The absence of color and smell characterizes water in nature. Its dynamic progress through the soil layers saturates it with various organic substances.
The smell of water from a well is the result of the activity of biological microorganisms and algae, which emit unpleasantly smelling compounds. Bad smell water in the well appears due to odorants, which are the result of chemical reactions or appear in the process of vital activity of bacteria and plants.
The smell of rotten eggs or the smell of a swamp, just ask knowledgeable people and get the exact answer of their reasons.

Causes of bad odors

It smells of hydrogen sulfide, the reason lies in the sulfur bacteria involved in the conversion of sulfides and sulfur sulfates into hydrogen sulfide. Sulfur bacteria thrive in places where there is no oxygen.

  • In a well, a well, such places are silty deposits.
  • Except bad smell, hydrogen sulfide also refers to a poisonous gas, which is undesirable to breathe due to unpleasant consequences.
  • Even take the central water supply, where water comes from reservoirs, undergoes several stages of purification, and sometimes one feels such a swamp stagnation that cannot be attributed to natural smells.
  • Another reason when the water in the well smells like a swamp is the penetration and accumulation in the aquifer, especially in the vicinity of peat bogs, of a high content of sulfur pyrite.
  • It is unpleasant to sniff such water, and if there is no other source and it must be used for cooking, canning and other economic needs, then getting rid of hydrogen sulfide in water is a top priority.
  • Before proceeding with the removal of hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. Depending on this, there are various methods.
  • If there is a smell of rot, swamp, rotten eggs or fish, it contains substances of biological microorganisms, that is natural origin unpleasant smell.
  • smells of hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, oil products and other similar chemical elements, this indicates anthropogenic pollution, or the result of human activity.

Attention: The water quality standard during development takes into account the effect of hydrogen sulfide gas on taste and smell, and not its toxic effects.

  • Determination of the exact source of an unpleasant odor is carried out after research in a specialized laboratory for bacteriological analysis.
  • If a certain colony of bacteria is detected, they must be neutralized and eliminated.

Method of purification from hydrogen sulfide

Nothing lasts forever under the moon, even hydrogen sulfide

The direct connection between the cause of the appearance of hydrogen sulfide and the method of purification from it is beyond doubt. There is smelly water in the well, it is urgent to carry out a detailed chemical and biochemical analysis.

Physical or oxygen method

There is one important point in this analysis:

  • A specialist from the laboratory in the truest sense of the word will have to be invited "to the house."
  • it is necessary to produce for the content of hydrogen sulfide, as they say "on the spot", that is, immediately after the release. This is caused by the activity of hydrogen sulfide molecules, and their ability to immediately react with air oxygen molecules.
  • At the same time, they pass into a safe sulfur-containing compound and a water sample brought to the laboratory will contain ordinary sulfur.
  • This molecular activity makes it possible to use the most used and very simple method of physical aeration of water.
  • Simplified aeration consists of spraying and flying droplets through the air stream from a spray nozzle to a mirror of water, the video in this article will help you understand the mechanism of action.
  • Vacuum-ejection calciner is a highly efficient water aeration device; air is sucked into the water stream using various designs.
  • Aeration under pressure, which involves the forced supply of air by a compressor.
  • The essence of the method of aeration of water containing hydrogen sulfide is to interact with atmospheric oxygen and create conditions when the concentration of dissolved hydrogen sulfide in water becomes acceptable.
  • The photo shows that aeration plants differ in size and are divided into types, the price also contributes to their difference.
  • Degassing film, representing columns with nozzles and water flows through them in a thin film.
  • Foam degassing units blowing compressed air through slowly degassing water.
  • Vacuum degassing rooms, where vacuum pumps, steam-jet ejectors, while maintaining a normal temperature in a vacuum environment, cause water to boil.

Attention: Sulfur bacteria are destroyed by forced aeration of water, and additional oxygen saturation of water occurs, which is one of the advantages of this method. This method leads to a minus the energy intensity of bulky aeration equipment, which requires the use of an additional pump.

Chemistry in the service of water treatment

Why does the water in the well smell and how to use chemical purification from hydrogen sulfide and whether it will turn out worse, since any chemical reaction has by-products of decomposition.

  • The chemical cleaning method is based on the property of hydrogen sulfide as a strong reducing agent that can be neutralized by a strong oxidizing agent.
  • Sodium hypochlorite, thiosulfates, sulfates and sulfides, potassium permanganate, ozone, free sulfur and others are used as oxidizing agents.
  • The method is used with good results and complete water purification, except for artesian wells, which lie at a depth of more than 40 meters, and the chemical reaction gives a secondary decomposition product.
  • Previously, the instruction on the use of free chlorine to bind hydrogen sulfide with additional coagulation and water filtration through activated carbon was used quite often.
  • Purification of water from a well is difficult to perform by this method.
  • Purification of hydrogen sulfide is carried out with the constant addition of manganese sand to filters that have accumulated spent manganese from glauconite sand, which, in turn, is used to purify water from soluble iron and manganese.
  • A double regeneration is carried out by oxidizing potassium permanganate, which turns into insoluble manganese hydroxide during a chemical reaction. In this case, it acts as a coagulant and adsorbent.
  • Another way to neutralize hydrogen sulfide is performed with hydrogen peroxide, the result is the resulting sulfur.
  • The water is then further filtered through Activated carbon and the smell is completely gone.

Biochemical oxidation


  • In this method, an aerooxidizer or primary settling tank, an aerotank operating in the complete oxidation mode or a secondary settling tank, hydrogen sulfide removal in the biochemical oxidation reactor and with the help of filters operating in the rapid filtration mode are implemented.
  • In order to prevent the conversion of sulfur back into hydrogen sulfide, it is recommended to introduce chlorine into the water filter pads with your own hands or to purge with air.
  • Catalytic oxidation on ion exchangers can be added to new methods of purification from hydrogen sulfide.
  • Modern cleaning systems contain a comprehensive solution for cleaning not only hydrogen sulfide, but also manganese, iron and other undesirable impurities.
  • Such filters are equipped with a durable fiberglass body that is not subject to corrosion, have a manual or automatic control system, a drainage distribution unit and a filtering, granular backfill with a supporting layer of gravel.

Once again about cleaning, which should be done only after careful analysis of soil and water samples in order to choose the right method and get rid of the smell.

It happens that the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide - experts will advise what to do in such a situation. It is important for the user to know why it is so important to remove such compounds from the water, and also to get acquainted with possible ways and their features.

Hydrogen sulfide impurities and their appearance

It is impossible not to notice the presence of hydrogen sulfide in water. This element has a sharp and pronounced smell and taste. However, unpleasant sensations are not the main drawback of water with such impurities, it is much more important that hydrogen sulfide is a strong toxin and can cause poisoning, even death.

The reasons for the appearance of hydrogen sulfide can be different.

  • If you're trying to figure out why well water smells like hydrogen sulfide, pay attention to the condition of the source. The reason may be the presence of silt deposits on the bottom or walls. Hydrogen sulfide in this case is the result of the decomposition of organic matter, and the well must be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Violation of the tightness of the well casing pipe allows sulfur bacteria from the soil to enter the water.

There are more complex cases when the treatment of the source cannot give any effect, and hydrogen sulfide is contained in the water from the very beginning.

Such situations are possible when:

  • the reservoir from which the water is taken is clogged on all sides with impermeable soils for moisture,
  • flood or surface waters entering the well, which include organic impurities or hydrogen sulfide of industrial origin (will help here),
  • contact of the water layer with sulfide ores.

The danger of hydrogen sulfide

First of all, the danger of hydrogen sulfide should be considered from the point of view of its harmful effects on the human body.

  • Hydrogen sulfide is a volatile compound, and in water it is in a dissolved state. Inhalation of the gas can lead to dizziness, fatigue, loss of smell and other disturbances up to the state of collapse.
  • Depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air, it can cause conjunctivitis, depression, and acute intoxication. When inhaling air with a hydrogen sulfide content of more than 700 mg / cu. m is even possible death.
  • In addition, hydrogen sulfide is a corrosive element and quickly destroys the metal of pipes, plumbing and fittings.

Possible ways to purify water from hydrogen sulfide

Having determined why the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide, you can decide which method of water purification should be chosen. On the positive side, to remove this type of impurities deironing installations can be used, including filters and aeration columns.

Before choosing the most effective cleaning method, you should study the situation more carefully.

Not always (although in most cases) a putrid smell indicates the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water. Similar features are also characteristic of the presence of other impurities, therefore it is important to accurately determine the composition of water.

You should check if all the water in the house smells of hydrogen sulfide. If the characteristic smell is only in hot water most likely the problem is in the water heater. Salt deposits often form on heating elements, and bacteria can appear and actively multiply in them, the result of their vital activity is the formation of hydrogen sulfide. In this case, it is enough to clean and thoroughly rinse the water heater, and to prevent the formation of salts and the appearance of sulfate-reducing bacteria in them, a sorption filter should be installed.

Physical removal of hydrogen sulfide

Degasifiers for removing dissolved hydrogen sulfide from water can be pressure and non-pressure. The principle of operation of non-pressure degassers is to break the water flow into drops or thin jets (spraying, spraying), as a result of which the dissolved compound evaporates. To remove it in installations of this type, ventilation ducts are provided. The efficiency of degasifiers is increased by installing compressors that supply air into the water column in tanks. Saturation of water with oxygen destroys the sulfur bacteria living in it.

In pressurized units, a jet of water enters the column under pressure, which is simultaneously mixed with air from the compressor.

Chemical cleaning methods


Chlorination of water leads to the formation of colloidal sulfur, the removal of which requires subsequent coagulation and filtration of the liquid, as well as additional purification from unpleasant odors by filtration through a carbon filter. In individual water supply systems, purification of water from a well from hydrogen sulfide by this method is practically impossible.

Oxidation with oxygen

If the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide - what to do is decided on the basis of chemical analysis, which shows the concentration of the compound and the presence of other impurities that can affect the course of a chemical reaction.

Oxygen oxidation requires the use of catalysts that promote the formation of insoluble compounds. In this capacity, they can be used:

  • Activated carbon,
  • crushed magnetite,
  • manganese sand,
  • graphite.

Available and fairly cheap potassium permanganate, for example, promotes the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide with oxygen to form colloidal sulfur. At the same time, the use of manganese compounds can lead to the appearance of salts of this element in water, which subsequently also have to be removed from the liquid.

One of the most advanced methods in this category is the use of dual regeneration filters and the continuous addition of potassium permanganate solution during the cleaning process. In this case, during the oxidation reaction of sulfur with oxygen, potassium permanganate turns into an insoluble precipitate of manganese hydroxide, and it, in turn, is able to work as a coagulant and act as an adsorbent.

Use of hydrogen peroxide

This method is one of the most effective, hydrogen sulfide in this case turns into insoluble sulfur, and subsequent filtration through a carbon filter allows you to completely get rid of the unpleasant odor.

The most modern purification techniques involve the use of ion exchangers for catalytic oxidation.

Note: Ozone or sodium hypochlorite can also be used as oxidants.

What are, read in a separate article. Such equipment will also help get rid of hydrogen sulfide.

You can find out more about what else is included on our website.

About the characteristics of the Aquarius pump, which is often used in wells, you can.

Sorption methods

The use of sorbents is one of the options for how to clean water from a well from hydrogen sulfide efficiently and without the formation of harmful compounds. The disadvantage of such methods is the long cleaning cycle time. At the same time, sorption methods are economical. Thanks to the use of oxidizing agents and sorbents together, the consumption of reagents is significantly reduced. Environmentally friendly natural charcoal is used as sorbents. More specifically, the type of sorption material is determined taking into account its characteristics, primarily the structure of the material and the size of micropores. These features are compared with the percentage of hydrogen sulfide in water. An important factor is also the type and structure of oxide compounds formed in the course of oxidation and deposited on the surface of the sorbing material.

It is impossible to analyze all the data at home, it is best to involve professionals in this work.

Installations for two-stage effective cleaning water from hydrogen sulfide is quite large, they include filters and sedimentation tanks.

Some time after the start of operation of the well, the water coming from it may acquire the smell of hydrogen sulfide, similar to the unpleasant smell characteristic of rotten eggs. In the event of its occurrence, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the causes that caused it. If they cannot be completely eliminated, you should at least use water purification methods so that important water characteristics meet the standard values.
Usually, hydrogen sulfide is released by anaerobic bacteria that live in an oxygen-free environment and oxidize sulfur compounds. This substance is not the only product of the vital activity of these microorganisms; other substances harmful to health and worsening the organoleptic properties of drinking water, such as dimethyl sulfide and mercaptans, also occur.

Possible reasons for the increased activity of sulfur bacteria:

  • Heavy rains and flooding of large areas of land with floods, in which a significant amount of sulfates and sulfides enters the aquifer, which bacteria use for nutrition.
  • The ingress of sulfur compounds into the well through the casing, the tightness of which is broken. Incoming with groundwater organic matter break down into components, including hydrogen sulfide as a result of biochemical processes.
  • It is possible that rocks containing sulfur got inside the well during its construction.
  • The location at a close distance from the well of sulfide ores, which saturate the water with sulfur compounds.

If there is a feeling that the water contains oil products or chlorine in addition to the hydrogen sulfide smell, man-made pollution can be suspected. This may occur due to the disposal by some industrial enterprise of production waste that has partially penetrated into the aquifer of the soil.

Consequences of using water containing hydrogen sulfide

If the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide, its use for domestic and household needs is a danger of poisoning. In case of poisoning, nausea, headache are noted. If the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the room is very high, even respiratory arrest or falling into a coma can occur.

The ingestion of hydrogen sulfide dissolved in drinking water causes iron oxidation, which has a negative impact on vital processes. This is manifested in the formation of oxyhemoglobin in the blood, which makes it difficult for red blood cells to deliver oxygen to organs.Over time, the body adapts to the smell of hydrogen sulfide due to partial or complete paralysis of the receptors responsible for smell. At the same time, the presence of gas in the air is not felt, but the danger of its inhalation is not reduced.

Water containing hydrogen sulfide is undesirable for watering plants on personal plot. Its fumes can cause intoxication, and sulfur compounds entering the soil are harmful to plants.

An additional negative consequence is the high susceptibility to corrosion of the metal elements of the well and pipes through which water enters the house. This reduces their service life and gradually destroys the details of household plumbing.

Water purification

Water purification will make it safe for consumption and avoid negative impact to the domestic water supply system. When choosing a purification method, the forms of compounds present in the water and their concentration should be taken into account.
There are several ways to purify water using special equipment. The choice of the most suitable of them is made after a complete analysis of the water samples taken in the laboratory of the local SES. It will allow you to determine the impurities in the source, pathogenic bacteria, viruses and their number.
As established in sanitary standards, the level of hydrogen sulfide dissolved in water should not exceed 0.03 mg / l. Regular water analysis allows you to control its concentration.

Water withdrawal rules

For sampling, clean plastic 1.5 - 2-x liter bottle, which was previously mineral water. Containers from other types of drinks cannot be used, as they contain particles of preservatives and other components that cannot be removed even by rinsing the container with hot water.
Before taking water, water should be drained from the tap for 10-15 minutes. Then the bottle is thoroughly rinsed and water is drawn into it up to the neck, since the air remaining under the cap can contribute to the oxidation of iron and distortion of the analysis data.
On the wall of the bottle you need to stick a label on which to indicate the address where the well is located and the name of its owner. In order for the sulfide compounds present in the water to be more accurately determined, a preservative can be obtained from the laboratory before sampling for the study of the level of hydrogen sulfide.
When sampling for microflora research, a sterilized 0.5 liter glass bottle is used. After draining the water, the tap is wiped with alcohol to destroy the microorganisms on it. During selection, do not touch the neck of the bottle with your hands.
It is desirable that water be delivered no later than 2 hours after sampling. To avoid delaying the analysis, it should be agreed in advance.

Cleaning methods

1. Well treatment

You can try to fix the problem yourself or invite specialists to solve this problem, for example, those who took part in the construction of the well.

  • Since the most active activity of bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide occurs with an increased content of elements such as iron and magnesium in the well, deposits accumulated on the bottom and walls of the well should be removed. Typically, such an operation allows you to eliminate the problem that has arisen for a certain time - at least 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Additionally, a good result will be achieved by pumping the water resource with the removal of a layer of sand and clay particles lying on the bottom. These deposits are home to many sulfur bacteria, which will also be removed. At the end, you can fill the bottom with a layer of large gravel, which will serve as a natural filter.
  • The next stage is the sealing of the casing string structure. It may even need to be reconstructed. Although costly, this step is important and should be completed.

2. Physical way

Since hydrogen sulfide is a gaseous substance, it escapes when water is in a container, such as a bucket. Since in modern houses water is supplied through pipes, it can be defended before it enters the water supply system. This function is performed by degasifiers (aerators) of pressure and non-pressure type. Before aerating, water can be acidified.

  • The non-pressure degasser is made in the form of a plastic tank of large volume, into which water is supplied from spray nozzles. The use of this method - showering - saturates it with oxygen, which inhibits sulfur bacteria and oxidizes the hydrogen sulfide dissolved in it, evaporating into the air. Acceleration of these processes can be achieved by installing an oxygen compressor in the tank. The equipment is mounted under the roof of the building, the movement of water from it is carried out by gravity.
  • The pressure degasser has a smaller volume. Water is supplied to it at the bottom of the tank and is maximally saturated with oxygen, which is pumped by a special pump. This type the aerator can be installed on the basement or first floor of the building.

3. Chemical method

The method is based on the oxidation reaction of hydrogen sulfide, but not with the help of oxygen, but hydrogen peroxide, ozone, sodium hypochlorite. The resulting water-insoluble compounds are stopped by a filter containing active oxidizing agents. The result is the neutralization of the gas with the formation of an insoluble precipitate. This purification method is used in the operation of water purification equipment. The water entering the plumbing system does not contain impurities and is suitable for drinking.

4. Sorption-catalytic method

This method is based on increasing the rate of oxidation reactions by sorption materials. The most effective sorbents include activated carbon in granules, which has high catalytic properties. One of its varieties is Centaur®, which is made from hard coal.
The sorbent poured into the filter capsule additionally absorbs harmful substances and performs fine after-treatment of water. After some time, the pores are filled in activated carbon therefore, the absorber blocks should be changed regularly.
This method of cleaning is most often used in the autonomous supply of housing with water from a well. The advantage of this equipment is small size, no noise and no energy costs. The service life of the filter is increased by the possibility of regeneration by periodic washing, which can be carried out several times.
But at a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide, this purification method requires the creation of a significant oxygen content in the water, in such cases it is used simultaneously with the pressure-type aeration method.

The appearance of an odor after heating water

If, after the well has been cleaned, there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide after heating in the boiler, it can be assumed that the reason for this phenomenon is the accumulation of salt deposits on the surface of the heating elements, inside which sulfate-reducing bacteria have multiplied. To eliminate it, it is enough to thoroughly rinse the water heater, and then install a sorption filter on the water supply pipe.

The use of iron removal filters

There are five various kinds iron compounds that may be in the well. The process of iron removal consists in inducing oxidative reactions, accompanied by precipitation of iron in the form of a precipitate, followed by its removal by filtration. To achieve a good result will allow correct selection doses of reagents.
Special filters are installed on the pipe entering the house, inner surface containing an oxidizing agent. When passing through the filter, it reacts with the metal dissolved in water, which precipitates in the form of a solid precipitate. To ensure that the quality of cleaning does not decrease, the filters must be changed regularly.
Modular water treatment systems modern type include an aeration column, an oxidation unit and fine sorption filters. This allows you to perform a comprehensive complete purification of water.

Autonomous water supply - optimal solution for private households. True, for convenient and safe use, proper arrangement of a well or well is required.

Even if all installation conditions are met, musty odors often appear. Why does the water from the well smell of hydrogen sulfide, what factors influence this process and how to fix the problem correctly?

Reasons for the appearance of hydrogen sulfide compounds

Hydrogen sulfide appears during the decomposition of the protein components of the activity of anaerobic bacteria (they develop in an oxygen-free environment). from a well has a significant drawback: it is toxic, in large doses it causes severe poisoning of the body or death.

There are many reasons why hydrogen sulfide compounds appear in water:

  • The formation of silt on the walls or bottom of a water source.
  • An increase in the number of bacteria and their metabolic products. This often happens after a lot of rainfall.
  • Violation of tightness, which leads to the leakage of hydrogen sulfide compounds through microcracks.
  • The ingress of sulphurous ores during the drilling of a well. In this case, you can feel that the water in the well smells of hydrogen sulfide already in the first hours of operation of the water intake point.
  • Penetration into the borehole column of surface and flood waters saturated with hydrogen sulfide impurities of technical origin.

Important! Hydrogen sulfide compounds are often found in water extracted from artesian or deep wells. If oil products or chloride compounds are present in the liquid, this is a sign of man-made pollution.

To get rid of the smell of hydrogen sulfide when extracting water from a hydraulic structure, it is necessary to ensure its proper treatment.

Hazardous effects of hydrogen sulfide

The hydrogen sulfide smell of water from the well poses a serious danger to human body. For this reason, a liquid with a high content of compounds is unsuitable for drinking, domestic and technical purposes.

The main reasons why hydrogen sulfide is considered dangerous to humans:

  • This chemical element is a volatile compound, but it is present in water in a soluble form. An unpleasant smell can cause dizziness, an allergic reaction, fatigue, physical fatigue and vomiting. A high concentration of the element in the air is the main cause of inflammation on the eyelids, fainting and intoxication of the body.
  • A soluble hydrogen sulfide compound can have a corrosive effect on individual metal parts of installed devices and assemblies.

To eliminate the smell of hydrogen sulfide in the water from the well, an immediate disinfection procedure will be required.

Available methods of water resource disinfection

If the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide, what to do in such a situation? This is a perfectly logical question that any homeowner will ask. Only correct solution- high-quality water purification. There are many affordable ways to do this right, simply by installing household decontamination units.

Choice effective way cleaning is based on the result of the analysis of the fluid to identify the presence of compounds, bacterial and viral organisms.

Before moving on to more decisive action, you can solve the problem yourself. For this, the following work is carried out:

  • Cleaning the inner walls and bottom of the well string from sulfur deposits. This will help solve the problem for a period of 12 to 36 months.
  • Pumping the water surface to remove clay and sandy parts from the bottom of the well. This contributes to the elimination of most of the sulfur bacteria that are at the very bottom of the water intake point.
  • Strengthening the tightness of the casing pipe or its reinstallation.

Once the pre-cleaning is complete, sulfur odor removal can begin.

physical aeration

A simple and popular way to clean. For this, special degassers are intended:

  • Pressurized units are compact devices that provide fast supply of a small volume of liquid for its active saturation with oxygen using a pump. The device is installed in technical rooms on the ground floor or in the basement.
  • Units without pressure - three-dimensional plastic structures that are not airtight. They are designed to purify water with oxygen, which enters through the inlet nozzles. To speed up the removal of residual impurities from the water, it is additionally recommended to install an air compressor blower in the tank.

Chemical disinfection

The method provides for complete degassing of the water mass, where active components act as an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide, ozone, hypochlorite. The oxidation process leads to the formation of water-insoluble compounds - sulfur, sulfate, thiosulfate, which are held back by special filters during purification.

Chlorine cleansing

After chlorination, colloidal sulfur is formed, which requires additional coagulation, filtration and removal of unpleasant odors. For a private water supply, a similar method of water purification cannot be implemented.

Cleansing with ozone and hydrogen peroxide

Ozone quickly cleans, disinfects and discolors water, ridding it of hydrogen sulfide compounds.

To purify the water mass from the well, you can use ordinary hydrogen peroxide. This method is the most affordable and effective. During the disinfection process, hydrogen sulfide elements are converted into sulfur, and the musty smell is removed using carbon filters.

Cleansing with potassium permanganate

simple and affordable way degassing of water from a hydraulic structure - the use of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). It promotes hydrogen sulfide oxidation, which leads to the formation of colloidal sulfur. However, here there is one significant drawback: potassium permanganate leads to the appearance of salt deposits in the water, requiring rapid removal.

For better cleaning with potassium permanganate, it is recommended to use double filters. In this case, during the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide compounds, manganese hydroxide is formed, which is a strong adsorbent.

Sorption disinfection

This method involves the use of special sorbents. Such materials make it possible to accelerate the oxidative processes in sulfur compounds. The main disadvantage of sorption disinfection is the duration of the procedure.

Active sorbents are natural materials - wood or activated carbon in granules. They have high catalytic characteristics, which allow you to quickly and safely purify the water mass from any impurities present.

The appropriate type of sorbent is selected based on its functional characteristics– size and structure of microscopic pores. No less important is the type of oxide elements that are formed as a result of the oxidative process and deposited on the sorbent.

Often the smell of the hydrogen sulfide element in water after disinfection appears when it is heated. This indicates that there are salt deposits on the heating elements of the boiler, boiler or column, which provide an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms.

Safe purification of water from a well from hydrogen sulfide compounds is a set of measures aimed at eliminating unpleasant odors and restoring normal water parameters. This will provide clean water that can be used for hygiene and domestic needs.

There it is whose Mikhalych! Here you have ferrous iron (read detailed information in the question and answer section on the Water-yes website), and burovik says that there is no ferrous iron in the sands of Mokva - shizdit!

They drilled with two diameters and for sure the pipe will get up (get stuck and stop before the bottomhole) at the beginning of a hole of a smaller diameter (in stone). Then call a fire truck or find a motor pump (MP 800, 600 or something with the same characteristics) and flush the well (how fires are extinguished, only a fire is supposed to be at the bottom of the well). Do not release the fire hose f51, 66 all at once to the bottom, but only after water comes out of the pipe. Dolby with a hose (under pressure like a stake) like a crowbar along the bottom of the well. At the same time, it is necessary that there is a supply of pipe 160 in case the pipe suddenly flies to the bottom, then it is necessary to flush from the scaffolding above the level of pipe 219 by 3 m. Replacing the pipe with a larger diameter will allow you to install an additional conductor, which, in turn, will eliminate the leak.
But to make sure everything is accurate, write what pipes are worth (f)?

There it is whose Mikhalych! Here you have ferrous iron (read detailed information in the question and answer section on the Water-yes website), and burovik says that there is no ferrous iron in the sands of Moscow - shizdit!
In general, throw out all the advice that was addressed to you from your head, a lot of imagination.
Listen to me brother, I'll tell you the whole truth now!
Most likely you have two steel pipes. One for example f219, the other inside f133. You can repair your well!
The bottom line is that your conductor gave a leak (like a ship) or washed under it.
It is necessary to remove the 133 pipe (let it on the posts) and insert back, for example, the place of it is polyethylene (without holes at the end) f 160, but a meter from the beginning, wrap the film on adhesive tape (1 cm thick per side) the stuffing box (like an umbrella) is needed just in case .
Pipes will need no more than 20-25 meters, be sure to solder!
They drilled with two diameters and for sure the pipe will get up (get stuck and stop before the bottomhole) at the beginning of a hole of a smaller diameter (in stone). Then call a fire truck or find a motor pump (MP 800, 600 or something with the same characteristics) and flush the well (how fires are extinguished, only a fire is supposed to be at the bottom of the well). Do not release the fire hose f51, 66 all at once to the bottom, but only after water comes out of the pipe. Dolby with a hose (under pressure like a stake) like a crowbar along the bottom of the well. At the same time, it is necessary that there is a supply of pipe 160 in case the pipe suddenly flies to the bottom, then it is necessary to flush from the scaffolding above the level of pipe 219 by 3 m. Replacing the pipe with a larger diameter will allow you to install an additional conductor, which, in turn, will eliminate the leak.
But to make sure everything is accurate, write what pipes are worth (f)?
