Toasts and speeches occupy an important place in the process of celebrating a wedding. And the speech of the bride at the wedding should be as brilliant as the bride herself. The monologue should mention all the most important people in the life of the newlyweds, if not by name, then at least in general phrases - friends, godparents and other guests.

Most often, the bride’s speech sounds closer to the end of the holiday and in it you should thank all the guests for congratulations, gifts and sharing the joy of this celebration with the newlyweds.

How to make a speech?

This is a rather crucial moment, then you need to approach it with appropriate seriousness. You can take some standard theses as a basis and diversify them with private stories of the characteristics of some people present at the wedding. In order for the speech to be structured, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • The speech should be divided into parts - introduction, main part, end with a smooth transition;
  • The bride's toast should not be long so that the guests do not get bored - about 10-12 sentences, but the speech should not be delayed for 10 minutes;
  • In a speech, parents should be thanked, and it is recommended to name the father-in-law and mother-in-law by name;
  • Also, speech can be diversified with a song, poems, slideshow or video;
  • The toast can be addressed to all guests present at the celebration or specifically to their parents, the parents of the groom or the groom, witnesses;
  • The speech should not consist entirely of quotes from the classics or only of beautiful phrases, it is better to use your own words, and take 1-2 sentences for the classics.

Bride's speech in verse

Poems always have a romantic mood, especially at a wedding. Therefore, it is recommended to write a speech in a poetic form. If there is no talent for the selection of rhymes, then the Internet will help you choose the right option. But do not neglect your words. Sometimes words spoken from the heart in prose sound better than the most successful expressions in poetic form.

Speech to father-in-law and mother-in-law

For the bride, the groom's parents are a new family that accepts her into their bosom. Therefore, they deserve special attention in the speech of the bride. You can even devote a separate speech to the father-in-law and mother-in-law, thank them for raising such a wonderful son, who is now becoming the main person in the life of the bride.

Speech to the groom

A speech dedicated to the groom can be made up as a declaration of love or a marriage vow. In any case, words of love should sound sincere, and not like a memorized text. Therefore, it is advisable to write this speech in person, since the text from the Internet will not express your true feelings.

Speech to the guests

The guests also deserve a separate part of the thank you speech from the bride. Therefore, you can include several names of the most honored guests in the speech, thank them for honoring the newlyweds with their presence, for the gifts presented, and if the second day of the celebration is planned, then you should not invite them to continue the celebration.

If the event is hosted by an invited toastmaster, then you should discuss with him the sequence of actions of the entire event and each speech of the bride and groom, parents, witnesses should have its place and fit into the general scenario of the wedding feast. For example, each guest separately gives a gift and immediately says a toast to the young, and in response, the newlyweds thank the guest and after that the obligatory “Bitter!”.

Speech separation

Depending on the format of the event, the bride's speech can be divided into several parts. In this case, each component speeches can last for 5-7 minutes. Parts can consist of a separate gratitude to the parents, then a declaration of love to the groom, and the last part - gratitude to the guests.

It is also possible to combine the speech of the groom with the speech of the bride on each item or in turn. For example, first the bride says words of gratitude to the groom's parents, and then the groom gives a speech dedicated to the bride's parents.

Speech can be diversified by showing photos or videos taken as a so-called love story, which will also enliven. By the way, the bride's speech can be built on the basis of comments on photographs that tell the love story of the newlyweds.

It is advisable to say a general speech dedicated to the witnesses of the newlyweds - the groom thanks the “friend” witness for friendship and support, and the bride turns to the “friend” witness with words of gratitude, and at the end say a general toast to the friends who came to congratulate the newlyweds. The speech of the bride to "friend" is successfully intertwined with the ceremony of throwing the bride's bouquet to unmarried girls.

This is a special day in the life of every girl, which consists entirely of exciting moments. First, a ransom, then a painting in the registry office, the first dance of the newlyweds, etc. The speech of the bride at the wedding is an important part of the holiday, which brings the banquet to an end. It is necessary to thank the guests who came to share the celebration, to present their gifts. It is also important to say thank you to your parents and your new husband. This is a very crucial moment, for which you need to carefully prepare in advance, so it is useful to know the basic requirements on this topic.

The bride-to-be should think over the speech in advance from beginning to end. You will need various options ready-made words that you can use as a backbone. However, this will not be enough and you will have to try, because there are certain rules necessary to make the speech both beautiful and concise. Below you will find the main recommendations that will effectively help in this difficult matter.

  • Divide your speech initially into parts: introduction, narrative, ending. All these three sections should be smoothly connected to each other to make a beautiful toast or wish.
  • Do not go into too much detail so as not to tire the viewer with your performance. Take literally three or four sentences for each part of the bride's speech.
  • If you want to make perfect toast, use beautiful turnovers. However, do not insert them in every sentence: one or two will be enough.
  • So that the speech does not come out too long, think over the main idea that you want to convey to all the invitees. Gradually lead the audience to the main words.
  • Be sure to thank all the guests, relatives for coming to share this wonderful moment of your life and making the holiday unforgettable, fun, beautiful.
  • Do not forget to remember the names of the groom's parents, addressing them with words of sincere joy to become part of this family.
  • This speech gently hints at the end of the evening, so say goodbye to the guests nicely and if you have a second wedding day planned, be sure to remind everyone that you are waiting for them tomorrow.
  • Your toast doesn't have to be all words. You may want to sing a song or show a photo slideshow about your relationship with your fiancé. This version of the speech will already look like a gift to your lover, so dedicate your words only to him, and at the end succinctly express gratitude to the others.
  • Decide what idea you want to reveal and to whom your words will be addressed.

Variants of the bride's wedding speech in verse and prose

Your speech depends entirely on the idea you want to convey and can be addressed to different people: parents, groom, guests, etc. Therefore, there are many variations of the words of the bride. Additionally, use poetry if ordinary prose seems boring and banal to you. It's great that you have the ability to rhyme beautifully for this purpose. If this is not possible, find a finished poem, for example, on the Internet. Below you will find a variety of options for the bride's wedding speech that can inspire and give you the right idea.

Groom's parents

Mom and dad of the beloved are the most important people present at the wedding among the rest of the guests. On the day of marriage, they become your second family, which must be honored, loved and respected. Therefore, it will be great if in your speech you turn to the parents of the groom. Consider this the first significant contribution to a warm relationship with your father-in-law and mother-in-law.


Your accomplished husband is the most important person in this day and the rest of your life. Therefore, surround him with your attention by talking about your feelings in the presence of all those invited. Dedicate the main speech of the wedding evening to the future father of your children. These can be words written in prose by you personally, or poetry. You can try to compose them yourself or take a ready-made version. See an example below.

Thank you guests

Be sure to thank the dear guests who came to congratulate you. Without them, such a magnificent holiday would not have happened. The guests not only raised their glasses and shouted "Bitter!", these people carefully prepared for this event, gave you gifts. Express your gratitude and sincere love by dedicating a speech at your own wedding to these wonderful people.

Witness and Witness

A friend and a friend deserve special attention at the wedding - they worked all day to assist the main characters and entertain the guests. Witnesses provide invaluable help on such a day; many crucial moments of the holiday fall on them. These are the closest friends of the newlyweds, so you should not forget to dedicate your solemn speech to them.


"My dear friend! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this day. You turned out to be the person who officially witnessed the birth of my happy family. To support me at this moment means to make the most valuable contribution to the joint friendship. You are one of the closest people to our family and we are always glad to see you in our house.”


“Our dear, (name of the witness)! I found another devoted person in my life who will always come to the rescue. You have proven your sincere friendship with my husband and I really see how strong it is. You are always there when you need your support and understanding. I would like it to continue like this, because from now on, you are (name of the witness) the most welcome guest in our house.

Video: words of gratitude to mothers from their daughter

Writing beautiful words is a very difficult task that not everyone can do. The right thought does not always come to mind: it requires a certain amount of time, the right attitude and a clearly defined idea. You will have to dig through mountains of material before perfect option will fall in line. To make it a little easier to write the bride's speech at the wedding, watch the video attached below. Here you will find beautiful words of gratitude to both mothers. Let this idea inspire you:

On the day of the wedding, the bride should leave behind all worries and shine. All attention is riveted to her, she is showered with flowers and compliments. But at the end of the evening there comes a moment when you need to thank all those gathered for their attention. Newlyweds can share this responsibility among themselves, and it is better not to be lazy and prepare a speech in advance.

Important points about speaking in public

  • Don't be afraid and don't get lost. Gratitude should not be memorized, but sincere.
  • If you don't like public speaking, write your speech ahead of time and practice in front of a mirror or family members.
  • Divide your words into three parts: introduction, main idea and conclusion. Slurred speech, in which thoughts jump from one to another, will not be of interest to those present.
  • The optimal length of the speech is 2-3 minutes, during which time those present will not have time to get bored and will listen to the end.
  • Several speeches will have to be made: thanks to the parents, the audience, the husband and the witnesses. Some also insert a dating story into the wedding script or funny cases from life, but this is not at all necessary.
  • Do not abuse beautiful phrases and quotes, otherwise the speech will turn into a report.
  • As a rule, the newlyweds give a speech at the end of the ceremony - this is a subtle hint to the guests that the evening is over. If you have a second wedding day planned, remind the invitees that you will be glad to see them tomorrow.
  • Use your talents: you can compose a verse or sing a reworked song. Diversify your words with photos (slideshow) or mount a clip. So the speech will certainly not be boring.
  • If you are afraid to speak on your own, consider a joint performance with the groom. Supplement each other with remarks and interesting remarks - it should turn out very original.
  • The toast can be short: 4-5 sentences are enough to express your feelings.

Bride's words to parents

Surely every person has something to say to their parents. It is not necessary to look for intricate texts, you can simply express your thoughts.

Example 1 Dear my parents! As the saying goes, “Silver and gold don’t age, parents don’t have a price” for good reason. And it is true. The attention, love and warmth that I have received from you in my life cannot be replaced by anything. without your support and valuable advice I wouldn't make it! I want to thank you for life itself and your invaluable role in it! Let's raise our glasses to my parents and wish them a long and happy life!

Example 2 Mom and Dad! You are my dearest and most beloved people who have been around since the moment I first saw this world. You protected me, guided, helped, enveloped me with warmth and care! Thanks to you, I know what a real family should be like. And I will try to ensure that love, kindness and respect reign in our young family! And with all my heart I want to wish you long life, because who can give so much warmth to grandchildren, if not grandparents! I raise this glass to you, dear parents!

Words of gratitude from the bride to the parents of the groom

A great opportunity to show respect for your mother-in-law and father-in-law, and start building relationships with them.

Example 2 Dear guests! Today at our wedding there are people without whom this holiday simply did not take place - the parents of my beloved spouse. They gave life and brought up a wonderful person - courageous, kind and smart. They are a role model and my second family. I sincerely want to wish you good health, prosperity and longevity! This toast is for you, dear parents!

Bride's words to the groom

If wedding vows are provided for your holiday, the appeal can be missed. If you decide to do without it, find a few kind words for someone with whom you share not only this day, but your whole life.

Example 1 My dear and beloved husband! Let now wedding vows - only beautiful tradition, but in front of everyone here, I want to make a promise. Become your inspirer and support, the keeper of the family hearth and faithful companion. Only together can we keep the fire of love that burns in our hearts and carry it through many years! You are the person next to whom my heart sings and beats faster. Next to you, I feel like a real woman, surrounded by care and protection. I love you, and I want to share my life with you, go hand in hand and create a real family! For you, my dear husband!

Example 2. My beloved husband! It's very unusual for me to call you that, but I promise I'll get used to it. I never dreamed of a prince and thought that men died out like mammoths. But you completely turned my life around. With you, I realized that being happy is very easy - the main thing is that you are there. I'm not very good at expressing feelings, but I trust my heart 100%. And it tells me that you are my soul mate. And I believe that we have a long and happy life ahead of us. I want to raise this glass for you, my beloved and dear person! And I am grateful to fate for our meeting!

Thank you guests

Example 1 Dear guests! I would like to thank you for coming to share this wonderful and important day with us. Undoubtedly, everyone has their own important plans and deeds, but you were able to transfer them and come - this is the main thing. Many pleasant words and warm wishes were addressed to us, it is very pleasant. We are glad that all of you are present at our first joint holiday! We want to drink for your happiness and longevity! Thank you!

Example 2 Dear guests! Today is the birthday of our young family, and we are glad to see you on this holiday. We really appreciate that you were able to come from different parts of the country to share with us the happiness and joy of this moment. We are grateful to you, and we will always be glad to see you in later life. Special thanks for the wishes, they are very inspiring. Let's raise our glasses to those present, health to you, longevity and great happiness!

Thanks to the witnesses from the bride

Witness words. My dear friend! You worked tirelessly helping me prepare for the wedding and keeping me from messing it up completely. Your help and support is invaluable, and I am very grateful to you! You are one of the dearest people for our family, and we are always glad to see you. Thank you dear! This toast is for you! I wish you find your happiness!

Words to the Witness. Dear (witness name)! You are my husband's friend and I'm glad you didn't leave him in a difficult situation. Even when it was necessary to pass ransom contests, you courageously climbed the stairs and drank penalty glasses, if only my husband got to the end of the test. Thank you for accepting this challenging position. The holiday would not have been the same without you. You are always a welcome guest in our house! This toast is to the fact that my husband has such wonderful friends!

As you can see, nothing complicated. The main thing is to calm the excitement and thank you from the bottom of your heart.

A few more examples for preparing speeches at a wedding.

Parents are the main people in the life of any person. Not a single important event in a person’s life, starting from birth, occurs without their participation. For the important events in our lives, in which the parents took part, we express to them the words of true gratitude. The wedding day is no exception. On this day, newlyweds in verse and prose thank each other's parents for the fact that they met their love, that their chosen one or chosen one was born and raised up to this important moment.

The choice of words of gratitude must be approached with special care. The closest people should feel the sincere warmth of wishes addressed to them. It is possible that it is at this moment that feelings of attachment to their “new children” are born.

When young people say words of gratitude to their parents, it is recommended to follow some rules:

Such words will make you smile, energize, cause location.

There is no wedding without resounding toasts. One of them is a toast in which gratitude is pronounced to parents. At the wedding, the bride speaks first of all to her parents, and then to the groom's parents. Here it is important not to worry and correctly express gratitude for the opportunity to become a member of their family. To say "thank you" for giving me the opportunity to share my life with their son.

And also we must not forget about the words of gratitude to mother from her daughter at the wedding. For example, a thank you text might look like this:

Dear and beloved mother. On this very important and special day for me, I want to thank you (you)! Thank you for the warmth and support that you (you) still give me without asking for anything in return, for the wisdom and tolerance that I have learned from you (you). I am grateful with all my heart for all the years of parental love, and above all, I thank you (you) that a part of me can still feel the joyful childhood, feeling like a little, beloved daughter. I love you (you) very much.

Style selection

Prose or poetry? At the moment, both styles of congratulations are used. When viewing various wedding ceremonies some lines of poetry are really admirable, but some of them look very mediocre, if not primitive. You should express gratitude in verses only when you are sure of their quality. Therefore, there are two options:

Thank You Examples

Not everyone can beautifully express warm words. parents at the wedding in their own prose. Small examples will help you find ideas and inspiration. Sample for the bride when leaving the house:

Thanks to my parents for raising me and cherishing, teaching and enduring all my antics. Special thanks to my mother, who sang lullabies to me at night, fed me and taught me how to cook. delicious dishes. For bringing me to school, teaching me to be a beloved and real woman. Dad, thank you for always being there, being a reliable support and carrying it in your arms. You protected me from all adversity, supported me and were the main teachers in my life.

Words of gratitude to your parents after the blessing:

Thank you dad and mom for blessing our marriage. We promise to always follow your advice, keep peace, family and loyalty. Love each other all your life and raise your children, your grandchildren.

Reply to Parents' Congratulation:

The bride thanks her husband's parents:

Thank you for such a wonderful son. I know he will be a real support for me and will be a loving husband and father, because he has you, those who can take an example from. From this day on, you also become my parents, therefore I pledge to love you with all my heart, as well as my dear husband.

Thanks from the groom to the mother of the bride:

Blessed mother-in-law, I don't know how to say beautiful words of gratitude, but thank you for your beautiful daughter, she is the most feminine, the most beautiful that can be found in this world. I understand that I have received a precious diamond, and I promise to protect my wife, to take care of her as she deserves. And I will try to do everything to make her happy with me, as she was happy in her parents' house.

Thank you film

It would be a mistake not to mention the expression of gratitude through the film. Now this method is becoming more and more popular. So, the vast majority of young couples want to thank their parents in a special way. A short speech, a song, a bouquet of flowers, a gift and in the process of all this - a fashionable film with gratitude, is a beautiful confirmation of your words.

I would like to pay special attention to the fact that mom and dad have always been, are and will remain the closest people in the life of any person. It was they who gave life, and wherever fate leads, they will always support in difficult times. Newlyweds, be such an example for your children that when they get married, the words of gratitude from their lips would be kind and sincere.

A special day for every girl, which will come sooner or later, is the wedding day. From the very beginning of the day, the bride is worried, worried about how everything will go: the ransom, the registration of marriage, and the wedding banquet itself. One of important points at the feast, the one when the bride's toast at the wedding should sound. Below are examples of toasts in which you can insert your own wishes.

As a rule, giving a speech without preparation is difficult enough, so you need to prepare a speech in advance, the following tips will help in this:

Bride's toast to the groom's parents

The most important people at a wedding other than the bride's parents are the groom's parents. On the wedding day, they become second parents, who also need to be loved and honored, and they need to say words of gratitude. Below are some options for congratulating parents:

  • “I want to raise a glass to the health of the parents of my beloved and only mother-in-law and father-in-law. I express my gratitude for the fact that they raised and educated such a wonderful person, strong, kind, intelligent. I hope that I will become for you not only a wonderful daughter-in-law, but also a beloved daughter. For you, our dear parents.
  • “On this day, I raise a glass to the mother and father of my dear fiancé. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for raising my beloved to be such a caring, brave, decent, intelligent person - a real man. Health to you and long life to you.

The words of the bride to the witnesses

Witnesses of the wedding deserve special attention, they entertained the guests all day and created the mood for the bride and groom. In addition, they were responsible for many moments at the wedding celebration. For the newlyweds, these are one of the closest people, they should also express congratulations:

  • “Now I want to say a toast to the witnesses of our wedding. At our festive evening, these are not the last people. Today they put their signatures under my signature and the signature of my husband. But this action now obliges them to the fact that for many years they supported us in all our endeavors and helped in everything, and reminded us of every year, of today's event, before the golden wedding. Thank you for everything you have done for us!”

  • “Once two cars collided. The traffic police inspector who arrived at the scene stopped a woman who was passing by with the following words: “Girl! - he says to her - could you be a witness? - With great pleasure! she answers. - And what's the point? Tell me what happened? There are those in the hall today who know what happened, and I mean the moment of marriage. They are the witnesses of this case. I propose to raise glasses for the witnesses.”

Bride's words to the groom

For the bride, the most important person at the celebration is her husband, who has already taken place. Today is one of the days when you need to tell your loved one about your feelings. Congratulations can be written in prose, or in verse:

  1. “My dear beloved person! Congratulations on your wedding day, happy wedding day! I believe that we are destined for each other. Every evening I will wait for you to come home. I am extremely happy that I am next to you, and that a man like you is now mine!
  2. "My love! I thank fate for bringing me to you. I am ready to give you all the love that I have, I have been waiting for you for a very long time. I love you more than life itself. And I will love you all my life. I hope that on the day of the golden wedding we will be together!
  3. “Desired, my, my beloved man! You are the one who lit the fire of love in my heart. I now together we will maintain the warmth of this fire, may it never go out. Hope we keep our love for years to come!”

With such sincere wishes, you can express your love for your husband, the warm feelings that fill your heart on this day, and words of gratitude to all the guests present.

In the midst of the wedding banquet, the main characters will have to make solemn speeches. And if it is at least a little clear with dads and moms (all sorts of congratulations and wishes for children there), then with the bride and groom it will not be superfluous to clarify the situation. And since we are talking about newlyweds, we will dedicate this article to what words a bride can please her husband who has already taken place. Let's think together what speech the bride should prepare for the groom.

Perhaps the hero of the occasion (our bride) should not come up with a long tirade. The main thing is meaning and emotions. After all, guests will simply get tired of listening to eulogies sung in honor of the groom if they last more than five to seven minutes.

We will not adhere to any specific stereotype of how to make a solemn speech to the groom. Here are just a few examples that you can modify to your liking. Good luck in this difficult task!

So an example bride's first speech to groom:

Today reminds me of a fairy tale. Today dreams come true, happiness comes, our destinies are connected with (we call the name of the groom). This day is a symbol of the sparkling lights of joy in our eyes and the reason for smiles on our faces. It is overflowing with music, colors and light. Isn't this a fairy tale? And it is thanks to you, my beloved (we turn to the groom), that I got into this fairy tale! Thank you very much, dear! I really want all the guests present here to share with me the emotions that overwhelm me! After all, every girl from childhood wants to experience this beautiful and such an important wedding day. But I never imagined that my day would be so wonderful. Every girl wants to dream of a handsome prince. But I think that my husband is better than any prince. I'm really happy. And I want pieces of this happiness to go to all of you! And you will forever keep them in your hearts, like a wonderful talisman. Let the fairy tale of today's so solemn day, the day of our (we call the name of the groom) wedding, once begun, never know the end. Forgive me my laconicism. But not all my feelings can be put into words.

Bride's speech to the groom

The second example of the speech of the bride to the groom:
(We turn to our husband), you know, in fact, I have always been sure that I will spend today's holiday next to you, and one of us will certainly be dressed in white wedding dress. I often think that I fell in love with you at first sight. I fell in love, and I do not hope to stop loving. And the very next day after we met, I began to try on how consonant the combination of my name with your surname can be. Now I have the right to own it - you are my husband. I love you so much that I can't even imagine a life without you! You won my heart as the knight I cherished dreams of as a child. Your nobility, fearlessness and willingness to do anything for the sake of your princess conquered me. Your tenderness, kindness and affection have become a plus to all this. And believe me, I'm not throwing words to the wind. I know for sure that you have proved your feelings to me more than once. Your protection and support helped me overcome obstacles. You stood up for me before the offenders. And with all this, you had the patience to explain my mistakes to me when I made them. Therefore, today I am glad to be with you, and I want it to be always like this! After all, I know that God created us just for each other, and I want us to continue to remain a single whole!

At the wedding, the main heroes of the occasion are the bride and groom. But besides how to shine at the holiday, the young wife must definitely prepare a festive speech at the wedding, which the bride must tell all her close relatives and friends.

To whom should the speech be addressed?

  1. First of all, the bride should say words of gratitude to her parents.
  2. Why, you can send your addressed speech to all guests.
  3. You can tell a story from your life or from childhood
  4. Then, words of gratitude should be addressed to the relatives of your beloved spouse
  5. You can still tell all the guests present about your acquaintance with your husband.
  6. In beautiful words, you can make a wonderful toast to all the guests present.

Words of gratitude to your parents from the bride

What you need to say first:

  • be sure to thank your mom and dad for helping you organize such a wonderful event as your wedding;
  • thank them for always helping you in difficult times and never leaving you, but always closer;
  • tell them that they are your favorite, the most important people in your life;
  • thank them for all the love and affection they spared for you;
  • for the fact that they showed what a family should be, by their example, friendly and close-knit.

your speech, you can prepare in verse, and your parents will definitely appreciate your wonderful congratulations and good words that will be spoken from the heart.

Your speeches, you can back up with a small pleasant surprise, it can be something done with your own hands. And also, it can be a beautiful little bonbonniere that will contain a delicious present inside.

Good wishes for your spouse

If you want to surprise and please your spouse, then you have to work hard for this. For the groom, you can find your congratulatory words on the Internet. Various thematic sites offer a lot of options for solemn speeches.

But if you have creative abilities, then you can try to compose a beautiful speech in your own words.

And you can also ask for help from people who are engaged in writing just such texts. When ordering, you can tell about your wishes, and what should sound in such a text.

What words should sound in the text?

  1. The most important theme in your text is love.
  2. You must tell that you are very glad that he chose you.
  3. Say that you are overwhelmed with a feeling of love and respect for your spouse.
  4. Tell him that you want to spend your whole life with him.
  5. You want to have children from him.
  6. Tell him that he is your best and sweetest, and that you love him very much.

Words to the parents of the husband from the bride at the wedding

After thanking your husband and your parents, don't forget to thank your spouse's mom and dad. In your words, you should express your joy that it was nice for you to get into your husband's family and that you were accepted as your own daughter.

Tell them words of gratitude for the fact that they were able to raise and educate such a wonderful and wonderful son. The words of your wishes, you can say in prose, it does not have to be poetry. To make it all look plausible, it is advisable to learn all the words by heart, as this will the best option than reading from paper.

Don't forget a little surprise for your parents. They will be very pleased to receive some small gift from your hands.

A few words to the guests

It is no secret that most of the guests at the holiday are close friends and work colleagues, so do not forget about the good words to these people.

What did they report to hear?

  1. First of all, thank them for taking the time to come to your party.
  2. Say thank you for all the gifts you have received.
  3. Express your kindness to them for being your faithful and close friends.
  4. Tell them you value their friendship.
  5. Thank them for being able to help you with some organizational moments your holiday.

For each person, you can prepare small sweet surprises. Guests will be very pleased to receive such gifts from your hands. It can be chocolate candies or cookies, or a bag of delicious tea, this is true if the wedding is celebrated in winter.

Words from invited people

After all your voiced speeches that were sent to your guests, a response should follow.

Parents and guests should now say a few words of gratitude to you and your husband for remembering and loving them, and for being invited to celebrate such an important event as your wedding. They should say that they are very happy to be your close friends.

Another video: Bride's speech at the wedding

On the day of the wedding, the bride should leave behind all worries and shine. All attention is riveted to her, she is showered with flowers and compliments. But at the end of the evening there comes a moment when you need to thank all those gathered for their attention. Newlyweds can share this responsibility among themselves, and it is better not to be lazy and prepare a speech in advance.

Important points about speaking in public

  • Don't be afraid and don't get lost. Gratitude should not be memorized, but sincere.
  • If you don't like public speaking, write your speech ahead of time and practice in front of a mirror or family members.
  • Divide your words into three parts: introduction, main idea and conclusion. Slurred speech, in which thoughts jump from one to another, will not be of interest to those present.
  • The optimal length of the speech is 2-3 minutes, during which time those present will not have time to get bored and will listen to the end.
  • Several speeches will have to be made: thanks to the parents, the audience, the husband and the witnesses. Some also insert a dating story or funny life events into the wedding script, but this is not at all necessary.
  • Do not abuse beautiful phrases and quotes, otherwise the speech will turn into a report.
  • As a rule, the newlyweds give a speech at the end of the ceremony - this is a subtle hint to the guests that the evening is over. If you have a second wedding day planned, remind the invitees that you will be glad to see them tomorrow.
  • Use your talents: you can compose a verse or sing a reworked song. Diversify your words with photos (slideshow) or mount a clip. So the speech will certainly not be boring.
  • If you are afraid to speak on your own, consider a joint performance with the groom. Supplement each other with remarks and interesting remarks - it should turn out very original.
  • The toast can be short: 4-5 sentences are enough to express your feelings.

Bride's words to parents

Surely every person has something to say to their parents. It is not necessary to look for intricate texts, you can simply express your thoughts.

Example 1 Dear my parents! As the saying goes, “Silver and gold don’t age, parents don’t have a price” for good reason. And it is true. The attention, love and warmth that I have received from you in my life cannot be replaced by anything. I couldn't have done it without your support and valuable advice! I want to thank you for life itself and your invaluable role in it! Let's raise our glasses to my parents and wish them a long and happy life!

Example 2 Mom and Dad! You are my dearest and most beloved people who have been around since the moment I first saw this world. You protected me, guided, helped, enveloped me with warmth and care! Thanks to you, I know what a real family should be like. And I will try to ensure that love, kindness and respect reign in our young family! And with all my heart I want to wish you long life, because who can give so much warmth to grandchildren, if not grandparents! I raise this glass to you, dear parents!

Words of gratitude from the bride to the parents of the groom

A great opportunity to show respect for your mother-in-law and father-in-law, and start building relationships with them.

Example 2 Dear guests! Today at our wedding there are people without whom this holiday simply did not take place - the parents of my beloved spouse. They gave life and brought up a wonderful person - courageous, kind and smart. They are a role model and my second family. I sincerely want to wish you good health, prosperity and longevity! This toast is for you, dear parents!

Bride's words to the groom

If wedding vows are provided for your holiday, the appeal can be missed. If you decide to do without it, find a few kind words for someone with whom you share not only this day, but your whole life.

Example 1 My dear and beloved husband! Although wedding vows are just a beautiful tradition now, in front of everyone here, I want to make a promise. Become your inspirer and support, the keeper of the family hearth and faithful companion. Only together can we keep the fire of love that burns in our hearts and carry it through many years! You are the person next to whom my heart sings and beats faster. Next to you, I feel like a real woman, surrounded by care and protection. I love you, and I want to share my life with you, go hand in hand and create a real family! For you, my dear husband!

Example 2. My beloved husband! It's very unusual for me to call you that, but I promise I'll get used to it. I never dreamed of a prince and thought that men died out like mammoths. But you completely turned my life around. With you, I realized that being happy is very easy - the main thing is that you are there. I'm not very good at expressing feelings, but I trust my heart 100%. And it tells me that you are my soul mate. And I believe that we have a long and happy life ahead of us. I want to raise this glass for you, my beloved and dear person! And I am grateful to fate for our meeting!

Thank you guests

Example 1 Dear guests! I would like to thank you for coming to share this wonderful and important day with us. Undoubtedly, everyone has their own important plans and deeds, but you were able to transfer them and come - this is the main thing. Many pleasant words and warm wishes were addressed to us, it is very pleasant. We are glad that all of you are present at our first joint holiday! We want to drink for your happiness and longevity! Thank you!

Example 2 Dear guests! Today is the birthday of our young family, and we are glad to see you on this holiday. We really appreciate that you were able to come from different parts of the country to share with us the happiness and joy of this moment. We are grateful to you, and we will always be glad to see you in later life. Special thanks for the wishes, they are very inspiring. Let's raise our glasses to those present, health to you, longevity and great happiness!

Thanks to the witnesses from the bride

Witness words. My dear friend! You worked tirelessly helping me prepare for the wedding and keeping me from messing it up completely. Your help and support is invaluable, and I am very grateful to you! You are one of the dearest people for our family, and we are always glad to see you. Thank you dear! This toast is for you! I wish you find your happiness!

Words to the Witness. Dear (witness name)! You are my husband's friend and I'm glad you didn't leave him in a difficult situation. Even when it was necessary to pass ransom contests, you courageously climbed the stairs and drank penalty glasses, if only my husband got to the end of the test. Thank you for accepting this challenging position. The holiday would not have been the same without you. You are always a welcome guest in our house! This toast is to the fact that my husband has such wonderful friends!

As you can see, nothing complicated. The main thing is to calm the excitement and thank you from the bottom of your heart.

A few more examples for preparing speeches at a wedding.

The bride at the wedding should shine. Not only beauty, but also oratory. Our tips and examples will help with this.

Step 1. Thanks to the guests

If possible, list the names of the guests present. This part can be shortened if the names have already been mentioned in the groom's speech.

For example: "My dear, Thanks a lot that on this day you came to share our holiday! Lena, Natasha, Kolya, Nikita, I am very glad that you are here now.

Step 2. Thanks to parents

For example: “Mom, dad, family, thank you for a gorgeous holiday. You know me, I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again for the love and kindness. And, of course, for an example of what a family should be. I will try to always have such warmth and kindness in my family.”

Step 3. Childhood Story

Tell a funny story or a touching one.

For example: “That’s exactly what I want to talk about kindness. Once in the first grade, the boys found a kitten in the school yard.

They started playing with him, and I spent the whole day thinking how to persuade my parents to take him home. Mom came to pick me up from school. I resisted like a hundred donkeys and declared that I would stay with the kitten. And my mother said: “Well, you are already big, so you can take it!”. Of course, I did not understand then that all the care would fall on my mother. But how much joy and pride there was!”

Step 4. Appeal to the husband's relatives

For example: “I also want to thank Alexei Afanasyevich and Olga Ivanovna, my wonderful father-in-law and mother-in-law. Thank you, you raised Oleg to be a wonderful person and a real man. I'm glad we're all one family now."

Step 5. History of dating with her husband

For example: “I remember how Oleg and I met. I, hung with bags, got off the bus at the station, and an unfamiliar handsome guy offered to help carry it. Honestly, I was not up to the fact that he could be a robber. And my intuition did not fail me.

Step 6. Addressing your husband

For example: “Darling, thank you for being you. I always feel at ease and calm next to you. I promise to become your best and most caring wife. I love you so much".

Step 7. Toast

Invite guests to raise their glasses.

For example: “Now let’s raise our glasses. Let's drink for all of us to be as happy as we are today and for dreams to come true."
