Moscow is the main city of Russia, its capital. And every preschooler should know about it. The teacher prepares messages about Moscow, its sights, remembers with the children the symbols of Russia, the peoples living on the territory of our country. Older preschoolers draw the Kremlin, look at paintings from the Tretyakov Gallery, learn about the Moscow theater and circus, and also go by time machine into the past of Moscow. The result of the week is the quiz "What I know about Moscow." You will find conversations about the history of the city, a story about sights, games for the development of speech in the appendix to the plan " Theme week"Moscow".

Social and communicative development

The teacher tells the children about children's writers, famous poets and artists who lived in Moscow, organizes the situation "I must not ...", which contributes to the social and communicative development of children, as well as reading safe fairy tales by Shorygina T.A., viewing the album "Household devices” and the organization of role-playing games on the topic of the week.

cognitive development

In area cognitive development it is planned to observe the puddles, the teacher's story about the swamp, games with hoops and Gyenesh blocks, aimed at developing analytical thinking. Preschoolers continue to exercise in determining the time by the clock, fix the days of the week.

Speech development

In the afternoon, the teacher introduces the children to poems and stories about the capital of Russia, brings in the Scheme of Suggestions manual and works on compiling creative stories. The tasks of speech development are solved in the games "Explain the word", "Find a brother", etc.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Preschoolers find out the structural features of the Kremlin, make the coat of arms of Moscow, sculpt the Tsar Bell and practice object recognition. Artistic and aesthetic development is facilitated by viewing the album "Russian Folk Musical Instruments", listening to classical music.

Physical development

An adult tells children about the Sports Palace in Moscow, remembers and continues to acquaint them with Japanese folk games. It also promotes physical development. cognitive activity"Why Blood Flows", talks about proper nutrition and familiarity with the elements of rhythmoplasty.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.The game "Change everyone who ...". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the individuality of each child.Journey by time machine into the past of Moscow. Purpose: to cultivate patriotic feelings, interest in the past.Finger gymnastics "Knock and knock" Purpose: to expand knowledge about the diversity of houses and buildings.Examination of different buildings and houses. Purpose: to clarify knowledge about the construction and architecture of buildings.Fizminutka "Ryabinka". Purpose: to remember the words.
S.r. game "Moscow theater". Purpose: to recall theatrical professions, to develop friendly relationships in the game.Geocon game. Purpose: to develop spatial perception, to consolidate the ability to analyze the sample.The game "Pick the word to the scheme." Purpose: to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words.Introduction of the picture "Kremlin" A. Fomin. Purpose: to examine the picture, prepare for drawing.P.i. "Relay race in pairs." Purpose: to teach children to run in pairs, holding hands, trying to run to the finish line ahead of their rivals. P.i. "Trap with a ball." Purpose: to teach children to run in all directions, form a circle, throw a ball at a moving target - a child.
2 p.d.Discussion of the poem "My hands." Purpose: to improve washing skills: lather hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash.Cognitive research activity "Why the leaves turn yellow" (continued). Purpose: to visually determine the importance of chlorophyll and sunlight for leaf color.Reading K. Ushinsky "Fatherland". Purpose: to form patriotic feelings through literature.Kremlin drawing. Goal: develop analytical skills, improve imaging techniques.Experimental activity "Why blood flows." Purpose: to show the mechanism of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Watching the cartoon "The Scarlet Flower". Purpose: to tell that the author of the work Aksakov S.T. lived in Moscow, to start acquaintance with the famous poets, writers and artists of Moscow.Board game "Chimes". Purpose: to learn to tell the time by the clock.Introduction of the manual "Schemes of proposals". Purpose: to acquaint children with schemes and methods for compiling them, to introduce the concept of "pretext".Virtual tour "Sights of Moscow". Purpose: to give children knowledge about what monuments are for, what famous historical event they served.Independent games with physical culture equipment. Purpose: to develop physical qualities, the desire to perform exercises correctly.
Area cleaning. Objectives: to teach the performance of labor actions; teach to work in a team.Blueberry Watch. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with berry bush- blueberries.Compilation of creative stories on a topic of the teacher's choice. Purpose: to activate speech, create conditions for word creation.Game "Funny hands". Purpose: to develop creative imagination.P.i. "Swipe". Purpose: to teach to bounce and land on toes with half-bent legs. P.i. Ball penguins. Purpose: to teach children to jump to a visual landmark on two legs with a ball sandwiched between their knees.


State budgetary preschool institution

Kindergarten No. 27

Petrodvortsovy district of St. Petersburg


"How to know the time"

Educators: Solodkaya T.V.

Shebina M.A.

Saint Petersburg

Age group: preparatory to school.

Type of project: creative and informational.

Theme of the project: How to know the time?

The purpose of the project: To develop the ability to navigate in time.

Project objectives:


  1. To systematize and generalize the knowledge of children about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility, the sequence of all days of the week, months, seasons.
  2. Learn to tell time by the clock.


  1. Develop a "sense of time", the ability to save time, organize their activities in accordance with time.
  2. To develop the skills of using words denoting temporary categories in speech, to develop creative activity.
  3. Develop mental operations.


  1. To expand the horizons of children through acquaintance with different types of watches, their purpose.
  2. To promote the formation of the ability to work in a team.
  3. Create favorable conditions for joint activities with parents.

Predicted results:

  1. Interest in the knowledge of history and one's past will be formed.
  2. Children will get acquainted with the history of clocks, their diversity and purpose.
  3. They will gain new knowledge: the main purpose of a watch is to fix the time, they will learn how to determine the time by the clock face.
  4. Learn to regulate their activities in accordance with the time.
  5. Children will acquire the skills to work together with adults and peers.

Project duration: 3 weeks.

Relevance: The knowledge of the children of the preparatory group for school about how to measure time (using a clock, a calendar) is insufficient. The names of time intervals (minute, hour) remain abstract for the majority of pupils, since no experience of activity has been accumulated during these periods of time. Children's knowledge of time is incomplete, isolated. This is due to the fact that episodic classes to familiarize themselves with the signs of parts of the day, the sequence of days of the week, months, seasons, do not give them the necessary amount of knowledge about time - its fluidity, periodicity, rhythm, tempo. The information received does not disclose the completeness of temporal relationships.

Stages of project implementation





Define the main areas of work

Study and systematization of material on this issue;

Study of scientific literature

Selection of fiction, encyclopedic literature on the topic;

Preparation of equipment for the manufacture of applications, crafts;

Preparation and production of didactic material;

Involving parents in the equipment (replenishment) of the “Clock Museum”, in making handicrafts on the theme “Such different watches” together with the children;

Selection of materials for experimental activities of children;

Drawing up a plan of work with children and parents.


Carry out project activities to familiarize children with the types of watches, the history of their occurrence; teach children to tell time by the clock; navigate the time of day, know the names of the days of the week, months, their sequence


Thematic classes;

A cycle of stories for children;

Reading educational literature about different types of watches;

Examining illustrations, viewing presentations;

Drawing and applications;

Design of the “clock museum”;

Decoration of the exhibition of crafts "Such different watches";

Working with parents.


Analysis of project implementation activities

Conducting a final lesson-game;

Creating a presentation of the results of activities

Forms of interaction with children and parents

Forms of interaction with children:

- direct educational activities;

- joint activities of children and teachers;

- reading fiction;

- conversations thematic classes;

- games (didactic, mobile and communicative);

- presentations.

Forms of interaction with parents:

- joint creation of a "clock museum";

- co-creation of children and parents.

Project Implementation Plan


Goals and objectives

Implementation forms


"In the Kingdom of Clocks"

To expand children's knowledge about the variety of watches, their structure;

Clarify children's ideas about parts of the day, seasons;

Arouse interest in the study of time;

Develop memory, imagination, associative thinking

Conversations on a series of pictures "Seasons", "Parts of the day", "Variety of hours";

Conversation "Measurement of time";

Discussion of clock design;

A request to parents to replenish the “clock museum” with interesting exhibits.


“Such different hours. History of origin»

To acquaint children with the history of the clock, the reason for their appearance and their role in our lives;

Learn to clearly and consistently express your thoughts, exercise in the use of complex sentences with the union "because";

Develop research interest and curiosity;

Activate vocabulary: solar clock, water clock, mechanism, dial

A cycle of stories for children: "Live Clock", " Sundial”, “Fire clock”, “Clock without hands” (sand), “Mechanical clock”, “Electronic clock”, “Decorative clock”, “Tower clock”.

Consideration of clock illustrations, presentation.


"Watch Workshop"

Application with coloring "Clock"

Continue to acquaint children with the structure of clocks and their role in our lives;

To consolidate the ability to highlight the features of objects (shape, size);

To form artistic and practical skills in children (color selection, accuracy when using scissors, gluing images and details);

Develop skills in working with templates;

Develop fine motor skills of hands;

To develop the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill and initiative.

- “excursion to the “clock museum”, examination of the exhibits;

- “studying with children” the rules of conduct in museums;

A story about the features of each exhibit, interesting stories about some of them;

Detailed study of the structure of mechanical watches;

Directly making the application "Clock" together with the children;

Discussion of the "time frozen on the clock" of each pupil, with what it is connected.

Making an exhibition of these applications.


"How do you know the time? Determine the time by the clock

Develop ideas about time;

To consolidate knowledge about the day, days of the week;

Encourage the desire to play mathematical games;

To form ideas about the temporary concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow";

Teach children to regulate their activities in accordance with the time period.

Didactic game "What before, what then?";

Examining the watch model, repeating the purpose of the hands;

Game "How to know the time?";

A story based on a series of plot pictures "Mode of the day" - what actions are performed at what time;

Mathematical game "Connect the pictures";

Co-creation of children with parents - craft "Such different hours"



Continue to develop children's knowledge of the months, seasons;

To consolidate children's knowledge of time - its fluidity, irreversibility and periodicity.

Solving riddles about weeks, months, seasons;

A conversation about natural phenomena inherent in each season;

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Seasons";


"Dunno and time"

To improve the ability of children to determine the time;

Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill;

To consolidate children's knowledge of how to save time, to support this desire in them.

Game situation "Why is Dunno late?";

Conversation on the picture "Dunno is in a hurry";

A conversation about watches, the history of their occurrence;

Conversation "mechanical watches and their components";

Physical education "Tick-tock";

Experiment "What can be done in 1 minute?";

Memo for children "How to save time?".


To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of parts of the day, days of the week, months, seasons;

To consolidate ideas about the temporary concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow";

Summarize children's knowledge of time.

Organization of an exhibition of crafts of joint creativity of children and parents "Such different hours";

The final lesson-game "How to know the time?";

Creating a presentation of the results of activities.


Pedagogical Council

Summing up - the work done;

Demonstration presentation of the results of activities.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 87"


on the development of temporal representations

preschoolers in the preschool group

"Journey to the Land of Time"

Project creator:


Chakiy Irina Vladimirovna

Biysk, 2015


1. Characteristics of the project

2. Relevance

3. Purpose and objectives of the project

4. Efficiency

5. Forms, methods and techniques

6. List of references

7.Content of the project


Project characteristics

Project type: educational

Project type: group

Project implementation: the project is designed for 4 months: from September 2015 to December 2015.

Project stages:

Preparatory stage: September 2015

Main stage: October - November 2015

The final stage: December 2015





“Nature has taken care of everything,

that everywhere you find something to learn.
Leonardo da Vinci


A person faces the problem of time every day, tearing off a sheet of the calendar, every minute, looking at the clock. The child also lives in time, so the program of education and training in kindergarten the development of orientation in time in children is provided. The introduction of this section is due to a number of reasons. Children are introduced to the world around them, in which all events take place in time.

Already at preschool age, it is vital for children to learn to navigate in time themselves: to determine, measure time (correctly denoting it in speech), feel its duration (in order to regulate and plan activities in time), change the pace and rhythm of their actions depending on the availability of time. The ability to regulate and plan activities in time creates the basis for the development of such personality traits as organization, composure, purposefulness, accuracy, which are necessary for the child when studying at school and in Everyday life.

Time orientation is vital for a child. The ability to navigate in time gives children the opportunity to successfully develop, master various types activities, learning the world and thus prepare for school. In everyday life, the child constantly encounters various time categories that adults use in their speech and communication, sees a calendar, a clock. The development of temporary concepts by children proceeds at different speeds and is characterized by extreme instability. Ideas about him arise in the process of life on the basis of his personal experience. Therefore, it is better to start acquaintance with those categories that are supported in personal experience preschool child.

Target: The development of temporal representations among preschoolers of the group preparatory to school.



Develop an understanding of time.

Develop skills in using words denoting temporary categories in speech ()

To form the prerequisites for search activity, creative activity.


To give an idea of ​​determining time with the help of a clock, a calendar "Days of the week", "Months of the year", Seasons.

To systematize and summarize the knowledge of children about temporal relationships (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour with an accuracy of half an hour and up to a quarter of an hour).

To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions in various types of activities in preparation for studying at school (the formation of prerequisites and elements of educational activities).


    Cultivate the desire to "save" time.


    Pupils have developed an idea of ​​time.

    The skills of using words denoting temporal categories in speech are developed.

    The prerequisites for search activity and creative activity have been formed.

    These are ideas about determining time using a clock, a calendar "Days of the week", "Months of the year", Seasons".

    Systematized and generalized children's knowledge of temporal relationships (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour with an accuracy of half an hour and up to a quarter of an hour).

    Children learned to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions in various activities in preparation for schooling (the formation of prerequisites and elements of educational activities).

    The desire to “save” time has been brought up.

Forms, methods and techniques of work:

    diagnosis of orientation in time of children;


    selection of suitable didactic games;

    development of abstracts of classes on a given topic;

    reading and memorizing poetry, solving riddles about temporary concepts;

    exhibition of fiction and methodological literature on the study of temporary concepts;


    entertainment based on the fairy tale "Twelve months";

    photo - collage;

Project content

Calendar plan work

Preparatory stage:


1. Collection and analysis of literature on this issue.

2. Search for actions adequate to the learning task

3. Acceptance learning task

4. Development of the content of the project "Journey to the Land of Time"

5. Consultation for parents "Development of temporary ideas

for preschoolers of the group preparatory to school "

6. Diagnosis of children to identify various skills and abilities.

7. Selection of games.

main stage








Acquaintance with the corner of time.

Consideration of thematic pictures: "Parts of the day", "What happens before - what then", "Seasons".

Reading "The Tale of the Four Sisters - the Seasons"

The game "Catch, drop the seasons call"

Acquaintance of children with devices for determining the time: various types of clocks and calendars. Enriching a corner of time.

Quiz "Our fun calendar».

Memorizing the poem by S. Baruzdin "Hours".

Plot - role-playing game "Family. Schedule".

Drawing "Day and night"

Repetition and gaining new knowledge about the magnitudes of time.

Learn to compare parts of the day and seasons with their distinctive features.

Reinforce the concept of seasons.

Learn how to use a timer.

Learn to identify the date, month and day of the week.

Learn to manage your time. Cultivate the desire to "save" time.

To consolidate the concepts of parts of the day.




Conversation "A little history about watches"

Reading J. Zmaj "Clock"

Drawing "The World of Clocks"

The game “Hare, hare, what time is it. »

Ind. work with children (introducing children to activities in a quarter of an hour, half an hour and 1 minute)

Lesson "Learning to tell time with a clock"

Experimental activity "Experiment with the clock"

Reading by T. I. Erofeev “Visiting a watchmaker gnome, or a story about how not to be late for school”

Activity: Guessing riddles about temporary concepts.

Do-It-Yourself Clock Contest

To acquaint children with the history of the creation of the first clock and its further development.

Develop the skills of using words denoting temporary categories in speech.

Reinforce the concept of time.

Introducing children to activities in a quarter of an hour, half an hour and 1 minute

Learn to tell time with a clock

Learn to tell time with a clock

Learn to manage your time. Cultivate the desire to "save" time.

Develop skills in using words denoting tense categories in speech

Develop an interest in mathematics, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btime.

The final stage


    Summing up the results of the contest "Make a watch with your own hands

    Conducting entertainment "Twelve months"

    Conversation: What is time? »

    Final lesson on the study of time.

    Summing up the results of the project: collecting photos and designing a photo-collage “This is how we navigate in time”.


1. Karpukhina, N. A. Acquaintance with the outside world. [Text]: a practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions / N. A. Karpukhina. - Voronezh: T. Ts. "Teacher", 2008.- 201p.

Project theme: "Man and Time"

Problem:Why does a person need to know the time? Creation of a time machine.

Project type: view - monosubject, subject area - mathematical, form - practice-oriented.

Project duration: medium term (1 week).

Project goals:systematize and generalize children's knowledge about temporal relationships (parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour, minute, second). To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in concrete actions with watch models.

Project objectives:


Develop an interest in mathematics, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btime.

Develop the skills of using words denoting temporary categories in speech, develop search activities, creative activity;

educational: Learn how to tell time using the hours of the day, the hours of the week, the hours of the months.

educators: to expand the horizons of children through acquaintance with different types of watches and the appointment of hours. Cultivate the desire to "save" time.

Project participants: older children preschool age, teachers.

Project Manager: educator Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Project support

Material-technical and educational-methodical:

· Work kits: cardboard, colored paper, albums, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, etc.

· Children's fiction;

· Poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about time.

· Models of hours of various time intervals.

· Didactic games for the development of orientation in time.

Estimated result

Basedsystematization and generalization of knowledge children learn to navigate time relations (parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour, minute, second) , they will learn to reflect abstract concepts of time in concrete actions with watch models. The creation of a “time machine” will contribute to the development of creative thinking, constructive abilities, and imagination in children.

Project activity product

Making a model of the "time machine". Speech at the "scientific" symposium "Me and the world around."

Project presentation

The project was defended in the form of a speech at the "scientific" symposium "Me and the World Around".

Project stages

Stage 1. Preparatory

· Discussion of the topic of the project and the choice of a form for its defense.

· Selection of materials for the implementation of the project.

· Making didactic games.

· Work with methodological material, literature on this topic

Stage 2. Implementation of the project

· Manufacture of "parts" of the machine.

· Construction of the "time machine" model.

· Systematization of knowledge about temporal relations.

Stage 3. results

· Presentation of the project in the form of a demonstration of the work of the "time machine" at the "scientific" symposium "Me and the world around."

· Summing up and analysis of the work.

Project Implementation Plan.

Days of the week

Goals and objectives

Form and content



"In the world of watches"

Previous work: viewing a series of pictures “parts of the day”, “seasons”, “schoolchildren's daily routine”. Learning poems about parts of the day and seasons.


Clarify children's ideas about parts of the day and seasons,

Contribute to the accumulation of experience in the study of time,

Arouse interest in the study of time;

Develop attention, memory, imagination, associative thinking.

Conversation on a series of pictures "Parts of the day", "Seasons";

Stichio parts of the day

Didactic games "Where is my place?", "What before, what then?"

Discussion of the design of the "time machine".


Excursion to the watch workshop.

"The work of the master is afraid"


To expand the knowledge of children about the variety of watches, their structure.

Cultivate respect for people of different professions.

Familiarity with the structure of the dial.

Conversation about different types hours, about the structure of the clock, about the meaning of the hour and minute hands.

Practicum "Cause time, fun - hour."


Kaleidoscope of math games

"Orientation in time"


Develop ideas about time.

To consolidate knowledge about days, weeks, months.

Encourage the desire to play math games.

Improve memory, attention.

Develop fine motor skills.

Brain ring.


creative workshop

"Building a Time Machine"


To teach to reflect abstract concepts in concrete actions.

To consolidate the ability to use cutting and stabbing tools.

- develop creative imagination

Make models of hours of the day, hours of the week and hours of the year (circles of different diameters, designed in the appropriate colors).

Learning verses about time.


Project protection.

Speech at a "scientific" symposium "Me and the world around"


Summarize children's knowledge of time.

To improve the ability of children to determine the time according to clock models.

Demonstration of the "time machine".

Time Machine.

We want to present to your attention the model of the Time Machine, which we invented in our laboratory.

With the help of M. time, it is easy to navigate in different time intervals. Each detail of this machine makes it work for a certain period of time.

To find out what happened a year ago, you need to turn the main time disk counterclockwise.

A year ago I was 5 years old.

A year ago I weighed 18 kg.

Last year my height was 96 cm.

My grandmother turned 50 last year.

To find out what will happen in 2 years, you need to make 2 turns of the arrow to the right, clockwise.

In two years I will move to 2nd grade.

And my brother will finish school.

In 2 years Polyanka will be 25 years old.

The next disc is divided into 12 parts.

Dasha, explain to the scientific council how this time disk works.

(There are 4 seasons in a year - autumn, winter, spring, summer. There are 3 months in each season. And there are 12 months in a year.

Why do we need to know the names of the months? Can you do without them?

No you can not.

I was born in March. March is the first month of spring.

June is the middle of summer.

And in September, when autumn comes, the children go to school.

Well done, you explain everything correctly. But let's move on to the next disc.

Danila, what does this disk mean?

This disk is divided into 7 multi-colored parts. There are 7 days in a week.

Look, dear colleagues, this cheerful tick-tock dwarf helps you remember the days of the week faster.

Let's tell you what the dwarf has been doing all week.

On Monday, the good gnome painted the house red.

And on Tuesday everything suddenly turned orange around.

I painted everything yellow on Wednesday, and it was only in time for dinner.

Thursday is green. He brought the news.

On Friday, the house became different - like the sky is blue.

And the sixth day was Saturday. Blue color- his sign.

On Sunday, the gnome rests at home. And purple paint will tell him a fairy tale.

What else can we learn from our time machine?

We can learn about the parts of the day.

A day is morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Why do we need to know them?

To keep a daily routine.

To know when classes start.

When we go to bed.

The last disk of our M. time is the Clock. (In chorus).

Which count hours, minutes, seconds.

We talked a lot about the importance of watches in human life.

Where can you see the clock?

At home. In kindergarten. In Group. In phone. In car. At the station. On the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, etc.

And people cannot do without watches in modern life.

Poem. "Watch".

The clock keeps counting seconds

Count the minutes

The clock won't let you down

Who saves time.

Hour after hour, year after year,

The clock is always moving forward.

Everything has to be done on time.

Then you will be satisfied.
