You have probably seen kits in children's stores many times. colored sand to make fun collages. Each of these sets consists of a picture that will need to be depicted, and jars or sealed bags with multi-colored sand.
Ordinary sand from the street can also be suitable for manufacturing, though several operations need to be carried out with it. First, you need to rinse the sand and filter out large particles. Then you need to paint the grains of sand in the desired color. This can be done using ordinary gouache - dilute gouache in a container desired color, and then pour the grains of sand into it and mix thoroughly. Let the sand settle and then drain the water, drying the already colored sand in the sun. And you can find out more about what sand actually is from the article "Sand-grains of time"

To do beautiful jars with patterns of colored sand You will need a little effort. You can buy ready-made sand in the store, or you can, for making crafts, paint the cleaned river sand. This can be done with ordinary chalk. Roll out fine grains of sand on the table, do this until you get the required number of colored grains. If you do not find sand, then you can use fine salt as it. Pour colored sand (or salt) into a pre-prepared jar evenly, trying to make the transitions smoother. To create a "wave" effect, simply tilt the jar at the desired angle. Fill the container to the very top so that the own weight of the sand does not allow the drawing that you will lay out with such diligence to collapse.

original colored sand painting can decorate any interior. To do this, depict a pattern made on colored cardboard. with a simple pencil. Then put a set of colored sand closer. Apply glue to those areas of the pattern that should be the same color, for example, red. Sprinkle this area with red sand grains, let dry and then shake off the excess. Repeat the same with other colors that are present in the picture. If you try, you can make real masterpieces of sand.

You must have thought about how real paintings are made in glass jars. In this part of the article, we will talk about techniques that are sure to come in handy for you in making such crafts with your own hands from sand. To make not ordinary “waves”, but a serious drawing, you need to make indentations near the surface of the glass with a thin stick. Then fill these holes with colored sand of the desired shade.

The same operation, for example, in order to get sand dunes, can be performed using an ordinary spoon, carefully pouring grains of sand in slides. Unfortunately, in order to reuse the colored particles, you will have to sort it by color, and this can take a lot of your time. Although, I think that real masters of handicrafts made by their own hands will definitely find a use for sand, which shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Today I would like to run with you barefoot on colored sand. Not what is sold in art stores with special pictures, but what you can do with your own hands. Any color and any quantity. And then create from it whatever your heart desires.

How to make colored sand with your own hands?

The fastest and easiest way is to make colored "sand" from decoys and ordinary children's crayons.

To do this, you need to crumble the chalk (cut with a knife, then chop, for example, with a rolling pin), pour semolina And chalk into a container, close the lid and shake several times. That's all! Manka turns out very delicate pastel shades.

Can be used instead of chalkdry pastel, and crushed crayons can be mixed to obtain new interesting shades.

According to the same instructions, you can make colored "sand" from fine salt. If you need just a little of some color, then you can mix crushed crayon and salt right on the table.

Now back to present colored sand.

It will take a little longer for him.
If you are using street sand, first thoroughly rinse it in several waters. Then you can start coloring. Let's take the usual gouache and mix it thoroughly with wet sand, it is better to do this by hand (use gloves). Instead of gouache, you can use food colorings. After staining, spread the sand in a thin layer until completely dry.
By mixing gouache, food coloring, you can get a variety of different colors, and, of course, they will be much richer than from crayons.

It is better to store colored sand in closed containers. And if you want to avoid unplanned cleaning, then tidy it up from the ubiquitous children's hands :)As you can see, it is very easy to make colored sand with your own hands.

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The kids really need him, He is on the paths in the yard, He is at the construction site, and on the beach, And he is even melted in glass. (Sand)

What is sand?... Pure sand on a deserted summer seashore together with the sun, sea, blue sky is happiness!

There is also desert sand; dunes, dunes - sand and only sand - wherever you look! Destructive, disastrous, terrible during sandstorms ...

And there is building sand. If you add cement and water to it, you get a solution. He goes to the laying of foundations, residential buildings.

Sand is used to make sandpaper and glass, and is used in filters for water purification (given modern ecology, this is a very important point).

Sand is used in road works and landscape design. They are sprinkled on winter icy roads, added to the ground when laying out flower beds, lawns and when planting trees. And they also bring it to playgrounds and kindergartens. They build sandboxes where children play builders and sculptors.

It is impossible not to note the sand, which is now being used as a material for creating picturesque masterpieces on glass. They draw with sand in front of the audience, it’s a pity that drawings, like sand sculptures, are short-lived ...

Every year the scope of sand is expanding, thanks to its qualities and versatility. The activity of modern man is already impossible to imagine without this natural material.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Photo of winter buildings in preschool kindergarten No. 20 "Snegurochka", Okha, Sakhalin Region...

Lesson on ecology "A conversation about garbage and what can be done to reduce garbage ..." in a group preparatory to school

"If a person does not stop polluting nature, then he will be listed in the Red Book" ...

Crafts can be done with older children preschool age 5-7 years old (from napkins), as well as with children of average, younger age 4-5 (from paper). The craft can be both a gift and a benefit ...

Today, children are no longer interested in playing in an ordinary sandbox, because kinetic sand has appeared (translated from Greek, kinetics is interpreted as movement). It is represented by fine sand with the addition of special synthetic ingredients, thanks to which it becomes plastic, retains its shape, does not stick to hands and, most importantly, does not dry out. Classes with sand-plasticine bring great pleasure to kids and, in addition, develop fine motor skills. Learn how to make kinetic sand at home, we will share with you the easiest and most affordable recipes.

Methods for preparing sand-plasticine are varied, consider the most popular of them.

What does obedient sandy mass consist of? It is made with the addition of so-called binders, the most popular is the kinetic sand recipe using starch.


  • Potato starch - 1 cup;
  • White sand - 1.5 cups;
  • Clean water - 2/3 cup.

How to do:

  1. You can buy clean sand at a pet store, it does not contain impurities. So, mix dry ingredients.
  2. After that, add water, mix everything with your hands. If you want to make colored sand, add watercolor paint or any food coloring.
  3. That's all, we prepared kinetic sand with our own hands, its composition is very simple. Now you can start sculpting.

Advice! You can use street sand, after calcining it in a pan and sifting through cheesecloth.

Method number 2 - Soda + detergent

Make kinetic sand from baking soda and detergent or soap quite simply. Prepare a surprise for the kids, it won't take too long.


  • Drinking soda - 2 parts;
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 part;
  • Detergent for dishes - 1 part.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. First, combine all the bulk components, gradually introduce the washing gel, knead the sandy mass with your hands.
  2. Now you need to pass the sand through your fingers so that there are no dry granules.
  3. If the mixture is not thick enough, add baking powder, adjusting the consistency.
  4. The result should be sand-plasticine. It must be stored in a closed food container.

Advice! To make the sand white, first mix washing gel with white dye, then add to baking soda, as well as baking powder.

Method number 3 - Quartz sand + wheat flour

Excellent kinetic sand without starch will be obtained by adding flour. This sand made by hand will be very popular with kids, it keeps its shape perfectly, it is easy to work with it.


  • Quartz sand - 6 parts;
  • Flour - 3 parts;
  • Purified water - 1.5 parts.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. First, sift the flour, mix with necessary quantity quartz sand. Take a separate bowl, it will need to mix food coloring with purified water.
  2. Introduce the colored liquid into the dry sand-flour mass in small portions. Thoroughly knead everything so that no lumps form, you can use a fork for this purpose.
  3. The resulting sand is best divided into several portions, and then painted in the desired shades.

Method number 4 - Starch + shaving foam

You can make excellent kinetic sand without adding soda from simple and available materials. Using this recipe you will not need much time.


  • Corn or potato starch - 450 gr.;
  • Shaving foam - 140 gr.

How to do:

  1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Introduce foam into starch until glomeruli begin to form.
  2. Beat everything with your hands, wearing gloves, then add a coloring component or gouache (optional).
  3. The mass, consisting of foam and starch, is thoroughly rubbed. At the end, you should get a mixture similar to sea sand.

See step by step photos cooking:

Method number 5 - Starch + hair balm

Hair balm can serve as one of the components for creating a plastic mass for modeling. As a result of mixing with starch, you will get an excellent mass for children's creativity.


  • Potato starch - 750 gr.;
  • Balm for hair care - 9 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  1. First, prepare the necessary food coloring, gouache is also suitable for coloring.
  2. Pour the right amount of balm into a bowl, mix with the dye until smooth.
  3. Portionally mix the starch with the colored balm in such a way that a lump-free mass is obtained. good composition will not stick to the skin and stain it.

Method number 6 - With boric acid and glue

Unusual combination of glue and boric acid with a dry base will allow you to get a plastic mass that children will play with pleasure.


  • Quartz sand - 300 gr.;
  • Stationery glue (silicone, thick) - 20 gr.;
  • Boric acid - 40 ml.

How is it made:

  1. Use a separate bowl, mix stationery glue with acid in it. Take a wooden spatula, mix everything.
  2. Add the dry component while wearing protective gloves.
  3. Sort the finished composition so that there are no large particles.
  4. Get a paste that is easy to mold. You can get creative with your kids.

Watch the video for step-by-step production:

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that plastic sand mass is easy to prepare at home, it is worth paying attention to its pros and cons.

First, let's list the advantages of this product:

  • Develops fine motor skills in children;
  • Cheap materials and we know what is included;
  • In most cases, self-prepared plastic mass can be stored in containers for a long time at room temperature. It won't be hard to keep it.

Before you start making sand, pay attention to its disadvantages:

  • To get sand-plasticine like from a store, you must strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients;
  • Must be made by adults
  • Crumbles, so it's hard to avoid cleaning up after play.

Please note that the first time you can make a small portion of the sand, and the next time you can cook it a little more using various dyes.

Try the methods described above for making plastic mass with a photo. You will not only please the child, but also save money.

Now it has become possible to build a castle or make Easter cakes not only in summer, but also at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside the window. Engage in a fun game with your baby, you will recharge with positive energy and briefly return to such a distant childhood. Good luck with your experiments!

Colored sand is gaining more and more popularity lately. Especially in the cold season, it is often purchased for children. Adults are also not averse to building colored kinetic sand castles with children. Below in the article we will analyze what this type of material is intended for and how to create it at home.

The main thing in the article

What is colored sand used for?

  • Colored kinetic sand was invented in Sweden as a therapy for children. One of the important functions of a color invention is the development of hand motor skills. This is very important in childhood, as well as with any injuries.
  • The second, no less important detail is a relaxing therapy from sand exercising. Kneading the soft bulk material in the hands, the child plunges his body into relaxation. It is very useful in general for children and adults, as well as for those who suffer from stress.
  • Thirdly, when a child sculpts or draws with sand, he develops his imagination, fantasizes, comes up with something unusual of his own.
  • Fourthly, classes with sand develop accuracy, perseverance and attentiveness in the child.

Colored sand can be used as stucco, they can be painted, painted, decorated or decorated.

How to make colored sand for creativity with your own hands?

  • Kinetic sand is a rather expensive product, but smart moms have long figured out a way out. They created their own version of colored sand, which is not inferior to its counterpart.
  • Swedish modeling material consists of a natural component, silicone and dye. Thanks to silicone, it has the property of ductility. This component can be easily replaced with corn starch.
  • A large percentage of the composition of the curiosity is sand - 98%, in some cases this figure may decrease. Sand is used purified and fine. An alternative is ordinary sand, sifted through a sieve and roasted in the oven at high temperature. This will allow the sand to get rid of harmful germs, in case your child wants to put it in his mouth.
  • The dye in kinetic sand is natural, it can be replaced with a regular food pigment. The variety of colors in supermarkets is replete, so your imagination is where to roam.

What do you need to make colored sand with your own hands?

To recreate the semblance of a store product, you will need:

  • sand;
  • corn starch;
  • dye.

Ingredients can be changed depending on what you need it for.

How to make colored sand from real sand?

Colored sand is a new trend in creativity. This material is perfect for luring children into the playroom or will decorate a vase in your apartment in an original way. It won't be too hard to make it. Materials:

  • sand;
  • food coloring;
  • breeding container;
  • drying paper.

Course of action:

  1. Sift the sand through a fine sieve and place in the oven for an hour at 200°C.
  2. Cool the material.
  3. Dilute the dye in a container and add sand, mix so that each particle is colored.
  4. Transfer the stained material to paper and wait until it dries.

Do-it-yourself colored sand from semolina and vodka: photo instruction

For decorating interior items, you can use color semolina. This is enough a budget option to improve the style of the apartment. You will need:

  • semolina;
  • alcohol / vodka;
  • capacity;
  • dye;
  • paper.


  1. Place the cereal in a container.
  2. Drip the dye.
  3. Add alcohol little by little and stir.
  4. Lay out on paper.
  5. After drying, transfer to a container.

The use of alcohol is necessary so that the cereal does not swell from a collision with a liquid, as happens with water. And the alcohol-based liquid does not have time to be absorbed into the grains, which well allows you to color and dry the product.

Do-it-yourself colored sand from salt

A good alternative to sand and no less relevant - colored salt. Salt is a fairly cheap raw material and is in every home. Edible salt has very small particles, which is well suited for decorating objects, painting and drawing.


  • gouache;
  • container;
  • paper.

Execution process:

  1. Place the salt in a deep bowl.
  2. Combine with gouache.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Transfer to paper to dry.

Recipe for colored sand from children's colored crayons

Colored sand can be made from improvised materials, especially if small children live in the house. Families with children always have crayons for drawing on the pavement. And this is an idea for coloring sand.

You need:

  • crayons;
  • capacity.

Course of action:

  1. Rub the crayons on a grater.
  2. Pour salt into the container and combine with chalk shavings.
  3. Mix everything well and start drawing.

What can be done with colored sand?

Creativity is a place where there are no rules and limits, so people come up with different types activities, entertainment and hobbies. Colored sand is an example of how you can transform the ordinary into a cheerful and rainbow, how to make a gloomy day happier and brighter.

Colored sand activities:

  • Drawing on a table, a special illuminated table or paper;
  • Making frescoes;
  • Modeling of different figures;
  • Production of florariums;
  • Decoration of vases and other containers;
  • Creation of crafts;
  • Coloring stencils.

Stencils for colored sand

For each generation of children, smart people come up with new entertainment. At the end of the 20th century, these were carved toys and wood carvings. And in the XXI - colored sand and a variety of games with it. If earlier they painted with colored pencils and felt-tip pens, now they have been replaced by sand.

  • Actual sand stencils appear on store shelves, which come in a set with colored sand. The stencil is an image with an adhesive backing.
  • A protective film is removed from the image, and sand must be poured onto an adhesive surface, painting the picture in different colors.

If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made stencil, you can use PVA glue and any picture.

Colored sand frescoes

  • Creating sand murals is like painting with a stencil. There is also an image, an adhesive layer and a multi-colored material for coloring. Educational games contribute to the development of memory, creative thinking and originality in children.
  • Each child paints the drawings in their own way, giving them a share of originality and magic.

The only difference between a fresco and a stencil is that the stencil has just sheets, while the fresco has a frame.

Do-it-yourself colored sand paintings with a photo

Creating paintings with sand is a truly wonderful art form. This is a new round in the art of painting - a breath of fresh air in the hierarchy of colors.

Do-it-yourself florarium with colored sand

With the help of decorative sand, you can not only draw, but also create compositions with plants. can be decorated not only with ordinary river or sea sand, but also with impregnated food pigment. Thanks to the bright paint, the composition looks unusual and beautiful.

Vase with colored sand

Since ancient times, women have strived to make their home cozy, original, and its interior original, not the same as everyone else, and therefore they equipped their homes with beautiful curiosities. And with the help of colored sand, you can create unique patterns in a vase by carefully laying it out in layers.

Colored sand for decoration: ideas for use

With the help of colored sand, you can create the most unusual things. Its flowability allows it to fit into the narrowest openings. The lightness of the material has a beneficial effect on application to any surface. With sand you can:

  • Paste the surface of the furniture with it;
  • Trim the photo frame;
  • Make a colorful candle holder;
  • Build a decorated floor covering;
  • Place a small amount in a game ball.

In general, you can make anything from decorative sand, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Colored sand for modeling

  • Colored sand is great for sculpting. Its only difference is the presence of a binder, manufacturers famous brands add silicone. Thanks to this component, the sand acquires a viscous property.
  • Another big plus is that classes can be held at home at any time of the year. This is very beneficial, because children love to play in the sandbox, and in the cold season, not everyone has the opportunity to dig in the sand.
  • The purchased option does not need a specialized storage place and does not deteriorate from moisture or dryness.

Unfortunately, purchased sand has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • small particles are difficult to clean;
  • sticks to clothing and other surfaces.

At homemade version sand lack only timely drying.

Do-it-yourself colored sand in a bottle - an unusual interior decoration

You can stylishly decorate the interior with ordinary bottles and colored sand. You can use several colors at once, or you can alternately. It is also very important to draw in bottles with sand. Such a curiosity will not only look great in your home, but will also be a wonderful gift for friends.

DIY colored sand crafts: photo ideas

You can create a lot of interesting things from decorative things: paintings, castles, crafts, decorate florariums and ordinary candlesticks.

Colored sand wedding ceremonies: video

  • The tradition of the sand ceremony originates in Hawaii, where the wedding ceremony was always held on the ocean. It was there that the tradition was born to combine the sand into a single whole, just as on this day two souls are held together by marriage.
  • According to ancient Hawaiian custom, the bride and groom had goblets filled with sand of their own color. And when they poured out of their cups into one common, they united their hearts - thereby giving an oath of fidelity and love.

Video: how to make colored sand at home

The use of colored sand is multifaceted, it can captivate children, or you can get carried away yourself. A lot of fans of painting, architecture, entertainment and ordinary women who think outside the box fell in love with the new entertainment.
