Spotted hemlock is a valuable medicinal plant, which is a potent immunostimulant that activates and strengthens the body's defenses. It has analgesic, anticonvulsant, sedative and anti-inflammatory effects.

Botanical description. Spotted hemlock - biennial herbaceous plant from the Umbrella family. In the first year, a bunch of basal leaves and hemlocks develop, very similar to parsley in leaves and roots, which has been the cause of repeated poisonings. In the second year, a highly branched stem up to two meters high develops.

The stem is furrowed, bare, with a bluish coating, with reddish-brown spots below. The leaves are vaginal, glabrous, on long petioles, pinnate, with ovate-oval leaves, the flowers are small, white, collected in an inflorescence - a complex umbrella.

Hemlock fruits are grayish-green, ovoid, two-seeded seeds with wavy ribs. The plant has a sharp, unpleasant mouse odor. Blooms from May to September.

Collection and processing of raw materials. The collected parts are leaves, flowers, fruits (seeds). Collection time: May-September. Hemlock leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the usual way in the shade in the fresh air, separately from other plants.

Hemlock seeds are collected from the umbels and dried in the same way as hemlock leaves and flowers. When the umbrellas dry, the seeds fall out easily. Dried raw materials are stored in hermetically sealed containers (glass jars with nylon lids) separately from other plants. Shelf life: 2 years.

Uses of hemlock:

In terms of the strength of the poison, Hemlock spotted can be compared with such medicinal plants as aconite, alocasia, belladonna, periwinkle, henbane, vekh, dieffenbachia, datura, wolf's bast, celandine, mandrake, ferula, adonis, aralia, colchicum, foxglove, echinops, hellebore, hoofweed, comfrey, sumac.

Hemlock has long been used in folk medicine many countries for the treatment of such terrible diseases as cancer, epilepsy, gangrene, paralysis, erysipelas.

Spotted hemlock perfectly treats polyps of the stomach, intestines, Bladder, chorea, paresis, neuralgia, headaches, ischemia, migraine, nervous disorders, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive diseases. Copes with rheumatism, eye diseases, cataracts, thrombophlebitis, lupus erythematosus, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, ulcers.

Hemlock can treat male diseases (impotence, prostatitis, adenoma), female diseases (mastopathy, fibroids, erosion, endometriosis, infertility).

Hemlock is a powerful stimulant of the hematopoietic organs, which makes it possible to use it for leukemia. Hemlock significantly reduces arterial pressure and can be recommended for patients with severe forms of hypertension.

And finally, hemlock is very effective for loss of strength, general exhaustion, weakness of the body due to senile decrepitude or chronic diseases, weakened cardiac activity, atherosclerosis, and metabolic disorders.

Norms and doses: from one to 20 drops per day of 10% hemlock tincture (10 g of dry herb, pour 100 g of vodka/alcohol, leave for a week). On average: 2 drops per spoon of water 5 times a day, course 10 days, break 2 months. Methodology Tishchenko V.V., “Tsarskaya”: start with 1 drop per day, increasing by 1 drop to 40, then back, decreasing (80 days).

At the first sign of deterioration, go back. In severe forms of cancer, they recommend Yu.V. Nikiforov’s regimen: Start immediately with 5 drops, adding one drop daily, bring the amount to 30, and then, decreasing by 1, go back down to 5. Drink 3 times a day, dripping in 50 ml of water . Follow this regimen for 3 courses with breaks of 5 days.

Doesn't have side effects hemlock ointment: 50 g herb + 500 ml. olive oil, leave for 3 weeks. For back and joint pain: cover with grass at night and tighten with an elastic bandage. Hemlock makes an excellent bath broom, it doesn’t matter if it smells bad. For prevention and improvement of tone - a pinch of dry herb in general tea, a pinch of dry seeds in soup or salad, 100 - 200g of tincture per bath.

Signs of poisoning due to excessive ingestion: Burning in the mouth, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. A lethal dose - the “Socratic Cup” (about 0.5 cups of juice) leads to “ascending” paralysis. Note that 40 drops of hemlock alcohol tincture contains approximately 2 mg of alkaloids, and a lethal single dose is 150 mg, 75 times more. That is, even the total dose of the entire “royal” method (1600 drops), taken at a time, is approximately 2 times less than the lethal dose - 3000 drops of tincture.

Source: "Herald of Hope"
based on materials from issues 50, 61, 68(2) TREATMENT WITH HELMIGOA

Hemlock tinctures:

1) from young shoots. Fill 1/3 of the bowl with crushed raw materials, fill to the top with vodka, close and place in a dark, cool place for 10 days, shake occasionally. In emergency cases, you can start taking hemlock on the third day.

2) from inflorescences. used with the addition of young leaves, with which all the dishes are loosely filled, the infusion process is similar to the previous one.

3) from fresh hemlock seeds (green). It is prepared in a similar way, but instead of vodka, 70% alcohol is used.

4) from dry raw materials (branches, seeds, trunk, roots). Pour 300 g of crushed raw materials into 3 liters of vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark, cool place, stirring occasionally.

Care must be taken when harvesting hemlock and wash your hands thoroughly after handling it. Strictly follow dosages when self-medicating. Keep hemlock medicines out of the reach of children.

Signs of poisoning. Poisoned by hemlock when mistakenly consumed as food due to its similarity to edible plants. The hemlock grass and roots of the first year of life are similar to parsley and carrots, the hemlock grass of the second year of life is similar to dill, angelica, hogweed, and carrot grass. Poisoning of cattle on pastures infested with hemlock is also known.

The picture of severe hemlock poisoning is dominated by signs of ascending paralysis. The limbs become heavy, those who are poisoned complain of coldness of the whole body and a crawling sensation in the limbs, the face is pale, swallowing is difficult, unsteadiness, dizziness, dilation and unevenness of the pupils, vibrations of objects in front of the eyes, objects blur.

From the gastrointestinal tract there are: burning in the mouth, throat, salivation, nausea, vomiting. In mild cases of poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders come to the fore. In severe cases, ascending paralysis occurs and death occurs from respiratory paralysis.

Emergency care for poisoning. Orally 3% hydrochloric acid solution, 5% tannin solution, Activated carbon- 30 tablets, saline laxative - 30 g of magnesium sulfate per 0.5 glass of water. Heart remedies - caffeine, camphor. Strychnine. Fresh air. Warm wrap. Artificial respiration.


How to take hemlock. How to use hemlock. Hemlock method of administration.

Method No. 1 (royal): take hemlock tincture once a day, an hour before meals, on an empty stomach, from 1 drop to 40, increasing drop by drop. Then, gradually reducing, return to one. Give water from 100 to 200 ml, increasing by 50 ml every 13 drops. Do the same when lowering, only in reverse order.

One of the advantages of the royal method is that you can begin treatment without first checking the body’s reaction to this poison. Since the intake begins with minimal doses, at the first signs of poisoning (nausea, dizziness, weakness in the legs, etc.), immediately begin reducing to 1 drop. And do this for several cycles until complete recovery.

Method No. 2: Recommended for weakened patients. When increasing the dosage daily, going from 1 drop to 15-18, do not raise the dose any more, continue on it until recovery. If an aversion to the drug appears, start decreasing to 1 drop, increase your dose again and continue treatment.

Overdoses are under no circumstances permissible: inflammatory processes begin, the condition worsens sharply - a cancer attack begins! In this case, stop taking hemlock and take a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk for 3 days, after which begin reducing the dose to a safe one. When going through the next cycle, take into account the experience of the previous one. Keep a diary.

Important conditions: If we are dealing with recurrent cancer (usually this happens 1.5-2 years after the first operation), then we must take into account that the body is weakened and the upper limit dose should be reduced to 20-30 drops, and from 15 drops, we begin to carefully observe our condition so as not to harm with excess poison.

If a bedridden patient gets to his feet on 20 drops, you can not go above 20 drops and continue treatment at this dose. But you need to know that sooner or later the body can “revolt”: the cell is capable of accumulating poison and a persistent aversion to it appears. In this case, you need to gradually go down to 1 drop (unload the cell) and rise again to your saving dose.

And so on until recovery. And if there are other antitumor agents, for example, wrestler (monkshood, Issyk-Kul root), Siberian princeling, wolf's bast. ferula, etc., then use them. As a rule, in this technique they stop at this dose and do not go higher.

And in general, when increasing the drops, you should try to notice at what dose the body felt relief, and try to focus on exactly this number of drops. Then, over time, try to rise higher, but carefully.

If the patient has been exposed to radiation, chemotherapy and intensive drug therapy, it is necessary to cleanse the body with a decoction of flax seeds: pour a glass of seeds with 3 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 2 hours, cool to 40 degrees. and take generously without limitation for 2-3 weeks, approximately 1 liter per day, start drinking from 12 noon until night.

On the days of taking hemlock, you can take a decoction of oregano and garlic (only at different times of the day). Oregano decoction (restores the blood formula): give 600 ml of water for 3 tablespoons. spoons of crushed oregano herb, bring to a boil, leave overnight, wrapped in heat, strain and take 50-100 ml per dose 3 times a day during the day, you can add honey to taste.

A decoction of pine or spruce needles with rose hips (restores the vascular system, removes poisons and radionuclides): 5 table. tablespoons of crushed needles (it is advisable to take young needles of the current year) + 2 table. spoons of onion peel (if the kidneys are sick) + 2-3 table. spoons of crushed rose hips pour 0.7 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, leave overnight, wrapped in heat, strain and drink instead of water during the day from 0.5 to 1.5 liters per day. The course of treatment is 4 months.

Hemlock (grass, seeds) is an example of how poisonous plant can help a person treat diseases such as intestinal disorders, fluid accumulation in abdominal cavity, uterine fibroids, delayed menstruation, polyarthritis, nail fungus, hypertension, varicose veins and many others.

The name itself - Hemlock (grass, seeds) hints at the main property - effect on the brain. Yes, it is believed that it may be a worthy complementary treatment for brain cancer.

The effectiveness of this plant in water infusions is as high as in alcohol. So, if you have contraindications to taking alcohol-containing drugs, you can take Hemlock with water.

Application: grind the grass with seeds in a volume of 1 teaspoon and pour the mixture into a thermos with hot, but not boiling water. Let it brew overnight. You need to take one teaspoon an hour before meals, gradually increasing the dose to a tablespoon.

Taking Hemlock should be agreed with your doctor!

Note: The smell of the herb is specific, but in the infusion it softens.

Treatment with hemlock speckled and its use

Hemlock – a very valuable plant in folk medicine. It is very poisonous, but can still be of great benefit. According to legend, it was this plant that was used to execute criminals in Ancient Greece. But when correct use You can get great properties.

The problem with hemlock is that during its entire growth, the first year, it looks very much like parsley. It can also grow right in your garden, and people can accidentally get poisoned by it. Such cases, unfortunately, happen quite often.

In the second year of its existence, a thick stem and flowers appear. The plant can reach a height of 2 meters, flowers appear in the form of umbrellas. Any part of the plant is poisonous, so we categorically do not recommend collecting it yourself. Contact a herbalist who will properly prepare the raw materials. Because of unpleasant odor During flowering, which causes a severe headache, you even need to stand correctly so that the wind does not blow on you. That's why self-assembly plants should be excluded.

Uses of hemlock

And yet, speckled hemlock has a strong positive effect on the body. Leaves, flowers, stems and seeds are used, but only after they have dried. It is used for the following purposes:

  • As a strong sedative
  • As a pain reliever
  • Anticonvulsant for epilepsy
  • Migraine reliever
  • For convulsions

Making the right collection is difficult. It should be in early summer, when the plant is at its strongest. It should be freed from inflorescences, they contain a large amount essential oil, namely, it is the most poisonous.

How to make hemlock infusion

You will need 2 jars. In one you put the inflorescences with a small number of leaves. When the jar (1.5 l) is half full, you should pour everything into a 3-liter jar and immediately pour in 500 ml of vodka. It is better if the vodka is homemade and the strength is somewhat stronger. This will have to be done immediately on the spot, otherwise all the properties of the plant will be lost.

Shake everything well, you should have a large jar 50% full. When you get home, you can fill the rest with vodka.

Seal the jar tightly with a lid and let it brew for 14 days, preferably in a cellar or similar place where it is dark and cool.

After a while you can take it out and use it. You won't need the entire volume, so pour it required amount tinctures into a separate container and store it in the refrigerator. But take the trouble to put it separately from the food and strictly mark it so that none of your loved ones drink it by accident. One sip of such medicine is certain death.

Hemlock is effective for many diseases, but it is famous for its ability to fight cancer cells and quickly cure cancer.

For esophageal cancer, drink it like this:

  1. Reception begins with 1 drop of tincture, which is diluted in 100 ml of water. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. On the second day, drink 2 drops for the same volume of water.
  3. Every day you increase the dose until you reach 40 drops at a time.
  4. Next you use the ladder method. Start using 40 drops again on day 41, and gradually reduce the dose to 1 drop.
  5. When 80 days have passed, the first course is considered completed. A break is taken for a month, after which it is repeated again.

As a rule, 2 courses are enough for an effective result. But you can fix it by taking another third course of hemlock. Be sure to consult with your doctor, since hemlock tincture does not help with all cases of cancer.


Another effective tincture. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 10g of plant leaves and 10g of seeds.
  2. Pour 40 ml of pure medical alcohol and leave to infuse for 14 days.
  3. Strain the tincture and take 2 drops diluted in 20 ml of water.
  4. This remedy is used daily 3-5 times a day.

This tincture helps with cancer. But before using it, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor and determine a course of treatment.

Precautionary measures

Do not forget that hemlock is a powerful poison. Once a small dose enters your body, it will immediately begin to act. Therefore, it is taken in strict small doses, which must be monitored by a doctor.

You should not collect it yourself; it is better to take the tincture or raw materials from an experienced herbalist.

If a large dose is taken, poisoning will occur. The symptoms will be:

  • Large salivation
  • Severe dizziness
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Pupil dilation
  • Burning sensation in the mouth

If symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the hospital to rinse your stomach. . If medical attention is not provided, paralysis will occur. respiratory tract, and, as a result, death.

Hemlock must be taken wisely, and then this plant will give everything healing properties, and can save you from such a serious illness as cancer.

Hemlock (lat. Conium), or Omega- a genus of herbaceous biennials of the Apiaceae family. The scientific name of the genus comes from the Greek word, which translates as “top”. Hemlocks are widespread in Asia Minor, Europe and North Africa, where they grow on forest edges, limestone slopes, meadows, and also as weeds near human habitation. The genus is represented by only four species. The most famous plant in cultivation is the spotted hemlock.

Planting and caring for hemlock (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of winter, transplanting seedlings into open ground– in mid-late May.
  • Bloom: in June-July.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile, fertilized with humus.
  • Watering: frequent and abundant.
  • Feeding: Not needed.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Diseases: fungal infections.
  • Pests: not damaged.
  • Properties: grown in medicinal purposes. The plant is very poisonous!

Read more about growing hemlock below.

Hemlock grass - description

Spotted hemlock is grown exclusively for medicinal purposes, since the plant does not differ in decorative qualities. What does hemlock look like? Its root is spindle-shaped; the hollow and bare stem, covered on the outside with thin grooves and a bluish coating, can reach a height of 60 to 180 cm. In the lower part, the stem is covered with reddish-brown spots, which is why the plant received the specific epithet “spotted”. During the first year, the hemlock develops only a bunch of basal leaves, and the stem and the leaves covering it in succession appear the next year. In the lower part of the stem, on the petioles, there are triple pinnate leaves, reminiscent of parsley in shape. The middle and upper leaves are almost sessile, not as large and less complex in structure than the lower ones.

In the photo: Hemlock flowering

Small white five-dimensional flowers are collected in small umbels, which form corymbose-paniculate inflorescences with 12-20 rays. Hemlock blooms in July, and fruiting occurs in August-September. The fruits are round or elliptical light brown two-seeded seeds with wavy ribs, which, when ripe, break up into semi-fruits 3-3.5 cm long. A characteristic feature of hemlock is the mousey smell and extreme toxicity of all its parts. They say that it was the poison of this plant that poisoned Socrates.

Sowing hemlock

It is best to grow a hemlock plant in seedlings: at the end of winter, hemlock seeds are sown in a seedling substrate, planted shallowly, covered with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions, and germinated in a warm place. Caring for hemlock seedlings should be the same as caring for flower seedlings. In mid-May or a little later, the seedlings are planted in soil well fertilized with humus in a sunny area at a distance of 80-90 cm from each other.

Hemlock care

As already mentioned, in the first season you should only expect the formation of a rosette of basal leaves. Water the plant as the soil dries out in the area, but it should be said that hemlock is moisture-loving, so watering should be frequent and abundant, especially in the dry season. This plant is not afraid of the cold, but if the temperature in your area drops below -30 C, you need to cover the hemlock with a layer of spruce branches or straw on the eve of winter, and as soon as snow falls, throw it over the shelter.

Pests and diseases of hemlock

Hemlock is practically not damaged by pests, but when grown in poorly drained soils, the plant can be affected by fungal diseases that occur due to stagnation of moisture in the roots. If symptoms appear, remove diseased specimens and treat healthy ones with fungicidal preparations.

Collection and storage of hemlock

Medicinal raw materials are fruits, leaves, stems and inflorescences of hemlock. The collection of grass - leaves and tops of flowering branches - is carried out at the very beginning of flowering, that is, in June or July, in windy weather.

Due to the extreme toxicity of the plant, collection should be carried out with rubber gloves, preventing children from participating in the process.

You need to approach the plants from the direction the wind is blowing from. Try not to inhale the toxic fumes emitted by hemlock, and also never taste the raw material. You can use a sharp knife, pruning shears or scissors to collect the grass.

After collection, thick and coarse stems are removed, and the grass is laid out in a thin layer (no more than 5 cm) on paper or cloth and dried in the shade with good ventilation and a temperature of 20-25 ˚C. To ensure that the grass dries evenly and does not cake or rot, it is turned over or turned over from time to time. The raw material is ready when the hemlock stems break with a dry crack and the leaves are easily ground into powder.

In the photo: Growing hemlock in the garden

The fruits are collected after they are ripe and dried under the same conditions as the grass until the seeds begin to fall freely from the umbels.

Store hemlock medicinal raw materials in hermetically sealed glass jars, placed in a dry, dark place inaccessible to children.

Do not store hemlock next to other medicinal plants and food.

The shelf life of raw hemlock in proper conditions is 2 years.

Types and varieties of hemlock

In nature, you can find four types of hemlock, but only spotted hemlock, which we described at the beginning of the article, is cultivated and used as a medicinal raw material.

Properties of hemlock - harm and benefit

Medicinal properties of hemlock

Hemlock contains the alkaloids coniine, coniceine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin and methylconiine, and the fatty oil of the plant contains glycerides of petroselidic and petroselinic acids. The highest concentration of alkaloids is in unripe hemlock seeds. In addition to the listed components, the flowering grass of the plant contains the flavonoids kaempferol and quercetin, as well as other biologically active substances.

The use of hemlock as a medicinal raw material is advisable for uterine cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, induration and tumors of the thyroid, prostate, mammary and lymphatic glands. Treatment of scrofula and diseases with hemlock is justified nervous system. Externally, hemlock is used in the form of poultices, baths and compresses for tumors and eye diseases.

The medicinal preparations of hemlock are:

  • herbal extract, which is prepared by condensing the plant juice in a water bath;
  • patch for external use for tumors, hardened glands and calluses;
  • tincture of leaves and unripe seeds of hemlock in alcohol.

However, traditional healers believe that the hemlock tincture, which is prepared from the flowering tops of the grass, has the most powerful healing effect.

Packing - 50 gr.
Instructions for use are included.

Ingredients: hemlock grass seeds.


Other names for this plant: speckled hemlock, omega, omega spotted, mace, head, tar, stink, poison umbrella.

Spotted hemlock is a biennial plant, from the umbrella family, up to 2 meters high with branched, tubular stems. The stem is furrowed, has a bluish coating and reddish-brown spots. The leaves are large, bare, triple pinnate. The fruits are similar to dill seeds - grayish-green, ovoid.

The flowers are small, grouped into umbels white, and there are a large number of them on the plant. One of characteristic features there is hemlock - the smell, if you rub it in your hands, appears bad smell, similar to a mouse. Spotted hemlock blooms in June - August.

The plant is very poisonous. The name, hemlock, was given to this plant as a result of its effect on people, poisoning, one of the characteristic symptoms of which is severe headache and dizziness.

Due to the similarity of hemlock to other plants, it can be poisoned accidentally. In the first year, the leaves and roots of hemlock look like carrots or parsley, and once in the garden, they may well be used as a seasoning. It tastes like nothing. In the second year, hemlock looks like dill, which is also dangerous, or angelica, hogweed, and carrot.

Poisoning, sometimes fatal, also occurs when animals consume hemlock. For example, for a duck the lethal dose is 50-70 g of grass, for a horse - 2-3 kg, for a cow 4-5 kg.

As for people, this plant went down in history not only as a medicine, but also as a poison, which was used in Ancient Greece, Italy and other countries during public executions. In particular, the famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, sentenced to death by an ancient court, was killed with such poison (cocaine).

You can find hemlock grass in different places; it grows as a weed in vacant lots, along roads, in vegetable gardens, on pastures, forest slopes, etc.

WITH therapeutic purpose They use the upper part of the grass, i.e. flowers, leaves, stems, fruits.

Dry in the shade, under a canopy or in a ventilated area, because when drying, a strong mouse smell is released, causing headaches. Be sure to store separately from other herbs; shelf life is up to 2 years.

Recipe for making tincture.

Alcohol tincture.

For example, herbalist Khalisat Suleymanova makes hemlock tincture according to this recipe: glass jar place 2/3 hemlock grass and 1/3 40% alcohol or vodka. Close the jar tightly and place in the refrigerator or other cool place for 21-40 days. Then strain and the tincture can be consumed according to the methods indicated below.

Water tincture.

Instructions for making aqueous hemlock tincture - the most affordable way preparing medicine. To do this, take 30 g of dry grass and pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave in a dark place for 10 days, and filter. Store the tincture in a cool, dark place for no more than 5 days. How to take this tincture? In the form of compresses or orally before meals, it can also be used to wash sore eyes and wipe affected areas of the skin.

Method of taking hemlock tincture.

Method No. 1 According to one of the methods of Tishchenko V.V., the so-called “royal” method or method 1-40-1, in the morning, 1 hour before meals, drink 1 drop, diluting it in 1/2 glass of water. The next day, at the same time, take 2 drops, and so, increase the dosage daily to 40 drops. Afterwards, the countdown begins, reducing 1 drop daily to zero, i.e. according to the 1-40-1 scheme. This is the most gentle method. For oncological diseases, 2-3 such courses are given in a row, possibly with a break of several days (1-7). Subsequently, for prevention, take 1-2 courses every 6-8 months, and so on for up to 2 years, i.e. until complete recovery.

Method No. 2 On the first day, take 1 drop (morning, afternoon and evening), on the second day - 2 drops (morning, afternoon and evening) and so increase the dosage to 40 drops. Afterwards, we do a countdown, decreasing according to the same pattern. For oncological diseases, you need to take 2-3 such courses; the tinctures you will need using this method are approximately 100 ml.

Method No. 3 According to this method, the dosage is increased even more sharply: first, on the 1st day - drink 1 drop in the morning, in the afternoon - 2, in the evening - 3. The next day in the morning - 4 drops, in the afternoon - 5, in the evening - 6 and so on up to 40 drops. Then do the countdown. If at some level it becomes bad, you need to stop and take the tincture in such an amount until the dizziness and other symptoms go away, and then continue according to the same scheme. For cancer, take 2-3 such courses. This course will consume approximately 250 ml of tincture.

As the dose increases, it is also advisable to increase the amount of water in which the hemlock tincture is diluted at the rate of approximately 50 ml of water for every 10 drops. For example, dilute 40 drops in 150-200 ml of water.

A dosage of 40 drops can be large for some people, so you need to listen to your body, as in the case of celandine juice, when the first signs of an overdose appear - headaches, nausea, dizziness, etc., you need to stop at this level of intake and take in such quantities until the dizziness goes away, and then continue according to the scheme. In the worst case, stop taking the tincture for several days, and after recovery, resume the countdown.

But there are other cases when the dosage needs to be increased to the maximum (therapeutic) and the 1-40-1 course method is not effective. In this case, it is necessary to clearly take into account the patient’s condition and consult a specialist.

Method No. 4 And this is done like this: first, increase the dosage until dizziness or other signs appear (according to the scheme as indicated in methods 1-3), take for some time in this amount or reduce it by a few drops, and after the symptoms go away - they build up again, and so on until it’s individual for everyone. Then they drink in this quantity for some time. This technique is usually used for severe forms of cancer.

Draw your attention to!

Despite its toxicity and danger, hemlock is a very valuable plant because it cures intractable and sometimes incurable diseases. As you know, the dose of the poison differs from the medicine, so with proper use of the hemlock herb, you can get great benefits, and often save your life.

But, in the case of a large overdose, you can get severe poisoning, and if you don’t help the person in time, it can result in death. It all depends on how big the overdose is.

If with a slight overdose you can get away with a headache, then with a severe overdose, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, burning in the mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, the face becomes pale, a drop in body temperature, gastrointestinal upset, crawling sensations, unsteadiness, paralysis of the limbs, dizziness, uneven dilation of the pupils, objects blur and sway before the eyes. In very severe cases - respiratory paralysis.

Application area:

Hemlock preparations have analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, wound healing, anticonvulsant, hypotensive, antitumor immunostimulating effects.

Hemlock is taken orally for epilepsy, migraine, hypertension, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, constipation, syphilis, hearing loss, erysipelas, debilitated patients and other diseases.

In folk medicine, hemlock herb has long been used for the treatment and prevention of cancer, of any localization, i.e., for breast cancer, stomach, liver, lung, prostate, kidney, leukemia, and skin cancer.

It is also used for severe pain as an anesthetic. Hemlock can be used in conjunction with other herbs, that is, drink an additional 10% alcohol tincture of hemlock, 10 drops (diluted with water in 1 tablespoon), 2 times a day before meals, as an anesthetic and therapeutic agent. For severe pain, you can increase the dose to 20 drops.

According to the same scheme, they drink hemlock alcohol tincture for stomach pain, kidney pain, intestinal colic, liver, for pain in the rectum (paroxysmal), severe pain during menstruation, as well as for pain in the heart (ischemic attack).

Hemlock tincture 10%, alcohol: add 50 g of dry and crushed herb to 500 ml of vodka, leave at room temperature in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Take, as mentioned above, 10 drops (diluted in 1 tablespoon of water), 2 times a day before meals, as a therapeutic and pain reliever. For severe pain, you can increase the dosage to 20 drops.

This alcohol tincture of hemlock can be used for mastopathy, uterine fibroids, polyps in the uterus (body and cervix), endometriosis, polyps (bladder, stomach, intestines, nasopharynx, larynx), prostate adenoma, chorea, epilepsy, whooping cough, migraine, as a sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic and therapeutic agent. And it is used externally - for gout, rheumatism, erysipelas, lupus, as a painkiller.

Hemlock is very valuable for tumors of the mammary glands (after a bruise, wound, etc.). Seals are accompanied severe pain, and with shaking and walking it intensifies even more. Hemlock preparations have the property of anesthetizing and dissolving such tumor lumps in the mammary glands.

For disease of the prostate gland (urination in drops, weakness of the genital organs), for acute inflammation spinal cord, facial neuralgia, and for dry, severe cough (senile, tuberculosis), hemlock herb is also used.


pregnancy, epilepsy, kidney disease, individual intolerance. Use with extreme caution for hypotension.

You can buy Hemlock grass on our official website of the Doctor Altai herbal store chain, or order it by calling our toll-free number hotline: 8 800 775 97 84

Price 300 rubles per 50 g.

All medicinal plants you will find on our website!
From Lat Conium Maculatum L

Other plant names: Hemlock

Biennial herbaceous plant from the Umbelliferae family, 60-180 cm high. The root is spindle-shaped, whitish.
In the first year, a bunch of basal leaves develops; in the second year, a hollow stem grows, strongly branched, furrowed with a bluish coating, with reddish-brown spots at the bottom.

The internodes of the stem are fistulous. The lower leaves are glabrous, on long petioles 30-60 cm long, three-pinnate, broadly triangular in outline.
The middle and upper leaves are smaller, almost sessile with narrow sheaths, the terminal lobes of the leaves are oblong, pinnately dissected.

The flowers are small, white, collected in large complex umbels.
The fruits are double-bearing, almost round, slightly laterally compressed, with protruding wavy ribs.
Blooms in June - July.

The plant is very poisonous! Has an unpleasant mouse smell.
It grows everywhere like a weed: in neglected gardens, wastelands, along roads and along river banks.

Hemlock contains (especially unripe fruits) a number of alkaloids, of which the main and most poisonous is coniine, which has a nicotine-like and curare-like effect and causes first excitation and then cessation of breathing.

Signs of poisoning: burning in the mouth, scratching in the throat, drooling, dilated pupils.
Tannin serves as an antidote.
Walking among hemlocks leads to dizziness and headaches, hence the name hemlock.

In the first year of the plant's development, its leaves and roots are similar to those of parsley, so you need to be familiar with the distinguishing characteristics of hemlock and be careful.

In folk practice and homeopathy, a mixture of leaves and seeds is used as a sedative and analgesic for spasms. internal organs and as an anticonvulsant in the form of an alcohol tincture in very small doses (1 - 2 drops) with water.


Substances present in the spotted hemlock plant: Alkoloids Coniine

