Dear Colleagues!

The "road map" "Changes in the sectors of the social sphere aimed at improving the efficiency of education and science" was published, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2014 No. 722 - r.

The document outlines the changes that will occur in the education system in the coming years.

The new "road map" is aimed at improving the efficiency of education and science. The May Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were taken into account, which determined measures public policy in this area (including those aimed at raising the salaries of teachers, lecturers, and researchers). Additionally, indicators of the updated state programs for the development of education for 2013-2020, science and technology were taken into account.

In general education, changes aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of services in the field of education, correlated with the stages of transition to an effective contract.

The main directions for the implementation of the "road map" include:

  • introduction of federal state educational standards;
  • adjustment of the basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education taking into account federal state educational standards, as well as Russian and international studies of the educational achievements of schoolchildren;
  • development of a comprehensive professional development program teaching staff educational organizations aimed, among other things, at mastering modern educational technologies and methods of education and upbringing, knowledge, skills and abilities in order to ensure inclusive education of persons with handicapped health and implementation of adapted educational programs;
  • formation of personnel policy, taking into account the implementation professional standard"Educator ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)".

At the disposal of the Government Russian Federation It is noted that the introduction of an effective contract in general education includes:

  • development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of general education organizations;
  • improvement (modernization) of existing models of certification of teachers of general education organizations with their subsequent transfer to an effective contract;
  • development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational organizations of general education in terms of establishing the relationship between indicators of the quality of public (municipal) services provided by the organization and the performance of the head of an educational organization of general education;
  • information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

The introduction of an effective contract in general education provides for the renewal of the staff and the involvement of young teachers to work in the school.

In accordance with State program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 792-r, an "effective contract" refers to labor relations between an employer (state or municipal institution) and employees based on:

The institution has a state (municipal) task and performance targets approved by the founder;

The system for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of employees of institutions (a set of indicators and criteria that allow assessing the amount of labor expended and its quality), approved by the employer in the prescribed manner;

The system of remuneration, taking into account differences in the complexity of the work performed, as well as the quantity and quality of labor expended, approved by the employer in the prescribed manner;

The system of labor rationing of employees of the institution, approved by the employer;

Detailed specification, taking into account industry specifics, in employment contracts of the job responsibilities of employees, indicators and criteria for evaluating labor, terms of remuneration;

Labor relations between the employer and employees, including the establishment of wages, are formalized at the conclusion of employment contracts.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2013 No. 167n approved Recommendations for registration of labor relations with an employee of a state (municipal) institution when an effective contract is introduced.

The new "road map" provides for the certification of teaching staff with their subsequent transfer to an effective contract. At present, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has prepared the procedure for attestation of teaching staff organizations implementing educational activities. It should replace the procedure for certification of pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational institutions that has been in force since 2011. The need to develop a new document arose in connection with changes in legislation in the field of education. the federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" retained two types of certification of teaching staff: suitability for the position and on assignment of a qualification category. At the same time, he established new requirements for the attestation procedure. In particular, certification in order to confirm compliance with the position held should now be carried out attestation commissions created in educational organizations. Previously, it was carried out by regional commissions.

The new roadmap continues to reduce inefficient spending. We are talking, in particular, about optimizing the network of educational organizations, the cost of wages for support, administrative and managerial personnel.

The new "road map" reflects indicators that characterize the results of measures to improve the efficiency of budget spending. This is, for example, the number of students per teacher. The share of the above personnel in the total number of employees.

The previous "road map" was declared invalid.

On October 29, 2018, a roadmap for the development of the National Qualifications System in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 was sent to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for approval.

Following the results of the absentee meeting of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications, which took place on October 19 this year. a roadmap for the development of the National Qualifications System in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 was approved.

The roadmap has been prepared in follow-up to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 “On National Goals and Strategic Objectives for the Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”. The main goal of the roadmap is to create the necessary conditions for personnel support in solving the key tasks defined by the decree.

« The creation of a modern highly mobile labor market, provided with qualified personnel, is the basic prerequisite for the successful implementation of most industry projects and programs", the document emphasizes.
To overcome the structural limitations of the functioning of the labor market, it is planned to modernize the mechanisms of interaction between business and the education sector, introduce a system for managing the qualifications of employees at all levels: from national economy to corporations. The activities of the roadmap prepared by the National Council are aimed at strengthening links between the labor market and the training system, ensuring international comparability and recognition of qualifications.

Following the meeting, Chairman of the National Council, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin sent the roadmap for approval to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In addition, the National Council approved projects new professional standards: « Nanny (child care worker)" and "Consultant in the development of digital competencies of the population (digital curator)".
Draft professional standard " Babysitter (child care worker) developed by the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education Russian Academy education in order to implement the priorities of the state policy to support motherhood and childhood. Its implementation will become a prerequisite for the formation of a transparent and safe market for childcare and childcare services. To do this, the profile council for professional qualifications plans to organize independent evaluation qualifications persons applying for a job as a nanny. The presence of a certificate of qualification will become a “quality mark”, a guarantee that the candidate has all the necessary professional knowledge and skills.

Draft professional standard " Consultant in the field of developing digital competencies of the population (digital curator)” was prepared by the Russian society “Knowledge”, leading Russian IT companies and universities took part in its development and discussion.

Digital curator - a new profession in the field of social services to the population. The emergence of this profession is connected with the tasks of developing the digital economy of Russia. Thanks to the digital curator, any citizen of Russia, especially the elderly, will be able to get professional advice on how to effectively use modern information and communication technologies in Everyday life: from a mobile phone to the portal "Public Services".

Minutes of October 19, 2018 No. 30


Abankina Irina The price that the social sector will pay for the next reform may be too high, experts warn. We are talking with Irina Abankina, director of the HSE Institute for Education Development The price that the social sector will pay for another reform may be too high, experts warn. We are talking with Irina Abankina, director of the Institute for the Development of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics - Russia has adopted a "Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018." It is also called the "Road Map". Why was she needed? After all, the wage system in educational institutions in Russia has been improving for so many years! - The Roadmap was adopted by the Ministry of Labor.

Roadmap in the field of education

It is assumed that by 2015 all children from three to seven years old who need it will be able to use the services of preschool educational institutions (currently 82%). 3. Increasing the number of children using the services of additional education.

It is planned that at least 65% of Ugra children aged 5 to 18 will receive additional education services by 2018 and 67% by 2020, today the share of such children is 53.3%. It is important to note that the "road maps" are not limited to these three areas.

These are key priorities for the near future. The structure of the "road map" involves the coverage of all levels of education, taking into account activities aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of services in the field of education, correlated with the stages of transition to an effective contract.

What will happen to the teacher's salary, or fortune-telling on the "road map" of the Ministry of Labor

This money is not only for the education system. They will be distributed across the regions in a comprehensive manner, under agreements, "money in exchange for obligations."


To receive this money, the governors must have a coherent policy in relation to the social sphere. And this is perhaps the most difficult. - The principles and criteria for calculating teacher salaries have long been discussed in the regions and have already begun to work with them.

But after the adoption of the “Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system”, will it not be necessary to start this work from scratch? After all, it will be necessary to develop and agree on a common approach to assessing the work of all state employees - including teachers, doctors, cultural workers ... - The program does not include the adoption of a single methodology for the entire social sphere. In any case, this is not said in black and white.

What has changed in the system of remuneration of teachers in 2018

The priorities of the educational policy, enshrined in this document: 1. Increasing the salaries of teachers. By 2018, the wages of teachers, teachers of preschool, additional education, employees of general educational organizations, teachers and masters of industrial training of secondary vocational education, teachers, faculty of educational organizations of higher education will increase.

In 2013, it is planned to increase the payroll fund for these categories in order to achieve the target indicators of average wages (teachers of preschool institutions up to 43,601 rubles, teachers in the field of general education up to 54,181 rubles). The budget of the Autonomous Okrug provides additional funds for the implementation of the President's May decrees on raising salaries in the field of education.

Salary of teachers in 2018 in Russia

  • region - in the central district and in areas with a harsh climate, wages will be higher;
  • classroom management - it also increases the amount;
  • advanced training - the more timely it is carried out, the higher the likelihood of an increase in wages.

The salary of a teacher is based on the following components: Component Characteristics basic payment goes for the daily work that is typical for a teacher: teaching lessons and extracurricular activities, checking notebooks stimulating bonus is given for the development of innovative teaching methods or high student performance compensatory additionally paid work associated with special conditions, for example, conducting a correctional class premium for high performance labor and overfulfillment of norms Based on the above data, the teacher's salary should be high.

"road map"

At the end of 2017, the State Duma approved updated version recommendations on the establishment of an updated system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions, including teachers. This decision was determined by the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations.

At the same time, the rules that were in force before that have lost their force and will not be used in 2018. Today we will talk about changes in the system of remuneration of teachers and how the approach to this issue will change.

In 2018 with new indicators and without salary cuts Starting from 2018, the remuneration of teachers will be calculated taking into account the new indicator. From now on, when forming the income of teachers and professors, the average monthly earnings of employees of private companies and individual entrepreneurs are taken into account without fail.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018

The same is stated in the new Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”: additional payment for book publishing products, for academic degrees and titles should be included in the guaranteed base part of the salary. For the amount of work, in accordance with its complexity, for the qualifications of the one who performs it, a decent base salary should go.

No need to substitute incentives for well-deserved payments! - Now teachers are discussing the issue that they do not need a stimulating part of the salary at all. Many are in favor of a decent guaranteed salary.

And - for the award, say, once a year. Is this a purely Russian version or a global practice? - Tested all over the world different systems. Now the results of the direction that is focused on paying for the results of pedagogical work (taking into account performance indicators) are being summed up. This system has been implemented in some US states.


In addition, commercial organizations or individual entrepreneurs that are engaged in commercial activities in the field of education can enlist the support of the state and receive real assistance in the construction of private gardens for children and schools. The roadmap in the field of education obliges municipalities and regional authorities to return all previously used buildings of kindergartens and secondary schools for their intended work.

Now gardens for children will have to be built in order to open general education school. For children, this order of education will be the most convenient, since the children will not change their route, and after leaving the kindergarten they will go to a general education school, being familiar with the teachers in advance. This helps to accelerate the adaptation of children to new conditions of education.

Education Roadmap 2018 teacher salaries

  • school teachers;
  • university teachers;
  • coaches of children's sports sections;
  • persons involved in activities in the field of additional education.

Taking into account these innovations, any changes in the working time of the teacher should also be reflected in the labor agreement. In this case, you should remember the conditions under which this may become possible:

  • by agreement of the parties to the contract;
  • in exceptional cases - unilaterally by the head of the educational institution. This rule can be used if the number of working hours has decreased according to curriculum, the educational organization did not recruit enough students, etc.

Starting this year, this criterion must be taken into account when developing cost plans aimed at increasing the wages of teachers and employees of other budgetary areas. In July 2016, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree, according to which Rosstat was obliged to prepare the above data by 04/15/2017. When the tripartite group discussed the new regulations, a clause was introduced into the document on the inadmissibility of lowering the wages of employees of kindergartens, schools and state universities. In accordance with this norm, in 2018 the level of remuneration of teachers will not be lower than in 2017. Accordingly, teachers from kindergartens will receive a salary not lower than the average for Russia (last year - just over 28,000 rubles).
What should be taken into account when following the accepted recommendations In order to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations in the institution, the employer, as well as representatives of the authorities, need to pay attention to some aspects. In particular, these include:

  1. Establishment of wages should be carried out in accordance with the qualification group of the employee.
  2. If an employee of a budgetary institution works in a position that is not related to professional categories, his salary rate is calculated based on the difficulty of the duties assigned to him.
  3. It is imperative to take into account the need to use incentive payments and all kinds of compensation.

First on the list are

The government has approved a road map that outlines measures to make Russian educational institutions at all levels the best in the world. All upcoming changes affect the social sphere.

First on the list are preschool institutions - kindergartens and nurseries.

  • By 2016, queues for kindergartens will be eliminated.
  • The state will provide assistance to entrepreneurs who will build and open non-state kindergartens.
  • The regions will be obliged to return the buildings of preschool institutions that are not used for their intended purpose.
  • New kindergartens will be built in such a way that they can also open a school.
  • According to the new educational standards, by 2016, 60% of children will study, and by 2018 - 100% (at present, only 5% of preschool institutions have switched to the new standards).
  • By 2015, kindergarten teachers will switch to an effective contract and their salary should be equal to the average salary in the general education of the region.

General education. Schools.

  • The workload of school teachers will increase. By 2016, there will be 12.3 students per teacher (currently this figure is 11.6). Salaries will also increase accordingly. In the subsequent time, the load will become even higher, although its growth will be insignificant.
  • 25% of school teachers must be young people under the age of 35.
  • The work of teachers will be evaluated not only by the results of the Unified State Examination, but also by the results of international studies: PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS.
  • Teachers working with difficult teenagers will receive an additional allowance. In the document, such teachers are called "teachers working in difficult social conditions."

Secondary vocational education. Colleges and technical schools.

  • There will be consolidation of SPO institutions. The number of students in colleges and technical schools should be from 200 to 600 people.
  • Target numbers for admission to vocational schools will depend on the number of graduates working in the specialty. At the same time, the number of students who have found a job in accordance with their specialty must be at least 55%. Otherwise, the institution will lose the state order.
  • By 2018, 250 multifunctional centers of applied qualifications will open in Russia, where anyone can get a new profession.

Higher education.

  • Annual monitoring of university education will continue.
  • When determining the state task, priority will be given to the applied bachelor's degree.
  • Until 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science will revise the cost of education per student, taking into account not only the salaries of teachers, but also the form of education, the type of university, and the availability of conditions for teaching disabled people.
  • Like all teachers, university teachers will go to work under an effective contract and pass certification.

According to the government and the Ministry of Education and Science, all these social transformations will help Russian education become the best in the world.

Guest "KP" Deputy Director of the Department of Strategy, Analysis and Forecast of the Ministry of Education and Science Anna Vladimirovna Khamardyuk

The Education Roadmap will improve the school system. Photo: Anatoly ZHDANOV

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She spoke about how the plans of the ministry will be synchronized with the plans of regional and municipal authorities.

Anna Vladimirovna, let's first understand the terms. We will talk about "road maps" in education. I'm used to the term "road map" in politics, I imagine what a road map is in the navigator. How long has the Ministry of Education and Science switched to "road maps"?

Vysotsky has an excellent musical about Alice in Wonderland. There is a wonderful song there: "In order not to fall into a trap, in order to get lost in the dark ... you need a very clear plan." Only the warbler, which flies to Africa from our latitudes, has a built-in GLONASS in its head. And for people who are engaged in some concrete practice, in this case - changes in the field of education - there are no such built-in mechanisms. Therefore, tools are needed. Tools are planning.

The usual planning schemes have often failed lately, so there are a large number of plans. In order to connect them, coordinate them and understand whether the case has fallen out of them and whether there are simply only lines tied to specific deadlines. Therefore, "road maps" are a certain label that indicates a certain structure of the plan.

Yes, "road maps" - the term is more from the sphere of politics, economics, business. The transfer of this tool to the social sphere, in this case to education, has its advantages. We have many levels of responsibility. Federal level. There is the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the regional level - this is everything that concerns schools, kindergartens, institutions of additional education for children, secondary vocational education. And the level of responsibility of the educational organizations themselves, in which all these changes should be implemented.

The phrase “road maps” began to be used so that at the level of recognition everyone immediately understood what was at stake, included their levels of responsibility. What have I done specifically to achieve the targets set in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation? The indicators are formulated very serious, requiring a serious contribution.

- Are we talking about the May decrees of Vladimir Putin?

Yes. It formulated the expectations of society from a certain industry, which must be realized so that people feel qualitative changes and this affects the quality of life in general.

- Roadmaps of the Ministry of Education refer to which structures?

All levels of education. Including changes in the field of science.

From preschool children, I understand that point “B” where you need to come is the absence of queues in kindergartens. So? What are the endpoints for other levels of education?

Not everything is so simple in kindergartens. In addition to the fact that we mechanically solve the problem with the queue for kindergarten, all children from 3 to 7 years old get equal access to education, to preparation for school. In this regard, it is important to understand that in December we are adopting a standard for preschool education, which, in principle, has not existed in nature until now. There were minimum requirements for preschool education programs, but there was no standard. These are the requirements for the conditions and programs that are implemented in kindergartens.

Yes. But the reference reporting point is December 2013. We are starting now. The regions have adopted their own plans, in accordance with which they bring conditions in kindergartens.

- Will the education of children, the approach of educators to children, to educational programs change?


- And this is included in the roadmap for preschool education?

Yes. All teaching staff are gradually increasing wages. Including employees of organizations of preschool education. Teachers in kindergartens should receive no less than the average for the general education of the region.

I began to understand that a “road map” is when the responsibilities of different structures seem to cling to each other, link up ...

- … and work for the overall effect.

- By what date should it be so wonderful in kindergartens?

By 2016, we should not have a queue for children from 3 to 7 years old. By 2018, it is necessary to gradually introduce new standards of preschool education. There, the conditions for children are changing, and the program, the content of the work of teachers with children in kindergarten. Emphasis is play.

Standards for junior, middle, high school have already been adopted.

- Yes, the latest standard should come into force in 2020...

Although, in pilot mode, our schools can switch to the accepted standard and develop educational programs in accordance with it. The programs that are implemented in the school are developed by the educational organization itself. In agreement with the public authorities, but independently. This is the competence of the educational organization itself, which takes into account the contingent, the features of zoning.

- With standards for high school It's clear. What other elements are included in the school roadmap?

Same line as in preschool education- wage. Improving the quality of life of educators themselves. On the other hand, the line that is included inside is to assess the quality of educational services. We have many in pedagogical environment do not like this wording. Recently, the demands on the part of parents to what happens to their children at school have increased. Schools are gradually ceasing to be a black box into which you handed over your child and received it after six lessons.

Former Minister of Education Andrey Fursenko used the term - "luggage office" ... The main thing is that there are no problems with places in schools.

Not everywhere! Here the situation differs depending on the region. Somewhere there are no problems with places in schools, children do not study in two shifts. And somewhere there is such a problem. Children in the Far North are trained in two shifts. They come to school when it is still dark, they leave when it is already dark. These features are taken into account in regional roadmaps. There is a federal roadmap that outlines all the positions that we talked about, and there is a regional one that takes into account, relatively speaking, a specific landscape.

I know many regions where there are two-shift schools. This required condition so that regional maps have a solution to this problem?

If this problem is fixed, then it is included in the roadmap activities. This is the construction of schools, the strengthening of the fund that the regional system of general education has, the transfer of all to a one-shift regime. Although this is a resource-intensive event. Roadmap - a planning tool financial resources. Here are the priorities. They are distributed over time. It is possible to plan resources.

Let's move on to higher education.

This is primarily the responsibility of the ministry.

What should be here? Does this roadmap include instructions from the president to ensure that by 2020 five universities are included in the international rating?

Certainly. On the one hand, this is a very deep internal audit of the system, in which painful points are identified in terms of inefficient universities and programs for their reorganization. On the other hand, it is a program that makes it possible to provide support to those universities that already today have serious resources and a chance to lead in the global context of the provision of higher education services.

Such programs are included in the roadmap. Support for 15 universities will now be provided from the federal budget to ensure that their programs are implemented and we see our universities in the top lines of world rankings.

- The salaries of the teaching staff are also included?

Certainly. Russia is a country of regions. A huge territory, the regions have their own characteristics and their own economy. The fact that our salary targets are tied to the average salary in the region is very significant. For all levels of education, the salary target for teaching staff is tied to the regional average salary. For university employees, it should almost double the figure.

- And the timing?

Funds are allocated to universities that are subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science, and to universities whose founders are other federal authorities. The Ministry of Agriculture has its own universities, the Rechmorflot, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health. The salary rises in stages, this is monitored, summaries are given on how this increase schedule is built.

By what time should the salaries of employees of preschool educational institutions grow up to what threshold?

100 percent must be in line with wages in general education.

- This year?

- Is there any money already allocated for this?

Significant funds from the federal budget. Where the powers of the federation, there is one funding scheme. Where the powers of the regions are, this is the corresponding system of subsidies. The Ministry of Finance allocates subsidies to the regions to ensure that these indicators are met.

- 50 billion has already been allocated to solve problems with queues for kindergarten.

Roadmaps are supported not only by regulatory documents, but also by certain funding. The salary increase is aggregated. On a large scale at the federation level, it is read and recorded on large labels. Many are indignant: what is the average temperature in the hospital? At the level of the federation and at the level of such a volume of data, such figures can be regulated and operated on. Internally, it builds on much more subtle interaction tools.

Since the increase in wages is not carried out by everyone and everyone, someone will have more, someone less, depending on how the system of remuneration is formed at the level of the educational organization. There is a mandatory part of the salary - the basic one, and there is a stimulating one. And this incentive fund is distributed within the educational organization, depending on the specific contribution of each employee. The development of these indicators is the business of the educational organization itself. The same goes for educational programs. We are developing an educational program and we understand what the school must do in order for the student to achieve this.

- Small school road map.

And what will I do as a teacher of this school. And it is fixed in such indicators. There must be some agreement on these indicators. Accordingly, we will distribute the stimulus fund. For some, the salary can be significantly higher, for someone below average. Therefore, the overall level is formed depending on how a person works and how those who are called to evaluate his work evaluate him.

- By what date should the salary of school workers be raised to the level of the average for the economy of the region?


- This is a milestone year.

We reach and hold.

- By the teaching staff of universities?

We are gradually increasing wages in accordance with regional indicators by 2018. The roadmap is a kind of five-year plan from 2013 to 2018.

- What results should be achieved by 2018 in secondary education, higher education and vocational education?

The main dry residue is the solution to the problem with the queue in kindergartens. A significant change in practice in the kindergartens themselves, associated with the transition to standards. This is the development of the content of work in schools. Work to achieve such indicators that will allow our students to compete with students from leading countries in terms of results. And solving the problem with the conditions in the school.

In secondary vocational education, it is important to create multifunctional centers of applied qualifications at the regional level. Not just colleges, educational organizations that give a specialty once, but can give it repeatedly, and to those people who have been educated for a long time, provide the opportunity to come and get a new specialty, to become in demand on the labor market. This is also a resource-intensive direction, since it makes great demands on the base of such organizations.

Higher professional education - here certain claims are made by society and the expectations associated with the fact that our higher education was competitive in the world market of educational services.

By 2018, competitive universities should remain, the rest should either close or be merged, reorganized, reformed, and brought up to a modern level.

Yes. By 2018 there are such ambitious tasks.
