To maintain health, nature has given man many medicinal plants. Among them, we all know the wild rose. On the territory of Russia, from the southern steppes to the northern forest-tundra, you can find a tall (up to 3 m) bush. Its leaves are located on short petioles of 5-7 pieces. Thin brown branches of the bush have thorns. The plant begins to bloom in May.

The fruits, appearing in late August or September, are complex berries of oval or round shape. Harvesting is carried out before the first frost.

Application area

Rosehip contains organic acids - citric and malic.

Useful properties of rose hips lie in the tannins and tannins contained in its composition. These components have a remarkable property to cause the process of protein folding. As a result, a protective film is formed on the skin and mucous membranes. That is why rose hips are used to treat burns, oral pathologies and skin diseases. There are many tannins and tannins in the roots of the plant, as well as in its flowers and fruits.

Syrups, tinctures, powders and extracts are prepared from a medicinal plant. Useful properties of rose hips, as well as its flowers, roots and leaves are used:

  • with atherosclerosis;
  • with reduced secretion of the stomach;
  • with uterine bleeding;
  • with anemia;
  • in cases of slow wound healing;
  • with ulcerative processes in the duodenum;
  • with pathologies of the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • to eliminate colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and digestive problems;
  • with anemia and general exhaustion;
  • with malaria;
  • in case of slow fusion of bones;
  • with pathologies of the liver, intestines, etc.

Rosehip tea

IN medicinal purposes you can use fresh fruits of a medicinal plant. However, inside they have unpleasant prickly bones. That is why many prefer the rosehip drug in the form of tea. In addition, it is more than useful to drink rose hips in the form of extracts and syrups. At home, tinctures of a medicinal plant can be prepared.

Reveals rosehip tea beneficial features during power failures. It perfectly stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. This drug is recommended for pathologies of the gallbladder and liver.

With arthritis and joint diseases, they also drink rosehip tea. The beneficial properties of this drug will have an anti-inflammatory effect. This drink is recommended various forms colds, flu, and high temperature body.

How useful is rosehip (tea) for those who have suffered a serious illness or surgery? This drink will help restore the body.

Healing tea brewing methods

In order to health drink brought maximum benefit, it must be properly prepared. There are two ways to brew medicinal fruits. According to the first of them, you should take a handful of wild rose and pour 1-1.5 liters of boiling water into it. After that, the fruits are boiled for another 10 to 15 minutes. Such tea will have a rich taste and slight sourness.

According to the second method, any number of rose hips (it all depends on individual preferences) should be poured with boiling water. The drink is infused for 10 minutes. According to experts, this method allows you to save the greatest number of useful properties of a medicinal plant.

Rosehip decoction

This drug remarkably improves immunity and allows you to get rid of many ailments. It should be borne in mind that before using it, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will select the required dosage.

What is useful rosehip decoction? This drink helps to alleviate the patient's condition with duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, colds, metabolic disorders and cholecystitis.

What else is a rosehip decoction useful for? This drug is recommended for hepatitis and nephritis, hypovitaminosis and bronchial asthma, as well as for diseases of the liver and intestines.

Decoction preparation

To create a healing drink, you can use one of two recipes. For the first of them, you will need two handfuls of whole fruits of the plant. Raw materials are placed in a thermos, pour 500 ml hot water and leave for 7-8 hours. Next, the finished infusion is passed through gauze or a strainer and one tsp is added. Sahara.

The second recipe is somewhat more complicated. It involves the preliminary grinding of berries, peeled of hairs. To do this, you can use a meat grinder. The fruits prepared in this way should be poured with 300 ml of water, boiled for 15 minutes, and then strained. What is useful rosehip in this case? This drink is much more effective in its effect on the body than a decoction prepared according to the first recipe. The fact is that when the fruits are crushed, seeds come out, which contain a large amount of vitamins.


It is important to carefully apply the rosehip. Useful properties and contraindications of a medicinal plant should be studied before it is taken. Rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C. This component can have bad influence on those patients who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis, as well as from high acidity.

The adverse effect of rosehip infusion on teeth has been proven. To prevent the manifestation of negative effects after using a medicinal drug, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water.

It is forbidden to take funds containing rose hips for those patients who have a predisposition to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Limit the use of medicinal drugs will be needed for heart disease, hypertension and hypotension. It is undesirable to use rose hips for patients who experience malfunctions in the circulatory system.

It should be borne in mind that long-term use of rosehip drugs has a negative effect on the liver. This can lead to non-infectious jaundice. Those who suffer from pathologies of a dermatological nature should also get a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

You have learned how rose hips are useful for the body. Take your remedy wisely and be healthy!

Berries of a wild rose have a rich composition. They are especially rich in ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, carotene, vitamins B, K, E. The high content of malic and citric acids, mineral salts (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), tannins, antioxidants and phytoncides makes the fruits of the plant especially valuable for use in clinical nutrition and traditional medicine recipes. Preparing decoctions is the easiest and most effective way to open healing properties wild rose.

The benefits of rosehip decoction for the human body are directly determined by the characteristics of the composition of plant materials:

  1. The drink strengthens the immune system and is effective in combating poor health, asthenia, loss of strength, including those caused by beriberi.
  2. The active substances of wild rose have a pronounced antiviral effect, help to cope with SARS and influenza.
  3. Taking rosehip preparations during pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of complications, vitamin and microelement deficiencies, serves as a prevention of colds and metabolic disorders, and the development of obesity.
  4. Decoctions of wild rose berries are especially beneficial for the health of the circulatory system, as they help strengthen the walls of capillaries and large vessels, reduce the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaques. They also promote the production of red blood cells, helping to improve blood formation and cure anemia.
  5. The diuretic effect of the drink is useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart failure, edema, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis.
  6. The choleretic effect of wild rose is used in the treatment of pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. Its infusions can also significantly help in the work of the pancreas, therefore it is useful for pancreatitis.
  7. For diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis, bleeding gums and inflammatory processes), decoctions of plant raw materials of wild roses are used for rinsing.
  8. Decoctions of the roots of the shrub are effective as an astringent, analgesic and disinfectant, which is used to facilitate the discharge of bile, relieve spasms, treat intestinal upset and cystitis.

Healing baths with a decoction of rosehip roots are used for edema, convulsions, paralysis, rheumatism and gout.

Preparation of rosehip broth

The rules for preparing a decoction of shrub fruits are simple: the berries are poured with boiling water, kept on low heat for a while according to the recipe, and then insisted. It is important to remember that prolonged boiling destroys vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.

Some recipes suggest pouring berries in the evening cold water and boil in the morning. The use of skins peeled from villi and seeds or crushed vegetable raw materials allows you to prepare drinks that are more saturated with useful substances with minimal heat treatment.

Rosehip decoctions are most beneficial when infused in a thermos with a glass flask. Metal utensils undergo oxidation, which leads to the ingress of substances harmful to health into the liquid. Crushed berries should not be kept for more than 6-9 hours, but decoctions from whole fruits retain a maximum of useful properties much longer - more than a day.

Video: Specialist on the rules for preparing rosehip drinks

Rosehip decoction recipe

Dried rose hips - 0.5 cups
Water - 5 glasses

Peel and rinse fruits under running cold water. For more efficient extraction of nutrients, they can be dried and crushed. Place the vegetable raw materials in a saucepan with boiling water, hold on low heat for up to 5 minutes under a tightly closed lid. The liquid is left for 8 hours, then strained and taken 2 cups per day.

Recipe for a decoction of rosehip skin to remove stones from the gallbladder and kidneys

Dried rosehip peel - 3 tbsp. l.
Water - 200 g

Pour boiling water over the peel of the fruit, hold on fire for about a minute, then remove, wrap and insist for 6 hours. The drink is taken in a course of 2 weeks, and on the third, the dose is halved and drunk in portions of 4-5 doses per day. Treatment or prevention of the appearance of stones should be carried out 1 time per season.

The recipe for a decoction of rosehip petals for the treatment of colds and cosmetic procedures

Petals - 100 g
Water - 200 g

Pour boiling water over the flowers, hold for a few seconds on fire, insist in a thermos for about 12 hours. The liquid can be taken orally 50 ml three times a day or used externally for compresses and washings.

Recipe for a decoction of the leaves to relieve pain in the intestines and stomach

Rosehip leaves - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 0.4 l

Grind vegetable raw materials and pour into cold water. Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour after boiling over low heat, then cool and strain the liquid. Take 50 ml every 2 hours.

Recipe for a decoction of rosehip branches for sciatica and rheumatism

Chopped branches and young shoots of wild rose - 3 tbsp. l.
Water - 500 ml

Pour boiling water over vegetable raw materials, cook over very low heat for 10 minutes. Insist the mixture under the lid for 1 hour, drain the liquid and take it 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals.

Rosehip Root Decoction Recipe

Chopped rosehip roots - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 1 glass

Vegetable raw materials should be poured with boiling water and held on low heat for about 60 seconds, then insisted for 2 hours. The liquid is drunk 100 g three times a day, preferably before meals, straining it immediately before use. Outwardly, a decoction can be used to carry out a warm compress, leaving it overnight.

Recipe for a concentrated decoction of wild rose roots for the preparation of a medicinal bath

Chopped Rosehip Roots - 1 cup
Water - 2 l

Pour the roots of the shrub with boiling water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave the mixture to infuse for 2 hours, then strain and add to the bath.

Advice: To preserve the health and integrity of tooth enamel, it is preferable to drink wild rose drinks through a straw.

The benefits of wild rose decoction for children

Immunomodulators natural origin, which include rosehip decoctions, are recommended for use in children's nutrition different ages due to their high susceptibility to colds. They also help to adjust the diet of babies and saturate it with the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the body, strengthen bones and muscle tissue. Just ten berries contain the daily dose of vitamin C needed by a preschooler.

Wild rose fruits can be introduced into the children's diet as early as 6 months of age. At first, it is permissible to add no more than 2 mashed berries per day to the puree. You don't need to use them all the time. In the future, it is necessary to prepare decoctions for the child, observing the concentration corresponding to his age:

  • 0.5-1 year - no more than 20 ml (1 tablespoon) per day;
  • 1-2 years - up to 50 ml;
  • 2-7 years - up to 100 ml throughout the day;
  • school age- 200 ml.

Recipe for a decoction of rose hips for children

Rose hips - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Water - 1 l

Place the berries in hot water, boil a little and insist.

Advice: Rosehip decoctions are best taken in the morning for children, as they produce a diuretic effect.

Contraindications to the use of decoction

Constant or excessive intake of wild rose drinks can lead to increased kidney stress and calcium leaching. Contraindications to their use are peptic ulcers of the digestive system, gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice, individual intolerance and the appearance of allergic reactions.

With endocarditis and thrombophlebitis, blood clotting disorders, it is impossible to take rose hips, because they contain a large amount of vitamin K. The tannins in the plant can aggravate stool problems if there is a tendency to constipation.

Excessive amounts of decoctions of rose hips, especially when using their pulp, during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. If there are stones in gallbladder that can block the duct, the use of choleretic agents should be avoided.

Video: About rose hips and its beneficial properties in the program "Live Healthy"

Friends, today in our article we will kind word remember rose hips, its beneficial properties for the body and the presence of possible contraindications. Let's find out how rosehip is useful for the health of men and women, whether it can be taken by children. We will learn how to properly brew rose hips in order to preserve its beneficial properties as much as possible. Let's determine whether it is worth eating rosehip root as a tonic and therapeutic agent.

The fact that rose hips have unique properties that are beneficial to the human body, I learned in childhood from my grandmother, who called the berry from the thorny bush “heart”. She claimed that a decoction of rosehip berries makes her body stronger in the fight against colds and stronger at the time of struggle with a breakdown, when her soul and heart hurt.

Rosehip - useful properties and contraindications

Description and history

Rosehip belongs to the genus of wild plants of the Rosaceae family. It has many different cultural forms, bred under the name Rosa. To date, rosehip has up to 400 species.

On the territory of our country, wild rose grows in the form of a shrub. However, in general, some species grow into entire trees and reach an age well over a hundred years.

In the vastness of our country, several types of wild rose most often grow. Among them are wrinkled rose hips, spiny, dog, brown and other species.

In the people, in addition to rose hips, the heart berry is most often called: wild rose, forest pinch, spike, chiporas, terpiguzka.

About rosehip how about medicinal plant was known in ancient Greece. In IV BC. e. The ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus gave a description of the wild rose in his work " Natural history plants."

In Rus', rosehip became known as a folk medicine since the 17th century under the name svoroborina, which translates as the fight against diseases.

Rosehip composition

Let's start with the fact that rosehip is a valuable source of natural ascorbic acid, which is easily absorbed by the body. Other components from chemical composition wild roses are no less impressive.

Fresh rose hips are rich in vitamins C, A, B1, B2, K, E, PP. It contains minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc. The plant contains essential oils, citric and malic acid, pectins, phytoncides, sugars, tannins.

Dried rose hips retain the vitamins and useful elements listed above.

The effect of rose hips on the body

What ailments and diseases does rosehip help to cope with? In what cases should this magical berry be taken without exaggeration?

Useful properties of wild rose help to cope with:

♦ cold

♦ inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder

♦ problems in oral cavity- angina, sinusitis, periodontal disease

♦ diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer, hepatitis

♦ various diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension (normalizes blood pressure and restores vascular elasticity)

♦ dermatological diseases - accelerates the healing of wounds from psoriasis, burns, varicose veins, bedsores, cuts and inflammations

In addition, rosehip strengthens the immune system, nervous system, helping to overcome depression, insomnia and other nervous disorders, increases resistance to stress, which haunt the life of a modern person.

Useful properties of rose hips for men's health

Vitamin C, which is present in the wild rose, has a positive effect on the health of men. It helps to cope with inflammation in the genitourinary system, due to the diuretic effect it treats various pathologies of the prostate gland. In addition, the beneficial substances found in rose hips allow a man to be in good shape, improving potency, maintain an emotional state and strengthen immunity.

The benefits of rose hips for women

Do not forget about the beneficial properties of wild rose and women with gynecological diseases. Substances that are part of the berry will help to cope with different kind inflammation.

The ability of rose hips to support the nervous system and help with stress will be useful for women with menopause.

In small doses and only after consulting a doctor, rose hips will be useful for pregnant women. It will strengthen the immune system and help expectant mothers to cope with possible colds, viral and infectious diseases.

How to take children

⇒ Before using rose hips, be sure to consult your doctor!

Any parents are trying to find natural remedies that are safe for their babies that can protect the child’s health from colds, strengthen immunity, recover from viral and infectious diseases. Rosehip is great not only for adults, but also for children.

It is possible to strengthen the body of a child with wild rose from a very young age. But only after consulting a doctor. It should be remembered that products made from rose hips can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Incorrect use of rose hips can cause non-infectious jaundice in a child, lead to constipation, and spoil the baby’s teeth due to the high content of vitamin C.

How to brew wild rose

A decoction should be prepared from dried or fresh berries, avoiding boiling, as it kills vitamins and other beneficial substances of rose hips.

Decoction of berries

Pour about 50 rose hips with a liter of boiling water. Put in a water bath and boil for 15 - 20 minutes. Drink this decoction daily, 100 ml twice a day. Be sure to check with your doctor first!

Rosehip syrup

Rosehip syrup can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy ready-made. Syrup should be taken according to the instructions and do not forget that it contains sugar.

Recipe 1

In order to prepare the syrup yourself, you will need 0.5 kg of rose hips 800 ml of water and 450 g of sugar.

Wash the rosehip and remove the legs. Boil 0.5 liters of water and pour over the berries. Leave for 10 minutes.

After the allotted time, chop the fruits with a pusher. Leave the workpiece in this form for another 10 minutes.

Combine sugar and remaining water in a saucepan. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat.

Take a sieve or cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and strain the wild rose.

Pour the rosehip syrup into pre-prepared sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

In a similar way, rosehip syrup with lemon can be prepared. Add sliced ​​lemon to water and sugar. All other actions remain the same, as indicated in recipe 1.

Rosehip oil

There are several ways to make rosehip oil at home.

Method 1

Grind one hundred grams of released rose hips with any convenient way. Bring to a boil 0.5 liters vegetable oil to a boil. Combine the oil with rose hips and send the contents to infuse in a warm place for two weeks, shaking the contents regularly at least twice a day.

After the above time, strain the oil. Store rosehip oil in a dark, cool place.

Method 2

rosehip root

Rosehip is one of those plants in which even the root is beneficial for the human body. In some cases, the healing properties of the rosehip root even surpass the petals and berries of a wild rose that are familiar to many of us.

Let's make tea

Grind the dried rosehip roots with a coffee grinder. Pour one teaspoon of powdered root with a glass of boiling water. Let's insist. For taste, you can add natural honey to tea.


Incorrect and excessive use of rose hips can harm the human body.

Please note and consult your doctor before consuming rose hips and heartberry products if you have:

♦ individual intolerance to wild rose

♦ tendency to form blood clots

♦ exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

♦ liver disease

♦ a tendency to constipation, as rose hips slow down the excretion of bile

For mood, listen to the song performed by actor Eddie Murphy.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Rose hip has been used by humans for centuries. Recommendations for its use are found in Tibetan medicine, and in the works of Avicenna, and even in manuscripts from biblical times. But treatment by any means must be approached with caution. Many believe that if this is a plant, then you can use it in any quantity and for as long as you like. It cannot hurt. In fact, the uncontrolled and thoughtless use of wild rose can disrupt the functioning of many organs .. site) will help you find information about contraindications to the use of wild rose.

Rosehip: composition, use, contraindications

First, rose hips are very rich in vitamin WITH. This is great, but vitamin C is an acid, albeit an ascorbic one. People with high acidity, with gastritis, and even more so with peptic ulcer disease, should be very careful when taking rosehip infusion.

Rosehip, if you drink it in the form of a strong water infusion, has a very negative effect on the condition of your teeth. Every time after eating rose hips, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Any rosehip preparations are categorically contraindicated for people prone to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
If you are a core, treat the use of wild rose also carefully. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart endocarditis), as well as for some other heart diseases, rosehip preparations should not be taken in large quantities.

It is not recommended to use rose hips for people who have impaired blood flow. In addition, if you have high blood pressure, do not take rosehip alcohol tinctures. Such drugs are just recommended for hypotensive patients. And to reduce blood pressure only water infusions of wild rose should be taken. Hypotonic patients are not recommended to take water infusion.

If you drink rosehip preparations for a very long time, this may adversely affect the functioning of the liver. You may even face non-infectious jaundice.
Preparations from the roots of wild rose inhibit the secretion of bile. Also, decoctions of the roots of this plant are not recommended for people suffering from constipation - your condition may worsen. To balance the effects of rose hips on the digestive system, use celery, dill, or parsley potions along with rose hips. This will reduce gas formation, which can also be caused by the consumption of rose hips in large quantities.

Rosehip tinctures should be treated with caution by people suffering from any dermatological problems. If you are one of them, then before treatment with wild rose, consult your doctor.

Well, how to use rose hips so as not to harm your health?

To normalize blood pressure with hypotension, you should make an infusion of rose hips on vodka. Take half a liter of vodka and one hundred grams of dry rose hips (you can also use fresh rose hips). Finely chop the fruits, pour vodka and hold in a dark place for a week and a half. You need to drink tincture three times a day before meals, twenty drops.

In the inflammatory process of the middle ear, accompanied by the release of pus, strongly brew rosehip flowers. Combine the decoction with the same amount of carrot juice. Drip into the sore ear.

With inflammation of the prostate make tea from rose hips that have been de-seeded. For 250 milliliters of boiling water, take one tablespoon of peeled fruits. Keep warm for half an hour.

Do not forget that rose hips cannot fully replace all the vitamins and minerals needed in the diet. Therefore, take vitamin and mineral dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) for thirty days in a row twice a year.

Rosehip is one of those unique berries that have a beneficial effect on human body. The fruits have long been used by traditional healers, rose hips have been recognized and ethnoscience. That is why many people prefer to use the plant for the treatment of various diseases. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of wild rose.

The composition and benefits of rose hips

  1. Many useful substances accumulate in the pulp of the fruit, but ascorbic acid has a special place. Vitamin C in rose hips is 50 times more than in citrus fruits. On this soil, berries are used to increase the body's defenses with weakened immunity from nature.
  2. It is worth mentioning that fruits also accumulate tocopherol - a natural antioxidant, vitamin A (retinol), vitamin K, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine and other equally important subgroups. All these compounds endow the shrub with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. The fruits are not deprived of bioflavonoids, organic acids, saccharides of natural origin, pectin, tannins, iron salts. Of the minerals, the most valuable are isolated: magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, nickel.
  4. Most often, decoctions are prepared from berries, which favorably affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Drinks eliminate excess bile, remove water, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The diuretic effect does not irritate the kidneys, relieves edema.
  5. Ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the circulatory system, preventing thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Vitamin P, which is also found in rose hips, contributes to better absorption of vitamin C into the walls of the esophagus. Vitamin A, or retinol, stops the action of radionuclides and toxic substances.
  6. B vitamins, namely thiamine, pyridoxine and riboflavin, are responsible for the activity of the psycho-emotional system. With the systematic use of rosehip decoction, well-being improves and nervousness disappears.
  7. Other vitamin complexes in combination with mineral compounds provide massive support to the body. For example, iron is necessary for the prevention of anemia (anemia), and bioflavonoids cleanse the blood channels of cholesterol plaques.

The benefits of rose hips for pregnant women

  1. Women's doctors do not recommend their patients to use medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are exceptions in medicines, but this is rare. In this case, rosehip comes to the rescue, which helps to cope with the first signs of a cold.
  2. Among other things, a decoction based on fresh or dried fruits improves blood composition and circulation, and prevents iron deficiency in the mother and unborn baby.
  3. Drinks with fruits help relieve swelling and vomiting during toxicosis. Infusions (teas) are necessary to stimulate the activity of the endocrine glands. Rosehip protects a woman from infection and compensates for the lack of vitamins in the body.
  4. The product is extremely appreciated by women who face constant headaches during pregnancy. Rosehip decoction normalizes intracranial and arterial pressure.
  5. Interestingly, rose hips for pregnant and lactating women have practically no contraindications. Unless it is worth limiting consumption with sensitive tooth enamel or rinsing your mouth every time after taking decoctions and teas.
  6. Useful drinks with berries for lactating women. Moderate and controlled intake (under the supervision of a doctor) stimulates the production of breast milk, improves its quality and relieves bitterness. This reduces the likelihood that the baby will refuse the breast.

  1. Children's doctors unanimously say that it is necessary to introduce rosehip infusions into the baby's menu, starting from 5-6 months. However, the procedure is carried out under the supervision of parents. The initial dose is 5 ml., Gradually this amount increases to 50 ml.
  2. The main value of the drink lies in the accumulation of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is needed by the child's body to boost immunity, prevent rickets, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The systematic intake of the decoction will increase the appetite of the baby. Thanks to bioflavonoids, vision loss is prevented. For older children, rosehip will help improve memory and concentration.
  4. The drink copes with food poisoning and helminth infestation. The infusion removes toxic substances from the cavity, so that the liver begins to work better.
  5. It is extremely useful to drink rosehip broth for children who live in hot regions. Constant exposure to the sun leads to a lack of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and iron. And the rosehip makes up for the deficit.

Rosehip damage

  1. The high content of ascorbic acid in the product is not always beneficial for the functioning of organs and systems. Vitamin C irritates the gastric mucosa, so the intake of rose hips for people with gastritis against the background of high acidity should be limited.
  2. It is not necessary to prepare highly concentrated decoctions and tinctures from wild rose. Such compounds adversely affect tooth enamel and irritate it. Rinse your mouth with room temperature water after drinking.
  3. Rosehip has the ability to stop bleeding and make the blood viscous. If you have a tendency to thrombosis, completely eliminate the berries of the bush from the diet.
  4. People who have been diagnosed with endocarditis should refuse the fruit. With existing ailments of the heart and circulatory system, taking a decoction with rose hips is allowed after the approval of a cardiologist.
  5. Rose hips have the ability to lower pressure in the arteries. If you have hypotension, you should not use decoctions at all. Otherwise, the pressure will drop to a critical level.
  6. Prolonged consumption of various drinks on rose hips can adversely affect the activity of the liver. In rare cases, jaundice has been observed.
  7. If you are prone to constipation, including chronic, strictly control the amount of rose hips you take. Often, the use of tinctures leads to even greater complications.
  8. With extreme caution, rose hips should be eaten by categories of people who are allergic to citrus fruits. Start taking rose hips with small doses, make sure there are no rashes on the skin.

Preparation of a decoction of wild rose

  1. Take required amount raw materials, rinse and sort carefully. Grind the fruits as finely as possible. Send the composition to the pan with an enamel coating. Pour in the required amount of water. The proportions are 1:6.
  2. As soon as the composition boils, reduce the stove to minimum power. Boil the components for about 10 minutes. Turn off the burner, cover the container with a lid, leave for 2-3 hours. With this method of preparation, most of the beneficial enzymes are preserved.
  3. You can prepare a remedy in an alternative way. To do this, turn a small amount of fruit into gruel with a mortar. Pour 15 gr. product 300 ml. steep boil. Simmer the composition on fire for several minutes.
  4. Pour into a thermos. Infuse for at least 3 hours. Further, it is recommended to strain the infusion. Drink 70 ml. between meals. A small amount of honey can be added to the composition to give a more pleasant taste.

Decoction consumption rules

  1. Despite the high benefits for the body, it is necessary to consume a rosehip decoction in moderation. For children under 12 years old, 120 ml is considered the optimal norm. in a day. The course is no more than 15 days. This is followed by a week break.
  2. To achieve a tonic effect, it is recommended to drink the infusion after waking up a third of an hour before meals. To achieve a choleretic effect, you need to drink the product 3 times a day half an hour before a meal, 80 ml each.
  3. To improve health in the off-season or with a cold, it is better to drink the infusion warm before going to bed. A small amount of high-quality honey will help to fix the effect.

Such remedies will help improve health and get rid of some ailments. The product is easy to prepare and has invaluable benefits for the body. In addition, tea has a rather pleasant taste.

Tea based on raspberries and rose hips

  1. You can make a healthy and simple drink from fresh raspberry and rosehip leaves. Add berries if possible. The taste and benefits of this will increase. In advance, you need to prepare and dry the berries and raspberry leaves.
  2. The medicinal composition has a diaphoretic effect. The drink helps fight high body temperature. The severe migraine and sore throat disappear soon. Viral infections simply die.
  3. To prepare the remedy, take 20 gr. prepared raw rose hips and 40 gr. leaves and raspberries. Pour the components 300 ml. hot water, wrap the vessel with a thick cloth. Leave the product to brew.
  4. Drink a warm remedy before bed. It is recommended to wrap yourself in a blanket. After you sweat, be sure to change your bed linen. You should feel much better in the morning.

Infusion of wild rose and hawthorn

  1. A drink based on flowers or fruits of hawthorn helps to cope with the problems of disturbed sleep. Also, the product is effective in unstable heart rhythm and hypertension.
  2. To prepare the composition, take 40 gr. rosehip berries, 35 gr. flowers and 20 gr. hawthorn fruit.
  3. Send the components to a liter thermos. Pour 800 ml. boiling water. Leave the product on all night. Strain the infusion and drink 100 ml. 2 times a day.

Infusion of viburnum and rose hips

  1. Kalina helps to cope with colds in a short time. Berries enhance the effect of wild rose. The infusion acts as an antipyretic.
  2. To prepare the composition, take 15 gr. berries of viburnum and wild rose. Place the ingredients in a thermos. Boil half a liter of water and pour into a container.
  3. Infuse the components for at least 8 hours. After the time has elapsed, strain the drink with gauze. Drink 90 ml. about 5 times a day.

Undoubtedly, rose hips are useful for human organs and systems. Vitamin C is of particular value, which helps to strengthen the immune system during the period of colds and flu. But with improper brewing, all vitamins are destroyed, you can only harm yourself. If you have chronic diseases, please consult your doctor first.

Video: useful properties of rose hips
