The construction of houses from aerated (light) concrete (foam concrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, arbolite) has justified advantages (cheap, fast, energy-efficient). Wherein, foam concrete blocks not without flaws.
We will try to conduct an objective assessment of the pros and cons of the foam block for the house based on the reviews and characteristics of the material.

There will also be recommendations on how to choose and determine the quality of foam concrete blocks for the walls and partitions of a cottage, garage, summer cottage or bath.
Foam blocks - pros and cons
As with any building material, foam concrete blocks have advantages and disadvantages.
Pros of foam blocks
compressive strength of the foam block. Determined by the volumetric weight of foaming additives, their type. The humidity of the block has a significant impact on this indicator. For a dry foam block, the compressive strength is 3.5-5.0 MPa;
Note. Foam concrete is gaining strength during operation. Comparison of the new block and the block, which was in operation for 50 years, showed that the density of the latter exceeded the density inherent in the brand by more than 3 times.
low density of the foam block. This indicator depends on the brand and ranges from 400 to 1200 kg / m3. For the construction of the walls of a low-rise building, the D600-800 foam block is used.
foam block weight. A material with air in its structure is lightweight. Reducing the mass of the house allows you to save on the arrangement of the foundation. A foam block with a volume of 0.036 cubic meters, with dimensions of 200x300x600 mm, has a weight of only 22 kg. This is also a significant plus for transportation;
low thermal conductivity of the foam block. Due to the presence of air in the concrete mass (40-80%), foam concrete keeps heat better. In turn, this reduces the thickness of the masonry, which reduces the pressure on the foundation. And also reduces the cost of home insulation. According to the manufacturers' calculations, up to 30% of heat losses through walls can be avoided. In comparison with brick, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the D700 foam block is 3.5 times less.
good sound insulation of foam blocks. The porous structure absorbs sound, especially low sound frequencies. A wall of a foam block 300 mm thick absorbs noise 60 dB;
incombustibility. Allows to meet the requirements for fire safety buildings. In addition, foam concrete does not emit harmful compounds from the effects of fire;
environmental friendliness of foam blocks (content of natural radionuclides). This indicator for foam concrete is 2 (for brick - 10). Foam concrete does not rot and does not decompose, it is safe for human health. In the production of foam concrete, a foaming agent (on a protein or synthetic basis) is used, which does not form harmful gases for the human body. Another situation is with the manufacture of gas silicate blocks, when foaming occurs in the autoclave as a result of a chemical reaction of fine particles of lime and aluminum. As a result of this reaction, hydrogen is generated, part of which remains in the pores of the gas silicate and will be released for some time;
low cost of the foam block. Allows you to reduce the cost of building a house as a whole. For example, the difference in price: 1 cbm. foam concrete costs 2200-2800 rubles, bricks from 3500 to 6500 rubles per 100 pieces, lumber from 4500 (solid wood) to 20,000 (glued beams).
ease of use. Foam concrete is not heavy, but bulky. Due to the size of the blocks, work is done quickly, it is easy to give it any shape without the use of special tools;
geometry of the house. Foam concrete is amazing in that you can set the necessary parameters in advance. And the exact dimensions of the foam block is one of them. This allows you to build a house with a flat surface;
low consumption of glue mixture when building a house;
moisture resistance. Foam concrete practically does not absorb water. You can verify this if you conduct a test. A small cube of foam concrete must be placed in a container with water. It will stick to the surface of the water;
frost resistance of the foam block. Due to its low hygroscopicity, closed pore structure and special additives, foam concrete is able to withstand a significant number of freeze / thaw cycles (depending on the brand) without significant damage;
the possibility of combining with other materials allows facing surfaces made of foam concrete with any finishing materials.
Cons of foam blocks
low bending strength. According to this indicator, foam concrete is inferior to concrete and reinforced concrete. However, with an increase in the brand of foam concrete, the flexural strength also increases. True, the thermal insulation properties are reduced;
Note. The foam block increases its strength as it matures (hardens). You need to know how much the foam block dries after manufacturing, this time until the full set of strength is 28 days.
It is not recommended to use a newly made block for construction. This is especially true in the season when foam concrete is in demand, and manufacturers are trying to make it in a volume sufficient to meet demand. In this case, there is a violation of technology (drying period, maturation). It is eliminated by buying a foam block 3-4 weeks before the start of construction with proper storage on the site in a moisture-proof place
heterogeneity of pores. The used pore-forming agent (air-entraining additives) does not allow ensuring the uniformity of all pores in size. In practice, this leads to the fact that somewhere the material is denser and, for example, holds fasteners better, but somewhere less dense. This drawback is eliminated by using hardware (dowels, anchors) intended for fastening to the porous structure of cellular concrete;
possible deviations in density. They are associated with production technology, for example, a violation of proportions or the quality of mixing. Eliminated by purchasing material from large manufacturers with the provision of appropriate documentation and warranty;
natural shrinkage of a foam concrete house within 1-2 months after the completion of construction. Shrinkage can reach 2-4 mm. per running meter. This phenomenon is associated with a set of strength of foam concrete. The shrinkage of the foam block is uniform, therefore it does not affect the quality of the structure, it only pushes the beginning finishing for 3-4 months;
there are many private mini-factories for the production of foam blocks (handicraft production), which cannot always guarantee the quality of the material produced. It is in the conditions of clandestine production that the recipe (proportions of foam concrete components) and the terms for strength maturation are often violated. As a result, foam blocks of poor quality with all the ensuing consequences (uneven shrinkage, cracks).
How to choose foam blocks for building a house
The durability of the house, cottage, garage or bath depends on which foam block is chosen. Experts recommend that when buying foam concrete blocks, pay attention to such factors as:
1. manufacturer. Large manufacturing plants will not risk their reputation and usually offer foam concrete of a stable specified quality. Such material is accompanied by quality certificates confirming the results of laboratory research (tests), complies with GOST;
2. cost. If the material is sold at a price below market value, it may indicate a manufacturing problem. The discount can only be due to: second grade, purchase volume, proximity to the place of delivery. In all other cases, you should think about why the foam block is sold cheaper;
3. storage location and packaging. The storage location must be dry, protected from moisture, and the packaging must not be damaged.
How to check the quality of the foam block
You can determine whether foam concrete is good or not by visual inspection... The appearance of the block can tell a lot.
Pore \u200b\u200bstructure. The cells (pores, air cavities) in the foam block must be insulated, i.e. do not connect with each other. Otherwise, the material will absorb moisture. You can evaluate the structure by breaking the foam block. Inside and outside, it should be the same in structure.
Pore \u200b\u200bsize. The more air in the block structure, the larger its pores will be. This is easy to spot by eye. The easier and cheaper the material will be. But at the same time its strength will suffer.
Color. The foam block should be gray (according to the color of the cement) and have a uniform color. Too light color (closer to white) indicates that specific gravity cement in solution does not comply with GOST 25485-89 "Cellular concrete".
Foam block geometry. A large run-up will not affect the functionality of the house, but will lead to an increase in the consumption of the adhesive mixture. To check the geometry, it is enough to put two blocks on top of each other (there should be a good fit and no swinging).
The weight of the foam concrete block. It is checked by weighing a random block, this will make sure that the density of the foam block corresponds to the declared one.
Advice on how to check the strength of the foam block. You need to try to break off a piece from the edge of the foam block with your hand, if you succeed, it means that the material is of poor quality. The second option is to try to pierce the foam block with a nail, using only the strength of the hands, if it turned out easily, then it is bad.
Here it should be noted that we are talking about structural blocks with a density of D600-900, because there are thermal insulation blocks with a density of D300, which are easily destroyed. But, they are not intended for laying walls, but are used as insulation.
An objective overview of the pros and cons of foam concrete blocks will allow accurate assessment wall material. AND useful tips from practice will tell you how to determine the quality of the foam block by external signs (by type, color, structure). Most of the shortcomings are removable and are associated with improper production technology or violation of construction standards.

When planning the construction of a private house, it is logical to weigh all the pros and cons, compare and contrast different variants and construction technology, as well as the use of building materials.

Among the many organizational issues, you need to decide what is the best way to build a house.
The topic is extensive and multifaceted, each material has advantages and disadvantages, but specifically in this case, a wall material made of aerated concrete - foam concrete will be considered.

Pros of a foam block house

Low thermal conductivity
Aerated concrete materials (aerated concrete, aerated concrete) have a unique porous structure, which makes them good heat insulators.

Light weight
Depending on which brand of foam concrete blocks are used, the weight is 1 cbm. ranges from 300 to 1200 kg. This leads to milder requirements for the foundation and, in practice, translates into an opportunity to save on materials for the foundation for a foam block house.

Minimal hygroscopicity
In the process of making foam concrete, a method is used to form blocks by pouring them into molds. This affects the geometry of the block, but contributes to the formation of closed pores. It is because of this that foam concrete does not absorb moisture from the environment. A simple test, immersing aerated concrete in a container of water, can demonstrate the block's resistance to water absorption.

Durability of foam concrete
It is due to the fact that concrete, which is the basis of foam concrete, gains strength during operation. That is, the longer the house is, the stronger the foam concrete will be.

Resistance of foam concrete to fire
According to the fire safety class, foam concrete is one of the safest building materials, since it does not burn and does not support combustion.

Ecological cleanliness of foam concrete
For the manufacture of a foam block, water, sand, cement and foaming agents are used. The latter can be of two types: natural and synthetic. Even if synthetic foaming agents are used, their specific gravity is no more than 0.5% of the total mass, which makes it possible to confidently declare the environmental friendliness of the material.

High speed of building a house from foam blocks
Installation of one block is faster than laying out bricks of the same quadrature. Plus, the installation error will be significantly lower.

The ability to embody any architectural style
Foam concrete is easy to process. Cutting, drilling, sanding the block is easy and does not require the use of special tools. Thanks to this, even a beginner with no experience in construction can drive out the box of a house from the foam block.

Convenience of laying communications in foam concrete
Dictated by the flexibility of the blocks for processing, they are easily gated for laying pipes, wiring, etc.

No finishing requirements
A foam concrete house can be operated for a long time without additional finishing. As a rule, veneering is performed purely for aesthetic reasons. The most popular option is decorative plaster. A foam concrete house can be finished with any of the existing materials, it is important that they are designed for foam concrete blocks and do not provide negative impact on the microclimate in the building. Otherwise, the ability of the house to "breathe", which is due to its porous structure, may deteriorate.

Ease of decoration
Thanks to the flat surface, foam concrete can be plastered or finished with a finishing material with minimal effort in preparation for finishing.

Relatively low price of a foam block
Despite the fact that in absolute terms, foam concrete (35-39 rubles / piece) is more expensive than brick (6-10 rubles / piece). But, to cover the same area, you will need one foam block (35-39 rubles / piece) and 13.5 bricks (13 * 6 \u003d 78 rubles). The benefits are clear. And taking into account the fact that the house does not need insulation and a strong foundation, savings can reach up to 30%.

Low cost of work on laying foam blocks
This aspect is relevant for those who do not plan to build a house from foam blocks with their own hands.

Cons of a foam block house

House shrinkage
A house made of foam concrete shrinks 2-3 mm per linear meter, you can start finishing only after a certain period of time (at least six months). Shrinkage is caused by a prolonged reaction between the constituent components of the foam concrete solution.

Foam concrete has a porous structure
The advantage of porosity is that it imparts low thermal conductivity to the foam block, but complicates the process of mounting fasteners into the wall. The way out is to use special fasteners designed for foam concrete. Their price practically does not differ from the cost of conventional fasteners.

Requirement for finishing material
Only special plasters and paints are used for wall decoration.

The need for reinforcing foam concrete
The reinforcement is laid in the area of \u200b\u200bopenings; every 4-5 row of blocks is also reinforced. Without an appropriate armored belt, there is no way to reliably install floors and a rafter system.

There is a high probability of acquiring a counterfeit
The fact is that raw materials and equipment for the production of foam concrete are relatively cheap, therefore, blocks are often made in a handicraft way, which is fraught with violations in production technology and affects the quality of the goods.

Direct relationship between indicators of strength / thermal insulation properties of the material
With increasing strength (structural grade D 1000-1200), the thermal conductivity of the material increases. Conversely, an insulating foam block (grade D 300-500) cannot be used as a material for the construction of load-bearing walls. Especially when it comes to multi-storey construction.

The fragility of the foam block
On the one hand, it provides easy handling of the block, on the other hand, the bearing capacity of the material is reduced.

Requirements for calculating the load on foam concrete
The need for careful calculations of the thickness of walls and partitions, taking into account all possible loads. Usually the walls are built with a margin of safety.

Unaesthetic appearance foam block houses
A house built of aerated concrete is often finished with the aim of eliminating this disadvantage.

The need for a form-building foundation
Those. such a base for a house made of foam concrete blocks, which will allow leveling the low indicative bending strength that foam concrete differs.

Not ideal geometry of the foam block
Leads to the fact that each block needs to be sanded before laying, this slightly increases the construction time.

When evaluating the properties of this building material different opinions are expressed. Someone likes it, and someone responds negatively. To understand what is "good" and what is "bad" this representative of the class of cellular concrete, it is necessary to consider the following.

First, you can get a negative result of your work, even if you use the highest quality products. The point is, what kind of practical experience does a particular master have? After all, the use of any product has its own specifics.

Secondly, each building material has its own, individual characteristics. This also determines the technology of its use.

Third, this fake diamond often confused with a close "relative" - \u200b\u200baerated concrete.

cannot be considered as something unshakable, in isolation from such factors as the climate of the region, structural features (premises), for the construction of which part of the structure it is intended and a number of others.

To have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthis type of product under the general name "light concrete", you should know the technology of its production.

The main components of the mixture are sand, cement and water. To create a porous structure, special additives are introduced - foaming agents.

« Pros of "foam concrete

1. Simple production technology. The solution hardens naturally, without the heat treatment to which the aerated concrete blocks... This makes it possible to manufacture products of the required dimensions, including non-standard ones (which cannot be purchased), directly on the construction site, which creates great convenience in the process of individual construction of objects. If it is necessary to obtain foam blocks of the required size, you will not have to cut the already purchased ones, since you can independently "cast" blanks of the required dimensions.

In addition, the mass is poured into a mold (formwork) of any configuration, therefore, structures of the most bizarre shapes are constructed from foam concrete.

2. For fastening of foam concrete products to each other, not an adhesive is used, but the usual cement mortar, which significantly reduces the cost and simplifies the process of their installation.

3. Construction work can be performed by 1 person, since the blocks are lightweight. Therefore, they can be moved alone. Neither special equipment nor professional equipment is required. This property allows you to significantly save on the arrangement of the foundation, which quite significantly reduces the overall construction costs.

4. High speed of construction of objects, taking into account the dimensions of the products. This is a significant plus of foam concrete, when there is simply no time for large-scale construction.

5. Ease of processing. When laying communications, there are no difficulties, since the process of chipping surfaces requires minimal effort.

6. The material is not subject to decay, so there will never be excess moisture in such a structure. It is not damaged by rodents and insects.

7. Air bubbles in the structure of the material provide high-quality sound insulation of buildings.

8. Another plus of foam concrete is low thermal conductivity, which allows maintaining the same temperature in the premises in any season. In such a house there will always be the most favorable microclimate that the owners themselves can establish. Accordingly, heating or air conditioning costs are optimized.

9. The price of foam concrete is also attractive, and given that the blocks can be made independently, construction from this material is perhaps the most budgetary option.

10. The material becomes even stronger over time, and practically does not shrink. You can immediately move into such a house, and carry out the decoration in parallel.

"Cons" of foam concrete

Since the installation is carried out using mortar, the seam is thicker than when "landing" on glue. This provokes the emergence of "cold bridges", so the surface needs better insulation.
Compared to aerated concrete, this material has less strength, therefore it has limited application - for the construction of elements that are not load-bearing parts of the structure. For example, partitions ( interior walls). Blocks of foam concrete are used for the construction of various economic structures - sheds, garages, baths, country houses, and the like. As a rule, houses of no more than 2 floors are built of them; this requires a professional calculation of all possible loads. Quite often, foam concrete is used as additional insulation, which is done by pouring the prepared mixture.
Some experts believe that the disadvantage of foam concrete is the insufficient environmental friendliness of the finished product, since the manufacturing process is based on chemical reactions that result in the formation of toxic compounds. Although much depends on which substance is chosen as a foaming agent, therefore, there are also directly opposite opinions.
Due to the fact that the material has a porous structure, it is necessary to carry it out exterior decoration... As a rule, inexpensive plasters are used for this.
The installation of fasteners has its own specifics, since it makes no sense to simply hammer a nail or a dowel under a self-tapping screw - they will not hold the load. The entire installation of attachments is carried out using anchors, which is not always convenient.

Practical advice

The simplicity of making products from foam concrete has provoked an increase in the number of "single handicraftsmen". Many of them, having no special education and no idea about such things as "density", "thermal conductivity", "coefficient of linear expansion" and many others, literally flooded the market with their "product", the quality of which is in great doubt. When buying blocks, you must familiarize yourself with the product certificate. Otherwise, instead of the "pluses" of foam concrete, you can get some "minuses".

Increasingly, in recent years, you can find references to such a building material as foam concrete blocks. From such blocks, the walls of garages, baths are erected, country houses up to two floors are built, and various buildings are finished outside. Such popularity is due to the presence of some characteristics that positively distinguish this material from others like it: good performance of sound insulation and thermal insulation, low weight of foam blocks and low cost. Today it is almost impossible to find such a building material that would be absolutely perfect in everything.

So foam blocks have negative sides, which for some may become decisive not in favor of choosing this material.

Scheme of vapor barrier and thermal insulation of foam blocks: 1. vapor barrier - polyethylene film;
2. internal foam blocks;
3. thermal insulation;
4. flexible fiberglass or metal ties;
5. facing brick from the street side.

Technological disadvantages

Among the main disadvantages of foam concrete are increased water absorption and reduced density.

So, let's consider the specific disadvantages of foam concrete associated with the features of the material itself:

  1. The need for moisture protection. Any foam concrete block absorbs moisture, and in large quantities (up to 14% of the volume). Due to the saturation of moisture in foam blocks, such an important indicator as thermal insulation deteriorates. To protect against moisture, a waterproofing gasket is required between the foundation and the blocks (for the sake of fairness, it should be said that waterproofing between the foundation and the wall plane is required for the vast majority of modern structures, regardless of the material used for the walls).
  2. Inability to pass air. Foam block buildings “don't breathe,” which means that they cannot maintain natural ventilation through the walls. Air renewal can occur exclusively through cracks, open windows and doors. Most often, this is not enough for the normal life of a person, therefore, additional ventilation systems are installed.
  3. Insufficient rigidity and density of the material. It is in connection with this drawback that foam blocks are very rarely used in multi-storey buildings, most often in such houses they are needed only to fill the voids between floors. When erecting a wall, it makes sense to use the technology of reinforced concrete belts to stiffen the structure. If it is not possible to use such belts, then a gasket between the rows of reinforcement blocks is necessary. For greater strength, you can lay reinforcement in each row. Moreover, based on the realities of construction, even such measures may be insufficient. In particular, for country houses erection of a high-quality, massive foundation, plate or tape type, is required, despite the relatively low weight of the blocks. The cost of such a foundation is quite high, therefore, when preparing, it is necessary to include all additional costs in the construction estimate.
  4. The spread in the sizes of foam blocks. Looking at first glance completely identical, foam concrete blocks have a spread in geometric dimensions of up to three centimeters on one side. This mainly concerns foam blocks, which are produced by handicraft methods, due to poorly executed forms for blocks. Geometric dimensions significantly affect the thickness of the seam between foam blocks, and the thermal insulation properties already depend on the thickness.

Operational disadvantages

Foam concrete has the lowest compressive strength, but it surpasses brick in frost resistance.

Operational disadvantages are associated with problems that arise after the construction of structures from foam concrete. Some of them have great importancefor example, the need for constant heating, and some are just inconveniences.

  1. Some difficulties in the subsequent decoration of the wall. This drawback is closely related to the previous one. If you finish the foam concrete blocks using cement-sand plaster, then in the future there is a very high probability of cracking. Due to the high moisture absorption, cracks often appear on gypsum plaster... To avoid this, use a special reinforcing mesh or deep primers, with the possibility of multiple application.
  2. Loss of compressive strength over time. Any building material has a number of characteristics, one of the most important is compressive strength. Since a considerable mass constantly presses on the blocks (upper blocks, mortar, floors, roof, residents themselves), cracks may appear on them. Moreover, not only low-quality blocks are subject to this process, but also those that are manufactured in compliance with all standards. The appearance of cracks is observed in about a quarter of all laid foam concrete blocks.
  3. Fastening difficulties. To fix something heavier than a small picture on a wall made of foam concrete blocks, you have to go for tricks. Fragile and crumbling foam concrete blocks are simply physically unable to hold massive objects for a long time. Manufacturers of foam concrete blocks suggest using special anchors, special screws, polyurethane foam... All the tricks taken do not give one hundred percent durability. Most often, to achieve the ideal result, you have to abandon the placement of fasteners on the walls and apply fasteners to the floor or to the ceiling.
  4. Buildings that are erected from foam blocks need constant heating. If the owner of the house is absent for a long time (throughout the winter, for example), then upon arrival he may notice that the house needs repair, since the walls are likely to be frozen, and excessive dampness in the house can cause rotting processes of wooden elements of the building ...

Foam concrete is perfect for country house, garage, barn. However, not only structures for temporary residence and economic purposes are erected from it, but also buildings for permanent residence, in particular 2-3-storey cottages. Choosing a foam block as the main material, each owner weighs all the pros and cons of the future design, which are determined by the physical and chemical properties products.

This is one of the variations of aerated concrete. It is used in a hardened (like a stone) form, and it is obtained by mixing cement / Portland cement, refined sand, water and a foaming agent (a composition of pine rosin, carpentry bone glue, caustic soda). Due to the addition of the last component, a special reaction takes place in the solution, the result of which is the formation of multiple bubbles isolated from each other. Poured into molds and subsequently hardened mixture forms the final product - a foam concrete block completely ready for use.

Porosity is the fact that determines the properties and characteristics of the house. The total share of air bubbles can be up to 70-80%, which provides excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. This factor also contributes to the relatively low weight. Houses and cottages will be distinguished by light load-bearing walls and the absence of the need to build a powerful foundation.

The fact that the blocks, with all their large dimensions, weigh little, is an additional plus: they are easier to move and lift. The masonry process will be faster. Giving preference to foam concrete for building a house, you can safely choose any projects with different complexity of the facade decor: with arches, pilasters, rustic stones, sandriks, friezes. It is permissible to saw it with an ordinary saw, subject it to milling, chipping, drilling. Perfectly combined with different finishes.

Pros and cons of such houses

Positive sides:

1. Excellent thermal insulation properties.

The porosity of the material causes a low degree of thermal conductivity. Its coefficient is much less than that of a brick. For comparison: to achieve the same thermal insulation, the walls of a house made of foam concrete should be 50 cm wide, and the brick structure should be about 120 cm.

2. High speed of construction.

Laying one block is faster than placing bricks of the same square. As a bonus, the installation error in the first case will be much lower than when working with small ingots.

3. Good sound insulation.

This property determines the demand for the material when arranging internal partitions.

4. Lightweight design.

Due to the cellular structure, the blocks are characterized by a relatively low weight, load-bearing walls turn out to be light, which does not cause strict requirements for the construction of the foundation. In practice, all this translates into significant savings.

5. Strength and durability.

These indisputable advantages are explained by the fact that the concrete, which is part of the foam blocks, continues to gain strength during operation. That is, the longer a residential private or country house, the stronger its walls will be.

6. Fire resistance.

According to the fire safety class, it belongs to non-combustible substances.

7. Environmental friendliness.

For the manufacture of such a porous but durable product, natural components are used. The exception is synthetic foaming agents. Their specific gravity is so small (about 0.5% of the total mass) that foam concrete can be called an environmentally friendly material.

8. The embodiment of any architectural style and trouble-free laying of communications.

Since the blocks are easy to process, they can be shaped as the situation requires. Installation of wiring, pipes for heating, water supply and discharge is also not difficult: the walls are grooved without much effort.

10. Cheapness.

Both the material itself and its masonry will be relatively inexpensive. And if the construction is planned with your own hands, then the costs will be completely minimal.

11. Combination with any finish.

Due to the flat surface, porous concrete can be plastered, putty, and treated with vapor-permeable paints. Due to the possibility of any type of fastening, foam blocks can be revetted with stone, tiles, bricks, ennobled with a ventilated facade ( vinyl siding, corrugated board, clapboard).

  • Direct relationship between the coefficients of thermal conductivity and strength. With increasing density (and strength), the thermal insulation properties decrease. This is confirmed by the product of constructional grade D1000-1200. Elements with a low density, for example, 200-400 kg / m, keep heat well in the house, but are not suitable for construction due to their fragility.
  • Unaesthetic appearance and the need for cladding. Ordinary foam concrete cannot be called outwardly attractive, therefore it is hidden behind finishing materials. As a result, the financial costs associated with their purchase and installation are increasing.
  • Hygroscopicity. It is able to absorb and keep atmospheric / ground moisture for a long time.

What to consider?

When building a house, it is important to consider:

  1. in order for the foam concrete to have a sufficient strength class and maintain the temperature in the room, you need to choose structural and thermal insulation grades: D500-900;
  2. the need for finishing is a controversial issue, since today porous products with a decorated facade surface are produced (for solid / chipped brick, slate, cobblestone, torn stone); the price for such blocks will be higher than usual;
  3. due to hygroscopicity, the structure must be protected from moisture by installing a waterproofing gasket.

Whether it is a cottage, a residential private or a country house made of a foam block, do not forget about the importance of reinforcement. Installation of steel rods should be carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bopenings, every 3-4 rows of masonry. Installation of an armored belt is a guarantee of reliable overlap and rafter system generally.

Reviews of the owners about the houses

“I have a 10x10 foam concrete house. The neighbor chose an almost similar project, the same area, but made of bricks. In conversation, we began to compare prices. It turned out that my home was much cheaper. Moreover, a significant difference began to be felt even at the stage of pouring the foundation. In terms of performance, my house is not inferior to my neighbor's. So what is it perfect solution for the construction of a residential building ".

Constantine, Perm.

“As a builder with considerable experience, I want to note: foam blocks are suitable for the construction of not only garages, baths, utility yards, but also private houses. I do not advise ordinary people to approach the matter on their own: although the material is easy to use, there are many nuances when laying it. For example, without strengthening the openings, in particular arched, with metal corners, it is almost impossible to avoid cracking. "

Vladimir, St. Petersburg.

“It's wonderful to be building brothers! We do not compete with each other, but we do our best. When choosing a house project, everyone for their family settled on foam concrete. When working with it, there were no problems: the blocks were sawed well, grooved, sat on glue. As a result, we both got great two-story houses 10 by 10 m. There is only a slight difference in the layout, but we ourselves established this at the design stage. "

Ilya and Valery Pashkovs, Nizhny Novgorod.

“My house is almost 6 years old, I am satisfied with everything: both its appearance (the plaster is perfectly laid down) and quality (the rooms are warm, comfortable, audibility from other rooms is practically zero). But there is one drawback: in some places the blocks cracked. After examination by a specialist, it turned out that it was my fault. The fact is that I built a house from foam concrete on my own, and when it was necessary to make reinforcement, I was too lazy: I did not want to bother with chipping. Now I am paying for it, and in the literal sense of the word. I hired a team of excellent craftsmen to correct my mistake. "

Alexey, Yekaterinburg.

“When at the design stage the question arose of what to make a cottage, I went through all the options, appreciated their advantages and disadvantages, listened to the reviews of masters and owners. As a result, I decided to use foamed concrete. It is both inexpensive and excellent at keeping heat indoors, and is large in size, which makes the process faster. I really built a house of one and a half floors from a foam block in a short period. I do not regret the choice at all: all positive traits porous concrete were confirmed during operation. "

Jura, Moscow.

“Is it worth erecting buildings from foam concrete? Taking into account the pros and cons of such houses, as well as reviews, it is safe to say that the building will last a long time and will become a warm, cozy haven, a reliable fortress, if the approach to work is responsible at all stages, from design to finishing. All the nuances of masonry, the use of steam, hydro, thermal protection materials must be studied and taken into account. "

Construction cost

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much a turnkey finished house made of foam concrete will cost, because there are many factors determining the cost. Even if we call the average values, the price range will be quite extensive: from 14,000 to 32,000 rubles per m2.

The cost of a residential building consists of construction volumes multiplied by the price of materials and prices for services provided by the contractor. If the construction is supposed to be done by hand, then the last factor is excluded, which means that the costs are significantly reduced.

The cost of a multi-level cottage made of foam blocks is also influenced by such aspects as:

  • preparation of project documentation;
  • transportation of building materials, work related to their loading / unloading;
  • engineering services;
  • external / internal finishing.

According to the reviews of professionals, it is better to use D500-900 brands for home. By size, we will take those variations that are used most often.

Dimensions of foam concrete, mm

Price per piece, rubles

D500 D600 D700 D800 D900
600x300x200 93 105 114 122 130

The cost of heating blocks with a facade (endowed with one or another texture) is somewhat more expensive. For example, for one decorated product measuring 400x400x200, you will have to pay about 175 rubles.
