Annex 1.

(Lines from different poems are read, the guys name the need, the teacher gives the guesser a card with the appropriate name and the student must place it in the appropriate group of needs).

1) “I’m lying, I’m sick

I pity myself!” (need for medicine) - social

2) “In the hallway, in the classroom,

Walls were painted everywhere

Rubbed paint, rubbed chalk,

Everyone did what he could” (under repair) - material

3) Egorka is already standing

At the blackboard with chalk in hand

Here is the first five

Egorka's diary...

(S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa and Yegor.) (need for education) - spiritual

4) “Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha

Gilded belly.

The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

Fly went to the market

And I bought a samovar ”(The need to buy dishes) - material

5) Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast,

Five potato patties

Two glasses of yogurt

And a bowl of semolina

Porridge is also not harmful!

(S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa and Yegor.) (Need for food) - biological

6) At a distant

At the outpost

The sentry in the forest does not sleep.

It costs -

Lightning above him

He looks up at the clouds.

Above his gun border

Clouds are passing.

(S. Mikhalkov. Svetlana.) (need for security) - social

7. I wanted to make a thunderstorm,

And got a goat

pink goat

With a yellow stripe (the need for creativity) - spiritual

Used materials and literature:

Social science. Grade 6, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, M., 2008.,



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Slides captions:

Social science, grade 6 A person lives in the world. He has everything, everything suits him. He dreams of nothing, strives for nothing. He just lives and does nothing. This situation looks almost fantastic... Is it possible? Why?

Task 3, page 19 -workbook If you were an omnipotent wizard, what would you like to have?

Life is a continuous process of meeting human needs.

Types of needs. BIOLOGICAL: food, water, air, heat, sleep

Types of needs. Spiritual: desire for knowledge. creativity, religion Striving for knowledge Aimed at self-improvement of a person.

Types of needs. Material: house, money, clothes, dishes,

Types of needs. Social: communication, labor They arise only in society, and are of an individual nature.

False needs. Unreasonable Needs

Needs similar to animals Food, communication, sleep, rest, Air, creativity, study, Water, religion, philosophy Heat, science, labor, care for offspring Differ in how they are satisfied A person organizes his own activities: prepares food, sews clothes , works


Working with text: Page 35

Is labor a need or a necessity? For some people, work is only a necessity, for others it is joy, a way to reveal their capabilities, for such people it is a need.

GAME "GUESS THE NEEDS" I'm lying, I'm sick I feel sorry for myself!” In medicine (social) In the corridor, in the classroom, everywhere the walls were painted, Rubbed paint, rubbed chalk, Everyone did what he could” In repair (material)

Egorka is already standing At the blackboard with a crayon in his hand, Here is the first five Egorka has in his diary ... In education (spiritual) Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha Gilded belly. The fly went across the field, the fly found the money. The fly went to the market And bought a samovar ” Buying dishes (Material)

Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, Five potato cutlets, Two glasses of curdled milk And a bowl of semolina - Porridge is also not harmful! Food (Biological) At the distant At the outpost The sentry in the forest does not sleep. He is standing - Lightnings are above him, He looks at the clouds: Above his gun the clouds are crossing the border. Safe (Social)

I wanted to make a thunderstorm, And I got a goat, A pink goat With a yellow stripe In creativity (Spiritual)

HOW are needs changing? Modernity Primitiveness 2х2=?

P needs and opportunities. Can a person get everything he dreams of?

THE GAME YES OR NO A person cannot satisfy one of his needs once and for all. Humans need social needs in order to survive, and so do animals. To take your place in society, it is not enough to satisfy only biological needs

List the types of needs. 1. Air 4. Sleep 7. Study 2. Water 5. Food 8 . Communication 3. Family 6. Etiquette 9 . Ecology 10. House 11. smoking A) BIOLOGICAL B) SOCIAL C) SPIRITUAL D) MATERIAL E) FALSE

“During the lesson, I…” “I became aware…” “I realized that….” "I want to add …."

Homework. Answer the question: "How do human needs affect the development of society"


Open lesson "HUMAN NEEDS"

Lesson Objectives:

educational - the development of cognitive abilities, familiarity with the concept of "needs".

developing - the formation of an idea of ​​​​human needs as a source of his

Activity, self-expression.

educational - the formation of moral qualities, respect for work.

Type of lesson - learning a new topic.

Methodological techniques - the creation of a problem situation, the techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking (syncwine).

Educational technologies: elements of technology for the development of critical thinking.

Basic concepts: needs, biological needs, material needs, social needs, spiritual needs.

Equipment: Textbook: Social studies. Grade 6, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, M., 2008.,

Handout with assignments for students.

Lesson plan:

1. What are needs?

What are the needs?

Are needs "eternal"?

False needs.

Consolidation of the studied material.


Structure Course of the lesson.

Lesson stage


Teacher activity


Student activities


Number No. Slide No.


Student motivation. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Gaining new knowledge

4 Consolidation and generalization of the studied


6 Homework


Reflection on the question of the heading “We will discuss together”, § 6, p. 55.

The task is read aloud:

A person lives in the world. He has everything. Everything suits him, he dreams of nothing, does not strive for anything. He just lives and does nothing. This situation looks almost fantastic. Why?

Generalization of the guys' answers: The situation is fantastic, because a person works all his life to satisfy his needs.

Q: What are your (we) needs? Please name the needs, I write on the board.

What do we see? A person has many needs, I can continue (visiting theaters, temples, reading books, etc.).

Then the question is: what can be said about these needs?

How to group them (classify)?

What will we learn in today's lesson?

The teacher summarizes the purpose and topic of the lesson, named by the children (what are needs, what needs are, without which needs a person can live, and without which he cannot exist.

1 question for today's lesson - what are human needs? How do you understand this (from your examples)?

Now you need to classify the needs, (these examples) using the textbook (pp. 55-56)

He will draw his scheme on the board (student). We compare our work with his (her) work.


biological needsman needs to live.

spiritual needs- these are the needs for knowledge of the surrounding world, the world of obtaining knowledge and skills, achieving harmony and beauty.

A person cannot become happy if he cannot show his abilities, if he does not find his place in life. Therefore, he hasSocial needs.

material needs: a person needs housing, clothes, utensils, etc., i.e. material needs are a person's need for things).

Animals also have biological needs. How do you think they differ?

Conclusion: they differ in how these needs are met: a person can produce food himself to meet his needs by organizing activities (farms, cooks food, sews clothes, works, receives wages in order to be able to acquire the necessary, etc.)

human needschange with age.

And now let's play a game where you will have to find out the needs and place them in the appropriate groups.

(Annex 1).

Question: How are human needs changing?

Phone and TV, car, plane. It used to be a curiosity. Man needed them more and more, they became more and more necessary to him. The time comes, and a person can no longer imagine his life without the achievements of technology!

That is, needs depend on the conditions in which people live and change over time.

Needs and opportunities.

At any time, a person dreams. What can a modern person dream about? Can he get everything he dreams of? Needs must match opportunities.

Question: Is labor a need or a necessity?

For many people, work is only a necessity, and they work without much desire. But there are other people for whom work is a joy, a way to reveal their capabilities, for such people it is a need. It is important for a person to understand that it is not enough to satisfy only biological needs, but also spiritual and social ones!

So, we found out that a person has many needs: these are needs without which a person cannot live. Which?

What needs can you live without, but is it difficult?

3) What can a person live without?

A person sometimes has false needs. What harm can they do to people?

Choose the correct judgments about human needs:

A) A person cannot satisfy one of his needs once and for all.

B) Social needs are necessary for a person in order to survive, animals also have them.

C) To take one's place in society, it is not enough to satisfy only biological needs.

(answer: a, c) - explain your choice.

Finish the sentences:

"In class, I..."

"I became aware..."

“I realized that….”

"I want to add …."

In a notebook, write a short discussion on the topic "How human needs affect the development of society."

Putting marks in the diary and journal

Answers to the question, students' reasoning.

Students name needs (for example: food, clothes, telephone, communication with friends, Internet, etc.)

Students provide their answers

Students set lesson objectives.

Students offer a definition of the concept of “needs”, write down in a notebook the definition “Human needs are ...”

Independent work (drawing up a diagram of "Human Needs")

The student draws a diagram, the class checks it, if there are other options or the diagram is incorrect, it is discussed frontally.

Students give their guesses

Student responses.

Students' reasoning.

Student responses: air, water, food, etc.

(TV, computer, household appliances, dishes, furniture, etc.)

(alcohol, drugs, smoking)

Student responses.

Students choose and explain their choice

Choose and verbally complete sentences.

Write down the topic of reasoning in a diary or in a notebook.

Students evaluate the work of their classmates


DC 2

DC 3

DC 4

DC 5

DC 6

DC 7

DC 8

DC 9

DC 10

DC 11

DC 12

DC 13

DC 14

DC 15

Annex 1.

A game:

(Lines from different poems are read, the guys name the need, the teacher gives the guesser a card with the appropriate name and the student must place it in the appropriate group of needs).

1) “I’m lying, I’m sick

I pity myself!” (need for medicine) - social

2) “In the hallway, in the classroom,

Walls were painted everywhere

Rubbed paint, rubbed chalk,

Everyone did what he could” (Under repair) - material

3) Egorka is already standing

At the blackboard with chalk in hand

Here is the first five

Egorka's diary...

(S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa and Yegor.) (need for education) - spiritual

4) “Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha

Gilded belly.

The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

Fly went to the market

And I bought a samovar ”(The need to buy dishes) - material

5) Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast,

Five potato patties

Two glasses of yogurt

And a bowl of semolina

Porridge is also not harmful!

(S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa and Yegor.) (Need for food) - biological

6) At a distant

At the outpost

The sentry in the forest does not sleep.

It costs -

Lightning above him

He looks up at the clouds.

Above his gun border

Clouds are passing.

(S. Mikhalkov. Svetlana.) (need for security) - social

7. I wanted to make a thunderstorm,

And got a goat

pink goat

With a yellow stripe (the need for creativity) - spiritual

Used materials and literature:

Social science. Grade 6, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, M., 2008.,

"Psychological training" - Physiological (starting physiological and sexual activity); Thinking. The main goal is to develop competence in communication. Main tasks (Kle M.): training of personality development in interpersonal space Kurt Lewin. Associating yourself with another person; Pubertal development Cognitive development Transformations of socialization Formation of identity.

"Psychological health" - High (creative, creative, constructive); Medium (some signs of maladjustment, increased anxiety are manifested); Low (conflicts with peers, whims, etc.). Environmental factor (family and school). Aggression; Incomplete family or conflict relations between family members; What needs to be done for personal growth to be harmonious?

"Lessons of psychology" - Monitoring requests. Work with students. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. Career work. Conducting psychotraining. At the request of the parents. Educational work. Professional self-determination. Working with the pedagogical team. Questionnaire of school motivation Luskanova. Teaching the subject of psychology.

"Profession psychologist" - It is necessary. Today, the labor market provides a wide range of professions. Our goal: Professional self-determination. Can. We study ourselves. Industrialnaya, 5 Branch of the Samara Humanitarian Academy, Tolyatti, st. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. "Togliatti State University”, Togliatti, st.

"Psychologist's office" - Availability of seats 14. Head of the office: Kataeva Oksana Nikolaevna. Psychology office plan. Passport of the office of a teacher-psychologist.

"Age psychology" - 3.1. Newborn. The most annoying thing is that I was preparing and I know the lesson. 9. Analyze the following statements from a psychological point of view: Content methodological manual directed. Author: Novikova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher of SOPK. 3.7. general characteristics maturity. ?Novikova S.G., SOPK, Yekaterinburg, 2008.

There are 10 presentations in total in the topic

Social studies, 6th grade

A person lives in the world. He has everything, everything suits him. He dreams of nothing, strives for nothing. He just lives and does nothing. This situation looks almost fantastic... Is it possible? Why?

Task 3, page 19 - workbook

If you were an omnipotent wizard, what would you like to have?

Life is a continuous process of meeting human needs

TEMAGizTentttttttttt-continuous process

NEEDS - a person's need for something

Types of needs.

BIOLOGICAL: food, water, air, heat, sleep

Types of needs.

Spiritual: desire for knowledge. creativity, religion


Aimed at self-improvement

the waving of man.

Types of needs.

Material: house, money, clothes, dishes,

Types of needs.

Social: communication, work

Occurs only in society

and are individual.

False needs.

Unreasonable Needs

Animal-like needs

Eating, socializing, sleeping, resting,

Air, creativity, study,

Water, religion, philosophy

Warmth, science, labor, care for offspring

Differ in how they are satisfied

A person organizes his own activities: cooks food, sews clothes, works


Work with text:

Page 35

Is labor a need or a necessity?

For some people, work is only a necessity, for others it is joy, a way to reveal their capabilities, for such people it is a need.


I’m lying, I’m sick, I feel sorry for myself!”

In medicine (social)

In the corridor, in the classroom, everywhere they painted the walls, Rubbed paint, rubbed chalk, Everyone did what he could”

Under renovation (material)

Egorka is already standing At the blackboard with a crayon in his hand, Here is the first five in Egorka's diary ...

In education (spiritual)

Fly, Fly - Tsokotuha Gilded belly. The fly went across the field, the fly found the money. Fly went to the market and bought a samovar.

Buying utensils (Material)

Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, Five potato cutlets, Two glasses of curdled milk And a bowl of semolina - Porridge is also not harmful!

Food (Biological)

At the distant Outpost The sentry in the forest does not sleep. He is standing - Lightnings are above him, He looks at the clouds: Above his gun the clouds are crossing the border.

Safe (Social)

I wanted to make a thunderstorm, but I got a goat, a pink goat with a yellow stripe

In creativity (Spiritual)

HOW are needs changing?



Needs and opportunities.

Can a man get everything

what is he dreaming about?

  • A person cannot satisfy any of his needs once and for all.
  • Humans need social needs in order to survive, and so do animals.
  • To take your place in society, it is not enough to satisfy only biological needs

List the types of needs.

1. Air 4. Sleep 7. Study

2. Water 5. Food 8. Communication

3. Family 6. Etiquette 9. Ecology 10. Home 11. smoking





"In class, I..."

"I became aware..."

“I realized that….”

"I want to add …."


Answer the question:

How do needs affect

person for the development of society"
