The dendrobium orchid (Orchidea Dendrobium) is a popular plant with over 2,000 varieties. It belongs to the Orchid family and is considered perennial plant. The orchid is divided according to the type of habitat in the wild. This plant is classified as an epiphytic species that grows on trees and a lithophytic species that lives on rocks and stones. The dendrobium orchid was discovered by the Swedish botanist Olaf Schwartz, who was on an expedition to the Caribbean at that time. He gave such an interesting name to the plant, which means "growing on a tree."

Brief information about the plant

Dendrobium is distributed in different parts of the world, so it does not have a single homeland. The deposit of this orchid is considered China, Japan, Asia, New Zealand, Austria, New Guinea, America. Due to this variation, the plant is adapted to different climatic conditions. For a long time in Europe, the orchid was sold at an unaffordable price for the layman and was ranked among exotic species plants. Breeders have bred a large number of special species that easily take root in city apartments and houses with proper and proper care.


The homeland of Dendrobium kingianum is Australia, where the orchid grows lithophytically on rocks at an altitude of 50 to 1200 meters above sea level. Pseudobulbs are cylindrical in shape, thicken towards the base, can reach up to 30 cm in length. Leaves are lanceolate or ovoid, shiny, concentrated in the upper part of the pseudobulb, reach a length of up to 10 cm, and a width of about 2 cm. Peduncles appear in the upper part of the pseudobulb , reach a length of up to 14 cm. There are up to 15 flowers per peduncle. The flowers are white to pink, about 2.5 cm in diameter. The sepals are oblong, about 1.5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide, the petals are somewhat shorter. The lip is triple, with a pointed tip, usually darker than the main color of the flower, up to 1.2 cm long and 0.9 cm wide.

Synonyms of this species of orchids are: Callista kingiana, Dendrocoryne kingianum, Thelychiton kingianus and Tropilis kingiana.


This type of orchid belongs to a moderately cold temperature regime, and it is recommended to keep plants under the following conditions throughout the year:

Summer: no more than + 25 °C;
Winter: 10-16°C.

For successful cultivation Dendrobium kingianum at home, it is necessary that the night temperature of the content is always at least 5 ° C lower than the daytime. For example, if during the day it is + 25 °C, then at night it is not more than + 20 °C.


To extremely high air humidity this species orchids is not demanding, for normal growth and development of the plant, 45-70% will be enough. For plants planted on blocks, a higher air humidity is desirable than for a pot culture. Too dry air negatively affects the development of the plant - its growth is inhibited, and the roots of the orchid begin to dry out. When caring for this type of orchid, the rule applies: "The higher the thermometer rises, the higher the humidity should be, and the higher the humidity, the more often and longer it is necessary to ventilate the room where the orchids are kept, otherwise there is a high probability of decay and appearance on leaves of various kinds of fungal diseases." To increase the humidity of the air, you can use a humidifier, saucers with water, or wet expanded clay. To do this, a large pallet is taken, inside of which expanded clay is poured, a grate that prevents overmoistening of the roots is placed on top and pots with orchids are put up.


Dendrobium kingianum is grown both in the substrate, in pots and hanging lattice baskets, and without it, placed on blocks. A mixture of large bark is best suited as a substrate. coniferous trees(Italian Pinia pine) with peat and sphagnum moss. When growing orchids on blocks, to prevent rapid drying of the root system of the plant, it is recommended to make a small layer of moss between it and the block. On top of the roots, you can also put live or dry sphagnum.


Frequent transplants for this type of orchid are not required, therefore it is advisable to transplant Dendrobium kingianum only in cases of strong salinity of the substrate or when the plant grows very strongly and the old pot becomes cramped for it. best time for transplantation, the period is considered when new shoots reach a size of 5 cm and begin to grow their own roots.


Grow this type of orchid both in bright diffused light and in partial shade. The perfect place The content is considered to be east-oriented windows, however, if there are none in the apartment, then western or very bright northern windows can be used. Dendrobium kingianum equally dislikes both a place that is too dark (here the plant simply will not bloom) or too light (orchid leaves may burn). If the western windows were chosen as the location of the plant, then from May to early September, the orchid must be protected from exposure to too bright evening sun - placed behind a curtain (for example, on a table near the window) or in the shade of other plants.


During the new growth period, Dendrobium kingianum needs frequent and abundant watering. Plants growing on blocks should be watered daily in the morning so that the orchid roots can dry out relatively well by evening. When watering orchids in pots, it must be remembered that excess water during watering should flow freely from the pot, since stagnant water both inside the pot and in its pan can very quickly lead to rotting of the roots and lower part of the plant. Especially sensitive in this regard are new shoots. Watering this type of orchid is best with a "hot" shower (water temperature 30-35 ° C, maximum 52 ° C). This mimics the natural conditions in the homeland of the orchid and has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant. Long-term practice has shown that with regular use of a hot shower, orchids not only grow their green mass well, but also bloom much more often. The substrate should dry well between waterings.


Throughout the year, this type of orchid is fertilized for every third watering in the usual concentration of fertilizer indicated on the package. Fertilizer must be used specialized with a mark on the package "For orchids", since ordinary fertilizers for indoor plants contain a slightly different composition of useful substances and their dosage is much higher than Dendrobium kingianum needs.


To stimulate flowering, Dendrobium kingianum needs a well-defined dormant period. It begins immediately after the maturation of new pseudobulbs (as a rule, in late October - early November), i.e. when the new young sprouts reach the size of the old ones and begin to turn into full-fledged pseudobulbs (in length and width), and lies in the fact that the orchid is kept somewhat drier and colder than usual, and is not fertilized. The general temperature of the content during this period can vary from 10 to 16 ° C. Watering should be abandoned completely or replaced with light spraying of the substrate and this procedure should be performed no more than once a month. With the appearance of peduncles, the dormant period ends: the watering of the orchid resumes in the usual volume, and the overall temperature of the content increases. Failure to observe the dormant period leads to the refusal of orchid flowering.


Dendrobium kingianum can bloom at any time of the year, most preferring spring.


After flowering, the peduncles of Dendrobium kingianum are removed, if necessary, the orchid is transplanted and kept dry for some time. This is necessary for the acclimatization of the plant and to prevent rotting of wounds on the roots obtained as a result of transplantation.


At home, this type of orchid reproduces vegetatively, i.e. by dividing a large adult bush into parts, or by forming children that can appear almost anywhere in the pseudobulb (at the top, in the middle, etc.). At vegetative propagation for each new plant, it is recommended to leave at least three pseudobulbs. Children are removed from the mother plant only when they grow well enough and begin to grow their own roots. As a rule, children appear when the plant is kept too warm and if the rest period is not observed. In greenhouse conditions, seed and meristem propagation is also used, as well as cuttings.


In the period from mid-May to mid-September, it is highly recommended to find this type of orchid outdoors: on a balcony or in a garden. The place should be chosen protected from rains, strong winds and direct sun rays. Long-term practice shows that such plants grow more developed and bloom much more abundantly.

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Many are pleased with the luxurious beauty - the dendrobium orchid, which is easy to care for at home, but it will please the eye for a long time. For beauty and unpretentiousness, flower growers love her, often settling beautiful flower at home or in a greenhouse.

living in a tree

At the beginning of the 19th century, this beautiful and unusual flower from India came to Europe and immediately fell in love with flower growers. The orchid comes from Asia, where it grows high in the mountains - in the Himalayas, South China, dendrobium is found in the mountainous regions of India, Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam.

Dendrobium - "living on a tree", that's what the name of an unusual plant means. Unusual, but true. The epiphyte flower does not require nutrient soil - it takes all the substances necessary for the development of the plant from the environment. And he uses the trees as a support - after all, he does not have solid soil under the roots. It is not easy to meet an orchid in nature, but on the windowsills it is a frequent guest.

The orchid has at the beginning of its growth straight shoots, similar to trunks, later they become lodging. The leaves are long, linear, elliptical. The shoots live for 2-4 years, can reach 1.5 m in length, then they die off, becoming bare, give life and development to daughter rosettes that develop in the axils of the leaves.

Orchids do not cause allergies - this also explains their popularity among lovers of flowering plants in the house. Knowing how to care for a flowering plant at home, you can grow a beautiful flower.

orchid species

The most popular types of dendrobium orchids have long been chosen best places on the windowsills of lovers of flowering plants.

  1. Dendrobium nobile (Dendrobium nobile), otherwise noble dendrobium, is a Himalayan beauty represented by different types of color - flowers of white, pink, purple, brown and other shades often have a noticeable “lip” along the edges of the contrasting color.
  2. Phalaenopsis dendrobium (Dendrobium phalaenopsis, moth dendrobium) is a native of New Guinea, Australia. Hybrid species are painted in pink, white, purple or Orange color. The most common type of orchid in indoor floriculture.
  3. Dendrobium king. His homeland is New South Wales. A plant with small white or purple flowers located on the top of the shoots. At home, it requires special care - changes in day and night temperatures, needs daily spraying.

Among other orchid species less common in home greenhouses, the following can be noted:

  • Dendrobium Lindley with yellow flowers hanging down in clusters;
  • Dendrobium densely colored - his yellow flowers have a pleasant aroma;
  • Dendrobium Parish is a light-loving species with bright pink flowers.

Features of orchid care

Dendrobium care at home involves following several important rules:

The orchid loves light very much, so it is better to place it on windows facing south, southwest or southeast. A tropical flower does not like direct sunlight, so on a hot day it is better to shade the window by hiding the Asian whim behind a thin transparent curtain, such as tulle or organza. Periodically you need to turn the pot, exposing the light to different sides of the plant.

In summer, a planter or flowerpot with a flower can be placed on a loggia, balcony, outdoors. The optimum room temperature is + 25ºС, at night it can be reduced to + 15 ... + 20ºС. The orchid loves temperature changes from day to night.

The most important thing for good growth and blooming dendrobium orchids - sufficient lighting.

How to determine if a flower has enough light? To do this, you need to use the following features:

  1. If the leaves of the plant are juicy, fleshy, bright green in color, the lighting of the flower is enough.
  2. If the orchid does not bloom, the leaves have darkened, lost their juiciness and luster - it lacks lighting.
  3. If the leaves of your beauty withered, turned yellow, became light - the flower signals an excess of sunlight, which can be fatal for the dendrobium.

All types of orchids grown at home can be divided into several groups depending on what temperature they prefer:

  1. Thermophilic. The optimum temperature during the day is + 20 ... + 25ºС, at night - + 15 ... + 20ºС.
  2. Preferring coolness. The ideal summer temperature is +15…+18ºС during the day, +10…+12ºС at night.

In the cold season, the dendrobium is in a dormant period, for it the optimal temperature range will be + 10 ... + 15ºС.

Humidity and watering

The optimal humidity level for orchids at home is 40-60%. To maintain it, it is recommended to fill the pan with moss, fine gravel, which must be moistened periodically.

In summer, the dendrobium orchid is watered 1-2 times a week, depending on air temperature and humidity:

  1. For watering, a flower pot is placed in a container with water for 10 minutes - when the soil in the pot is completely saturated with water, it is removed in place.
  2. A hot (35-40ºС) shower is recommended. It helps to stimulate the flowering of an exotic tropical flower.
  3. The temperature for watering should be 2-3ºС warmer than the ambient air temperature.

Do not use unsettled tap water for irrigation. It is advisable to fertilize the plant 2 times a month from April to September. It is better to use special liquid fertilizers for orchids. They need to be diluted 2 times more than the concentration recommended by the instructions.

Top dressing is best done by adding fertilizer to the water for irrigation. For heat-loving orchid species, it is useful in winter time year, once a month, top dressing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers, cold-resistant varieties are fed with nitrogen.

Rest and flowering period

The dormant period of the Himalayan beauty lasts from autumn to spring. A resting plant needs to provide an optimal temperature, it may vary for different species: for example, for phalaenopsis, the best temperature during this period of plant development will be + 15ºС during the day and + 5 ... + 8ºС at night. For the noble dendrobium, the ideal daytime temperature in the dormant phase is + 10ºС.

Important Points:

  • minimal watering;
  • a large gap between day and night temperatures;
  • lack of supplements.

If all conditions are met, at the end of winter or in spring, the dendrobium will delight you with abundant flowering. To speed up this process in the spring, you can feed the plant with phosphate fertilizer by adding it to the water for irrigation.

When preparing the plant for flowering, increase watering and spraying and place the flower in a room with a higher air temperature.

Orchid flowers stay on the plant for a long time. If in some year the dendrobium did not bloom, then next year it will bloom even more abundantly. Dendrobium flowers are large, up to 9 m in diameter, they are located along the entire shoot. The variety of shades is amazing: white, pink, purple, violet - combining different types orchids, you can create a bright semblance of a flower bed on the windowsill in the apartment. Your window will please the eye from early spring to summer. After flowering, the plant should be allowed to rest - cut off dry flower stalks, rearrange the pot or flowerpot to a cooler place.

Orchid transplant rules

The main rule: the dendrobium orchid does not like transplantation, so the plant is transplanted no more than once every 4 years. It makes no sense to transplant a plant unnecessarily. But if you notice that the roots of the flower have completely displaced the soil from the flowerpot, traces of rot are visible on them, or midges, aphids, mites have appeared, it is necessary to replant the flower. Spring-blooming tropical flower species are transplanted after they have faded.

Dendrobium orchids are a special type of plant; when planted, a special substrate is used instead of ordinary soil.

Instructions on how to transplant an orchid:

  1. Prepare a flowerpot or pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It is better to choose a plastic one - the roots will not stick to its walls, it will be easier to transplant the plant next time, the roots will not be damaged.
  2. Weighting the flower pot - the plant does not have a complex root system, but the leaves with shoots, on which flowers will subsequently appear, are heavy. Weighting the flowerpot is necessary so that the Himalayan beauty does not turn the pot over. It is better to choose a pot that is opaque, tall, with large drainage holes.
  3. Drainage. Large pieces of bark, pieces of polystyrene can be used as drainage. The drainage layer should be at least 4-5 cm. Do not use expanded clay drainage.
  4. The plant is carefully placed in a pot, straightened so as not to damage the roots.
  5. The roots are covered with a substrate without deepening them.

Ready-made soil, which is sold in garden and flower shops, is not the most the best option for domestic orchid hybrids. It is better to prepare nutrient soil yourself:

  • the basis of the soil is pine bark, it needs about 1 liter per 1 plant;
  • crushed charcoal - a handful;
  • coconut chips - half a handful.

Another soil option for dendrobium orchids is peat, sphagnum moss, bark and charcoal. For disinfection, the substrate must first be boiled for 10 minutes, then dried well.

Orchid propagation

Dendrobium at home is propagated in several ways:

  • child rosettes that appear at the top of the pseudobulb;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction by dividing the bush:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot, untangle the roots.
  2. Divide the roots, leaving at least three pseudobulbs on each new plant.

Propagation of a flower by bulbs: cut off a bulb that has not bloomed, place it in a plastic transparent bag with wet sphagnum moss. The package is closed. For several months, it must be kept in the light, periodically moistening the moss.

Reproduction of orchids by children: carefully cut off, while capturing a piece of the mother bulb. The place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, placed in nutrient soil. When sprouts appear, the plant is planted in the substrate.

Diseases and pests

With proper and caring care, nothing threatens your flower. If there is no care for the orchid, the plant may get sick. Harm the orchid:

  • spider mite;
  • mealybug.

Commercially available insecticides will help get rid of them. If the plant receives excess moisture, a fungus caused by root rot can develop. In both cases, the plant needs a transplant. In this case, it is necessary to remove rotten, damaged roots, dry healthy ones with charcoal, and change the substrate.

If you closely monitor the flower, you will notice the first signs of the disease immediately, then the flower can be saved.

When breeding a dendrobium orchid, caring for it at home is not difficult. Guided by the simple rules for caring for a dendrobium orchid, you will grow a beautiful flowering plant.

Orchid in the house

A mysterious exotic flower brings prosperity to the house, it is able to prolong the youth of a woman, serves as a talisman against ill-wishers - a person who enters your house with bad intentions will feel unwell and leave your home without causing harm.

  • red and purple orchid - get rid of bad habits and laziness;
  • white and pink - cure depression, promote peace of mind;
  • yellow, orange - favor success in financial affairs.

In any case, an amazing exotic flower that came to us from overseas Asian countries will give you many pleasant moments, delighting the eye with its flowering.

The Dendrobium orchid was discovered at the end of the 18th century by the Swedish botanist Olaf Schwartz during a trip to the Caribbean. Once in Europe, this plant attracted the attention of many flower growers - the flowers of this plant are very unusual, located not on the "arrows", but covering the entire stem.

At home, the Dendrobium orchid is unpretentious, and observing simple growing conditions, you can achieve abundant flowering twice a year.

dendrobium(DENDROBIUM)- one of the largest genera of orchids, covering about 2000 epiphytic and lithophytic and hybrids.

In the wild, representatives of the genus Dendrobium are found mainly in the Indo-Asian region - China, Japan, north and south India to Ceylon, the Pacific Islands, as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

Types of Dendrobium orchid hybrids

Dendrobium Stardust- the most famous hybrid (Dendrobium unicum x Dendrobium Ukon). Pseudobulbs are thin in length reaching 50 cm, often have a reddish tint. Leaves lanceolate 8 cm long and 3 cm wide, last no more than 2-3 years. Peduncles appear from internodes. On a single peduncle there are 1 to 5 flowers about 6 cm in diameter, pale yellow to red-orange with darker (often brown) veins on the lip.

Orchid species Dendrobium Stardust 'H&R' has bright orange flowers.

In a room culture, Phalaenopsis dendrobium is quite stable; an east or west window sill, normal home temperature (+15 ... + 25 ° C, up to + 35 ° C in summer) and humidity (35-50%) are well suited for keeping.

Very beautiful orchids

Dendrobium Anna Green- flower yellow-green with crimson lip;

Dendrobium Bon White, Dendrobium Big White, Dendrobium Snow White- flowers are white;

Dendrobium Black Beaut y - flower maroon-brown,

Dendrobium Jade Green, Dendrobium Lemon Green- flowers different shades yellow.

Recently, miniature plants have increasingly begun to appear on sale - King's dendrobium (Dendrobium kingianum) - a species from Eastern Australia, in culture since 1844.

As you can see in the photo, this Dendrobium orchid reaches a height of about 30-40 cm and has a cylindrical stem. The leaves are mainly in the upper part of the shoot, oblong in shape, about 6-8 cm long.

The flowers are small pink, blue or purple, fragrant. It blooms at any time of the year, but more often in spring.

Dendrobium Kinga- an orchid of a moderately cold type, quite photophilous (windows of an east or west direction). The required air humidity is about 40-60%, the optimum temperature during the growth period is + 18 ... + 25 ° C, in winter + 10 ... + 16 ° C. For normal growth and development, it is necessary to ensure a decrease in night temperature by at least 5 degrees.

Dendrobium leafless (Dendrobium aphyllum)- epiphytic or lithophytic species, widely distributed in Southeast Asia. Pseudobulbs are long, semi-drooping, many-leaved. Short peduncles develop in the nodes of last year's shoots that have shed their leaves and carry one to three pale pink flowers with a creamy fringed lip. Each flower in diameter reaches 3-5 cm. The main flowering peak occurs in February-May, however, flowering specimens at home can be found almost all year round.

Orchid Dendrobium noble (nobile)

One of the most popular in culture is the Dendrobium noble orchid (nobile). The specific name Dendrobium nobile is derived from the Latin word nobilis, which has several meanings: "famous, conspicuous, glorious, famous, noble, high-born, noble, excellent and excellent." The English name is The Noble Dendrobium.

The orchid Dendrobium nobile is a large epiphytic orchid with fleshy jointed stems swollen at the nodes, up to 5090 cm high. The leaves are arranged in two rows along the entire length of the stem and live for two years. Short peduncles, appearing on last year's or biennial leafless shoots, carry 2-4 flowers. The flower is bright pink with white and lilac spots.

On sale, cultivars are more common with soft stems resembling reeds and with flowers of various colors: from pure white and pink to deep purple and blue.

Orchid Dendrobium phalaenopsis and her photo

Another very popular and unpretentious species in culture is Orchid Dendrobium phalaenopsis (Dendrobium phalaenopsis) - a large epiphytic plant with lanceolate leaves. Flowers on a long (up to 60 cm) curved peduncle are collected in drooping brushes of 5-7 pcs.

As you can see in the photo of the Dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid, the color of the flowers varies from light pink to dark crimson. The lip is also colored, but more intensely. Plants bloom for a long time, 1-2 months, sometimes six months. Therefore, Dendrobium is also valued as an industrial cut crop.

Care and reproduction of Dendrobium orchids

Dendrobiums are a fairly large and diverse group of plants. In general, in relation to hybrids, we can say that these are orchids of medium growing difficulty, which require: a well-lit place, without access to direct sunlight, watering as the substrate dries out, top dressing during growth and flowering, warm keeping in summer and cool dry in winter.

Reproduction of the Dendrobium orchid is carried out by dividing the bush, stem cuttings and air offspring.

Orchids are popular indoor plants, because they differ in unusual appearance And beautiful flowering. But since the orchid is a resident of the tropics, at home she will need special care.

In this article, we will consider one of the most popular types of this culture - the Dendrobium orchid, its main varieties and flower care rules.

Orchid Dendrobium - a representative of the genus of epiphytes. It is a plant 40-90 cm high. Its stem consists of cylindrical pseudobulbs. Leaves are alternately arranged on it, from the axils of which flower stalks grow, giving several fragrant flowers of various colors (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of Dendrobium orchids

This culture is easy to care for, therefore, in popularity among all types of indoor orchids, it is second only to phalaenopsis.

Orchid species Dendrobium

Among the many types of Dendrobium, the most popular are such species as (Figure 2):

  • King;
  • Parish;
  • noble dendrobium;
  • Dendrobium moniliforme.

Let us consider in more detail the features of each of these types.


Representatives of the species have rigid cylindrical stems, reaching a length of up to 30 cm. Their surface is covered with membranous leaf bases. Small flowers, from white to bright purple, are collected in a brush at the top of the stem.


A distinctive feature of this species are fleshy stems 30 to 40 cm long with thickenings at the nodes. Their surface is shrouded in whitish leaf bases, which have a sharp oblong shape with an incised top.

Figure 2. The main flower varieties: 1 - Kinga, 2 - Parisha, 3 - noble, 4 - moniliforme

Leafless peduncles bear lilac or pink flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, slightly darkening towards the ends of the petals.


Dendrobium noble (Nobile) is the most favorite species of flower growers. It is a fairly large plant. On its straight fleshy stems are oblong leather leaves.

Peduncles are formed on last year's leafless shoots. They carry 2-3 flowers, whitish-cream at the base and lilac (pink) at the edges. The base of the flower has a dark purple spot.


This species is one of the oldest in culture. It is a miniature likeness of a noble variety. This plant has minimal requirements for keeping conditions.

Note: It does not suffer from exposure to direct sunlight and does not need differences in night and day temperatures for full flowering.

Its root system does not rot in case of incomplete drying of the substrate. That is why the moniliforme variety is so popular among indoor flower lovers. Its flowering period lasts from the end of winter to the beginning of autumn. At the same time, for each pseudobulb of the plant, there are 1-2 inflorescences that emit a light aroma.

Home care

Care is not difficult. Its main points are the sufficient duration of daylight hours, elevated level humidity, differences in night and day ambient temperatures and a mandatory dormant period lasting from early November to late December (Figure 3).

Choosing a place for a flower

Culture is very fond of the bright sun. Therefore, when choosing a place for this flower in a room, give preference to east, southeast and southwest windows. But windows oriented to the south should be well shaded, since temperatures above +27 degrees have a detrimental effect on the plant. As an option, on the southern windows you can keep the Dendrobium in the autumn-winter period. When kept on the northern windows, it will be necessary to organize additional lighting with the help of special lamps in autumn and winter.

As for the temperature regime, the flower feels comfortable at moderate temperatures: during the day + 20 + 26, at night - + 15 + 20 degrees. Such a natural temperature difference stimulates active development, promotes the laying flower buds and guarantees abundant flowering.

Figure 3. The main stages of plant care

In the autumn-winter period, growth stops, so temperature regime drops to +12+17 degrees during the day and up to +10+13 at night. In parallel, it is necessary to provide the plant with intense light and reduce watering to achieve full flowering.

Watering, spraying

Since the plant comes from tropical rainforests, it is necessary to create conditions close to natural for it. Therefore, in a room with dry air, it is necessary to increase the humidity by spraying the flower with soft water at intervals of one day. Heat environment and insufficient humidity lead to curvature and deformation of the leaves.

The frequency of watering depends on the season. So, in spring and summer, watering is carried out 1 time in 3-4 days, in autumn - 1 time per week, and in winter - only 1 time per month. In this case, you should know that before each next watering, the roots of the plant and the substrate must be absolutely dry. Watering is best done by placing the pot with the plant in a larger container filled with warm water for 10-15 minutes. Try not to let water get on young bulbs so as not to cause them to rot. Before placing the culture in its permanent place, excess moisture must drain through the drainage holes in the pot.

Flower dressing

Top dressing is carried out during the period of active growth, that is, from April to September. Fertilizers are applied once every 2-4 weeks during irrigation using purchased complex fertilizers. mineral fertilizers intended for orchids.

Dendrobium orchid transplant

Like other types of orchids, Dendrobiums are transplanted once every 2-3 years if necessary. Such a need arises when the roots of the plant grow too large and do not fit in a pot, as well as when the substrate is caking or oxidized. Transplantation is carried out in the spring, when the flowering period is over, and the flower itself is actively growing (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Orchid transplant methods

An opaque pot is chosen as a planting container, on the bottom of which a drainage layer of large pieces of bark is laid. The substrate is a special mixture of pine bark, foam balls and sphagnum moss. The transplanted plant can be watered after 7-10 days.

Pot selection

You can grow the plant both in plastic opaque pots and on a block of cork bark or peeled coconut. In any case, the container should be a little cramped so that the plant is securely and firmly held in it.


During the period of active growth, that is, from April to September, fertilizer should be carried out by applying liquid complex top dressing twice a month. In this case, you should know that the concentration of the irrigation agent should be two times weaker than the concentration indicated in the instructions.

In addition, representatives of warm varieties of content should be fed monthly with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and orchids of cold varieties with nitrogen (2-3 times a month).

You will find more information about the care of the Dendrobium in the video.

Blooming dendrobium orchids

As a rule, flowering of this species occurs from mid-winter to mid-spring, after which a dormant period begins. This stage is very important for the plant, as it ensures future flowering. Fragrant inflorescences have a variety of colors and bloom from 2 to 4 weeks. An insufficient dormant period leads to the fact that instead of flowers, the orchid will release young shoots - babies.

Care during flowering

To stimulate flowering, which did not occur in mid-January, it is recommended to reduce watering, and take the plant itself to the brightest place or apply artificial illumination. You can also apply a fertilizer containing phosphorus, or spray the plant several times with warm water (+30+35 degrees).

Care after flowering

After the end of flowering, it is necessary to provide the orchid with a full rest period. To do this, remove the peduncle, and transfer the plant to a cool place, where it is gradually reduced, and then stop watering. It is important to know that in winter conditions at our latitudes, Dendrobium can simply hibernate, and not be in a dormant period.

Therefore, in winter, although the flower has already faded, do not forget to illuminate it, because the dormant period does not mean that the plant does not develop: at this time, its roots are actively growing and preparing for the growing season.

Dendrobium can be propagated both by dividing the bush and by cuttings. At home, the second method is most often used (Figure 5).


This method of reproduction involves separating pseudobulbs from the mother bush and cutting cuttings 10 cm long from them. The resulting planting material is stored in tightly sealed plastic bags filled with sphagnum moss in bright diffused light and ambient temperature + 22 + 25 degrees.

Figure 5. Flower propagation methods: cuttings and dividing the bush

At the same time, the bags must be aired every day, and the moss must be kept moist. After the cuttings take root, they are transplanted into a flower pot. With this method of reproduction, orchid flowering occurs after 2-3 years.

By dividing the bush

An adult bush of Dendrobium forms offshoots-babies on its stem. When they reach a length of 4-5 cm, and their roots - 3-4 cm, you can start breeding orchids. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the children with a section of the mother stem and plant them in a prepared nutrient mixture, which can be purchased at a flower shop, or made independently by finely crumbling the bark.

Since the roots of children are very delicate and can be easily injured when planting, it is recommended that you first hold them for 10 minutes in warm water. For the same purpose, it is also advised to soak the nutrient substrate in water for a day. Children are planted several times in small pots.

The author of the video shows how to properly propagate an orchid.
