash services at Sberbank, then you can also find out the answers to your questions from your personal manager.

How to become a payroll client of Sberbank

To establish a similar form of salary payment in your institution, you must first send an application to the bank - so that you are connected to the salary program.

To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Visit a bank office - contact specialists working with legal organizations.
  2. You can call your personal manager.
  3. And the last option is to send a request on the site.

If you have - situation number 3 - on the main page of Sberbank, make a choice of the section corresponding to your institution ("Small Business" or "Corporate Clients"). It is located at the top of the menu. Next, click on the button with the salary project (located at the bottom of the screen). On the page that opens, click on "send application".

An important point: before you go to the site, mark the region on it - where your institution is located.

The application must contain the following data:

  1. Where is your institution located?
  2. When was it founded?
  3. How many workers?
  4. What is the monthly payroll.

It is imperative to register your contacts (phone number and email address) so that a bank consultant can call you. In order to immediately proceed with him to discuss the issue, it is better to write down everything that interests you in advance on paper.

After the application is considered, an offer agreement will be concluded with your institution, and the banking organization will begin to fulfill its duties. A personal manager will be assigned to your institution - it is he who will issue cards to employees, install the required software, and solve any difficulties that arise.

What are salary cards in Sberbank

As everyone knows plastic cards are the most different type, and almost any of them can be issued by Sberbank. For a salary project, it is possible to issue such cards:

  1. Maestro/Visa Electron.
  2. Pro100 "Standard".
  3. Standard map (classic).
  4. Golden cards.
  5. Platinum card.

Sample application for connection of the salary project

Each card has its own characteristics. For example, a special application is available for Visa Electron, which makes it possible to use it as a transport card. If a PRO100 program debit card is used, an overdraft limit is set. In other words, the card can be used as a credit card. Maestro cards can be issued using a student form. Of course, the service fees and transaction limits for each type of card are different.

An important point: for those who use salary cards, free service is provided. These costs are entirely on the organization. These factors have a huge impact on her participation in the salary project.

As you can see, the banking program we have considered has a huge number of features. We hope that the information provided by us has helped you to study at least some of them. For more detailed information, call the Sberbank department that works with legal entities.

In the article, we will consider how to connect a salary project in Sberbank. We will find out what tariffs are provided for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, as well as analyze the cost of servicing cards for individuals. We have prepared for you the procedure for submitting an online application for a salary project and have collected feedback from Sberbank customers.

The cost of a salary project in Sberbank

As part of the payroll project, Sberbank offers corporate clients to issue cards for employees free of charge. The cost of annual card maintenance is determined individually, and the price starts from 0 rubles. Aeroflot co-branded cards with accumulating travel bonuses cost from 450 rubles a year.

When concluding a contract for a payroll project with Sberbank, a commission will be agreed upon for transferring money from a current account to employees' accounts. The percentage is determined by the RKO tariffs. It is more profitable to issue Sberbank cards to your employees, since the commission for transfers to accounts of third-party banks will be much higher.

Online application for a salary project

Existing clients of the bank can leave an application for connecting a salary project through their manager. Another convenient way application, available to everyone - an online form on the official website of Sberbank.

The application contains a minimum of information: full name, TIN and contact phone number. After receiving the data, an employee of Sberbank will contact you at the specified phone number and discuss the details. Then it remains only to conclude an agreement and issue cards for employees.

Login to the Internet bank for the head

It is very easy to manage a payroll project through Sberbank Business Online. To transfer wages to your employees, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Log in to Internet Banking using your username and password. Sberbank Business Online works from any device with Internet access.
  2. In the "Payments and transfers" tab, select "Payroll".
  3. Fill in the statement: specify the period, type of crediting, write-off account. The service itself will offer a list of employees, you just have to check the boxes next to the required names and check the amount.
  4. Sign the payroll with the code from the SMS. The convenience of this method lies in the fact that it is not necessary to create separate payment orders for each employee.

Benefits of the Sberbank salary project for the company

Entrepreneurs have the right to decide for themselves whether to connect a salary project. To make the right decision, let's figure out what benefits Sberbank offers for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (LLC):

  1. Convenient Internet banking, integration with accounting.
  2. Reducing the burden on the accountant.
  3. Simplification of document flow.
  4. High speed payroll.
  5. Reducing the cost of handling cash.
  6. Consultations of the personal manager.
  7. Upgrading the status of the company.

Most often, large enterprises become participants in salary projects, but the service also gives undeniable advantages to small businesses. Sberbank's individual tariff system is very flexible, optimal solution available for any company.

Benefits of the project for employees

Sberbank thought not only about employers, but also about their employees. Together with payroll cards they receive:

  1. Convenient management of funds through the Internet bank and mobile application.
  2. A large number of ATMs.
  3. Participation in the Thank You program.
  4. Benefits for registration consumer credit or mortgages.

The following cards are most often issued as salary cards.
