The bedroom is the most intimate place in the whole house. The whole interior of the room should have calmness. Of course, the curtains play in all this not an unimportant role. When choosing a bedroom curtain, you must comply with certain rules.

What curtains to choose for bedroom

First of all, the cloth must be high quality. Its density directly affects the number of light in the room. Also should be given attention and color scheme. Curtains should not be too different from the rest of the color solution in the bedroom.

Some are trying to pick up the curtains in the tone of bed linen. However, such a choice will be a bit cost, as the bed is changing at least once a few weeks. Curtains will not be so often replaced.

Most often there are the following types of curtains in the bedroom.

Curtains with lambrenenom

The lambrequen is a horizontal strip of dense tissue, which adorns the top of the curtain composition. Complemented by various decorations, like brushes, swans or cutouts. If earlier Lambreken was considered an indicator of luxury, today it is a very common type of curtain in the bedroom.

It is best to choose natural fabrics: silk, flax or cotton. Ecology is very important in the bedroom, as it is responsible for our strong and healthy sleep. As for the length, it is necessary to choose everything individually.

If the bedroom is associated with the twilight, then the best way There will be long curtains with lambrequin. By types of lambrequins are divided into rigid glow and soft piles. The first option is a rigid nonwoven canvas of various shapes.

Soft piles are pieces of fabric that smoothly descend along the curtains. They are perfectly harmonized with the main material and in the end it turns out to look at the one-piece composition.

Roman and rolled

The most economical type of curtains, so ki included the smallest amount of fabric costs. Great for small bedrooms, where such curtains do not contribute to the weighting of the entire interior. Often used in the style of minimalism. Move from natural tissues. Length usually reaches the windowsill.

Rolled curtains are like Roman. The main difference is that the fabric is impregnated with a special solution that protects the curtains from burnout from sunlight.

Used as an independent decor element or in combination with other curtains. Do not carefully care. It is enough to wipe them with a soap solution with a soft washcloth.

Curtains on lover

The chammetes are metal or wooden rings that can be both corded and placed on the outside of the curtains. The main advantage of such curtains is that they are easily moving in different directions.

It is very convenient for the bedroom, where it is necessary to adjust the flow of daylight into the room. The cozy atmosphere is asked for wooden chammetes on wooden carnous. The fabric is quite dense in such curtains. She is not going to the fold, but smoothly and beautifully hangs down. Diverse and drawing on such curtains.


Such curtains perfectly serve as an independent decor of the bedroom. In this case, it is necessary to properly combine the texture and color solution. Mainly use shades of the same color. Another option is a combination with neutral: white, bedtime, sandy. For more extravagant people, you can play in contrasts. Then such curtains will make all the attention to themselves.


Conquered increasingly and more popularity. The main advantages of such curtains. The length reaches the windowsill, thereby freeing radiators during the heating season. So warmth is easier to get into the room.

Short curtains are easier to wash and do not have to suffer when ironing. The perfect option for curtains, if the bedroom has access to the balcony. Short curtains are most often used in country style or Provence. It is better to choose curtains with a printed pattern, which is better protecting from sunlight.


Modern design of blinds will greatly decorate any bedroom. In addition, they have significant advantages over fabric curtains. Do not be washing. It is enough to wipe with a wet sponge.

You can smoothly adjust the passage of sunlight into the bedroom. Do not burn out in the sun. Keep the heat entered into the room. Protect from the penetration of noise from the street.


Predicts the bedroom airiness and comfort. Thanks to its transparency, makes a room visually larger in the area. As a rule, the length of the tulle must be two or three times longer than the cornice. This will create a beautiful draper.

However, the folds should not be made too often if the tulle is embroidered or has a stinging pattern. Most often, material for tuna serves organza, viscose, veil. It is becoming increasingly popular to use such a type of tulle as Kiese.

Combination of curtains with other interior items

A competently selected curtain variant must be harmonized with other parts of the bedroom interior. Otherwise, it is imbalance.

It is recommended that the curtains and bedspreads are made from one type of fabric, and also corresponded to the rest of the room. The fabric should be tight enough so that in the evening the day it was not seen from the street with the entire setting in the room.

A very strong effect is obtained if the curtains have one ornament, and the covered is repeated with a shade of the pattern. This principle is valid and vice versa.

As for the combination of curtains with wallpaper, then the situation is a bit more difficult.

Here are some rules of harmonious combination:

  • It is important that one element is lighter or darker than the other. However, this transition must be smooth.
  • One color gamut is allowed, but a different ornament or drawing.
  • The color is the same, the texture is the opposite: matte curtains, but glossy wallpaper.

It is also possible a combination of curtains with upholstered furniture. This is an easy way to combine. It is enough to choose the texture of the fabric for something one, and all other elements make the same tissue.

In addition to the color, you can make the same pattern. And with a big desire can be combined as color gamutand drawing. However, it should be careful not to overdo it. Then the interior will look too heavy and uncomfortable.


Shades of brown or beige colour Create a cozy atmosphere. Such a color is very often used in the decor bedrooms. Brown shades are perfectly combined with other colors: blue, green or golden. Moreover, brown color Visually increases the room. Excellent option for a small bedroom. It causes a feeling of calm and security. The color looks elegant and expensive.

Green color Associated with harmony. The bedroom with such curtains is filled with a peace. Looking at such a color eye rest. Shades of green perfectly fit into any interior style.

Purple shades In combination with green and golden colors, create a magic atmosphere in the bedroom. The curtains of such a color rarely find their connoisseur.

Pink color Speaking with some causative agent. Bright colors are not recommended to hang in the bedroom - a place of rest and calm. However, if you choose combined optionlike tulle light color and curtains with bright pink tintThe room will seem richly decorated.

Black curtains Can create an illusion of dusk and gloomy. With a competent combination of this color with other shades, the bedroom will acquire a very elegant look. The room must have good lighting.

Black color is not the best option for a children's bedroom or kitchen.

Shades of blue Colors give the room a severity. It is best to dilute such a color with golden or white color.

Orange or yellow Brings joy. Such curtains are suitable for the children's room.

What material to choose

The material curtains for the bedroom is very important. It depends on how the curtains will look and whether folds will form. Depending on the style of the interior, the material of the curtains can be selected both air and more dense.

You should also properly combine tissue when combining several types of curtains. All materials can be divided into two types: natural and synthetic.

Natural fabrics are primarily flax, cotton. Linen curtains do not fade in the sun for a long time and do not sit when washing. The main drawback is very easy.

Cotton material burns out under the action of sunlight. Therefore, its composition includes polyester. Silk can also be attributed to natural material. So that such curtains do not fade too quickly, they are complemented by a synthetic lining. Silk curtains look expensive in any interior.

Synthetic type of material Used more often for curtains. The main type of fabric - viscose. It allows you to make various folds that come to the interior of the interior. Such curtains look beautiful in classic style.

The perfect option for combining several types of curtains. Synthetic curtains have good quality, while the price of them is less than on natural materials.

Modern curtains in bedroom design

To date, the varieties of the following types of curtains are very popular:

London. When lifting such curtains in the middle, a beautiful fold is formed, and on the sides - bows. The current season trend is a Scottish cell with a floral pattern.

French. This type of curtains is made of silk or organza. Different with beautiful folds. PRESENTAL STYLE OF APPLICATION - Baroque.

Roman. Excellent option for small bedrooms. Length to the window sill allows you to use space for an additional storage location.

Little Bedroom Curtains

Not everyone boasts a large bedroom area. Therefore, it is very important to create an atmosphere of ease in such a room. In a small bedroom, one-photon curtains will look harmoniously. Drawing or embroidery is not welcome. It is also better to avoid volumetric folds. They visually reduce the room. It is best to pick up curtains with horizontal stripes.

Bedroom Curtains Teenager

The children's room should be cozy and comfortable. The curtain material should be easy and does not require complex care. Also better abandon synthetic tissues. They often accumulate dust, which can cause allergies.

All colors should be harmonized between themselves and do not wear screaming, as it can cause excitement and aggression in a teenager. If the window is located in the sunny side, it is necessary to protect the room from overheating and bright light as possible.

Most often B. modern design For a teenager's room, Roman or rolled curtains are used. They easily control the flow of daylight into the bedroom. At the same time require a minimum of care.

The ideas of the curtains for the bedroom should fit the style of the entire premises. This, along with all other elements, is an important detail of the interior.

So, for the classics it is appropriate to use the classic complex dealers with drapery or lambrene. Those who adhe fashion trends, you can take a combination consisting of Roman and rolled curtains, Blinds and Gardina.

How to choose and sew curtains on the windows visible on the video. This article proposes to consider how one or another type of product in the bedroom is chosen.

Decorative pillows, covered on the bed and textiles on the windows should be combined with a soft upholstery of furniture.

At the same time, a storm can be different:

  • Strict style.
  • Coquetty-romantic style.

Here are two ways:

  1. several photo examples to determine the direction;
  2. a wish;
  3. patience and perseverance;
  4. master Tips.

In addition to the fact that the price of such curtains will be significantly less, the process of independent making them is also interesting.

Tip: Despite the fact that you can buy ready-made curtains, it is better to sew them yourself. A large selection of material, original designs will allow you to transform the bedroom, make it an individual, unusual, beautiful and elegant.

How to sew curtains

The main requirements for curtains in the bedroom are:

  • Elegant view.
  • Combination in color, style and texture with room design.
  • High tissue density that will not allow the light to penetrate the street from the street and protects the resting room from an extraneous eye.
  • Functionality, creating harmony, calm, security, comfort and comfort.

The most suitable canvas can be chosen in several samples of the fabric strips that will be mixed as much as possible with the interior of the bedroom. The bedroom serves for rest, so everyone located in it details of the decor, it costs it to fit and configure a strong, calm sleep.
Here, nothing should be annoyed, all the colors have a calm, better pastel shade. Therefore, when choosing fabric for curtains, it is necessary to take into account this factor as one of the main.

Tip: For the one who first decided to sew the curtains, you need to take a natural tight fabric, better than flax or dense cotton. Otherwise, with the "pulling" examples, it is rather difficult to work, the seams can turn out to be curves, folds are uneven and not too tidy.

How the material for sewing curtains is selected

When choosing a tissue for sewing curtains each think differently:

  • Most often, textiles are taken with patterns, golden or dark green. The latter must be chosen so that it is combined with the color of the bedspread and color decision Rooms where they will be used. If the beautiful cloth is selected for the curtains, then the products will turn out excellent, it will be hard to tear away from them. If there is bright room in the decoration saturated colors and various ornaments, large drawings, for the curtains you need to take a monochrome nonsense fabric. With a calm interior of the room, and the decoration of the walls by unsuccessful patterns, you can use bright fabric. In this case, beautiful and original curtains Perfectly complement the room and attract the attention of the entire decor of the room.
  • Curtains made independently should not merge with the situation that surrounds them, which requires a very careful thinking of this issue.
  • It is not worthwhile to use the curtain to use satin or silk fabric. It is better to use velvet, velor, cotton, flax, organza, jacquard and pass, taking into account the fabric for curtains.

How to choose a design curtain

The basic condition for choosing is a harmonious combination of all components of the interior. An ideal option is the one that implies the use of curtains, bedspreads and decorative pillows from the same textile.
If there is no such possibility, you must at least follow the style of elements. Options Curtains may differ not only by texture and color, but also the mechanism of splen.
There are basic types of indoor curtains:

  • Roman. They are customary to attribute to the classics. They combine modern practicality and classical elegance. You can make items with light or dense fabric.
  • English.
  • Elegant and compact rolled curtains.
  • French and Austrian models look more magnificent in the raised state. They can give the placement of pompousness, so it is better to take them for the living room or for the room with a large square.
  • Classic style lovers can use sliding curtains or dense fabric Italian curtains. They are not very difficult to do themselves: this is a rectangular cloth, which is collected diagonally into the folds with cords and rings located on the offline of the curtains.
  • Various fabrics and sewing methods allow you to give a curtain on the window view of horizontal blinds. Such products should be placed in small bedrooms.
  • Gains increasingly popular in modern decoration space. Their advantage is the possibility of operation on different windows, with a variety of texture fabrics.

Technology tailoring curtains

After selecting the fabric and the necessary additional accessories, you can start sewing the product.
The procedure for holding work is as follows:

  • Measures and cutting material are carried out. For this, the length and width of the curtain is determined, the required canvas is cut off.

Tip: It is necessary to remember a small reserve, approximately 15 cm wide and about 30 cm length. In case of error, you will not need to apply maximum effort to correct it, and sometimes it will be impossible.

  • On special tables, the material markup is marked in professional workshops, at home this can be done on the floor.
  • For work, a special centimeter is used, straight lines are delineated by a thin chalk, you can take a piece of soap.
  • Before sewing the curtains, do it yourself in the bedroom, the stitching of the seam on the fabric is stroked the iron. In this case, the edges will become smooth, and the work is confident and more convenient.

How to sew curtains with lambrene

"Labreken" is the top of the curtain that serves binder link between two halves curtains. It is assigned a aesthetic function and, moreover, it improves the protection of the room from the receipt of sunlight.

The instruction indicates that the lambrequin width in Call is accurately calculated for the construction of such curtains. Here, the length of the eaves is multiplied by a specific fold assembly coefficient.
With one-sided folds, it is 3, then a 6 cm is added to this number, which is required for the processing of seams and shrinkage of the material.
The form of lambrequin Niza can be different:

  • Emind.
  • With oblique baker.

The usual drapery tape is sewn to the top. Patterns Curtains for the bedroom with their own hands include lining, to increase the density of the structure.

When creating a curtain, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Clips, to hold the curtains.
  • The cloth.
  • Cornice.
  • Furnitura.
  • Set of threads.
  • Pins.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Merial tools.
  • Scissors.
  • Meter bar.
  • Iron.

How to sew the curtain

Shutters, decorated with cloth, look great in the kitchen, sleeping and children's room.
For independent manufacture They will be needed:

  • Fabric decorative, pins, threads for sewing to tone fabric.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors, pencil, line.
  • Nail polish colorless.

Tip: Before starting work, you should find the right patterns of the bedroom curtains with your own hands, which will make it easier to perform further operations.

  • A cut of the tissue is taken from which the gear border will be sewn, in the size of the curtains and its edges are processed.
  • From the outer edge of the part 1.3 cm retreats, the poda line is planned. This uses a ruler and pencil.
  • Similar lines are carried out on the sides of the part, at the same distance of 1.3 cm from the edge.
  • At 6 mm, the inner edge of the product is prevented.
  • The product is measured between the side pods. The resulting value is divided into an even number of sections. From the width, which will depend on the width of the elements: the wider sections, the larrright there will be cloves.
  • They are outlined by the points of the sections along the pencil line of the external pent.
  • When decorating the toothed rolling of the top of the curtain, the number of teeth should be a multiple of the number of loops or rings intended for fastening the curtain to the eaves.
  • Another line is applied to the item, parallel line of external podium. Between these lines there should be a distance equal to the height of the teeth, to decorate the ruffle.
  • Points for teeth on the second line.
  • The points located on the opposite lines are connected, while not to go out for the outlined boundaries.
  • 1.3 cm of stock are added to the edges of the cloves.
  • The ruffle is applied to the curtain, for decorating tooths, the sections are combined and cleaned with pins.
  • When decorating the top of the curtains, twice the side of its side allowances.
  • Together with the edge of the curtains, the decorative detail is cut into close, while the scissors move along the zigzag line, previously scheduled for a pencil.
  • The roller gear is laid. Complete and stitched all points, strokes stroke.

Tip: To prevent the scratching of the threads, it is necessary to carefully miss colorless nail polish curly cut and give it to dry.

  • Oracle is stroked from the front side.
  • A rebel is applied again to the curtain, the parts are cleaned and attached.
  • Manually stitched gear edges.
  • Curtain is finally stitched.

Cut with cloth flip can be decorated with a curtain along the inner or upper edge.

How to sew a roman curtain

Roman curtains are made of dense tissues that hold well.
The tools required for the embodiment, conceived:

  • Rake, shorter short curtains.
  • Tape for finishing - "Velcro" and braid.
  • Carnations of small sizes.
  • Plastic rings or metal diameter 12 mm.
  • Nylon cord, the length of which is equal to one width of the curtains and two lengths.

To start the manufacture of the Roman curtains, the windows width is measured, the future width of the curtains. 5 cm is added to the obtained value.
The length includes the height of the window plus a 12 cm allowance, which is necessary at the bottom edge for double bending and the seam on the top. From the wrong side, the lines of the backs, the line, where the folds and points are located, which are sewn rings are marked on the stroke.
From the line of the lower edge for the first fold you need to postpone the distance equal to half the width of the fold. At the same distance, all the following lines are located, it is equal to the width of the fold.

Further work is carried out in the following order:
  • Side edges are laid.
  • "Velcro" on the bottom of the bar are stuffed.
  • The tip of the top edge of the curtains is edged with the cloth, the velcro is sewn.
  • The lower cut of the curtains is root and a double flap is connected to it. 5 cm wide.
  • Over the folds of the folds, the finishing border is sewn, it serves as the basis for further attachment of the rails, on which the rings are arranged. Top on the bar are attached rings, otherwise the curtains will not be able to rise.
  • TO window frame A cord fastener can be recorded. The remaining shoelaces along the rings below are populated up to the base of the bar. It is necessary that all the laces come out on one side.
  • For a uniform distribution of folds, cords are tightened, and in this position is fixed using braid.
  • On the frame is attached wooden bar.The ribbons are removed, the curtain straightens.
  • Cords are stretched through the handle designed to lift the curtains, and is tied at a distance of 50 cm another node. A bit below the nodule ends of the elements are cut. After that, the fastener is fixed on the window frame and is winding to fix the curtains.

Now most owners prefer to order the manufacture of the porter in the workshops. This is because many consider tailoring the curtains too complicated. In fact, to sew curtains for the bedroom with their own hands simple enough. And such a job will not take much time.

Scheme patterns for sewing curtains.

Usually, for the manufacture of multi-layer porter, decorated with lambrequin or rolling, you need only 2-3 free evenings and the minimum skill skills. If you know some nuances and the rules of sewing, then even a beginner master will cope with such work.

Making a bedroom with your own hands

Tailoring of any product, including curtains in the bedroom, begins with a model selection. It must be borne in mind that the curtains serve not only by the window decor. They also bring comfort and comfort to the premises. Therefore, it is not necessary to stop your choice on too frother ideas. Pay attention to fairly simple and laconic models.

Scheme of Austrian curtains.

In addition, it is not difficult to make such a curtain with your own hands for the bedroom. Before sewing curtains, carefully think about their appearance. You must initially represent the finished result.

Tailoring the curtains in the bedroom begins with the removal of the necessary measure. You will need the following dimensions:

  1. Distance from cornice to the floor.
  2. Carnis width.
  3. The width of the window opening, taking into account the wall section, which will be closed with finished curtains.

The dimensions are calculated based on these parameters. For the formation of beautiful folds, the width of the pilnels is increased by 2.5-3 times. If you want to sew curtains consisting of 1 solid panels, then its width should be equal to the length of the eaves with the margin of the folding material. For separate panels, this parameter is divided into 2.

Scheme of the Roman curtains.

This rule is relevant for decorative details, such as rolling or lambrequins. Do not be afraid to take on sewing such, it would seem difficult parts. After all, you can not only sew the curtains with your own hands, but also decorate them so that you have a truly exclusive model.

You can change the specified sizes on your own. All items in the proposed example are lined in the form of simple rectangles. Accordingly, sew curtains for their bedroom work will not be.

Sewing curtains in the bedroom

Before sewing the curtains on the proposed example, it is not necessary to make the pattern. All the necessary sizes and tags are applied directly to the fabric. It is best to do this from the wrong side with a piece of chalk or dry soap.

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Roll curtain scheme.

In order to sew the curtains, you will need the following tools:

  • santimeter tape or construction roulette;
  • portnovo scissors;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads and needles for designer.

Placing the curtains, do not forget about the letters for the bending. Usually, with side sides, they leave 1.5-2 cm, from the upper edge - 2-3 cm, and from the bottom - 5-7 cm. The same allowances are left for processing the ruffles.

After the curtain is marked, it must be cut. It is wiser to cover all the elements at the same time. So you can be sure that the material is enough for the entire selected design.

Now you need to sew curtains. First tremble lateral sections. They are converted, they are roaring, they are cleaned with pins and make a machine line to the edge, 1.5-2 mm from the bend of the fabric. Remember that the thinner the material, the shorter itch should be stitch.

After the side edges are stopped, you can go bending the top. Usually it is drawn up the same as side sections. Only the bending break should be wider. If the cloth for curtains is thin, then the allowance must be duplicated with glue gasket. Lastly handle the bottom of the product.

How to sew a fine tissue curtains

Table of tissue for sewing curtains.

As a rule, make the curtains with their own hands from dense tissues. It is harder to handle fine materials. But it is precisely such corders for the bedroom look especially impressive. But with this task you can easily cope if you know some tricks.

Measuring the necessary height and width of a transparent curtain, gently cut the top edge of the fabric, aligning it. Select the material on a width of 1.7-2.5 cm. This is such a bending will allow you to hide small snatch errors. If you decide to sew a bedroom curtains from a material containing a high percentage of artificial fibers, then the bending need not only come down, but also fit. Otherwise, the fabric will slide, and the seam will be uneven.

Make sure that the tension of the upper and lower thread is the same. Otherwise, Tulle can go waves. Stitch must be average. Put the regulator to the 2.5-3 mark.

Estate the chart on the floor, best on the carpet, aligning the lower edge of the fabric with the edge of the palace. Schedule the material and measure the desired height in several places. Make it with pins and notify the fold of the upper edge. Next, the bedroom curtains need to be checked for a degree of savory. For this, the canvas are fixed on the wall or hang on the cornice, forming the draper (giving the curtain that it will result in the end). Make the necessary changes to the top bending. Only then turn it finally, delete, notify and delay.

If you sew the curtains with your own hands, and do not buy ready, then do not be lazy to perform all the work as carefully as possible.

Only then can you be sure of the impeccable result.

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Making fasteners in the form of a loop

Scheme of wide fabric loops.

Before sewing curtains, think about the method of their attachment on the eaves. You can use a curtain tape for this, clips or recordings. But no less effectively look the curtains on the loops. In addition to attractive external view They have other advantages. For example, such fasteners are not noisy when the curtains are rushing or moved that it is important for the bedroom.

For making loops, trimming remaining from the cutting of the main curtains. The loop blank should be equal to the cornice diameter with the addition of 5-7 cm of an allowance for free fickling. Also, do not forget about the bending point. The width of the loop completely depends on your desire. Usually in folded form, this parameter is 4-6 cm. Pretches can be made so that both of their edges are sewn to the curtain. Either one edge can be left open, handling a loop on it. Then the curtain can be easily removed from the cornice.

Cutting curtains for the bedroom, make and blank for loops. They are sewn after the top edge of the curtain is completely processed. If you want to hang on the loop multi-layer curtains, then all items need to fit together and process the upper slice as a single part. If you chose a thin fabric for curtains in the bedroom, then it will not be difficult. The tight material can be stamped with oblique baker.

Making pickup for curtains

Pattern of pickups for curtains.

Pickup is a small, but important element in the design of the curtains. He not only sticks the panel pilot in open videoBut also forms their beautiful drapering. This item can not be sewed, but to buy ready. For example, with the curtains for the bedroom made in the classic style, the pickups in the form of bronze or silver hooks mounted directly into the wall are ideally combined.

Pickages can be fantasy. It is very interesting to look at the details collected from beads woven from braid or made of lace. With curtains, stitched from the coarse cloth, the rope pickles are perfectly combined. They are the usual cut of a thick cotton rope, decorated at the ends of an intricate node or brushes. But if you decide to sew the curtains with your own hands, then it is logical and pick up the pickups yourself.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsewing the curtains for the bedroom with their own hands to many of the representatives of weak gender comes after they will get acquainted with the prices for the services of Atelier. This is far from cheap pleasure. Therefore, the hostesses of the home of the hearty take everything under their leadership: Develop an individual design and personally sew the curtains for the bedroom in accordance with the wishes and the common style of the room so that as a result, each element looks harmonious and fashionable. When women driven by adventurism, try to create and emphasize the style of the interior for home, they experience an unforgettable pleasure and joy, supported by the praise surrounding.

Modern bedrooms are not just a place to sleep, but also a kind of refuge for the person who spends the whole day in the active mode. Therefore, it should be beautiful, comfortable and cozy. The curtains are a thin touch that allows you to significantly complement the aesthetic idea, while feeling creative possibilities when sewing the curtains without special skills.

Curtains in the bedroom must harmonize with the common interior style

Modern curtains and material selection for them

The concept of design curtains for the bedroom is a combination of such criteria as aesthetics and fluid penetration controls from the window into the room. You can achieve this if you sew curtains, combining transparent and dense materials.

The romantic atmosphere in the bedroom interior is able to create classic curtains

If you want to emphasize the notes of the romance bedroom, it is recommended to focus on the classic style, but so that it is combined with a common design and every element of the room in particular. Italian curtains attached to the window to the wall and even to the ceiling are suitable for almost every interior. Also very beautiful will look if you sew curtains for the bedroom with your own hands in Roman or japanese style. Such fabric canvases are attached by the ends on the metal eaves or due to special rigid inserts. The curtains for the bedroom in the style of minimalism are excellent.

In general, the modern manifold of furniture, accessories and various finishing materials It gives rise to constant improvement of the range of tissues and additional elements, so that you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Hostess at home or apartment who decided to replace the wear curtains in the bedroom on their own should begin with a choice suitable material. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements for characteristics, as their purpose is not limited to the concept of decoration, they serve to protect the bedroom from unwanted curiosity and room lighting.

Important requirements for sewing curtains for bedroom with their own hands are to create:

  1. Aesthetic species.
  2. Combines with a common design room in all parameters.
  3. Obstacles to the penetration of light.
  4. Functionality.

To select the most suitable option It is recommended to compare 2-3 like samples in the form of pieces of material and determine the most suitable canvas. When choosing any element for the bedroom, it should be remembered that everything should contribute to relaxation and setting up for sleep, so it is better to focus on when creating a bedroom curtains on moderate and pastel colors.

Everything you need for sewing curtains

Invent and create is a creative and fascinating process, requiring special attention and time that is not sorry to spend on such a pleasant occupation.

Before you buy everything you need, you should plan and sketch on paper sketch of the future product. This will help choose the material and determines with its number, as well as pick up all additional items. For the bedroom window, it will be necessary to produce it to measure it, which will need to be multiplied by 1.5, 2 or 3, in order to achieve the desired parameters to sew curtains with light or luxurious folds. For example, for almost imperceptible folds, the coefficient of 1.5 will be used.

But how to sew curtains for the bedroom on their own without special sewing accessories? As the answer is obvious, it is necessary to prepare the following elements:

  1. Selected fabric.
  2. Scissors and threads of suitable color.
  3. Sewing machine to sew curtains.
  4. Slim soap, chalk or pencil.
  5. Pins.
  6. Sewing centimeter.
  7. Eaves and accessories.
  8. Line of 1 m long.
  9. Clips for fastening the curtains do it yourself.
  10. Iron.

The process of sewing the product

Everything that man creates for home and family with their own hands is especially expensive to him. Therefore, it is necessary to try to make the results for a long time please and admire others. To your attention is presented detailed instructionsHow to sew curtains for the bedroom quickly and efficiently.

You can move to the direct tailoring, after selecting the material of the curtains for the bedroom and all the necessary components. First, like when we sewing any item, it is necessary to make measurements and cutting. Regarding the curtains in the bedroom, you need to measure the length and width of the product, then cut off the cloth. At the same time, it should be remembered about the material reserve (up to 15 cm for width and up to 30 cm for length), because how to sew a canvas without processing its edge? This is at least minimal to cut the size of the finished curtains and ruptures the expected effect.

In Atelier, specialists mark the markup on the Big Table, and when sewing curtains for a bedroom, with their own hands, this role can be trusted with a smooth floor. Using a centimeter and thin soap, make and outline the markup on the canvas, then cut off the scissors.

If you do not know how to sew smoothly, use the iron that you can try to try the future line of the seams. It will make the edges smooth, and you will give confidence in your own hands.

If you wish to include in the model, the curtains decorated ribbon is recommended to take 2 strips of 18 cm long, where 2-3 cm will move to the supply. Fold the tape in half and with the capture. After that, prepare a strip of 20-22 cm long and, having folded it two in length, step up and remove. The finished material must be cut into 3 equal parts.

The edges of the tape, which remained untreated, need to adjust with their own hands and set the linen loops: 1 in the center and 2 along the edges. We skip the decorative strip through the loops, and the ends are sewn to the side edges of the product. When everything is almost ready, you need to assemble the curtains together and use the capture to make drapery. Capture, in turn, should be attached with a crochet or other auxiliary element to the wall.

The ready-made curtains in the bedroom, on their own own, you should thoroughly try to try the iron with the function of the couple to block all the seams. Then they can be hanging on pre-fixed cornices with hinges.

If you have a desire to contribute to the creation of the style and comfort of the bedroom and try something new in life, then you should not be afraid of time consuming and painstaking work. At first it may seem that the curtains cannot be sewn independently and without experience, for example, as in the photo, but it is only worth starting, and this creative process is in charge of incredible force. As a result, you are not only a pleasant time to spend time, but you will be proud to admire your work for a long time.

How to sew the curtains with their own hands in the bedroom interests many apartments and house owners. If the first products were made of animal skins and closed the exit from the hut or cave, now there is a huge variety of such elements for the decoration of the premises.
How to make the curtains can be seen on the video. This article offers several recommendations for work.

With independent manufacture of beautiful products, the main advantage will be a lower price of curtains.
To start their manufacture, it is necessary:

  • Find models I. attractive design. Each apartment room has its own version of their design and sewing.
  • The texture and color of the fabric should be selected in accordance with the overall color of the interior of the room for which it is intended.
  • The form I. general form Curtains (see), which can significantly affect the design of the room.

Tip: When choosing products, you need to take into account all the recommendations and use them rationally.

  • You should not take a lot of bright colors, sewing unnecessary parts to the curtains that will create an additional volume.
  • Especially ugly look bulky curtains in a small room. Here it is enough to come up with something unusual, to allocate them from the overall interior of the room, but so that it is an addition to it.

Tip: for kitchen, living room or bedroom having classic interiorOnly curtains made in classic style are suitable. Their popularity is the largest and are used more often than others.

What is classic curtains

Strict definition of the curtain does not exist. This is most often direct curtains made of traditional fabrics with an add-on of a seal tissue with light curtains, as shown in the photo.

This is the most simple modelwhich any hostess can sew. In addition to the classic models, the curtains are used lambretes that cover their upper part.
Seam lambrequins can be different ways. Direct with folds are one of the most popular species. Recently, the popularity was obtained by lambrequins with an unusual bottom of Cro.

Tip: Start Tailoring Curtains is better with lighter models, and then gradually move to more complex designs, which, at first glance, it seems even impossible. It is especially important to choose a suitable fabric.

How the material for sewing curtains is selected

When choosing a tissue for sewing curtains each think differently:

  • Most often, textiles are taken with patterns, golden or dark green. The latter need to be chosen so that it is combined with the color of the bedspread and the color decision of the room, where they will be used.
    If the beautiful cloth is selected for the curtains, then the products will turn out excellent, it will be hard to tear away from them.
    If there is a bright saturated color and various ornaments, large drawings in the decor, for the curtains, you need to take a monochny nonsense fabric. With a calm interior of the room, and the decoration of the walls by unsuccessful patterns, you can use bright fabric.
    In this case, beautiful and original curtains will perfectly complement the room and attract the attention of the entire decor of the room.
  • Curtains made independently should not merge with the situation that surrounds them, which requires a very careful thinking of this issue.
  • It is not worthwhile to use the curtain to use satin or silk fabric. It is better to use velvet, velor, cotton, flax, organza, jacquard and pass, taking into account the fabric for curtains.

How to make straight curtains

Diversify ideas with your own hands can direct products.
Many such an option seems not quite beautiful and even boring. But it is not so.
Straight elements can be constantly modified:

  • Specially sewed tape can be collected top curtains. The form of folds on the main fabric depends on its type.
    To select the braid, you need to view the finished product directory to imagine how they will look with the selected detail.
  • First you need to determine which it is better to get the finish on the curtains. It may be brushes, ruffles.
  • Then the additional elements of the decor are selected.
  • Sewing classic straight curtains can be independently without pattern. In this case, it is enough to remove the measurement from the window and, depending on its length and width, calculate, the amount of tissue for sewing.

Tip: If there is a drawing on the selected fabric, it will be needed a little more to look at the drawings in the window symmetrically.

  • When choosing a material, you need to remember the cutting on the seam at the top and bottom of the web. Therefore, his length should be more than the size of the window.

How to sew curtains

Instructions for sewing curtains includes:

  • The number of necessary tissues is determined. For this, dimensions from the cornice are removed, by measuring its length, and the length of the product from the eaves to the floor is determined.
    In the manufacture long curtains It is necessary to add ten more centimeters to this size. It will be a bunch on the top of the top and bottom.
    The width is selected depending on the taste of the room owner. For curtains with multiple folds, the length of the eaves is multiplied by three, for not too lush products, multiplied by two.
  • If there is a large drawing on the tissue for curtains, it needs to be bought with a margin, for combining the pattern. Then the curtain will look like a solid web.

Tip: To obtain a one-piece picture, you need to lay the canvas with the outside and set to each other.

  • On the sides of the edge, the edges are coated twice in: 1 cm, then 2 cm and spend on a typewriter.
  • The lower part is also valued inside twice: the first bending is 3 cm, the second is 5 cm and also is striking.
  • The adjacent edges are well stroked the iron.
  • The top edge is processed as follows:
  1. caught into three centimeters inside;
  2. from the outfield, it is pinned with braid pins;
  3. one centimeter retreats from the upper bend.

Tip: Web must be purchased with six centimeters long longer than the width of the curtains in order to provide three centimeters from both sides.

  • From the wrong side of the braid, the ends of the cords are twisted and bind to each other. Then you need to be left the allowance to be turned inside.
  • Also is done with the second edge of the braid on the other hand. But the ends of the cords are not tied. This is the outer edge.
  • The braid is facing its edges - upper and lower. Bending edges of the braid too need to sew.
  • At the external edge of the ends of the laces should not be sewd.
  • After that, the folds of the curtains are formed. For this curtain, it is tightened with shoelaces for the desired length, then the laces are tied.
  • There are hinges on the tape. You can insert the hooks about the same distance between themselves. The number of hooks must correspond to the number of folds on the curtain.

Tip: In the manufacture of the curtains should not be in a hurry and flashing the seams directly on the machine, when the error is assumed, the visible traces can remain on the tissue, which will not be very beautiful.

How to sew the curtain

Shutters, decorated with cloth, look great in the kitchen, sleeping and children's room.
For self-making, they will be needed:

  • Fabric decorative, pins, threads for sewing to tone fabric.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors, pencil, line.
  • Nail polish colorless.

Tip: Before starting work, you should find the right patterns of the bedroom curtains with your own hands, which will make it easier to perform further operations.

  • A cut of the tissue is taken from which the gear border will be sewn, in the size of the curtains and its edges are processed.
  • From the outer edge of the part 1.3 cm retreats, the poda line is planned. This uses a ruler and pencil.
  • Similar lines are carried out on the sides of the part, at the same distance of 1.3 cm from the edge.
  • At 6 mm, the inner edge of the product is prevented.
  • The product is measured between the side pods. The resulting value is divided into an even number of sections. From the width, which will depend on the width of the elements: the wider sections, the larrright there will be cloves.
  • They are outlined by the points of the sections along the pencil line of the external pent.
  • When decorating the toothed rolling of the top of the curtain, the number of teeth should be a multiple of the number of loops or rings intended for fastening the curtain to the eaves.
  • Another line is applied to the item, parallel line of external podium. Between these lines there should be a distance equal to the height of the teeth, to decorate the ruffle.
  • Points for teeth on the second line.
  • The points located on the opposite lines are connected, while not to go out for the outlined boundaries.

  • 1.3 cm of stock are added to the edges of the cloves.
  • The ruffle is applied to the curtain, for decorating tooths, the sections are combined and cleaned with pins.
  • When decorating the top of the curtains, twice the side of its side allowances.
  • Together with the edge of the curtains, the decorative detail is cut into close, while the scissors move along the zigzag line, previously scheduled for a pencil.
  • The roller gear is laid. Complete and stitched all points, strokes stroke.

Tip: To prevent the scratching of the threads, it is necessary to carefully miss colorless nail polish curly cut and give it to dry.

  • Oracle is stroked from the front side.
  • A rebel is applied again to the curtain, the parts are cleaned and attached.
  • Manually stitched gear edges.
  • Curtain is finally stitched.

Cut with cloth flip can be decorated with a curtain along the inner or upper edge. Beautifully selected curtains in the bedroom will decorate it and give greater comfort.
