A wooden sword can be made at home (Fig. 1). Birch boards, edge boards from fences, or disassembled door frames size 50x50 cm. Material - hazel, birch, dead oak - can be found in a forest or forest plantation, choose a straight fragment and plan.

Rice. 1.

Wooden sword.

First, try making a regular straight wooden sword. It can be done in several ways. The first is more laborious, but the product will be of greater strength. The sword is made from a tree trunk or bar. Find a hazel, or better an oak, of small diameter - 3-6 cm (which one exactly depends on the type of sword). The thinner, the easier it will be to process (Fig. 2). Decide on the type of sword. It depends on the length of the barrel or bar.

Rice. 2.

Sword stick.

Typical Slavic straight sword

If you hold a straight sword with your hand down by the hilt, then it should touch the ground with the tip of the blade. In such swords, the hilt is usually the size of one free grip of the hand. These proportions must be strictly observed.

Bastard sword

The grip of such a bastard sword is approximately equal to the distance for a free grip of one and a half hands. The length of the bar is average between Slavic and two-handed.

two-handed sword

It has a bar with a length slightly less than your height. Such two-handed swords have a large handle with a spacious grip for two hands. With a planer, remove the bark, trying to make the tree trunk as straight as possible and removing unnecessary knots. Then start "forging" the sword itself. Plane the trunk on both sides so that the blade becomes flatter and even.

You will get something in the form of a bar or board with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm and no more than 3 cm. Grind sharp edges, if any, and make the sword a little oval. Next, you need to decide what the hilt of the sword will be, as well as one of the most important elements - the guard. The handle can be round or oval. It should fit the sword, but keep in mind that the hilt needs to be wrapped with something else. After you have carved the blade and the handle, be sure to carve with a file or cut with a knife between the handle and the blade a place for attaching the guard on both sides (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3.

Making a sword (dimensions in mm):

1- handle; 2- recess between the blade and the handle for securing the guard; 3-blade.

When finished with the blade, sand it very carefully with sandpaper. This moment must be taken very seriously - this will save you from unwanted splinters on your hands. The first part is ready. Now grab the guard. For her, too, you need to choose the material. A guard can be made of wood, iron, but it is not so easy. best material, from which you can cut a guard of any shape - kapron (cans from antifreeze, for example).

It looks like soft plastic, cuts well with scissors, which allows you to cut out the most intricate shape. Double-edged swords usually have flat guards. Therefore, we cut out two from nylon identical shapes- be it a straight guard, in the form of a month or wings (Fig. 4). Next, we place two identical guards in both gaps, which are located between the blade and the handle, rewind with something, for example, with insulating tape, until they are securely fixed (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4.

Guards to the sword.

Rice. 5.

Fastening the guard.

The handle can be wrapped in different ways: use electrical tape, any other material that will also have to be wrapped with electrical tape to secure it. A beautiful leather winding is obtained, riveted and fixed. The handle can be pasted over with foil, painted to look like metal, and the sword can be decorated using various rivets, chains, feathers or ballpoint pens, apply painting, signs, drawings on the blade with ink. The sword itself can be wrapped with gauze. It is done like this. We apply to the sword and cut off a strip of gauze of the desired width along the length of the blade.

We smear one side of the blade with PVA glue - after drying, it does not lose elasticity and has almost no color. Let dry and apply a second layer. Gently apply gauze and smooth out all wrinkles on the surface that we glue. Let dry and turn over. The glue must dry completely to a solid state. Under favorable conditions, it takes 4 to 8 hours in winter and 3 hours in summer in the sun. We repeat the operation with the other side (Fig. 6). To make a sword, following the second method, you will need the following materials: a round stick, an aluminum or plastic tube with an inner diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the stick, several meters of rubber watering hose, lead fishing sinkers, wide transparent electrical tape, black electrical tape, aluminum or other shiny tape, foam rubber, azikonim or installation tightening rings.

Rice. 6. Finished product.

The first step is to make the blade

Let's try to make a blade. We cut off two pieces of hose shorter than the desired length of the blade, and attach the hose to the stick on both sides. We first fix it with a few small wallpaper studs, and wrap it with a wide electrical tape on top. At the end of the blade we attach a triangular piece of foam rubber. Then we cover the blade with shiny tape. We apply the tape in long strips along - first on the ribs, and then on the plane. In this case, the blade will look uniform, without turns.

The second stage we make the handle and guard

We make the handle and guard. For the handle we take the tube. It must be wrapped with some material. To do this, you can use a rope, cord, wire, electrical tape or strips of leather. In the latter case, you get a very original and stylish sword. To prevent the skin from slipping, we wind the guitar string.

A very good winding can be the winding for the handle of a tennis racket. Then at the end of the handle you need to fix the guard. To do this, you can use azikonim or installer rings and a thick, thick layer of electrical tape. After fixing the guard, we wrap it with electrical tape. Now you can insert the blade into the handle. If it goes in too easily, we wind several layers of electrical tape so that the blade sits tightly. The last step is to secure the blade with a handle with several turns of electrical tape.

There are two ways to balance the sword

The first - the easiest way to balance the sword - is to attach several lead weights to the end of the sword. The second way to balance the sword is more difficult. First find the center of gravity of the sword and mark it. Measure the distance from the center of gravity to the point and to the location of the desired center of gravity. Then weigh the sword on an accurate balance.

With the resulting figure, proceed as follows: divide in half, and then divide the resulting half by the distance from the center of gravity to the point - you will get the approximate weight of one centimeter of the blade. Multiply the resulting figure by the distance between the current center of gravity and the desired point. This will give you the weight that you need to add to the end of the handle to move the center of gravity to exactly the right point. To do this, attach lead sinkers to the end of the handle in the amount of this weight.

Despite the fact that in modern world firearms are widely used, cold ones are still used - in daggers and bayonet knives. This is where the official combat use of edged weapons ends. and daggers have become part of historical and national costumes. Roleplayers and reenactors fight with gusto using wooden, plastic, automotive steel, and other materials in their fights.

In almost every school of hand-to-hand combat, you can find a direction for fighting with sticks and training swords. Because fencing develops body balance, orientation, movement speed and muscle flexibility. A person who knows how to fence with a steel sword can easily do the same with any stick.

What types of swords are

There are several types of swords. The simplest and easiest to manufacture are straight, one and a half and two-handed. They differ in weight, type of fight with them.

Straight or Slavic - the smallest and most convenient to handle with one hand. In the second hand, they usually take a shield or another similar sword. The handle of such a tool is designed for one brush. To select the size, take the workpiece in your hand - the tip of the blade should touch the ground.

The one-and-a-half is an intermediate sword between the straight and two-handed. The battle with this is carried out either with two hands, or with one and a small shield, so that you can always help the second hand. In hand-to-hand combat schools, this type of sword is very common, as it allows you to develop the upper shoulder girdle and strengthen the joints.

The heaviest and longest, if you lean it on the ground, the handle should reach to the chin. It can only be controlled with two hands. In training, it is good for muscle development.

All swords, one way or another, develop coordination of movement, especially if the battle is against several opponents.

Making a wooden sword: what material to choose?

A wooden sword can be crafted from different types. Some advise taking dead wood or parts of boards made of birch, hazel, oak, aspen. This is suitable if you need wooden swords for training, so you don't mind breaking them. If you're getting ready for a role-playing game and want to have an impressive, durable sword to show off with, then it's worth picking up a fresh one. young tree. The thickness depends on the type of sword. You can also take a thicker tree, but then you need to choose the core as the most durable part.

Be careful about the choice of material, wooden swords with knots, rot and wood bugs do not live long. The selected workpiece must first be soaked until completely saturated with moisture, and then dried very slowly so that the wood does not crack. If you follow the wood drying technology, you will get a very durable and light sword.

Sword at home: how to make?

A wooden sword, despite the pliability of the material, will require patience and skill in working with the workpiece. Remove the bark with a planer, removing bumps along the way and making the trunk straighter. Trim the trunk on both sides so that the blade is from 3 cm to 0.5 cm. Sharpening the tree does not make sense, given the strength of the material. All sharp edges must be removed, the blade made oval. You should not make the handle round, otherwise during the battle the sword will scroll in your hand, it is better to choose a rectangle with rounded edges as a shape. Between the blade and the handle, carve a place for the guard. The guard can be made of wood, metal or nylon. We make two identical symmetrical parts and fasten with electrical tape.

The handle is also wrapped with electrical tape or wet leather. The balance of the sword should be at a distance of one or two palms from the guard to the blade, if this point was not observed during the manufacture of the sword, then when winding the handle under the winding, you can hide the lead inserts. The tree itself should be strengthened with impregnating compounds, like epoxy resin. Your weapon will serve you longer and will not be afraid of moisture. Wooden swords can also be made beautiful. Therefore, at the last stage, it remains only to decorate the sword to your liking.

Are you still wondering how to make a wooden sword? This is an easy product. But for stuffing a skill, you can start with a knife or a boat.

scandinavian type

Round shields are called Scandinavian, although they were used everywhere in Slavic squads, since round shields are easy to make. Their diameter was usually from 65 to 90 cm. The Scandinavians made them from ash, oak, maple. Made of linden were especially appreciated - for their low weight. The thickness of such shields was from 6 to 12 mm. The boards were bound with steel plates, and they themselves were painted in various colors and decorated. Sometimes a finished and decorated product became an expensive gift.

Making a wooden shield

Based on the preferences of the Scandinavians and modern materials, the simplest thing is to make a shield from plywood 6 mm thick. According to the markup, cut out a circle of the diameter you need. Cut a hole in the center for the fist. Using a wood knife or paint, you can imitate boards. For durability and best view cover the shield with stain.

Depending on the size of your hand, make a metal umbon to close the hole. The handle of the shield is attached to two bars, which are attached to the entire diameter of the product. The handle is made of oak, birch or ash. They are fastened with nails, and the protruding parts are removed with wire cutters and riveted.

At the next stage, the shield is glued with leather or burlap. After that, the umbon is mounted. The shield is bound either with metal or with leather. The metal is from 1 to 1.5 mm thick, and the skin should be thicker during forging, from 5 mm.

For ease of wearing, you need to make a leather strap. Such an addition will allow you to wear a shield on your shoulder or throw it on your back over your head.

The final stage - decoration - is up to you. The shield often depicted a coat of arms, a sign of a detachment, or simply a drawing aimed at intimidating the enemy.

Wooden sword training

In schools of hand-to-hand combat, sword fighting training is often arranged in the classroom. It perfectly develops coordination, reaction, sense of distance. And the pain of the blows allows you to believe in the reality of the battle. Wooden swords and shields are excellent weapons for such training. There are separate schools for sword fighting where they use heavy protection, and the fight is more like a show. But there is a minus in such training: a fighter, getting used to strong armor, begins to be exposed to a blow, and in the case of street fighting with sticks, this leads to injury.

But try to remove the protection, every blow leaves bruises. After a few lessons, students begin to dodge blows. When fighting a stronger opponent, they learn not to take the blow hard, but to redirect it. In a battle with several opponents, they develop coordination, speed of movement, thinking and intuition. Such skills will be useful in real life and not just in the ring.

A wooden sword is cheaper and easier to manufacture, so it is used for training. With it, you can work out most movements, but when switching to other materials, you have to learn a lot again, since the weight changes a lot. Some trainers use very heavy and clumsy wooden swords so that the students develop the muscles, and then work out the movements already on the metal.

Additional protection

Looking at photos of wooden swords and making your own, do not forget about protection. In the heat of a training fight, it's easy to lose your temper and start hitting at full strength. To avoid fractures, it is worth using additional protection for the arms, legs and head. The first defense is one's own sword, then the guard of the sword. Fingers, wrists, forearms are at risk. In mass battles, everything else falls into the risk zone. Therefore, it is recommended to protect the hands with gloves, wrists and forearms - with sleeves. Close the body tightly leather jacket or quilt. It is worth putting a tight knitted cap on your head, in case of a pass, it will soften and distribute the blow. Don't forget a mouth guard to protect your teeth. Legs from the foot to the knee should be covered high boots or boots with knee pads.


In our world, the movement of role players and reenactors is popular. Some use the plot from fantasy books for their games, others reconstruct battles from our history. If the first can get off with a not too active role and not participate in mass battles, then the second is better to have fencing skills, good physical fitness and dexterity, and also be able to fight in the ranks.

It is always easier to buy a sword in a special workshop, it is not difficult to find one among role players, but if you decide to make a wooden sword with your own hands, then be patient.

Recently, my son (he is 7 years old) approached me and asked if I could make him a sword. I thought a little .... and decided to make a good wooden sword with my own hands, the one that I dreamed about as a child, but no one made it for me. Without thinking twice, by February 23, I decided to present such a gift.

As a base material, I used wooden lath, 50 x 30 x 700.

I used a wide variety of tools. This is a planer and a chisel with a whole bunch of files. First of all, we outline the general features of the sword. We start to cut off the excess.

Of course, in addition to the blade, the sword must have a spectacular hilt. Cut it out in the same way.

In principle, you can do everything yourself, but if you have a normal CNC machine that can do work in a given interval, everything becomes much easier. We glue the blade and hilt.

Also, on glue, glue a leather strip to the handle. It's more for decoration.

Actually, that's what we have. Thank you for your attention. As for the owner of this sword (new), I will say this, I liked it, and even very much.

Author of work AkroYas

For many people, the sword, first of all, is associated with knights, or, well, with the Middle Ages, where it is an integral part of the warriors. Indeed, for many centuries, this type of weapon served as the lot of the conquerors of territories, protected from enemies.

The origin of the sword still causes ambiguous conclusions from scientists. However, where they are completely united is that this species weapons appeared at the moment when people learned how to handle iron, or rather, began to smelt it. So, the first swords were made of copper, but they were so unstable that they soon found a new use, people began to add another metal alloy called tin to copper, so a bronze sword turned out. Such a weapon was very durable, with all its pluses and minuses. One of these features was that the blade could easily be deformed, while it could be straightened by hand. In general, bronze swords are the most common on our planet, they are found in completely different parts of the Earth, from Europe to Asia. They have a distinctive shape, size, but all this suggests that the technology for processing a sword from bronze was the simplest and at the same time successful.

With each century, mankind has discovered more and more new ideas and technologies. All this also affected the improvement of weapons. Starting around the 6th century, people learned to make the most iron swords, but such weapons were directly corroded and quickly broke, especially if they participated in the battle. Soon came the turn of swords, which were obtained on the basis of steel casting. This metal required careful forging of the blade, while such a sword was much lighter than its predecessor, the bronze sword. It was actively used by the Germanic tribes, Celts, nomads, etc. The steel sword itself subsequently became more notorious, lighter and more convenient. Today, three types of sword blade are known: straight, curved and curved in front. For many warriors, this weapon is a symbol of valor and honor. In the UK, for example, they knighted the Order of Glory with the help of a sword, and continue to do so today. In the 21st century, swords, for the most part, are the lot of private collectors, they are carefully stored in museums and they are given very close importance.

Variety of swords: area of ​​​​their use

Because the general concept about a weapon called a sword, we have already received, it will be interesting to find out what types of it exist, of which there are actually quite a few. The sword called Akinak, is of ancient Scythian origin and is distinguished by its small size. Enshakubo- a sword similar to the dimensions of the akinak sword, but originally from Japan. Xiphos- this sword became a real property of the ancient Greeks. But, there are also such swords, the shape of which, in a certain way, draws attention to itself.

Banya- a sword that has a long and at the same time narrow blade, with an extension at the end (like a rhombus), India is considered its homeland. On the contrary - a tapering blade, similar to a syringe with a needle - is characteristic of a sword called - Anelas, it refers to medieval European culture.

Another interesting specimen of the sword, which also comes from India, is called - Bhelheta, he has a very interesting handle, but, most importantly, a long narrow blade at the end goes into a guard, somewhat reminiscent of a bowl. Brightsax- the sword of the ancient English, he also gave his name to the tribes of the Saxons. Dzytte- a Japanese sword that resembles a round stick and does not have a blade on the blade. pam dao- a sword from Nepal, having a wide blade base and curved in two directions. katana- probably the most recognizable type of sword in the whole world. Its shape has a relatively straight blade base, and the handle is designed so that it can be clasped with two hands. And also - a sword-saw, a sword with a wave-shaped blade and many others.

As we can see, almost every single nation has its own peculiarities in approaches to edged weapons. And this is far from full list what we have listed, however, the swords of the most different types, are available on all continents of the Earth and they have their own separate history.

The use of swords in ancient Rus'

It just so happened that Ancient Rus' was constantly drawn into any military conflicts. The Slavs used edged weapons related to spears, maces, axes, etc. But, the shield and sword gradually became the main and significant attribute. Although, in fairness, it must be said that the sword was available only to heroes and governors (a privileged part of the population), but, in general, it personified the entire army of Rus'.

The blades of the Carolingian group were considered the most sophisticated swords of that time. At their base, a blade made of steel welded on a metal base was combined. The length of such swords could reach almost a meter, although gradually they became shorter and shorter. This weapon was made by blacksmiths from Western Europe, belonging to the then Carolingian Empire (the current part of France, Germany and Italy), and was delivered to Ancient Rus'. In Rus', blacksmiths were also present, who easily smelted steel and iron swords, but all this was not put on stream. Warriors with prosperity, feudal lords and other nobility Ancient Rus', most often they chose steel swords for themselves, and those who were poorer chose iron ones. Although in Rus' there was another type of edged weapon, though less common, it was called the damask sword. Despite its bulky appearance, it was rarely used in combat, mainly for beauty and grace, which is why patterns and ornaments often loomed on it. And all this continued until the 10th century, when sabers replaced swords in Ancient Rus'.

How to make a sword out of wood

Many children, especially boys, like to play with (not real) swords in the street. To feel like a hero, to overcome evil - is this not the cherished dream of little boys. So it was in the USSR, and now in Russia. Children's stores today are full of plastic swords, one better than the other. But, sometimes, for various reasons, some fans of the “knightly business” wake up with enthusiasm and they want more realistic actions. A plastic toy in the form of a sword is no longer interesting, and buying or smelting a sword from metal is expensive and tedious. IN
In this case, there is only one option left - to make a sword out of wood. The advantage is that this type of pseudo-weapon can be made completely to your taste, as you want. Small child, due to its physiological state, is unlikely to be able to make a beautiful wooden sword, so it is best to seek help from an adult.

All you need is a board (preferably flat) with a solid base. Based on it, a sketch of the future wooden sword with measured edges is made. Then, either manually - using a hacksaw, or using a special machine - we cut out the outlines of the figure. The resulting imperfect material, of course, will have to be turned, and this applies to the entire base. A file or sandpaper works well for this. We remove all the roughness, make the handle rounded and smooth. If it has a so-called “apple” (a bulge from the bottom of the handle), then it should also be turned. But, and if this element is not there, then you can take some semicircular material as a basis and screw it to the sword handle using a self-tapping screw.

We pay special attention to the blade - it should be a little flat from the original version and at the same time aligned at the ends of the edges. The point on the blade is better to make a little blunt, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. The final phase can be varnishing a wooden sword, or painting it, for example, in silver color, to match the real sword. But in general, a curved sword, an analogue of the Japanese katana, and much more interesting things can be made from wood.

We make it today from improvised materials. To get the weapon of your dreams, all you need is a lot of free time and a bit of perseverance.

DIY lightsaber

From childhood, each of us remembers the phrase that a real Jedi sword must be made by hand. Indeed, why not feel like a real Jedi, holding a legendary weapon in your hands.

The dueling tool of the Jedi consists of a hilt and a luminous blade. At the heart of such a sword is a transparent tube (PVC or polycarbonate). An LED strip is inserted into it, which is fixed on a special rod. It creates an illusory glow characteristic of weapons of this type. In order for the blade to glow, the LEDs are connected to a power supply - you can make it yourself or “borrow” it from an ordinary flashlight. When choosing such a block, consider its size - it must fit in the handle.

If you want to have a weapon not only with light, but also with a characteristic sound, try making it on Arduino (special board, batteries, mini-processor and mp3 player). This is a fairly high-tech filling that will give your product the maximum similarity with the original diy. Particular attention should also be paid to the hilt of the sword - it is the visiting card of every hero of the star saga. For example, in Count Dooku, it has a special crescent shape. But the weapon of the main villain Darth Vader does not stand out in anything special - the usual straight line, but with horizontal notches for ease of handling (this is evidenced by more than twenty years of history of the sword). But the guard of Kyle Ren's weapon simultaneously served as both decoration of the sword and ventilation.

When arranging a light weapon, make sure that it not only matches the selected hero as much as possible " star wars”, but also had strong and durable connections. To do this, drown the polycarbonate tube into the handle by 5-10 cm.

How to make a paper sword with your own hands?

For theatrical productions or a children's matinee, weapons can be made out of paper. True, the usual one will not work here - it is better to buy whatman paper or cardboard. But even the thickest paper folded in two layers will bend, which means your sword will look completely unnatural. Therefore, the strip of the material you have chosen should be of such a size that it can be folded into an accordion in 7-10 layers (each of them needs to be glued with PVA). Only in this way you will get an excellent blade out of paper - it remains only to attach the guard and handle to it. A paper sword can also be made according to a pattern, however, its assembly will be more complex and multi-stage than in the version presented by us.

You can also make a blade using the origami technique. By repeatedly bending a sheet of paper according to the drawn up scheme, you will definitely get a very beautiful sword. However, it is worth considering that it has a purely decorative purpose.

DIY wooden sword

Unlike paper versions, wooden blades are quite suitable for both training battles and friendly battles. Before proceeding with the manufacture of such weapons, it is worth considering that the correct drawings are simply necessary for it. This is primarily necessary so that your work is conscious, and you can accurately imagine the final result. In addition, with the help of a drawing, you can break down all the preparations into successive stages.

To make a wooden blade, you will need wooden beam, from which the blade of the blade is turned. Using a jigsaw and wood cutters, give it the desired shape. If desired, you can also apply various patterns to the blade.

The hilt of the sword should also be carved from wood - it can be either a one-piece structure or a prefabricated one. The material for the handle can be the same wooden beam, honed in a special way. You can also add a beautiful plywood guard in the form of wings or just carved from a thin board. Whichever option you choose, remember that wood is a specific material that is in dire need of polishing (otherwise you cannot avoid a splinter).

How to make a sword from iron with your own hands?

You can easily make a solid combat sword from a spring, having processed it properly on an anvil. Of course, ideal option blade manufacturing to this day remains forging, but this method is not always available. But if you have the opportunity to forge a sword yourself - do not even hesitate. A blade made in this way is incredibly reliable and durable, and will certainly not let you down at the most inopportune moment. However, it is worth noting that such melee weapons have a rather impressive weight and their use is available only to real masters. For beginners, there is an easier alternative - an aluminum blade.

You can also make miniature copies of famous swords from a nail or a file. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to duel with such blades, but they can serve both instead of a regular knife and as a training base.

Types of swords and features of their manufacture with their own hands: a brief overview of the sword of heroes and other heroes

Each blade has its own characteristics that make him part of the hero's image. The pirate's sword has a wide blade honed on one side (falchion or flamberg), which is convenient for inflicting lacerations and chopped wounds during boarding. In addition, the sword was also a pirate weapon - it was used during close combat.

It's strange, but weapons can sometimes create. An example is the so-called Kolesov sword, which is intended for planting forests. However, its "weapon" can be called a stretch.

But back to the types of swords that are widely represented in popular games. In Minecraft, they most often use a double-edged blade with a guard. Similar forms of weapons are in The Witcher, but there you can also find elven models with one-sided sharpening and a forbidden sword with a blade of a special shape.

Since time immemorial, the gladius has earned honor among connoisseurs of weapons - a short Roman sword, the center of gravity of which is displaced by a counterweight on the handle. It has also been recreated in the games along with the Titan's weapon (a blade with a very wide blade).

If you want to recreate the Slavic swords that were used by epic heroes, be prepared for the fact that a weapon forged from iron with a heavy double-edged blade will not be so easy to even budge - with an average length of 80 cm, it can weigh up to 10 kg. By the way, the Spartan weapons were up to 60 cm and weighed 1.5 kg, which can be considered a very significant example.

Also, if you have the skill, you can try to build a Corvo sword, which, although it consists of thin metal plates, has an excellent ability to fold.

DIY katana sword

The samurai katana sword has a long, thin, slightly curved blade. Its blade is sharpened only on one side, which, however, does not reduce its lethality (which is very useful for a samurai). You can make it from a thin steel plate, sharpening and polishing it. Do not think that it will be easy - it will take you two to three months of hard work to bring the katana to perfection. Next, the blade should be hardened and polished again to a shine. But you don’t have to bother with the handle - just wrap it with an ordinary cord or twine.

DIY sword for a child

For a child, you can make a sword from absolutely any material except iron. Even for a teenager, a metal sword is a potentially dangerous toy that can injure yourself or someone else. For children, lightsabers are perfect, which do not have to be made as close to the original as possible. For this type of weapon, it is enough to take two PVC pipes And led strip and just decorate unsightly details. But you shouldn’t do a chain laser sword for a child with your own hands - you’ll kill a lot of time, and a child can break all the bells and whistles like Arduino in a jiffy.

A toy wooden or paper sword will appeal to schoolchildren who like to arrange comic duels. However, when handing a child even a toy wooden blade, do not forget to talk to him about the rules for safe handling of it.

DIY sword scabbard

The scabbard is a kind of sheath for your weapon, from which the braid of the handle looks out. They are made of wooden plates with an iron mouth and a tip, which are fastened with thin leather strips.

In general, creating a sword with your own hands is a rather laborious process, but the result will surely please you.
