In Russian gardens and front gardens, the popularity of snapdragon (antirrhinum) is quite high. This plant can be called one of the most common decorations for flower beds and flower beds. Not only bees, but also butterflies flock to its pleasant fragrant aroma. Growing snapdragons is possible from seeds and seedlings. In the article, we will consider planting and caring for a flower, when to plant and which variety to choose.

How to grow snapdragons?

In the wild, snapdragon is a perennial, while our gardeners consider it an annual due to the ability of the flower to produce seeds in the year it is planted. But good care and favorable conditions can enable cold-hardy snapdragons to survive the winter with success and delight others with even more lush blooms next spring.

Snapdragon, although an unpretentious plant, responds to care and care with lush flowering.

The reproduction of snapdragon occurs in two ways: by seeds and through seedlings.

Growing snapdragons from seeds

Growing snapdragons through seedlings

This method is used in more northern regions, where summer is shorter and spring is delayed. There is nothing complicated or unusual in the process of growing seedlings:

  1. The time of sowing seeds is the first decade of March. In a container with holes in the bottom, lay the first layer of drainage in the form of coarse sand, the second layer is compost soil mixed with sand. Seal, level, sprinkle with water through a spray bottle.
  2. Mix the seeds with sand, spread over the surface of the soil, sprinkle them on top with the same substrate.
  3. Moisten through a spray bottle, cover the container with glass or film, put in a warm place.
  4. Every day, lift the glass, letting air in and slightly moistening the soil from the spray gun. After freeing the glass from condensate, cover again.
  5. It is important that the ambient temperature does not fall below 22-24°C. While maintaining this temperature and maintaining soil moisture, seedlings will not keep you waiting, literally 10-14 days.
  6. As soon as the sprouts appear, the container should be moved to a brighter place so that the seedlings do not begin to stretch. The mass emergence of seedlings is a signal that it is time to remove the glass from the container.

At first it will seem that the seedlings practically do not grow, at this moment the main thing is the regular moistening of the soil.

It is desirable to water every morning, it is better to do this with a syringe or pipette, carefully making sure that there is no excess water in order to avoid the appearance of a "black leg" on the sprouts.

Snapdragon seedling picking

When two real leaves appeared on top of the cotyledon leaves, it was time to pick the seedlings. For this, seedlings are transplanted into a container bigger size leaving space between them for free growth. Or you can use disposable cups or other containers, planting plants one or two in them.

Putting the pickled seedlings in a well-lit place, you need to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it. After some time, after allowing the seedlings to take root after picking, you need to start hardening it slowly so that transplanting to the flower bed takes place with the least stress. To do this, during the day you need to slightly open the window, avoiding a draft, or take out containers with seedlings on the balcony or in the porch. After the appearance of 5-6 leaves on the plant, pinching the central shoot should be done, which will make the flower more bushy in the future.

Growing snapdragons in an open flower bed

End of May - beginning of June. Grown up, strong, hardened snapdragon seedlings are planted in a flower bed. At this time, the nights can still be cold, but do not worry: young “lion cubs” are not afraid of this, many plants can envy their cold resistance.

Site selection and soil composition

Snapdragon of the desired height can frame the curbs of garden paths

Snapdragon prefers sunny areas, but will not be offended if the place is in light partial shade. The only requirement is that the soil should be well drained, light and nutritious, and the place should be protected from drafts. It is best if the soil in the flower bed is like this:

  • sand;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • equal parts of these components.

Before planting seedlings, you should shed the flower bed well with settled water. You can add wood ash to the soil (150-200 gr per square) and nitrophoska or Agricola for flowering plants(1 tablespoon per square).

Snapdragon Planting Scheme

It must be borne in mind that snapdragon grows very quickly and becomes a lush flowering bush. To make him feel comfortable, this should be taken into account during landing. The scheme of planting plants is presented in the table below.

To equip a flower bed, it is necessary to maintain a distance between plants.

Top dressing snapdragons in the garden

After the plants have taken root at the landing site, you need to feed. Feeding scheme:

Time spending Fertilizer Dosage Amount of water Consumption
First dressing 11-14 days after landing Organic fertilizer "Effekton-Ts"


1 tbsp
Second top dressing Beginning of budding Superphosphate

potassium sulfate


1 tbsp 3-4 l/m2

Necessary measures for the care of snapdragons

Despite its unpretentiousness, snapdragons will not mind regular care, like other garden flowers:

  • timely watering;
  • soil loosening;
  • weeding;
  • top dressing.

Snapdragon needs moderate watering when there is no rain for a long time, the rest of the time it has enough moisture from precipitation. It is better to water in the morning, antirrinum does not like late watering. In the evening, after morning watering, it is better to loosen the soil, at the same time removing all the weed.

Tall varieties require a garter to a support so that they do not break under the weight of numerous flowers. Those flowers that have already withered, it is better to cut off so that the plant does not take care of them, giving strength, so necessary to other flowers. In this way, the blooming snapdragon species can be preserved until the autumn frosts.

Tip #1 In order for the antirrinum to bloom as long as possible, it should not be allowed to develop seed pods, you just need to remove the flower arrow in time after the last flowers wither.

The snapdragon seed pods bear a strong resemblance to a skull. Seeds fall through holes

Removing the peduncle from under the lowest flower will provoke the appearance of new arrows and new flowers.

Care during flowering

Good development and abundant flowering of snapdragons depends on the amount of sunlight, soil fertility and moderate watering. It reacts badly to the drying of the soil and dry air, if it lacks moisture, there can be no talk of any lush flowering. But when the heat stops, and the antirrinum finally receives a portion of life-giving moisture, it recovers very quickly, takes on a cheerful look again and thanks the world mass flowering. Therefore, you should not forget about timely watering if you want to admire the beautiful flowers longer.

Tip #2 If regular watering is not possible, you can use mulch. Mulching with humus, straw or sawdust will retain moisture in the soil for a long time and prevent the growth of weeds.

Plant care after flowering

As mentioned above, snapdragon blooms until late autumn. And it depends on how it is grown - as a perennial or as an annual, what should be done with it in the fall after flowering.

Perennial care:

  1. In the period of stable autumn, it is necessary to prune the plants, leaving the stem 5-7 cm high.
  2. Mulch with a mixture of sawdust with peat or dry fallen leaves. This will protect the antirrinum from freezing and make it possible for it to germinate next spring.

Caring for an annual plant is slightly different. While the snapdragon is in bloom, faded flowers should be removed from it, and when the last flower has faded, the peduncle should be cut off to prevent the seeds from ripening and prevent self-sowing. In deep autumn, it is necessary to dig up the place where snapdragons grew, collect all the remains of plants and burn them so that the pests that settled in them die.

The best varieties of snapdragon

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are several hundred varieties of antirrinum in the world, which differ in height, shape and color of flowers. For many, at the mention of the name Snapdragon, the small muzzle of a lion rises in the imagination, because of this similarity, the antirrinum received another name - snapdragon. An even greater similarity is found when you press the flower with your fingers - a small "pharynx" opens slightly.

A wonderful composition of mid-sized varieties of snapdragon will decorate any garden

Professional flower growers classify snapdragons mainly by height. This feature divided all varieties into 5 groups, the description of which is shown in the table below:

Group name Height Popular varieties
gigantic 0.9 m to 1.3 m Arthur - cherry; F1 red XL; F1 pink XL
High From 0.6 m to 0.9 m Anna German - pale pink; Canary - bright yellow; Madama Butterfly mix - terry varieties of different shades
Semi-high (mid-height) From 0.4 m to 0.6 m Golden Monarch - yellow; Ruby - hot pink Lipstick Silver - pinkish white
Low From 0.25 m to 0.4 m Hobbit, Tip-top, ampel hybrid Lampion
Dwarf From 0.15 m to 0.25 m Sakura color - pinkish white with a spot, Candy Showers - ampelous

What causes snapdragon and how to prevent diseases?

The very first disease that snapdragons may encounter is the blackleg. It occurs even in seedlings from severe waterlogging. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to monitor the moderation of watering, you can also use the "HOM" preparation, spray the plants in accordance with the instructions.

In adult plants, diseases are also associated with waterlogging. The reason may be prolonged rains or evening watering, especially if the water flows from above, and not under the root.

Possible diseases and their signs

Among the diseases of snapdragon are:

  1. Rust. Red spots appear covering the entire plant.
  2. Septoria. Gray spots with yellow rims and black dots.
  3. Root rot. The leaves begin to turn yellow and the stem rots, which leads to the death of the plant.

Disease Control Methods

If a diseased plant is found, all snapdragon plantings should be carefully inspected. Remove any diseased flowers and be sure to burn them to avoid infecting other plants. After that, treat the rest of the flowers and the soil around them with an antifungal drug.

What are snapdragon pests?

For snapdragons, a meeting with scale insects, fly larvae, caterpillars and butterflies that lay eggs is dangerous. It is much easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the recommended measures, remove diseased or pest-affected plants in a timely manner, prevent thickening of plantings, monitor the amount of moisture by watering under the spine, and not from above. Subject to these rules, snapdragons will delight with wonderful appearance and health.

The use of snapdragons in landscape design

The ampelous forms of snapdragon grown in hanging pots adorn balconies and terraces.

Cut gigantic and tall hybrids can dilute the boring interior of an apartment or country house.

Dwarf snapdragon can be grown in flower pots

Frequently Asked Questions on Growing Snapdragon

Question #1. If you cut off the top of a tall snapdragon, will it become lower in the future?

No, it will not become lower, it will grow to the height provided for in this variety. But the bush will become lush and thick, as pruning the crown provokes the growth of new side shoots.

Question #2. There are no signs of the disease, the leaves are intact, without spots, and the flower fades. What can be wrong?

The case may be in the stem scoop. This pest is introduced into the stem from below and gnaws a passage in it for itself. These damages lead to the death of the plant. To protect the flowers from the scoop, you need to regularly weed the plantings, damaged plants should be cut to the ground and destroyed. Then spray the stems of the rest with a 0.2% solution of chlorophos.

Question #3. When to dive snapdragons? Maybe a pick is not needed, because the stalk is so thin?

Experienced flower growers advise diving snapdragons a little later, when 5-6 leaves appear, they will have time to darken and become covered with hairs, and in the phase of 2 leaves, seedlings need to be thinned out. Do a pick not one by one sprout, but by a bunch, so the roots are less damaged. In the future, after planting in the soil, plants that have grown and gained strength can be easily separated and planted in different places.

It is better to dive snapdragons not on one stem, but on several, at the stage of 5-6 leaves

The main mistakes of flower growers when growing snapdragons

When growing even such unpretentious flowers as snapdragons, some flower growers manage to make mistakes that lead to a worse result. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Wrong pick. If, when picking a snapdragon, the root is too deep, then the flower will bloom about ten days later.
  2. Solitary cultivation of stems. If you periodically cut off the top of a tall variety, you can achieve a huge flowering ball, since instead of one removed stem, five to twelve new shoots will appear.

Snapdragon (Latin name Antirrhinum) is a pretty letnik, which the Russians call "dogs", the Ukrainians - "mouths", the British - "biting dragon", and the French - "wolf mouth". All these names indicate the external similarity of the flowers of the plant with the open mouth of animals. The article will discuss how to plant an antirrinum and how to care for it in the open, that is, in a flower bed, on the ground. Colorful photos of these interesting flowers and information about when it is better to plant a plant will complete the picture.

Description, varieties and varieties

This plant, covered with myths and legends, has existed in culture for about 500 years. Thanks to breeders who began work on the large antirrium in the 19th century, there are now about 1000 flower varieties.

The plant can be described as follows:

  1. Herbaceous culture (semi-shrub) with vertical stems from 15 cm to 1 m tall.
  2. The leaves are oblong-oval. Below they are located opposite to each other, and in the upper part of the plant - alternately.
  3. In different varieties, the green tone of the leaves may vary slightly. The presence of red veins is often noted.
  4. The flowers are irregularly shaped, two-lipped, simple and double. Endowed with a delicate, pleasant aroma. The coloring can be both monophonic and two-, and three-color. All qualities depend on the variety.
  5. The fruit of the plant is a two-celled box, in which from 5,000 to 8,000 thousand small seeds can ripen.
  6. The first snapdragon buds open in June. Flowering stops in late autumn.

snapdragon flower

There are several classifications of antirrium. The most convenient of them is the height of the plants.

  • Gigantic - the length of the stem is 90-130 cm. For example, the Arthur variety is 90 cm high with cherry flowers. Pink and red XL hybrids are also popular.
  • High - 90 cm. A series of varieties Rocket with white-yellow elegant flowers and Madama Butterfly with double flowers of various colors are used for cutting.
  • Medium height - 40-60 cm. They are distinguished from other varieties by strong branching. Wildrose - pure pink flowers, Defiance - red-orange with a lilac tint, Ruby - hot pink.
  • Low varieties - 25-40 cm. Lampion ampelous hybrid, Ruby Star variety with flowers of the corresponding color, Tip-top - color in pastel colors.
  • Dwarfs - height 15-20 cm. Top Thumb - a bush in the form of a sphere with bright yellow flowers, Floral - a group of hybrids with 13 color options.

The difference in height and a wide range of colors of plants makes it easy to decorate a flower bed or container with them.

Growing snapdragons

Before purchasing seeds, you need to decide on the variety. For example, suitable for outdoor cultivation tall plants, and dwarf and ampel varieties are ideal for balcony boxes.

Seeds can be collected independently, but it should be borne in mind that hybrids do not retain parental qualities. The collection begins at the time when the boxes at the bottom of the inflorescence are fully ripe. The unripe green top is removed. A simple paper bag is put on the remains of the flower arrow, the plant is hung in a dry place and they wait until the seeds begin to pour from the opened boxes.

Snapdragon can be grown on the balcony

This popular flower is grown in two ways:

  • sowing in the ground;
  • through seedlings.

The first option is simpler, but it is much more difficult to plan a flower bed with it. Everything here depends entirely on weather conditions. In the case of prolonged cold weather, some of the seeds simply may not germinate.

Advice. If it is not possible to grow seedlings, then it is better to cover the flowerbed with snapdragon crops with agrospan or polyethylene.

Seeds for seedlings are sown as follows:

  1. A low container, such as a box, is filled with fertile soil. For snapdragons, garden soil, sand and humus are suitable in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.
  2. Small brown seeds are evenly scattered over the surface of the soil. Using a sieve, cover them with a thin layer of soil.
  3. Crops are moistened (preferably from a spray bottle).
  4. The top of the container is covered with a film or covered with glass.
  5. The box is arranged in a warm place.

Taking care of snapdragon seedlings will not cause difficulties

Shelter is immediately removed as soon as shoots appear and small plants are exposed to a well-lit place. In separate containers, snapdragons are seated in about a month. The signal for picking is the formation of two leaves. After the development of 4-5 leaves, the top of the plant must be pinched. This will intensify the tillering.

How to plant seedlings in a flower bed and care for the plant in the future

Shortly before planting, the plants are hardened off by exposing pots of seedlings to fresh air daily.
The flower bed where the snapdragon is planned to be planted should be located in the sun, without shading. There are no special requirements for the soil, but loam with a neutral reaction is preferable.

Attention! Planting seedlings in a flower bed is possible only with the onset of stable heat. Even slight frosts can kill the plant.

When planting different varieties, the following intervals should be observed:

  • for tall varieties - up to half a meter apart;
  • 30 cm will be enough for medium height;
  • low varieties are best planted after 20 cm;
  • dwarfs require a spacing of 15 cm.

Directly planting snapdragons occurs in the same way as most flower crops. After rooting, the seedlings grow very actively and turn into a beautiful bush.

To create a beautiful composition in a flower bed, choose plants of different heights.

Flower care consists of traditional garden work:

  • glaze;
  • loosening the soil around the plants;
  • weeding as needed;
  • top dressing.

Water the plant only in dry and hot periods of summer. The rest of the time, natural precipitation is quite enough for him. The next day after watering, you need to loosen the ground under the plants (this will contribute to better aeration of the roots) and remove the weeds that have appeared.

From top dressing, immediately after planting, nitrophoska is suitable, and during budding good option there will be an aqueous solution of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon each per 10 liters of water).

Advice. In order for the plant to bloom for a long time, wilted flower stalks should be removed regularly.

You should not grow snapdragons in one stem.

The snapdragon flower has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, it is unpretentiousness and bright, long flowering from mid-summer to late autumn. You can grow snapdragons not only in flower beds and slides, but also on loggias in pots and hanging baskets.

Snapdragon flower (Antirrhinum) - perennial, but it blooms and produces seeds in the first year. That is why it is mainly grown as an annual. This flower can form a powerful shrub with a well-developed root system. Such bushes are able to safely winter even in the middle lane.

Thanks to the work of breeders, flower growers can grow hundreds of varieties of Antirrinum. There are dwarf varieties (15 - 20 cm), medium-sized (40 - 50 cm) and tall (90 - 100 cm). In addition, ampelous snapdragon forms with drooping shoots have recently appeared, the length of such shoots reaches 1 meter.

Growing snapdragons from seeds

When to sow.

When growing snapdragons through seedlings, seeds should be sown in early March.

Substrate for seed germination.

Snapdragons do not like to grow on peaty soils. For seed germination, it is better to use earth from a compost heap and river sand in a ratio of one to one.

How to sow the seeds of Antirrinum.

Growing snapdragons from seeds is conveniently carried out in plastic containers with tight fitting lids. You can sow the seeds immediately in cups, and several seeds in one cup. If 3-4 seeds germinate, then there is no need to thin them out, let them continue to grow in one bush.

Before sowing, the container or cup is filled with soil, the soil is leveled and abundantly moistened. Snapdragon seeds are very small, for convenience, snow is poured on top of the substrate and the seeds are sown in the snow, then they are clearly visible. It is only necessary to take into account that the snow in the room melts quickly. You can mix the seeds with sand, this also greatly simplifies the sowing process.

Care of snapdragon seedlings.

After the snapdragon seeds are sown, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, moistened again with dewdrops and covered with a lid or film. For germination, the seeds will need high humidity and a temperature of 23 - 25 degrees. Keep an eye on soil moisture; when the substrate dries, it must be moistened periodically.

Young snapdragon seedlings

With proper care, the seeds will germinate in 10-15 days. After the appearance of young sprouts, the seedling container is transferred to a well-lit place. Otherwise, with a lack of lighting, the seedlings will quickly stretch. The film can be removed a few days after seed germination.

Young plants grow slowly at first, this should not disturb you. At this time, Antirrinum seedlings should be watered very sparingly. If signs of a black leg appear, remove all affected seedlings immediately, and sprinkle the soil with ash or crushed activated charcoal.

As you probably already noticed, there is nothing unusual in growing snapdragons from seeds, and all other flowers are grown from seeds in much the same way.

Seedling picking.

When the seedlings have a second pair of true leaves, you can start diving seedlings. At Antirrinum, a powerful root system grows already in the seedling period, so plants should be dived into large cups with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Antirrinum seedlings after picking.

If the seedlings grew densely, then sometimes the roots of neighboring plants grow together. In such cases, do not try to separate them, just plant a few in cups.

Snapdragon easily tolerates a pick and is quickly accepted in a new place. But while the seedlings have not started to grow, they must be kept in the shade, and taken out in the sun a few days after transplantation.

Pinching seedlings.

You should not grow snapdragons in one stem. The plant looks much more attractive when it grows into a bush. To do this, the Antirrinum shoot is pinched over the fifth leaf. If side shoots begin to grow rapidly, it is better to pinch them too. As a result, a powerful, beautiful snapdragon bush grows.

Growing snapdragons from seeds in open ground

You can also grow snapdragons from seeds in open ground. You just have to say right away that these flowers will bloom only at the end of July or at the beginning of August, but they will bloom until frost.

Antirrinum grown from seeds.

It is customary to sow snapdragons into the ground with so-called steeps. Krutins are formed about 40 by 40 cm in size. 4-5 Antirrinum bushes are grown in one krutin, but much more seeds need to be sown there. Excess seedlings can later be pulled through.

Sow seeds in the ground in late April, early May. Because the spring frosts can destroy seedlings, the twists are covered with some kind of covering material.

Growing and caring for Antirrinum

Flower growers rarely plant snapdragons in the foreground, considering this flower not to be spectacular enough. But this is because few people know how to properly grow snapdragons. Most often, snapdragons are grown in one stem, and even varieties are selected with a height of 30 - 40 cm.

Antirrinum should be grown in bushes. To do this, just cut off the top of the plant. You can cut off the upper part of the shoot in seedlings, and in adults, and even flowering plants. After some time, the snapdragon will grow not one, but as many as 8 - 12 shoots.

When growing tall varieties, the height of which reaches one meter, a huge flowering bush is obtained. Fading shoots should also be removed and then new, young shoots will grow again instead of them.

Snapdragon can grow in the sun, in partial shade and on almost any soil. It is grown in mixborders, discounts and individual crops. Ampel hybrids are good for planting in hanging baskets.

Wintering snapdragons in the open field

Antirrinum is a perennial plant that can overwinter in conditions middle lane. It is prepared for winter in the same way as most perennial flowers. In autumn, all shoots are cut off, and the roots are covered with leaves, grass, peat. After a successful wintering, many shoots grow from the roots, which can be dug up and used to decorate the site.

Snapdragon diseases

In cold rainy weather, red spots may appear on the leaves of Antirrinum. If this happens, treat the flowers with Zircon (5 drops per 1 liter of water). Plants can also be treated with the same preparation for prevention, only in smaller doses (2 drops per 1 liter of water).

For preventive purposes, snapdragons are sprayed when planting seedlings in the ground and before flowering. Heavily affected plants are best removed from the garden immediately.

How to collect snapdragon seeds

In order for snapdragons to form full-fledged seeds, which will give life to highly decorative bushes next season, the most beautiful ones are chosen among plants in the summer. Their inflorescences are shortened by one third, thereby making it possible for seed pods to form in place of the largest flowers.

And the largest flowers, as you noticed, bloom at the bottom of the inflorescences. Without waiting for the seed pods to turn yellow and open, cut off the inflorescences and ripen indoors.

Snapdragon is a perennial plant of the Plantain family, includes about 50 species. IN different countries bears its popular name: “dogs”, “snapdragon”, “wolf mouth”. With the help of artificial breeding, more than 1000 varieties of culture have been bred, Antirrinum large served as the basis for all forms.

General characteristics and options for using snapdragons in landscape design

Antirrinum - semi-shrub, found as herbaceous plant. Its stems are straight and branched, reaching the most varied lengths: from 0.15 m to 1 m. Peculiar bushes are formed from the stems, having a pyramidal shape. The leaves differ at different heights of the flower: the upper ones are alternate, and the lower ones are opposite. The shape of the leaves is also different: oval and latent, the color range varies from light to dark tones. Green colour.

The flowers in their structure resemble the mouth of a lion, hence the name. Differ in a large form and collection in inflorescences. Each variety is characterized by its own color:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • burgundy;
  • golden;
  • crimson.

It is impossible to meet only shades of blue color. Flowering occurs during three months after the start. Distinctive feature you can distinguish the characteristic opening of the flower: down up. If faded inflorescences are removed in time, the blooming of the following flowers can be observed throughout summer season until late autumn. Simple flowers and terry flowers stand out, all varieties have a fragrant aroma.

The fruit is a multi-seeded box, in 1 g of seeds there are several thousand. Under natural conditions, snapdragon is a perennial, but in conditions that are not inherent in it, it is often grown as an annual. This does not preclude the possibility of organizing proper care and protection for its wintering.

In landscape design, undersized forms of culture are often used to decorate borders. They are also used to create contrasting compositions against the background of lawns or flower beds. For bouquets, a tall plant variety is grown. Snapdragon grows well in pots, which makes it possible to grow it as a decoration for balconies or terraces.

How to grow snapdragon seedlings (video)

Photo gallery

Classification and description of antirrinum varieties

Varieties of antirrinum differ in stem height, there are five main types of plants. One of the new bred forms of culture can be identified as an ampelous snapdragon. His characteristic feature is the presence of drooping shoots, the length of which is equal to the length of the giant variety shoots.


This type of culture reaches a height of 0.9 m, sometimes reaching 1.3 m. The highest shoot is the central one, the next shoots in order are much lower than the main one. In total, there are two orders of stems, the third is absent in this species. The color of the inflorescences is shades of red. by the most prominent representative is Opus, which is further divided into subcategories: lavender, white, apple. This is the only variety that can be cut twice a year: in late spring and early autumn.


Their height ranges from 0.6 m to 0.9 m, this variety of snapdragon is grown for cutting into fresh bouquets that can stand up to 7 days without fading. Like the previous species, the lateral shoots are much lower than the main one. The most fragrant can be distinguished cultures with yellow flowers:

  • Anna German (distinguished by a delicate color);
  • Canary (bright);
  • Madama Butterfly (terry variety of various shades).

medium height

The variety reaches from 0.4 m to 0.6 m. It can be characterized by versatility, because it is possible to grow both for making cut bouquets and for landscape design. It is distinguished by a large number of shoots, the central one stands out above all. The most famous representatives can be distinguished Golden Monarch, Ruby and Lipstick Silver.


These hybrids grow from 0.25 m to 0.4 m and are bred to decorate flower beds and borders. Differ in a moderate number of flowers in inflorescences of all levels of shoots. One of the representatives of this variety twinnie can be distinguished, which belongs to the terry and semi-double type. It has bright shades of colors that delight for a long time.


The smallest variety, the shoot length of which reaches 0.15 m - 0.2 m. It is used to decorate borders, discounts, and dwarf crops are also widely used for growing carpet flower beds. The branching of this species is the most developed among the others; the central shoot does not stand out against the background of the shoots of the next levels. Known representatives of this variety: Sakura Blossom, Candy Showers(belongs to the ampelous type with drooping shoots).

Growing snapdragons from seeds

At home, you can grow snapdragons from seeds, for this it is not necessary to purchase them in a store, you can collect them yourself from a crop at the end of the flowering period. Seeds are distinguished by an excellent property of maintaining germination for several years.. In a warm climate, you can plant a crop with seeds directly into the soil. In others climatic conditions it is recommended to breed antirrinum using seedlings.

Preparatory work

  1. At the beginning of spring, it is required to prepare small pots with a diameter of 10 cm or more. They must have drainage holes to remove excess moisture.
  2. Coarse sand should be poured at the bottom, a layer of the same sand and fertilized earth is placed on top of it.
  3. The poured is carefully compacted and leveled, the prepared soil is moistened from the sprayer, on which the seeds mixed with sand are laid out. The last layer of fertilized earth with sand is poured and everything is covered with a glass lid.
  4. Next, you should wipe the collected condensate daily, moisten the soil as needed. Cover with a lid after a short period of time so that the seeds have time to “breathe”. If care and temperature regime correct and comfortable for culture, then in a couple of weeks you can see the first shoots.
  5. After that, the pot is removed from sunny place so that the sprouts do not begin to actively grow and stretch, because you should wait for the germination of the remaining seeds. Once this has happened, the glass roof is removed.

Cultivation of snapdragons in the garden (video)

Seedling growing technology

Sprouted plants do not grow very actively at first, while observing proper watering and timely removal of dead shoots. To remove the cause of the disease in the soil, you need to sprinkle the infected area with crushed coal.

As soon as the first leaves appear, the culture dives into a spacious box, where a certain distance is maintained between the seedlings for free growth. The place should be chosen bright, but not straight sunbeams. At this time, the gradual adaptation of the snapdragon to the conditions in which it will be transplanted begins. To do this, the window opens for a short time without the formation of a draft. To make the shoots more branched, they must be pinned. This is done at a time when the number of leaves on the shoot reaches 4-5 pieces. The same can be done with the side shoots if they have begun to stretch too actively.

Terms and rules for planting seedlings in a permanent place

Seedlings should get stronger by the end of spring. During this period, it is planted in a prepared place in the garden. The soil must be saturated nutrients and have a light structure. Ideally, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of peat, sand and compost. Be sure to have good drainage and protection from gusts of wind. The chosen location can be sunny or slightly shaded.

When planting in the ground, a certain distance between plants should be maintained. These indicators depend on the type of crop.

  1. Tall - about half a meter.
  2. Medium height - 0.3 m.
  3. Undersized - 0.2 m.
  4. Dwarf - 0.15 m.

Before planting directly, the soil is abundantly moistened, this is necessary for better rooting. As soon as it happens, the antirrinum will begin to turn into a bush.

Features of snapdragon care

The culture does not cause difficulties in care. It must be treated in time from weeds, around it timely loosening of the soil and moistening should be carried out. Water only during dry periods of the season. It is recommended to do this in the morning, and in the evening of the same day, weeds are removed and the soil is loosened.

  • If a high-growing plant is erected, then a garter to a support is required to avoid breaking the stem. Faded flowers are removed in a timely manner, which prolongs the flowering of snapdragons. Also, to prolong the release of flowers, you need to remove the released arrow in time and prevent the seeds from ripening.
  • For the whole season, several top dressings are made with fertilizers. The first - during the period of the beginning of active growth, immediately after rooting. The second is during the formation of buds. This is done with the help of organic matter and nitrophoska.
  • Sometimes the culture is attacked by pests and diseases. In this case, infected specimens are immediately removed from the flower garden and burned to prevent the spread of the lesion. The place of growth is treated with a special tool purchased in a store.
  • To prevent infection, you need to make the right care, which consists in removing the affected leaves, watering on the leaves, and not on the ground, the lack of collection of excess moisture from the root system.
  • In autumn, after flowering, it is necessary to cut the plant at a stem height of 5-8 cm above the soil. The root area of ​​the soil should be mulched so that the soil does not freeze in winter. This is done for growing perennials. If an annual was planned on the site, then shedding of seeds should be avoided. In autumn, the soil is dug up, and the remains of the crop are burned.
