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Non-state educational institution

higher professional education

"Metropolitan Financial and Humanitarian Academy"

Faculty of Design

Specialty: 070601 Design

Graduation qualifying work

Design project Cafe in the style of fusion using environmental materials

Moscow, 2015.


1.1 Cafe history

1.3 Fusion Style History

2.2 Volume-spatial cafe composition

2.3 Color solution Cafe

2.4 Furniture & Accessories

Chapter 3. Spare Solution

3.1 Ergonomics

3.2 Ecology in the project

3.3 Color and light in the project

3.4 Furniture & Accessories





Relevance environmental style - It is that you need to decide on the concept of a cafe, modern trends, and modern equipment. It is necessary to choose a price category cafe, as it is intended for middle-class people who have the opportunity to eat not at home, but also individually and presentable. Consumers would like to talk with a knowledgeable person who can give a competent advice that is versed in dishes that can be pretty presented. It allocates from a number of things like that and thereby attracts visitors: natural decoration, food.

The theme of graduation qualifying work is the "Design project of a fusion style with ecological materials." Every day our life includes something new, interesting. Changes occur in all areas: medicine, science, technique, etc. Each person discovers incredible things, find interesting places for the past. And so, the life of people included a cafe. Everyone in the 21st century, visited the cafe, several times. After all, a cafe is a place where you can spend time, eat after a long walk, sit with friends, take a break from work and much more.

In this paper, the characteristic of the cafe is given, indicated how it differs from other café enterprises, which types of cafes are at all. Special attention is paid to the interior of the cafe. A brief description of various interior styles is given. The color decision of the cafe design, the influence of the design on the holistic perception of the cafe, as well as the influence of the color solution to the perception of this object.

In order for the cafe to become exactly the place where it is pleasant to come and spend some time, it is necessary to clearly and correctly create a conceptual design of the cafe. And then, let it be a place for meetings and dates, a place to eat, in order to rest and relax, or meet with friends and have fun, but people will return there again and again.

Any coffee shop or cafe must have a kitchen room, a visitors room (may be two halls - separately for smokers and non-smoking), the area for staff, as well as toilet rooms. All this must be taken into account when developing a cafe planning. In the hall for visitors should be a bar stand, a refrigerator, tables, tables, visitor chairs. To separate the halls for smokers and non-smoking from each other you can use of different types Furniture, partitions, columns, walls and other elements of the interior. A particularly cozy atmosphere creates muffled light, along with the aroma of coffee, it creates a pleasant setting for communication.

Today, cafes and coffee shops are very popular. Increasingly, such places are becoming the main place not only for everyday rest, rest during the working day at dinner, but also for holidays on the weekend to meet and chat in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

Objective: Design Cafes in the style of fusion using environmental materials.

Based on the topic of the project, the following tasks flow:

1. Examine a cafe history

2. Explore Fusion Style

3. Consider similar projects

4. Solve the volume and spatial composition of the cafe

5. Select a color scheme cafe

6. Decide on furniture and accessories

7. Ergonomics

The graduation project consists of two parts of practical and theoretical. The theoretical part consists of an explanatory note, and practical from tablets, computer graphics and layout.

Chapter 1. Cafe Development History

1.1 Cafe history

Cafe (from FR. CAF; literally - "Coffee") - a catering establishment and recreation, similar to a small restaurant, but with a limited range of product assortment, it is also possible - with self-service, recreation consumers with provision Limited compared to the range of assortment. GOST R 0762-2007 "Catering services GOST R 0762-2007" Customization services " . According to this document: "Cafe is a catering company for the organization of food and (or without) catering products, implementing branded, customized dishes, products and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages"

Many of us noticed that the words "coffee" and "café" are very similar. And this is not a simple accident, because in the Middle Ages, the divine in the opinion of many drinks by age for three thousand years has served to the development of public institutions, such as coffee shops. The first one was opened in the Dutch town of Livorno.

The novelty has become so popular that by the end of the seventeenth century, such cozy corners were practically in every country of Europe, and in some there were a pre-producous amount. In almost all establishments of this type, the process of making coffee was considered a mysterious process, which took place in the mysterious twilight. The fragrance of this enchanting drink was spread far through the streets of cities. Nowadays, not every coffee shop can boast the preserved traditions of the secrets of making coffee.

Already at the time of the appearance of the first coffee shops, they were taught by the intelligentsia. Here you could always sit here, discuss philosophical questions, meet with friends, learn the last city news, prosecute and ease the cup of the charming drink. Examples of such clubs are a musical or literary cafe. In one of them, Oxford Royal Scientific Society occurred.

The first mentions of such clubs in Russia appeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century. From the moment of its discovery, they became a favorite place of creative Beaujda. Additional services are characteristic of the characteristic and distinguishing feature of Russian coffee shops - chess, billiards, reading and discussing newspaper notes. Of course, today you will rarely meet a group of people together studying a newspaper for a cup of coffee, but modern public institutions offer a wider range of services, products and drinks. Today you can easily order a cup of tea in a coffee shop, and in tea can enjoy custard coffee. Unlike old coffee shops, modern are very diverse in designer design. They affect their unusual solutions, color gamma, transformations, reincarnations. Recently, an interesting trend has been seen - the day of coffee shops are cozy corners, where quietly and calmly, and in the evening are sports bars, where you can safely book beer and see a football match.

Many establishments today offer such a convenient addition, as Wi-Fi access point, allowing students or business people to check mail or find useful information online. Such coffee shops often attract freelancers - people working via the Internet. Sometimes people spend in the cafes all day without noticing how time flies. In the evening, many of them are waiting for drive and excitement - from large screens installed in the coffee shop, sports competitions begins. Today it is already impossible to imagine life without such fun and comfortable institutions. I wonder what we would do without a wonderful fragrant coffee drink?

Cafe history - this is a dispute between Italy and France. The cafe first appeared in Italy, and only then he was brought to France. But the names of the first Italian cafe is not preserved. However, in Constantinople, street coffee shops were already in 1550. Cafe "Prokop" (FR. Le Procope) is considered the oldest restaurant in Paris, is located in the Latin Quarter, Ancienne-Comedi (Rue de L "Ancienne-Comedie) Crossroads of Odeon. It became a discussion center for writers and philosophers in the Epoch of Enlightenment and turned into the first literary cafe.

In 1686, Sicilian Francesco Prokopio Dei Coltonian opened a cafe on Rue Des Fossys Saint-Germain (today's Rue de L "Ancienne Comidie). Open the first in Paris Cafe contributed to the fact that coffee facilities spread shortly throughout Paris. In addition to coffee in it, they also filed Other new product - ice cream.

The origin of the name-café The word "cafe" is not in vain similar to "coffee", because coffee houses were transformed into the cafe, which were called first "coffee shops", and then "cafe". They originated in the east.

Cafe Restaurant

Now the cafe-restaurant is defined as a cafe in which the client offers additionally alcoholic beverages and lunch. In the afternoon, this establishment has a quick menu with pleasant prices. In the evening the halls are transformed, the menu is expanding, the program is organized.

The history of the occurrence of cafes

Chinese coffee shops and tea houses. In fact, restaurants arose for a very long time. The history of their creation is rooted in the XIII century. Chinese tea and coffee houses in Hangzhou, the cultural capital of China of that time trying to attract customers and somehow stand out among competitors, increased the luxury of their institutions, diversified the menu, made them a real holiday destination.

Interestingly, the words "cafe" and "coffee" are not accidentally similar. Coffee served to develop such a type of public institutions, like a cafe, and in particular, coffee shops. The official history of coffee has about 3000 years, when the first coffee shop was opened - it is unknown, it is only known that the birthplace of the cafe is east, but the history of European coffee shops dates back to 1651. It was then that the first coffee house opened in Dutch Livorno. The innovation has successfully spread throughout Europe and by the end of the 17th century in each European country there were a lot of establishments, in which hedgehogs reigned and the aroma of coffee, making the process of making coffee with a mysterious ritual. Nowadays, a rare cafe in Tushino can boast the preserved traditions of cooking this wonderful fragrant drink. There will be no discovery that the cafe was spinningly known, and with the time of the cafe became clubs for interests: a literary cafe, a music cafe, and even the Royal Scientific Society appeared from Oxford Coffee Shop. But the main type of services of such cafes remained coffee.

In Russia, the first cafe appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in Moscow and immediately this place was chosen by the creative bond. It is characteristic that the first Russian cafe immediately began to provide additional services - billiards, chess, even simple reading and subsequent discussion of newspaper news.

Modern cafe moved away from traditions of coffee shops and provide a more advanced range of different types of beverages and products. So, in modern tea, you can order a cup of coffee, and drink tea in the coffee shop. Diverse both the interior of modern cafes and its transformation. So, Cafe SZAO in daytime - a restaurant and a cafe, and in the evening - a sports bar. Owners of such institutions are trying to take into account the tastes and predict the desires of each guest, there is a fierce struggle for each visitor.

Not newly cafe with Wi-Fi - such amenities are popular and are in demand among students and Internet workers. The latter, not to be distracted by home affairs, prefer their own apartment with a table in a cafe, where it is at the first request and feed, and will come in every sense of the word. Wi-Fi cafés in the evening are converted to gambling fans, because televisions hanging on the walls of such establishments are starting to broadcast sports.

Cafe can be closed and open. Closed cafes resemble something like a gazebo with the roof. Many closed cafes are not much different from the café indoors: they have "walls" or are located under a special shatter-tent, which makes them undoubtedly more convenient for visitors. In such cafes, visitors feel no worse than in the closed cafes in the premises. Such cafes are ideal for hot weather, they are cool, and they do not require the use of air conditioners: people simultaneously and outdoors, and feel comfortable as indoors. In addition to traditional cafes located indoors, summer (street) cafes have always been greatly popular. Such cafes usually occupy a small territory, but summer cafes can be quite large and include several utility rooms. Summer cafes can work independently and located along or not far from passing streets or be near a stationary cafe. A selection of a place for an open summer cafe is of great importance: it should be easily accessible, passable, well-viewed for people passing by. Opposite the summer cafe despite the availability of parking for visitors with cars. The premises for the cafe in most cases is rented, although the construction of a special pavilion is not excluded. The area of \u200b\u200bthe trading hall depends on the number of seats, which may vary from 5-6 tables (each table is usually designed for 4 people) to 15 and even more.

For summer cafe as well as for other types of cafes, it is necessary to have auxiliary premises and good communications (water supply, sewage, electricity). Equipment in summer cafes, as a rule, is limited to the presence of landing places with tables for visitors, a cooler counter, additional refrigerators with drinks and ice cream, refrigerators for storing products, a cabinet shop windows with products, café, microwave machine.

Various types of summer cafes are designed for different target audience and, therefore, use the appropriate management. Essentially, the summer cafe is a small enterprise with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, seeking to form and keep one day visitors who came in various age groups. There are also evening summer cafes of a closed type, where only adult people and adult youth have access. As a rule, the summer cafe attached to the main cafe, leads separate work: they have their own buffet, its own ticket, but the kitchen can be located in the main cafe indoors, which is why there is a fairly wide range of dishes from such a cafe. This is the main difference between such a cafe from those summer cafes that work on the streets in each summer cafe is set to the visitors' service system. There are summer cafes, the service of which is not much different from the service of large cafes and restaurants: the tables here are serviced by waiters who represent the menu, take orders, spread dishes and remove from the tables. Small summer cafes practice minimum maintenance or self-service system. In such a cafe, there is usually no menu, and the rates and the names of the dishes offered are presented on the price tags, however there are several waiters who remove the used dishes from the tables. And yet recently, service system is used in all summer cafes using the menu, which is convenient for visitors and allows the waiters to better control the situation in the cafe. Ordering dishes and maintenance of tables in summer cafes occurs according to the standard rules. Visitors occupy a free table, the task of the waiter - approach guests and offer them the menu. If the visitor is interested in the waiter, there are certain dishes in the menu, the waiter must clearly and clearly explain to the visitor what he wants. Thus, due to a small range, the order in the summer cafe occurs immediately as soon as the waiter brings the menu. With a small number of visitors, the waiter brings ordered dishes for several minutes. If the guest ordered a kebab or another dish, requiring cooking, then he is waiting at the table, at this time the waiter has the right to offer a client on drinks and serve other tables. The account is provided to the client, after he hung and going to leave. The task of the waiter is to follow the table all the time, to bring dishes and drinks in time, clean the dirty dishes and change ashtrays. From summer cafes, you can also highlight beach and park cafes. On the beach, commercial equipment can be simpler, inexpensive, and his list is quite limited. In the recreation area of \u200b\u200bcentral parks and the most lively streets of the city, where people are accustomed to spending more time, enjoying resting and food, summer cafes will require better equipment, and appropriate inventory - dishes, cutlery. The range of the most simple summer cafe is more designed for impulse purchase. It may be juice, a carbonated drink, ice cream. An indispensable attribute of the beach or park trading tent is a refrigerated cabinet for drinks and freezing stalls for ice cream. This is all limited. Traditional beach cafes equipment - juice coolers.

1.2 Development of Cefe Culture in Russia

The tradition of drinking brewed in all rules of natural coffee in a small cozy coffee shop has existed even during the times of the Soviet Union. Typically, tourists who came on vacation in the Republic of Baltic, Armenia, Georgia enjoyed this "bourgeois luxury". Then the union collapsed, and the coffee houses disappeared from the life of the Russian resident, giving way to cheap soluble coffee in the morning.

Since the second half of the 90s, public affinities began to gradually return to daily lifeAnd today you can already talk about the revival of the cafe culture in Russia.

Championship in the number of institutions feeding diversely cooked high-quality coffee belongs to Moscow. As with all over the world, the cafe here slept a shelter for the very democratic public: creative people and students. And the shelter around the clock. It is impossible to believe that Olor-two years ago to get a little less reasonable "night lunch" was problematic. And today in Europe it is difficult to find a institution in which you can eat after 22 hours. And in Moscow at this time, many are going to dinner. The capital becomes more and more in the night city, so dinner begins late in the evening and ends with early in the morning. Among modern youth, the concept of "After Party" was relevant: visitors of the nightclubs before going home, do not mind removing the emotional excitement of a cup of coffee or even early - in four to five in the morning - breakfast, filed in a calm cozy atmosphere. In expensive nightlife, young people, as a rule, do not eat: First, there is a challenge, moreover, food is ease during dancing. But there are other customers: the staff of the same night clubs, which, having finished work, comes in the nearest cafe to eat. A separate small group is random visitors, waiting for the opening of the subway, rejected lovers or women on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

In Moscow night cafes for all the time of their existence there were no incidents with aggressively tuned visitors. Apparently, the process of absorption of food and a cup of coffee soothes the soul at any time of the day.

The development of coffee crops is not as fast as I would like. According to foreign specialists, coffee shops in Russia can not yet be much, because, firstly, the corresponding culture of coffee consumption has not yet been developed, and in general, food outside the house, secondly, due to the lack of money in the population. If any American for the pocket is three or four times a day to enter the coffee shop and drink coffee, then in Russia it is not available to everyone.

The coffee industry has been noticeably activated in the last two years, and many decided to take up this business. This is a good trend that talking about the fact that an increasing number of people, especially those who work a lot and experience an acute shortage of time, are involved in visiting coffee shops to relax and chat with friends outside the house.

Modern restaurant business. Restaurant business in Russia today exists in three niches unequal in the volume and number of players, - Fast Food, medium price level restaurants and high-kitchen restaurants. In the fast food segment, McDonalds undoubtedly dominates the benefits of the early entry into the Russian market, refusal from the franchise chart (in other McDonalds countries, usually opens up its restaurants in a franchise) and the rebuilt framework for the company inside the company. According to the general opinion, the main competitor of McDonalds is today the Rostiks network, owned by Rosinter. Dear author's restaurants Haute Cuisine, "High Kitchens", began to appear in Russia already in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century: related to the names of Arkady Novikov, Andrei Delos and other stars, they kept (and continue to withstand) comparison With boutiques. The most noticeable author's restaurants - "Pushkin" and "Cheese" Novikova, Le Duc and "Shinos" Delos, "Beehive" Oleg Bardeev, "Bakes on Presnya" Anton Tabakova, "Absinthe" Igor Bukharova. The average price niche in Russia is not only not overcoiling, but not to the end is formed - it is obvious only that the threshold of entering it every day is becoming higher, but what is happening inside the processes is more interesting. The dominant player of this segment is today the restaurants "Rosinter Restaurants" (TGI Fridays, American Bar & Grill, Planet Sushi, Patio-Pizza, etc.) for all restaurateurs, regardless of what niche is positioning their institutions. Today there is one overall headache - personnel hunger. And, if the problem with hiring attendants (waiters, sommelier, hall managers) rests today in a large demand for supply, then in the case of managerial personnel for restaurants everything is much more difficult. The fact is that the number of competent restaurant managers today is very limited. There is almost no tendency to increase it now - there are no specialized educational institutions in Russia, which would prepare specialists of this level. Restaurant director now predominantly grow from waiters, hall managers, even bartenders; They are little mobile and do not have sufficient opportunities for their further professional development. As a rule, the owner is already on the step above the director, it is simply impossible to take place. As a rule, the Directors change its place of work extremely reluctant. The fact is that the owners of restaurants are sometimes used to hold competent managers not quite market methods.

1.3 Fusion Style History

Fusion (from English Fusion - mixing, merger) - mixing various styles and directions in one interior design.

Style that allows you to place in space anything, and at the same time create a harmonious connection between different objects and elements.

Overall characteristic of fusion style. Offers everything, not denying anything. He finds harmony where she used to seemed unthinkable. Fusion does not mark the previous traditions, and coexists with them as it were in parallel worlds, creating its own rules. This direction, in essence, opposes itself to minimalism - and brings us to a complex and expressive "maximalism". In the fashion, the "hooligan chic" is a style that develops the logic of collage and the borrowed any elements. The basic principle of fusion style is the freedom of color and material. The basic condition of the fusion style is that the forms, color and content of the design interior are all that it will later become its "filling": finishing materials, furniture, decorative elements, - should be connected to whole organic living space at the final stage. Fusion is usually referred to as architectural, but to designer styles - the connection between objects is formed not on the functional, but at the emotional level, and it is based on not clearly formulated by law, but rather the way of thinking inherent in only the parts of the architect. This style broke into a new millennium, rapidly sweeping at its path ascetic minimalism, rational constructivism and even claiming postmodernism. Mixing clean styles and directions, as if paints on the painter palette, Fusion was surprisingly quickly stuck and became popular. The style of modern life of your interior - fusion (mixing everything with everything), arose as a result of intersection different cultures , traditions, times and even technology. It all started with jazz in the 70s progressive listeners swung on a special musical style, which combined elements of European academic music and folklore from exotic countries. Then Fusion won the restaurants, appearing here in the form of traditional European dishes with Asian accents: it happened in the 90s, and the then fashionmen with the exhausted smiles spruce Salad Olivier with trepangs and foap, seasoned with zira and turmeric. By the way, experiments on the mixing of various cuisines of the world did not always led to decent results. Culinary fusion stalled at the level of experimenta and the idea to interfere with East and West, South and North moved to the interiors. Art historians say that the background of the occurrence of this style in the interior design is likely to be started in the 90s of the last century, when the europe's exotic things from the East, Africa and Latin America poured into the European gardens and permanent interior tabups. His homeland is rightfully considered to be the United States: it was the local designers of apartments that were the first to decide on bold experiments and "crossed" classics with an ethnic, and an ampir with high-tek. At the same time, in fashionable houses of Italy, France and Germany, there were luxurious carpets from the skins "Leopards" and Zebras near the glass and metal tables and shelves. Little cubic leather sofas replaced large and fluffy luxury American sofas, and snow-white walls of postmodernism were set to bright sunny colors. Holded the first luck of the owners of the villas and mansions began to act bolder. And now the design bureau already accredited by them begin to actively compose in the same interior heavy classical furniture and Hightec curtains from Organza. Upholstered furniture is put forward from the corners and takes a central place in the room, while the expensive exclusive collections are calmly get along with the most massive models. Next to the masterpieces of painting or sculptures on the walls, cute family photos and souvenirs brought from travels appear. Features - Interior in the style of Fusion - the subject of real decorator art, in which any genre is acceptable, except for boring. It does not provide clear horizontals and verticals, it is also alien and strict certainty, and the relationship between objects is not formed on the functional, but at the emotional level. Luxury with a shade of simplicity and bohemility - it is the combination of concepts previously perceived as absurdity - in the interior fashion becomes a trend. The style of space involves a complex color scheme, a variety of decorative parts, an abundance of fabrics and a variety of decorations, experiments with textures, staged lighting and carefully "organized" disorder. Your interior in no way should impress the impression of thoughtful to the smallest things: the charm of the maximalist style, as the individuality of a person, is worn out of mutually exclusive things.

Fusion style is based on three whales - color, texture, materials. Neutral or pastel shades for this style are unusual. From now on, in your interior will be bought saturated and even causing tones, however, perfectly harmonizing each other. It can be combinations of turquoise, raspberry, gold and green colors. It can be a warmer gamma of red, orange combined with a ink blue tint. Interesting compositions made of purple-lilac paint and polar black and white. However, it is very important not to be mistaken in the choice of relations, do not overdo it, otherwise, instead of the exquisite palette, you risk getting a banal set of "screaming" paints. After you decide on the main colors, you will need to decide how you will serve such a bold color show. There is one radical way, widely known by theatrical decorators - point backlight. That is, instead of tightening the same splendor to full power to highlight, you need to consider the organization of lighting so that each element included in the system has created its mini-show - intimate and pathetic at the same time. Luminaires can be located along the lower eaves of the wall, practically at the floor. They can work as point ceiling or wall sophimes, highlighting different interior elements each time. You can actively use lamps, scab, table lamps, furniture backlight (and upper, on top, and built-in inside cabinets). Fusion even assumes that no one of your lamp is similar to another, but every time, including it, or combining various illumination options, you will create a new scenery, original and unique. It is possible to "play" on the contrast of non-standard materials of lighting devices, contrasting colors, or create a composition of amusing of different shapes. Candles (and ideally - a fireplace) not so much illuminate how many intriguing, mysterious twilight, simulating additional mood nuances. And this mood will always be major and romantic. As for the texture of finishing materials, the idea of \u200b\u200bFusion assumes that your interior will be perceived in the harmony of visual and tactile sensations. Therefore, touch up the upholstery of upholstered furniture, the fabric of the porter, and just to the walls of your home, step along its floors, carpets, should be just as nice as looking at them. In this regard, it is better to abandon cold and slippery glossy surfaces, preferring the textures that are most characteristic of wildlife: silky textures of small sea sand, roughness natural stone, rough weave linen yarn, domain canvas, natural skin elasticity. An animalistic trend is very relevant. Skins from the skin of animals (or their imitation) so organically fit into fusion, which are, almost the textbooks of the study of this style in the interior. Speaking about animal skins, we smoothly go to the materials to which fusion is. We hope you have already guessed that in choosing these materials you are practically not limited. A special chic will definitely give the most natural and natural materials. So, in particular, it is quite interesting to look like a classic expensive furniture in the frame of coarse, peasant log walls. Gold and silver against the background of fir balusters will not seem like foreign elements, but only cheerful and stylish improvisation. And the presence of a fireplace with a global chimney will be very appropriate in the living room, where the walls are draped by silks chosen by tone to the same clay. By the way, drapery is one of the main tools fusion. Perhaps there is no other style that would admit such an abundance of fabric in the interior. This is quite explained. Numerous curtains, kitchen curtains, heavy curtains, alcove curtains, pillows, carpets are all those elements that the interior is written to the common harmonious denominator. With a sufficiently limited budget, the fabric will be able to become the chopstick, which instantly transform your home. Moreover, it is textiles that can turn any neat and the famous interior into a fairly "hooligan" and bold apartments. Abundance free space, The presence of white planes and a large amount of daylight is the mandatory attributes of the fusion style. The ideal condition for creating an interior in this style architects consider housing, oriented immediately to several sides of the world.

When creating an interior in the style of fusion, remember:

Rule number 1. It is better not to mix. The main postulate of Fusion: better less than more. Things are designed to emphasize and shade each other, rather than clutch your square meters.

Rule number 2. Remember good taste. It was he who should come to your aid if suddenly it seems that the notorious samovar will perfectly fit into the interior of your bedroom in Louis XIV.

Rule number 3. Do not fuss. The ability to combine things comparable to meditation. Stand in the center of the room, close your eyes and imagine what you would like to see before acting. Fusion, first of all, Feng Shui, and not a chaotic Brownian movement of objects in space.

Rule number 4. Fusion loves courage. Dare! The overall design of the apartment is strict, straight-perpendicular, Metallic-Pulty High Tech? And in it ... All in the gilding and alleum velvet toilet, where instead of a drain handle - deer horn, on the wall - tapestries and a shelf with expensive alcohol. It looks wildly, but the element of the grounding in this case will rather play your hand - guests will be stunned. Especially if you cover this scarlett-oxhar luxury by a modest dark door.

Fusion can not be called expensive interior design style. The main fusion style is a sense of measure, and it is the most faithful ally of savings. What exactly will have to be spent, creating the interior of his apartment in the style of Fusion, so it is for alignment of floors and textured ceilings, acquiring several types of wallpaper and combined colors of paint. Designers unanimously believe that the style of fusion is most suitable soft, even rounded coffe box shapes, arched openings, large windows. Architects also love to play on a combination of various textures, sophisticatedly combining polished and rough surfaces, fabric and paper wallpaper, tree of different breeds. Fusion made a possible interior in which the luxury naturally goes into simplicity and bohemility. A man who choose Fusion, do not have to think about the purity of the style. In this style you are free not to adhere to any canons and dogmas.

Deuterined standards and stereotypes, dizzy, luxurious and at the same time bohemian interior can and should be the result of your personal creativity. On indecisive people, the hooligan style will take fear: Isn't it too bright and throw? He will seem to be too emotional, obsessive and excuseable to the reference rationalists. "Conservatives" will consider it strange and even frivolous. This direction of the interior fashion is designed for people leaders, discrepanted, not afraid of change, not tolerant restrictions and possessing a large margin of inner freedom. Only a person, internally free from "things," will not be afraid to emphasize the redundancy and excessiveness. Focusing only on their tastes, giving tribute to their own preferences, conscious of their small or greater weaknesses, he follows the chief rule of modern life: Gray weekdays are required to turn into a bright, memorable holiday, carnival, shows for which decent scenery is necessary.

Chapter 2. Features of architectural and artistic style

2.1 Design technologies for creating a design-project cafe

The design technology of creating a design project Cafe is a design project - a complex of works by experts, aimed at designing and creating a certain habitat inherent in a suitable specific customer.

The design project consists of a set of documents developed during design work (In accordance with the technical assignment), in the amount necessary for construction, repair and finishing and complete operations at the facility. Work on the project consists of three main stages: a planning stage, a stapa stage, the technological stage.

The interior design should not be only a means of self-expression. This is primarily the fruit of the collective creativity of architects and designers with the customer. In this case, the result of the work will correspond to its expectations and perform all the required features necessary for comfortable life and work.

Design Stages:

1. Planning. Includes: removal of measurements of the existing wall configuration; study of the features of the design object; zoning; Development of planning solutions. Required documentation: Planning premises; dismantling plan; The construction plan for partitions; Plan for the placement of furniture and equipment; Explanation of premises. Before starting work on the planning of the room with the placement of furniture, it is necessary to determine with the number of furniture necessary to you in each room separately. That is, to draw up the task on the project. After that, giving up priorities on styles and budget, make a selection of furniture on salons or talk with furniture manufacturers, to clarify basic sizes and configuration. The planning solution is, first of all, answers to questions: "As the premises will work, wherever it will be, where there will be the doors, what widths will be passes between furniture." At this stage, several fundamentally different planning solutions are initially offered, if possible, the most revealing potential capabilities of space. The customer is invited to carefully consider them, "having" on themselves all possible life scenarios. Represent how it will enter, put things, spend the guests, have, work, relax, etc. In each of the proposed layouts. The final solution is usually built on the basis of one of the proposed options or on their combination. After the approval of one of the planning solution, the customer brings him to his signature, and we go to the second stage of the project.

2. Style. Includes: volume modeling of premises; Development of volume-graphic and color-textural variants of a deciduous solution. At this stage, we respond to another question: "How will the premises look like?" The diagram is similar to the first. Technologically can pass in two ways; First - first pencil sketch, after approval it is a computer model; The second is the computer model immediately. Which option to choose, to solve the designer rather, based on the complexity of the designed room. A warning! Curtains soft furniture Other things and details of the interior are not designed by the Contractor, etc. On a computer model of the room, in view of the complexity of their modeling, sometimes displayed schematically. It is also necessary to understand that the computer model does not give 100% idea of \u200b\u200bthe color scheme in the future room. It is also not possible to display real materials (upholstery of furniture, tile, curtains, parquet, linoleum, wallpaper, etc.), due to the absence of textures and complexity of transmission of colors when converting files (for example, when displaying from a scanner or a digital camera). It is also possible to distort the color reproduction when displaying an image on the printing device.

The design and design of the cafe is something amazing and unique, which creates a special atmosphere of comfort and comfort, contributes to a good mood and communicating with friends and loved ones, as well as, simply, pleasant time. Undoubtedly, the quality design of the cafe will allow him to turn into a favorite place of recreation of energetic and purposeful people of absolutely any age. Just such an interior design that creates a similar atmosphere, and should be at any successful cafe. The success of this type of such type is very dependent on a comfortable environment, from its uniqueness and uniqueness.

Developing a cafe project, a huge number of factors should be taken into account, among which the following are special attention:

Customer orientation, that is, a clear image of a future potential cafe visitor;

Development of a well-thought-out and original concept of the institution;

Project development in such a way that the interior of the cafe corresponds to the selected concept and the image of the potential client;

Clear layout I. designer decoration premises.

Concept of establishment and interior cafe- First of all, working out the concept of a cafe and thinking over the design, you should pay your attention to the kitchen you are going to offer to your visitors: whether it will be European cuisine, or Japanese, and maybe it will be the usual fast food .

It should be remembered that the interior of the cafe must be beneficial to stand out among the sermost and monotony of most urban catering establishments. It must be memorable, bright, unique, and therefore should be very taking care of a unique design. In this issue, you can use (it is extremely recommended) services of professionals. It is very important to choose such a design so that everything is provided - and large kitchen, and beautiful comfortable furniture and a successful color and textured solution. In addition, in order to provide comfort and comfort in the institution should think about lighting. And we should not forget about the appearance of the institution, because I have not seen a beautiful "wrapper" visitor just can pass by, and not notice your "best" in my own kind of institution. What will be the interior is largely determined by target visitors. And of course it is necessary to take into account the location of the cafe, because, I think you agree that the cafe in the center and the city feature can differ significantly in terms of its design. And finally, I would like to recommend, stick to some one chosen style - styles - it is, as they say, "Movetona".

Design technology for creating a design project Cafe is a complex of work by experts, aimed at designing and creating a certain habitat inherent in a suitable specific customer.

The design project consists of a set of documents developed during project work (in accordance with the technical task), in the amount necessary for construction, repair and finishing and complete operations at the facility. Work on the project consists of three main stages: a planning stage, a stapa stage, the technological stage. The interior design should not be only a means of self-expression. This is primarily the fruit of the collective creativity of architects and designers with the customer. In this case, the result of the work will correspond to its expectations and perform all the required features necessary for comfortable life and work.

3. Technological. Includes: Development of an electrician plan; development of the concept of water supply and sewage; Development of the concept of air conditioning and ventilation; performing sketch drawings of structures; Laying of tiles (without technological gaps; development of architectural elements of registration if available.

Issued documentation: Planning the lamps and the distribution of lines on the switches; Plan of placement of sockets, electric drives and conclusions of low-current networks; schematic scheme water supply and sewage; Concept of air conditioning and ventilation; Scheme of the walls of the walls and placement of structural elements, sweep of walls and structures; Floor plan; Circuit diagram of flooding of floors, if necessary; Plan of ceilings; Circuit diagram of the ceiling; Summary finish card; Map of furniture selection; Specification on the door. At this stage, the issue of project implementation issues.

Engineering networks, materials, structures, technologies that embody the style solution to life are designed and selected.

Based on the technical task, the possibilities and wishes of the customer, various value options are considered, which then the optimal solution is then selected. Suppliers of components and materials are selected (with a contract for this service). As a result, passing all three stages, we come, in fact, to the result of all the work - a decorated design project - a set of documents required for the implementation of the object.

Modern trends of interior design cafes have long been the owners of bars, cafes and restaurants sought not only to feed their visitors tasty, but also to provide them with a comfortable and pleasant stay at the rest. Today, visiting a cafe or a similar institution in other cities, the visitor draws attention, first of all, on the style of the establishment and design of his interior.

The style is customary to define as an artistic community inherent in the specific interior design. Modern places Catering, intended for a pleasant time of people, is extremely demanding of the design. Often it is always the search for an exclusive, the embodiment of the original author's design to attract a permanent circle of customers.

Today there is a tendency to mix various styles, designer areas when designing interiors of restaurants or cafes. But the determining point for the visitor, at the same time, the feeling of comfort to couple with the internal thoughtfulness of all parts should be. And, in addition, an appointment (specificity) establishment has an important meaning. So, for the pizzeria, the design project of the Italian restaurant is traditionally used as the basis. If this is a restaurant ethnic or exotic kitchen, a national nature design is created.

Always relevant classic style, which is inherent, simplicity, naturalness of forms and strict adherence principles of proportionality. Enjoy the popularity of public catering with the Rococo style interior, where the focus is on a rich decor and highly artistic accessories. There is a return of the Art Deco style, which is distinguished by a light and elegant decor. The design ideas of the AR-Nouveau are very interesting, where winding and smooth outlines prevail, asymmetry trends are traced in combination with natural and vegetable motifs of the furniture decor.

At the peak of popularity, the Mediterranean style, which became combined due to the popularity of healthy seafood. Restaurants in this style are characterized by brightness and riot of paints, as well as special interior airiness due to large windows, let the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sun. For the Mediterranean style of the interior of the restaurant, some coarseness is inherent in the texture of the walls, the "man-made" of their finishes and painting.

No less interesting design restaurants or cafes in eastern style. These interiors are distinguished by a special ethnic atmosphere. Original furniture with sophisticated and laconic lines, natural tones, some asymmetry and natural fabrics - all this helps to create a living simplicity that is so lacking the modern high-tech world.

The successful idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of a restaurant or cafe and an exclusive style, along with an excellent kitchen, becoming more and more often a business card of the institution. Original design The interior is a guarantee of the uniqueness of the restaurant (cafe), its prosperity and in demand.

The interior of the cafe should not be confused with the interior of the restaurant - this is not the same thing. The cafe should not be downloaded, each visitor must feel ease and ease. Before you begin to design a cafe, review the various catalogs in which designer ideas are presented to design a cafe, and highlight those moments by which these leisure institutions acquire ease.

Cafe is the establishments that visitors prefer to visit in the morning and daytime clock. At this time, it is almost always enough to illuminate the room there will be enough natural lighting, but only if the right cafe layout has been performed, and light access is not limited to small windows. Almost all photos inner premises are illuminated sunny rayswhich penetrate through large windows. And only occasionally you can see a cafe in which the twilight reigns, but it cannot be considered a disadvantage, all this design ideas for which the cafe must ask their individual emotional tone.

The interior of the cafe should be planned before proceeding. All in the room should be performed in a single style, from which nothing should be knocked out and the same ideological line should be traced in all interior items.

Among modern cafes there are a lot of modernized facilities inherent in the smoothness of lines and flexibility of forms. The interior of the Modern Cafe will not be able to do without images of flowers and plants, the drawing of which can be seen everywhere: on the floor, on the walls, on the chairs, tables, even on the dishes and cutlery appliances. Come up for your cafe original idea And embody it into reality.

Modern is an abundance of patterns and a variety of odds, so for a cafe in this style, actual stucco, embroidered fabrics, stained glass windows, bizarre images. Wall lamps are used as lighting devices. The lamps in them must be hidden behind the matte plates, thanks to which the light becomes soft and soothing. These lamps should be unusual. A variety of decorative parts can be used as decoration.

Excellent option for cafe is a romantic style. When creating a romantic cafe, the main thing is to choose the right color solution. Use pastel colors. Only one color should be used in this style. If several colors are selected, then the transition from color to color should be very smooth. It is better to use old options as furniture, the tables cover the tablecloths with small floral patterns.

The younger generation prefers to place a cafe decorated in the style of minimalism. Minimalism is a rather old direction, for which no one has paid attention for a long time. The reason for this may be the rigidity of this style, which is urged to abandon the roughams of items, while doing the premises as functional as possible. Such cafes are striking with their spacious, semi-empty halls. Only small-sized furniture is used for design. The entire room is separated by light materials. Designing the interior of a minimalism cafe, it should be remembered that the space of the room cannot be cluttered with accessories, so the best option will be the pictures that will be inserted into the framework of the right form. Frames need to be chosen from the material that will fit into the interior of the cafe.

Children's cafe is something without anything can do not do one city. The best option for designing such an institution is a fabulous story. A fairy tale can choose any, the main thing that she was kind and liked to children. If you all spend correctly, believe me, the children will gladly visit the cafe and parents will not be able to refuse them in this pleasure. When choosing a children's cafe furniture, remember that it will be designed for children. You can buy furniture different sizes. Behind the most young tables will be convenient to sit the kids, while the furniture is more like more older children.

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The modern interior of the restaurant is characterized by increased attention to lighting methods.

Another project Dekart Studio - modern interior Coin Restaurant, in Kiev, in an IQ of a business center, about a thousand square meters. The task was to create a establishment that would be a fashion legislator. With his highlight, which attracts the bond from the entire city.

Developed a plan, mixing architectural trends, as this idea prevails in the menu. Saturated shades were selected for the design, based on the design of our time and the latest trends. On his background, brighter the pleasure of European dishes, in particular Italian, as well as Thai and Japanese cuisine, which are considered exclusive examples of the art of cooks and confectioners. Visitors fall into the sphere of an exquisite mix that causes admiration.

To their services - the main hall and wine, where unique drinks are served, a separate VIP room for 20 persons, a contact bar and Open Space Sushi Bar. The main concept of designers is emphasized by furnishing: copyright chairs and tables, original lamps, more than a hundred chandeliers and glass panels. Everything for those who are familiar to the best. Experts and gourmets will be happy.

IN soft chairs well lead an intimate conversation

Low ceiling creates the atmosphere of comfort

All - for the convenience of guests

Flickering of lights and reflections is impressive

Rational and colorful use of big sleeps

As if in classic restaurant

Luxury detacies

Horror of Eastern Lanterns

Provide accommodation of various companies - from two or ten people

In the spacious room, expressive shape and color

Open workplace of kitchen wizards intrigues diners

Noticeable invitation on the third floor of the business center

The location is chosen in accordance with the purpose of visit

More business style reigns in this corner

Interesting and richly decorated hall

Important questions are resolved here

Coin is an interesting restaurant with fashionable kitchen.Share with friends!

Not only a delicious kitchen and freshness of food is a key to success in visitors, but also a pleasant atmosphere is needed, so the unique interior of the cafe is an important task for each owner of the institution. Guests are more often left where the situation is pushing to eating, where you want to spend the evening with your relatives, a holiday or just sit on a lunch break. That is why the correct selected design is the key to the heart of any even the most avid gourmet.

Improving the idea of \u200b\u200blife

Like styles for apartments, design designs of the cafe there is a great set. It is enough just to watch photos of travelers - in each country its traditions of food, many of which borrowed food institutions. Regardless of the facade, inside the hall can be performed as it requires the author's fantasy. Using the right decoration, you can express the main theme and style of the institution, its focus on this or that target audience and even the price policy.
Before working on the embodiment of the intentional in the cafe is needed:

  • Clearly plan the location of the seats, garderba, technological zone and kitchen. Of particular importance here receives not only an unusual interior, but also its functionality, and convenience for both visitors and personnel.
  • Special attention to job furniture: It must support a common background or be in contrast to it. Convenience is also important here.
  • Correctly pick up curtains, mirrors, pictures, Photos that create the atmosphere of comfort and emphasize the personality of the restaurant or cafe.
  • Do not get around the attention and other premises, because visitors other than the hall are in the toilet room, and in many cafes exist hookah And other rooms where customers have access.
  • Proceed correctly bar Stand with its availability. It should be allocated and be able to be equally available to guests sitting as closer to it, and gone.

It is not difficult enough to unusually issue a restaurant, as the modern building market offers various options for materials with which the most bold ideas are embodied. To generate a project is attracted professional designersAnd work is performed by construction teams that will do everything on time and at a high level.

Unusual interior styles cafe

Most creative, perhaps, can be considered loft style. Often you can see the photo of the cafe, where the main element of the room is brick walls. The birthplace of such a style is New York, and he argued, oddly enough, due to a banal lack of money for arrangement. In our country, Loft appeared recently, before brick wall Just not perceived and was considered unfinished. Now it is popular around the world and is considered unusual and supermodow.

The positive quality of this style is saving on finishing materials. It is enough just to arrange a cafe in a brick building, a little bonding the walls with a matte varnish or bright paint for greater effects, and bring separate details into the design, focusing.

Interesting design designs in East Fusion style. There may be both folklore motifs and an industrial simplicity in combination with thematic accents (tissues, tissues, lamps). Lighting here plays one of the main roles - these are not ordinary lamps, but creative light sources in asian style. So you can arrange a cafe specializing in the Caucasian or Oriental cuisine.

The description of it is pretty simple: modernity in everything. This is furniture, and materials and brave color combinations, and lighting.

Tip! A special chic will give the use of a large number of mirror and glossy surfaces.

Choose furniture

Any project involves the presence of furniture, and it should be not only beautiful and suitable for the interior, but also have functional features. First of all, it is important for the convenience for visitors so that they do not have the desire to finish the meal and leave, but I wanted to stay longer. Furniture of each institution is different, depending on the subject of the restaurant or cafe.

The choice of general style of the apartment is a difficult occupation. Often, the owners cannot decide on the exact direction of the design that would like to see. In this case, modern images come to the rescue, which are adjusted to the current pace of life. Not having a clear framework and borders, denying outdated rules, they open up new perspectives for planning space. One of these styles is fusion. Literally, from English "Fusion" is translated as a merger, mixing. This direction allows you to combine, at first glance, incompatible home utensils, keeping harmony between them.

Unusual Design House in Fusion Style

Chocolate color in the interior of the Fusion Style

Fusion Design

The fusion in the late 1990s began to oust strict interior images that established the tough rules for organizing space space. Replacing the practical and functional minimalism, gave freedom of action and thoughts. The main rule of this design of the design was the phrase "combined incomprehensible". Fusion style is not just permissible and allowed, but you need to "mix" textures, materials and decor.

Dark shades in the interior of the Fusion style

Gray in the interior of the fusion style

The origins of the style of fusion

The story of Fusion begins in 1970. It appears not only in the design area, but in other areas: in music, in dancing, in cinema and others. The style of lightningly penetrated into all directions of human life, soaking all his charm.

Fusion style in the interior was the first to test designers from America. Creating bold and eccentric interiors, they combined absolutely diverse styles: classic and ethnic, high-tech and baroque, Gothic and Renaissance, Modern and Chalet. Favoring the space of harmony and tranquility. A bright example of those samples can be called a combination of leather sofa and standing near, a table with a decoration of mirror fragments. In the 90s, the concept of "Style Fusion in the interior" tightly entered the use. Style began to apply everywhere: in hotels, cafes, restaurants, houses. At the same time, each location, made in the fusion direction, remained absolutely individual. Because of its infinity, style to this day is relevant.

Flower combination in fusion style interior

Unusual interior design in fusion style

Beautiful Fusion Room Design

How to start creating an interior in the style of fusion?

Fusion style requires a certain vision of space. The designer must have creative and bright thinking, a flawless feeling of style, but at the same time have a concept of measure. This area is not design rules, but a special perception of premises and things. Conditionally, you need to be able to see ease and ease in classicism, and in minimalism - an unusual highlight. It also needs to be understood that you should not put clear boundaries and zones of space. Fusion - bright, but at the same time easy style. He must save charm and cheerfulness.

Black sofa in the interior of the living room in the style of Fusion

Fusion Living Room Design

What colors use fusion style?

If watching on flower palette Interior design made in the style of fusion, then the impression of pleasant chaos is created. This is what designers are achieved, choosing paints. As background colors, neutral shades are most often used: white, gray, beige or brown. They can be used individually or create a mix. Using background colors, ceiling, walls and gender. For color accents, it is permissible to use, both clean homogeneous paints and patterns, and paintings. Juicy accents look as much as possible and boldly against the background of pastel tones. The colors of the rainbow or their brighter shades are often used.

Dark colors in the interior of the fusion room

White color in the interior of the forge in the style of fusion

Light Fusion Style

Most popular patterns

Fusion is distinguished by an abundance of used patterns, calmly harmony between each other. Such an approach and creates a peculiar sense of creative disorder. To give the interior of individuality and brightness, emphasize its unique character, apply the following patterns.

  1. Ethnic, folk motifs will dilute the situation with pleasant paints.
  2. Patterns in the cell or strip will add rigor.
  3. Geometrical drawings. For example, squares, triangles, rhombus and ovals.
  4. Flower prints will give the space of romanticism.
  5. Animal images will revive the room.

Fusion Design

Suspended lanterns in the interior design in the style of fusion

Fusion-style materials used

Fusion allowing use different species Finishes and decor. It is important to understand that the textures should not just be combined, but to complement each other not only visually, but also by tactile sensations. Suppose the wall looks like fresh, young, green grass, the touch must be perceived as a pleasant lawn. The surface, visually reminiscent of sand, should be tactile to felt small grain.

Dark shades in the interior of the Fusion Living Room

Fusion style in the interior of the apartment

Bright Future Style Apartment Design

Most popular finish

  1. Bamboo, cork, paper wallpaper.
  2. Natural or artificial stone.
  3. Decorative plaster.
  4. Natural tree.
  5. Laminate.
  6. Natural fabrics.
  7. Glass and mirror surfaces.

Wall clearance, ceiling and floor

With the decoration of the walls and the ceiling, there are no restrictions. Often use wood, glass coatings, ceramic tiles and more. Basically, the decor of the walls and the ceiling depends on the rest of the components of the interior. So if you're going to emphasize furniture and accessories, then the walls and the ceiling should be left iniety and monophonic. It is also possible to make the main color focus on the walls and the ceiling. In this case, when choosing utensils and trifles for the house should be focused on calmer paints. This technique for the formation of the room will allow not to overload the space by color, not to make it allyapist and unpleasant.

In the choice of flooring, most often focus on practicality and convenience, choosing materials that will serve for a long time. Most often use tiles, laminate or linoleum.

Fusion Living Room Design

Light colors in the interior of the kitchen in the style of fusion

Fusion furniture: Functionality and convenience

When selecting furniture, you should not stop your choice on headsets or sets of several items combined in one style. So in the living room you can position the utensils made not just from different materials, but made in different era. For example, you can combine minimalistic glass tables with seats made in ethnic motifs. The whole essence of the design of furniture is a combination of beauty, brightness and functionality.

For the kitchen you can pick up several different decor options. For example, choose a kitchen kit in the baroque style. Add a table from High-tech style to it. At the table to position absolutely different chairs. At the same time in all selected items to maintain the same notch. For example, a metal finish of small parts.

Fusion Design

Chocolate color in the interior of the style of fusion

Room Design in Dark Fusion Tones

Who is suitable such an unusual style?

Fusion style is universal for almost all people. The artist who constantly lives in his thoughts. Clerk, tired of the events of his everyday life. Family with active and smart children. A businessman who always hurries on his affairs. A young girl who only builds his plans for the future. The combination of people described - there is fusion itself. Each character described above will find something in this design. Charm, who will make them fall in love. The artist will be convenient to live in creativity. Clerk will distract from the sermost days and drown in bright colors. The family will calmly get along without feeling, some of the interests are infrouncing something. A businessman will finally relax and stop to enjoy simplicity and freshness. A young girl will live like in a fairy tale that she herself will come up with himself.

Black Interior Fusion In Style

Bright fitness room design

Fusion style topics and good that everyone will suit. His freedom, brightness and character will conquer any ordinary man. There are no borders, there are no obsolete rules, there are no spaces space. There is a flight of fantasies and thoughts, there is functionality and practicality, there is a comfort. You just need to feel harmony. Fusion itself is a certain secret, which is subject to everyone who wants to live in a special place. Revealing its potential and features, you can organize the room so that you will feel the absolute ideal created by your own hands.
