Snapdragon blooms from mid-June to autumn. Forms bright color spots in flower beds. When choosing varieties, it is important to take into account such important factors as flower color, height and degree of branching of plants.

Various forms of antirrinum are used for planting in prefabricated flower beds and for discounts, for group and mass plantings, mixborders, for decorating the edges of shrubs.

Low-growing forms are suitable for landscaping balconies, terraces, for growing in containers and vases. Low and dwarf species are also used as a border plant, as well as for planting in groups against the background of a lawn or in the foreground of flower beds.

Plants such as kosmeya or sage are suitable for snapdragon companions.

Snapdragon can be used for forcing in the winter.

Tall varieties are used for cutting. Cut flowers stand in water for up to two weeks, while all the buds bloom. Plants with buds are taken for cutting when only the first two lower flowers have opened in the inflorescences.

The best plants can be transplanted into pots in autumn. If you place them on a light windowsill, they retain their decorative effect for a very long time.

Application in traditional medicine

Snapdragon has long been used in folk medicine.

In the East, its decoction was used as an antidote for all types of poisoning. The same decoction was mixed with lily oil and smeared on the face, "to be pleasing to everyone."

And in Germany, antirrinum was a reliable and tested remedy against witchcraft: bags with it were worn around the neck like amulets.

Infusions and decoctions of snapdragons are used in folk medicine for gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and jaundice. A decoction of snapdragons is used as a diuretic, with urinary incontinence.

Snapdragon is also used for lotions and instillations for inflammation of the eyes and conjunctivitis. Snapdragon helps with angina and inflammation of the prostate gland.

Snapdragon - poisonous plant therefore, its use inside requires caution and accurate dosage.

Kobe climbing - perfect option vertical gardening homestead territory in a short time. In two or three months, a powerful vine with beautiful leaves grows from a small sprout, which is able to form a solid wall on a support, decorated with magnificent bell-shaped flowers, as if carved by the hand of a skilled craftsman.

Snapdragon is not what you would call refined or sophisticated garden plant, other epithets are suitable for its description - bright, joyful, striking with its splendor and variety of colors. In the flower bed, the summer flower claims the main role, more modest neighbors are suitable for him as partners, shading his catchy beauty.

Due to the fact that the plant has been in cultivation for a very long time, is grown everywhere and is able to propagate by self-sowing, many consider "dogs" to be too simple village flowers, not even suspecting how far they have stepped modern selection. Considering new varieties and hybrids of snapdragons, you never get tired of marveling at the bizarre-shaped inflorescences, amazing shades and the special life-affirming beginning that this flower possesses.

Nature generously splashed paints on this flowerbed

Anachronism or floral classic?

Antirrinum is a plant of southern blood, most of its species (about 50 in total) grow in Asia, Southern Europe, America. According to botanical characteristics it is a herbaceous perennial of the Plantain family, some varieties become woody over time and form a semi-shrub.

Despite the diversity, only one species took root in culture and gave genetic material for selection - A. large. Due to the ability to produce full-fledged seeds in the first year, we grow snapdragons as an annual, although it can be bred as a biennial plant or perennial.

During the growing season it forms a pyramidal bush, consisting of straight branched stems. The height depends on the variety and varies in the range of 15–100 cm. The leaves are dark green, rounded in young sprouts, elongated oval in adult form.

The main distinguishing feature of the snapdragon flowers is a bizarre two-lipped shape, which, in addition to the antirrinum, can be observed in the lamb, oregano, salvia, orchid. Corollas, similar to the ajar mouth of an animal, are collected in lush brushes. One plant, in addition to the main peduncle, expels several lateral ones, up to the fourth order. Flowers in the brush bloom gradually, upwards, from opening to pollination of each of them takes 10-12 days. These features provide snapdragon bushes with a continuous flowering period from early summer until frost.

The color of all the colors of the rainbow, bright, in many varieties variegated, repels connoisseurs of noble shades - saturated, deep, one tone. They consider the flower somewhat outdated, although this can be argued. In correctly arranged flower arrangements the plant looks quite organic, acting as a key accent.

This is interesting! A tubular flower framed by lips is not easy to pollinate - a difficult task only bumblebees can do. It is pollination that serves as a signal for the wilting of the corolla and the ripening of seeds - that is why the antirrinum blooms for such a long time.

Types and varieties of antirrinum

Snapdragon has hundreds of varieties of domestic and foreign selection. Classification is carried out according to the height of the bush and the timing of ripening.


The group includes varieties traditionally cultivated for cutting. The main peduncle starts from 65–70 cm, some gardeners separately distinguish gigantic antirrinums (90–100 cm). Distinctive feature- a powerful central shoot and several lateral ones, much smaller in size. Brushes are large, multi-flowered, varieties - medium and late, blooming from the second half of June. The following tall hybrids are popular with gardeners.

  • Snapdragon of the Madama Butterfly series is a giant with lush terry inflorescences, the appearance of which resembles an azalea. The height of a compact bush is up to 75 cm, the shade scale is from pure white color to maroon. Sold, as a rule, in a mixture of colors.
  • Another popular series is the American Rocket F1 hybrids. Develop bushes up to a meter high. Inflorescences many-flowered, coloring traditional red, purple, shades of pink and unusual - greenish-yellow, golden-orange, lavender.

Terry inflorescences Madama Butterfly

Half high

This is a group of universal large-flowered antirrinums. Compact pyramidal shrubs 40-60 cm high are suitable for cutting and creating flower arrangements.

  • Legendary Dutch series Liberty Classic. Among the attractive characteristics are an excellent habit of shoots, uniformity of flowering, rich color.
  • The intermediate La Bella group is popular with gardeners. Strong plants with excellent lateral branching form a large number of double flowers - white, yellow, purple, red-white.
  • The Black Prince variety is distinguished by restrained noble beauty. Against the background of dark green foliage, velvety burgundy inflorescences are spiked. Due to their deep rich color, they look perfect as the centerpiece of a flower bed.

Bronze shades of the Liberty Classic series

In the photo, the Black Prince variety

Undersized and ampelous

A feature of low-growing varieties (25–40 cm) is the formation of a branched hemispherical bush without a pronounced central shoot. Inflorescences, although smaller in size than those of cut groups, benefit from quantity.

  • Antirrinum Bronze Dragon got its name because of the color of the foliage - dark green with a bronze sheen. The bushes are small - up to 20-25 cm, strewn with purple-white clusters of flowers all summer.
  • As a container culture, gardeners like to plant the late variety Crimson Velvet with medium-sized dark red inflorescences.
  • An unusual variety of snapdragon is the ampelous variety Lampion, which forms drooping shoots up to a meter long.

In the foreground - the ampelous form of antirrinum


The group of dwarf varieties of snapdragon is represented by strongly branching bushes up to 20 cm high with small double flowers. Examples of series and hybrids.

  • The Bels series from Dutch growers are robust plants with good basal branching and 8 shades including mix. The shape of the flower is open, used for growing in a pot culture.
  • The early Montego group is also suitable for container plantings; flowers planted along the edge of the flower garden form an elegant border. The coloring is pure, saturated, there are two-color varieties - yellow-orange, burgundy-white.
  • Dwarf hybrids Twinny F1, Happy F1, Floral are in demand.

Bright colors of hybrids of Happy F1 group

Many-sided antirrinum in garden design

Snapdragon is such a vibrant culture that amateur gardeners often have the question of what colors to combine it with so that the flower bed does not look flashy. It all depends on personal preferences and the style in which the garden is decorated.

  • Mixes of colors are suitable for mixborders, flower beds in a natural (rustic) style. They can be combined with both bright (zinnia, dahlias) and more modest plants (kosmeya, lobularia).
  • For compositions in restrained colors, it is better to use a monochromatic antirrinum with a rich burgundy, white, lavender color.
  • Group plantings and tapeworms will perfectly bloom the greens of the lawn, a garden plot with conifers or decorative deciduous perennials.
  • Planting dwarf and ampelous forms of snapdragons in closed ground (containers, planters) will become a real decoration of the yard, balcony, gazebo.

The natural environment for the snapdragon is an elegant flower bed where it dominates

Features of growing at home

Snapdragon belongs to small-seeded crops, the main difficulty in growing it is timely planting and proper care for sprouts on initial stage vegetation. Having grown stronger, the plants have an enviable vitality and growth energy, so caring for them does not present any particular problems.

location, soil

When choosing a place for a snapdragon in the garden, give preference to sunny places, planting tall varieties, it is desirable to protect from gusts of wind and drafts. The shadow has a depressing effect on culture. The bush, of course, will not die, but it will bloom less, less often and will not reveal its full potential.

The same can be said about the soil. Snapdragon loves loose, nutritious, drained soil, so if you fertilize it with humus when planting, fluff it with peat and regularly loosen it when leaving, a grateful plant will respond a hundredfold.

The annual is propagated by seeds, although some lovers breed their favorite varieties by cuttings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The main charm of snapdragons is early and long flowering, but this is only possible when grown through seedlings. Seeds sown directly in open ground, will begin to germinate when stable warm weather sets in, that is, not earlier than the end of April, but will bloom in the second half of summer, respectively, the plant will not have time to realize its full potential.

The optimal sowing time is the end of February - the beginning of March. The soil substrate needs a light one, consisting of soddy soil, humus and baking powder (peat, vermiculite). Before planting, it is advisable to pickle it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. There are several seeding options.

  • Seeds, like petunia, lobelia, are sown on the surface of the soil, lightly sprinkled with vermiculite in half with sand, moistened with a spray bottle.
  • A layer of snow is laid on top of the prepared soil mixture, seeds are sown on it. When snow melts, small grains will be drawn into the ground.
  • A damp paper towel with seeds is placed on a small layer of soil. After pecking, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Sprinkling is done several times as the seedlings grow.

After sowing, the container is covered with glass or polyethylene, placed in a warm, bright place. The interval from sowing to germination is approximately 2 weeks. Snapdragon, when grown for seedlings, needs picking, and this is the next stage of work.

Advice! After sowing, ventilate the seed container and periodically moisten the substrate, but do not let it get wet. It is necessary to open the landing container once a day for 10-15 minutes. Keep the greenhouse for some time after the shoots appear, until they get stronger.

Seedling picking

Seedlings of snapdragons of a short and intermediate group grown from seeds dive once, tall - twice. Picking is carried out after the appearance of 2–3 true leaves, transplanting not one shoot at a time, but in small groups so that fragile seedlings support each other. Where can you dive seedlings?

  • In a larger container, planting at a distance of 5-6 cm, in separate plastic cups.
  • In cassettes for growing, with subsequent transplantation into peat pots.
  • In a diaper. A little soil, a seedling are placed on a piece of film and rolled into a roll with an open bottom. Rolls with seedlings are exposed to a wet substrate.
  • The cultivation of snapdragons in peat tablets has proven itself. In them, you can both dive seedlings, and immediately sow seeds.

After the transplanted plants begin to grow, they begin to feed them. For these purposes, a weak solution (1 g / l) of a complex fertilizer, for example, ammofoska, nitrophoska, is suitable.

Advice! Many are interested in whether it is necessary to pinch the snapdragon. Yes, for better branching, after the appearance of 5–6 pairs of leaves, the central shoot is cut off over 3–4 pairs. The resulting pruning with two internodes is an excellent cutting that is easy to root by simply sticking it into the soil.

Disembarkation to a permanent place

When it's time to plant snapdragons outdoors, you'll have hardened, hardened seedlings, possibly with buds.

Important! To get early abundant flowering, it is advisable to illuminate the seedlings with fluorescent lamps (up to 14–15 hours in total). Lack of light is fraught with stretching, this can be the reason why snapdragons do not bloom profusely, but throw out only a few meager brushes.

In the European part of Russia, snapdragons are planted in open ground at the end of May or early June, adhering to the following planting pattern:

  • high - after 40-50 cm;
  • intermediate - 30 cm;
  • undersized - 20 cm;
  • dwarf - 10-15 cm.


For snapdragons, the most common care is needed - weeding, regular loosening to enrich the roots with oxygen and retain moisture, watering. Before flowering, the annual is fed several times with complex fertilizers. Tall hybrids need a garter to support. To prolong flowering, it is recommended to remove faded brushes, thereby provoking the growth of new lateral peduncles.

Diseases and pests

When thickening plantings, waterlogging, watering cold water snapdragons are prone to fungal diseases and pest attack. Most often, the plant is affected by the black leg (in the seedling phase) and rust. To combat infections, in addition to agrotechnical measures, it is recommended to use antifungal drugs (Fitosporin), to remove diseased bushes in a timely manner. Effective Method control of aphids, mites, thrips - spraying with insecticides.

Sowing seeds for seedlings:

The botanical name for snapdragon is Antirrinum. Who among us does not remember these childhood beautiful flowers, which we called "dogs"? But then it was mainly yellow-orange bushes that grew by themselves in the yards, and now many varieties have been bred, including ampelous ones. On the Sibmama forum, few people grew these, but maybe we can get together and sow a chic ampelous snapdragon this year?

Where to buy ampelous snapdragon seeds

Bush varieties of different heights can be bought in almost every store, but ampelous ones, bred relatively recently, you have to work hard to find. After reading local forums, I realized that it is easier to buy them in joint purchases or at wholesale bases. For gardeners they are produced by "Biotekhnika", "Gavrish", "Prestige", "Russian Garden", "Harvest of Good Luck". There is also a professional series from "Search" - ampelous "Candy Showers" in five colors.

Rice. 1. The most popular is the Lampion hybrid.

Rice. 2. "Lampion" is also sold under the brand name "Harvest of Good Luck" and "Russian Garden".

Rice. 3. "Magic" from "Biotechnics".

Rice. 4. "Amulet" from "Gavrish".

When to sow ampel snapdragon

Manufacturers write on packs of seeds that it is necessary to sow from mid-March to early April. The length of the shoots in the ampelous types of antirrinum is much less than that of petunias, so the “skeleton” of the branches can be fully built up before planting. But I believe that in Siberia, snapdragons should be sown around mid-March.

Soil for seedlings

If it is convenient to sow in peat tablets, then soil mixtures are more suitable for antirrinum. Despite the fact that it is undemanding to the composition, the soil should still be breathable, but not very loose, because snapdragon seeds are small, although they are slightly larger than petunias, they may well fall through a large fraction of the same vermiculite. The ideal would be a mixture of your own or purchased land with the addition of sand. Store land should be neutral or slightly alkaline. So that the soil is not "rotten", it is better to use less humus than usual. It will also be a prevention against the "black leg". Against this disease, you can also shed the soil a day before sowing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to sow ampel snapdragon

It is not necessary to sow immediately in large containers, for example, this will contribute to stagnation of water. It is better to gradually increase the volume, starting with a 0.2 cup cut in half. We level the surface of the soil, moisten it, put one seed, destroy the shell with a toothpick, if it is in a granule, do not sprinkle it on top! We close the film, put it in the light, germinate at room temperature.

What to do with shoots of ampel snapdragon

Shoots will appear, like those of petunias, only after a week and a half. We do not stop lighting, the duration of daylight hours at the end of March is still insufficient. To avoid stretching and turning the stems into "threads", it is necessary to gradually, in 5 days, lower the temperature of the content to 15-18 degrees. This is achieved by rearranging closer to the window. We also do not remove the film immediately - we air it for half an hour a day, every day, adding another half hour. About a week after germination, seedlings can be kept in Spartan conditions, without a film.
Water through the pan only after the top layer becomes dry. Snapdragon does not tolerate the bay at all.

When to dive ampelous snapdragon

About a month after sowing, that is, closer to mid-April, the second pair of true leaves will grow and get stronger. That's when we dive, or rather, carefully transfer without damaging the root, in a larger container. A cup with a diameter and a height of about 7 cm is suitable. We are not in a hurry with a large volume! Otherwise, along the edges, we will have a yellow coating from watering, which will have a bad effect on delicate sprouts.

How to feed seedlings of ampel snapdragon

Two weeks after the first transshipment, we feed with any complex mineral fertilizer NPK for flowers, always with trace elements. Unlike petunias, antirrinum does not need to be fertilized frequently. It will be enough to feed again after the second transshipment, also in a couple of weeks, with the same complex as the first time.

Is it necessary to pinch and harden the ampelous snapdragon

Ampel snapdragon, unlike the bush, is not pinched. It can be cuttings, after which lateral branches will appear from the sinuses. We root the cuttings, as usual, by dipping them, for example, in Kornevin and placing them in water.
Hardening with temperature and sun seedlings, of course, is needed. But do not place it in the very sun, snapdragons do not like this. IN sunny days it is better to temper it on the northeast or northwest glazed balcony.

When and in what volume to transplant ampelous snapdragons

The branches of this species are from 20 cm to 50 cm. The longer the branches, the larger the pot should be or hanging planter. For small ampels, a volume of 3 liters is suitable, and for the same “Lampion” with branches of about 50 cm, at least 5 liters are needed. Well, if the containers are the same in width, length and height, it will be better for the root system. We take them to the dacha and transplant them into large volumes at the end of May - beginning of June, but in any case after the establishment of positive night temperatures. Although the manufacturers claim it is cold-resistant, you can’t spoil it here in Siberia. We use the soil in pots, as for seedlings - neutral or slightly alkaline. Before planting in permanent containers, you can dip the roots in the Energen solution (we breed according to the instructions) for better survival.

Caring for an ampelous snapdragon

Snapdragon does not need constant bright sun, it is better if it grows in partial shade. It will bloom from late June until frost. A week or two after transportation to the dacha, it is necessary to feed it again with the NPK complex for flowers. Feeding should be repeated every 2-3 weeks, this is especially important during the flowering period.
Watering should be under the root, avoiding the bay. Antirrinum tolerates short periods of "drought" well. Don't forget to loosen. In general, care is quite standard.
The most important thing is to regularly remove faded inflorescences. In case the snapdragon has stopped blooming, you can cut off the longest branches, and then new ones will come out of the sinuses again.

What colors does snapdragon look like

Ampelous types of antirrinum will look good in the same pot with gypsophila.

All lush blooms! I will be waiting in the comments for your photos of ampelous snapdragon and stories about its cultivation!

Photos of ampelous snapdragon from Rimm

The antirrinum plant, also known as snapdragon, is very popular in our latitudes. Its pyramidal bushes with bright flowers adorn many gardens and flower beds. But not all flower growers know that for so long, breeders have bred an ampel variety of snapdragons - the hybrids are called "Lampion" and "Candy Showers". We will talk about its cultivation in this article.

Ampel snapdragon - planting and care

Seeds of the ampelous snapdragon variety have only 5-10 small seeds in a bag, therefore, given natural selection, it is better to purchase several bags at once. Seeds, as a rule, have already been prepared, so it is not necessary to soak them in water or antiseptic solutions. They are planted for seedlings in March, using disposable cups or peat tablets, in loose soil with a high level of fertility. The first shoots, subject to the creation of a mini-greenhouse with a temperature of about 25 ° C, appear within a week.

Snapdragon is carried out after the appearance of the third true leaf, then the plant is allowed to grow and get stronger. Loosen the flower should be careful not to damage its delicate roots and long stem. Regular watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizer will turn tiny seedlings into strong seedlings, which can be planted in open ground as early as May-June or in hanging pots to decorate a terrace or balcony.

Snapdragon with ampelous properties can be grown as an annual, or it can be transferred to a loggia or a glazed balcony for wintering, so that it can be planted again in a flower bed next season.

Growing ampel snapdragon has its own characteristics. But, as you can see, this is not a particularly complicated process, which is quite within the power of even beginner flower growers. Plant an ampelous snapdragon on your plot or balcony, and you will be rewarded with abundant and long flowering of this unpretentious plant.

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) or antirrinum is a flower of the plantain family, a genus of herbaceous plants. The flower has been known to us since childhood under the name "dog", because its flowers looked like the gaping mouth of a dog, or even a dragon, so the British called it "snapdragon", the French associated this flower with the wolf's mouth, and the Ukrainians - gentle "mouths".

Although, translated from Latin, “antirrinum” is a comparison with another part of the face - “nose-like”, “like a nose”. As they say, everyone has their own fantasies.

By the way, the name "Snapdragon" has its echoes in Greek mythology. When the famous Hercules defeated the predatory Nemean lion and brought his skin to King Euphries, he did not even want to look at it. Hercules adapted to wear the skin as a cloak, and the skin was right with his head, his mouth was open and looked very intimidating. The goddess Flora admired the masculinity of Hercules and presented him with a flower as a gift, exactly resembling this very mouth. As you understand, the flower was called "Snapdragon".

Since then, there has been a tradition in Greece: to present a bouquet of these flowers to the heroes and winners.
Fast forward from ancient times closer. The birthplace of antirrinum is considered to be North America, where fifty species of plants are fragrant in the wild. In Europe, one species has taken root - Antirrinum large. Since 1567, German breeders began to develop new varieties based on it. Today, there are more than a thousand (!) cultivars of snapdragons, differing from each other in height, color, and flower size.

Growing seedlings of antirrinum from seeds

In more southern regions snapdragons can be planted directly into the ground with the onset of sustainable warming. In less than three weeks, the seeds will sprout. The plant will easily survive a slight cold snap. But in places where returnables are common, it is better to use the seedling method, which is a common thing for flower growers.

Antirrinum planting and care photo

How does antirrinum develop at home? Growing snapdragon seedlings is easy. You will need a flat container for seedlings, sand, compost soil, glass and a spray bottle.

Almost forgot, more antirrinum seeds

It is better to do this from March 1 to March 20. We pour sand into a container with drainage holes, then we level the compost soil mixed with the same sand, press it, moisten it with a spray bottle. Since the seeds are very small, mix them with sand, spread them over the surface, sprinkle with a thin layer of sand and compost mixture, moisten again.

There is a way to sow seeds in the snow brought from the street. The snow will melt and draw the seeds to a shallow, optimal depth for them. Covered with glass and in a warm place (+23˚). Every day we remove condensate from the glass, and moisten the ground if necessary. In two weeks, the first sprouts will appear, now you need to move to partial shade so that the sprouts do not stretch out. 3-4 days and accept glass.

At first, growth will be slow, you need to maintain a balance so that antirrinum can grow from seeds normally:

  • so that the soil is moist, but not flooded, otherwise there is a danger of the appearance of a "black leg". If the seedling has fallen, carefully remove it with tweezers and, if possible, sprinkle the place with crushed coal (to disinfect it, so to speak). You can play it safe: spray the seedlings with a weak solution of phytosporin (10 drops per 1 liter of water). After the appearance of a couple of true leaves - it's time to dive.
  • For transplanting, you can use individual pots or a common container for seedlings (decide for yourself, you place it on the windowsills, well, if you have a greenhouse, then we walk ...). We use a light mixture of non-acidic peat and soddy soil (1: 2). After a week, water with complex fertilizer according to the instructions.

Video sowing antirrinum for seedlings:

Video how to dive antirrinum:

Gradually we accustom seedlings to natural conditions: open the window, take it out to the balcony, just avoid prolonged drafts. In principle, strong seedlings are no longer susceptible to any disease.
We make sure that the plant does not stretch out, for this we pinch the central one after 4-5 leaves (make sure that the remaining bud looks out, then the branches will go out, and not inside the bush), if the side shoots develop too actively, then pinch them.

Planting antirrinum in open ground

Strengthened and grown seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of spring. A slight cooling will not do them any harm, the seedlings even tolerate short-term frosts down to -3˚. The soil is desirable light, ideally a mixture of sand, compost and peat, pH 6-8. You can choose a place both sunny and not very sunny, the main thing is not leeward.

High varieties are planted at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from each other, lower ones - at a distance of 30 cm, undersized - 20 cm from each other, and dwarf ones - at a distance of 15 cm in very moist soil. We take into account that as soon as he “gets sick” after transplantation, snapdragons will actively grow in height and width, turning into a luxurious bush.

What antirrinum likes care?

Antirrhinum nanum Twinny Peach F1 Hybrid

Snapdragon is a rather unpretentious plant. Just water, loosen and remove the weeds in time. Flower antirrinum tolerates cultivation in almost any soil, but of course, light soils with a sufficient margin are preferred. organic fertilizers and micronutrients.

Although it is necessary to water only in dry times, they do not water at night, but in the morning, the next day after watering, be sure to loosen the soil. In a dry summer, the plant is more likely to shed foliage than flowers, so that drought has almost no effect on flowering. tie it to a support, it is better to pick wilted flowers, so the plant will not expend energy on them and you will give a neater look to your flower bed.

For long lasting blooms...

do not let the seeds set, we remove the flower stalks immediately after flowering, cut off under the lower flower, then the snapdragon will start new arrows and continue flowering.

Fertilize snapdragons preferably several times: the first - immediately after rooting with nitrophos and organics. Before budding, we feed a second time with a solution of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. One tablespoon of each product is enough for a bucket of water.

It should be borne in mind that snapdragons take root poorly on clay or too peaty soils, so tall varieties should not be planted there.

Diseases and pests

Antirrhinum f1 terry Antirrhinum terry

Septospirosisfungal disease which manifests itself brown spots on the leaves, with a strong lesion - twisting of the shoots, the death of plants. Occurs with high humidity, low ventilation. Preserved on plant debris. When infected, carefully remove the infected parts or the entire plant and burn, spray the flowers with a fungicide or copper-containing preparations.

Gray rot- the botrytis mushroom is an omnivore, therefore it moves from one plant to another. The lesion is manifested by brown spots on the leaves, and with a stronger lesion - by a touch of gray powder. Favorable conditions - high humidity and poor ventilation, as well as high nitrogen content.

root rot- This is a fungal disease that affects the root system. In appearance, it seems that the plant does not have enough water. Watering diseased plants will only make the situation worse. First, make sure that the root system is healthy and the soil is dry (dig 15 cm deep). If the roots of the plant are soft with bad smell is root rot. The reason is waterlogging, infection from compost, re-planting in infected soil.

The method of struggle is to remove the plant along with a clod of earth. Can be treated with a fungicide. The most important thing from this misfortune is no stagnation of moisture, drainage, soil relief.

If the infection is weak, then spray with Bordeaux mixture or Topaz. With a stronger one - Acrobat MC, Ordan ...

Pests: scale insects, caterpillars, fly larvae, butterflies that lay larvae

Antirrinum grandiflora

There are a lot of species of scale insects, they are ubiquitous, affecting both fruit and ornamental plants. They feed on the juice of the plant, which leads to damage and death of the leaf. Insects secrete sticky mucus on which soot fungus develops, which leads to an even greater slowdown in plant development. Scale insects are covered with a dense shell, therefore folk methods it is quite troublesome to deal with them: you need to treat the insects themselves with an alcohol, soap or kerosene-soap solution with a brush. If the infection is severe, then apply chemicals different types with an interval of a week - Admiral, KE, Aktara, Aktelik ...

Caterpillars are easy to deal with, usually there are not many of them (they find something tasty for themselves in the garden and in the garden), so collect them by hand. If there are too many of them, then you can spray with karbofos, for example, or with another insecticide.

In order for the snapdragon to remain healthy, preventive measures must be observed:

  • do not plant plants too close;
  • water under the root, not on the leaves;
  • remove weeds;
  • remove infected individuals in a timely manner.

What to do after flowering?

Antirrinum large

The first thing I want to note is that the plants you like can be carefully dug up and transplanted into a flowerpot. If cared for and kept at a temperature no higher than 15˚, then snapdragons will bloom all winter.

If you plan to grow a perennial antirrinum, then cut the plant, leaving 5-8 cm above the ground, cover the remains with mulch so that the plant winters more easily.

If the snapdragon is an annual, then self-seeding should be avoided by cutting off the faded arrows, then remove the remains of the plants, burn them to destroy pathogens and pests, and dig the site.
Snapdragon can also reproduce by self-seeding. It is clear that you need to save a few peduncles, the seeds will automatically ripen and sown from the boxes, and sprout in the spring. Just mark the place where the snapdragon was, so that in the spring you do not accidentally weed out the seedlings.

When there is a need for seeds of the varieties you like, then we will do this. Leave the arrows after flowering and collect them in the phase of incomplete maturation. You will need a long paper bag, you can take it in the bread department - for a baguette. Boxes ripen heterogeneously - from the bottom up. We cut off the completely green top, put a paper bag on the arrow and tie it below the last box with seeds, cut it off and hang it up with a hole. In the bag, the seeds will ripen and spill out into the bag. Seeds remain viable for up to three years, store at a temperature of 3-5˚ C in a dry place.

Description of the plant Snapdragon or Antirrinum

Antirrinum photo

Antirrinum snapdragon flower - herbaceous plant, sometimes a subshrub of a pyramidal shape. Depending on the variety, the height ranges from 15 cm to 1.3 m. The branches are dense, thinly furrowed, ascending. The leaf acquires a color from light to dark green with red streaks. By the color of the leaves, you can even determine what color the flowers will be. The leaves are just green yellow flowers if there are orange veins - orange, dark leaves with red veins are characterized by red shades of flowers. The leaf shape is oblong or lanceolate.

The flowers are irregularly shaped, two-lipped, large in comparison with the plant, they are simple and double. The color scheme is white, yellow, pink, all shades of red, there are two-color and even three-color flowers. A variety with lilac has already been bred blue flowers("F1 Rocket Orhid"). Seeds ripen in two-nested boxes, very small - 5000-8000 pieces in one gram. Snapdragon begins to bloom in June and continues until frost.

Antirrinum - but in our country it is often cultivated as an annual, although if you and nature try, it will sprout next year, it will bloom more than ever.

Snapdragon stands out for its variety of varieties, so it can be used as a border plant ( undersized varieties), on the contrary, taller varieties are like bright islands on other ground cover plants. Interestingly, it can be used as an ampelous flower for growing in hanging flowerpots to decorate arbors, terraces, balconies.

Species, varieties of antirrinum

Antirrinum ampelous growing from seeds

Consider the classification by plant height:
Tall- height 9-130 cm, the central shoot is much higher than the shoots of the second tier, and the third is absent.

Varieties and hybrids:

  • Arthur - cherry;
  • F1 "Goshenka" - orange;
  • F2 - pink.

High- suitable for cutting, creating cascading flower beds and borders, height 60 -90 cm. Cut snapdragons can stand in a vase from a week to two, the most popular fragrant yellow varieties.

  • Anna German - light pink;
  • Canary - lemon yellow;
  • Madama Butterfly - terry.

medium height- universal varieties 40-60 cm high. All shoots are about the same height, used for flower beds and for cutting. Varieties:

  • Golden Monarch - classic yellow;
  • Ruby - rich pink;
  • Lipstick silver - white with a pink tint.

Low- curbs from 25 to 40 cm, grows in the form of a bush, a lot of the second and third order.

Popular varieties of antirrinum:

Ampel antirrinum lampion f1

  • Crimson velvet - 35 cm, dense foliage, dark flowers,
    velvet red, late variety;
  • Schneefloke - spherical compact bush, 25-35 cm
    height with a faster period from sowing to flowering.
  • Lampion - ampelous.
    - dwarf (15-20 cm), strongly branching bushes. Many shoots of the third and fourth order.
  • Floral - 13 different shades of plain and two-tone. Distributed as a pot culture.
  • The hobbit is a very common variety, only 15 cm high. If you pinch the shoots in time, we get a neat hemispherical bush.
  • Tom-Tumb - yellow flowers, early variety;
  • The color of Sakura is pinkish white.

There are other classifications of snapdragon. If you want to grow antirrinum for business, you will be interested in Sanderson and Martin's classification. In the cut snapdragon looks amazing.
