Many Russians faced with construction country house decide the choice of material. Everyone wants to have a cheap, strong, environmentally friendly cottage. Manufacturers offer a large number of building materials, the choice of which you can make a mistake. Consider two popular materials that are now used to build their private homes, and make your choice. Which is better, foam concrete or gas silicate - such difficult task you need to decide.

Now the construction of houses from gas silicate blocks has become very popular. With the help of this inexpensive material you can quickly build a high-quality and comfortable home.

Production difference

Between manufacturers of building materials there is a silent war for the consumer. Advertising from TV screens claims that it is their product that is better and cheaper. But an impartial assessment can be given by people who have already used this building material. To find out the disadvantages and advantages of gas silicate and foam concrete, consider how they are produced.

  • both of these materials belong to cellular concrete - artificial stone, which consists of 85% air cells. This provides lightness and good sound and heat insulation;
  • very often they confuse aerated concrete and gas silicate. What are the real differences between? The second does not contain cement. Visually, they are also different. Gas silicate is white, its color is due to the silicate contained in it;
  • the gas silicate block becomes solid even if it is not placed in an autoclave, aerated concrete must be placed in an autoclave system to give it normal characteristics.

Aerated concrete blocks have lower thermal conductivity and noise insulation, and they are inferior in strength to blocks made of gas silicate (aerated concrete). The price of aerated concrete blocks is higher than that of their twin brothers.

Manufacturing process

gas silicate

Device wet facade using a gas silicate block: 1 - gas silicate block; 2 - adhesive composition; 3 - fasteners for facade thermal insulation; 4 - mineral wool insulation; 5 - facade reinforcing alkali-resistant mesh; 6 - reinforcing putty; 7 - facade crack-resistant plaster.

It consists of high-quality and environmentally friendly components: water, sand, cement, lime. Aluminum powder is added to them, which serves as a blowing agent.

  • the whole mass is thoroughly mixed, cut into strings and placed in molds that are placed in an autoclave system. In it, gas silicate is subjected to long-term heat treatment. The pressure in the autoclave is maintained at 8-13 atmospheres;
  • after all these operations, a good building material is obtained, which does not burn, is durable and strong, and is well processed with simple tools.
  • heat treatment, high pressure and humidity gives gas silicate an operational advantage over foam concrete.

The first option has higher strength and lower density than foam concrete blocks.

The gas silicate structure is open-pore, and this allows the walls made of such blocks to breathe. Another advantage of such products over another option is their almost perfect shape. They can be used for laying internal and external walls, as well as various partitions.

foam concrete

This element can be manufactured directly at the construction site. To do this, you must have a concrete mixer and all the components for the manufacture of this material.

The main difference in production lies in the ingredients that are added to the cement. They can create foam of both organic and chemical origin.

You mix all the components, mix well and pour into molds where the material solidifies under natural conditions.


  • the foam block does not differ in exact linear dimensions;
  • the foam block has a closed cell structure and therefore does not absorb moisture and does not breathe.

Differences between foam concrete and gas silicate

The design of the outer wall of gas silicate blocks: 1 - monolithic reinforcing belt; 2 - floor slab; 3 – gas silicate block; 4 - basalt-fiber bonds; 5 - facing brickwork.

The difference in block production is now clear to you. Now consider how their characteristics and properties differ.

Gas silicate blocks have a lower density, but still it is a denser material. Consequently, a house made of blocks for the manufacture of which foam concrete was used will weigh more than a structure made of aerated concrete blocks.

  • thanks to firing, structures made of gas silicate blocks are not deformed. They have good geometry and do not change over time. This cannot be said about foam concrete, foam blocks do not have an exact geometry;
  • in addition, the foam block is subject to shrinkage. Because of this, its dimensions are reduced, and cracks may appear in the structures;
  • but the main thing in the characteristics of foam concrete elements is the quality of their manufacture. If you follow the correct proportions of ingredients and foam concentrates, then you will get good foam blocks with excellent geometry;
  • comparing foam concrete and gas silicate in terms of frost resistance and thermal conductivity, you will see that they are approximately the same in terms of these indicators;
  • the water absorption of foam concrete is unique, a comparison between them is not even worth making;
  • when comparing gas silicate and foam concrete at a price, the former loses by 25%. The price of equipment for the production of aerated concrete is much higher than that of the first.

Comparing and choosing the best of these two cellular concretes is a very difficult task. Which blocks are the best, it is definitely impossible to answer.

  • gas silicate is more durable, does not shrink, and is not bad in terms of thermal protection. But the price is higher. It cannot be applied in a liquid state directly at the construction site, unlike the other option. It is often used for pouring directly into the formwork. And at the same time, the water absorption rate is much higher.

When asked which is better to choose, comparing between

The modern building materials market is so large that sometimes it is easy to get lost in this assortment, and it is also difficult to make the right one, right choice. To choose what is still better - foam concrete or gas silicate, a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages will help. There are very few main conditions, but it is on them that the quality of the constructed building largely depends.

General information

The main advantage of these building materials is their low price with a small mass. This is the advantage of all cellular building materials. Although both of these materials are made of cellular concrete, they are fundamentally different from each other in terms of manufacturing technology. And this affects the properties and characteristics.

Similarities and differences in production

Foam concrete and gas silicate have almost the same composition. The components that are present in both materials are water, cement, sand. Since these cells have an identical composition, they have the following advantages:

  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to mold, fungus, decay;
  • resistance against damage to walls by various rodents;
  • ease of installation.

The production of foam concrete is much easier than gas silicate.

If you know the nuances brickwork, then with the laying of gas silicate or foam concrete, you can handle it yourself. It is for these reasons that the majority is faced with a choice - brick, gas silicate or foam concrete?

It is worth dwelling on the consideration of the nuances, as well as gas silicate:

  • The foam block is obtained thanks to the production technology in which concrete is added to the concrete solution. Only after that, the resulting mass is poured into special forms, where it acquires strength and strength.
  • In the course of a chemical reaction of unslaked lime, together with aluminum, a gas silicate is made. The mass of this substance includes small parts of aluminum powder. In the course of this reaction, hydrogen rises in the form of a gas, which forms a cellular structure. This material is produced in the form of large blocks. Gas silicate can be used only after the mass has hardened and it has been cut into the necessary blocks.

It is these differences in production that affect the characteristics of the resulting building materials.

Feature Comparison

To know what to give preference to, gas silicate or foam block, you need to initially carry out comparative analysis their technical properties. Unfortunately, despite the rapid technological development, there is still no ideal in all respects. building material. For this reason, you have to make a choice based on the analysis and gas silicate.

To find out which of these materials takes the first place, we need to conduct a comparative analysis according to the following characteristics:

  • fortress;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • price;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • whether reinforcement is needed;
  • the need for decoration or decoration;
  • complexity of installation work;
  • the quality of the materials produced.


Gas silicate withstands loads better.

In the conditions of our country, houses are used to being built so that they stand for more than a dozen years. If we take into account the prices of building materials, it becomes clear that this is not only better, but simply necessary. Because of this, it becomes clear the desire to choose the most durable material for building walls. It must be remembered that the strength of gas silicate is much better than that of foam concrete. However, due to the reduced strength, such blocks are easily cut into the necessary parts, it is easier to make a hole or protrusions in them.

Gas silicate blocks resist various external loads much better. This helps them keep their original shape and not be painted during transportation or unloading. It follows from this that the erected building will come out much stronger.

From this comparison, it becomes clear that making a choice is difficult. Everything directly depends on what operations with the block will be performed. If it needs further processing, then better foam concrete. If you need a building with strong and even walls, then the best choice will be gas silicate.


Due to the fact that foam concrete has a special porous structure, the level of sound insulation is higher than that of similar gas silicate blocks. But this does not mean that additional soundproofing will not be needed.

thermal insulation

Have a warm and comfortable home all people want. And if we take into account that our winters are not too warm, then it becomes clear the desire not to constantly depend on heating appliances. Walls, in the construction of which foam blocks or gas silicate are used, need additional insulation. This is especially true for insulation outside the building. Gas silicate has a much higher thermal insulation, however, insulation work is necessary.

The difference between the blocks in the ability to absorb moisture

The ideal building must be dry. In this situation, it is, because they have an almost unique ability not to absorb moisture. Due to such resistance to moisture, experts advise waterproofing only outside the house, which is built from cellular materials. There are differences in gas silicate in terms of hygroscopicity, but not too significant. However, drying this type of material takes longer.

Installation work

An important advantage of gas silicate is the absence of "shrinkage".

An important factor in construction is the convenience of performing the main technological work. Therefore, the convenience of masonry with these materials is a big advantage. Foam concrete can be laid in any weather, even in rain, even in snow, even in frost. In addition, they can be used immediately after production. You can start construction immediately, as soon as the material was delivered to the right place.

And since gas silicate absorbs moisture quite strongly, it is used for construction only after the blocks are completely dry. However, plaster works more with them, and this has a beneficial effect on decoration and decoration.

Of all the types of building blocks, aerated concrete and gas silicate are most often confused, they have a similar structure and characteristics, and at first glance there is no difference between them. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of these materials is better, they are not universal and are not without drawbacks. But each of them has an optimal scope of application.

The prefix "gas-" implies that these concrete grades get their porous structure by adding to the solution chemical substances, emitting bubbles, both during heat treatment and in vivo. The final diameter of the cells varies from 1 to 3 mm, they have the correct round shape and evenly distributed throughout the volume, the porosity depends on the grade and reaches 80%. This allows the materials to retain heat well and isolate the premises from extraneous noise during minimum load to the foundation.

The differences lie in the composition and manufacturing technology. The raw material includes about 24% lime and 62% ground quartz sand, the rest is aluminum powder and alkaline additives. The mixture is poured into molds and undergoes obligatory autoclaving, the porousization of gas silicate begins at the moment of steaming under excessive pressure. The resulting brick is cut into pieces of the desired size with strings; the products are characterized by high geometric accuracy. Due to lime, they most often have White color.

The composition of the mixtures includes at least 50% of cement, the remaining components, in addition to aluminum powder, are different: from natural and environmentally friendly finely ground sands and minerals (including lime) to cheap products recycling(ash, slag). This brand of cellular concrete is obtained both by autoclaving, and by natural hardening or electrical heating. At the same time, steaming aerated concrete improves its strength and achieves the required performance characteristics, but the process of cell formation itself begins earlier, at the moment of connecting the components. The hydration (non-autoclave) variety hardens under atmospheric pressure, this manufacturing method is cheaper, but the process itself takes at least 28 days (standard cement hydration times).

Feature Comparison

In addition to different manufacturing technologies, differences appear during installation and operation: the gas slate has a lighter and more uniform structure, surpasses cement-based blocks in sound absorption capacity, but is inferior in resistance to external influences and durability. All types that have undergone autoclave treatment benefit in quality due to the uniform distribution of voids; it is they who are recommended to be chosen in the construction of reliable structures operated in conditions of normal humidity. The difference between aerated silicate and aerated concrete becomes more evident when comparing characteristics and properties:

Name of indication gas silicate aerated concrete
Grades by density 400 to 800 350 to 700
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m °С 0,096-0,14 0,14-0,3
Compressive strength class B1 to B5 Average B2.5
Vapor permeability, mg/m h Pa 0,17-0,25 0,2
Water absorption,% of the total mass 25-30 20-25
Frost resistance, cycles 35 50
Shrinkage, mm/m 0,17-0,24 0,3
Noise absorption ability High Medium
Flammability class NG
Estimated service life, years 50 70

Both materials are fireproof, but under the influence of an open flame, aerated concrete retains its shape longer and beneficial features. Also, despite the closed cell structure, these types of lightweight concrete absorb moisture well and require adequate protection against steam and precipitation. If there is a risk of getting wet, experts advise choosing cement-based products as more resistant (in such conditions, a difference of 5-10% can be decisive). The key difference is strength: due to heat treatment under pressure of 12-14 atm, gas silicate can withstand high loads well and is less prone to cracking.

The controversial characteristics include frost resistance and durability, declared by manufacturers of autoclave products of 100 cycles and 50 years in practice have not yet been confirmed. Construction forums claim that in both varieties the average value does not exceed 35 and it is worth focusing on it. In practice, gas silicate elements are inferior in this respect both due to the absence of cement in the composition and due to the greater water absorption, but in general the difference is insignificant.

What blocks are better to choose for building a house?

When comparing these materials, they are guided by:

  • Weight: with an equal strength class, aerated concrete blocks will be heavier, they exert a slightly greater load on the foundation.
  • The need for maximum energy savings: gas silicate retains heat better. Useful qualities both species appear exclusively in a dry state; with insufficient protection from moisture, there is no difference between them.
  • Geometric accuracy, in this regard, cut gas silicate elements win, their use reduces the cost of glue and finishing. For laying on a cement-sand mortar, it is better to choose non-autoclaved cellular concrete.
  • The difference in price, the availability of building materials. With an equal size, aerated concrete products are cheaper; blocks that solidify naturally, including self-made ones, are quite suitable for outbuildings and similar buildings.

Gas silicate is optimal for higher requirements for structural strength. Both conventional wall and partition products, as well as non-standard and tongue-and-groove products are used, the latter are valued for their good energy-saving properties and comfortable grip. The construction of a house from aerated concrete is chosen with a limited construction budget, its non-autoclave varieties are recommended when pouring monolithic walls and ceilings. These blocks remove moisture better and, unlike gas silicate blocks, do not accumulate it inside.

Both varieties need additional reinforcement when laying rows in load-bearing structures.

Moisture protection is carried out immediately, immediately after the end of shrinkage, with external wall decoration, preference is given to vapor-permeable materials or a system of ventilated facades. For these purposes, siding is excellent, it is inexpensive and does not crack.

The average cost of aerated concrete and gas silicate

Product type Manufacturer Grade by density Dimensions, mm Quantity in a cube, piece. Price for 1 m3, rubles
Autoclave blocks made of gas silicate
Septal Bonolit D500 600×150×250 44,4 3600
Wall structural and heat-insulating D400 600×400×250 16,7
Groove, wall Ytong D500 625×250×250 25,64 4200
Smooth wall D600 4900
Non-autoclaved aerated concrete blocks
partition walls Sibgazobeton D500 598×295×98 55,56 2600
wall 598×295×198 27,7 2700
D600 560×295×198 29,76
Autoclaved aerated concrete
Wall blocks Sibit D500; D600 625×400×250 16 4400
625×300×250 21,4
Tongue-and-groove, for laying on glue Betokam D350-D500 600×400×250 16,7 3150
Smooth wall D600 4000
D700 4200

Due to the simpler manufacturing technology, aerated concrete is cheaper compared to gas silicate, but this only applies to hydration varieties. quality autoclave blocks with high geometric accuracy cost at least 3400 rubles / m 3. The leaders among the producers of gas silicate are Hebel, Wehrhahn (ECO), Kostroma ZSM, aerated concrete - Betolex, Aerobel, Betokam.

Now cellular concretes, which include the well-known aerated concrete, foam concrete and gas silicate, are extremely popular, especially in private construction. However, many do not fully understand the difference between them, in particular, the difference between aerated concrete and gas silicate blocks, but it is.

The difference between aerated concrete and gas silicate lies in their composition and processing method, so let's take a closer look at the production method.

Production features

The aerated concrete block contains cement (this is the main component), sand, lime, water and aluminum powder, which guarantees the formation of air bubbles. Aerated concrete blocks can harden both in natural conditions and in special autoclaves. The second method, of course, is better and adds strength, reliability, thermal insulation, etc. to aerated concrete. The finished non-autoclaved block looks gray, as there is a lot of cement, the autoclaved one is almost white.

Gas silicate blocks, although they belong to cellular concrete, have a slightly different composition. It is dominated by sand - 62%, and lime - 24%, there is also aluminum powder. The finished composition hardens only in autoclave conditions. The result is blocks of white color.

It is worth noting that in fact, some domestic manufacturers produce something between aerated concrete and gas silicate - they add both lime and cement to the composition.

Advantages of aerated concrete and gas silicate

Before proceeding to the comparison, it is worth noting some common features of these types of cellular concrete. So, both aerated concrete and gas silicate have excellent heat and sound insulating properties, they are cheaper than brick, and far superior to it in terms of environmental friendliness, they are frost-resistant, fire-resistant, vapor-permeable, easy to process, install and finish, durable. All these qualities are expressed to a sufficient extent, but still differ slightly in these two materials.

Advantages of gas silicate over aerated concrete

Depending on the composition, finished blocks have certain properties that we can consider as positive or negative, starting from some ideal building material. It is worth noting that the question of which material is better - gas silicate or aerated concrete - is quite controversial and does not have a definitive answer, but you can derive this answer for yourself or for a specific situation.

  1. As a result of the preparation of gas silicate blocks, air bubbles are distributed throughout the volume more evenly, so that strength of such blocks is higher in comparison with aerated concrete. And as a result of this, the walls of the house are less likely to crack and shrink. That is why it is good to use gas silicate for the construction of load-bearing partitions, it is possible to build high-rise houses from it and all this at a density of 600 kg / m3. Similarly, for aerated concrete, if you want to build a house of 2-3 floors, it is better to use blocks with a density of 800-900 kg / m3 - this is according to the rules, but in practice blocks with a lower density are often used, but then it is difficult to predict the consequences.
  2. As a result of this, more correct location air bubbles gas silicate has and best performance in respect of soundproofing. So, if this indicator is important for you, and the requirements for the minimum sound transmission are put forward for the building, then it is better to choose gas silicate.
  3. If for someone important purely aesthetic properties, then the gas silicate is somewhat whiter autoclaved aerated concrete, and stands out significantly against the background of non-autoclaved.
  4. Gas silicate has the best heat and sound insulation properties. This is again explained by the peculiarities of the structure of the gas silicate block. But in this regard, aerated concrete should not be discounted, which also has excellent thermal insulation properties, which are only slightly inferior to gas silicate blocks, and in some cases are not inferior at all and even exceed gas silicate performance.

Advantages of aerated concrete over gas silicate


In fact, for the construction of one or two-story house perfect for both aerated concrete and gas silicate blocks, especially since domestic manufacturers themselves sometimes give out one for the other. According to their characteristics, they do not have radical and fundamental differences, but still there are some features. So, gas silicate blocks are stronger, but you will have to pay for this strength, but otherwise all the characteristics are very similar, and the difference between them is literally insignificant.

What better foam block or a gas silicate block, we will consider today in detail. In many ways, these two materials are quite similar, but there are some differences. And when deciding which gas silicate or foam block is better, you need to look at the characteristics of the material and the type of structure. Also on the video in this article and photo you can get Additional information on this issue.

Material characteristics

The difference between a gas silicate block and a foam block lies in the characteristics of the materials. They are both widely used in construction work.

Choosing desired material It is necessary to look at the specifics of the use of the premises themselves. After all, they build not only residential premises, but also use blocks for construction and technical buildings.

Features of foam blocks

A high quality construction material, produced in accordance with the norms and requirements of the state standard, has undoubted advantages compared to similar products.

It is worth listing the most significant points regarding foam concrete:

  • Foam concrete has good strength. Its density is 1200 kg/m3. It has served for at least 50 years. After release, the foam blocks mature to brand strength within 10 years. The most durable varieties of foam blocks allow you to build structures up to four floors high.
  • Since the foam blocks are light in weight, their installation is not difficult.. The speed of construction is much higher than with any other material. The light weight of foam block structures means less stress on the foundation.
  • The insignificant thermal conductivity of the material is due to its porous structure. A foam block wall is fashionable to be three times thinner than a brick wall.
  • The high quality of foam concrete and its environmental friendliness are comparable only with wood structures. If the environmental friendliness of wood corresponds to 1, then for the foam block this indicator is 2 with a brick index of 10.
  • The use of foam blocks provides buildings with good sound insulation. It is extremely necessary when erecting structures in airport areas or near railway lines. A foam block of ten centimeters thickness reduces the noise level by 43 dB.
  • It is very easy to work with the foam block, the material is perfectly cut and polished.
  • Micropores of foam blocks allow the house to breathe. This makes the indoor climate lively and comfortable. Mold and fungus will not bother with their presence.
  • The high speed of construction from this material attracts specialists.
  • Foam blocks are completely fireproof.

The material also has certain disadvantages, because when deciding how the foam block differs from the gas silicate block, one must remember about them:

  • First of all, you must always remember the composition of the foam blocks. Aluminum powder is used to release the material. It is necessary for the process of gas formation. Each cubic meter of raw materials for the production of foam blocks requires 0.4 kg of powder. The result is a material whose composition is chemically active. Air oxygen quickly oxidizes aluminum. This process negatively affects the quality of the building material.
  • In the finished foam block there is 20 kg per cubic meter of bound aluminum, which has significant chemical activity. According to the manufacturer, foam concrete has excellent consumer characteristics and is completely safe. But to fulfill the conditions for using this material, all foam block structures require the most careful finishing (see). This leads to an increase in the cost of the structure as a whole.

Among other negative aspects of the use of foam concrete, mention should be made of:

  1. The need to use for laying foam concrete blocks is not an ordinary cement-sand mixture (see), but a special adhesive composition. Manufacturers prefer to remain silent about this. However, this requirement must be met, otherwise the thermal insulation performance of the structure is significantly reduced. The adhesive composition has thermal characteristics similar to those of foam concrete itself. cement mixtures differ significantly in this respect. When laying foam blocks, cement joints turn out to be wider than the adhesive composition. This negatively affects the strength of the structure and the cost of construction.
  2. The high price of the adhesive composition and the need to dilute it during use are negative factors. There are no complaints about the quality of the composition and the quality of the resulting masonry, the material is used sparingly. But glue costs twice as much cement mortar. This makes construction more expensive.
  3. The production of foam concrete blocks occurs with the use of lime. Lime is required for a chemical reaction leading to the creation of a cellular structure in the material. Lime has no negative properties, but in contact with metal, it affects it negatively. In the presence of lime, metal reinforcement undergoes intense corrosion processes. Its alkaline reaction leads to the destruction of the metal and a decrease in the strength of the structure. The applied metal protection does not guarantee the absence of corrosion after some time. Under any circumstances, the cost of construction increases.

Specificity of gas blocks

Aerated concrete is considered a successful invention. It is made from available raw materials, which allows the production of aerated concrete in large quantities. It requires sand, lime and cement.

Aerated concrete refers to cellular concrete, has a porous structure.

The advantages of the material when used in construction are as follows:

  • Incredible cheapness of aerated concrete.
  • Excellent thermal insulation performance. The material is excellent at retaining heat. This allows you to reduce heating costs, and in summer it does not require cooling of the room.
  • It is very convenient to work with aerated concrete. The significant dimensions of the blocks, ridges, grooves, grips and the low weight of the material make it easy to cope with the construction of structures. Aerated concrete is easy to install, transport, perfectly cut, it can be polished.
  • Its vapor permeability is highly valued. The structure of the material in the form of cells allows steam to freely exit the heated building.
  • Exterior walls made of aerated concrete do not require insulation.
  • The material dries quickly due to its high vapor permeability. To maintain this quality, the plaster should not be covered with a layer of paint.
  • Aerated concrete does not provide negative impact on health.

Among the weaknesses of aerated concrete, it is worth noting its increased fragility, noticeable thermal conductivity, significant water absorption, low compressive strength for blocks with low thermal conductivity. To negate the influence of negative factors during construction, you should simply select aerated concrete blocks with the necessary characteristics.

Manufacturing of materials

Lightweight concrete is produced from environmentally friendly raw materials. The most different ways production, technological processes differ significantly from each other.

Foam block option:

  • Connection of components with the addition of foaming additives
  • Mechanical mixing of concrete with foam
  • Curing in vivo
  • The use of inexpensive equipment for the release of material, available to the average entrepreneur (see). The material is often produced by very small artisanal enterprises.
  • Products usually have a flat surface. Noticeable deviations in the size of the blocks make masonry difficult and degrade its quality.

Production of gas blocks:

  • Creation of a cellular structure due to the chemical reaction of the components
  • The need for autoclaving for greater material strength
  • Possibility of release only in the conditions of a large enterprise with the use of technologically expensive equipment. The quality of gas blocks in many respects surpasses the quality of handicraft foam blocks.
  • Gas silicate blocks have an ideal geometry. It allows you to quickly mount structures, make them very durable, almost monolithic.

Raw materials for making blocks

These two types of cellular type concrete are considered materials with excellent environmental characteristics. Sometimes questions arise regarding the use of aluminum powder used in the manufacture of aerated concrete. This component is not included in the finished product.

  • The production of foam blocks occurs using water, cement, lime and other additives. Industrial wastes - slags, etc. can be used. Washing liquor is present among the required components. It is necessary to create a cellular structure of concrete.
  • Aerated concrete includes water, lime, sand, cement. Be sure to use aluminum paste. Aluminum powder is chemically active and can be harmful to health. During the manufacture of the product, pure aluminum is completely chemically bound; it is not dangerous for the body in the finished product.

What is the difference between foam concrete and gas silicate

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to determine how gas silicate blocks differ from foam blocks:

  • The production of foam concrete requires only the use of high-grade cement, sand and a chemical blowing agent. This circumstance makes it possible to produce material of good quality even in a handicraft way. This threatens to purchase a low-quality product on the market. It is difficult for the uninitiated to define marriage.
  • The manufacture of gas silicate needs more components. Among the stages of the process must necessarily be processing in an autoclave. It is possible to create conditions for material processing only at a developed modern enterprise, since too much pressure is required and heat. This material can only be released at a large industrial facility.
  • The difference between a foam block and a gas silicate block is also in appearance. Aerated concrete has a white color, it has a homogeneous structure. Foam concrete looks much grayer.

Application and protection against moisture

These two cellular concretes have a very small specific gravity. The dimensions of blocks made of two types of concrete are much more sizes bricks. This contributes to faster block laying.

Attention: We have to remember that with all the advantages of cellular concrete blocks, moisture is detrimental to them. The construction will require a strip foundation with reliable waterproofing.

  • With the completion of the construction of a structure made of foam block or gas silicate, surface protection from impacts will be required external environment. A good option for this is siding. It will cover the structure from precipitation of any kind.
  • The ingress of moisture on both types of concrete is highly undesirable. It significantly worsens specifications designs.

Features of the structure of materials

Silicate blocks and foam blocks are also different in their structure:

  • Closed pores appear in foam concrete. Buildings from it are distinguished by excellent thermal insulation. The soundproofing characteristics of the walls are also very good. Foam concrete does not absorb water as intensively as aerated concrete. Yet without exterior finish in this case is not necessary.
  • A microcellular structure with microcracks is created in aerated concrete. In aerated concrete, water absorption occurs more strongly. For him, it is absolutely necessary to create a coating to protect against moisture.

Material strength

The strength of both cellular concrete is largely determined by the specific gravity. For foam concrete, the density can be from 650 to 711 kg / m3, aerated concrete is lighter - 450 kg / m3. it would seem that aerated concrete should yield in strength.

  • Still, it's not entirely obvious. Application modern technologies and release under industrial production conditions make gas silicate blocks no less durable than foam concrete, the density of which is twice as high.
  • Aerated concrete has the best quality and sufficient strength. Buildings made of it will be durable. Its use increases construction costs, which must be taken into account when choosing. For construction, it is worth choosing aerated concrete even at its higher cost. Savings in this matter does not make sense.

The specifics of the use of materials

Both types of foam blocks are commonly used in low-rise construction.

If foam concrete is used:

Then aerated concrete can go to:

  • Partitions
  • Bearing structures
  • frames of monolithic buildings from this material can be used to build high-rise buildings, if stiffening belts are provided.

Which material is warmer

Foam blocks or silicate blocks have an increased heat capacity. It is important to understand at the stage of determining the material, which of them will allow you to get a warm building.

  • With low frost resistance of aerated concrete, its important advantage is the ideal geometry of each block. Laying from it with the use of cement-adhesive compounds allows you to make the structure almost monolithic. The fit quality of these blocks is very high. This means minimizing the effect of cold bridges.
  • Much can be understood from the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Aerated concrete D 500 has its knowledge of 0.12, foam concrete D 700 has half the coefficient.
  • In foam blocks, thermal resistance is high. The material perfectly accumulates thermal energy. This makes it possible to reduce heat consumption when heating buildings and structures. At the same time, the walls of the building made of foam concrete should be twice as thick as the walls built from gas blocks.
  • Structures made of aerated concrete are twice as warm as structures made of foam concrete with an equal wall thickness. It will be necessary to insulate the building and construct a ventilated facade for a more comfortable environment in the house.

The cost of foam concrete and aerated concrete

The price sometimes affects the final decision:

  • Aerated concrete blocks are produced on expensive equipment using a complex technology, which in itself requires serious costs.
  • Foam blocks can be produced at handicraft industries. Sometimes they are produced directly at the construction site. They are of lower quality than aerated concrete. The geometry of the foam blocks is not ideal, which affects the process of their laying.
  • Aerated concrete is more expensive. With more expensive construction, the gain in the use of aerated concrete lies in the durability of the structure. The ideal dimensions of the material allow minimizing the consumption of glue when laying blocks. Foam blocks usually need more mortar for masonry, because they do not have the correct geometry of the forms. It is possible to correct material errors only with an additional amount of cement mortar during masonry.

Foam blocks or gas silicate blocks, which is better for you to determine in your particular case. After all, you have to start from this. By doing the work yourself, you will significantly reduce costs. And for all types of work detailed instructions on our website.
