In our progressive time it is difficult to meet a person who does not have a mobile phone. Even sending a child to first grade, parents provide him with the necessary means of communication. We use modern mobile devices not only for communication, but also for gaming applications, typing, reading, watching videos and much more. Often, the owner, who wants to have a phone always at hand, wants to place it convenient way. The stores offer various expensive holders, but from our article you will find out what you can do

Stationery binders

Surely those who study or work in the office will have several stationery clips called binders on their desktop. Next, let's look at how to make a phone stand from these devices. To create a strong holder, you can use 1, 2, 3 or even more binders. Some craftsmen assemble three-dimensional structures from a variety of different size clip. But such coasters look bulky, and they are inconvenient for temporary use. It is enough to fasten two binders together and do not forget to bend one metal end of the holder slightly towards the phone located on it. Even one piece with a folded lug will be enough to support the mobile device.

From the same binders, you can build another structure by placing the clamps opposite each other so that the ears look to the sides. The phone is inserted into these ends, as if into grooves. To keep the clips stable, clamp a small piece of cardboard on both sides.

Using pencils

If there are no binders at hand, the question may arise: how to make a phone stand out of pencils. Before building this design, prepare 4 rubber bands and 6 pencils. In fact, you need to collect a volumetric geometric figure- tetrahedron. The principle is that it is necessary to fasten two pencils with an elastic band, and stick the third between the turns. It is advised to use pencils with an elastic at the end to prevent slipping on the table and a stronger grip on the phone.

bottle models

IN household we use a variety of cleaning and detergents. Most of them are contained in plastic container. It can be used as a mobile device holder. And how to make a phone stand out of a bottle, we will consider further.

The type of fixture will depend on the shape of the container. It can be a container for shampoo, shower gel, cleanser and more. Take a bottle twice as long as your phone. Cut off the neck and part of the container on one side approximately to the middle. All sizes are relative - measure at your discretion. On the opposite area of ​​the bottle, cut a hole that matches the parameters charger. You should end up with a piece that looks like a handbag or a pocket with a handle. Put the phone in the stand and connect the adapter to the network through the hole. Your mobile communication device will not lie on the floor, and the risk of crushing it will disappear. You learned another way - how to make a phone stand. If desired, this holder can be painted, pasted over with beautiful paper or cloth.

paper clips

The simplest and affordable option coasters are an ordinary metal clip. It must be unfolded into a straight line and folded as shown in the diagram. The resulting product is quite strong and stable. This design perfectly holds the mobile phone without interfering with watching the video at all.

Cardboard and plastic cards

How to make a cardboard phone stand? You will need a cardboard sheet from which you will need to cut a strip measuring 10 x 20 cm. Then you need to fold it in half along the short sections. Next, draw a shape as shown in the photo below. The fold line must remain intact. Opening the detail, you will see that you have a comfortable and stable phone stand.

If you have an unnecessary card lying around (any discount card), it will also make an excellent phone stand. To make such a device at home is very simple. Step back from the edge of the card 1 cm and bend the part along the short side. Bend the rest of the card in half in the opposite direction. You will get a zigzag shape. Place the phone on the formed ledge. The stand is ready.

Unusual coasters from simple things

Savvy people began to use ordinary glasses as a phone holder. They only need to be turned upside down, which, in turn, must be crossed. The mobile device is located between the bezel and the temples that hold the phone.

How to make a phone stand from a children's designer? In this case, it all depends on your creativity and imagination. To create such a model, you need to use a platform and some bricks various shapes. The stand made of parts can hold the phone both vertically and horizontally. The tilt of the screen can be adjusted by adding or removing additional bricks.

Another one interesting detail, which will help keep the phone upright - the old cassette. It must be opened and the lid folded back, thereby turning the box inside out. In the hole that once served as a pocket for an audio cassette, you can put your communication device. The convenience of the stand is that it is quite durable and transparent, does not interfere with the use of the phone. In addition, it can be easily washed.

As you can see, from the simplest items that can be found in every home, you can make such useful thing like a phone stand.

Proposed for construction, the car phone stand will be extremely useful for drivers who often use the phone. It will solve problems with finding a phone during a trip. Thanks to the simple and robust design the job won't take long.

Step 1. Tools.

To create a rack you will need:
1. Aluminum tube with a diameter of 47 mm "f. 4";
2. Connecting tubes at 45° and 90° (aluminum or copper). They are cheap and available at any hardware store.

3. Solid wooden sticks (you can take ice cream sticks);
4. Epoxy glue or any other glue with similar qualities;
5. Case or phone case;
6. Cable ties (they will be needed to attach the cover);
7. Hacksaw;
8. Ruler;
9. Knife.

Step 2. Frame assembly.
Before starting work, you should decide on the installation location of the telephone rack. It should not interfere with the use of the audio system, recharging and other daily activities in the car. Only after that you can start measuring.

The aluminum tube must be cut into 3 pieces. The shortest part is attached to the 45° angle tube. The horizontal part (about 5 cm) connects the angled tubes of 90° and 45° "f.2.1 - 2.2". A vertical pipe (approximately 10-13 cm) will hold the rack itself. All pipe connections must be lubricated with glue so that nothing falls off during movement.

Step 3 Attaching the case.
On the reverse side of the cover, we make 3 pairs of cuts (the depth of the cut should correspond to the tips of the ties). The cuts are parallel to the tube, which will subsequently be attached to the sheath. We thread the screeds into the holes and tighten a little (the main thing is not to overdo it). We tighten the long tube of the frame with ties as shown in the photo. Cut off the ends if they are too long.

Next, you need to cut the wooden sticks in half, insert between the case and aluminum tube and smear with glue.

The mobile phone has become an indispensable attribute of modern man. And on the road, and at home, and on the desktop, a useful gadget is given the main place, otherwise “suddenly someone calls, but I don’t hear / see.” For convenient placement of a cell phone on the table, coasters were invented. You can buy them in the store, or you can do it yourself from improvised materials. Even the most useless at first glance "unnecessary garbage", like a cardboard package from dairy products or a long-used cover for a disc, will come in handy in the work.

Cardboard stand

The first option is to make a cardboard stand for a mobile phone. This is not necessarily a single piece of material; you can take a used milk bag of a small volume (0.5 ml). It does not require anything to glue: you only need scissors.

The box must be thoroughly washed, crushed and cut off the bottom. Then cut along the folds.

The work will need a central part in the form of two rectangles. Between them is a fold. It must be cut out and folded with the outside inward, clamping the fold with one hand.

Starting from the opposite end, from below, you need to cut out a figure resembling the letter "T". It is narrowed upward, but has a beveled corner.

When the shape is expanded, the bottom edges become where the phone sits. It rests on the central edge. Budget stand is ready!

Stand from the cover for the disc

Surely everyone has a couple of DVDs lying around in the house. One of the unnecessary covers can be turned into a stand for a mobile phone.

To do this, the cover must be cut in half. Then cut off all the holes and rivets so that only an even rectangle with two bent corners at the ends remains.

The plate must be clamped with tweezers or pliers and lowered into boiling water. Thus, the plastic will become soft and pliable.

Holding the plate with pliers or any other tool, it must be bent so that one of the corner-ends does not slightly reach the other. 2-3 cm is enough, and the phone will be located in this space. One of the corners is glued to the surface. It turned out to be an interesting and light stand. The device can be placed on it both vertically and horizontally!

Paper clip stand

Paperclip mobile phone holder - interesting thing which can be done in 2 minutes. To do this, you need a large massive paper clip, which you just need to unbend correctly!

To begin with, the wire is completely straightened into a line. Then you need to clamp it and bend it again:

  1. Bend in the shape of a checkmark - U.
  2. Bend both ends at an angle of 90 ° C, starting approximately in the middle.
  3. Slightly bend the horses of each end.

Thus, an ordinary paper clip turned into a concise stand. The phone lies on it horizontally.

Toilet paper roll stand

Such good as a sleeve from a used toilet paper roll is enough in every home! Do not rush to throw away the cardboard form - it can be turned into a mobile stand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required is to properly cut off part of the sleeve at an angle. A small piece of cardboard should remain in front to create an emphasis. Such a stand will not be able to accommodate a phone that is too tall, but standard size"sits" perfectly.

If desired, the stand can be decorated: painted, wrapped with cloth or pasted over with paper for gifts. And no one will believe that it was once part of a toilet roll.

all work step by step


When working with familiar things, it is important to give free rein to imagination: try on, think, experiment. Then mobile phone stands will appear in the house regularly - and always different and interesting!

How often, being at home, in the office or on the road, we cannot remember where we put our phone. To prevent this from happening, you should get comfortable and ergonomic stands that you can make yourself. A phone stand can be made with your own hands from the most unexpected materials at hand. How to do this, our step by step wizard Class.

How to make a do-it-yourself phone stand: options for office and car

Whether at work or in the car, we all need to always be in touch. At the same time, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on expensive coasters, because they can be made from waste and outdated materials.

Card holder.

The simplest option for a phone holder is a card holder. To make it, you need to carefully bend the unnecessary plastic card in two places, as shown in the photo below, preventing it from breaking.

Experience shows that the stand plastic card is very reliable and withstands even air travel at the time of strong turbulence.

Stationery clip stand.

To make a phone stand from stationery clips or from binders, as they are also called, you will need one large and one small clip. The legs of the small clamp should be placed between the holding part of the large clamp and put the resulting design on the table so that the clamp bigger size rested on its surface.

Similar coasters can be made in five minutes from clothespins.

Paper clips make a great car stand option. To make it, you need to disassemble the large clamp and slightly bend the metal parts, as shown in the photo below.

In order not to damage the surface of the phone metal mounts It is recommended to wrap with threads in several layers. We return the holders to their place, additionally fix them with adhesive tape and clerical gum. We fix the clamp on the ventilation shutters. The phone is securely fastened between the metal parts of the binder.

Paper stand.

Ordinary office paper, folded in a certain way, can even support the weight of a large smartphone. To make a stand out of paper, you need to measure the dimensions of the phone and adjust the pattern below for them.

Cut out the piece from paper, fold it along the dotted lines and insert the side pieces into the slots. This design is good because it allows you to charge your phone without removing it from the stand.

We study popular options for coasters for home comfort

A desktop phone stand for the home should not only be comfortable, but also durable, stylish and fit well into the interior of the home. Consider options for such products.

Stand made of newspaper tubes.

A phone stand made of newspaper tubes will be a wonderful gift and a great decoration for any interior.

To weave such a stand, you will need several pre-painted long newspaper tubes, scissors, knitting needles, a little glue and varnish.

We place six blanks parallel to each other at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm and firmly fix them in the machine or in any convenient way. We lay knitting needles or wire in the extreme racks to make it more convenient to form even and neat contours of the product. We begin to braid the base with a working tube using the “rope” technique or chintz weaving. We monitor the parallelism of the rows and, if necessary, coat them with glue for better fixation.

Weave a rectangular blank of the required length. We take out the knitting needles or wire. The ends of the stands are neatly trimmed and trimmed. We give the workpiece the necessary curved shape, if necessary, wetting it a little with water.

Similarly, weave the leg of the stand on a smaller number of tubes. We bend the finished leg, install it on the main part and fix its racks between the rows of the stand. Cut off the excess and hide it. We coat the product with glue, if desired, additionally paint and cover with 1-2 layers of varnish. After complete drying, the stand can be used for its intended purpose.

Stand made of origami modules.

Modular origami is a fairly young, but very popular type of needlework. With it, you can make a lot of unusual and original gizmos, including a phone stand from modules.

To make the stand, you will need double-sided paper in blue and Pink colour. We cut the sheets into blanks and fold the modules.

We start weaving from the base of the stand. For it, you will need 28 blue modules, which must be connected to each other and closed in a ring. We make three more rows in the same way. From the fifth row, we reduce the number of modules by 1, 2, 3, 4 pieces. In the seventh row we put one pink module in the middle.

In the eighth row we put 6 modules, make a pass, another 10 modules, a pass, 6 modules. The number of pink modules is 2 pieces. On the next row pink area put three pink modules. We begin to make out the curly edging of the stand, as shown in the photo below.

In the back, we form a pattern in the form of a heart, above which we install a number of modules blue color. Gradually narrow the stand until a triangular wedge forms in its back.

Stand of modules is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

We suggest watching the video tutorials below on making other options for phone stands.

If you have accumulated unnecessary bank or discount cards, do not rush to throw them away, because you can make useful things out of them - smartphone stands with different designs. We have collected several design options, including quite sophisticated ones.

The first stand is the easiest. It can be done by simply bending the card in two places so that you get something like this:

You can make three bends and get a design that more securely holds the base of the smartphone.

In order to prevent the card from breaking and losing strength at the bending points, it is better to bend it after preheating it with a hair dryer. Plastic will take some time increased elasticity and then hardens again.

To create this design, you will need to make cutouts on the map on both sides, forming hooks, and bend it in half. Sharp tatters at the sites of cuts need to be ground off, this can be done with a file or sandpaper, and if they are not there, with a nail file or a clerical knife.

For such a delivery, two cards glued together are required. This provides additional stability - you can put your smartphone on it not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Two cutouts on the map - and such a stand is ready. For greater stability, you can use two cards - one will be attached to the left side of the smartphone, the other to the right. The second card can be cut out by putting the first one on it, so they will be completely symmetrical and the smartphone will not warp.

The Chinese produce such a stand. It is exactly the same size as bank card which means you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to make several cuts on the card with a very heated knife and build the same structure by bending the lower holder, the back for fixing and the base of the card. The advantage of this stand is the ability to adjust the angle of inclination.
