Installed with the aim of organizing air exchange. Any residential building / complex is equipped with ventilation shafts, which are rarely serviced by craftsmen and often do not cope with their task. The bathroom differs from the others in high humidity, accumulation of various odors and small dimensions. Therefore, the answer is yes to the question "should I put a fan in the bathroom?"

This hood will provide:

  • High quality ventilation.
  • Elimination of unwanted odors and excess moisture.
  • Temperature regulation.

The exhaust air contains dust particles, viruses, harmful vapors, carbon dioxide. In addition, the room temperature is always higher. All this negatively affects the well-being, human health and the safety of a normal microclimate.

Do I need a hood in the bathroom if there is a window

In this case, the answer will also be positive - it is absolutely necessary. The principle of functioning of the ventilation system in any room is the outflow of exhaust air masses and the subsequent inflow of fresh air from the outside (i.e. from the street).

With natural ventilation, the inflow is carried out through open windows, doors, through leaks / cracks, and air exhaust is provided by natural draft (through ventilation shafts). Therefore, if there is a window in the bathroom, this will not ensure the complete removal of the spent air masses. In addition, in winter period the air and temperature outside will not allow you to open windows often.

Should I put a fan in the bathroom?

If dampness, condensation appears, or if there is a toilet in the bathroom, an exhaust fan is a must. Its advantages:

  • The device will eliminate unnecessary odors from this room, humid air, therefore, there will be no traces of dampness (mold, mildew, rust).
  • A working hood will improve air circulation throughout the home.
  • The bathroom will always have fresh and clean air.

Is it possible to put a fan in the bathroom and what

All devices for air circulation are differentiated among themselves. Accordingly, there are models of exhaust fans that are designed for installation in bathrooms. They are distinguished by increased protection against water, high performance, noiselessness and the presence of various options, including sensors, timers, cord switches, etc. The shape and design of the device are also variable.

It is easy to buy a fan for an exhaust hood in the bathroom. For this, the necessary technical specifications device:

  • Noise level. Most models have standard noise levels. There are devices whose operation is almost noiseless.
  • Performance. How to choose bathroom fans considering this criterion? Everything is very simple: to do this, you need to calculate the volume of the room and multiply this value by the rate of air change (7-9 for the bathroom). As a result, a figure is obtained that indicates the required performance of the device.
  • The presence of automatic blinds, a hygrostat, motion and light sensors, a timer - all these options allow using the device with increased comfort and economy.

Also, the fan for the hood can operate at several speeds with its smooth regulation.

Many residents of apartment buildings faced the problem of cooling their homes during hot summer months. As a rule, tenants who can afford to install expensive air conditioners that effectively cool the premises of the apartment. However, there are others no less effective ways cooling rooms with available fans. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can cool an apartment and your room with a fan without significant costs and create a favorable microclimate in a house or apartment during the hot season.

Method 1

There are several most effective methods that can quickly bring down the temperature in the room to a more comfortable one.

We need a bowl of cold water, a floor fan, a plastic bottle of frozen water, and a piece of gauze.

We take cheesecloth and moisten thoroughly in cold water. After that, it is necessary to throw the moistened gauze over the fan. To do this, any of the 4 ends of the gauze should be lowered into a basin of cold water, which will stand next to the fan. After that, turn on the fan, and room air together with the circulation, it will begin to cool the room. For maximum effect, place a plastic bottle with ice or very cold water in the bowl. Depending on the fan diameter and installation height, the gauze size will need to be selected.

Method 2

We offer you one more effective method, which will help answer the question - how to cool yourself and the room without air conditioning? For this we need a floor fan and a large water tank. It is best to use cool water, and the larger the container for it, the faster the room will cool down. We install the fan in the required position and put a container with water in front of it. In the process of intensive blowing with warm air in the room, the water will begin to evaporate. And thus the temperature in the room will drop by 2-5 degrees.

Method 3

With the floor fan, rooms can be effectively cooled in the evening or at night. To do this, turn the fan in the direction of the window. Thus, hot air will come out of the rooms. In other rooms, it will be necessary to fully open all windows. In this case, a draft is obtained when the influx of fresh air from the street will push hot air out with a fan. Thanks to this, the temperature in the premises will be equal to the cooler outside temperature.

Method 4

For this we need a floor fan and empty plastic bottles 1.5-2 liters. Pour cool water into plastic bottles and freeze. After that we place bottles of frozen water in each room. We install a floor fan in the living room, which will cool the room more efficiently. When the water melts, put the plastic bottles back into the freezer and repeat the procedure again.

Tip 1

To keep rooms cool and fresh, do the following as often as possible. wet cleaning all rooms. As a rule, it is best to do wet cleaning with cold water in the early morning, when the rooms are not yet heated.

Tip 2

Curtains in rooms can be dampened with clean cool water. This equally effective method allows you to reduce the temperature in rooms. To do this, it is necessary to spray onto the curtains using a conventional sprayer or in another way. cold water... In extreme heat, it is best to repeat the procedure as often as possible.

Not everyone today can afford the installation of a full-fledged air conditioner. Meanwhile, the heat in summer reaches such exhausting heights that it is unlikely that it will be possible to survive without specialized equipment.

To buy a fan is optimal solution, which will suit both the price and the quality of work. In addition, you can make an improvised air conditioner from a household fan!

Fan wear: how to avoid premature failure?

The bottom line is as follows. The fan rotates thanks to the shaft of the electric motor, on which it is mounted. Therefore, there are only two weak points in this construction:

  • fan impeller shaft;
  • electric motor windings.

In the hottest months of summer, the fan operates around the clock and many users are afraid for the equipment - will it withstand such a pace of work? The manufacturer and the materials used should also be taken into account.

Chinese manufacturers achieve the maximum affordable cost by using disgusting plastics. Over time, they lose density and become soft, especially if direct sunlight falls on it.

However, if the fan is regularly maintained, will it last a long time without causing any problems?

How is the fan maintained?

The shaft on the fan must be in a rigid coupling. Over time, constant air pressure will be applied to the plastic. Eventually, the shaft in the impeller will begin to slip.

This can be heard by the sound of the fan running.

To fix the indicated problem, a few drops of superglue will be enough. With overheating of the windings, everything is much more complicated. When it comes to an air-cooled electric motor, it should be especially efficient in summer.

In general, no one prohibits the operation of household fans for several days in a row. But do not forget that they are very "voracious consumers" of electricity.

This must be taken into account when creating a comfortable indoor environment.

The specialist will tell you how to choose the right household fan:

The presence of high humidity in the kitchen or bathroom says only one thing - there are difficulties with ventilation of the premises, the cause of which is poorly functioning natural ventilation. This problem can be solved by installing an exhaust fan.

The principle of operation of natural ventilation, traditionally used in most houses and apartments, lies in the difference in the density of the internal - warm and external - cold air, which forms in the steep ventilation ducts. But this scheme comes into effect only if there is access of fresh air to the place of the allotted one, for which additional entrance openings in houses are intended. A decrease or increase in the ventilation intensity can only be corrected by adjusting the damper of these holes. However, if even in the case of a sufficient opening of the ventilation grill, natural ventilation is clearly not enough (too stuffy and there is nothing to breathe), then all that remains is ventilation by means of regular opening of windows.

Of course, ventilation is not always perfect, but accusations of defectiveness are not always justified. First of all, it is worth making sure that the vents are clean and passable, since often over time, during long-term operation, the cobweb formed and the debris that got there clog the ventilation passages to a greater or lesser extent, which, accordingly, becomes an obstacle to the ventilation of the premises. The second reason for poor natural ventilation is a dirty ventilation grid.

Ventilation grill manufacturers supply them with plastic nets to protect the apartment from outside insects. The absence of an extractor hood in the kitchen or its insufficiently good functionality contributes to the rapid accumulation of fatty drops on the cells of the plastic grid, which, accordingly, leads to their narrowing. The mesh gradually turns into a kind of shutter, dense and absolutely impenetrable, which is the source of the problem. Usually, it is enough to change the old mesh to a new one so that the difficulty with high humidity is eliminated, but the mesh filled with fat deposits is nothing more than the result of an unsatisfactory and weak operation of the hood's grease catcher, and this problem also needs to be solved.

As previously announced, the rooms most prone to high humidity in an apartment are a bathroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. Therefore, the ventilation in houses and apartments is structurally designed so that the ventilation openings are located exactly in these rooms. To get into the ventilation opening, the air must pass several zones through the openings at the base of the doors or through specially designed grilles.

In cottages and private houses, the ventilation system may include exhaust openings, including in saunas, indoor pools, boiler rooms, dressing rooms and storage rooms. Due to the directionality of the air to the rooms - the sources of the highest humidity and odors, the air in residential areas almost always remains fresh and clean.

Unfortunately, natural ventilation does not always manage to cope with its task. Its functioning is influenced not only by the size of the entrance holes, but also by the direction of the wind, its strength, the location of adjacent high-rise buildings and other equally important factors. The most undesirable and unpleasant consequence of poorly functioning ventilation is too much humidity, which is the cause of mold and mildew on the walls and ceiling. Many people try fungicides in this case, which in itself does not eliminate the causes of the phenomenon and the process does not stop.

Experts advise not to hesitate in identifying the source of weak ventilation when high humidity and the characteristic smell of dampness appear. If the complication is caused by insufficient traction in the ventilation ducts, in this situation they will come to the rescue wall fans small size, which are installed to replace the ventilation grill. It does not take long for them to eliminate a significant amount of used air, ensuring sufficient room air exchange.

How to choose and install an exhaust fan

Before purchasing a fan, you need to measure the ventilation holes. Often they are squares with a side of 14 cm, although sometimes round holes with a diameter of 15 cm come across. It is imperative that the fan has a cover that covers the ventilation hole, while the diameter of the impeller should be slightly smaller. The performance of exhaust fans, sometimes found on the market, which can be installed in ventilation openings with a diameter of only 10 cm, is clearly insufficient for high-quality air exchange either in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The capacity of the exhaust fans must correspond to 100 m3 / h. There is a certain pattern: an increase in productivity leads to a faster removal of polluted air, which, accordingly, increases noise levels and leads to more energy consumption.

As for the noise. Absolutely any operating fan is a source of characteristic sounds, which are also transmitted through the branch channels. In addition, the switched on fan at the same time becomes a source of vibration transmitted along the walls. Therefore, if there is an assumption that the neighbors will be unhappy with the presence of a source of annoying sounds and vibrations installed in the kitchen or bathroom, it is better to look after the quietest model in advance, although such modifications are somewhat more expensive than usual ones. Often, the design provides for a ventilation hole directly next to the shower. Here, the solution to the problem will be the choice of a waterproof model that does not work from 220v, but only from 12v. It is important to remember that the installation of an exhaust fan practically negates natural ventilation, since the outlet is almost completely covered by the impeller, and this, accordingly, is an indicator of the need for periodic fan operation.

Usually it is connected together with bathroom lighting, which is very convenient and straightforward: the air is eliminated directly at the time of its pollution. The lighting goes out - it stops working. This method, which is appropriate for a bathroom, is not suitable, for example, in the version with a kitchen, where there is no need for constant lighting. But even here there is a way to solve this problem - the fan will help to extend the relay with a delayed shutdown.

The only not very pleasant moment when installing the exhaust fan is damage to the finish of the walls or ceiling, since it is necessary to lead the wire to the ventilation hole. The option with decorating it in a special plastic box will not be very successful - not too aesthetically pleasing and unattractive. To avoid these difficulties, you can purchase a fan with built-in photocells that are sensitive to light switching on. They do not need to be combined with light switches during installation. The cost of these models ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

In rooms where there are windows, the relationship between the fan and the light does not make sense, so each has its own switch. Another variant of the model with a built-in switch on the cord is possible, which is not very convenient, since it becomes necessary to remember to start it. In any case, whichever modification is chosen, it will become an obstacle to the occurrence of high humidity and, as a result, mold and mildew.

Alternatively, you can use a motion sensor that gives a signal to start work if there are people in the room. It will be more convenient to purchase an air humidity sensor, although it is very expensive (2,700 rubles), but in this case manual control is not needed.

It is not enough to choose a fan model, in addition, you need to decide exactly how it will be connected. It should be borne in mind that fans with photocells, with humidity and motion sensors and pull-cord switches are independent from other switches and only need to be connected to a junction box, which is their huge advantage.

The process of installing an exhaust fan will not cause any particular difficulties, however, in the absence of experience in working with electricity, it is better to provide the connection to a professional. The fan can be installed in the hood opening when disassembling the ventilation grill and fixing the fan in the manner specified by its model. An electric drill with a hammer drill is the maximum that is required.

And the last very important point - the exhaust fan cannot be installed in apartments where the ventilation system provides for common ventilation ducts... This is due to the fact that the fan, creating an excess pressure in the ventilation passage, forcing the air to move upward, in the case of communication of several passages, will drive it, including into neighboring apartments.

Summer is characterized not only by the season vacations, trips to the sea or other bodies of water and summer vacations. This time of the year is also accompanied by very warm and sometimes unbearably hot weather. Many publications have been written about how harmful high air temperatures are for humans, so the desire of most people to make the microclimate in their home more or less comfortable in the summer is understandable. Of course, ideal option in this case, it is necessary to install an air conditioner, but it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, in the summer, other methods of cooling the air in the house are quite in demand.

First, consider how exactly cools our body in hot weather. There are four methods of transferring heat from the skin to the environment - convection (transferring heat to moving air), conduction (transferring heat to still, cooled air), evaporation (cooling by evaporation of sweat), and radiation (infrared radiation from the body). In everyday life, it is possible to use two methods - you can cool the air (which is the work of the air conditioner) or make it move and take heat from the body. You can, of course, use evaporation, for example, pour water over or take a cool shower, but these are temporary measures and do not affect the microclimate in the house. Therefore, in the absence of an air conditioner, it is necessary to increase ventilation in the house, which will cause the air movement we need. However, this should be done correctly.

The most common household appliancethat is used to create movement is a fan. However, no matter how pleasant it is to sit under the flow of air from it in the summer heat, it is still not worth doing so - such "blowing" is fraught with the occurrence of colds and a drop in immunity. It is better to install the fan in such a way that it causes a slight movement of air throughout the room, for example, place it in a corner and direct the air flow diagonally across the room. Of course, you can hardly achieve a quick feeling of coolness with this method, but in any case it will be more comfortable than on the street.

To move air were more noticeable, you can use two fans - one blows air out into the street through the window, the second stands near the door or opposite the first at the other end of the room and drives the air in the same direction. This direction of ventilation is used during the daytime, when the outside air temperature is much higher than room temperature. In the evening or in the morning the coolness can be changed or simply not turned on the fans - cool air will enter the room itself. Moreover, even in the absence of fans, according to the same principle in the summer, it is worth ventilating the rooms - opening the windows in the morning and evening or at night and closing them tightly during the day - a sluggish draft from the window will not save you from the heat, but will only additionally heat the air in the room.

the main thing open windows at least at some time of the day for airing - during the hot time of the day in apartment buildings practically does not work, which leads to poor air exchange and the accumulation of respiratory products in the apartment. This situation can be partially corrected by using special small fans that are installed in the ventilation hole, or at least turning on an ordinary kitchen hood for a couple of hours a day.

Use fan it is possible more efficiently and with closed windows, forcing it to "drive" cooled air. To do this, behind the fan blades, you can install or put several containers with refrigerant, which are put in cooler bags and are widely available. If not available, frozen water bottles can be used to cool the air. Hanging wet towels around the house or apartment, contrary to popular belief, is ineffective - for at least a little noticeable cooling of the air, it is necessary to cover the whole room with them. The same can be attributed to the recommendations to spray cold water from a spray bottle - this will give a temporary, very short effect. In addition, with completely closed windows, this will cause a significant increase in humidity in the house, which can negatively affect furniture and coatings, and can also be a provoking factor for diseases such as bronchial asthma.

Of course, all these methods will not create the same comfort in the apartment as using air conditioner, however, proper ventilation at home when high temperature air will create the necessary movement, which will greatly contribute to the removal of heat from the human body and will make it possible to more or less painlessly survive the hot season.
