All of us at least once in our lives wondered why we live and what is the meaning of our life. This is a philosophical and complex question, but Tarot cards can slightly open the curtain on this mystery. With their help, you can determine the ray of the mission - the energy of your destiny, under which this or that person was born on earth. In this energy, […]

How to recognize a human magician? Thoughtful, attentively collecting and studying information, prone to structuring, charismatic, mobile - such is the representative of the first basic Ray Mag. When worked out, he is, in the words of Dr. Papus, "a type of perfect man, possessing the fullest physical and spiritual abilities." Once touched by his missionary abilities, he realizes that his forte is […]

How to recognize a person-Pope? Most Popesses, regardless of the level of development, are distinguished by a certain coolness of temper, restraint, equanimity, which they retain in almost any situation (depends, of course, on the second part of the mission, but now let's try to take a “pure” type). The joy or sorrow of such people are devoid of saturated colors, a little smeared, as if in a haze, and in general, most Popesses do not […]

How to recognize a person-Empress? The Empress is first and foremost, of course, the female ray/sub-ray of the mission. In the realized version, this woman is a sexy and faithful friend of life (a wonderful combination, isn't it?), the mistress of the house, who has excellent taste and light hand, an attentive, moderately strict mother, as well as a “mother” for others - friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors ... A well-developed version of the male Empress […]

How to recognize a person-Dad? Dad is a very soft, sensitive, receptive, bright person. He is one of those who carefully listens to the interlocutor, literally “feels into” him, looks into his eyes (and, by feeling, into his soul), catches every word. It seems that he accepts anyone as he is, and accepts with respect, with some kind of deep understanding of the diversity of life. A person with a worked beam […]

The group of Dark rays includes only two rays - the Devil and the Moon. These dark archers come in two types - broken and evolved. The broken ones receive their dark ray as a punishment for the mistakes made in past lives. For those who were born with the ray/sub-ray of the defeated Devil, such a mistake was the abuse of power, violence, terror. For the broken moons - the introduction of people […]

A person receives a broken dark ray as a punishment for mistakes made in the past incarnation. For the defeated Devil, such a mistake was the situation when, having power over people, he became despotic and cruel. You can receive such an incarnation as many times as you like (although “as many as you like” is still sad evidence that a person desperately does not want to learn the right […]

How to recognize a person-Strength? Do you hear a commanding voice, building everyone in pairs and calling for a common task? Meet: this is one of the varieties of a “strong” person, the so-called Yang (or male) Power! Tough strong-willed character, directiveness in instructions, but at the same time unconditional charisma, passion in everything that a person does, incredible ability to work, fearlessness, the ability to “gather together”, structure and direct […]

Find out what your tarot card is by your date of birth and you can better understand your personality. The chosen lasso will indicate the strengths and weaknesses, tell about the peculiarities of relationships with others, and much more.

What each number will tell you:

  1. The first is the most important lasso. Shows what character traits are characteristic of a person, most clearly manifested and have the greatest impact on behavior. Sometimes indicates talents given by nature
  2. The second number has a hidden meaning. It shows the personality traits that a person hides, does not understand, most often they are invisible to others. Also, this lasso will indicate vocation and purpose.
  3. The third number complements the value of the previous two. These are the least pronounced personality traits.

The value of the arcana by date of birth

After you have calculated all three numbers and understood what they mean, read the decoding of each lasso:

  • 1 Mage is a sociable person who cannot imagine life without active communication. Very creative, may have hidden magical abilities. The dark sides of personality - a tendency to fraud and charlatanism
  • 2 Priestess is an incredibly sensitive person. He likes to take care and help people, subtly feels their psycho-emotional state. Good psychologist and teacher. The dark sides of the personality - pessimism, a tendency to energy vampirism, complaints, whining, unpredictability of reactions
  • 3 The Empress is an excellent wife or an exemplary family man. Really looks at life, sexy, able to make good money. Dark sides of personality - tendency to free relationships, inability to control one's emotions
  • 4 The Emperor is a controlling person, hyper-responsible, loves order in everything, responsible and energetic. Great politician and leader. The dark side of personality is manifested in stubbornness, aggression, perfectionism
  • 5 A hierophant is a person who will always listen and give practical advice. An excellent teacher, psychologist, spiritual mentor. In a dark manifestation - a liar and a hypocrite, devoid of spirituality and moral principles
  • 6 Lovers are charming, kind and cheerful people, enjoy success with the opposite sex, lovely friends. In a negative manifestation, they constantly become participants in love triangles, they are notorious, incapable of a serious relationship
  • 7 Chariot - a bold, active, self-confident person, standing firmly on his feet. Loves movement, change, travel. In a dark manifestation, a lazy, cowardly and restless person
  • 8 Justice is a cool and balanced person, endowed with a sober mind. The ideal type of activity is jurisprudence. In a dark manifestation, an immoral person with complex karma
  • 9 The hermit is a very wise, spiritually developed person who above all values ​​solitude, tranquility and harmony in everything. But it can be overly selfish, gloomy, experience problems in communications with the outside world and people.
  • 10 Wheel of Fortune. Incorrigible optimism, energetic and active. In a negative manifestation, it can become very passive, fear change and live in the past, afraid to step into a happy future.
  • 11 Strength - a purposeful and self-confident person, an achiever, often an athlete. On the negative side, it can turn out to be a lazy and fatalist who does not want to do something for positive changes in life.
  • 12 The Hanged Man is a wise, smooth, slightly slow person, prone to creativity. In a negative manifestation, it can harbor illusions and live in rose-colored glasses. Gets discouraged quite often
  • 13 Death is a very strong energetic personality, he can have extrasensory abilities. Excellent military, medium. In a negative manifestation, there is a tendency to alcoholism or drug addiction, dependence on the abuser
  • 14 Moderation - a person loves animals, very soft and calm, kind. But it can be either extremely passive, or, on the contrary, quick-tempered and unbalanced
  • 15 Devil - damn attractive and sexy, easily seduces and falls in love with himself. In a dark manifestation, it can turn into a cunning manipulator and harm people.
  • 16 Tower - an active and active person who does not like to sit still, often changes his mood and is offended. In a negative manifestation, it may be involved in illegal cases, experience mental problems, risk life in vain
  • 17 Star - very creative, sophisticated, spiritual man. In a dark manifestation, rude, lazy, mundane looks at life, not noticing all its charms
  • 18 Moon - a talented figure in some area of ​​art, has a well-developed intuition. On the negative side, lives under the rule of fears, wasteful, impractical, can get addicted to drugs or alcohol
  • 19 The sun is a bright personality who needs to be the center of attention. Loves and appreciates comfort in everything, surrounds himself beautiful things. In a negative manifestation, it can become very selfish, moreover, insecure and notorious
  • 20 Judgment - a symbol of wisdom and deep spirituality, needs the recognition of others. In a negative manifestation, he lives one day, is unstable, gets a lot of debt
  • 21 The world is a stable person who above all appreciates calmness and regularity, a person with pure karma. In a negative manifestation, he can be lazy and run away from problems, not noticing the fateful opportunities and chances
  • 22 Jester - energetically strong nature, magical abilities can be developed. The discoverer, the creator, usually with an unusual fate, loves travel. On the dark side can be nervous, stupid, mentally unstable, eccentric

Watch a video about the numerological alignment on the Tarot by date of birth:

When deciphering, pay attention not only to the favorable aspects of the personality, but also to its possible negative qualities. These are the "plants" of character that you need to know about in order to be able to maintain control over yourself at the right time.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Surely each of us sooner or later begins to ask the question: “What is my purpose in life?”. Someone sincerely believes that his activity is his destiny, while someone is tormented by doubts and a person thinks all his conscious life that he is doing something completely different from what he should according to the laws of the Universe.

There are many ways to discover your purpose in life. And one of the most common is numerology. With the help of this science, you can find out the destination by date of birth, even without the involvement of qualified numerologists.

Psychological portrait on Tarot

A simple way to calculate the number of life, which will tell a person about his life goals and show the right path so that he fully fulfills his destiny given to him by the Universe.

I immediately wanted to say: don’t be afraid of such cards as the Hanged Man, Death, the Devil, the Tower - there are no bad signs, each of the Tarot cards has positive and negative sides. It is only important to pick up the key to a particular card in order to use its energy not to your detriment.

It is important! When calculating the purpose of a child's life, be careful with the interpretation, because, relying on only one of the tasks life path baby, you can harm the child, omitting his other skills and abilities given by the Universe. To find out the purpose of children, you need to analyze the entire psychotype of personality by date of birth, contacting an experienced numerologist. In addition, most people do not work in those areas that are destined for them by the Universe, but at the same time they perfectly cope with their life tasks. After all, the personality of each individual is multifaceted and unique, so it is not worth adjusting it to one purpose given to him by the Forces from Above. But still, it is worth evaluating and learning one of the sides of your “mission in life”. Shall we start?

Calculate life purpose

  1. We write down the date of our birth in the following format: day, month and year. For example, 12/23/1987. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, then subtract the number 22 from it. Based on the indicated date of birth - 23-22 = 1.
  2. Write down the numbers of the month in which you were born. In our situation - 12.
  3. We add all the numbers of the year together - 1 9 8 7 \u003d 25. If the total number is more than 22, then you need to subtract 22. In our case, 25-22=3.
  4. Then we add up all the received digital values ​​​​- 1 12 3 \u003d 16. It is by this figure that you can find out the purpose of a person by the specified date of birth.
  5. If the final number is greater than 22, then subtract 22. For example, 12/12/1992=12 12 21=45-22=23. If the sum again turns out to be more than 22, then again subtracts 22 - 23-22=1.

So, the purpose of a person who was born on December 23, 1987 is 16. Now let's look at what each number means.

What is destined for you

The interpretation of the method for determining life purpose by date of birth consists of 22 digits. Let's consider each of them separately.

Number 1

Life Purpose - Mag. The purpose of your life is to convey to others important information, to help with wise advice and through the word to create harmony and beauty. Dialogue with such a person leaves an indelible mark on the souls of people, since they will be able to touch on spiritual secrets and pains with words. Such an individual should perceive himself as anyone and work on self-development.

People of this type are often engaged in journalistic, translation activities, become sensational writers, psychologists and esotericists. They are taught numerology and astrology.

Number 2

The number two corresponds to the Tarot card - the High Priestess. Life purpose by date of birth, which in total gave the number 2 - knowledge inner world, self-development and work with large volumes of information. The attention of the owners of the deuce should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, natural history, as well as the protection of the animal world. The desire to understand other people and to help those who have lost their way in life, to find their destiny.

Such people are suitable for the professions of ecologists, psychologists, doctors, teachers of the secret sciences, analysts and diagnosticians.

Number 3

Life card - Empress. A person who received the number 3 from the calculation needs to pay attention to areas of activity related to beauty, culture and art. A woman with a triple in her date of birth needs to reveal her feminine principle, and the representatives of the stronger sex need to learn to understand fragile creatures.

Preferred professions - stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, preschool teacher. And from such people good, sensitive and attentive parents are obtained.

Number 4

The life number corresponds to the Emperor card. Such individuals should follow their professional destiny and leave their mark in this particular case. It is important for such individuals to learn how to run a household not only in the family circle, but also in life. Teaching the professionalism of other people is the task of a person who, by date of birth, received the number 4. Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to the manifestation of masculinity in solving problem situations, and women should not occupy a dominant position in the family, get married and maintain harmony and harmony in relations with second half.

Such professions are intended for such people - doing business, personnel management, work in the military sphere.

Number 5

Life Card - High Priest. Delivering wise knowledge, justice and patience are the main character traits of people over whom the Priest stands. Gaining knowledge and passing it on to others is the true purpose of a person with a five in his date of birth.

The universe directs such people to engage with historical facts, philosophy, social study of aspects of life and scientific activities. But most often, a person with the number 5 in his date of birth finds himself in teaching.

Number 6

Life tarot card - Lovers. Such people choose with their hearts, are guided by intuition and independently accept right decisions. Do not divide people into social, racial and material strata: each of us deserves to be loved, happy and successful.

Such a person is destined to become a good doctor, an employee of an acting troupe, a good family man.

Number 7

The card encoded in this figure is the Chariot. The desire to change the world through their own success, professionalism and recognition is the true goal of people who received a seven by date of birth. Learn not to remain in the shadow of other people, show your "I" and do not be afraid to make attempts to change the world around you. Be reasonable, but don't let people manipulate you. Learn to say no to situations that get in the way of your goals.

For such people, professions are suitable:

  • businessman;
  • driver;
  • conducting transport affairs;
  • military and doing business in this area.

Number 8

Life card - Justice. Karate itself dictates the life of a person with an eight in the task. Deep awareness of the importance of justice, upholding the rights of humans and other living beings and protecting those who really need it. Such people should not miss those situations that infringe on the rights of others. Don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich when the person next to you is suffering from dishonesty. Be supportive of those in need, perhaps someone's life or fate depends on your help. You winnow good and kind - you will receive the same in return. Bad deeds will bring misfortune.

The Universe directs people with a figure eight in the total date of birth to such activities: advocacy, bailiffs, animal rights activists, human rights activists. Also suitable are professions related to record keeping, or those professions that require accuracy and care.

Number 9

Life purpose - Hermit. Spiritual self-improvement, regular work on oneself, knowledge of wisdom and experience is the task of Hermit people. Such individuals should learn not from their own mistakes, but from the mistakes of others, adopting their bitter experience and teaching the wisdom of other people.

How to find out the purpose by date of birth? 9 human characters. Astrology by date of birth

My purpose. How to find out by date of birth?

Date of birth and purpose of a person. Part 1

Your calling in life. How to define it.

Hermit individuals find themselves in the role of teacher, esotericist, philosopher, scientist, historian, worker in social area for the elderly and lonely people.

Number 10

The Wheel of Fortune is a tarot card showing the life purpose of people with a ten in the task. Learn to manage your finances the right way. Find something in between the spiritual and physical sides human body. The life goals of the individual are to achieve good material well-being of his family, and after that - material assistance to those in need. Learn to behave honestly, be careful in gambling, know how to stop in a timely manner.

The universe is predicted to work in the financial sector, as well as directions related to the reincarnation of the soul.

Number 11

The card of life is Strength. The life goal is to take care of the body from the point of view of the physical aspect and achieve sincere love feelings. Give preference to active leisure time, keep fit and share experience with others. Do not oppress your strength, courage, courage, leadership. Stop being afraid to show off your strengths and skills.

Such individuals can work in law enforcement agencies and military institutions, reach heights in sports, and are fond of massage.

Number 12

The Tarot card responsible for the fate of people with the number 12 in the task is the Hangman. The life goal is to control your emotional state and experiences. Learn to deal with fears and insecurities. Consider problems from different angles, look for ways out of them. Such people are not recommended to "look into the glass" and, moreover, look in the direction of drugs and other psychotropic drugs. Moreover, get rid of bad habits and lead the way healthy lifestyle the lives of other people.

A person with the number 12 in the task shows himself well as a scientist, psychologist, philosopher and art critic.

Number 13

The Death Card is destined by the Universe for people who fall into this category. The desire for harmony in the soul, regardless of external factors is the task of life. The development of altruism, selfless help should become a life credo.

A person becomes a good doctor, nurse (nurse), veterinarian, social worker, rescuer, fireman, stuntman or emergency worker.

Number 14

Moderation - this is what people who received the number 14 in the task should strive for. Find the golden mean in everything with everything you deal with. Look for compromises, take the necessary actions in order to solve the problem as quickly and "painlessly" as possible.

People with Temperance in the lasso will easily master the following specialties:

  • intermediary between business partners;
  • peacemaker;
  • social worker;
  • travel guide;
  • guide to important places;
  • watchmaker;
  • healer.

Number 15

Arcana Tarot - Devil. Such people have many life tasks:

  • control of their energy and its correct distribution;
  • getting rid of various kinds of temptations and addictions;
  • understanding the difference between a forced victim and the victim's position;
  • control of bioenergetics at the subconscious level and determining the role of sex in human existence.

Such people make excellent businessmen, healers, esotericists, showmen, psychologists.

Number 16

The tower in the Tarot lasso indicates that you should be engaged in construction in life. It could be like building family relations, home life, and more global construction sites, such as buildings, enterprises, institutions, etc.

Such people find their destiny in the administrative field of activity, in architecture, creating programs for electronic media, setting up information networks between branches of one company.

Number 17

Tarot card - Star. The development of talent, both artistic and artistic, is the purpose of life. Learn to be creative in everything you do. Fill the world with beauty.

People with the number 17 in the task reach heights in artistic activity, in art, astrology, as well as in friendship with their loved ones.

Number 18

Life card - Moon. The purpose of life is the fight against fears, insecurity, self-development and the development of intuition and fantasy. Recreate the coziness, comfort of your home and give it to other people.

Life professions - a cook, a psychologist, a doctor, an adviser, a fortune teller. Also suitable are areas of activity such as numerology and astrology.

Number 19

The sun in the Tarot lasso says that a person should bring help, warmth, calmness and faith in the souls of others to this world. Communicating with such a person, the interlocutor understands that not everything is as bad as it seems in reality. Build your own self-esteem. Don't build your life on self-centeredness and self-destruction.

Life path - politics, work in a leadership position, creativity.

Number 20

Arcana Tarot - Judgment. Life goals:

  • formation and maintenance of harmony in family relationships;
  • assistance of any kind in relation to relatives and friends;
  • the study of the family tree and the transfer of information to children, grandchildren;
  • revision of life values, relying on impartiality and humanity.

People with the card of the Court in the lasso find themselves in the historical sciences, the psychology of family relations, family medicine, advocacy, the performance of legal and judicial duties.

Number 21

World - the meaning of the number 21 in the problem. Learn to treat people of other races with tolerance and impartiality. Create harmony around yourself and plunge into self-development and achieving a state of complete peace.

A person with Peace in the lasso finds his destiny in such a field of activity as:

  • translator;
  • travel expert;
  • expert on cultural issues of different peoples;
  • technology center employee

Number 22

Life card - Jester. The purpose is to work with children, create a new and unusual journey. Learn to take a leadership position and independently attempt to resolve a particular situation. Do not let fear, anger overcome your soul. Such people most often work as educators in kindergartens and preschool institutions and also associated with humor and travel.

Test for determining the path of life

Another option is how to determine the destination by date of birth. This test allows you to find out online why you were born into this world. And numerology will help us with this.

So, people who are born on the 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th, 21st, 22nd, 30th and 31st of any month can send their vital energy to solve problems related to moral and moral qualities. The purpose of life is to help those in need.

Those born on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd will find themselves in professions associated with order and accuracy. Such individuals enjoy:

  • classes in exact sciences - mathematics, physics, etc.;
  • jurisprudence;
  • cutting clothes;
  • drawing up architectural calculations.

If you were born on the 5th, 15th or 25th of any month, then your life task is to unleash your creative potential. And it can be both your talent and someone else's. Teaching in a musical institution, art school, writing literary works, working in the theater, etc.

People born on the 4th, 14th and 24th can master professions that involve routine and monotony. And those who were born on the 9th, 19th and 29th will find it easier to work in administrative bodies, solving pressing civil issues.

People with 7 in their birth number (7, 17, 27) can comprehend any field of activity, and those who have 6 in their date of birth are better off directing their energy to creating spiritual issues.

Knowing your life purpose, you can direct your energy to change your destiny for the better, in the right direction!

May happiness, luck and prosperity accompany you in life!

Find out which tarot card by date of birth applies to you! The calculation of a personal Tarot card that has an impact on life will be useful for those who want to know all their weaknesses and strengths. Compatibility analysis by date of birth and Tarot cards will show the future of the relationship.

In the article:

Tarot card by date of birth - how to calculate it

In order to find out the Tarot cards corresponding to you by date of birth, you should make simple calculations. and numerology are closely related. Numerology by date of birth is considered accurate, because it is known that information about past lives and the fate of a person that awaits him in this incarnation is embedded in the date of birth.

The easiest way to understand the calculations of the Tarot arcana by date of birth is with an example. Suppose fortune-telling is carried out for a person who was born on July 25, 1996. There will be three numbers in total and, accordingly, three cards that affect it.

First number is the birth number. If it is less than 22, you won’t have to do any manipulations with it, because it already corresponds to one of the arcana, which, as you know, is also 22. In our example, a person was born on the 25th, so the number of arcana should be subtracted from him:

The first tarot card by date of birth for this example is the third lasso, or the Empress.

Second lasso by date of birth is calculated by adding all the numbers of the date of birth - day, month and year. In our example, the calculations will look like this:


As a result of calculating the second number, it almost always turns out a number greater than the number of major arcana Tarot. Therefore, you should subtract 22 from it until you get a sum less than this value:


The second personal Tarot card by date of birth in our example is the seventeenth lasso, or the Star.

Not all tarologists also calculate third tarot card- lasso by date of birth. However, it also has an impact on a person's life and his destiny, so it is by no means superfluous. Quite often the third number is the same as the second. This means that you have not three, but two personal cards. In order to find out the third card, you need to bring the date, month and year of birth into line with the arcana, but this time separately. In our example, it looks like this:

1+9+9+6=25; 25-22=3

After that, the resulting three numbers must be summed up:


The third card in our example is the thirteenth lasso, or Death.

After calculating three or two cards that correspond to the direction of your entire life path, you can begin to decipher the Tarot arcana by date of birth. Each of them carries its own meaning and in its own way affects different aspects of life.

Arcana Tarot by date of birth - transcript

Tarot numerology by date of birth suggests the presence of two or three cards that have different meaning. So, the first personal lasso has the most importance. Its influence is most easily seen in a person's character. It is this lasso that has the greatest impact on the behavior of the fortuneteller. This is his mask, social role, the way others see you. The first lasso can also indicate the abilities and talents of a person given at birth.

The influence of the second lasso is difficult to notice, especially for unfamiliar people. Perhaps a person does not want to demonstrate this side of his nature to anyone at all. Its influence on fate is more significant than that of the first lasso. The second lasso represents the path of a person, his purpose and the meaning of life. Its meaning will indicate the mission that you must complete in your current incarnation.

The third lasso is considered to complement the meanings of the previous two. It cannot be interpreted separately from other arcana. The influence of this lasso is manifested least of all, and it practically does not manifest itself, but there is still an impact.

What do the tarot arcana mean by date of birth

Each tarot card has two sides of meaning. - light and dark. It depends only on the person which way he decides to go. Both sides can appear, or only one.

  1. Magician - sociability, a penchant for creativity, a craftsman with golden hands. There are magical powers. Most often, he chooses the position of a manager or administrator, organizes the workflow. The dark side of the Magician is cunning, fraud, fraud, the desire to live at the expense of others. In this case, there are no magical abilities, but he can engage in charlatanism.
  2. Priestess - sensitivity, willingness to help, chastity, a good psychologist, teacher or medium. The dark side of the Priestess is black magic, tearfulness, likes to complain about life. She is unpredictable, but not too smart.
  3. The Empress is a good mother and wife (or father and husband), a realist, good income, sexuality and fertility. Dark Empress - despotism, childlessness, unwillingness to start a family, excesses, open relationships, inability to control oneself.
  4. Emperor - discipline and order, activity and vigor. Most likely, he occupies a high position, a leader or a politician. Dark Emperor - stubbornness, aggression, despotism, tediousness and pedantry, excess energy.
  5. Hierophant - knows how to listen and give advice. Maybe a clergyman, a teacher, a psychologist - there is all the data for this. The Dark Hierophant is a bad adviser and a liar who cannot find his way. He is unspiritual or uses spiritual ideals to cover up the true motives of his actions.
  6. Lovers - sociability, charm, kindness and sexuality. He has many friends, but has problems with personal life- love triangles, inability to start a family. Dark Lovers - tightness, complexes, especially related to relationships. Uncertainty and indecision, the need to constantly make choices.
  7. Chariot - courage, confidence, activity. Constantly in motion, travels a lot, frequent changes in life. The Dark Chariot is either laziness, cowardice and stagnation, or excessive activity and restlessness.
  8. Justice - coldness, poise, decency, a clear mind. Often associated with law enforcement, law enforcement, jurisprudence. Dark Justice - bias, low morality, own laws, heavy karma.
  9. Hermit - wisdom, love of solitude, calmness, prudence, the desire for knowledge and spiritual search. There are magical and clairvoyant abilities, as well as the makings of a psychologist. Dark Hermit - notoriety, selfishness, anger and gloom. There are mental and communication problems.
  10. - a lucky optimist, a lot of trips and travels, an active lifestyle. The Dark Wheel of Fortune is a lazy and fatalist, a passive person who is afraid of his future, but does not want to change it.
  11. Strength - energy, determination, confidence, sexuality, love of sports, competitions, power. Dark Force - or spinelessness, or aggressiveness, instability and problems in sexual life.
  12. Hanged Man - wisdom, slowness, love of creativity. The beginning of life is usually difficult, but with age everything normalizes. Dark Hanged Man - illusions, laziness, despondency, disability is possible.
  13. Death is a strong personality with magical abilities, a career is most likely a military one. Many injuries, dangers and trials are possible, especially in youth. Dark Death is either self-destruction, or the goal of causing harm to others. Alcoholism or drug addiction, mental problems, involvement in crime.
  14. Moderation - love for animals, calmness, gentleness and kindness. Dark Moderation - either passivity, or imbalance and a tendency to go to extremes.
  15. The devil is a good psychologist, financier, seducer, leader. Has magical powers. Often chooses a career as a bank employee, manager, psychologist. The Dark Devil is either a manipulator, a cunning and treacherous person with clear strategist abilities, or a person addicted to anything, for example, a gamer, an alcoholic, a drug addict.
  16. Tower - activity, activity, love of change, frequent mood swings, touchiness and sensitivity. Often gets injured. Dark Tower - aggression and crime, mental problems and dangers are possible. The bearer of the Dark Tower had better not choose risky professions, it's too dangerous.
  17. Star - spirituality, sophistication, creativity. With a high probability we are talking about a writer or a poet. Dark Star - laziness, earthiness, rudeness, dislike for art.
  18. Luna is a creative talent, most likely vocal or acting. There are very strong psychic inclinations. Can become a good psychologist. Dark Moon - illusion, fears and phobias, impracticality, addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  19. The sun - the desire to be in the spotlight, enjoying comfort. The work is most likely associated with creativity, fame, perhaps show business. The Dark Sun is either selfishness, or uncertainty, complexes and fearfulness.
  20. Judgment is spirituality and wisdom. In youth, they can suffer because of insecurity, but with age this passes when they receive recognition from others. Cardinal changes are possible, moving to another country. Dark Judgment - laziness, false ideals, bad karma, changeable life, instability.
  21. The world is a stable and measured course of life, pure karma, a strong guardian angel, in general, she is one of the most successful cards by date of birth. Dark World - uncertainty, flight from problems, laziness, such a person misses all the chances given to him.
  22. Jester is an old soul with vast psychic powers. An innovator, a pioneer, a man with an unusual destiny. Propensity to travel, creative abilities. Dark Jester - eccentricity, nervousness, stupidity, lack of purpose, mental problems.

Compatibility by date of birth - Tarot for predicting relationships

In order to find out compatibility by date of birth and Tarot, you will need the dates of birth of two people. This method of predicting relationships is one of the most accurate, because it includes both the numerological aspect and the use of an ancient divination system, respected by the most eminent magicians of modern times and the Middle Ages.

Like the previous ones, we propose to analyze these calculations using an example. Suppose they are held for people who were born 25.07.1996 And 16.09.1995 . Divination for compatibility by Tarot cards and date of birth begins with a calculation second personal arcana according to the method described above:

2+5+7+1+9+9+6=39; 39-22=17
1+6+9+1+9+9+5=40; 40-22=18

To predict relationships using numerology and Tarot cards, four numbers should be obtained. First number will give general characteristics relations, as well as the atmosphere that will prevail in this union. To do this, it is necessary to sum up the personal arcana of partners. In our example, the calculations will be as follows:

17+18=35; 35-22=13, the first lasso for calculating compatibility is Death.

Second map tells what the first partner will get from this relationship. To do this, the first lasso is added to his personal, obtained above:

13+17=30; 30-22=8, the second lasso is Strength.

Third card says what the second partner will receive from the union. It is calculated similarly to the second card:

13+18=31; 31-22=9 , the third lasso is the Hermit.

Fourth card shows the result of the relationship. In order to get it, you need to add all three numbers obtained earlier:

13+8+9=30; 30-22=8 , fourth lasso - Strength.

Tarot card interpretations that will reflect your union can indicate what your relationship is like and what your future together will be.

Compatibility by Tarot cards and date of birth - the meaning of the arcana

  1. The magician is a favorable union, provided that one of the partners learns to yield to the other. The struggle for leadership, quarrels and scandals, finding out who is the head of the family. Selfishness can lead to a breakup.
  2. Priestess - coldness, closeness and detachment. Unfavorable union, loneliness together.
  3. Empress - warmth, love, support, care. Favorable prognosis, in general, affection, passion and desire to start a family.
  4. Emperor - on the one hand, a stable relationship with a man in the role of head of the family, and on the other - boredom, formalism and lack of emotional warmth.
  5. Hierophant - common interests and topics for conversation. A union of like-minded people, spiritual closeness, age difference, but passion may be absent.
  6. Lovers - emotional, stormy and passionate relationship. However, there is a high probability of the appearance of an opponent, lack of stability and superficiality.
  7. Chariot - instability, frivolity, unwillingness to live together. If the rest of the cards are favorable, a strong relationship is possible, and instability is reflected in one of the periods of the relationship.
  8. Strength is the struggle between partners for supremacy. Both dominate and try to subdue the partner, have a strong character and ambition. There is passion and interest in each other. This card is neutral, a compromise will lead to a favorable outcome, its absence will lead to a break.
  9. Hermit - lack of understanding and common topics for conversation, these people are not interested together. Lack of relationships as such, unrequited love, divorce some time after the wedding.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - financial situation plays a big role, perhaps we are talking about a marriage of convenience. The union may be unstable, but there are chances of starting a family.
  11. Justice is a calculation, but not always material, for example, choosing a partner according to his qualities without the influence of feelings and emotions. Possible marriage by obligation, common duty, good contact between partners, but without much emotion.
  12. Hanged Man - the relationship is at an impasse. There are two options - reaching a new level through the efforts of both partners or a break, the desire to find something completely different.
  13. Death - in an unfavorable environment, instability, which will lead to separation. In the favorable - temporary difficulties that can be dealt with.
  14. Moderation is family happiness without much passion and vivid emotions. Calm, even relations, stability, understanding, comfort, common goals and respect.
  15. The devil is a complex relationship, when it’s bad together, and it’s impossible to be apart. Common obligations without relationships are possible - common children after a divorce, for example, or unwillingness to divorce because of the stability of the financial situation in marriage. Often the Devil indicates a relationship without obligations with heavy attachment to each other, a desire to possess a person.
  16. The tower is a perfect union different people. There are no points of contact, but there are quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings. Most likely, these relationships will not work out.
  17. Star - friendship and warmth, but there is no close emotional connection. Perhaps this is a union of people who are married to other partners, or maybe a relationship at a distance.
  18. Moon - betrayal and temptation, lies, misunderstanding, understatement. These relationships can bring a lot of mental suffering.
  19. Sun - both partners are satisfied with the union. Honesty, understanding, friendship. Often a fleeting marriage, almost immediately after they met, as well as the appearance of children shortly after the wedding.
  20. Judgment is a karmic relationship that makes partners learn a certain life lesson. Relationships will inevitably become ballast and end in a breakup, there is tension and problems in general.
  21. Peace - happiness, harmony, love. An extremely favorable union.
  22. Jester - instability and frivolity, the desire for freedom and independence. Relations without commitment, carelessness, lack of responsibility.

In general, the cards corresponding to the dates of birth can tell a lot about both the character of people and their fate and destiny. With the help of numerology and the Tarot divination system, you can also find out how compatible you are with your partner and what the future holds for your relationship.
