". Silvery and narrow-leaved goof, two very close species, besides, they are characterized by polymorphism (according to the conditions of growth and human influence, the size and quality of fruits and others external signs can vary greatly), in the people it is simply a "wild olive". Very durable and useful plant for fixing slopes and sands, for shade near beaches, for feeding wild animals and birds.

Suckers family
loch. The genus consists of 40 species of trees and shrubs. Homeland - Europe, Asia and North America. There are 4 species in the flora of the USSR.

Goof narrow-leaved- Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Naturally grows in a large area with a temperate climate from Europe to the Himalayas, in the USSR - in the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia. A small tree (up to 7m) or a tall bush with thorny shoots. The leaves are lanceolate, up to 8 cm long, dark green above, silver below. The flowers are small, yellowish, fragrant, arranged 1-3 in the leaf axil, melliferous. The fruits are oval, edible, their length is up to 1 cm. Winter-hardy enough. In Moscow it bears fruit, but in severe winters it freezes. Photophilous. It grows well in urban conditions, as it is smoke and gas resistant. Tolerates a haircut. Recommended for planting hedges, small groups and single trees. Meet forms with large fruits - they are called inCentral Asiajida, juda, jigida - the fruits are eaten. cultivated garden form sucker - bukhara jida, which is a shrub or small tree. Grown for the sake of fruits (title photo) - drupes 1 - 2.5 cm long, tart-sweet in taste.

The bones have a decorative striped color. Children make them beads. The fruits of the jida are an inapplicable attribute of the oriental bazaar. Propagated by seeds.

Goof silver- Elaeagnus argentea Pursh. Homeland - North America. Upright shrub up to 4 m high. Shoots without thorns. The leaves are elliptical, up to 10 cm long, silvery on both sides. The flowers are small, fragrant. The fruits are oblong, up to 1 cm long. Winter-hardy. It grows well in Moscow, Sverdlovsk and a number of other cities with severe winters. Stable in urban environments. It tolerates smoke and air pollution well. Recommended for planting in small groups, especially against the background of conifers . Propagated by seeds.

So goof narrow-leaved with thorns And. The fruits may be different sizes and coloration (polymorphism is common, where there is a thousand-year tradition of plant selection and natural methods for improving them). Goof silvery - without thorns .

Sea ​​buckthorn. The genus is represented by 3 species of small trees.

Sea buckthorn, or common, - Hippophae rhamnoides L. Grows wildly in a large area of ​​Europe and Asia. In the USSR, it is distributed in the European part, the Caucasus, the Urals and Siberia. The height of the tree is up to 10 m. The leaves are linear, up to 8 cm long, grayish. The flowers are small, inconspicuous. The fruits are round, up to 7 mm long, edible, used in folk medicine. Frost-resistant. Withstands city conditions. It tolerates smoke and gas well. The soil is not demanding. Photophilous. Recommended for planting in small groups, individual trees and for creating hedges. Can be used for fixing slopes and ravines . Propagated by seeds.

In the Crimea, at one time it was in great fashion among summer residents, thanks to their healing properties. Sea buckthorn oil is really very effective for burns. However, self-sowing sea buckthorn does not spread in the Crimea. Probably, requires special knowledge for care.

Goof narrow-leaved (jida), its economic and medicinal properties

A small tree or shrub of the sucker family, 3-7 m high. The bark is shiny or brown-brown, the branches are equipped with large spines. The leaves are alternate, oblong-elliptical, entire, green above, greenish-silver below. Blooms in May - June. The flowers are fragrant, lemon-yellow inside, silver-white outside. The fruit is an oblong-oval drupe. Ripens in September.

Goof narrow-leaved is common in the Caucasus and Central Asia. It grows along the banks of rivers, lakes and in oases of the mid-mountain belt. In Crimea, on sand, on clay cliffs and landslides along the shores of the Black and Azov Seas, on disturbed and waste lands by self-sowing.

Gum sucker is used for cotton printing, book printing, making glue, paints and varnishes, the bark is used for dyeing fabrics in brown and black and for tanning leather. Wood goes to the manufacture of musical instruments. Leaves are food for goats, sheep and camels. Fruit eaten fresh and dried as a seasoning for main dishes. From them you can cook flour, bread, confectionery, marshmallow, syrup and kvass .

Medicinal raw materials Leaves, flowers and fruits serve. Leaves are harvested in the first half of summer, flowers - during the flowering period. The leaves are dried under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of 40 ... 50 ° C, flowers - no more than 40 ° C, fruits in the usual way.

Various parts of the loch contain flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids, gum, cyclitols, catechins, vitamin C, phenolcarboxylic acids, essential oil, carbohydrates, tannins and steroids.

Loja preparations exhibit hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diuretic, antipyretic, astringent, anthelmintic and expectorant action . The sum of coumarins, flavonoids and alkaloids exhibits antibacterial action against pathogens of the typhoid-paratyphoid group.

Fresh leaves of the plant are applied to purulent wounds to relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. The bandages are changed every day. A decoction of dry leaves is prescribed for colds and severe fever. They rinse the mouth with inflammatory processes. Poultices and lotions are made for sciatica, rheumatic and gouty pains. In inflammatory diseases of the stomach and colon, the decoction is used orally.

Flowers in the form of tincture and infusion are used for diseases of the upper- respiratory tract, to enhance the activity of the heart muscle, with hypertension and as an antipyretic.

Fresh juice is effective for malaria and high blood pressure.

Loja fruits are used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract as an expectorant. The decoction has a positive effect on diarrhea of ​​any origin, indigestion, inflammatory processes in the small and large intestines, and toothache.

Fruit tincture is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic agent. A tincture of seeds is used for fever and skin rashes.

To prepare a decoction, 30 g of fruit is poured into 1 glass hot water, boil in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes, filter hot through two or three layers of gauze, wring out and bring the volume to the original. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Take in a warm form, 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

An infusion of flowers is prepared at the rate of 6 g of raw materials per 1 glass of hot water, boiled in a closed enameled bowl in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes, filtered, squeezed and brought to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Tincture of flowers is prepared on 40% alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:10, kept in a warm place for 10 days. Take. 10-20 drops 3 times a day

Jida is a low and unpretentious tree that can be found both in natural conditions and in city parks. silver leaves and fragrant flowers make this culture very popular - our today's article is devoted to it.

Dzhida (jigida, wild olive, butterdish, narrow-leaved sucker) - this type of low trees or shrubs belongs to the Lokhov family. Jida is considered an excellent honey plant, and is also actively used in landscape design, because it tolerates dust and gas contamination of city streets well. The foliage and berries of the jida are silvery-white in color (the berries are quite edible and have a pleasant sweet and sour flavor note). Jida begins to bear fruit from the age of three. In the wild, the plant can be found in the southern and eastern parts of Europe, in the Crimea, in Asia Minor and Central Asia, as well as in Iran. In our region, the Jida is widespread in the European part of Russia, in Altai and in Western Siberia.

The chemical composition of the jida

Jida berries contain useful sugars, mineral salts of phosphorus and potassium, as well as irreplaceable amino acids, tannin and organic acids. The chemical composition of jida leaves includes ascorbic acid, and the bark contains alkaloids, dyes and tannins. Plant flowers are rich essential oils . At the age of 5-12 years, the jida begins to actively secrete gum.

Useful properties of jida

Berries, flowers and leaves of jida are used as medicinal raw materials. Jida decoctions are used for diseases Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular system. They have found recognition as an astringent, diuretic and expectorant. Jida is useful with sclerosis and arthritis. Leaves (fresh) have long been used as wound healing agent. A decoction of them helps with skin diseases, rheumatism and. Infusions from berries relieve diarrhea. The tincture is effective and bronchial diseases. Flowers have found use in scurvy, edema, as well as helminthiasis and colitis. Gum secreted by plants is used to make varnishes, paints and glues. The bark and leaves are used for tanning and dyeing leather. Wood is used by the Djid to make musical instruments and furniture.

Methods for harvesting jida

The fruits of the jida are eaten fresh and processed. They are dried and ground into flour (it is used in baking bread and in the preparation of various dishes). not only in the form of jam (by the way, quite fresh) - excellent wine is made from berries with a peculiar spicy aroma. Fruits are stored for a long time without any processing.

Contraindications to the use of jida

Contraindications to the use of preparations based on jida, as well as fruits in fresh and processed form, have not yet been identified. The only obstacle can be individual intolerance.

Jida - this plant is known to many under the "name" narrow-leaved sucker. About how, we will definitely tell you in one of our articles.

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Loch is an evergreen or deciduous shrub or tree of the Loch family (Elaeagnaceae), growing in China, Japan, Europe, North America, Russia. Has more than 50 types. It is widely used in landscaping parks and gardens.

The meaning of the name of the plant

The Greek word "elaiagnos" consists of two terms: "elaia" is translated "olive tree", "agnos" - means "Abraham's tree". The sucker received this name due to the similarity of fruits and leaves. In Central Asia, this plant is known as "jida", "jigida", "jigda".

Loja trees often grow in a bushy manner. They have beautiful silvery leaves, very fragrant flowers and edible fruits. They may be prickly. The silvery leaves of the sucker are short-petiolate, alternate. Flowers can grow singly or in bunches, do not have petals, the calyx is tubular-campanulate, four-lobed. The fruit is a drupe with an ellipse-shaped stone and tart-sweet pulp. The fruits can be eaten.

Loch is an unpretentious plant, loves light, is resistant to drought, a good honey plant. Nodules are formed on the roots of the tree, in which there are nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and sucker is able to grow on very poor soils and improve them.

How sucker breeds

Loch reproduces in various ways: root offspring, seeds, cuttings. The seed method is considered the best. Seeds are sown in September-October. If sowing is done in spring, then stratification is useful for seeds for 3-4 months at a temperature of 10-150C. Evergreen species are propagated by cuttings.

Common types of sucker

Umbrella sucker (Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb) grows in East Asia. It reaches a height of 4 m. It blooms in June, fruits ripen in October. The tree begins to bear fruit from the age of 9. When propagated by cuttings, 25% of seedlings take root. Seeds are stratified in peat or sand for 4 months, temperature - 50C.

Japan is the birthplace of the prickly Loja (Elaeagnus pungens Thunb). It's leafy evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 7 m. The branches are sprawling, have short thick spines. Often shoots grow with downward lateral branches. Thanks to them, the sucker clings to objects or other plants, can climb to a height of 10 m. Young shoots are covered with scales Brown. Leaves are elliptical, 10 cm long. Above, the leaves are dark green, shiny.

The underside of the leaf is silver-brown. small flowers collected 2-3 in bunches. The flowers are golden on the inside and silvery white on the outside. They emit a very fragrant smell. The fruit is greenish-brown when immature, becoming reddish when ripe. The reddish fruits are spectacular against the background of silvery foliage, this gives the sucker a fairy tale and makes it a wonderful ornamental plant. This is also facilitated by unpretentiousness to the soil, quick adaptability to urban conditions, ease of formation, shade tolerance. It is used as a hedge and for decorating fences and walls.

In Japan and China, the multi-flowered sucker (Elaeagnus multiftora Thunb) can be found in natural conditions. It has another name - gummi. This is a low shrub, no more than 1.5 m tall. Its young shoots are in brown-red scales.

The oval leaves on top also have silver scales, the underside is silver and brown. Flowers bell-shaped, yellowish white. Blooms in June. Large and juicy fruits of red color, taste pleasant, slightly sour, ripen in August. Fruits abundantly. It tolerates winter very well and is quite drought-resistant.

Silver sucker(Elaeagnus argentea Pursh) is native to North America. This is a deciduous shrub or low tree growing up to 4 m, with a wide crown.

This sucker is not thorny, young shoots are brown-red because of the scales covering them, the old bark is grayish-brown. The ovate leaves are silvery, leathery on both sides, with brown scales on the underside. Small flowers are very fragrant, they are silvery outside, yellow inside. Blooms up to 20 days in June and July. The fruits are spherical or oval, the pulp is sweet, mealy, dryish. The fruits are covered with densely silvery scales. Begins to bear fruit at the age of 8, fruit ripening occurs in September. It has a high winter hardiness compared to the narrow-leaved sucker, but tolerates drought worse. Prefers lighted places and unpretentious to the soil, grows well on sandy soils, loams. Better than narrow-leaved sucker, tolerates urban conditions. Grows slowly. This species is propagated by seeds, root offspring and cuttings, easily tolerates transplants, pruning. Gives abundant shoots, growing into thickets.

Seeds are sown in spring after stratification or in autumn. When removing the endocarp, 80-100% of the seeds germinate in 10 days. When planted by cuttings, 30% rooted after treatment with phyton.

It is an excellent ornamental plant thanks to silver leaves and fruits.

It is planted in groups and singly, it combines wonderfully with red-leaved and golden trees, as well as with conifers. It is successfully applied when fixing slopes.

The narrow-leaved sucker (Elaeagnus angustifolia) is distributed in the Caucasus, southern Russia, Kazakhstan, Asia Minor and Central Asia. It usually grows along the banks of lakes and rivers. It is a low deciduous tree with a spreading asymmetric crown or shrub. It grows up to 10 m, the red-brown bark is covered with spines 3 cm long. The trunk is usually curved. The shoots are covered with stellate-scaly silvery hairs.

The leaves are soft, lanceolate with a sharp top, the length reaches 8 cm. The leaves are gray-green above, the underside is covered with silver-white scales. The flowers are very fragrant, orange-yellow on the outside, silvery on the inside. The narrow-leaved sucker blooms up to 20 days. At first, the fruit-drupe is silvery in color, then, when ripe, it becomes yellowish-brown. The pulp is sweetish, mealy.

This species is characterized by rapid growth, deep root system. It well withstands urban conditions, such as gas and smoke in the air, and is drought-resistant. It tolerates frost quite well. It is used in the creation of hedges, as it gives abundant shoots. It tolerates pruning and shearing well. It looks very nice against a dark green background.

Seed germination lasts up to 4 years, they are stored on racks in wooden boxes.

Seeds do not need to be stratified before planting, but if they are sown in the spring, then some will sprout only the next year. Freshly harvested, peeled seeds germinate best when sown in autumn. When spring sowing, it is advisable to pre-soak them in water for 4 days or soak for 3 months in wet sand / peat at 16-20 degrees Celsius.

All types of sucker are commonly used as an ornamental plant. It goes well with golden and red deciduous shrubs, with coniferous trees. From the sucker create hedges, contrasting groups.

The bones of one of the varieties of sucker - the Bukhara dzhida - have a striped color. Children make beads out of them.

Loch is an excellent honey plant and has unique medicinal abilities. IN medicinal purposes fruits, flowers, bark, leaves and resin are used.

Leaves are harvested in the first half of summer, flowers - in May or early June.

Lough is used as an astringent, antibacterial, antiviral agent. Decoctions and infusions are made from the leaves, which reduce the temperature during colds and fevers. As an external remedy, it is used for rheumatism, gout, sciatica.

Loja fruits have the ability to improve memory, have an expectorant and diuretic effect. Berries are also a delicious tonic and tonic product, very useful for cardiovascular diseases. A decoction of berries is recommended for diarrhea and colitis, relieves inflammation, destroys pathogenic microbes. Musical instruments and crafts are made from tree wood, glue is made from gum.

plant care

Despite the unpretentiousness, the sucker still needs care. Annually, the plant must be fed; in the spring, dry branches must be removed. At the age of 15, anti-aging pruning is carried out.

Although drought tolerant, watering is recommended during very hot summers. After watering, the soil must be mulched. Loosen the shallow near-stem zone and remove weeds. For the winter, the sucker is tied up with twine, covered with brushwood. Other covering material is not recommended to avoid damping the plant.

The article contains information about planting and methods of growing silver sucker. You will learn about the features of caring for this ornamental plant, how to propagate it. Specially selected photos illustrate the varietal diversity.

Varieties and varietal forms

Lough is a genus of plants with at least 40 species. Among them are trees and shrub forms. Particularly valuable as ornamental plant: Its leaves have a beautiful silver hue.

Loch silver - a very beautiful shrub with unusual color leaves

Attractive fragrant flowers bloom in June-July. In August, it forms the edible fruits of a rich chemical composition. The taste of the berries is pleasant, but they are rarely eaten because of the large stone and small amount of pulp.

Attention. On the roots of these plants are nitrogen-fixing bacteria (like legumes), they enrich the soil, improving its composition and structure. Thanks to this feature, goof can grow even on the poorest soils.

The species of plants of the genus goof, which has gained the greatest popularity, is the silver goof. It is a shrub or small tree no more than 4 m high. It forms a spreading crown. The shoots are painted brown-red, the leaves are dense, leathery, silvery. The flowers are small, exude a strong honey aroma, bloom in mid-summer and last about 20 days. Silver sucker is a highly ornamental plant, loved by phytodesigners. Appreciate all the attractiveness appearance best in photo. Above this view is breeding work, interesting varietal forms are derived:

  • Quicksilver;

Sort Quicksilver

  • Zempen;

Variety Zempen

  • narrow-leaved.

Variety Narrow-leaved

Landing work

When choosing a site, it is better to opt for a well-lit place without a shadow, but partial shade is also possible. The sucker is undemanding to the composition of the soil. If possible, try to protect the plant from icy winds. Soil preparation consists in deep digging. If necessary, on acidified substrates, lime or dolomite flour is added. On very heavy and floating soils, sand is added to improve the structure.

Loch silver is a very undemanding plant.

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn. A planting hole of 50 x 50 cm is prepared, where fertile leaf soil, compost or humus is introduced. If the soils are clayey, with the danger of stagnant water, a drainage layer is arranged at the bottom of the pit. For this, crushed stone, broken brick and other materials are suitable. The root neck of the seedling deepens a little (by 5-8 cm), the planted plant is watered abundantly, mulched with grass mulch, compost, sawdust.

Plant care, fertilizer and top dressing, susceptibility to diseases and pests

The silver goof does not require any special tricks in the care. Mineral fertilizers are applied only on the poorest, depleted or degraded soils. In other cases, in cultivated garden soil the plant is doing very well. Feed once a season with wood ash, compost or organic matter.

The sucker is distinguished by good frost resistance, only the shoots of the current year freeze slightly. However, in middle lane it is recommended to provide him with a light shelter for the winter.

The plant can do without top dressing

Can be used:

  • spruce branches;
  • agrospan;
  • brushwood;
  • snow.

The growth rate of the silver sucker is slow, it lends itself well to pruning. However, on very fertile soils, the annual germination can be more than half a meter. You can form it in the form of a standard tree or shrub. It is worth seeing photos of well-designed suckers. The plant produces root shoots, good conditions abundant, requiring control. It is recommended to carry out anti-aging pruning at the age of 15. Then the sucker, without losing its decorative effect, will be able to grow for 25-30 years in one place.

The plant tolerates formative pruning well.

A long-term lack of water is poorly tolerated: the root system is fibrous, superficial, unable to extract moisture from the deep layers of the soil. In hot and dry weather, watering is recommended. The silver goof not only can develop on depleted soil, in areas with poor ecology, it still does not attract pests. It is also completely unaffected by diseases common in our latitudes.

Advice. Loch silver is resistant to harmful gases, dust and smoke, and is able to successfully grow near highways with active traffic. If you land it on the edge of a plot located by the road, it will create a barrier against exhaust gases.

Reproduction methods

You can propagate the goof silver

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • root suckers;
  • dividing the bush.

Fruits of a silver sucker

seed propagation the most popular. Sowing is recommended to be done in the fall - in September or October. Freshly harvested seeds show the best germination, but in general it lasts up to 2 years. Crops are recommended to be mulched with sawdust, humus or other material to protect them from the cold. However, it can also be sown in the spring, but it is more laborious, since seedlings will not appear without stratification. This process for suckers is quite long - more than 3 months, you should support all this time temperature regime around 10°C.

For getting layering, in early spring choose a healthy shoot located in the lower part of the crown. They bend it to the ground, pin it and cover it with soil. Water sparingly during the growing season. At the end of the season, a new plant will form, ready to separate from the parent.

It is most convenient to propagate the shrub by seeds or layering.

reproduction cuttings quite difficult, according to reviews experienced gardeners, only 30% of the planting material takes root. Cuttings are harvested in the summer: shoots are cut about 15 cm long with four leaves. Before planting, they are treated with root formation stimulants. Rooting is done in wet sand. It is convenient to place the cuttings in a box, since they need to be stored indoors for the winter, it can be in the cellar, preferably at a temperature of 3-5 ° C.

Goof silver is a completely undemanding plant in the care. Its flowers have a pleasant aroma, the plant serves as an excellent honey plant. Among other things, it can enrich the soil with nitrogen. You can successfully decorate small areas with it, you just need to control the root growth.

Goof silver: video

Growing silver sucker: photo

A shrub with a strange name for our ears is very useful for the human body. Moreover, in folk medicine, almost all of its parts are used. Lough is a plant that has many varieties, and they can be found almost all over the world.

Loch: description and meaning of the name of the plant

The etymology of the word is not entirely clear, but in biology there is a whole family of plants called "suckers". IN different countries You can find various names for this plant. So, in Central Asia it is called jigida or jida. In Greece - elaeagnus, which in free translation means "Abraham's olive tree." The name pshat is also known, but all these names do not reflect the beneficial properties that the plant is rich in.

Some of its species are evergreen, while others are deciduous. But in most cases they are covered with thorns. Branches with light bark are covered with alternate silvery leaves with short petioles. Flowers may be solitary or may grow in bunches, depending on the variety of sucker. The shape of the flower is four-lobed tubular-bell-shaped, without petals with four stamens.

The most valuable thing in a plant is the fruit. The berry is a drupe with mealy sweet pulp and an elliptical bone. It is eaten raw, dried, added to dishes, cooked medicinal decoctions and infusions.

Important! The fruits of sucker are a treasure trove of organic acids, potassium and phosphorus salts. They are recommended to eat to maintain the cardiovascular system, improve memory. Also, special preparations are prepared on their basis.

The shrub can be propagated by cuttings, root suckers or seeds. The plant is resistant to drought, unpretentious and at the same time is an excellent honey plant. Moreover, in places where silver sucker grows, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. Colonies of bacteria live on its tubers, which contribute to the concentration of nitrogen in the soil.

Popular types of sucker

In total, there are more than 100 types of sucker in the world, which grow in Europe, Japan, and China. However, the following varieties have taken root in our strip.

Its largest accumulation is observed in East Asia, because the plant does not tolerate winter well. If the temperature of -5 ° C is still going through, then at -10 ° C it may die. The sucker umbrella reaches a height of 4 m, and the crown grows up to 160 cm. The leaves are light green, lanceolate. Already in May, it produces yellowish-silvery flowers, which are very attractive to bees - the plant is considered an excellent honey plant.

Important! Honey from sucker, like most of its preparations, is stored for no more than two years. Then they begin to gradually lose their properties. In flowers, this process begins earlier - in a year.

The first fruits appear on a shrub that has reached the age of nine. They ripen by autumn and have round shape, and not oblong, like most other varieties.

Prickly goof refers to an evergreen species of shrub that grows up to 7 m in height. Its spreading branches are covered with thick spines, they grow oblong-elliptical leaves with wavy edges. From below they are silvery-brown, and from above they are dark green shiny. Sometimes lateral shoots appear on the branches, with which it clings to neighboring plants or objects. Then it develops like a climbing plant.

The flowers of the plant are silvery-white above, and golden in the core. They grow in bunches of 2-3 pieces and exude a strong aroma. At the end of flowering, they give at first a greenish-brown fruit, which turns red as it ripens. He is revered for his special beauty and unpretentiousness. landscape designers using to form hedges.

Relatively low, up to 1.5 m in height, shrub that does not have thorns. On brown-red scaly branches grow oval, slightly oblong leaves. They are silvery scaly above and silvery brown below. In June it is covered with yellowish-white flowers in the form of a bell. In August, in their place, large red berries are formed on thin long drooping stalks. Their pulp is sour, juicy, rich in such useful substances as amino acids, glutamic and aspartic acids, arginine, lysine.

Did you know? Initially, this type of plant could only be found in the forests of China and Japan. By territory Russian Federation it spread in the 20th century when it was brought to South Sakhalin by the Japanese. With its help, they ennobled the area around their houses, calling the plant "gum". From them came the belief that the sucker berry, among others useful properties, has the ability to restore youth.

The homeland of the shrub is considered to be North America. The silver sucker has a description similar to the multi-flowered one. Its branches are not covered with thorns, the young bark has a brown tint, and the old one is silvery. The leaves are leathery on both sides, but have brown scales underneath. It produces flowers of the same color, aroma and honey-bearing capacity as other species. They appear in the middle of summer and last about 20 days. If the shrub is more than 8 years old, at the end of flowering, scaly fruits are tied in their place, which ripen only in September.

The shrub reaches a height of 4 m, tolerates drought worse than the species described above, but is more frost-resistant. Feels good in the city, but grows very slowly. Due to the beautiful fruits and leaves, it is widely used in landscape design.

Did you know? Not only the silvery look, but also other varieties of sucker are readily used to create living compositions in the backyard. The shrub goes well with low plants covered with red leaves, golden and coniferous trees. Looks good in contrasting compositions, perfectly copes with the role of a hedge.

In the wild, this plant can be found on the banks of rivers and lakes in Central and Asia Minor, in Kazakhstan, in the Caucasus, as well as in southern Russia. It is also grown there cultivated plant, however, is called quite differently. If you don’t understand what a jida is, know that we are talking about this particular type of sucker.

It is a spreading deciduous shrub that grows up to 10 m in height. It has a red-brown bark, covered with silvery scaly hairs. The branches grow spines up to 3 cm long and soft lanceolate leaves up to 8 cm long. From above they have a light green tint, and from below they are covered with silvery-white scales.

The flowers are the same fragrant, but slightly different in color - yellowish on the outside and silvery on the inside. They also last no more than 20 days after the start of flowering. Then the berry is tied, which, as it ripens, changes from a silvery hue to a yellowish-brown.

The narrow-leaved sucker has a deep root system, therefore it develops relatively quickly, is drought-resistant, frost-resistant and easily tolerates the polluted air of megacities. It is often used as a hedge and in compositions against a background of dark greenery.

The use of sucker in folk medicine

The plant is known for its astringent properties, which is why various anti-diarrhea remedies are prepared from it. Decoctions and infusions have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect. They are used in the treatment of helminths, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, leaves and fruits of the shrub are used for such purposes.
