For casting metal miniatures, a collapsible two-part mold is classic - plaster or silicone. Experience with this type of mold allows us to list its disadvantages: a relatively large amount of silicone is required for the manufacture of each of the two halves, the time for silicone vulcanization is 8-12 hours for each layer of silicone at room temperature, and when there are three such layers, then the manufacture of two halves silicone mold takes two days. And the main drawback is flash - metal that falls into the gap between the two halves of the form. Who poured, he knows how difficult it is sometimes to get a casting, on which the flash line is imperceptible and exactly matches. The mold making method I want to demonstrate successfully overcomes all three difficulties and makes it possible to obtain quality molds and, therefore, quality figures at home.

Photo 1. As an example, a 28 mm master model of an elf for the Blood Bowl game was taken, made from Quick-Wood epoxy patty.

Before you start making a mold, you need to prepare the model itself. First, put the model on the sprue and riser. The models that I sculpt myself have a wire leg frame, and I use the ends of the wire to make the sprue (a piece of such wire is clearly visible in the first photo). So, the sprue has a conical shape, the protrusion is only one, not too thick - to the other leg. If it is difficult to put a sprue and a riser separately, then sometimes you can do without a riser at all. Further, the entire structure is installed and glued to the cardboard base. Secondly, in order to easily separate the model from silicone later, I paint over the model with a thin layer of acrylic metallic or some kind of nitro spray. If your master model is metal, then I recommend tinting it with nitro, and if it is plastic, epoxy or green staff, then acrylic metallic is quite suitable.

Why metallic? From experience - it is the easiest to separate, and at the same time it can be applied in a fairly thin layer. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all undercuts are also covered with paint (in other literature there are names “undercuts” or “negative corners”). The third stage - optional, but highly recommended - draw an imaginary line of separation of the halves of the form with a felt-tip pen - this will greatly help subsequently to make an accurate cut of the silicone shell.

In the picture - the model is prepared for the start of manufacturing the mold itself. The sprue, bulge are visible, and the cut line is visible, at least on the legs. Do not look for it on your head - it is not there. The cut will only reach the fingertips of the left hand and the top pole of the ball. The whole model is installed on the base.

Second part. Silicone cocoon and stone coffin.

We begin to apply silicone layer by layer. The first layer requires a lot of attention and patience. The task is to introduce silicone into all cracks, crevices and recesses. Silicone is a rather capricious material and will not climb there of its own accord, so I take a small drop of silicone and put it in there, deepening after deepening, again and again checking if I have forgotten some other crack.

Already applied silicone can be pressed down with a damp finger. Another reason I prefer to work with transparent silicone is that you can see if air bubbles form under the silicone layer. At the end of this stage of work, our model should be completely covered with a thin layer of silicone, preferably less than a millimeter.

In the picture: like this, drop by drop, silicone is introduced into all the "problem" places.

Next we have to let the silicone dry. Drying time may vary between different types of silicone, but in most cases the next layer of silicone can be applied after eight hours. And never apply the next layer until the previous one has dried! After the first layer of silicone has dried, once again carefully inspect the “cocoon”, if there are no bald spots in the silicone layer, then we move on! If there is, then fill in the gaps with silicone and move on anyway! And then - the second, third and further, as needed. These layers should tightly wrap the model in a single cocoon without any undercuts. How thick should he be? Let's just say that an extra layer of silicone will not harm it, but a layer that is too thin can lead to deformations during casting, especially at the place where the mold is cut. On the model shown here, the silicone is applied in four layers, and in some places I put another additional fifth layer. When the application of silicone is completed, the excess cardboard of the stand is cut off.

Now we have a silicone mummy from which our model is barely visible. It's time to build a "stone coffin". I make formwork from Lego parts, spread gypsum and pour the first half of the coffin, half-embed the cocoon in gypsum, and wait.

Pay attention to the rubber cup for dilution of gypsum. An exceptionally easy-to-use thing, a veteran of production. Initially, this is a dental instrument, but can also be made from half a rubber ball. Working with the same container for diluting gypsum, over time you learn to dose water and gypsum "by eye" so that there is not too much waste, and after work, clean it from the frozen gypsum - simply by turning it inside out.

When the gypsum hardens, which is determined by its heating, I move the formwork higher, but in no case do not remove the cocoon from the gypsum! Then you must not forget to lubricate the surface of the gypsum with a chum, so that later the halves of the gypsum can be separated. No special mixes! Dishwashing liquid or liquid soap will work. We breed the second portion of gypsum and pour it into the formwork. We wait again until the gypsum is heated. When the gypsum has hardened, we remove the formwork, separate the halves of the “coffin” and take out the mummy.

Part three. Surgical.

At this point, we already have a fully manufactured injection mold. Now it's up to the small thing - to take the model out of the mold and graphite the casting surface. In fact, opening the silicone and taking out the model is the most important operation, so you need to approach it very seriously. Waving a knife is not for you to smear silicone. First, I highly recommend getting a brand new scalpel blade. Secondly, slowly examine the mummy and remember or try to carefully find the cut line that we drew when preparing the model. And only after thinking about how the cut should go - start. It is necessary to cut slowly, little by little, but with a “firm hand”. Start making cuts, your guideline is the line, it was not in vain that we drew it, meanwhile, gradually and very carefully separate the silicone from the model. Although silicone is very elastic, it is not so difficult to tear off a piece from it or cut off something superfluous with a scalpel, so no use of force and haste. The final task of this operation is to unscrew the silicone shell so that the model can be pulled out, but at the same time leave the shell intact, so that when it is released, it will return to its original shape.

When removing the mold from complex-shaped models, additional cuts can be made to extract individual parts from the silicone, but not to cut anything off completely. As if we wanted to peel the whole orange. This is the essence of the method. We succeeded! Now the surgeon can take off his mask and gloves, brew coffee and smoke tiredly.

Before casting internal surfaces forms should be properly processed with graphite powder (I use the insides of batteries as a source of graphite, although it can also be a graphite pencil rod), blow off excess graphite and reassemble the whole form. The mold is completely ready for casting. The clip is simple and convenient to horror - two sticks and two rubber bands.

Of course, it would be nice to give the plaster time to dry, at least a couple of days, but who can resist, I already have a completely finished form from the pleasure of making a couple of trial castings? I can't resist and...

Time costs.

Preparing the model: making sprues - half an hour, painting and drawing a dividing line - let it be another half an hour (of course, this is the maximum time spent, all this can be done even faster). Applying the first layer of silicone takes about twenty minutes. Subsequent layers are operations that do not require super precision, so they take 5-15 minutes of time. Drying of each of the layers of silicone, as I said, takes eight hours, but there is a little trick here. If you put the model in a warm place, probably 60-80 degrees, it's hard for me to say for sure without a thermometer, then the silicone cures in an hour. I put it in an electric oven. Flaws: bad smell in the oven and throughout the kitchen. If the smell is very unpleasant, try lowering the temperature. You can, of course, turn on the hood, if anyone has one. A total of five layers will harden in six hours. I prefer to take my time and leave the outermost layer (it's the thickest anyway) overnight at room temperature. The next day: to make a plaster coffin - 20 minutes for each half. Trick: dilute gypsum in salted water. Salt is a catalyst for the crystallization of gypsum. In total, it took an hour for everything, including cleaning. Without cleaning - 40 minutes and the wife would be very cursing. The operation of opening the "cocoon" took me 15 minutes, timed by the clock. Another fifteen minutes were spent on grafititizing the surfaces of the form and putting everything into full combat readiness.

So: yesterday at 11 am I started making the mold, today at 1 pm I was already holding the cast figures in my hands.

Method capabilities.

I've been making molds this way for about two years now, and I've experienced significant savings in silicone and time compared to other mold making methods. I now make two-piece silicone molds only for completely flat parts, and everything else - arms, bodies, heads - is just that. The quality has improved, especially with regard to the flash and the accuracy of matching the halves of the mold. This method can be successfully used to make molds for figures of any shape and complexity. I used it equally successfully for casting 28 mm 54 and even 75 mm figurines.

In conclusion, I want to say a few words about silicones.

We make molds for stucco with our own hands

Finding the right material for the job is not easy. There are many varieties to try. To save money, don't look for metal casting dental silicones and jewelry (they proudly call them " liquid rubber”) - they are not heat resistant. There are probably exceptions, but as a rule they are also expensive.

I use the most common construction silicone Silirub from the Belgian company Soudal. Syringe 330 g. The smell of vinegar is almost not felt from it. It is available in three types: black, white and transparent. The first and last tin casting temperature, i.e. 300-400 degrees keeps well. White, after several fillings, is covered with cracks and a “baking” crust. After repeated fillings, it practically does not deform. It remains only to wish good luck to all lovers of smearing in silicone.

How to cast plaster molds

This business plan is designed to invest in production of gypsum tiles.

The purpose of developing a business plan: to receive a grant;
Scope of work: 42 pages;
Business planning horizon: 3 years.

Last year, the volume of gypsum tiles sold in the Russian Federation amounted to more than 7 million square meters while maintaining a steady growth trend. Most of the products are produced for the domestic market, export volumes are small. Tiles from Russian manufacturers are mainly exported to the countries of the former CIS, since the transportation of these products over long distances is unprofitable. The same applies to imports, the list of importing countries is limited to Germany, Finland and Ukraine.

The development of the production of the project initiator in this type of activity has a large social and economic role, therefore, the implementation of activities in the production and sale of tiles is appropriate, this is due to the fact that similar products from local suppliers are practically not represented in the region and nearby areas.

Leased area production premises is 90 sq.m. The initiator of the project will produce gypsum tiles, and subsequently paving tiles, on a professional level using modern equipment.

When starting the project, it is planned to purchase the following equipment and inventory:

  • airbrush;
  • compressor;
  • spray gun;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibro molding table;
  • polyurethane molds;
  • silicone molds 20 units;
  • heat gun 2 units;
  • table for disbanding products (metal);
  • office furniture.

In a year, it is planned to reach the volume of tile production equal to the output of the mini-factory. The number of employees involved in the production process at the time of opening will be 3 people. Over the next three years, with the expansion of production, an increase in the range and volume of products, the staff will be increased to 15 people. The staff will include specialists in the following specialties: loaders, molding masters, laborers and others.

The advantages of gypsum tiles over other materials are:

  • cost-effective finishing material from existing on the market;
  • biostability - gypsum tiles exclude the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • environmental friendliness - all components of gypsum tiles are natural;
  • lightness there is no need to strengthen the walls, tiles can be mounted on drywall;
  • the ability to regulate the humidity in the room;
  • ease of application in hard-to-reach places;
  • effective use in building renovation.

New business ideas

A practical guide on how to open a workshop for the production of gypsum products. Material touches next questions: the arrangement of the workshop, the necessary raw materials, the required equipment and personnel, manufacturing technology and advice on organizing the marketing of finished products.

Types of products that can be cast from plaster

  • It is profitable to make large objects: ceiling and wall rosettes, wide cornices and moldings, capitals (the upper part of the column) and decorative columns.
  • Large wall panels.
  • Pilasters, ceiling borders and domes.
  • Everything that cannot be made using the old technology of casting from molds.

Organization of the production workshop

The premises for the workshop should be located in an industrial area, away from residential buildings.

Gypsum casting is an environmentally friendly production, but the heart of this production is the production of fiberglass molds from which this casting will be made. This is associated with some inconveniences: it is necessary to have a molding chamber with a local (above the table) exhaust, respiratory protective equipment. We will deal with polyester resin, which emits styrene during polymerization.

IN production shop there should be six rooms isolated from each other:

  1. Amenity room where the staff changes clothes, eats, washes and rests.
  2. A room where models are assembled for the production of injection molds. This room is equipped with tables welded from an iron angle, shelves with metalwork and electric tools.
  3. A small isolated room where molding and subsequent polymerization of injection molds takes place. Also, their trimming, subsequent grinding. All these operations are associated with the release of chemical fumes and very unpleasant dust. Needed here reliable table, welded from a 50 mm corner, local exhaust above the table itself and lighting located low and not giving shadows.
  4. The room where the decoration casting process takes place. Corner-welded tables, height adapted to the height of the casters.
  5. Warehouse for raw material, buckets and other utensils.
  6. Finished goods warehouse. It needs to be considered in more detail. The fact is that casting a product is far from everything, it is equally important to preserve it so that it does not twist when it dries, and the geometry of the casting remains correct. To do this, it is necessary to build drying racks in the warehouse, which are boiled from a metal corner, and between the corners for support - a metal square. The whole structure is checked by the level, then carefully painted. The storage room must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

Necessary raw materials and materials

For the production of gypsum products you will need

  • Main production material gypsum brand G-5. When buying in hardware stores and wholesalers, you must require a certificate with the date of issue. Gypsum that has been stored for a long time is unsuitable for production.
  • Ordinary water. It is necessary to ensure that rust does not come across in the water, the water must be clean and transparent. Otherwise, all the inclusions that may be in the water will appear on your surface of the casting.
  • Another item of expenditure is polymer materials for the production of fiberglass injection molds: gelcoat, molding polyester resin, curing catalyst three types of glass mat, release pastes. Suppliers can be found by ads and on the Internet using the keywords Neste Chemicals and Reichhold. Typically, such supplier firms have organized courses that will train your staff in the molding technology necessary for the production of fiberglass injection molds.

Necessary equipment

The beauty of gypsum molding production is that you do not need bulky and expensive equipment. Everything you need can be made by hand, and hand tool buy:

To organize production you will need:

  • Tables welded from an iron corner.
  • The exhaust unit in the molding room consists of: a box above the table, an electric motor, which is mounted with a snail behind the wall on the street. Supply and exhaust ventilation consists of two fans at different ends of the finished product warehouse. They are mounted in holes made in the wall.
  • Power tools: a small drill, a medium drill, it will be used to prepare a gypsum mortar by inserting a special mixer into it. Electric jigsaw, orbital sander, minidrill for working with forms, screwdriver for self-tapping screws, grinder of medium power with speed control function.
  • Scales: floor and desktop.
  • Locksmith tools and consumables: sandpaper of different grain sizes, polishing pastes for finishing injection molds.


  • Foreman(business owner): organizes all the work, monitors the uninterrupted supply of material, searches for and places orders.
  • Casters- two people. The selection of personnel is not critical. Both a woman and a teenager do an excellent job with the work of a foundry worker. The work is not harmful and not heavy, the result is visible immediately. With little skill, mistakes are rare. Piecework payment.
  • moulders- two people. These are the ones on which the success of the whole business depends. Their duties include: preparation of a polyurethane model (training with separating compounds), assembly of the structure on which the model is attached, molding and subsequent processing (polishing and grinding).
  • Installers- not less than two people. Engaged in the installation of finished products to the customer. This operation is very responsible and thorough, moreover, not cheap. Candidates are selected from experienced installers. As a last resort, such a tandem should consist of an experienced person and a diligent student.

Gypsum ceiling rosettes

Technology for the production of gypsum products

The process of casting from gypsum is simple: open a bag of gypsum. The material must be fresh, without lumps and foreign matter. If lumps come across, be sure to sift it through a sieve. You can use a sieve through which the flour is sifted.

  1. After that it is weighed required amount plaster. Finding out how much solution is needed to fill a form, say, a ceiling rosette, from the first pour will definitely not work. You need to take more volume than you need, and with each new filling, bring the volume to the optimal amount. It is helpful to make detailed notes for each type of form.
  2. The ratio of gypsum to water is one to one.

    Copying figurines. Making molds for casting.

    The mixture turns out to be somewhat liquid, but by this we prevent the appearance of holes (the place where air bubbles exit) on the surface of the casting. From experience: such a ratio of components does not affect either the rate of hardening of the mass or the final strength of the product. But, in addition to the absence of unpleasant holes on the surface, we save on a vibrating table - an expensive, bulky and very unpleasant thing to hear.

  3. We insert the mixer into a drill, pour the right amount of water into a plastic bucket, pour gypsum into it. After a few moments, he will disappear under the water. We begin to gently stir it with a mixer at low speeds, trying not to air the mixture.
  4. So, let's start filling. With a flute brush, we apply refined sunflower oil to the front surface of the form, the cheapest possible. We apply not abundantly, but in the rub.
  5. Pour the mixture into the mold in a thin stream, slowly, but without delay. The solution should spread smoothly throughout the form, gradually squeezing out the air.
  6. Leave the mold filled to the brim for a few minutes. After the gypsum has thickened, but not completely, you need an absolutely flat bar (wood, aluminum, plastic), while simultaneously leaning on the opposite ends of the mold, “cut off” the excess so that the pouring surface is even. When hardening, the gypsum warms up, but when it starts to cool after that, this is a sign that the casting is ready and it is time to get it out of the mold.
  7. We carefully clean the edges and very carefully bend the edge of the form around the perimeter. After that, holding by the middle, we turn the mold with the hardened gypsum and put it on the table. Holding the top of the mold, we begin to bend the edges in a circle, at the same time lightly and often tapping the entire structure on the surface of the table. At some point, the product will fall out of shape. Carefully lift up the already empty form.

Everything, you did it! And if the surface of the matrix was well ground and polished, then the surface of the product will reflect the sun glare.

Principles for the implementation of finished products

The owner of the business is responsible for the sale of finished products. Methods for achieving results are different - from giving advertisements, describing the properties of products in the media, to installing advertising stands in places with high human traffic.

One of the main distribution channels is through construction stores: samples of finished products are displayed in the store and everyone can make individual order by contacting the sellers.

Fireplace and chimney decoration with gypsum structures

In conclusion, a few words about the profitability of production.

I will give just one example from which everything will be clear.

A bag of gypsum (40 kg) costs 200 rubles, it can be used to cast up to ten ceiling rosettes with a diameter of 70 cm, costing at least 200 rubles, the gross margin is more than 10,000%!

Questions and answers on the topic

No questions have been asked for the material yet, you have the opportunity to be the first to do so

Decorative stucco elements, all kinds of bas-reliefs, plinths, cornices, sculptures and architectural elements have been decorating buildings for many centuries, both outside and inside. In our time, this tradition continues and is supplemented by new types of gypsum products. Artificial decorative rock, new production, but the products are often used in construction and decoration. It is easy to work with gypsum even at home, and the material is not very expensive. The main thing is to have a cast from which the form will be made, and then it's a matter of technology. How to make DIY design a profitable business?

Mini business plan for the production of gypsum products

By combining all the components of the business into a common process, rational interaction is ensured to achieve an effective production economy.

Key questions to focus on:

  1. Shop- correct location and arrangement.
  2. Raw material- everything to work with this mineral.
  3. Equipment- Without it, it is impossible to establish production output.
  4. Staff- Experienced employees, this is a quality product.
  5. Manufacturing technology- an experienced technologist, a faithful assistant in the work.
  6. Sales of products– by fulfilling the previous points, the products will not be delayed in the warehouse.

Various types of products are cast from gypsum, but the most profitable production large, dimensional items, including rosettes for walls and ceilings, decorative parts of columns and also the columns themselves used for decorations, garden figurines, piggy banks and other artistic products.

All sorts of huge panels decorating the walls. Borders for decorating ceilings, pilasters and domes. All products manufactured without the use of obsolete now technological processes castings. It is possible to open the production of plaster figurines, stucco molding, production of plaster souvenirs and decorative tiles.

Save money

You can't do without a business plan - it will take into account in detail all financial and other expenses. The profit that is expected to be received, as well as the losses that are expected to be, are calculated. Be sure to calculate the feasibility and profitability of the project, as well as the amount of investment in starting a business, according to market conditions.


  1. Selection of suitable premises, this is one of the main points of cost accounting. There are no great requirements for the premises, but its location should not be in a residential area. Dry room with good ventilation.
  2. Preparation of molds for the production of gypsum products. It is better to make molds on your own, it is much cheaper than ordering from the appropriate company.
  3. Conclusion of an agreement with a wholesale organization, for the purchase of alabaster and additional material.

Gypsum: technique, techniques, products.

How can a novice businessman open a workshop for the production of gypsum products?

Properly organized production of gypsum products will make it possible to save labor resources, increase the creative nature of the staff, and the personal interest of everyone. Provide conditions that will help implement production activities in all areas.

For the workshop in which alabaster products will be made, it is better to choose an industrial area. Gypsum production, or casting, is an environmentally friendly production. But above all, professional workers are needed for technological specialization.

Glass-plastic molds, without which such casting is impossible, is the main production start of the main production of products. Polyester resin and styrene when polymerized give the appropriate result. The necessary copies can be made by a young artist. Since the work is temporary, you can conclude an agreement with the student. A copy is placed in a sealed container and filled with silicone. The cured polymer, in the form of the obtained form, is removed and cut in half. Further, these forms are used for the manufacture of gypsum products. Reusable forms.

The workshop should have a molding chamber, with a local exhaust system located directly above the table. A mandatory attribute is the use of protective equipment for the respiratory system of personnel (respirators).

There are no difficulties in organizing production and manufacturing gypsum products, and the business has a high profitability of production. From one bag of gypsum weighing forty kilograms and costing within two hundred rubles, ten rosettes are cast. The diameter is seventy centimeters. With costs within two hundred rubles, the profitability of gross output is up to ten thousand percent. Calculating income is not difficult. And income, plus satisfaction from the work done, give a wonderful result.

So, the multi-purpose direction of production of products from alabaster showed that it can be used in various fields, even in medicine (it is used for fractures of limbs). But in construction irreplaceable material. There is no construction site where gypsum is not used, both as an auxiliary material and as a decorative one. This is because the technological properties of this material are very easy to use and durable. It has low fuel and energy capacity. Fire-resistant material, not amenable to the fire element. Knitting abilities and rapid solidification of the solution, makes it possible to use technological capabilities in the manufacture of various products. The nomenclature range of production depends on the imagination of the manufacturer. The main thing in fulfillment is not to allow marriage. It should be remembered about the high architectural requirements, all products must meet them. All products are made only from environmentally friendly and safe materials. Manufactured products will objectively provide the advantage of gypsum materials during operation. As a result, it has a priority weight when used in construction, as well as in the reconstruction of buildings.

The multi-purpose use of this material and all its possibilities are confirmed by domestic scientists and production workers, who substantiated many years of research in their writings.

Industrial premises

The production workshop is not one closed large space, but has isolated, independent from each other, premises:

  1. change house- room for household needs staff, where workers can change, wash, rest and eat.
  2. Work room– for assembling models produced by casting molds. Such a room is equipped with solid tables made of welded iron corners. The room should have shelves for placing locksmith tools and electrically powered tools on them.
  3. Molding room- well insulated, small room, in which molding is carried out, followed by polymerization of molds for casting. Here they are engaged in cutting and polishing finished forms. And since, all the actions performed in this room are associated with chemical reactions, in which harmful fumes and dust are released, this room must be well insulated. A good, securely reinforced table is installed in the room, it is cooked from fifty-millimeter corners. High-quality and local exhaust, for air filtration, is placed directly above the table. A room with good lighting, the light is low and without casting shadows.
  4. decor room- in this room they are engaged in the casting process decorative details. Tables are welded from the corners, but the height is adapted to the height of the person involved in the casting of the decor.
  5. Stock- stored in this room raw material, for the manufacture of plaster products, spare tools, buckets and all kinds of utensils.
  6. Warehouse space- it stores finished products. But this room should have some features and it is desirable to consider them in more detail. The process of manufacturing products has its own functions, but you need to be able to save the finished product. Drying, the cast product should not change its geometric shape, remaining the same as during manufacture. The warehouse should be equipped with racks for drying products. They are made from metal corners, by welding, and with the help of a metal square, support is made to the corners. The correct installation of this design requires a level check. The surface is covered with paint, in several layers. The warehouse of finished products has a flow-exhaust ventilation for constant air circulation.

Raw materials and materials for the production of gypsum products

Gypsum products are made from quite affordable materials:

  1. Gypsum- the main component of the entire production. It is good to use material under the brand name "G-5". For the production of your decorative products, you cannot use material with a long shelf life; poor quality products are obtained. Where the source material is purchased, hardware stores or wholesalers, a certificate should be issued indicating the date of issue of the powder.
  2. Water- use ordinary water, but without all kinds of impurities. Not allowed for production dirty water, it must be clean and transparent in consistency, no rust admixture is allowed. All foreign excesses in the water will subsequently begin to appear in the form of inclusions on the surface, spoiling the presentation of the product.
  3. polymer material- it is included in the expense item, it is used when casting molds made of fiberglass: for this, gelcoat, molding polyester resin, a hardening catalyst for three types of glass mats, and a release paste are purchased.

To search for suppliers, you should use the Internet, you just need to use the keywords Neste Chemicals and Reichhold. Such supplier firms often provide training opportunities by organizing courses for personnel to learn the molding technology required in the production of FRP mold casting.

This plan has its own charms, since it is possible to produce stucco molding from gypsum without bulky and expensive equipment. The economy consists in the fact that many items are made on their own, only hand tools are purchased.

Items that will be needed to organize the entire gypsum production process:

  1. tables- welded from metal corners and covered with paint.
  2. Hood- for the molding room, an exhaust system is installed, the duct of which is located directly above the table, and the electric motor, the snail of which is mounted on the wall from the outside. Two fans are located at opposite ends of the room, performing supply and exhaust ventilation of the finished product warehouse. Fastenings are made in holes that are made in the wall.
  3. Electric tools- a small electric drill, a medium electric drill, for use in the preparation of a solution of gypsum, using a special mixer of the right size. An electric jigsaw is used for cutting molds, an orbital sander is used for grinding products, and a mini drill is used when working with molds. A device for tightening screws, and a grinder with speed control at medium power.
  4. Scales- you will need floor and small ones, which are used by installing on the table.
  5. Additional expenses- polishing paste - used to refine the molds, sandpaper - use different grain sizes, auxiliary locksmith tools.


  1. Shop manager- his duties can be performed by the owner of the business, it is required to organize the work of production, control the uninterrupted supply of material, search and place orders.
  2. Caster- two people are enough. The work is not hard, so you should not be picky about the selection of casters, even a woman or a child can do the work, adolescence. The work does not belong to the category of harmful or heavy, and the result of labor is immediately visible. The work is monotonous, the skill comes quickly and there are rare cases of defective products. Payment is made according to the quantity and quality of the work performed, that is, piecework.
  3. moulder- You need two people to work. Preferably with work experience successful production will depend on the experience of the moulders. They are obliged to prepare polyurethane models (release compounds will help in training), to assemble the structures on which the models will be attached. Forming and sequentially processing, that is, polishing and grinding parts.
  4. Installer- it is advisable to use two people. Their responsibilities include assembling the finished product for the customer. This operation must be done carefully and with a great deal of responsibility, the work of the installer is paid dearly.

The selection of candidates for the upcoming work is carried out carefully, only experienced employees are accepted. In the absence of such, it is worth making a duet, in which there will be an experienced installer and a very diligent, diligent student.

Technology for the production of gypsum products

The casting process is reminiscent of children playing in a sandbox. Open the bag of gypsum powder. Eliminate lumps and foreign inclusions by sifting through a sieve, use only fresh material.

  • 1. From the prepared material, the required norm for work is weighed. It will not be possible to determine which rate is used to manufacture, for example, a ceiling rosette, during the first pour. A larger volume is taken, reducing each subsequent filling rate, in this way to reach the optimal usage rate. Detailed data records should be kept, recording everything for each specific type of product.
  • 2. Water is combined with gypsum in a ratio of one to one, the same part of water is added to one part. The resulting mixture turns out to be a liquid consistency, but this is an obstacle to the appearance of holes, they appear where air bubbles exit and spoil the surface of the casting. Experience shows that the influence of such a ratio of the components of water and gypsum does not increase the setting time of the alabaster casting and does not affect the quality of the strength of the product. Not only are there no nasty holes on the surface of finished products, but big savings without using a vibrating table. The vibrating table is an expensive fixture, has large, bulky dimensions and is very noisy during operation.
  • 3. The mixture is being prepared, according to the principle of kneading dough. A special drill is inserted into the construction mixer and a batch is made in a plastic bucket: water is poured, the amount is determined by trial, and the right amount of powder is poured into the water.
  • It is worth waiting a few seconds, and when the powder goes under the water, you can start kneading. It all starts with gentle stirring, using the mixer at low speed, helping the air to come to the surface. Such a mixture does not allow marriage in the end result.
  • 4. Filling starts in a special way, using refined sunflower oil, you should not use expensive oil, for the sake of economy, cheap oil is used, it has no effect on quality. A flute brush is used to apply the oil. The surface of the mold on the front side is covered, the oil is applied without excess, rubbing well, without making gaps.
  • 5. The mold is filled with mixture, little by little, in order for a thin stream to flow, patience is required in this matter, haste and slowness will spoil the detail. Only experience will help the solution spread smoothly over the entire surface of the mold, in this way air is gradually squeezed out, preventing defects in the product.
  • 6. The form is filled completely to the very brim. The mixture stands for several minutes. After the gypsum has set, but not completely, the following actions are performed. Using a flat bar (you can use wood, aluminum, plastic), "cut off" the excess mixture, pressing the bar from two opposite sides of the mold at the same time. After this procedure, there are no flaws on the surface of the fill. The material begins to heat up during solidification, but the beginning of cooling is a signal for the finished casting to be taken out of the mold.
  • 7. The work is completed with a neat cleaning of the edges. The edges of the form are bent along the entire perimeter, all this is done with the utmost care. Then the form is turned over, slowly, supporting the frozen material in the middle, gently lies on the table. Holding the upper part of the mold, it is necessary to make a circular bending of the edges, while doing a simultaneous light and frequent tapping, over the entire surface of the structure. Up to a certain point, these actions are performed until the product leaves the mold, falling out of it. The actions are completed by gently lifting up the empty form.

That's all, on this the process of production of gypsum products is completed. You can check the quality of work, If light reflections are reflected on the surface of the finished product, from sun rays, which means that the grinding and polishing of the entire surface of the matrix was done perfectly.

Production of figurines from gypsum, stucco, souvenirs, decorative tiles- here's another sample spectrum possible directions production.

How to properly sell finished products?

Most often, the owner of the enterprise is engaged in the sale of products. It is possible to achieve efficiency different ways. You can use printed materials by placing ads there, describing in detail all the properties of the product.

A good, and perhaps the main, distribution channel will be through building supply stores. To do this, samples should be placed on the shelves of the store and everyone who is interested in this product can individually place an order directly through the seller.

Gypsum construction can even decorate a fireplace

Gypsum- the material is resistant, not afraid of fires, so decorating fireplaces with stucco is not prohibited, but rather welcomed. Gypsum stucco often decorates classic and so-called fake fireplaces.

These can be fireplaces framed with plaster sculpture or decorated with individual stucco elements. In any case, this is a durable, comfortable, original and very beautiful decorative solution. And covering with gilding, royal comfort and extraordinary beauty are created in the house.

Babylonian cuneiform writing mentions the use of this mineral in those distant times. Near the Euphrates, it was used as construction material. Even in the Egyptian pyramids, mortars were used, consisting of burnt lime and gypsum. They filled voids or vertical seams. And the builders of the island of Crete erected the walls of the royal palace with gypsum stone, sealing the seams with a solution of this mineral. All decorations of the palace - ceiling stucco, column bas-reliefs, outer walls and even palace sculptures were made of plaster. Fragments of these decorations, which have survived to this day, were found during excavations. “Gypsum business” is still relevant in our time, although many do not see prospects.

Sep 27, 2015 Sergey

Gypsum is a natural, natural, durable, environmentally friendly material. Is it possible to build a profitable business in the manufacture of gypsum products? When opening your business, you need to decide for what purposes the products will be produced, and whether its implementation will be profitable.

The business of creating large gypsum products is more profitable, as it gives more profit than the sale of small piece products: various garden figures ok, souvenirs, figurines, which are not in great demand.

Business idea for the manufacture and sale of gypsum products, can bring its owner a pretty good stable income.

Novice entrepreneurs need to study the following points:

Gypsum stucco is used for external and interior design buildings. For interiors, decorative products are used to decorate ceilings, walls, niches. Most often, stucco is used to create classical style. Lighting fixtures are decorated with small decorative elements.

Gypsum is considered the most popular and cheapest finishing material. It is durable, aesthetic, non-combustible, fire-resistant, increases heat and sound insulation. When hardening, the gypsum heats up, expands and is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places of the prepared form. The shelf life of the material is no more than three months. It must be kept in a dry, ventilated area. Gypsum products can be restored and any part can be repaired.

For creative people, gypsum is the embodiment of various ideas and fantasies. Modern technologies make it possible to produce stucco elements that imitate natural stone. This finish gives both the interior and exterior cladding a graceful, elegant, luxurious and cozy look.

The technology for making gypsum stucco is easy to use and affordable. The mold blank is made of silicone, wood or cardboard. Gypsum is poured inside. The form can be made independently or ordered by craftsmen who are engaged in such work. It must be of high quality, since it depends on how the finished product will turn out.

It is best to use a silicone mold. Otherwise, you will have to use liquid oil to lubricate the surface of the table and the internal parts of the mold in order to remove the finished products.

For organization of the manufacture of gypsum products you will need to carefully select the location. A building of a large area, with several rooms, equipped with good ventilation, is suitable. It should not be located in the city, but in the suburbs.

For the production of different products, the required strength of gypsum is selected. There are several brands of this material, denoted by the letter "G" and numbered from 2 to 7 and from 10 to 25.

Gypsum is divided into three types:

  • building;
  • sculptural;
  • molding.

Coarse grinding raw materials are used in construction; fine gypsum is taken for sculptural products. For the manufacture of disposable molds, the most fragile type of grinding is taken - molding. This material has a reddish tint.

For the production of gypsum products, you will need a locksmith and power tools:

  • drill with a nozzle for mixing the solution;
  • jigsaw to remove excess;
  • Sander;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian.

For smaller workpieces, molding and plastering blades, chisels, scrapers, knives, wooden stacks are used. Tools for working with solid or liquid plaster should be stainless steel or brass. You will also need sandpaper from the largest to fine grit; floor and table scales.

For your business, it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, you can get by with simple improvised means. Employees involved in production must have personal protective equipment.

How to establish sales of finished products to a novice businessman?

There are many ways to realize your plaster products with:

  • post photos of products and advertisements on stands or in social networks;
  • conclude an agreement with a network of construction stores;
  • take custom orders.

If the business is only initial stage, it is recommended to make plaster products small size in the form of various garden figurines, busts, figurines. When some experience in this craft has already been acquired, then you can aim at larger works in the form of columns, statues, and so on.

In our age of all innovative technologies plaster products remain as popular as in past centuries. Working with this material guarantees the realization original ideas, development of creative abilities, getting pleasure from what was conceived and realized.

If it's a hobby, you can always turn it into a business and earn extra income.

That's all, for those who are still interested in business ideas, we made a selection of the most, and of course, do not forget to subscribe to

  • Wooden garden figurines
  • Franchising
  • Step by Step Plan to Start a Garden Figurine Business
  • How much can you earn from activities
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • How to choose business equipment
  • Which OKVED to choose during registration
  • What documents are needed to run a business
  • What taxation system to choose in the production of garden figures
  • Are business permits required?
  • Figure production technology

For many owners country houses, cottages and dachas, a personal plot has long ceased to be just a garden where vegetables, perennials and flowers are grown. The dream of every homeowner is to make the territory of the house beautiful, well-groomed and, in a sense, unique. Due to this, the demand for any items that improve the landscape decoration of a personal plot increases. Including the demand for garden figures, the production of which is steadily growing every year ...

fashion decorate personal plots garden figures originated in Germany in the 19th century and gained wide popularity all over the world, including in our country. However, the production of garden figures in Russia is not yet highly developed. The leaders in this industry are China and Poland.

Many mistakenly believe that there is simply no competition in this area. Yes, the competition here is lower than in landscape design services. However, the activity of manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for the manufacture of garden figures contributed to the fact that almost every city has at least one, or even several such industries. This should be taken into account when starting a new business.

Nevertheless, despite the growth in the number of enterprises producing garden figures, the quality and novelty of the products of many of them leaves much to be desired. Most of the "handicraft" industries do not think about diversity at all and make the most stereotyped figures in the form of bears, gnomes, red caps and other "sculptures". Therefore, if you can offer the market something new, so to speak, “not used”, the client will certainly be found. And the business itself can be very profitable.

What material is used to make garden figures and their characteristics

Garden figures are made from several types of materials. It can be sculptural plaster, concrete, fiberglass and polystone. At the same time, gypsum is the most common material for the manufacture of garden figures. The technology of production from sculptural plaster is extremely simple. Another advantage of the production of garden figures from gypsum is the low cost of the resulting product. The production process includes such operations as preparing the mixture, filling it with a mixture of a special shape, solidifying the figure, stripping and applying images to the figure. The only difficulty is the search and purchase of molds or matrices for casting figures. Their cost can vary dramatically, depending on appearance products. In addition, in order to produce a more or less normal range of products, it is necessary to purchase dozens of different forms which will require an appropriate initial investment.

Garden figurines made of polyresin

However, recently, entrepreneurs are increasingly abandoning the use of gypsum in favor of another material for the production of garden figures - polyresin. This is due to a number of significant advantages of polyresin over gypsum. Thus, the strength of polyresin is 27 times higher than the strength of gypsum products. Gypsum figures have very weak physical properties and chip off even with a slight collision. Large gypsum products break even under their own weight. Because of this, a high percentage of the return of products after transportation is obtained - up to 20% of the entire shipped batch.

The advantages of polyresin, unlike gypsum

Another disadvantage of gypsum is the weight of products, which is 3-5 times higher than the weight of products made of polyresin. From gypsum it is impossible to make figures complex in shape with many small elements, but from polyresin - no problem. Gypsum, unlike polystone, absorbs moisture, which is why fungus and mold appear in the structure of products. Ultimately, the service life of polyresin garden figures exceeds the service life of gypsum products several times. Despite the fact that the polystone (in another way fake diamond) is called the material of the future, production from it has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Polyresin figures are made using polyester resins with the addition of various pigments. These are quite toxic materials, which contain styrene, which is harmful to humans. When working with such materials, it is very important to prepare the premises, install ventilation systems, and strictly observe safety precautions. All workers on the production site are required to work in respiratory bandages. The production itself, in accordance with the requirements of the SES, should be located at a distance of at least 500m from the nearest residential complexes.

Material flaws like polyresin

Another disadvantage of using polyresin is the high cost of products. At least higher than gypsum products. Raw materials for the production of polyresin figures must be of high quality, and are most often purchased abroad. Hence the high price. Saving on materials in this case is extremely undesirable. The use of cheap raw materials can adversely affect future products, as a result of which they will emit harmful toxic fumes.

Garden figurines made of concrete and its characteristics

Garden figures are also made of concrete (read: " Production of decorative products from concrete"). This technology is somewhat similar to the technology for making figures from polyresin. Its essence lies in pouring a mixture of concrete into special forms and further compacting the entire mass on a vibrating table. Components of the concrete mixture: cement, water, sand, resin, color pigments and plasticizing additives.

The main advantage of concrete products is high strength and durability. The disadvantages of this technology lies in the additional costs for the purchase of a set of equipment: a concrete mixer, a vibrating table, molds, etc. The full equipment of the workshop can cost 200 - 300 thousand rubles or more. In addition, concrete products are quite heavy.

Wooden garden figurines

Also, garden figures are made of wood. If the production of garden figures from gypsum, concrete and polystone for the most part has a single technological chain, which can be mastered in a couple of weeks, then the production of sculptures from wood depends entirely on the "hands" of the master and rich experience. The cost of starting the project in this case is minimal. The main equipment of the master: a set of carpentry tools and brushes. From Supplies necessary: ​​paint, varnishes, PVA-based adhesives and the main raw material - wood.

Environmental friendliness, beauty and variety of manufactured figures, no need to purchase expensive equipment - these are all the advantages of the "wooden" technology. The disadvantages are the high production time of the figure (all work is carried out by hand), hence the high cost of the finished product.

And so, in order to open a full-fledged business for the production of garden figures, it is necessary to register an entrepreneurial activity, rent a room with an area of ​​​​at least 30 m2, including storage space. Depending on the chosen technology, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment and equip the production site. Do not forget that garden figures are large-sized goods. Therefore, additional costs will be the purchase of vehicles for the transportation of finished products. It is also good to have a personal page on the Internet. This will certainly increase the number of sales, since orders can come not only from your region, but also from all over the country. Creating your own website, its design and promotion will cost 40-50 thousand rubles.


If you doubt the success of the business due to the lack of any experience in the field of production, but at the same time you have start-up capital, you can open a franchise business. Even if it comes out a little more expensive than opening an independent business, however, the chance to build a successful business increases. Many questions that an entrepreneur will certainly have at the start of a project are decided by the franchisee. The franchise package, as a rule, includes: a complete set of equipment for the production of garden figures, a detailed description of the production technology, ready business plan, molds for casting figures, a set of raw materials and materials for production, organization of staff training, assistance in arranging a production facility. This is enough to open a full-fledged production with a payback period of 1 to 2 years. The only negative, as noted above, is the cost of the franchise. Only the initial payment will be at least 900 thousand rubles. The total investment under the franchise scheme will amount to about 3.5 million rubles.

More recently, in the offices of organizations, educational institutions one could see busts of leaders, famous scientists of the past, writers and poets, and in the apartments of Russians, mainly elephants, pigeons and piggy banks dominated as sculptures from plaster.
 But times have changed, spacious apartments, cottages began to be built, new styles appeared in the design of apartments, the attitude towards home sculpture also changed. It has become fashionable to decorate the interior of the premises, as well as to use in landscape design rather large architectural forms (Egyptian sphinxes, lions, etc.). Particularly exquisite in the interior are carefully crafted figurines made of porcelain, bronze, ornamental stones, and even gypsum with a view of antique bronze, malachite, etc. Sculpture in our time has become a kind of decoration that transforms a residential interior. Various sculptures, both large in size and very miniature, can be made from plaster to decorate the interior, giving it one look or another, which has recently become very popular.

 You can make a lot, ranging from small netsuke figurines, piggy banks, figurines, various souvenirs, busts to more significant things - fireplace surrounds, columns, etc. Various cornices, pilasters, bas-reliefs, columns, moldings, rosettes, friezes, netsuke figurines, figurines, etc.

Technology for the manufacture of gypsum products
The technology for making simple sculptures is not very complicated. A form is made from any object, into which gypsum is then poured. After some time (30-40 minutes) after hardening, the product is released from the mold and covered with various compositions, special techniques are used to give plaster figures the appearance of ancient bronze, silver, gild, etc. Using special additives, you can give products type of natural stone - granite, malachite, etc. The main thing in this matter is to learn how to make forms.

Tool for the job with plaster must be stainless steel or brass. It is convenient to stir the gypsum with a whorl - a stick, at the end of which two metal plates are attached crosswise. Glue cooker can be assembled from large and small tin cans, inserting one into the other and placing a bracket curved from tin under the bottom of the smaller can.

Gypsum mortar for products is prepared as follows : 7 parts of water are poured into the gypsum plaster and 10 parts of gypsum are poured in small doses, stirring with a whorl. It must be remembered that a freshly prepared solution remains fluid for about 2-3 minutes, loses plasticity after 7-8 minutes and completely hardens after 15-20 minutes.
To give greater hardness to the gypsum model, when preparing a gypsum mortar, gypsum is mixed with slaked lime.
The surface of the finished gypsum product can be given the appearance of bronze, cast iron, wood, marbled, gilded, silvered, etc.
The surface of the product impregnated with linseed oil, previously well dried at a gradual increase in temperature from 25 to 55 ° C, will eventually take on the appearance of “old marble”. If covered with shellac varnish, it will look like "terracotta".
To give the product a "bronze" look, apply oil paints, specially selected in color, and they are applied in three layers: the first layer is made light (after drying, it is treated with a fine sandpaper), the second layer is made darker and thicker, after drying, the third layer is applied (thinned with turpentine with the addition of dissolved beeswax).
Toned surfaces are wiped with a soft flannel powdered with talc, and in places that it is desirable to shade, with a mixture of talc and chromium oxide powder. There are also a number of subtleties, using which you can give the surface a look not just “like bronze”, but “like antique bronze”, like an iron casting, etc.
For the manufacture of products, you can use gypsum grade G-10 or eurogypsum. If, when making a model, use eurogypsum and prime special composition Artisan No. 8,
you can get a product that almost looks like a stone.
There are a lot of secrets of obtaining the surface of a model from gypsum of one kind or another, they are described in sufficient detail in the relevant literature.

  • Gypsum molds Production costs :
    According to the calculations of specialists involved in plaster modeling, the cost of raw materials for the manufacture of a gypsum column with a height of 90 cm and a diameter of 25 cm will be $ 5 (1 bag of gypsum, 3 liters of primer), the cost of the form - $ 22 (5 liters of dibutyl, 60 kg of PVC or recycled materials) , selling price - at least $55, manufacturing of fireplace parts - from $300.
    It should be borne in mind that the molds serve for 5 years or more, and with repeated castings, your costs will be much lower.
    From 1 bag of gypsum (price - 150 rubles) you can make 30 figurines of Atlantes-candlesticks, the selling price of each is about 250-300 rubles, respectively, the profit is at least 7 thousand rubles.

    Recommendations :
    Preliminary study the literature with more detailed descriptions of the technology, make something simple for yourself, acquaintances, friends. Decide on demand and prices.
    by the most in a simple way to start a business, it is considered to be the casting of products in ready-made forms. The durability of molds for gypsum castings reaches 10,000 cycles. The price of the formoplast form is calculated from the capacity of the gypsum solution in it. For example, the "Atlant" mold for the "Atlant" plaster model weighs about 7 kg, respectively, the cost of the plastic mold is $280.
    WITH detailed description You can get acquainted with the production of plaster products by looking at the relevant books on crafts.
    It is profitable to work under the order, with large orders you can immediately get a tangible profit. Advertise your products and work in the local press.

